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Aug 5, 2023, 8:21:58 PM8/5/23
Griftipedia v0.1

Bumper Stickers
John sells folded bumper stickers on RSPW.
"[POLL] What would you pay for a bumper sticker?"
"[Bumper Sticker] Update/Info"
"Remember when John Henry tried selling bumper stickers to RSPW?"
"Attn: John Henry (sticker testimonial)"
"Let's say I had this idea to create and sell bumper stickers via Let's even pretend, for a minute, that people would be
interested in purchasing them - that the logo or phrase I put on them
was marketable. What would you pay for one? I can get blank stickers for
around a buck each, or a little less - the ink for each one, I figure,
would run on the order of $.25 each (high quality/high DPI printing),
and the shipping would (of course) run as much as 37 cents each. This
puts my break-even point somewhere around $1.50 each...and let's face it,
I'm not doing this for fun, I'm doing it to make money (and perhaps a
statement). So let's say $2? Is that too much? What if I agreed to
donate a portion of the proceeds to a worthy entity related somehow to
the sentiment expressed on the sticker? Would $3 be too much to ask?" -
John Henry
"Due to overwhelmingly positive response from my "test market" (Thanks,
rasslin fans!), I have decided to go ahead with my bumper sticker idea.
I've created the stickers, which I will offer for sale @ 3.00 each. I
will also be donating $0.15 from the sale of each sticker to an
appropriate fund for further propagation of the message on the sticker.
I will follow this message up with full ordering details, etc., when I
get the website and order forms completed; ordering will be done through
PayPal using your visa, mastercard, etc." - John Henry
"LOL, John's "test market" research consisted of him talking to 8 people
on the RSPW AOL chat, most likely. I think that's how Microsoft does
their market research too. I give it 4 days before John abandons this
idea." - PetePanaro
"A peanuthead is the type of scum that hates real work and manual labor,
and fancies themself as a smart guy that can get by on their brains
instead of having to work. The problem is, the're drawn to
get-rich-quick schemes and other small-potato stuff because they don't
have enough real intelligence, not to mention education, to do anything
in life. They can't even be good con-men correctly, for them it's always
the next big idea that's going to make them rich." - John Henry Slapper
"May be the best money-making idea I've ever had" - John Henry
"You might become a hundred-aire from this latest boondoggle." -
"I sold a couple of hundred." - John Henry
"I got my stickers BTW, and thought I'd offer some feedback. No worries
on the jagged edges of the prototypes[...] I see Calzone's point on the
skinnyness of the 'You Suck' sticker, perhaps instead of:
you could stack them thusly:
They could also then be mailed without folding." - Lord Gow333, minion
of the Apocalypse

John sells footage from the 1995 RSPWCon event without permission.
"[RSPW.Net] Remember that big project?"
"[RSPW.Net] It's time to take another look"
"[RSPW.Net] RSPWCon '95 DVD discontinued"
"[RSPW.Net] '95 Con DVD - Available Again,lower price."
"My interest here is much more in getting this stuff into your hands
than in making money on the deal." - John Henry
"Oldtimers might find out about it and get pissed somebody is selling a
tape of them to God knows who. I'm guessing the tape was made as a
momento for the RSPWers in attendence?" - Allan J. Benson
"Please remove me from all your DVD shills. You know, Chris Palacios is
really EASY to find and it's a shame you didn't bother to even talk to
the man before you started spamming. But this seems to be a common
theme." - Christopher Robin Zimmerman
"I spent three MONTHS trying to track Chrispy down, and I didn't want to
sit on this project any longer. I figured that if nothing else, he'd
raise his head when he heard about the project, at which point he and I
could discuss what kind of percentage we can agree is fair. Certainly I
want to ensure that he gets his due; at least a buck on each DVD, maybe
two, maybe even a little more." - John Henry

John wants to commercialize the RSPW FAQ and move certain aspects of
RSPW to his website.
"Scott Keith disses John Henry~!"
"[RSPW.Net] It's time to take another look"
"Yo John Henry, when do you plan on putting out the RSPW book?"
"FAQ/Wrestlepedia - Followup"
"There's no spams begging people to come see my website, it's all done
via mailing list. No Spam, No Begging, No crying like a fucking
baby...just programming and an FAQ worthy of the group that exists in a
completely open way. So you take your abortion of a website and stick it
up your white trash non skill having ass. People gravitate to something
that works...not something that's going to be hijacked eventually for
your own personal gain on the backs of other hard working posters, you
fucking imbicile. Notice the rats abandoning your sinking ship? Tell you
something? Another world famous John Henry failure." - Krusty
"Let me help you out here. There is no chance in hell this year's
r.s.p-w Awards will be run by you or through ANY web site. THEY ARE
USENET AWARDS." - Christopher Robin Zimmerman
"Since I have no way of knowing for certain who is responsible for this,
I've elected to simply disband the editorial team completely until
someone steps forward. I hate to do that, but I certainly can't guess,
and I'm in no mood to play childish games with this website, the FAQ, or
the Wrestlepedia. There are others willing to help. Hopefully, the
person responsible will be a man and come forward, so that the other,
innocent party can continue to contribute, but hey, whatever. If it
comes down to it, I'll just write it myself. Granted, it'll take a great
deal longer...but I got time." - John Henry
"I think that the notion that attempting to market this work for profit
is a "bad thing" is utterly ludicrous. Unless, of course, someone
involved was directly plagiarizing and didn't tell me, there is no
ethical violation in profiting from one's own hard work. The notion that
compiling this huge body of information is something that MUST be done
for free is mind-boggling. But to me, the greatest disappointment isn't
that the potential income from such a venture has been lost - indeed, the
"potential income" was at most an afterthought." - John Henry

RSPW the Book
John considers selling the wrestling trivia portion of the FAQ as a book.
"Yo John Henry, when do you plan on putting out the RSPW book?"
"FAQ/Wrestlepedia - Followup"
"(META) RSPW - The book????"
"Wait, lemme get this *I'M* jealous? Well, let's check
this out:"
"[FAQ] A decision has been reached"
"The Wrestlepedia will need some rework, which is a time-consuming pain
in the butt, but I'll do it, with the help of whoever cares to help.
When it's done, yeah, I probably *will* try to sell it as a 3-space book.
Why not? I have worked hard on it - and will work harder - and I'm
certainly not the kind of shallow, crooked asshole that would try to
make money myself *without* ensuring that everyone else involved got
their share of the pie." - John Henry
"The basic gist I got from this article was "NO NO NO NO It's not about
the money!!!! OK it is about the money." - Oooh your so cool Brewster
"As for "cashing in on other people's work," I'd hardly call what I do
"cashing in." A couple of people have stepped in to help out because
they like the site and are good folks. So my server bill is covered for
a few months. I certainly appreciate it, but I'd hardly call it "cashing
in." I'm also curious as to what "other people's work" you're talking
about. Other than a handful of FAQ entries [...] everything on that site
is of my creation, and none of it is generating any income. There's no
"pay" section of the site. There's no membership or dues. There's no
popup advertisements or banner ads. So where am I "cashing in" here,
vermin? What "other people's work" am I pimping for money? I don't see
it. Just one more illustration of how frightened you are to think that
maybe someday you'll find out that you didn't have to be a low-life
fraud to get a few bucks out of life." - John Henry
"So you have fun trying desperately to cast me as some money-grubbing
thief just looking to scam a few marks out of their bucks by hocking the
work of other people. Anyone with half a brain knows better" - John Henry
"Neither the FAQ nor the Wrestlepedia will be offered for sale as a book.
That is all." - John Henry

RSPW the Store
John pushes book and video sales using Amazon affiliate marketing.
"[RS{W.Net] Video Store, A preview of the new RSPW/PW FAQ..."
"[RSPW.Net] Info, New Features, Future Plans, and Begging"
"I'm not going to buy from you just because you have to shill it to have
anyone care. Now, if I was visiting and saw the ad, maybe I
would consider it. But if you're going to just become another Marc Ash,
then consider your RSPW.Net address PLONKED after the next shill." -
"It's a "work in progress," you see, because new things are happening
all the time[...] The notion is to overcome the perception tha tthis is
just another temporary RSPW project/fad, and to let people know that
work is progressing on this[...] eventually, hopefully, people will
start seeing RSPW.Net as more than the "abandoned project" that people
were claiming it was a couple of months ago." - John Henry
"I have entered into a partnership with Amazon.Com, the world's largest
online retailer, to create the RSPW.Net Bookstore. Currently we are
offering 9 titles, including books from the Hardys, Blassie, Heenan,
Piper, and even JR's Cookbook, and we'll be adding more throughout the
day and then maintaining an up-to-date list." - John Henry
"I'm seriously thinking of picking up the Wrestlecrap book when it comes
out and the Zenk book if that ever comes out, and I'm going to make a
specifc point of NOT doing it through your site." - Ned Ryerson - BING

