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FW The Lying Slimeball [WAS: Re: Military guide to Iraq 'war' (sic)]

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Dolly Coughlan Jr

Feb 22, 2003, 12:32:22 AM2/22/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: FW The Lying Slimeball [WAS: Re: Military guide to Iraq 'war'
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 03:15:22 +0000
>le 21 Feb 2003 17:54:40 -0800, dans l'article
><>, Just passing by
><> a dit ...
>>> My paying tribute to the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.,
>>> brought forth his racist reply of calling it "a perverse joke" to even
>>> offer such a tribute. And calling anyone who would provide such a
>>> tribute to MLK "a disgusting laughable prick," and a "_fucking,
>>> disgusting_ lowlife."
>> PV, your lies are just getting worse and worse, and are now so blatant
>> that even I am surprised. Does your dishonesty know no bounds? I have
>> read the post you refer to and NOWHERE does Desmond say that about
>> "anyone" offering a tribute.
>FuckWit probably reckons that he has nothing to lose, having been crushed
>by every poster, in every thread where he dares to tread.
>Here are my exact words, as appeared in my response to FuckWit's pathetic
>'tribute' ...
> 'Normally, the whole of news:alt.activism.death-penalty considers you a
> perverse joke. In the main, your "purpose" on this newsgroup is to
> make us all feel good at being normal, and especially, at not being
> _you. You make us laugh, but unfortunately for you, we don't laugh
> _with_ you, but _at_ you. You're recognised as the most inefficient,
> most inept, least educated, most unsophisticated, most violent, least
> honest, most sexually depraved poster that is currently posting to this
> newsgroup.
> In short, you're a disgusting, laughable prick.
> However, that being so (and no one would even contemplate stating the
> opposite), this thread will make no one laugh. That the repulsive
> moron who believes that all Germans are stupid, who will never trust an
> Arab, who believes that study after study showing inherent racial bias
> in the administration of the death penalty in the United States, only
> shows that it is "pro-black", who does not hesitate to call a German
> "Adolph", who exhibits rampant homophobia in almost every post, who
> believes that "anti-Semitic" can only refer to the Jew and not to the
> other half-dozen or so Semitic races, who mouths platitudes against a
> woman's right to choose who uses her body, that such an example of
> sheer, _blinding_, proactive stupidity, should seek to hijack the day
> when his own kind cut down a brave young man in the prime of his life
> ... is beyond the pale.
> Martin Luther King Day is not for your kind, Scum. If it were not for
> you, there would be no Martin Luther King Day, for the man himself
> would not have been killed. _You_ bear his blood on your hands. As
> long as your kind exist, then the black will forever be excluded,
> forever the victim, forever a "second class citizen".
> You _fucking disgusting_ lowlife.'
> (
>The 'rational mind' to which FuckWit referred earlier today, will have no
>problem discerning that as you say, I was not referring to 'anyone' who
>would post a tribute to Martin Luther King, but to FW alone. His words ...
> 'And calling anyone who would provide such a tribute to MLK "a
> disgusting laughable prick," and a "_fucking, disgusting_ lowlife."'
>... can now be seen as pure, unadulterated dishonesty.
>{ snip }
>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: FW The Lying Slimeball [WAS: Re: Military guide to Iraq 'war' (sic)]
>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 03:15:22 +0000
>Lines: 73
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>
><> <>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1045883937 52138187 (16 [91468])
>X-Orig-Path: not-for-mail
>X-No-Archive: true
>Mail-Copies-To: never
>X-PGP-Fingerprint: 3F1F C838 88D5 2659 B00A 6DF6 6883 FB9C E34A AC93
>User-Agent: tin/1.5.14-20020926 ("Soil") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/4.5-RELEASE (i386))

Dolly Coughlan Jr, the legend continues!

Just passing by

Feb 22, 2003, 1:15:14 PM2/22/03
to (Dolly Coughlan Jr) wrote in message news:<>...

There is no way out of this one. There are no words PV can offer, and
no amount of spam he can bombard you with, to escape this total and
conclusive proof of his lies.

After this I cannot see how anybody can possibly open any message he
ever posts again without immediately and automatically seeing the word
"LIES" stamped all over it.

Dolly Coughlan Jr

Feb 22, 2003, 9:29:08 PM2/22/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: FW The Lying Slimeball [WAS: Re: Military guide to Iraq

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 18:53:04 +0000
>le 22 Feb 2003 10:15:14 -0800, dans l'article

>{ snip }

>>> >The 'rational mind' to which FuckWit referred earlier today, will have no
>>> >problem discerning that as you say, I was not referring to 'anyone' who
>>> >would post a tribute to Martin Luther King, but to FW alone. His words
>>> >
>>> > 'And calling anyone who would provide such a tribute to MLK "a
>>> > disgusting laughable prick," and a "_fucking, disgusting_ lowlife."'
>>> >
>>> >... can now be seen as pure, unadulterated dishonesty.
>> There is no way out of this one. There are no words PV can offer, and
>> no amount of spam he can bombard you with, to escape this total and
>> conclusive proof of his lies.
>> After this I cannot see how anybody can possibly open any message he
>> ever posts again without immediately and automatically seeing the word
>> "LIES" stamped all over it.

>It's been that way for a while. I reckon that the 'watershed' came about
>on 28 August 2002, when you informed the group ...
> 'Oh dear, PV. You really walked into that one, didn't you? Do you like
> irony, PV? OK, here's some.
> You remember that long SJC ruling you posted here? You remember that I
> said you hadn't read it? You remember pretending you HAD read it?
> Well, the irony is that you SHOULD have read it. Because if you had,
> you could have avoided that utter humiliation your arch enemy, Desmond,
> has just inflicted on you. Because, PV, that SJC ruling is littered
> with references to Rule 25 (b) (2) and includes a full explanation of
> what that rule does and does not empower a judge to do.
> Just thought I would let you know that to make you feel even worse.'
>Of course, FW believes that attack is the best 'defense' (sic), and so
>decides to throw around accusations of 'racism' and 'dishonesty', in the
>(vain) hope that no one will notice that he is in fact AADP's most
>dishonest, racist, depraved, sadistic, ineffectual poster.

>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty

>Subject: Re: FW The Lying Slimeball [WAS: Re: Military guide to Iraq 'war'
>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 18:53:04 +0000
>Lines: 52
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1045940300 54791522 (16 [91468])

A Planet Visitor

Feb 22, 2003, 10:06:14 PM2/22/03
On 22 Feb 2003 10:15:14 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

> (Dolly Coughlan Jr) wrote in message news:<>...
>> In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
>> <> writes:

ROTFLMAO -- JPB _responds_ to dolly. Jesus.. what a fruitcake. What
woodwork do these guys crawl out of?

Oh... I don't _bombard_ dolly with anything, sport. I understand the reason
for dolly's posts... while your ignorance seems to have no bounds.

Nonetheless, I already offered my words in reply to desi's disgusting display of
further racism on his part, when he first posted it, in the thread I began ...
called "MLK Day," on that day -- Jan 20, 2002. It was --

"<clip the most perverse, disgusting comment that desi has ever provided
to this newsgroup. Beating out even his *giggle* at the death of Mamie
Till Mobley. He finds the assassination of MLK to be a subject of ridicule.
Little wonder so many have seen him as mentally unhinged>

As we appreciate the comments of David Irving, who proves that anti-Semitism
is alive still today... we appreciate your same form of contribution here, which
proves that racism is alive still today. As you demonstrate vividly what a
truly racist swine you actually are. I would not contaminate this thread
repeating the disgusting contributions you have made to racism. But they
have been many.

God help you. God help all such as you. God protect others FROM you.
And God protect others from others like you. You can now return to
praying for escaped murderers.

>After this I cannot see how anybody can possibly open any message he
>ever posts again without immediately and automatically seeing the word
>"LIES" stamped all over it.

And might I add that God help you. God help all such as you. God protect
others FROM you. And God protect others from others like you.

I am sorry for you, that in your defeat in another thread, in another battle,
in another war, on another day, you have found it necessary to DEFEND
a racist...acting like Satan's stooge. But it speaks eloquently to the fact that
you have descended to the most ignorant depths imaginable. Defending a
RACIST... because you're piqued at me. And it also demonstrates how
flimsy you realize your argument in respect to the _Great White Whale_
actually WAS. Since it has generated such a hateful response from you,
in you DEFENDING the comments of a racist. A response which is
remindful of a child in kindergarten, unhappy that his conduct was
laughed at by another, who psychologically needs to vent his anger by
providing such a hateful response in a totally different setting.

A little examination of the posts on that day, will show that I was the ONLY
person who recognized MLK that day in this group, in respect to originating that
tribute (25 separate new threads were generated on 20 Jan in this group, and
ONLY my new thread mentioned the fact of what special day it was). While
_desi the deil_ , was the ONLY poster who provided a hateful comment in
return in that thread ("MLK day"). The EVIDENCE (I know you have trouble
understanding the meaning of that word), shows clearly that desi's vile, repulsive,
insulting, degrading message was not toward me... but toward ALL BLACKS.
And it would have been generated by him regardless of who began that
thread. I just happened to be _available_ for him to vent his rage against Blacks.
He is, in fact, the worst form of a racist, and you support his racism.
You SUPPORT him hiding behind a facade that claims he is not... simply because
you argue he is ALLOWED TO BE A RACIST... as long as he claims another
is. While you ignore the most brutish, despicable, villainous, loathsome
and immoral comments imaginable. His racist slurs SPECIFICALLY TARGETING
BLACKS All raging against Blacks... ALL generated by HIM. and all trying to hide
behind that phony facade. The facade that any reasonable person can see through as
easily as that last veil on a stripper.

Regardless of any resentment toward me, for having so totally devastated your
flimsy arguments concerning the _Great White Whale_, you REALLY need to
apologize to the collective membership of this group, for letting your anger with
me, overrule your common sense to such a degree that you began to SUPPORT
racist slurs. Or do you still agree that the words desi used do not constitute
racial slurs?

Or you can now return to slobbering over desi's racist comments. The choice is


A Planet Visitor

Feb 23, 2003, 3:18:14 AM2/23/03
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 18:53:04 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le 22 Feb 2003 10:15:14 -0800, dans l'article <>, Just passing by <> a dit ...
>{ snip }

>>> >The 'rational mind' to which FuckWit referred earlier today, will have no
>>> >problem discerning that as you say, I was not referring to 'anyone' who
>>> >would post a tribute to Martin Luther King, but to FW alone. His words ...
>>> >
>>> > 'And calling anyone who would provide such a tribute to MLK "a
>>> > disgusting laughable prick," and a "_fucking, disgusting_ lowlife."'
>>> >
>>> >... can now be seen as pure, unadulterated dishonesty.
>> There is no way out of this one. There are no words PV can offer, and
>> no amount of spam he can bombard you with, to escape this total and
>> conclusive proof of his lies.
>> After this I cannot see how anybody can possibly open any message he
>> ever posts again without immediately and automatically seeing the word
>> "LIES" stamped all over it.