LowGenius Toolbar
John asks RSPW to install software described by journalists as malware.
"Please Consider The Free LowGenius.Com IE Toolbar"
"I just snagged a pretty nifty bit of technology that I"m trying to
convince people to use. It's a free LowGenius.Com toolbar [...] It helps
me out by raising my traffic rating when you visit my site with the
toolbar on, for one thing. For another, if you use it to either search
amazon or jump to amazon (there's an amazon button on it) and then buy
something, I get a small cut of the purchase price, which helps me pay
my server bill. It's painless, and doesn't do anything that the Google
toolbar doesn't do in terms of tracking your web surfing." - John Henry
"You're a bigger prick than I thought." - Curtis Blofeld
(In response to Hack-Man posting an article from PC Magazine
characterizing toolbars as trojans): "Comparing this toolbar to a trojan
is like comparing a sneeze to the final stages of AIDS. Dvorak should be
ashamed of himself for writing such melodramatic nonsense." - John Henry
"Go fuck yourself. You just summed up everything I hate about the
internet. I don't use Internet Explorer, I don't need to install browser
wrecking toolbars, I don't buy shit off of Amazon, I don't want to visit
your god-damned site, and I sure as hell don't want to pay your fucking
server bill. This the most insulting piece of self-indulgent bullshit
I've ever seen." - Rockboy

LowGenius 9-11 Tribute Store
John hawks wallpapers and calendars to RSPW.
"[$hill] I think y'all will dig this..."
"I Remind You: RedPaper.Com"
"LowGenius 9-11 Tribute Store"
"The 2004 Otherworld Calendar"
"I've got my first cafepress item for sale - a 12-month wall calendar of
my original 3D artwork, stunningly rendered in red, blue, AND green~!
Seriously, I've been selling these graphics on for 15 cents
each as 1600x1200 desktop wallpaper, and I've had a lot of good reviews.
Now I've made them into much higher quality images and put them on a
calendar. I think they'll make an excellent gift for those people that
you don't really know what else to get 'em, like bosses and
mothers-in-law. Please take a look, and enjoy. I've priced the calendar
at only $2 over markup, which is cheap IMO. Plus all of the transaction
and fulfillment is done via cafepress, so you needn't worry about
sharing your credit card number with me or any of that." - John Henry
"Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you came! The LowGenius Online Store
at CafeShops.Com is the exclusive home on the internet for various 9-11
tribute items featuring JohnHenry's original and critically acclaimed
digital artwork, "Reflections of Terror." 10% of all profits derived
from the sale of these items will be donated to the Red Cross." - John
"I appreciate your positive feedback re: the "Otherworlds" calendar.
Hopefully someone will actually *buy* one ;-)" - John Henry
"GO GET A JOB AND GET OFF WELFRE you fucking drug using idiot." - Avenger

LowGenius Fundraiser
John raises funds to pay for daily expenses and capital equipment.
"We should donate to the lowgenius fundraiser"
"LowGenius Tip Jar"
"Starting a business isn't easy, and while I've (obviously) had some
customers, it's not been enough to keep me eating [...] It has, along
with my work with The Road Less Traveled Theatre, been enough to keep me
in a position where I don't have time for a 'real job.' Unfortunately,
however, I do have the needs of a 'real life.' There is a bunch of more
in-depth information contained in the bulleted list below, but here's
the gist of it: if something you've found on one of my sites or blogs
has helped you, or if you're just a good person with a little spare cash
who wants to help me do the various things I do, you can make a
contribution using your major credit card, e-check, or PayPal account by
clicking the 'Donate' button below." - John Henry
"What is your definition of a 'real job?' I work very hard at what I do,
oftentimes 6-7 days a week. I just don't get paid for it. [...] If you
mean 'why don't you go work for someone,' in a nutshell it's like this:
I am an experienced, but non-degreed, IT professional in a
technology-poor area just outside of one of the most talent-saturated
regions of the world. You can't throw a stick in RTP without hitting a
Computer Scientist, and unfortunately since the economy went south a few
years ago, getting a job in IT in this area without a degree is
basically impossible. Conversely, because of my field expertise and work
history, when I went through a period of diligently applying for every
job available that I was the least bit qualified to do (i.e. working on
assembly lines or what have you), I was always 'overqualified.' I'm
stuck in a fairly unique gray area between not being paper-qualified to
do what I'm actually qualified to do, and being far, far over-qualified
to do anything else like being a factory worker or taking a McJob
somewhere. I've actually applied to places like McDonalds and WalMart,
and they basically laughed in my face." - John Henry (responding to "Why
don't you get a real job?")
"I don't know what's more pathetic, him for begging for donations so he
can go get wasted because he can't or refuses to get a real job, or you
for stalking him." - GregoryD

Davey Zimmerman #274

Aug 5, 2023, 8:48:01 PM8/5/23
Griftipedia <f...@bar.baz> wrote in news:uamp30$1uafk$
That's over 20 years of excuses why John can't handle a job. Excellent.



Aug 5, 2023, 9:04:31 PM8/5/23
Wow. Just wow.

Notwithstanding that Chad and John have repeatedly asserted that I was the
same person as Christopher Robin Zimmerman who replied multiple times
above, nor that everything I’ve witnessed JHD do and say for more than a
decade has literally screamed, “Work harder to pay me so I don’t have to!”,
I genuinely had no idea that John Henry DeJong’s refusal to work and
ensuing commercial laziness-cum-beggary, actually predated the turn of the

The above collection of money spinning scams is literally a window into his
soul. Attempting to monetise 911 memorabilia, unattributed plagiarism of
rspw content, Trojan toolbars - about the only depth he didn’t offer to
plumb was an upload of Beth Aultman crying after he pilfered more than
$30,000 out of the good-hearted, terminally-ill woman. This is quite
literally a dichotomy of a person willing to sell their soul - or more
accurately, everyone else’s soul - for a dollar.

Rockboy’s response said it all, "Go fuck yourself. You just summed up


Aug 20, 2023, 12:25:13 PM8/20/23
Griftipedia v0.2
Consistency changes.
Removed schemes from Links category URLs.
Updated "LowGenius Fundraiser," "RSPW FAQ," and "RSPWCon '95" entries.
Added entries "HomeRentPro," "LowGenius Digital Imaging," "LowGenius Web
Design," "NCSU," "Student Loans," "The Business," "The End?" and "Wikipedia".

HomeRentPro comes to an end.
"AOL Account abuse"
"[RSPW] **Homerentpro website gone??**"
"Ratting John Dejong's Cage Again."
"What is HomeRentPro"
"HOMERENTPRO blacklists minorities"
"Here's John Henry's HomeRentPro scam article"
"NetBastard lurks"
"[SOTE THREAD] Insulting the Fans (was Re: [Workrate Cru] Tropics &
"If someone were to ask me, I might tell them that I'm definitely a former
(and future, believe it) touring musician. I'm also a successful businessman,
that owns several internet businesses. I might also tell them that yes, I do
stand IRL the same as I do here--very strongly for what I think is right,
wherever I can. I was fortunate enough to be born with brains, looks, and
talent" - John Henry
"I just decided to hire another $400,000 a year in employees, and one of
them will hopefully be taking over my job, so that I can sit on my ass and
collect a check, and just poke in to make sure everything's running smoothly
once in awhile." - NetBastard
"A business I used to own." - John Henry (answering the question "What is
"Credit information? Oh, you mean the stack of credit card numbers that's
sitting out in my garage gathering dust? Yeah, you see, in order for anyone
to ask about that, there'd have to have been some crime committed with those
numbers. there wasn't." - John Henry
"It's dead. The other guy didn't get off his ass fast enough, and I got sick
of paying for space I wasn't using, and wasn't making money with." - John
"No computer equipment or records were ever "seized" by anyone, except the
guy that I was in business with, and it's my understanding that he torched
all the paper records, except for the ones that I *still* have, along with
all customer correspondence, in a strongbox at my parents house, JUST IN
CASE anyone has any questions. Since those records pertained ONLY to "his"
customers (I.e. customer s of Rental Referral Pros) and not "my" customers
(those that used HRPC), even if this were true it wouldn't bear any
relationship to my business or me." - John Henry
"I couldn't discriminate against people if I *did* want to, which I most
certainly do not, and neither could my employees." - John Henry
"Actually it was 'fag jew,' and given that a) he was gay, and b) he was
jewish, those words in and of themselves mean only what you care to read
into them. Although I'll also cheerfully grant that the person in question
(my ex-business parter) cheerfully embodied every single negative stereotype
that any half-witted inbread klan member has ever heaped upon either class
of people. My ex-partner is the one that taught me what I've tried to avoid
facing for years....once in awhile, with some people (albeit not many of
them), the stereotypes are *right*. It's an ugly truth, but a truth it is,
my friend." - John 'I'm not Buffer' Henry
"Several months ago, I made a statement in which I referred to my ex-partner
as a 'fag crackhead jew.' Now, regardless of the fact that he *was* all
three of the above, the remarks were tasteless and smacked of homophobia and
anti-semitism - two ideologies which I personally abhor. What made them so
was not the inherent anti-somitic or anti-gay sentiment in the words in and
of themselves, but the fact that I was intending to be disparaging about his
sexuality and ancestry when I wrote them. I was wrong, the remarks were
indeed inappropriate and racist." - John 'I'm not Buffer' Henry
"Collect unemployment for the time being; I'm certainly not going to lose
any sleep over it, since My former partner has to pay it, and he owes me
much, much more than that anyway. I got skills, I'll find something, or more
likely, the way my life works, something will come to me." - John DeJong (in
response to "so what do you do for a living now?")
"I still have work - SCW Ring Announcer, Wreslting Editor for The Sports
Report, and pending contributor to PWI - I'm just not making buckets of
money. I'd be willing to bet that I make more on unempliyment than 50% of
this newsgroup does at their jobs, anyway." - John DeJong
"At least I never worked at a fuckin subway." - John Henry

John wants to control and commercialize the RSPW FAQ, and move aspects of
RSPW off of Usenet.
"AOL Account abuse"
"The RSPW Meta-OffTopic-Flame Discussion Board"
"John Henry...where are you?!"
"What I don't understand..."
"LMAO @ John Henry trying to start up his 'alternate' rspw again..."
"[OT] An Open Letter to Sean Shannon"
"Scott Keith disses John Henry~!"
"[RSPW.Net] It's time to take another look"
"Yo John Henry, when do you plan on putting out the RSPW book?"
"FAQ/Wrestlepedia - Followup"
"since everyone and their brother are running brackets..."
"Do you know how much money there is on this group?" - John Henry
"If you click on the URL in my sig, it'll take you to my homepage. Follow
the link for RSPW. Therein is a link to the RSPW FAQ (which will soon be
joined by several other FAQ's/guides to posting, such as those written by
Scott Keith)." - John Henry
"Thanks, everyone, for helping to make this idea a success, to the degree
that it has been a success. Hopefully at some point, we can convince
*everyone* to move the garbage to the OT board and off RSPW. After all,
it's not an unreasonable request." - John Henry
"response posted to" - JHD, still crazy
after all these years
"reply posted to" - JHD, still crazy
after all these years
"Is this the return of John Henry? (note the incessant plugging of that
stupid flameboard)"
"John will moderate the board to make sure that nobody posts anything that
he might disagree with or deem too sensitive for people to read. It's his
own little rspw where he can control what goes in and what comes out[...]
Don't forget kids, if John could control what you say and post it'd be a
perfect world. We don't want any of those evil people with independent
thoughts." - xganon
"I originally posted this message to the Mr. Shannon's Delphi forum earlier
this evening. It took less than 2 hours for him to remove not only that, but
also all responses to it - which were all positive, by the way. Because of
this, I feel that the only fair and reasonable thing I can do is to post
this message across the internet and Usenet, and allow you, the reader, to
decide for yourselves. My suggestion would be to not only stop visiting his
site, but also to formally request that the current RSPW FAQ be renamed the
'Pro-wrestling FAQ,' and that RSPW be allowed to develop it's own FAQ that
pertains to the group." - John Henry, NetBastard
"Your little delphi board may be a refuge for the terminally weak of heart,
those that cannot be bothered to address their own shortcomings, a place
where you can dictate what is said, and when, and how, but the rest of the
internet is NOT. You may be able to work yourself into thinking that someone
cares about you by eliminating any dissenting opinion from your dark little
hole of the universe, but I assure you, Mr. Shannon, you will NOT censor me
anywhere else." - John Henry, NetBastard
"I offered several times to design and host a secure web-based mechanism for
the RSPW Year-End awards, but CRZ is a whiny cunt and automatically throws a
shitfit at anything that suggests that anyone at all ever but him will have
anything to say about or do with the awards - or any website related to RSPW,
for that matter. That's why RSPW.Net is now a test bed for LowGenius Web
Design client sites." - John Henry
"I don't think that was it *at all*. Dude, I think you're being super hyper
sensitive about it. People univerally think that the newsgroup has
*inherent* "specialness" about it. Web shit, is web shit. It's not usenet.
Usenet should stay on usenet, and web shit should just stay on the web. I
think pretty much everyone has been saying this ever since the suggestions
have come up. A "Sooper Hyper Secure Web Based Whiz Bang Mechanism" is just
more web crap. People come here's NOT the web.
Everything is open here, people can vote publicly, it's all out in the open.
I think what people mostly think is, "keep the web shit on the web, and keep
the usenet shit on usenet". Try not to be so sensitive and think it's about
CRZ...or even you for that matter." - Krusty
"I'm tired of being accused of being in this for myself, so I'm out. Maybe
after I've been gone a couple of weeks, you'll learn to appreciate a favor."
- John Henry

The Business
Peaks and valleys in the wrestling biz.
"AOL Account abuse"
"[OT] An Open Letter to Sean Shannon"
"Randomly dropping by"
"Many have publicly supported me, and at least a dozen more lurkers have
e-mailed their support, including a couple of well-known wrestlers and
sheetwriters that I will not name; if they wanted their positions or
opinions made public they would post them here." - John Henry
"You talk as if you were famous[...] A whole lot of words with very little
reason to believe it." - Allan J. Benson
"John Henry is the most talked-about wreslting personality in this newgroup
that isn't a part of the big 3. Do you realize that? Do you realize that if
he ever DOES go to one of those companies in some capacity, it will be due
in large part to you and others proving that the guy can get attention, keep
attention, draw heat, and be interesting? If and when you see DeJong on your
TV screen, just before you put that bullet in your head, remember - YOU put
him there." - Robert Gibson's Glass Eye
"I think if any fed uses your RSPW behavior as a reference, they'll see a
big-time loser who can't keep a job, can't keep a family, can't ignore
complete strangers who poke sticks at him on a daily basis, and can't behave
in a civil fashion." - The Bogus Sting
"Most of the people I was in the business with thought I was a stupid mark
then, and probably still do, and they were probably right. I hear very
little from anyone. Honestly I don't want to unless it involves a lot of
money, and there's no reason it would. That whole period of my life was
depressing and lost and fucked up and I was mostly out of my damn mind, and
while it's a shame that there will certainly never be a back-slapping
reunion of the originally-designated "O-Mega Powers," (Matt & Jeff Hady,
Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Joey "Mercury" Matthews, Christian York, Toad,
Jason "Joey Abs/Venom" Ahrndt, Otto Schwanz/Bo Dupp, Mike Maverick/Jack Dupp,
Marty "Cham Pain" Garner, Lexie Fyfe, and Yours Truly - in other words, the
group of rasslers and others that usually had IHOP or Waffle House together
after a show @ SCW or OMEGA for a while), that's just how life goes
sometimes. It did generate some interesting posts here. On the one hand I
had a good time, on the other hand I'm embarrassed by a lot of my behavior
during that period of my life and humiliated by the extent to which, I've
come to realize, most of those guys thought I was just some stupid mark who
had never done shit and never would, but was a useful niche marketing tool
for free or close to it. It's not something I reminisce fondly about very
often." - John Henry

LowGenius Web Design
Chronicles of a webmaster.
"[META] I told you so"
"the ALL NEW OmegaPowers Website!"
"[SHILL] Official Count Grog website now open...."
"the online home of the evil and devious COUNT GROG"
"The Official Marty Jannety website.. oh dear god."
"The LowGenius Websites"
"PING Krusty, Panaro"
"John The Chief Henry.."
"Lex Luger, NOW HIRING Webmaster"
"Redesigning the op site, check it out[...] and let me know whatcha think.
New graphics, new layout, etc etc. Done so far are pages for Joey Abs, CW
Anderson, Bo Dupp, Links, and Legal. I've got some new pics (well, old pics
that you haven't seen yet) to scan in, and other stuff. The rest will get
done as I get time and information to do them with." - Yeah, it's me
"It's just a small one, 5 pages, but with some great photos and stuff
regarding the man that gave me my first real break in the business, manager
extraordinaire COUNT GROG. Please, stop by and check it out." - JHD, still
crazy after all these years
"I'm in disbelief at the balls JHD has criticizing others' website design
after viewing this abortion:" - Pete Panaro
"To be perfectly clear, I had remarked on how completely horrible Marty
Jannety's site design was. Krusty responded with "lmfao, the irony of this
is staggering," and Panaro replied with calling an "abortion."
So - as I am nothing if not responsive to criticism - I have elected to
remove you two from my killfile for a period of 24 hours[...] to give you
the opportunity to substantiate your criticism by telling me *precisely*
what you think sis wrong with the site design at, and what you
would do to change it. " - John Henry
"Just go look up how to use color. The color is almost blinding. You have,
at my count, four different text colors on the same home page. This is not
good. The best designs, especially for online content, are simple. Simple
designs with a focus on *consistency*. Your colors and choices of text
colors scream "inconsistent". It's hard to read, your eye moves all over the
place trying to find something to latch onto. It simply overwhelms the eyes.
Pick a very small, simple, complimentary color set and stick to it. Also,
you don't have to put borders around EVERYTHING. Your design should
delineate itself. There's no need to have borders around every single thing
on the site. We know where things are. We can see them. Try to pay attention
more to details[...] Also, put some thought into navigation[...] lose all
the ridiculous copyright stuff[...] Just lose it all. It comes across as
completely self absorbed nonsense[...] Also...your "banner" across the top
screams 1998. Come on. Use some imagination coupled with a little design
sense. The "I use photoshop, can't you tell by looking at it" look was out
about five years ago." - Krusty
"You want a website designed and done right, you pay a professional at a
professional rate. I actually thought for a second about looking in to this,
until I saw the ridiculous numbers you're suggesting. $150 a month wouldn't
pay the phone bill to talk about building a decent site for someone with
your history and resources. $150 might, if you're lucky, get you some middle
school kid who was born right around the time you last got carried to a
really good match to throw together some garbage in an embedded rich text
editor at Geocities or Tripod, or if you're real lucky, Myspace. When you
decide you're ready to hire a professional and pay a professional rate, look
me up." - JHD