>It's been that way for a while. I reckon that the 'watershed' came about
>on 28 August 2002, when you informed the group ...
> 'Oh dear, PV. You really walked into that one, didn't you? Do you like
> irony, PV? OK, here's some.
> You remember that long SJC ruling you posted here? You remember that I
> said you hadn't read it? You remember pretending you HAD read it?
> Well, the irony is that you SHOULD have read it. Because if you had,
> you could have avoided that utter humiliation your arch enemy, Desmond,
> has just inflicted on you. Because, PV, that SJC ruling is littered
> with references to Rule 25 (b) (2) and includes a full explanation of
> what that rule does and does not empower a judge to do.
> Just thought I would let you know that to make you feel even worse.'
> (url:

LOL.. Actually, our boy JPB had no idea what it did... nor did YOU.
Since he said in respect to Judge Zobel having the POWER to
overturn the verdict under that rule --

1) "I stated it as a fact that he had no power in this case to do
that. It remains a fact..."
2) "The defence do not make the rules. If the defence had
asked Zobel to quash the conviction, award Louise $10 million
compensation and appoint her President of the United States,
that wouldn't mean he was empowered to do so."

Both of which are totally incorrect. Since he DID have that power.
And for YOU to presume even to bring this up, after having been
made to look so totally like a fool that you had to ADMIT you had
been WRONG all along, is abjectly pusillanimous. Repeating again...
this was the course of your comments to me, when I argued with
Judge Zobel COULD totally overturn the verdict and return a
verdict of _not guilty_ in respect to all charges --

You wrote -- "Psst, LDB? Tell us again about how O.J. Simpson was 'convicted of
murder in a civil court' ... or even better, how Judge Zobel 'could have simply
overturned' Louise Woodward's Second-Degree Murder conviction, if he had wanted to
..." See --
Buzzzzz.... wrong.. See the insult??

You wrote -- "The Judge was _not_ empowered to 'overturn' the verdict.
All he could do was to reduce it to manslaughter. Which is what he did." See --
Buzzzzz.... wrong.. Obviously presuming to state a 'factual lie.'

You wrote -- "This is plainly not the case. Rule 25(b)(2) allows a trial judge, to
_reduce_ the verdict, but not to overturn it." See --
Buzzzzz.... wrong.. Again presenting a 'factual lie.'

You wrote -- "If the defence had asked Zobel to deliver his ruling wearing eyeshadow
and pink polka dot pyjamas, suspended upside down from Air Force One at 100 ft ASL,
would LDB think that Rule 25[b][2] 'empowered' him to comply ?" See --
Buzzzzz.... wrong.. See the insult??

You wrote -- "ROTFLMAO !!!! Did you get that in your copy of _Law for Dummies_ ?
Because a judge denies a motion, it means that he was 'empowered' to grant it ? Oh
Lord, this is _delicious_ !!! This is _wonderful_ !!! You idiot ... you crass,
classless, profoundly dense man. Oh, I can't stop laughing ..." See --
Buzzzzz.... wrong..See the gross insult???

You wrote -- "Before you start making a fool of yourself ... oops, too late ... you
might like to consider what everyone has been trying to tell you for nigh on 48 hours
now, i.e. that the ruling shows no such thing. All it shows is that the defence
_asked_ Judge 'Sobel' (sic) to do that. Rule 25[b][2] doesn't allow this, and so he
had to deny the ruling."
Buzzzz... wrong.... See the insult???

You wrote -- "his 'come-and-spank-me' inability to digest and analyse legal texts and
decisions ... his belief that Rule 25[b][2] (which he hadn't even _heard of_, until
JPB and I gave him a 'heads-up') gave Judge Zobel the power to overturn the second
degree murder conviction, handed down in the Commonwealth v. Woodward case." See
Buzzzzz... wrong. And look who was 'being spanked at the words rolled out.

You wrote -- "In, fact, the beautiful 'double-whammy' that I dealt you last night,
was that I pre-empted you with Judge Zobel's ruling, and that said ruling shows that
Rule 25[b][2] only allows a judge to reduce a murder conviction to a lesser offence."
See --
Yeah.. quite a 'double-whammy.' If you believe spanking yourself is a 'whammy.'

AND OOOPSSSS... here comes the 'kicker' from you -- after digging your own
grave, you hoped to crawl out of that cockroach existence, and fully display your
mental disabilities with -- "Based on my original reading of Rule 25[b][2], I stated
that Judge Zobel could not have overturned the guilty verdict, and that the only
option open to him, was to reduce the verdict of second degree murder, to a lesser
charge, namely that of manslaughter. Upon further investigation, however, it would
appear that he was, in fact, authorised to both reduce the verdict, and (if
necessary) quash it completely. An e-mail that I received last night, from the
Massachusetts Bar Association, would appear to confirm this view. Unless new
information comes to light, I thus confirm that, _as far as I am able to ascertain_,
PV is right." See --
Buzzzz..... you were now unmasked for the legal illiterate you are. All those insults
gone to waste, as you realized you had been talking through your ass.

Now, take a look at your words -- the insults you heaped on me, when you had
LIED. And then you expected to come away with NO APOLOGY? By 'justifying'
not needing to apologize for your lies and insults because they were offered in 'good
faith.' See
How DOES one offer lies and insults in 'good faith,' desi?

>Of course, FW believes that attack is the best 'defense' (sic), and so
>decides to throw around accusations of 'racism' and 'dishonesty', in the
>(vain) hope that no one will notice that he is in fact AADP's most
>dishonest, racist, depraved, sadistic, ineffectual poster.

One has nothing to do with the other. I've never claimed you demonstrated
anything but stupidity in the Judge Zobel dialog. And gross stupidity at that.

Do not try to muddy the waters by presuming Judge Zobel has anything to
do with your 26 racist comments... ALL proving you are a RACIST -- those

1) "Gimmie da money, honkey mothafucka, oh ah toast yo ass !!" See --

2) "'Gimme da dough, mothafucka o ah toast yo ass !!'" Somehow it always ends up to
be a Black in his descriptions of a 'typical' robber. See --

3) "smelly 'Jigaboo' Ausländer." See --

4) "I even 'tweaked' your nose a few days back, by using the word 'jigaboo'" See --

5) "same bestial beating administered to LDB's now almost 'jigaboo' buttocks" See --

6) "Paris is an oasis of safety, be you jigaboo (ho, ho, ho ...) or not."
Apparently finding your use of racial insults 'funny.' See --

7) "Say, LDB ... how come your "ass" [sic] is so jigaboo these days ?' ... " See --

8) "France (the Greatest Country on the Face of the Earth, BTW) did not 'lose' the
match against those jigaboo (*snigger*) upstarts, QZD." See --

9) "I cream in my pants when they execute a dumbfuck nigga fry black fucker," See

10) "FW seems to have a masochist streak that leads him to present his 'jigaboo'
(*chuckle*) buttocks to the assembled throng on AADP and _beg_ to be spanked." See --

11) "If we start to bring money into the equation, then we cut
overseas aid because after all, they're 'only niggers'. . . and so on." See --

12) "Talking of pointy hats, Don: lynched any "niggers" lately?" See --

13) "Look, Chuck, the murdering niggers ... I mean, blacks who kill
in this country, get due process." See --

14) "or 'niggers' as they're called in his neck of the woods," See --

15) "waiting for some delinquant (as Jigsaw would call them, 'niggers')" See --

16) "it was German beer ... now, if only I could get the smell of sausage out of the
bloody bottles" See --

17) "Indeed, perhaps if the floods that are presently threatening Germany,
had been controlled before they swept across into Europe, from the Czech
Republic and Poland, then this fair continent would have been saved the
same fate as the smelly 'auslanders'." See -

18) Then, there was your recent remark that making favorable comments about
the past civil rights efforts of Mamie Till Mobley, as her death was reported, here
in this newsgroup was a racist comments posted by a racist. See --

19) And then your hysterical outrage that someone could possibly suggest that
MLK be recognized as having contributed to civil rights on MLK day. See --

20) "the 'onery ragheads' * that are Arabs" In fact, placing that (*) specifically
to state at the bottom, that the 'phrase' was Copyright by ME. Yet only YOU
had ever used it. Certainly not ME. See --

21) "not that Iraq has anything to do with al'Queda either, other than
that it's ruled by 'filthy ragheads'" Again, SPECIFICALLY attributing
it as MY 'philosophy. See --

22) "Hey, why bother, right ? They're only ragheads ... 'Arab cunts'" See --

23)"'What the fuck, it's only ragheads ?" See --

24) "The half-million Iraqi children who have died since the sanctions were imposed,
are, to quote LDB, 'ragheads', and thus are unimportant." See --

25) "The maniacal laughter as yet more 'ragheads' (sic) were killed in Palestine."
See --

26) "but they were all 'ragheads' (Copyright (C) 2002 LDB)" Expressly again claiming
the term is MINE... yet it BELONGS only to YOU. See --


>Ayatollah desi

Another choice comment from desi, that I will be reminding him of --

"I would rather see the extinction of the human race, than allow one innocent to
be put to death by the state." See --

Just passing by

Feb 23, 2003, 7:01:01 AM2/23/03
You still don't get it do you, PV? Your days of trying to wriggle away
from proof of your lies with that sort of response are now over. The
answer to anything you ever post attacking others is the first post of
Desmond's in this thread. Nothing else will be needed from now on.

So why is that post, and the lie of yours it proves, any different
from the exposures of any of your previous lies? Let me explain that
in a little detail for you.

You have been lying, almost on a daily basis, for as long as I have
been reading messages in this newsgroup. And many of those lies have
been exposed and proven. But the difference this time is that the
entire case against you can be made and proven with just a single
post. The lie you told about me calling the judge a crook, although
proven beyond question as a lie, would not be as easy to prove to
someone who was new to this group and therefore not yet acquainted
with you and your lies. Even though you have admitted that I never
wrote that, knowing you as I do, I believe you may one day try
withdrawing that admission and claiming to have just remembered once
seeing such an accusation in some distant post of mine that you "can't
seem to locate at the moment". And even the more recent exposure of
your lie about Desmond claiming that Iraq was ruled by "filthy
ragheads" would require asking people to study more than one previous
posting for the full case to be made against you.

But now, with your lie that Desmond's comments were directed at
"anyone" who paid a tribute to MLK, there is no need for
cross-referencing of previous posts or lengthy explanations. That
first post in this thread tells the whole story from beginning to end.
Nobody who is shown, or directed to, that post, is going to believe or
trust you or any claims you make to them about other posters here.

It is not so much the lie itself, but the ease with which it can be
proven to be a lie, that has brought your game to an end.

A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...

Desmond Coughlan

Feb 23, 2003, 12:25:43 PM2/23/03
le 23 Feb 2003 04:01:01 -0800, dans l'article <>, Just passing by <> a dit ...

> You still don't get it do you, PV? Your days of trying to wriggle away
> from proof of your lies with that sort of response are now over. The
> answer to anything you ever post attacking others is the first post of
> Desmond's in this thread. Nothing else will be needed from now on.

And here are my exact words, in response to that MLK 'tribute' (sic), with
the X-No-Archive flag switched off in this post, and the X-Keywords field
filled in, so that it may be found easily ...

'Normally, the whole of news:alt.activism.death-penalty considers you a
perverse joke. In the main, your "purpose" on this newsgroup is to
make us all feel good at being normal, and especially, at not being

_you_. You make us laugh, but unfortunately for you, we don't laugh

{ snip }

Just passing by

Feb 23, 2003, 3:44:47 PM2/23/03
The first posting in this thread created a milestone for this
newsgroup because it provided, for the first time in a single posting,
a complete exposure of the methods regularly used by "A Planet
Visitor" to disseminate lies about other posters. There are many, many
more such examples of PV's lies in the usenet archives, but in most
cases researching them involves cross-referencing numerous different
postings before the full picture emerges.

As Desmond's postings are, by his own choice, not archived, I have
taken the step of reproducing his post here, as its importance is such
that it should be available to anyone wishing to see for themselves
the blatant methods of dishonesty practised by PV, without having to
find their way through the maze of obstacles PV regularly erects to
obscure any such evidence.