John is fired from NCSU for online activities, and proposes a new venue for
off-charter chat.
"(IRC) Anyone who is a regular on #rspw"
"[META]Attn Mike Palij"
"[META] An apology...."
"I got fired from NCSU after forged e-mails in my name were sent to various
administrators, etc. Certainly my usenet posting came up as a result of that,
but it wasn't the primary consideration and in fact would never have been
mentioned *if* someone hadn't been forging e-mails to various people at
ncsu." - John 'I'm not Buffer' Henry
"You've admitted here before that you got fired because of flooding this
newsgroup while posting on company time. You weren't fired because of forged
emails - you were fired for not doing your assigned job!" - Al Bundy
"I've gone, in about 3 months, from $8.70 an hour to $15.50, and there's no
reason I'll ever make *less* than that again." - John 'I'm not Buffer' Henry
"Anyone with a shred of class or self-respect knows that money you *earn* is
always more satisfying than something that's just handed to you" - John 'I'm
not Buffer' Henry
"I'm not jobless, you idiot. What, you think I can only get one job? What a
jerk you are. I'm not limited[...] I have choices in my life as to what I
want to do and how I want to do it. When you die a transient railroad bum on
a sewer grate[...] console yourself with the fact that you put me out of
work for just long enough for me to get a job that pays nearly twice as much,
has greater chance for advancement, and is more in tune with what I want to
do." - JHD
"You do realize that I now have copies of *every* e-mail that was sent to
NCSU[...] About 300 of those were people bitching about me posting off-topic,
including your forgeries and fraud. The rest of them - over *10 times* the
number of complaints - were in my defense, the vast, vast majority from
people I've never *heard* of. Not that it did any good, but it sure was an
eye-opener." - JHD
"This is about you costing me a job[...] Off topic? Off fucking topic posts
are worth costing my my home, my child, my car, my phone? Off topic posts
are worth destroying someone's life over? You disgusting fucking pig[...]
have you ever heard of the witness protection program? I suggest you roll
over on your dealer. NOW. There's a guy in Kalamazoo, Mike, [...] and
hisphone number is in the book. Call him up and ask him how his legs feel.
That's the last motherfucker that fucked over my kid[...] You'd better hope
to GOD I don't find out that this post had something to do with my
assignment ending[...] Welcome to your worst fucking nightmare, you cunt." -
John 'God' DeJong, Net.Tyrant
"John, you were fired before I even posted the info to the newsgroup." -
Mike Kelleher
"Mr. Kelleher, you will be hearing from my Florida attorney in due time.
This is a very touchy case, as there is no legal precedent for it, and so we
will proceed slowly - but surely." - John Henry DeJong
"I think it's about time we all stopped discussing this shit here. Whether we
*should* be able to or not is moot at this point [...] Yes, I would rather
do things in the open - secrecy is the beginning of tyranny - but the simple
fact is, the idiots that pollute this board have no appreciation for fair
warning, and us talking about it here just gives them more ammo. So, here's
my solution - I've got a message board that isn't being used, at I propose that you use that
for any meta discussion from now on, since *I* make the fucking rules over
there and the charter is whatever the hell I say it is." - JHD

Bumper Stickers
John sells folded bumper stickers on RSPW.
"[POLL] What would you pay for a bumper sticker?"
"[Bumper Sticker] Update/Info"
"Remember when John Henry tried selling bumper stickers to RSPW?"
"Attn: John Henry (sticker testimonial)"
RSPW the Book
John considers selling the wrestling trivia portion of the FAQ as a book.
"Yo John Henry, when do you plan on putting out the RSPW book?"
"FAQ/Wrestlepedia - Followup"
"(META) RSPW - The book????"
"Wait, lemme get this *I'M* jealous? Well, let's check this
"[FAQ] A decision has been reached"
"The Wrestlepedia will need some rework, which is a time-consuming pain in
the butt, but I'll do it, with the help of whoever cares to help. When it's
done, yeah, I probably *will* try to sell it as a 3-space book. Why not? I
have worked hard on it - and will work harder - and I'm certainly not the
kind of shallow, crooked asshole that would try to make money myself
*without* ensuring that everyone else involved got their share of the pie." -
John Henry
"The basic gist I got from this article was "NO NO NO NO It's not about the
money!!!! OK it is about the money." - Oooh your so cool Brewster
"I think that we may want to seriously consider finding a paper publisher
for this once we've achieved version 3.0; it's ust something to keep in mind,
but I think that the "Professional Wrestling Encyclopedia" is something that
could very well find a niche market, and best of all we could issue a new
edition every year or two with updated information. It's just a thought, but
hell, we're all working hard on this, so why not try and benefit from it?" -
Scutt Farkus (quoting John Henry DeJong's message to the RSPW FAQ mailing
"[RSPW.Net] Info, New Features, Future Plans, and Begging"
"I'm not going to buy from you just because you have to shill it to have
anyone care. Now, if I was visiting and saw the ad, maybe I would
consider it. But if you're going to just become another Marc Ash, then
consider your RSPW.Net address PLONKED after the next shill." - FenderBender
"It's a "work in progress," you see, because new things are happening all
the time[...] The notion is to overcome the perception tha tthis is just
another temporary RSPW project/fad, and to let people know that work is
progressing on this[...] eventually, hopefully, people will start seeing
RSPW.Net as more than the "abandoned project" that people were claiming it
was a couple of months ago." - John Henry
"I have entered into a partnership with Amazon.Com, the world's largest
online retailer, to create the RSPW.Net Bookstore. Currently we are offering
9 titles, including books from the Hardys, Blassie, Heenan, Piper, and even
JR's Cookbook, and we'll be adding more throughout the day and then
maintaining an up-to-date list." - John Henry
"I'm seriously thinking of picking up the Wrestlecrap book when it comes out
and the Zenk book if that ever comes out, and I'm going to make a specifc
point of NOT doing it through your site." - Ned Ryerson - BING

John sells footage from the 1995 RSPWCon event without permission.
"[RSPW.Net] Remember that big project?"
"[RSPW.Net] It's time to take another look"
"[RSPW.Net] RSPWCon '95 DVD discontinued"
"[RSPW.Net] '95 Con DVD - Available Again,lower price."
"new RSPW FAQ version (part 1)"
"Well, that's the end of that."
"My interest here is much more in getting this stuff into your hands than in
making money on the deal." - John Henry
"Oldtimers might find out about it and get pissed somebody is selling a tape
of them to God knows who. I'm guessing the tape was made as a momento for
the RSPWers in attendence?" - Allan J. Benson
"Please remove me from all your DVD shills. You know, Chris Palacios is
really EASY to find and it's a shame you didn't bother to even talk to the
man before you started spamming. But this seems to be a common theme." -
Christopher Robin Zimmerman
"I spent three MONTHS trying to track Chrispy down, and I didn't want to sit
on this project any longer. I figured that if nothing else, he'd raise his
head when he heard about the project, at which point he and I could discuss
what kind of percentage we can agree is fair. Certainly I want to ensure
that he gets his due; at least a buck on each DVD, maybe two, maybe even a
little more." - John Henry
"Maybe it's that I thought it would be worthwhile and interesting to make the
'95 RSPWCon tape, but I couldn't afford to do it for free so I thought I'd
ask for a fair compensation for the materials and my time in editing it down.
It genuinely never occurred to me that it would be a problem. When it became
one, I dropped it. I just thought it would be cool if people could see it,
and it would make a good reference for the video editing work I was trying
to do. That was a problem with the guy who made the original tape, which I
didn't forsee happening." - John Henry (on why he thinks CRZ dislikes him)
"Mr. DeJong: The footage that is being advertised on is being sold without the
authorization of the owner, namely me. I am requesting that this DVD no
longer be offered for sale. Should you continue to sell this footage, I will
be forced to take legal action. Sincerely, Christopher Palacios" - Chrispy
(in an e-mail reproduced by John Henry)
"Some people can be such dicks. What the fuck is on this DVD that people are
so afraid of for christ's sake? Oh well. I could fight and argue about it,
but I won't. Say goodbye to the DVD kids. Once again, the return on
investment for doing cool shit in and for RSPW is a kick in the fucking
teeth. Assholes." - John Henry
"Is it possible that, had if Chris Palacios and I been able to make contact
under better circumstances, I would have made the point that it might be
possible to do without breaking Chris' agreement that he would be the only
one allowed to make copies and distrubute it - indeed, it would have been
nothing to contact Tom Misnik or Todd Gordon and at least find out whether
you'd have to actually deal with Vince to get permission to distribute the
tape? Because far as I can tell, Chris' camera work notwithstanding, if
*anyone* would have a *legal* claim to order me not to sell them, it would
be whoever owns all of ECWs trademarks and the tape library. Other than a
few key spots - like the 'hi my name is blah blah bla and the first thing I
remember about RSPW was that thread where so and so did the other thing'
sequence that I planned to use as an introduction - it was almost all
wrestling/wrestler footage, especially the stuff from Public Enemy. I think
I left part of the bus getting stuck sequence in there, some other bits. The
point is, from a strictly *legal* stanpoint, I'm not sure Chrispy has
standing to *really* stop me from doing that DVD." - John Henry
"I *could* be as big an asshole about this as some other folks seem to want
to be - after all, there's no copyright notice on the tape, no indication of
ownership, and given that I've completely re-edited the footage anyway, a
case could certainly be made for it being a "dervative work."" - John Henry

LowGenius Digital Imaging
Year: 2003
John offers a DVD burning service.
"RSPW Website"
"(META) RSPW - The book????"
"It's my understanding that the three of you have discussed perhaps throwing
a few bucks in the kitty to help keep the server online; best way to do this
is via the paypal donation page ("Support") at LowGenius.Com, although I'll
be adding a similar page to RSPW.Net in the near future. I won't hold it
against anyone if I don't see anything come in, but if you can and you want
to, that's the best mechanism. We're taken care of for this month thanks to
the largesse of Dr. Mike Palij; he would appreciate that NOT being made
public, since theoretically he doesn't read RSPW any more. Mike has been a
big help to me over the last six months, having ordered stacks of stickers
and DVDs from me (and indeed, he bought me the video card and DVD burner so
I could open the DVD business at so I'd appreciate it if his
wishes were respected in this matter." - Scutt Farkus (quoting John Henry
DeJong's message to the RSPW FAQ mailing list)
"Never, EVER make an agreement with a bill collector for an e-payment,
they'll fuck you hard on it. In my case, I told them to set up a payment for
March 31st, and they put it through on the 15th...when the moneey wasn't
there. Consequently, not only did it bounce, but three *other* transactions,
all for piddling amounts of money (like, $5 in gas), also bounced with a $30
overdraft charge for each one, causing my account to suddenly and
unexpectedly go about $200 overdrawn...and me with no income. Consequntly,
the money that I had stashed there for my hosting is also gone...which
really fucks up my whole business plan, and completely pisses me off, but
that's life. Such are the rewards for trying to "do the right thing" and get
these back bills paid down, rather than just copping out, filing for
bankruptcy, and basically fucking everybody by forcing them to eat my
outstanding debt; I guess if things don't start looking up by the middle of
April, I'll have to just file Chapter 7...and then nobody gets paid anything,
since I don't even own enough shit for the court to bother forcing me to
liquidate (apparently federal bankruptcy law puts the threshold at $3500 in
assets, which I certainly don't have). (Just finally peeked at my bank
balance after the nightmare day I had yesterday dealing with all this crap,
and I'm actually only about $130 overdrawn, which means I only need to bring
in about $150 to get that taken care of and keep my site online. Come on,
RSPW, surely you've got some comp tapes you'd like to have on DVD? It's
super cheap, only $30 to convert 2 hours of tape to a 2-hour DVD! If just 6
people go to the site at and order the basic
conversion for a single tape, my ass will be covered and you'll get a
high-quality DVD to call your very own~!) PS: Don't forget I also do domain
registration and web hosting for a very reasonable fee~!" - John Henry
"I mean, let's face it's all your fucking fault here. It's not the
e-billing, it's not the bank's. You were the idiot who kept putting all your
money towards your website and the hosting & technical fees rather than
buying toilet paper, food, supplies, etc." - Alex Cain
"The site is, at least potentially, a real generator of income[...] It's
become more and more obvious that I'm just not oging to get anywhere in the
current IT market, so I use the website(s) to generate a little money. I
don't want to be a bullshit artist or a scammer, so I have to come up with
my own ideas." - John Henry
"A friend generously loaned me some equipment that allowed me to expand on
my already-existing abilities and so forth, and get into this VHS to DVD
thing which, IMO, is potentially a genuine moneymaker, especially if I can
manage to parlay it into something more than "just" copying people's home
videos. That's a start, but I'm also doing photo restoration, and even
reselling domain names and web hosting at a reasonable price, converting
video to streaming internet media, and so forth." - John Henry
"Thanks to my generous friend, I have started this little business, which is
reliant on the website. I know that there are a few dozen people reading
this message who have old videotapes of cherished events lying around - a
wedding, birthday, maybe a wrestling comp tape or a collection of their
favorite Dan Severn matches - that they'd like to preserve for a good long
time. I'd like to help them out with that, for, of course, a small fee,
which compensates me for my time, materials, and expertise. Some folks don't
really understand that magnetic tape has a limited lifespan - 7, 10, 15
years, and that sucker's gone, and there's no getting it back. If a few of
those people care to stop by my site and place an order - or if they're a
little hesitant, feel free to e-mail or phone me with questions - then
perhaps I will be able to keep the site open for another month, or more.
More importantly than that, perhaps I won't be left with *no choice* but to
file for bankruptcy and go on welfare..." - John Henry
"Heck, maybe some day, I'll be able to give someone else like me the break
they need. I'd also love to donate some of my time to preserving historic
film, videotape, and photographs, but I have to be making some kind of money
before I can really afford to do that. That kind of potential impact, both
in my life, and in the world-at-large, seems well worth the $10 a month for
web space and $7,95 per year for domain registration that I spend." - John

LowGenius Toolbar
John asks RSPW to install software described by journalists as malware.
"Please Consider The Free LowGenius.Com IE Toolbar"
"I just snagged a pretty nifty bit of technology that I"m trying to convince
people to use. It's a free LowGenius.Com toolbar [...] It helps me out by
raising my traffic rating when you visit my site with the toolbar on, for
one thing. For another, if you use it to either search amazon or jump to
amazon (there's an amazon button on it) and then buy something, I get a
small cut of the purchase price, which helps me pay my server bill. It's
painless, and doesn't do anything that the Google toolbar doesn't do in
terms of tracking your web surfing." - John Henry
"You're a bigger prick than I thought." - Curtis Blofeld
"Comparing this toolbar to a trojan is like comparing a sneeze to the final
stages of AIDS. Dvorak should be ashamed of himself for writing such
melodramatic nonsense." - John Henry (in response to Hack-Man posting an
article from PC Magazine characterizing toolbars as trojans)
"Go fuck yourself. You just summed up everything I hate about the internet.
I don't use Internet Explorer, I don't need to install browser wrecking
toolbars, I don't buy shit off of Amazon, I don't want to visit your
god-damned site, and I sure as hell don't want to pay your fucking server
bill. This the most insulting piece of self-indulgent bullshit I've ever
seen." - Rockboy

LowGenius 9-11 Tribute Store
John hawks wallpapers and calendars to RSPW.
"[$hill] I think y'all will dig this..."
"I Remind You: RedPaper.Com"
"LowGenius 9-11 Tribute Store"
"The 2004 Otherworld Calendar"
"I've got my first cafepress item for sale - a 12-month wall calendar of my
original 3D artwork, stunningly rendered in red, blue, AND green~! Seriously,
I've been selling these graphics on for 15 cents each as
1600x1200 desktop wallpaper, and I've had a lot of good reviews. Now I've
made them into much higher quality images and put them on a calendar. I
think they'll make an excellent gift for those people that you don't really
know what else to get 'em, like bosses and mothers-in-law. Please take a
look, and enjoy. I've priced the calendar at only $2 over markup, which is
cheap IMO. Plus all of the transaction and fulfillment is done via cafepress,
so you needn't worry about sharing your credit card number with me or any of
that." - John Henry
"Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you came! The LowGenius Online Store at
CafeShops.Com is the exclusive home on the internet for various 9-11 tribute
items featuring JohnHenry's original and critically acclaimed digital
artwork, "Reflections of Terror." 10% of all profits derived from the sale
of these items will be donated to the Red Cross." - John Henry
"I appreciate your positive feedback re: the "Otherworlds" calendar.
Hopefully someone will actually *buy* one ;-)" - John Henry
"GO GET A JOB AND GET OFF WELFRE you fucking drug using idiot." - Avenger