A Planet Visitor

Feb 24, 2003, 12:42:17 AM2/24/03
On 23 Feb 2003 04:01:01 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>You still don't get it do you, PV?

Of course I do. You find defending a racist is acceptable, if that
racist happens to be attacking someone who has shattered your
obsessive dream of someday finding a life and children with a
tub of lard.

> Your days of trying to wriggle away
>from proof of your lies with that sort of response are now over. The
>answer to anything you ever post attacking others is the first post of
>Desmond's in this thread. Nothing else will be needed from now on.

You mean you presume his lies offer some proof?

>So why is that post, and the lie of yours it proves, any different
>from the exposures of any of your previous lies? Let me explain that
>in a little detail for you.
>You have been lying, almost on a daily basis, for as long as I have
>been reading messages in this newsgroup. And many of those lies have
>been exposed and proven. But the difference this time is that the
>entire case against you can be made and proven with just a single
>post. The lie you told about me calling the judge a crook, although
>proven beyond question as a lie, would not be as easy to prove to
>someone who was new to this group and therefore not yet acquainted
>with you and your lies. Even though you have admitted that I never
>wrote that, knowing you as I do, I believe you may one day try
>withdrawing that admission and claiming to have just remembered once
>seeing such an accusation in some distant post of mine that you "can't
>seem to locate at the moment". And even the more recent exposure of
>your lie about Desmond claiming that Iraq was ruled by "filthy
>ragheads" would require asking people to study more than one previous
>posting for the full case to be made against you.

Of course desi STATED it. I've never used that racial slur. NEVER!!!
Thus, desi is the liar. Since he presumes to CLAIM I have. Provide
ONE... just ONE instance of me EVER using that racial slur here, as
my own words. JUST ONE.

The _worst_ thing I have ever said about Arabs of any background,
was the day after 9-11, when I had seen Arabs dancing in the street
in jubilation at the murder of 3,000 (at that time the death toll was
expected to be much higher). And I stated that I could never
find the Palestinians REASONABLE. At the same moment... I do not
find the Jews REASONABLE as well, in the conflict in the Middle East.
I have found either side in that conflict to be reasonable. I would find
anyone who presumes either side is reasonable holds a biased view
against the other side. I found the Palestinians especially unreasonable
on that particular occasion. Just as I found the Jews unreasonable in

And I shudder at the thought of using those most VICIOUS, must BRUTAL,
SAVAGE, most SPITEFUL, most UGLY phrases he has offered as
insults of Man against other Man. Those racist words he uses to describe
Blacks. You will NEVER find an instance of those words being used as
my words HERE... or in real life as well. I have taught my children better.
Apparently your parents did not teach you to be as revolted by insults
directed against one's fellow man. I am sorry for your lack of proper

Further... desi referred to me as being homophobic, but HE is the homophobic,
again PROVEN by his words. He has referred to ME as homosexual as
well (apparently he cannot make up his mind, claiming I am BOTH
homosexual and homophobic). And most certainly his homophobia is
clear, since he obviously considered it an insult to call me a homophobic, in
another post, as well. See
While he has called MANY here, homosexuals, presuming it to be a
GREAT INSULT. Further, he LIES. Proof of this is THIS post -- see
This is a FORGERY he created. A LYING... ROTTEN FORGERY...
How much HATE must be inside desi, to stoop to such LIES. Creating
a forgery of another poster, and making it seem as if that poster has
generated a post with pedophile meaning. That's the guy YOU ARE
backing!!! Doesn't that tell you something about YOU???

>But now, with your lie that Desmond's comments were directed at
>"anyone" who paid a tribute to MLK, there is no need for
>cross-referencing of previous posts or lengthy explanations.

Since I was the ONLY ONE. The presumption must be made that
he EXCLUDED no one. His comment was in fact, directed against
100% of ALL posters who generated a thread in tribute to MLK on
that day in this newsgroup. 1 of 1 -- PV == 100%. Check it out --
25 new threads in this group on that day -- ONLY 1 new thread
mentioning MLK. That thread started by ME.

> That
>first post in this thread tells the whole story from beginning to end.
>Nobody who is shown, or directed to, that post, is going to believe or
>trust you or any claims you make to them about other posters here.

What needs to be looked at is not the lies he posted in this thread, but
the TRUTHS that I posted in the thread MLK day -- the truths that
he presumed to insult, which were contained in that post. In fact, he
insulted the very essence of MLK. I certainly didn't.

>It is not so much the lie itself, but the ease with which it can be
>proven to be a lie, that has brought your game to an end.

If you wish to support the words of a racist... that certainly doesn't
bother me. But it should bother you. As Don would say... I'll pray
for you, my son.

>A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...
>> On 22 Feb 2003 10:15:14 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:
>> > (Dolly Coughlan Jr) wrote in message news:<>...
>> >> In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
>> >> <> writes:

<repetitive dialog clipped>

Obviously, you intend to return to slobbering over desi's racist comments.
May God help you. May God help all such as you. May God protect
others FROM you. And may God protect others from others like you.


>> PV

A Planet Visitor

Feb 24, 2003, 1:48:46 AM2/24/03
On 23 Feb 2003 12:44:47 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>The first posting in this thread created a milestone for this
>newsgroup because it provided, for the first time in a single posting,
>a complete exposure of the methods regularly used by "A Planet
>Visitor" to disseminate lies about other posters.

You mean the EXACT QUOTES I provided of desi's racist comments?
Of course! My exposure of his racism was generated by my belief that
racism MUST be exposed. The greatest menace to humanity is an inert
people. We have a RESPONSIBILITY to expose racism. I rose to
that challenge because I felt it was my moral duty to do so. We are
failures if we are not sufficiently impassioned to speak out against
racism. I will not equivocate with racism - I will not excuse racism-
I will not retreat a single inch from exposing racism. To me... morality
is a personal thing. That which we learn in our life and in our experiences.
I have never felt a challenge more satisfying than that I have here and
now... to expose desi as the racist he is. I have never felt more certain
of my doing something worthwhile. Not only in exposing HIM for what
he is...although that gives me a certain satisfaction... but to hopefully
show others what RACISM IS. desi is, in fact, the FUCKING POSTER
BOY for racism. Hiding behind that facade of hypocrisy, that presumes
he can SAY ANYTHING... as long as he can CLAIM someone else
said it. He is WORSE than a racist who comes out and says he is... since
we can KNOW our enemy. But desi is a SNEAKY racist. And he
is SNEAKY in just about every argument and dialog he offers here.

> There are many, many
>more such examples of PV's lies in the usenet archives, but in most
>cases researching them involves cross-referencing numerous different
>postings before the full picture emerges.
>As Desmond's postings are, by his own choice, not archived, I have
>taken the step of reproducing his post here, as its importance is such
>that it should be available to anyone wishing to see for themselves

ROTFLMAO... Seeing as how you respond to DOLLY, when you
think you are responding to desi... it's certainly clear that you have
delusions of adequacy. What you and desi have in common, is
a belief in so much hate...and so little time to spread it.

All desi has shown here, is only more of his hate for someone who would
provide a tribute to MLK. He's an evil little racist swine. A demon wrapped
in the shape of a man. A demon who has suggested that abolitionists TORTURE
and KILL retentionists. A demon who has provided THESE words in the
past, in addition to the evil lies he offered above.


1) "...Americans don't even know how to spell the word, let alone comprehend
the concept"

2) "one can hardly be surprised if all Americans are as stupid as you."

3) "One day you stupid Americans will realize that I have a superiour

4) "Unfortunately, this sort of thinking is at present way beyond the
reasoning power of 99 % of Americans."

5) "Only to idiotic redneck Americans..."

6) "either Americans are stupid, or sadistic bastards."

7) "'spag /spAIG/ adj. & n. sl. "spastic", "stupid person", used to refer to

8) "typical dumbfuck American's ignorance"

9) "idiotic buffoons that are Americans,"

10) "I shall have no choice but to remind the group of the American for 'foreplay'.
A dig in the ribs, and the words, 'You ready ?'"


1) "When we as abolitionists, gaze down into the pit, and see the teeming
mass of deathies. When we shield our noses from the fetid stench of
rotting corpses mixed with the fresh smell of semen. When we look upon
their squat, evil faces, and yellow hate-filled eyes ... we, as dwellers
of the Light, have a moral duty to lift them from their vile, repulsive,
bestial fantasies. We must show them that orgasming over death, is not
the way that they show their humanity.
We are their betters. Unquestionably better. They dwell in the darkness.
We must bring them to the Light."

2) "I engage in 'abuse' of deathies as a matter of course. That's what they're
there for. `echo $DEITY` gave them to us, much as She gave sparrows to
the domestic cat. They're our playthings. They have no relevance in the
real world, except to remind us of the dark side to human nature, that can
exist in all of us. They're like child rapists. Nazis. Torturers of
small animals.
All this pretence of 'let's be civil to one another' is nauseating. How can
you be 'civil' to garbage ?"

3) "The deathies will look upon his departure, wipe the saliva from their chins,
and go back to masturbating over images of the 'gurney' (sic), or the
electric chair. We, the moral masters, the abolitionists, must show them
the huge damage that they have done, by driving out the only reasonable
one in their filthy midst."


1) "It might have flown right over your pointy little
redneck head as said head was bobbing up and down over
Dwight-the-Altar-Boy-From-Tampa's crotch" See

2) "altar-boy shagging Bible-basher" See

3) "altar-boy shagging prick"

4) "a bigoted old altar-boy-shagger"

5) "you altar-boy-molesting dipshit."

6) "Dwight the altar-boy from Wisconsin (or was he from
Tampa ? Can't remember. So many young boys, so
little time, eh, Jed ?) "

7) "Never mind, FuckWit ... you still have kiddie porn to look forward to.


The Italy ski lift aircraft accident --

"Assuming that there were no cablecars or hillsides in the area, that is ... "

The crash of two military aircraft off the coast of California --

"not be a Pacific Ocean, unless you want to get 'lit up' ... right, Jigsaw ??!!"
-------------------- >Two F-18s Crash Off Calif. Coast >--------------------

The Moscow theater terrorist attack --

"... damn, those evil terrorists, when will Bush invade Iraq, and stop 'em, eh ?"

The Moscow McDonald's murders --

"M At least we know that they like good food ... ^M"


1) "Gimmie da money, honkey mothafucka, oh ah toast yo ass !!" See --

2) "'Gimme da dough, mothafucka o ah toast yo ass !!'" Somehow it always ends up to
be a Black in his descriptions of a 'typical' robber. See --

4) "I even 'tweaked' your nose a few days back, by using the word 'jigaboo'" See --

5) "same bestial beating administered to LDB's now almost 'jigaboo' buttocks" See --

6) "Paris is an oasis of safety, be you jigaboo (ho, ho, ho ...) or not."