LowGenius Fundraiser
2005-2007, 2010
John raises funds to pay for daily expenses and capital equipment.
"We should donate to the lowgenius fundraiser"
"LowGenius Tip Jar"
"John Henry Begs For Money Again"
"Randomly dropping by"
"I Need Your Help"
"Wish Lists"
"As a few of you might be aware, I moved briefly last year to Winters, CA
before getting jerked around hard, thrown under a bus, and begging my way
back across the country to my home town of Kalamazoo, MI. If anyone sees
Ahmed Johnson's Beer Belly, tell him I said get in touch next time he's in
town. I'm easy to find." - John Henry
"Starting a business isn't easy, and while I've (obviously) had some
customers, it's not been enough to keep me eating [...] It has, along with
my work with The Road Less Traveled Theatre, been enough to keep me in a
position where I don't have time for a 'real job.' Unfortunately, however, I
do have the needs of a 'real life.' There is a bunch of more in-depth
information contained in the bulleted list below, but here's the gist of it:
if something you've found on one of my sites or blogs has helped you, or if
you're just a good person with a little spare cash who wants to help me do
the various things I do, you can make a contribution using your major credit
card, e-check, or PayPal account by clicking the 'Donate' button below." -
John Henry
"Due to a crisis that has come up, I’ve put a call out for contributions to
help purchase the first computer on this list. If you are not comfortable
making a cash contribution, you can buy an electronic gift card from and send it to me via e-mail (john @ lowgenius . com), in
any amount from $10-$1000." - John Henry
"What is your definition of a 'real job?' I work very hard at what I do,
oftentimes 6-7 days a week. I just don't get paid for it. [...] If you mean
'why don't you go work for someone,' in a nutshell it's like this: I am an
experienced, but non-degreed, IT professional in a technology-poor area just
outside of one of the most talent-saturated regions of the world. You can't
throw a stick in RTP without hitting a Computer Scientist, and unfortunately
since the economy went south a few years ago, getting a job in IT in this
area without a degree is basically impossible. Conversely, because of my
field expertise and work history, when I went through a period of diligently
applying for every job available that I was the least bit qualified to do
(i.e. working on assembly lines or what have you), I was always
'overqualified.' I'm stuck in a fairly unique gray area between not being
paper-qualified to do what I'm actually qualified to do, and being far, far
over-qualified to do anything else like being a factory worker or taking a
McJob somewhere. I've actually applied to places like McDonalds and WalMart,
and they basically laughed in my face." - John Henry (responding to "Why
don't you get a real job?")
"So it's come ‘round again: JH is stuck with no money, no income, and no
chance of getting either via any traditional method. I hate doing this, this
asking for money crap. It makes me feel like a panhandling bum trying to
scam crack money. Unfortunately, the reality is I've never at any time in my
life been able to live comfortably. The vast majority of my life has been
spent in borrowed living – friends and family who open their homes to me for
short periods, or sleeping in my car or elsewhere on the streets. I've only
avoided sleeping at drop-in centers and missions by virtue of not wanting to
have the few possessions I own stolen from me. I'm not a junkie. I'm not a
bum. I'm not a scam artist. Heck, if I was a scam artist I'd just wrap
myself in a bible and flag and then making money would be easy.
Unfortunately, I have a sense of integrity and ethics – unlike the vast
majority of people who make money thumping the bible and the flag – that
precludes me from manipulating friends and strangers. I want to earn your
help. I believe I *am* earning your help. By spending my time staying
aware of the current events and world issues that confront us, using the
gifts I was given at birth to strip away the media-generated bullshit that
surrounds them and present you with the objective reality as I see it – and
yes, that reality often has a bias – I fulfill my purpose as a human
being[...] I am the embodiment of 21st-century journalism and media[...]
What am I asking for? Well, obviously the big pipe dream is for someone with
a whole bunch of extra cash to drop it on me and go “Okay, JH, you go be JH
and we'll sit back and watch.” I don't think that's going to happen. But
what could happen is a whole lot of people could donate a few bucks. Heck,
if everyone in the US gave me one cent I'd have almost four million dollars.
Maybe you don't have any cash to spare…but I bet you've got some friends. I
bet you know someone who'd either enjoy or hate what I've got to say –
either way they'll feel strongly about it – and if you tell them about me
and they come see my site or my videos or whatever, and then they tell their
friends, the whole thing snowballs, I go viral, and maybe I can actually
start bringing this wisdom and sagacity that people keep telling me I have
to a wider audience. Hell, maybe if we work together – by which I mean I do
all the work and You The People help keep me alive and able to do so with
your contributions – I can actually get enough people paying attention to
make a difference. Wouldn't it be cool if I got over enough to start saying
the things I say on…oh, say the Daily Show, or Morning Joe, or even
O'Reilly?" - John Henry
""You should give money to me because I'm important, I'm a genius and if you
don't, you're a hypocrite" the marketing needs work" - Crapgame13
"He talks big shit about how smart he is then says he can't get a job and
begs for money. I guess McDonalds $6/hour is too good for him. I also lol at
his "if I had $30K I'd never need to work again" comment. Is he going to
live in a shed and eat nothing but ramen noodles for the next 30 years?" -
"I like the comment, "If I had $30K, I'd be set for life." And I was amused
by how he said he wasn't one of those folks who wrap themselves in the flag
or Bible, yet he is using the same kind of ploy by saying, "If you don't
give, my web site will disappear," just like a guy who says, "If you don't
give, then my program goes off the air." I also note that he says, "I don't
use hard drugs," as if to say that he uses drugs that aren't "hard." And
where does he get the money for those "non-hard" drugs?" - trijcomm
"I do have to say he's an above average talker, but the begging for money at
his age is truly pathetic." - Vin Broccoli
"Anyone [...] is always welcome to get in touch, add me on your favorite
social network, whatever. Especially if you're in a position of having
enough money to want to give MAJOR - like six figure - support to a
non-profit devoted to developing the Kalamazoo area as a worldwide talent
incubator for rock, pop, blues, country, and other musicians." - John Henry
"I don't know what's more pathetic, him for begging for donations so he can
go get wasted because he can't or refuses to get a real job, or you for
stalking him." - GregoryD

Student Loans
2004, 2010-2013
John returns to school a couple of times.
"Who really is John Henry DeJong?"
"(META) RSPW's required reading for this week"
"40 Year Old Freshman"
"Life As A 40 Year Old Freshman - Latest Comments"
"I got caught with no degree in an employment downturn in my sector and lost
everything[...] That's no secret. It's the predictable result of bad choices
I made when I was young. That's why I'm in school - to try and prevent it
from happening again. In short: So I don't end up being a fifty-something
homeless dumpster-diving plagiarizing pedophile who gets off on threatening
little old ladies." - John Henry (in 2004)
"Your generous contributions help keep me in school, keep my bills paid, and
keep this website online, including paying for everything it takes to
produce the content here from gas money to spare time, furniture to food.
Make no mistake: without your help, I'm just another college drop-out
sucking up entitlement money. Click the card-bar to do what you can. Thank
you!" - John Henry (in 2011)
"Part of the purpose of this site is to raise money so I can afford to go to
college. While loans and grants are more readily available now than they
were four years ago even, there still is not enough available to pay for
life. I have rent. I have to eat. My car is slowly dying. I have to pay
to keep this website and my other sites online. I need to be able to pay to
go out and do things that will actually be entertaining for you to read
about here. 4 years of “I went to class today” is not going to be the next
viral sensation. So yes, there is advertising here and yes there are and
will be prominent links asking visitors to pitch in and help me stay in
school and keep this site up and interesting[...] Hopefully I attract enough
traffic that I can live on contributions and ad revenue from this site and
my other online work" - John Henry
"Just make sure you tell as many people as possible and please help if you
can whether that's moral support or positive feedback and encouragement or
contributions of cash or other things I may need or want over the course of
the next 6-8 years as I pursue my doctorate, please and thank you." - John
"I'd actually thought about donating a few buck until the line that
essentially said 'I need to party to keep this blog interesting' and the
lack of a goal[...] I give it 2 semesters/quarters." - Mhoram
"Broke one day, going to college the next. But always begging for money!
Always be a failure." - Corky's Nemesis
"You knew I would "like" it - and you will make it. What ever it takes you
will do. And pay it forward." - Elizabeth Eastman Lankford
"I'm hoping I can pay it forward to a whole bunch of people before it's all
said and done." - John Henry

John's user page is deleted for spamming.
"A List Of Wikipedia Sockpuppeteers"
"User:John Henry DeJong"

"A list of suspected sockpuppets of an abusive user originally
registered with Wikipedia as "Dick Witham"[...] * User:John Henry DeJong
(renamed)" - Nemesis (reproducing Wikipedia category "Suspected Wikipedia
sockpuppets of Dick Witham")
"The vandal (see: User:John_Henry_DeJong_(renamed) formerly registered under
my name has been relieved of it, and I have taken possession of this user
name and will begin editing articles soon! Thanks to all for your generous
assistance." - John Henry DeJong
"My name is John Henry DeJong, I commonly go by John Henry in public life. I
own and operate several websites which I included here in the earlier
version of my bio because they help establish my credibility in certain
subjects. Apparently some bloke in the UK thought it appropriate to label
this "advertising" and vandalize/delete my entire user page, which is a
pretty rude and obnoxious thing to do[...] I guess if anyone wants to know
who I am and how to get in touch, they'll have to google it. Enjoy your
bizarre and counter-productive power trip, and let me know if and when
Wikipedia gets back to founding principles. I'll be happy to add my efforts
when I'm not treated something that someone stepped in simply because I
include the URLs to my sites in my user bio - a bio that, incidentally, sat
here just fine from September 2005 to April 2015 before one delusional twit
decided it was "unambiguous advertising" and unilaterally nuked it." -