Apparently finding his use

18) Then, there was his recent remark that making favorable comments about

the past civil rights efforts of Mamie Till Mobley, as her death was reported, here
in this newsgroup was a racist comments posted by a racist. See --

19) And then his hysterical outrage that someone could possibly suggest that

MLK be recognized as having contributed to civil rights on MLK day. See --

20) "the 'onery ragheads' * that are Arabs" In fact, placing that (*) specifically

to state at the bottom, that the 'phrase' was Copyright by ME. Yet only HE

21) "not that Iraq has anything to do with al'Queda either, other than
that it's ruled by 'filthy ragheads'" Again, SPECIFICALLY attributing

it as MY 'philosophy. And this was the one you presumed was a pejorative,
yet he expressly attributed the 'words' to MY' philosophy.' I can thus
presume that YOUR philosophy is that 'Judge Zobel is a crook,' since
that is simply a pejorative... obviously you presume a double-standand. See --

22) "Hey, why bother, right ? They're only ragheads ... 'Arab cunts'" See --

24) "The half-million Iraqi children who have died since the sanctions were imposed,

are, to quote LDB, 'ragheads', and thus are unimportant." Obviously, he CLEARLY
expresses that he is QUOTING me... but it is a LIE. See --

25) "The maniacal laughter as yet more 'ragheads' (sic) were killed in Palestine."
See --

26) "but they were all 'ragheads' (Copyright (C) 2002 LDB)" Expressly again claiming

the term is MINE... yet it BELONGS only to him. See --


Feb 24, 2003, 1:58:09 AM2/24/03

A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message

> On 23 Feb 2003 12:44:47 -0800, (Just passing by)

[snip usual rant]

Froth, froth, froth. Go and enjoy the Florida sunshine PV. Please.

Just passing by

Feb 24, 2003, 9:48:14 AM2/24/03
A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...

< spam clipped >

The proof that PV is a compulsive liar has now been established beyond
question and is available to anyone by simply reading the post

..... and so I have no wish to cover that ground again here. Instead,
perhaps this is a good time to consider the question not of PV's
honesty, but of his sanity. I offer no comment about the following
paragraph PV recently wrote other than that there is no reason to
doubt that he wrote it in all seriousness. On that basis, make up your
own mind about what follows.

"One wonders... if there is a God... why no thunderclaps and
windstorms, no driving pellets of hail and brimstone, and no
upheavals of the earth are brought down on desi? Why doesn't the will
of God descend in virtue to silence his wicked crimes against man and
nature? And why has he found a henchman to play on a satyr flute that
his words are not cancerous and baneful? Plainly, Satan has shown his
malefic form here in _desi the deil_.... and just as plainly JPB has
simply become his emotionally stunted and misshapen, goblin follower.
Frankly, they both demonstrate that evil is a disease of mankind that
will not be easily eradicated." (A Planet Visitor, Feb. 22, 2003)

A Planet Visitor

Feb 24, 2003, 1:08:35 PM2/24/03
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 17:25:43 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le 23 Feb 2003 04:01:01 -0800, dans l'article <>, Just passing by <> a dit ...

>> You still don't get it do you, PV? Your days of trying to wriggle away
>> from proof of your lies with that sort of response are now over. The
>> answer to anything you ever post attacking others is the first post of
>> Desmond's in this thread. Nothing else will be needed from now on.
>And here are my exact words, in response to that MLK 'tribute' (sic),

And here is what I provided which desi does not CONSIDER a tribute,
having, in his own meaning here denounced the WORDS as not being such
a tribute. Which rather demonstrates it is the TRIBUTE ITSELF, he
denounces.. PROVING he is a racist -- My words in the tribute (which
requires no (sic)) --

What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to
EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know
that the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.


What follows now is desi's racist reply to that tribute, providing what is
the greatest insult one can offer to a Black man... that of DISRESPECT...
DISSIN', in the current vernacular, the Black man. desi dissin' the Black
man, and all that MLK stood for -- in words so twisted and obscene they
resemble these rap lyrics which speak to the dissin' that desi provided
toward the Black man -- See
Pay close attention to one phrase in those lyrics --
"Realize there's a killer in your face
Look him in his eyes
Before your body dies"
Look desi in the eyes and see him for the foul, disgusting racist he is.
Before YOUR morality dies, and you routinely ACCEPT that someone can
mouth such racist comments as desi provided in his response to my TRIBUTE.
Because it WAS a TRIBUTE... while desi believes it was not.

Gentle reader --
YOUR OWN morality should be SCREAMING out... in condemnation of
ANYONE who would presume to insult a tribute to MLK, REGARDLESS
of how one feels about me personally. Since _I_ was not the SUBJECT of
that TRIBUTE... Martin Luther King, Jr., WAS. And desi provided his
racist INSULT to that tribute, not to me. Since I did not even speak of ME
in that tribute. desi's comment, in fact, represents his expression of hope that
"the glass of prejudice and hate [will] still be half-full," 34 years from now.
Because he expresses no wish that it be emptied. He expresses only a raging hate
for that tribute to MLK.

What follows is only a small part of desi's insane hatred of the Black, and
the American Black more specifically ---

desi's pathetic attempts at _damage control_, having by his own words proven
he is a racist, will not serve to hide from what has now been proven by each
time he ATTEMPTS such _damage control_. He has been _caught out_, and
like the cornered racist rat he is, is desperately looking for that hole in the
woodwork, that IS NOT THERE. As usual... desi has disgraced this group
with his ignorance, and hypocrisy. Each man's work is a portrait of himself.
desi has painted him as a racist.


>Ayatollah desi |Superlunary and Most Exalted
> |Spiritual Leader of the Universal
> |Right to Life Church. (umm... get
> |away from me -- you filthy black
> |starving child in Africa) 'My church'
> |isn't for you. Am
I obsessed with fighting 'evil'? Damn... I'm 'Superman' when
it comes to fighting desi's 'forces of evil.' References to
a post which insightfully pronounced of desi -- "'Cancerous'
is almost a compliment when one views most of desi's
comments -- other forms spring more easily to mind -- it is
a parasitic diarrhea of the brain... it is crazy chick
disease transferred to our thinking process -- it is a swarm
of latrine flies settling on our ability to process
information --- it is maggots feasting on the bodies of
numberless victims of murder. It is madness. utter madness.
It is Desmond Coughlan." Every evil, vile thought that has
ever swept across this group from desi's pen, as Genghis
Kahn (or Attila the Hun, if you prefer) swept his broad
scythe of rape, death and destruction, in long, broad,
excruciating strokes across the face of humanity, stand as
stark images of his perverse character. And we stand witness
to that depravity.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 24, 2003, 10:30:08 PM2/24/03

Go _froth_ (sic) and enjoy Utopia, sport. Of course, you will never find it.

My posting style employs a very simple process. Developed by Winston
Churchill, and honed over the past almost three years here, of dealing with
hard-headed imbeciles --

If I have an important point to make, I don't try to be subtle or clever. I use a
pile driver. I hit the point once. I then come back and hit it again. I then hit it a
third time - a tremendous whack. That was Churchill's method... but I have
found that even the third time, is often inadequate here.



Mr Q. Z. Diablo

Feb 25, 2003, 12:57:44 AM2/25/03
In article <>, A Planet
Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:58:09 +1000, "Exador" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message
> >
> >> On 23 Feb 2003 12:44:47 -0800, (Just passing
> >> by)
> >wrote:
> >
> >[snip usual rant]
> >
> >Froth, froth, froth. Go and enjoy the Florida sunshine PV. Please.
> >Cheers,
> Go _froth_ (sic) and enjoy Utopia, sport. Of course, you will never find
> it.

Given that Craig lives in Queensland (functionally equivalent to
Florida), perhaps he has found Australia's Utopia...

Wrinklies everywhere, sand, sea, rednecks. Almost identical.

Mr Q. Z. D.
Drinker, systems administrator, wannabe writer, musician and all-round bastard.
"...Base 8 is just like base 10 really... ((o))
If you're missing two fingers." - Tom Lehrer ((O))

A Planet Visitor

Feb 25, 2003, 1:27:42 AM2/25/03
On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 20:14:17 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to witness once more, a
>clear symptom of FuckWit's even deeper descent into pure insanity.

How very articulate you are today, desi.

> I take
>credit for pushing him so far over the edge that he has even given up
>debating, and just makes ever more outlandish claims concerning those who
>thrash him: 'JPB', dirt, Peter, Hugh, and I.

Do I see an attempt to _buy some votes_, desi? Looking around for
some _friends_, sport?

> Very soon, he'll lose the
>plot completely, and start to claim that the five of us are aliens, 'beamed
>down' from the mother ship, and that in fact he and his wife are really
>'real-life' versions of Mulder and Scully, sent to cleanse the world of
>aliens like us. LOL ... poor, FW. Honest, I didn't mean to be so cruel
>to him !!
Ummm... it wasn't me who claimed -- "You (and the others who sought to
force me off the group)"... You are the one so paranoid that you see all
your enemies as FuckWit, FW, fw, Fuckwit, fuckwit... etc. ..etc. In point
of fact, I have over and over claimed that I have no _friends_ here. It's
just a debating forum, desi. You've simply turned it into the evil mechanism
that you wanted to turn it into. You are the worst bane to ever hit this
group, since the departure of joe1orbit.
>{ snip FW trying to gain forgiveness for contributing to MLK's death }
I need no forgiveness... I tried to honor a great man... you stained that
atttempt. You sullied that honor. So it is you who must certainly ask for
forgiveness. From this entire group, and offer an apology to our species
in general... for insulting MLK's works, only a few days ago... and
continuing to do so, in your pathetic denials of having done so.

>> What follows now is desi's racist reply to that tribute, providing what is
>> the greatest insult one can offer to a Black man... that of DISRESPECT...
>> DISSIN', in the current vernacular, the Black man. desi dissin' the Black
>> man, and all that MLK stood for --

>Now, I submit a vote to the group.

LOL. You racist pig. Looking for support for your racism. How disgusting
can your groveling become?

> Read my response to FW's ingratiating
>attempt to attone for the murder of MLK, and all of those who interpret my
>words as an attack on _anyone_, other than on FW, please identify
First... read MY original words which formed that tribute --


"What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to
EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know that
the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.


Then read desi's disgusting destruction of that tribute ===

>Who here seriously considers the above, an attack on the Black man ?

Who would NOT consider the above, an attack on EVERY principle
that Martin Luther King Jr., stood for? You INSULTED that day.
You tried to change it from a day of honor to that man... to DISHONOR
in your insults in respect to that day.

NO ONE ELSE did that, desi. In all other posts... NOT ONE. ONLY YOU.
You DESTROYED the very meaning of the thread "MLK Day." Every single
meaning. I am ashamed FOR YOU.. even if you are not ashamed for
yourself. The ONLY post generated in this group, that day to that great
man... and you SOILED it with your insipid, and horrific insults.

> All of news:alt.activism.death-penalty is invited to answer. I don't for a
>second expect Jigsaw, Drewl (and his personae), or any of the other idiots
>for whom 'getting one over on desi [sic]' is all that matters, to answer.

ROTFLMAO. Yeah... let's not permit any votes from those you KNOW
would confirm you are a racist. Have you ever considered becoming a
dictator? Oh, yeah... that's right.. you've called this "my newsgroup." You
already presume you ARE the dictator. See --

>However, to all of those (on both sides of the debate) who stand silently
>by whilst FW accuses everyone around him and who best him, of being guilty
>of all of the sins of the world. You dress your sycophancy in the guise of
>not wanting to 'get involved'. Well you are involved.
Yes... EVERYONE IS INVOLVED. EVERYONE who stands by and
permits you to INSULT that day... that man... that principle. All because
of your petty hatred for ME. You're a very sick man, desi. And as I've
pointed out... you have this inability to recognize yourself in the mirror. But
others certainly have. No other abolitionist here, has been so condemned by
so many other reasonable abolitionists. ONLY YOU.

>This is your chance to redeem yourselves. This is your chance to show the
>newsgroup that you have backbone.

TRANSLATION -- "Please agree with my racist comments. PLEASE....
Come help me and agree that racist slogans I use, such as below, are quite
acceptable, even though it is understood the slurs are meant to DEMEAN
certain races. PLEASE help me foster racism. PLEASE permit me to keep
using them as often as I feel like doing so. Please.... please.... pretty please....
I implore you to SUPPORT MY RACISM. Please cave in to my petty
appeals to descend to the same level of ignorance that I find myself at...

1) "Gimmie da money, honkey mothafucka, oh ah toast yo ass !!" See --

2) "'Gimme da dough, mothafucka o ah toast yo ass !!'" Somehow it always ends up to

be a Black in your descriptions of a 'typical' robber. See --

18) Then, there was your recent remark that making favorable comments about

the past civil rights efforts of Mamie Till Mobley, as her death was reported, here
in this newsgroup was a racist comments posted by a racist. See --

19) And then your hysterical outrage that someone could possibly suggest that

MLK be recognized as having contributed to civil rights on MLK day. See --

20) "the 'onery ragheads' * that are Arabs" See --

21) "not that Iraq has anything to do with al'Queda either, other than

that it's ruled by 'filthy ragheads'" See --

22) "Hey, why bother, right ? They're only ragheads ... 'Arab cunts'" See --

24) "The half-million Iraqi children who have died since the sanctions were imposed,

are, to quote LDB, 'ragheads', and thus are unimportant." See --

25) "The maniacal laughter as yet more 'ragheads' (sic) were killed in Palestine."
See --

26) "but they were all 'ragheads' (Copyright (C) 2002 LDB)" See --

27) And then we have desi's most recent racist comment, where he again FORGED a
racist slur it into the post of Don Kool. See
This rather demonstrates EXACTLY why he does not archive his posts. Since it permits
him to get away with things such as this, to the unsuspecting eye.

28) Someone else posted --"'Police said that the alleged killer bragged at a local
bar that he was going to "kill the ragheads responsible for 11 September".'
And desi remarked -- "LDB gets around, doesn't he ..?"
Accusing me of not only being a racist, but of being a murderer. See --

> So far, only dirt and 'JPB' have
>bothered to stand up and ridicule FW when he called me a racist, based on
>words that were designed to call _him_ a racist.

Geee... I _wonder_ why??? Funny how you place so much stock in them,
and at the beginning said you didn't even want "Jigsaw, Drewl (and his
personae), or any of the other idiots for whom 'getting one over on desi
[sic]' is all that matters, to answer." Jigsaw has already recognized you
are a racist, and Don Kool is simply another racist (albeit not nearly as
destructive a racist as you are). The others have certainly noticed your
racism. You would hope to turn this into an abolitionist v. retentionist
duel... or a European v. American duel, presuming to gain support from
abolitionists and Europeans But if they have a grain of sense, they will realize
that it has NOTHING to do with the DP. It is a racist v. non-racist duel.
And YOU are the racist. Since I certainly am not. In fact, Mr. D. has
referred to me as "ultra-PC" in respect to racism... and I take PRIDE in
him having said that. See --
And I take equal pride in him having said to me -- "I'm much more comfortable with
your being perhaps overly sensitive to "racist" language than I would be if you let
such words pass without comment." See -

> Whatever your 'vote', be
>it for me or against me, I accept it. But either stand up now and be
>counted, or at least have the decency to leave the newsgroup, for you are
>nothing but pawns of a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all those with
>whom he cannot debate.
The one who should LEAVE is YOU, desi. I have demonized you because
YOU ARE A DEMON... plain and simple. Repeating --

It appears you have descended into dementia. Have I so upset you, desi?
Has the fact I've proven you are a racist, and you cannot even hide behind
your posts not being archived, caused you to lose your grip on reality? I
can say quite honestly that there was a time when I made a ceaseless effort
not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn your comments, but to understand
them, and what base emotions drive those comments. And try to deal with
them in the methodical manner that most comments deserve. That time has
long past. You are an object of scorn... of ridicule... of racism run rampant ...
of the oft-displayed ignorance of man. You are a worthless piece of trash... a
bigot... a carrier of the worst malady that can possibly afflict this group... a
cancerous sore ... the bubonic plague... Arachnoiditis ... Carticobasal
degeneration... hydrophobia...Dandy-Walker syndrome... you are the worst
possible human affliction we can imagine... visited upon THIS GROUP. You
should LEAVE... and do so IMMEDIATELY. This group is not for
_your kind_.

>This is your chance.
Yes... it is.

>{ snip remainder of utter idiocy, as FW realises that his 'goose is cooked'
> on news:alt.activism.death-penalty, and goes into 'I'm taking as many of
> them with me as I can!' mode, attributing not only false 'quotes' (sic) to
> me, but even attributing sentiments which appear _nowhere_ in my words }
Are you now DENYING those words in the 28 quotes above? This I would
REALLY enjoy seeing you claim. Since EVERYONE knows that the racist
slurs you sling about with abandon in those 28 EXACT quotes above... WERE

>LOL .....
Not very believable, desi... rather weak, in fact.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 25, 2003, 2:33:30 AM2/25/03
On 24 Feb 2003 06:48:14 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...
>< spam clipped >
>The proof that PV is a compulsive liar has now been established beyond
>question and is available to anyone by simply reading the post

In fact the post you offer above was quite eloquently DESTROYED, piece by racist
piece in my devastating rebuttal, found at --

> ..... and so I have no wish to cover that ground again here. Instead,
>perhaps this is a good time to consider the question not of PV's
>honesty, but of his sanity. I offer no comment about the following
>paragraph PV recently wrote other than that there is no reason to
>doubt that he wrote it in all seriousness. On that basis, make up your
>own mind about what follows.

Oh.. I wrote it in seriousness. RACISM is a SERIOUS subject.
There is no JOKE to be found in racism. No IRONY to presume
one can excuse it. No FALSE claim that another is a racist to
JUSTIFY it. You seem to think that both it and murder are
TRIVIAL. Let me disabuse you from that view. They are NEVER
TRIVIAL. They are the destructive forces that men often unleash
upon other men. And in ALL cases... they are EVIL. And it is
EVIL to try to justify them being racist.

>"One wonders... if there is a God... why no thunderclaps and
>windstorms, no driving pellets of hail and brimstone, and no
>upheavals of the earth are brought down on desi? Why doesn't the will
>of God descend in virtue to silence his wicked crimes against man and
>nature? And why has he found a henchman to play on a satyr flute that
>his words are not cancerous and baneful? Plainly, Satan has shown his
>malefic form here in _desi the deil_.... and just as plainly JPB has
>simply become his emotionally stunted and misshapen, goblin follower.
>Frankly, they both demonstrate that evil is a disease of mankind that
>will not be easily eradicated." (A Planet Visitor, Feb. 22, 2003)

A question that should hang on everyone's mind if they presume there
is a creator. I find desi's comment as PROOF that a creator is uncaring
about what we do in our temporal existence. We are creatures of FREE
WILL. But WE WILL BE JUDGED for the acts we commit using
that free will. Desi can get away with his racism here. There will be NO
thunderclaps... no windstorms .. no driving pellets of hail and brimstone...
no upheavals of the earth. But he WILL be judged. You can take that
to the bank.

But here, in this existence, we have a responsibility to OUR OWN
MORALITY, whatever we find that morality to be. To decide whether
acts we do, and acts others do meet OUR moral code. Ranging
from murder, to rape, to racism, to spanking our children, to spitting on the
sidewalk. I find desi does not meet mine, not only in respect to his blatant
racism. And I will tell ANYONE that I find that to be my view. While, it
is totally immaterial to me, what others find him to be because they have
THEIR OWN moral code. Now, he may meet YOUR moral code... but
that's YOUR MORALITY... not mine.


Rev. Don Kool

Feb 25, 2003, 8:50:46 AM2/25/03

Desi Coughlan replied to himself:
> Desi Coughlan <> wrote ...
> { snip _FW_ getting _thrashed_ to _within_ an _inch_ of his _ignorant_,
> serial _underlining_ life }
>> 'He was NOT [sic] claiming that "philosophy" as HIS [sic] OWN [sic]...
>> He was claiming it was mine.'=20
>> (url:
> That URL didn't wrap properly. Here it is correctly rendered ...
> url:

Perhaps you should have a systems administrator explain posting to you,
my incompetent young friend.

Hope this helps,

*************************** Q: How many frenchmen does it take
* Rev. Don McDonald, SCNA * to defend Paris?
* Baltimore, MD * A: No one knows, it's never been tried.
Reluctant Yamaha YZF-R1 Owner

Rev. Don Kool

Feb 25, 2003, 9:16:43 AM2/25/03

Desi "RZ-1 wannabe" Coughlan wrote:
> Rev. Don "RZ-1 Owner" Kool wrote ...
>>Desi "Heil Hitler" Coughlan lamely repplied to himself
>>>Desi "How do I cancel an article" Coughlan <> got thrashed by PV ...

[...Desi's off-topic screw-up snipped...]

>>>That URL didn't wrap properly. Here it is correctly rendered ...
>> Perhaps you should have a systems administrator explain posting to you,
>>my incompetent young friend.

> As you know nothing about systems administration (or motorcycles, or
> theology [2], or honour, or law, or ...), the above comment is laughable.
> Why not remind us all of how you think that the crucifixion took place in
> 'Ancient Rome' [2] ... or how about how you 'founded' news:comp.unix.admin
> ... or about the '-c' switch in tar ... or about how a VMAX can do 0-60 in
> 2.5 seconds (*ROFL!!*) ..?
> Donnie Scooter-Boy [1] McDonald ... qualified to comment on prison food in
> the state of Maryland, and on whether blue or black printer ribbon lasts
> longer ... and nothing else. ROTFLMAO !!!!

All those off-topic words and not a single fact. At least YFD is
consistent in his jealousy of all things kool. ROTFLOLASTD!!!!!!

Happy to have cleared things up for you,

A Planet Visitor

Feb 26, 2003, 3:05:44 AM2/26/03
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:18:57 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le Tue, 25 Feb 2003 06:27:42 GMT, dans l'article <>, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...

>>>Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to witness once more, a
>>>clear symptom of FuckWit's even deeper descent into pure insanity.
>> How very articulate you are today, desi.

>Yep, bereft of anything intelligent to say, FW 'hunkers down' and shows why
>he's regarded as the poster with a 'social maturity of a twelve year old'.
As I've said -- when you begin with "Fuckwit," we know that what follows
will simply be more fatuous hubris.

>>>I take credit for pushing him so far over the edge that he has even given
>>>up debating, and just makes ever more outlandish claims concerning those
>>>who thrash him: 'JPB', dirt, Peter, Hugh, and I.
>> Do I see an attempt to _buy some votes_, desi? Looking around for some
>> _friends_, sport?

>Not at all, FuckWit; you _see_ someone _laughing_ at your _inability_ to
>_use_ underlining _correctly_, among _other_ things.
Come on, desi... once again... you've been 'outted,' simply by the way you
changed the subject here. You're most certainly PLEADING for votes.
As if it would matter... since racism... is racism... is racism.

Fantastic riposte, desi... simply brilliant.

>>>Very soon, he'll lose the plot completely, and start to claim that the
>>>five of us are aliens, 'beamed down' from the mother ship, and that in
>>>fact he and his wife are really 'real-life' versions of Mulder and
>>>Scully, sent to cleanse the world of aliens like us. LOL ... poor, FW.
>>>Honest, I didn't mean to be so cruel to him !!
>> Ummm... it wasn't me who claimed -- "You (and the others who sought to
>> force me off the group)"... You are the one so paranoid that you see all
>> your enemies as FuckWit, FW, fw, Fuckwit, fuckwit... etc. ..etc.
In point of fact, I have over and over claimed that I have no _friends_ here. It's
just a debating forum, desi. You've simply turned it into the evil mechanism
that you wanted to turn it into. You are the worst bane to ever hit this
group, since the departure of joe1orbit.