The End?
2000, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2018, 2023
John announces his intentions to the newsgroup.
"[META] You win."
"ANNOUNCEMENT: My Retirement From Usenet"
"(ping RWA-RSPokerW) WSOP and ESPN sign new seven year pact"
"(META) RSPW's required reading for this week"
"The John Henry show continues. That Damned Cain is Keeping JH Down!"
"Let's all have a pity party for John."
"I realize that the sick bastards among you will write this off as a
sympathy ploy, or a work, or whatever, but I am literally in tears as I
write this, torn between taking my own life for the good of my child and
every poor soul that has been touched by the blackened disease that is my
life....and taking a few other people out before I go. Right now, yeah, man,
I'm pretty well out of my mind. But, I'm broke, I don't have the gas money
to get to DC or Griffin GA or NYC. There's nothing I can do except sit here
and know, now, that there is damn little humanity left in human beings." -
John Henry
"Now you can come and kill me, thats fine, you're a grown man and you can do
what you want, but you know what, you've shown a pattern just from me
reading some silly troll and flame posts from you, that show you to be an
off-balanced, demented person." - PeteKOF
"I have been working with my group on a deal which will likely bring me to
low-key but national prominence in the theatrical and non-profit
communities[...] this new situation that has developed involves a
high-profile relationship with some major corporations and non-profit
organizations which are doing tremendously important work to promote the
arts and education, especially among poor and minority youth, and I will be
involved with this process on a long-term, ongoing, daily basis. After long
and deep consideration, I have come to the conclusion that I can not, in
good conscience, risk having these kids exposed to the kind of sickness that
resides in the likes of Dink[...] When you're talking about deals worth tens
or even hundreds of thousands (or even millions, over a fairly short period
of time) of dollars that will benefit untold numbers of kids who might
otherwise be lost to drug abuse, illiteracy, parental neglect or abuse, and
all the other things that children in our society face each and every
day...well, you have to step back and reassess things[...] So, almost
precisely 9 years to the day after my first Usenet post, I big you all adieu,
and my many thanks to you all for your friendship and comradierie throughout
the last decade of my life. Being insane here has helped keep me sane in the
real world over the years, and I've grown beyond that insanity...and now I
have the change to finally make a positive difference in a way that I have
not been able to since I was playing to crowds of 15,000 or more" - John
"I just don't have the time or interest to play stupid here anymore, and I
haven't for a long time. I appreciate having RSPW around to sharpen my
rhetorical claws on for several years, and I especially appreciate the
friendships I've formed here over the years, but I've moved on to other
things." - John Henry
"Ugh. Clearly, leaving Usenet when I did was the right move. There
appears to be nothing but stupid, crazy, and Chad left. Unplugging. Now I
understand why my guy inside FB told me he'd "never seen anything like this,
there are THOUSANDS of these accounts, every single one of them doing
nothing but being created, reading your pages, and mass-reporting anything
that's got a snowball's chance in hell of getting you banned by the idiots
in abuse. I don't know who you pissed off, bud, but this level of
concentrated fuckery usually only shows up against prominent political
figures." Now I understand. Pity he can't give me hard data without risking
his job...but he assures me the information I need is available, it just has
to be subpoenad before they can release it. Man, fuck all this. Thanks for
the final confirmation that this species isn't worth trying to save.
Hopefully I've still got a few good years left to learn some new music or
something." - John Henry
"LEAVE ME ALONE. I've paid my atonement - for the last ten years of being
unemployable and having the idiocy of this stupid newsgroup and all that
goes with it follow me around my offline life like a dead fish in my shoe,
I've paid. Living on the streets, fucking STARVING sometimes - literally
sleeping in my van and eating canned ravioli bought with emergency food
stamps with a plastic fork and a "general delivery" mailing address, unable
to have anything decent in my life, all because I ran my stupid mouth on a
fucking rasslin' newsgroup. My debt is paid, and paid, and paid. I am no
longer part of your world, and those of you with malicious intent need to
understand something very, very clearly: *You do not want me to become part
of your world again.*" - John Henry
"I've been trying to shake the stink of this dump out of my hair for
basically two decades now." - John Henry


Aug 20, 2023, 12:37:36 PM8/20/23
have you ever tried outting someone ,
in order to make you look more like a dick


Aug 20, 2023, 12:45:46 PM8/20/23
Griftipedia v0.2a
Fixed a citation in "RSPW FAQ" entry.
"A business I used to own." - John Henry (answering the question "What is
"At least I never worked at a fuckin subway." - John Henry

John wants to control and commercialize the RSPW FAQ, and move aspects of
RSPW off of Usenet.
"AOL Account abuse"
"[META] Help stop this troll invasion......."
"Scott Keith disses John Henry~!"
"[RSPW.Net] It's time to take another look"
"Yo John Henry, when do you plan on putting out the RSPW book?"
"FAQ/Wrestlepedia - Followup"
"since everyone and their brother are running brackets..."
"Do you know how much money there is on this group?" - John Henry
"If you click on the URL in my sig, it'll take you to my homepage. Follow
the link for RSPW. Therein is a link to the RSPW FAQ (which will soon be
joined by several other FAQ's/guides to posting, such as those written by
Scott Keith)." - John Henry
"Thanks, everyone, for helping to make this idea a success, to the degree
that it has been a success. Hopefully at some point, we can convince
*everyone* to move the garbage to the OT board and off RSPW. After all,
it's not an unreasonable request." - John Henry
"response posted to" - JHD, still
crazy after all these years
"reply posted to" - JHD, still crazy
after all these years
"Is this the return of John Henry? (note the incessant plugging of that
stupid flameboard)"
"John will moderate the board to make sure that nobody posts anything that
he might disagree with or deem too sensitive for people to read. It's his
own little rspw where he can control what goes in and what comes out[...]
Don't forget kids, if John could control what you say and post it'd be a
perfect world. We don't want any of those evil people with independent
thoughts." - xganon
"I originally posted this message to the Mr. Shannon's Delphi forum
earlier this evening. It took less than 2 hours for him to remove not only
that, but also all responses to it - which were all positive, by the way.
Because of this, I feel that the only fair and reasonable thing I can do
is to post this message across the internet and Usenet, and allow you, the
reader, to decide for yourselves. My suggestion would be to not only stop
visiting his site, but also to formally request that the current RSPW FAQ
be renamed the
'Pro-wrestling FAQ,' and that RSPW be allowed to develop it's own FAQ that
pertains to the group." - John Henry, NetBastard
"Your little delphi board may be a refuge for the terminally weak of heart,
those that cannot be bothered to address their own shortcomings, a place
where you can dictate what is said, and when, and how, but the rest of the
internet is NOT. You may be able to work yourself into thinking that
someone cares about you by eliminating any dissenting opinion from your
dark little hole of the universe, but I assure you, Mr. Shannon, you will
NOT censor me anywhere else." - John Henry, NetBastard
Bumper Stickers
John sells folded bumper stickers on RSPW.
"[POLL] What would you pay for a bumper sticker?"
"Remember when John Henry tried selling bumper stickers to RSPW?"
"Attn: John Henry (sticker testimonial)"
RSPW the Book
John considers selling the wrestling trivia portion of the FAQ as a book.
"Yo John Henry, when do you plan on putting out the RSPW book?"
"(META) RSPW - The book????"
"Wait, lemme get this *I'M* jealous? Well, let's check this
"[FAQ] A decision has been reached"
"The Wrestlepedia will need some rework, which is a time-consuming pain in
the butt, but I'll do it, with the help of whoever cares to help. When
it's done, yeah, I probably *will* try to sell it as a 3-space book. Why
not? I have worked hard on it - and will work harder - and I'm certainly
not the kind of shallow, crooked asshole that would try to make money
myself *without* ensuring that everyone else involved got their share of
the pie." - John Henry
"The basic gist I got from this article was "NO NO NO NO It's not about
the money!!!! OK it is about the money." - Oooh your so cool Brewster
"I think that we may want to seriously consider finding a paper publisher
for this once we've achieved version 3.0; it's ust something to keep in
mind, but I think that the "Professional Wrestling Encyclopedia" is
something that could very well find a niche market, and best of all we
could issue a new edition every year or two with updated information. It's
just a thought, but hell, we're all working hard on this, so why not try
and benefit from it?" - Scutt Farkus (quoting John Henry DeJong's message
to the RSPW FAQ mailing list)
"[RSPW.Net] Info, New Features, Future Plans, and Begging"
"I'm not going to buy from you just because you have to shill it to have
anyone care. Now, if I was visiting and saw the ad, maybe I would
consider it. But if you're going to just become another Marc Ash, then
consider your RSPW.Net address PLONKED after the next shill." -
"It's a "work in progress," you see, because new things are happening all
the time[...] The notion is to overcome the perception tha tthis is just
another temporary RSPW project/fad, and to let people know that work is
progressing on this[...] eventually, hopefully, people will start seeing
RSPW.Net as more than the "abandoned project" that people were claiming it
was a couple of months ago." - John Henry
"I have entered into a partnership with Amazon.Com, the world's largest
online retailer, to create the RSPW.Net Bookstore. Currently we are
offering 9 titles, including books from the Hardys, Blassie, Heenan, Piper,
and even JR's Cookbook, and we'll be adding more throughout the day and
then maintaining an up-to-date list." - John Henry
"I'm seriously thinking of picking up the Wrestlecrap book when it comes
out and the Zenk book if that ever comes out, and I'm going to make a
specifc point of NOT doing it through your site." - Ned Ryerson - BING