>That's the spirit, FuckWit ! You're still not sure how to use English
>properly, so you _hedge your bets_ and _use_ all _variations_ of _your_
>name ... _L_MA_O_ !!!
That's what YOU'VE been doing, bubblebrain. I note that you clipped the
part claiming I'M trying to gain forgiveness YET YOU had changed the
subject line in asking for it from the group -- As for me --

I need no forgiveness... I tried to honor a great man... you stained that

attempt. You sullied that honor. So it is you who must certainly ask for

forgiveness. From this entire group, and offer an apology to our species
in general... for insulting MLK's works, only a few days ago... and
continuing to do so, in your pathetic denials of having done so.

>{ snip }

>>>Now, I submit a vote to the group.
>> LOL. You racist pig. Looking for support for your racism. How disgusting
>> can your groveling become?

>Squeal, squeal goes FW.

Yes... the racist pig now admits he sends me a "squeal, squeal." How typical.

> There's only _one_ thing _more_ amusing than
>_watching_ you _squeal_, FW, and that's _watching_ you 'DENY' (sic) that
>I'm _getting_ to you.
You cannot get to me, by presuming you have insulted ME... when you most
certainly are asking for forgiveness from the group for YOUR words. As I've said
This is one time I have not even presumed to ask you to apologize to
me. You owe ME no apology. You owe it to this group and our
species. I would not want you to apologize to me. You cannot
injure ME, by posting a racist comment. It is impossible for you to do
so... thus you certainly cannot apologize for NOT injuring me. Were
I even to accept any apology you might offer to me, it would be accepting

My sole purpose since your disgusting, and evil remark to my tribute,
has been to EXPOSE you, not to seek an apology from you to me.
Nor could I ever accept an apology from you... since it has no meaning,
as you did not insult me. You CANNOT insult me, if I provide a tribute
to MLK. You can only insult the man, the works and the memory of
MLK. Were you to offer an apology to me, and were I to accept, I
would become a PARTY to your racism. Accepting that you can
make such a malefic, wicked malodorous racist comment, and BE
EXCUSED by ME for doing so. It is not within my power to excuse you.
That excuse belongs to a higher power than me. And it will take more
than a few pithy words from you to make that apology. It will take a
life-long commitment to a new found integrity. If you have the inner
strength to assume such a challenge. Which I seriously doubt that you
>{ snip }

>> First... read MY original words which formed that

>disgusting attempt to ingratiate yourself on the group, when your ...
>sorry, 'YOUR' (sic) kind was responsible for the brutal slaying of Martin
>Luther King.
No... YOUR kind... the words you offered to slap down that tribute...
are what was responsible for his brutal slaying. The white hood you
put on -- that symbol of the KKK... to "break some eggs" in your
disgusting insult to that tribute... is what created that brutal slaying.
And what is even MORE hateful and despicable of you... is that you
CONTINUE even onto today, to PERPETUATE that hate. You
HATED that I offered that tribute... and you HATE that you now
need to grovel in front of the group, and ask their forgiveness... while
EVERYONE here, knows that you will fall back into your racist
ways, the instant the opportunity to do so returns. But I will be
WATCHING! Right now... you are scrambling DESPERATELY
to regain some tiny bit of credibility here... having had ANY
perception that you are not a racist... TOTALLY destroyed. As
you fell on your own sword. Rather than having kept silent about
a tribute to that great civil rights leader. You always provide those
comments presuming I am claiming victory... but the fact is you
do it to YOURSELF.

>{ snip my noble, dignified slapping down of AADP's Racist-in-Chief }
It wasn't ME who attempted a destruction of a tribute to MLK. I
was the CREATOR... To paraphrase the took it upon
yourself to say -- "Now I am become RACISM...the destroyer of worlds."
Your hate for MLK stank up this entire group. The foul odor of
your racism, cast a gloom on this group that will take some time to

>>>Who here seriously considers the above, an attack on the Black man ?
>> Who would NOT consider the above, an attack on EVERY principle
>> that Martin Luther King Jr., stood for?

>In general, FuckWit, when people don't answer you, it's either because they
>can't be bothered, or because you're an embarrassment to their cause.

Yet... YOU took that _special effort_ to try and DESTROY that tribute.
You insulted EVERYTHING he stood for... Unlike you.. I do not suck
up looking for _friends_ here. You constantly suck up to others, and
in this particular instance, hope that they SUPPORT your racism.

> In
>your case, it's because they're afraid that they'll 'bust' (sic) a gut
>laughing at your attempts to demonise those who outclass you
>intellectually, and morally.
That can hardly be YOU, sport. Your ignorance has become a legend
here. I could repeat all the insults that have been heaped upon you even by
reasonable abolitionists. You know it... I know it... every regular poster
here knows it. So I'll simply do the unusual for me... and save some bandwidth.

>Read the facts again, FW ... _no one is reading your posts_. LOL !! Which
>is _exactly_ ... sorry, 'EXACTLY' (sic ... LOL !!) what I set out to
>achieve. I answer one in five of your posts, you answer 98% of mine.
>Remind us again of who's the 'puppet', FW ... ho, ho, ho ...
I would be derelict in my own morality, were I not to respond to most of
your posts. Since they represent some of the most immoral concepts I can
imagine. And certainly your insult to MLK takes the absolute cake.
NOTHING has ever approached that from you here. I cannot imagine a
greater insult to Man, than the insult you provided in that particular instance.

>{ snip more hysteria }

>> NO ONE ELSE did that, desi. In all other posts... NOT ONE. ONLY YOU.
>> You DESTROYED the very meaning of the thread "MLK Day."

>Oh I certainly destroyed _your_ ... sorry, 'YOUR' (sic) meaning of the

Yes... you certainly did.... Looking at my very first words in that tribute --

"What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'"

What do you think he would say about YOUR words? Was he
into such insults? Even to those who would hold him down... He
was the symbol of passive protest.

> which was to attempt to appear as anything other than the racist
>you are.

Actually, you PROVED yourself to be what you would accuse me of.
It is WORDS that matter, desi. My words formed a tribute. YOUR words
tried to tear it down.

> Other than the man who thinks that all Germans are 'thick cunts',

Why is it that you ALWAYS need to lie to presume you can make a
case? You know, as you put these words here... that you are lying.
So what kind of light does that place your other argument in? You
are the consummate liar, desi. Every argument you have EVENTUALLY
deteriorates into you providing a LIE.

>and who will never again trust a 'thieving Palestinian rag-head'.

Why is it that you ALWAYS need to lie to presume you can make a
case? You know, as you put these words here... that you are lying.
So what kind of light does that place your other argument in? You
are the consummate liar, desi. Every argument you have EVENTUALLY
deteriorates into you providing a LIE.

> Your
>words, FW ... your sentiments.

Not a chance.. It they WERE, you would not miss the opportunity to
provide the URL where I had written them. While _I_ can provide
a great number of EXACT quotes of your words... but I'm in a bandwidth
saving mode right now. And everyone KNOWS the kind of evil you
often post here.

> So I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a
>cynical attempt to clean up your image. Oh boy, does it need to be
>cleaned up.
So you ADMIT that your purpose was to DESTROY MY MEANING!! Once
again... desi falls on his sword. Since it is clear my MEANING was to provide a
tribute to MLK.

>{ snip reposted spam list }

> 'He was NOT [sic] claiming that "philosophy" as HIS [sic] OWN [sic]...
> He was claiming it was mine.'=20
> (url:

If you were a murderer... you could CLAIM that someone else was a murderer until
the cows came home... and it would make you no less of a murderer. You CLAIMING
that someone else is a racist, does not excuse YOUR racist words.

>No more needs to be said. LOL ... and FW hits the roog _again_ ... oops,
>sorry ... 'AGAIN' (sic) ... ha, ha, ha .......
What is a "roog"??

But, I believe we have now seen one of the more pathetic excuses ever offered as
a presumed defense for a prior comment. You most certainly have PROVEN
yourself to be a racist, desi... nor all your pathetic 'ha, ha, ha's, nor all your
piety nor wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out
a word of it. [1]

[1] Omar Khayyam.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 26, 2003, 3:20:16 AM2/26/03
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:23:54 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:18:57 +0000, dans l'article <>, Desmond Coughlan <> a dit ...

>{ snip _FW_ getting _thrashed_ to _within_ an _inch_ of his _ignorant_,
> serial _underlining_ life }

LOL... As I've pointed out... when you clip and use <snip _FW_> or derivations
thereof, as the first two words in your post... we can generally say -- Sorry,
desi... but the shear ignorance of the start has assured me that nothing of any value
whatsoever will follow.

>> 'He was NOT [sic] claiming that "philosophy" as HIS [sic] OWN [sic]...
>> He was claiming it was mine.'=20
>> (url:

>That URL didn't wrap properly. Here it is correctly rendered ...

As I've pointed out, AADP's resident racist... the fact that someone CLAIMS they
are not a murderer, does not make them not a murderer, if in fact they have murdered.
You provided racist comments... the fact you CLAIM they are not your comments...
does not make you not a racist. They are YOUR words... and you are a racist.
And it's become rather tedious to keep pointing it out. And your denials are only
seen as DESPERATION, more than anything else.


Feb 27, 2003, 12:00:17 AM2/27/03
Where did Joe go? Is he really in jail?
A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...

A Planet Visitor

Feb 27, 2003, 12:31:18 AM2/27/03
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 14:37:44 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le Wed, 26 Feb 2003 08:20:16 GMT, dans l'article <>, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...

>>>{ snip _FW_ getting _thrashed_ to _within_ an _inch_ of his _ignorant_,
>>> serial _underlining_ life }
>> LOL... As I've pointed out... when you clip and use <snip _FW_> or derivations
>> thereof, as the first two words in your post... we can generally say -- Sorry,
>> desi... but the shear ignorance of the start has assured me that nothing of any value
>> whatsoever will follow.

>LOL ... that's a keeper !! FuckWit talks of 'shear [sic] ignorance' !!
>Quick, FW ... claim that as 'shear' is in _The OED_, you used it
>correctly ! Or invoke gimmick n° 152 ...
Should be _sheer_. Of course ...The _sheer_ pedantry of your comment has
now come forth. Since it is trivial, compared to FIFTEEN times of THIS from you --
"occurence" (sic) ROTFLMAO. What was the name of that _university_ (sic)
that you attended? Your learning curve is a flat-line.

"This is the first time that I have personally noted such an occurence"
"Checking my archive for any occurence of the thread"
"This isn't an uncommon occurence"
"is becoming such a common occurence"
"loudest, fruitiest occurences of 'whump-squeal"
"a lot of those occurences"
"of those 69 occurences"
(2 times in the same post)
"problems are a daily occurence"
"as regular an occurence" - Falsely creating an image of another poster.
"this is still a rare occurence in Europe"
"When you state that every occurence of a certain phrase,"
"because when I search for every occurence of"
"murder is thankfully, still a rare occurence"
"but it's a rare occurence when the French eat them."
"most of those 69 occurences"
"that there are regular occurences here"


Famous quotes from abolitionists regarding desi's posts ---
"you are succeeding only in making the abolitionist side look stupid."

>{ snip }
>Ho, ho, ho ...

I believe it was Cerberus... who pointed out that you sound like Santa Claus.
I believe I stopped using those ho ho ho about that time. But there is no
question that you have been bitch slapped... bitch slapped... bitch slapped...
up and down this group.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 27, 2003, 4:16:29 PM2/27/03
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 05:51:00 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le Thu, 27 Feb 2003 05:31:18 GMT, dans l'article <>, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...

>>>> LOL... As I've pointed out... when you clip and use <snip _FW_> or
>>>> derivations thereof, as the first two words in your post... we can
>>>> generally say -- Sorry, desi... but the shear ignorance of the start
>>>> has assured me that nothing of any value whatsoever will follow.
>>>LOL ... that's a keeper !! FuckWit talks of 'shear [sic] ignorance' !!
>>>Quick, FW ... claim that as 'shear' is in _The OED_, you used it
>>>correctly ! Or invoke gimmick n° 152 ...
>> Should be _sheer_.

>No, really ? Why, thanks, FW ...

>> Of course ...The _sheer_ pedantry of your comment has

>Oh look ... gimmick n° 152 ...
>{ snip multiple invocations of gimmick n° 86 ... url: }

>> I believe it was Cerberus... who pointed out that you sound like Santa Claus.

>That would be another lie. In fact it was kwag who replied to dirt ...
You fruitcake... I did not say "IT WAS." I voiced an opinion, which I did not
believe required research. It is the words that I remembered, more than WHO
posted them. And it seemed like something Cerberus WOULD have come up with.

> 'I love your demented Santa impression.'
> (url:

>> I believe I stopped using those ho ho ho about that time.

>What a pity that you seem unable to stop posting utter cack. So much
>bandwidth would be saved ...
I am certain that you WISH you had not provided the utter cack that you
did in insulting the MEANING of my tribute to MLK.

>> But there is no question that you have been bitch slapped... bitch
>> slapped... bitch slapped... up and down this group.

>Ah, a classic invocation of gimmick n° 135 ...
ROTFLMAO... Nothing could more prove how pathetically desperate you have become,
than your _search for friends_ to get you through this racist crisis you've placed
yourself in.

First, there was your pathetic appeal for _HELP_... hoping to cage votes and
support for your racism in these words of yours to the group --


"This is your chance to redeem yourselves."

TRANSLATION -- "You've all been 'bad boys,' but NOW I need HELP desperately."

Continuing your words --

"This is your chance to show the newsgroup that you have backbone."

TRANSLATION -- "If you don't vote for me -- you have no backbone! It is
now my intention to use _desi-intimidation_ until you accept my racism."

Continuing your words --

"So far, only dirt and 'JPB' have bothered to stand up and ridicule FW when he
called me a racist, based on words that were designed to call _him_ a racist."

TRANSLATION -- "dirt and JPB have proved themselves to be quite
morally pliable... so won't YOU... PLEASE ... PRETTY PLEASE... join my two
feckless minions... my evil entourage of fulsome evil little goblins... my two
cackling gnome-like demons... in servile allegiance to my evil task of destroying
the MEANING of the tribute to MLK that PV provided. Join me, and don
the white peaked hood of the KKK, to brutalize and burn down the
MEANING of such a tribute. Plant with me this flaming cross in the heart of
HIS MEANING!!! When I posted my words to PV, of 'So I destroyed _your_
meaning,' grasp those words as the anthem of those such as us, the dwellers
in darkness, who would DESTROY the MEANING, contained in his words."

Continuing your words --

"Whatever your 'vote', be it for me or against me, I accept it. But either stand up
now and be counted, or at least have the decency to leave the newsgroup, for
you are nothing but pawns of a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all those with
whom he cannot debate."

TRANSLATION -- "I have told you before.. those 'others' are only out to _get me_.
Remember that I have warned you before of 'the others who sought to force me off the
group.' Do not let them silence my racist voice. VOTE FOR ME. Or my use of
intimidation tactics should make you leave this group. Remember that WE are the
cats... and THEY are the sparrows."
Second, there was your pathetic appeal to _search for my words_, so you can place
them in a vault, in which I cannot respond. Another PATHETIC PLEA from you to
_PLEASE HELP ME_, people!! _Join my monstrous cause to "DESTROY" the
"MEANING" of PV's words_ Your words --

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce the 'completion' of the
FuckWit Patented Gimmick repository (known as 'the suppository',
Should anyone identify a gimmick, and wish to have it included in the page,
just drop a line to the Official FW 'gimmickmaster.'
Thank you."

Please consider me _your friend_ and join my _help a racist today_ crusade, by
trying to discredit those who would research and report on my racism. I desperately
need to find SOME WAY to discredit him... because presently he's _chewing me up...
and spitting me out_"

Third, then we have your pathetic APOLOGY to the group for uttering such
racist slurs... Your words --

"I apologise to the group for my strong language."

No translation of THAT is necessary. You are retreating like the wounded cur of
a racist that you are. Presuming that an APOLOGY for uttering racist words, can
ERASE those words... when Horace has already recognized thousands of years
before that -- ""A word, once let out of the cage, cannot be whistled back again."

Gentle reader --

What HAS jumped out at me, immediately... is the rage. The almost frightening
rage... Expressed by desi toward a comment meant as a tribute to MLK. There is no
question his comment contained rage toward Blacks... Not a bit different than his
often repeated comments which express rage toward retentionists. But the reasoning
mind needs to recognize that he ADMITTED that his effort was to DESTROY MY
MEANING... DESTROY MY WORDS. Since he cannot destroy ME. Nor harm me.
Nor conquer me. Nor can his words ever conquer the human spirit that MUST someday
conquer the racism desi often demonstrates, or else MLK will have died in vain. And
reasoning humans CANNOT permit that to happen. desi's words in response to the
MEANING of my original tribute, are part and parcel of WHY the glass of racism is
still half-full. And it is the poisonous nectar that desi find joy in pouring onto
this group.

Whether anyone agrees with my observation, or if the entire group _VOTES_ for
desi... the fact remains... he has expressed his purpose in responding to my original
tribute in the EXACT words of "So I destroyed _your_ meaning." This is not a case
of voting for desi or PV. It is a case of voting _FOR racism_... or voting _AGAINST
racism_. He has ADMITTED as much. With his own words of "So I destroyed _your_
meaning." Of course... IMHO.


>Ayatollah desi

Words of wisdom from another reasonable abolitionist to you on another day --

"You do more to further the retentionist cause than any retentionist poster which is
why PV and Jiggy are so pleased to have you back with us" See -
How very true.

Just passing by

Feb 27, 2003, 4:32:55 PM2/27/03
PV has been caught out lying again, and this time in one of the most
blatant attempts ever seen to deliberately misrepresent what somebody
has written. Read the following extract from his latest post in this
thread, and then look at how he has tried to develop this latest
"opportunity" in a separate thread, including deliberately rewriting
Desmond's sentence by making a very subtle change to the punctuation,
which completely alters the whole sentence he claimed to be directly

A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:18:57 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>
> wrote:

> > So I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a
> >cynical attempt to clean up your image. Oh boy, does it need to be
> >cleaned up.
> >
> So you ADMIT that your purpose was to DESTROY MY MEANING!! Once
> again... desi falls on his sword. Since it is clear my MEANING was to provide a
> tribute to MLK.

Here we see PV again attempting to use his now well known and
thoroughly disgraced tactic of deliberately trying to change the
meaning of somebody's words. What was significant about that sentence
of Desmond's, was that he emphasised the word "your" to make clear
that he had not destroyed *the* meaning behind MLK tributes in
general, but only the one he interprets as having been an attempt by
PV to repair his own image, as he makes clear in the second part of
the sentence (and the full significance of that vitally important
second part, and what PV tried to do to it, will become clear

But PV, being the compulsive liar he is, couldn't resist the
temptation of yet again distorting somebody's words to make them
appear to be saying something entirely different. And as I will show
towards the end of this post, this time he has added something very
small but very significant to Desmond's sentence to deliberately
change it. I believe this one is an even bigger exposure of PV's
dishonesty than his "anyone" lie that recently buried him.

After posting that message in this thread, PV moved to the "Father
murderers" thread, and, in a reply to me, continued referring to this
sentence of Desmond's. Here are some examples:

> LOL... since _I_ offered the tribute... and desi INSULTED that tribute,
> admitting he intended to destroy my meaning,

Again from that same post:

> Those were the words that he would DESTROY THE MEANING of.
> In his ADMITTED purpose.

And now the big one, where PV claimed to be providing the direct

> No... he has ADMITTED his TARGET was MY MEANING. Try to
> keep that straight.
> 1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning."

And this time we see a deliberate misquote. Where did that full stop
(period) come from? That was not in Desmond's sentence that PV was
claiming to be directly quoting there. Here is Desmond's sentence

"So I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a cynical attempt to clean
up your image."

PV has removed a comma and replaced it with a full stop to
deliberately make it look as if the sentence ended at the word
"meaning". He has then deliberately removed the second part of that
sentence because that second part is what would completely destroy the
illusion he was trying to create.

Will PV ever learn that he simply isn't going to get away with this
any more? I find it astonishing that he should try using this very
trick, that I have been exposing day after day, to try fooling me of
all people. This is damning proof of the desperate levels PV will
descend to in order to deceive people. That man must never be trusted
or believed in anything he ever posts here again.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 28, 2003, 2:26:51 AM2/28/03
On 27 Feb 2003 13:32:55 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>PV has been caught out lying again, and this time in one of the most
>blatant attempts ever seen to deliberately misrepresent what somebody
>has written.

Actually it was an EXACT quote of his words.

> Read the following extract from his latest post in this
>thread, and then look at how he has tried to develop this latest
>"opportunity" in a separate thread, including deliberately rewriting
>Desmond's sentence by making a very subtle change to the punctuation,
>which completely alters the whole sentence he claimed to be directly

Hey... as I've pointed out before DESI is his own worst enemy.

>A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...
>> On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:18:57 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>
>> wrote:
>> > So I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a
>> >cynical attempt to clean up your image. Oh boy, does it need to be
>> >cleaned up.
>> >
>> So you ADMIT that your purpose was to DESTROY MY MEANING!! Once
>> again... desi falls on his sword. Since it is clear my MEANING was to provide a
>> tribute to MLK.
>Here we see PV again attempting to use his now well known and
>thoroughly disgraced tactic of deliberately trying to change the
>meaning of somebody's words.

Absolutely NOT... his words MEANT that he had ACHIEVED what he
set out to do... DESTROY MY MEANING. What he may presume my
motives were, is totally irrelevant to what he STATES he achieved. He
did not destroy ME... he DESTROYED my meaning... my words, which
he presumes were MOTIVATED by something. But what he ADMITS
is that he DESTROYED MY MEANING... and THIS was my meaning --

What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to

EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know that
the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.

Not one word added or subtracted. MY MEANING. Now he may
attack ME... all he wishes. BUT his stated PURPOSE
has now been revealed. It was to DESTROY MY MEANING.

> What was significant about that sentence
>of Desmond's, was that he emphasised the word "your" to make clear
>that he had not destroyed *the* meaning behind MLK tributes in
>general, but only the one he interprets as having been an attempt by
>PV to repair his own image, as he makes clear in the second part of
>the sentence (and the full significance of that vitally important
>second part, and what PV tried to do to it, will become clear

What a crock of pitiful excuses. MY MEANING is contained in the
words. Without having provided those words... there would not have
BEEN a tribute. My words are ALL that have meaning. HE ADMITS
he DESTROYED those words -- their MEANING.

>But PV, being the compulsive liar he is, couldn't resist the
>temptation of yet again distorting somebody's words to make them
>appear to be saying something entirely different.