John sells footage from the 1995 RSPWCon event without permission.
"[RSPW.Net] Remember that big project?"
"[RSPW.Net] It's time to take another look"
"[RSPW.Net] RSPWCon '95 DVD discontinued"
"[RSPW.Net] '95 Con DVD - Available Again,lower price."
"My interest here is much more in getting this stuff into your hands than
in making money on the deal." - John Henry
"Oldtimers might find out about it and get pissed somebody is selling a
tape of them to God knows who. I'm guessing the tape was made as a momento
for the RSPWers in attendence?" - Allan J. Benson
"Please remove me from all your DVD shills. You know, Chris Palacios is
really EASY to find and it's a shame you didn't bother to even talk to the
man before you started spamming. But this seems to be a common theme." -
Christopher Robin Zimmerman
"I spent three MONTHS trying to track Chrispy down, and I didn't want to
sit on this project any longer. I figured that if nothing else, he'd raise
his head when he heard about the project, at which point he and I could
discuss what kind of percentage we can agree is fair. Certainly I want to
ensure that he gets his due; at least a buck on each DVD, maybe two, maybe
even a little more." - John Henry
"(META) RSPW - The book????"
LowGenius Toolbar
John asks RSPW to install software described by journalists as malware.
"Please Consider The Free LowGenius.Com IE Toolbar"
"I just snagged a pretty nifty bit of technology that I"m trying to
convince people to use. It's a free LowGenius.Com toolbar [...] It helps
me out by raising my traffic rating when you visit my site with the
toolbar on, for one thing. For another, if you use it to either search
amazon or jump to amazon (there's an amazon button on it) and then buy
something, I get a small cut of the purchase price, which helps me pay my
server bill. It's painless, and doesn't do anything that the Google
toolbar doesn't do in terms of tracking your web surfing." - John Henry
"You're a bigger prick than I thought." - Curtis Blofeld
"Comparing this toolbar to a trojan is like comparing a sneeze to the
final stages of AIDS. Dvorak should be ashamed of himself for writing such
melodramatic nonsense." - John Henry (in response to Hack-Man posting an
article from PC Magazine characterizing toolbars as trojans)
"Go fuck yourself. You just summed up everything I hate about the internet.
I don't use Internet Explorer, I don't need to install browser wrecking
toolbars, I don't buy shit off of Amazon, I don't want to visit your
god-damned site, and I sure as hell don't want to pay your fucking server
bill. This the most insulting piece of self-indulgent bullshit I've ever
seen." - Rockboy

LowGenius 9-11 Tribute Store
John hawks wallpapers and calendars to RSPW.
"[$hill] I think y'all will dig this..."
"I've got my first cafepress item for sale - a 12-month wall calendar of
my original 3D artwork, stunningly rendered in red, blue, AND green~!
Seriously, I've been selling these graphics on for 15 cents
each as 1600x1200 desktop wallpaper, and I've had a lot of good reviews.
Now I've made them into much higher quality images and put them on a
calendar. I think they'll make an excellent gift for those people that you
don't really know what else to get 'em, like bosses and mothers-in-law.
Please take a look, and enjoy. I've priced the calendar at only $2 over
markup, which is cheap IMO. Plus all of the transaction and fulfillment is
done via cafepress, so you needn't worry about sharing your credit card
number with me or any of that." - John Henry
"Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you came! The LowGenius Online Store at
CafeShops.Com is the exclusive home on the internet for various 9-11
tribute items featuring JohnHenry's original and critically acclaimed
digital artwork, "Reflections of Terror." 10% of all profits derived from
the sale of these items will be donated to the Red Cross." - John Henry
"I appreciate your positive feedback re: the "Otherworlds" calendar.
Hopefully someone will actually *buy* one ;-)" - John Henry
"GO GET A JOB AND GET OFF WELFRE you fucking drug using idiot." - Avenger

LowGenius Fundraiser
2005-2007, 2010
John raises funds to pay for daily expenses and capital equipment.
"We should donate to the lowgenius fundraiser"
"LowGenius Tip Jar"
"John Henry Begs For Money Again"
"Randomly dropping by"
"I Need Your Help"
"Wish Lists"
"As a few of you might be aware, I moved briefly last year to Winters, CA
before getting jerked around hard, thrown under a bus, and begging my way
back across the country to my home town of Kalamazoo, MI. If anyone sees
Ahmed Johnson's Beer Belly, tell him I said get in touch next time he's in
town. I'm easy to find." - John Henry
"Starting a business isn't easy, and while I've (obviously) had some
customers, it's not been enough to keep me eating [...] It has, along with
my work with The Road Less Traveled Theatre, been enough to keep me in a
position where I don't have time for a 'real job.' Unfortunately, however,
I do have the needs of a 'real life.' There is a bunch of more in-depth
information contained in the bulleted list below, but here's the gist of
it: if something you've found on one of my sites or blogs has helped you,
or if you're just a good person with a little spare cash who wants to help
me do the various things I do, you can make a contribution using your
major credit card, e-check, or PayPal account by clicking the 'Donate'
button below." - John Henry
"Due to a crisis that has come up, I’ve put a call out for contributions
to help purchase the first computer on this list. If you are not
comfortable making a cash contribution, you can buy an electronic gift
card from and send it to me via e-mail (john @ lowgenius .
com), in any amount from $10-$1000." - John Henry
"What is your definition of a 'real job?' I work very hard at what I do,
oftentimes 6-7 days a week. I just don't get paid for it. [...] If you mean
'why don't you go work for someone,' in a nutshell it's like this: I am an
experienced, but non-degreed, IT professional in a technology-poor area
just outside of one of the most talent-saturated regions of the world. You
can't throw a stick in RTP without hitting a Computer Scientist, and
unfortunately since the economy went south a few years ago, getting a job
in IT in this area without a degree is basically impossible. Conversely,
because of my field expertise and work history, when I went through a
period of diligently applying for every job available that I was the least
bit qualified to do (i.e. working on assembly lines or what have you), I
was always 'overqualified.' I'm stuck in a fairly unique gray area between
not being paper-qualified to do what I'm actually qualified to do, and
being far, far over-qualified to do anything else like being a factory
worker or taking a McJob somewhere. I've actually applied to places like
McDonalds and WalMart, and they basically laughed in my face." - John Henry
(responding to "Why don't you get a real job?")
"I don't know what's more pathetic, him for begging for donations so he
can go get wasted because he can't or refuses to get a real job, or you
for stalking him." - GregoryD


Aug 21, 2023, 8:48:52 AM8/21/23
More of a dick than John DeJong or Chad Bryant?

Please explain…

Klaus Schwab

Feb 21, 2024, 6:12:55 AMFeb 21
Cornette B. Meltzer wrote:
> All of the windows would be open and fans will be on. I need to keep the
> cabin warm so my dog don't freeze while I'm on the road.

So you are trying to euthanize your dog?

Or torture it to death with loud noise?


Feb 21, 2024, 9:07:58 AMFeb 21

On Wed, 21 Feb 2024, Cornette B. Meltzer wrote:

> Imagine what the world would be like today if we had that much extra
> computing power. Instead, we're stuck in a binary-based system.
Quantum computing to the rescue!


Feb 21, 2024, 9:18:22 AMFeb 21
A trinary computer would still be turingcomplete, and therefore exactly as
powerful as a binary one, to the degree that computing power can be

Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to
Works half the time!

George Musk

Feb 21, 2024, 11:29:57 AMFeb 21
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 11:10:42 -0000 (UTC), Cornette B. Meltzer wrote:

> I'm a 35-year old billionaire playboy who moonlights as a masked
> crimefighter. Is that goth?


Feb 21, 2024, 11:42:03 AMFeb 21

Randolf Richardson

Feb 21, 2024, 5:12:01 PMFeb 21
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 11:08:29 -0000 (UTC)
"Cornette B. Meltzer" <ban...@various.places> wrote:

> Elegance in the laws of nature is necessary for scientific explanations.
> Ironic!!!!!!!

How is that ironic? (Please keep it simple because I'm a natural blonde.)

Randolf Richardson -
Canadian atheists - True, Northern, Strong, and Free
Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

Soda Jerk

Feb 21, 2024, 11:44:42 PMFeb 21
Griftipedia <f...@bar.baz> wrote in news:ubtep2$1ebta$

> "Actually it was 'fag jew,' and given that a)
> he was gay, and b) he was jewish, those words in and of themselves
> mean only what you care to read into them. Although I'll also
> cheerfully grant that the person in question (my ex-business parter)
> cheerfully embodied every single negative stereotype that any
> half-witted inbread klan member has ever heaped upon either class of
> people. My ex-partner is the one that taught me what I've tried to
> avoid facing for years....once in awhile, with some people (albeit not
> many of them), the stereotypes are *right*. It's an ugly truth, but a
> truth it is, my friend." - John 'I'm not Buffer' Henry

What. The. Hell.
0 new messages