Actually, a DISTORTION, would be as desi has done, by CHANGING
a quote of mine which used the word "guilty," into CLAIMING it WAS
"convicted of murder," in presuming he was providing an EXACT quote.
Removing ONE word... and SUBSTITUTING THREE words. See --
Now that is a direct CHANGING of words, and meaning.

I did not change ONE word of desi's. His words were -- "So I destroyed _your_
meaning,..." Those five words represent a complete thought, regardless of his
presumed motives for doing so... he states that as an achieved objective.

> And as I will show
>towards the end of this post, this time he has added something very
>small but very significant to Desmond's sentence to deliberately
>change it.

Actually, I ADDED nothing.

> I believe this one is an even bigger exposure of PV's
>dishonesty than his "anyone" lie that recently buried him.
>After posting that message in this thread, PV moved to the "Father
>murderers" thread, and, in a reply to me, continued referring to this
>sentence of Desmond's. Here are some examples:
>> LOL... since _I_ offered the tribute... and desi INSULTED that tribute,
>> admitting he intended to destroy my meaning,

That is what he has admitted to doing.

>Again from that same post:
>> Those were the words that he would DESTROY THE MEANING of.
>> In his ADMITTED purpose.

Quite right.

>And now the big one, where PV claimed to be providing the direct
>> No... he has ADMITTED his TARGET was MY MEANING. Try to
>> keep that straight.
>> 1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning."

His exact words. The period is simply the END of MY sentence, which in American
English ALWAYS goes inside the quotation marks.

>And this time we see a deliberate misquote. Where did that full stop
>(period) come from?

It comes from MY complete sentence -- From Webster's New World
English Grammar Handbook, ISBN 0-7645-6488-9, Page 172 --
"Commas and periods are always placed inside the quotation marks."
American English rules and British English rules differ in this placement.
If you prefer, or if it bothers you -- you can read my quote as --

1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning".

If it bothers you that much. But THOSE are his FIVE words, which form
a COMPLETE THOUGHT. He then goes on to presume WHY he feels
he did so... but that has nothing to do with what he presumes he ACHIEVED.
Do you find that the MEANING of my words should be destroyed??

.What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his

assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to

EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know that
the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.


> That was not in Desmond's sentence that PV was
>claiming to be directly quoting there. Here is Desmond's sentence
>"So I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a cynical attempt to clean
>up your image."

Quite true.. his ASSERTION is NOT that he destroyed ME. Which is
what he has claimed all along. Claiming it was an attack on ME. Not
the MEANING in my post, but the fact that _I_ expressed that meaning.
Whatever his pitiful EXCUSE of what MY MOTIVES WERE.... HIS
OBJECTIVES are now more CLEARLY STATED.... they were to
DESTROY ME... His words would have read "So I destroyed YOU,
because of your cynical attempts to clean up your image." But that is
NOT what he said. In fact, if he had worded it that way, I simply would
have called him a stupid shit. But he stepped on his dick... yet again. And I
believe there WAS some subconscious Freudian motivation behind him
using the word "MEANING." It shows he was not satisfied in presuming
he had destroyed me. He had to destroy MY MEANING contained in
those words. He only FURTHER proved himself to be the racist that I
have found him to be for some time now. With his newly stated intention
of destroying my MEANING in those words.

>PV has removed a comma and replaced it with a full stop to
>deliberately make it look as if the sentence ended at the word

Not at all.. it formed a COMPLETE thought... followed by his
REASONING to take the action he took. But the ACTION he
took is clearly DEFINED in those five words. "So I DESTROYED
_your_ meaning..."

> He has then deliberately removed the second part of that
>sentence because that second part is what would completely destroy the
>illusion he was trying to create.

Actually, the second part IS the illusion. It is desi's attempt to EXCUSE
his insult to the MEANING of my words. That is the illusion that will
ALWAYS blind you... since the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

>Will PV ever learn that he simply isn't going to get away with this
>any more? I find it astonishing that he should try using this very
>trick, that I have been exposing day after day, to try fooling me of
>all people. This is damning proof of the desperate levels PV will
>descend to in order to deceive people. That man must never be trusted
>or believed in anything he ever posts here again.

Actually, if you find that he did not state his objective, which he claimed
to have achieved was "So I destroyed _your_ meaning..." then you are
more desperate than one can imagine. His MEANING is quite clear...
it was to destroy the WORDS in my post -- THE MEANING. Let me
ask you... do you believe my WORDS had MEANING?

And when are you going to admit YOUR lies? In respect to stating about me that
1) "He needed friends & allies to join him, to fight alongside him."
2) And accusing me of "playing the poor innocent victim, in the hope of attracting
the sympathy vote"
3) And claiming that I "tried to persuade people that they too were under attack from
4) And claiming that I've said, in your presentation of an EXACT quote -- "Come on
everyone: look what Desi is saying about us all. Let's join together and fight back."

In particular YOU LIE in 4)!! Since you argue so strongly about a PERIOD. Where
in the _fuck_ is the QUOTE that you presume are MY WORDS?? In effect you are
providing a wretched LIE, by providing a whole sentence of a quote that IS NOT
MINE. I expect a full and complete RETRACTION of your false quote. In any
case... you are a liar.

Further, I have NEVER asked for something that ridiculous, while desi has
THREATENED members here that they must _vote_ for him, to "redeem"
themselves (as if they have entered into mortal sin, by not supporting his racism).
And claiming they have no "backbone" and are _sycophants_ if they don't vote for him.
And claiming that they should "leave the newsgroup" if they don't agree with him.
His words -- and THESE... contrary to your LIES... are his EXACT words --


"However, to all of those (on both sides of the debate) who stand silently
by whilst FW accuses everyone around him and who best him, of being guilty
of all of the sins of the world. You dress your sycophancy in the guise of
not wanting to 'get involved'. Well you are involved."

"This is your chance to redeem yourselves. This is your chance to show the

newsgroup that you have backbone."

"Whatever your 'vote', be it for me or against me, I accept it. But either stand up

now and be counted, or at least have the decency to leave the newsgroup, for you are
nothing but pawns of a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all those with
whom he cannot debate."

My comment --
I have never seen a more insulting diatribe directed at ALL members of this group.
A hysterical cry for HELP!!! from him. Let me again be clear -- I need NO HELP.
Should every member here _vote_ for desi... MY MORALITY will still be intact.
desi would claim their morality BELONGS to HIM. And if it doesn't he directs
them to "leave the newsgroup." (see how the period goes INSIDE of the quotes in
American English? Look at ALL my posts containing quotes that end the sentence
containing the quote. You will find I always place the period INSIDE of the
quotation marks.

Finally, and most importantly... you will also note the pathetic appeal contained in
his last sentence... that of calling ME "a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all
those with whom he cannot debate." But you will find that THIS THREAD has
been constructed at its very beginning by DESI trying to DEMONIZE ME, with
his disgusting DESTRUCTION of MY MEANING in the MLK Day post I
began. I only RESPONDED to his attempts to demonize me!!! By recognizing
there was MORE to it, than met the eye. Clearly IF desi had NOT attempted
to demonize ME, because of my tribute to MLK, ALL of the various threads
about that tribute would not exist. All he would have had to do is let that tribute
pass as written. Since the WORDS did not attempt to demonize desi, and only
were meant to pay a tribute to a great civil rights leader. But, in fact, desi DID
try to demonize me... At the VERY BEGINNING... before I had even posted
ONE WORD to him, regarding that tribute, or had one word in that tribute
addressed to desi. So once again... desi is UNABLE and UNWILLING to look
himself in the mirror, and instead tries to accuse ME of the very behavior that he
demonstrated at the very BEGINNING of this dialog.

Think about it -- WHO BEGAN THE DEMONIZATION????


A Planet Visitor

Feb 28, 2003, 2:32:15 AM2/28/03
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 02:06:39 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le 27 Feb 2003 13:32:55 -0800, dans l'article <>, Just passing by <> a dit ...
This has really become rather easy for me. I simply need to respond to
one of the two -- desi or JPB. And find that one of them has simply
repeated the post of the other... So I only have to clip most of the
comment from one, and paste it into the other. Changing 'him' to 'you.'
I could almost create a bot which would do it.

>> PV has been caught out lying again, and this time in one of the most
>> blatant attempts ever seen to deliberately misrepresent what somebody
>> has written. Read the following extract from his latest post in this
>> thread, and then look at how he has tried to develop this latest
>> "opportunity" in a separate thread, including deliberately rewriting
>> Desmond's sentence by making a very subtle change to the punctuation,
>> which completely alters the whole sentence he claimed to be directly
>> quoting.

>A tactic which has blown up in his face yet again. FuckWit is the 'man'
>who said, and I quote ...
> 'If you are going to "quote" ME [sic], then you must ALSO [sic] be
> totally accurate.'
Yes... and I WAS perfectly accurate. Your STATED PURPOSE was
very clear... finally. It was to DESTROY MY MEANING. If you had
meant to destroy ME... your words WOULD HAVE read "So I destroyed
YOU, because of your cynical attempts to clean up your image." But you did

themselves. In fact, if you had worded it the other way, I simply would
have called you a stupid shit. But you stepped on your dick... yet again.

And I believe there WAS some subconscious Freudian motivation behind

you using the word "MEANING." It shows you were not satisfied in
presuming you had destroyed me. You had to destroy MY MEANING
contained in those words. You only FURTHER proved yourself to be
the racist that I have found you to be for some time now. With your

newly stated intention of destroying my MEANING in those words.

Placing that white hood over your head... carrying that flaming cross...
and planting it into the HEART of AADP. Shameful... simply shameful.

>The irony is, that he was whining that in a thread where I had quoted him
>word for word, but in which I had changed his incorrect and bastardised use
>of double quotation marks, to the correct British form of single quotation
>marks. Here is the post in question ...
> 'There is a single-quote [sic] IMMEDIATELY [sic] following that
> double-quote [sic] which you PURPOSELY [sic] deleted.'
>LOL ... maybe we should rename FW to 'Desperate Dan' ...
ROTFLMAO... Of all the pathetic posturing to avoid YOUR OWN WORDS... that
takes the cake.

>{ snip 'JPB' reducing FW to tears of rage and frustration }
Don't be stupid, desi. You are the only one feeling rage and frustration. It shows
in your pathetic APPEALS for HELP from all members, and INSULTING them
if they do not provide immediate ASSISTANCE for you. Let's take a look at
your words again --

"However, to all of those (on both sides of the debate) who stand silently
by whilst FW accuses everyone around him and who best him, of being guilty
of all of the sins of the world. You dress your sycophancy in the guise of
not wanting to 'get involved'. Well you are involved."

"This is your chance to redeem yourselves. This is your chance to show the

newsgroup that you have backbone."

"Whatever your 'vote', be it for me or against me, I accept it. But either stand up

now and be counted, or at least have the decency to leave the newsgroup, for you are
nothing but pawns of a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all those with
whom he cannot debate."

My comment --
I have never seen a more insulting diatribe directed at ALL members of this group.

A hysterical cry for HELP!!! from you. Let me again be clear -- I need NO HELP.
Should every member here _vote_ for you... MY MORALITY will still be intact.
You would claim their morality BELONGS to YOU. And if it doesn't you direct

them to "leave the newsgroup."

Finally, and most importantly... you will also note the pathetic appeal contained in
your last sentence... that of calling ME "a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all

those with whom he cannot debate." But you will find that THIS THREAD has

been constructed at its very beginning by YOU trying to DEMONIZE ME, with
YOUR disgusting DESTRUCTION of MY MEANING in the MLK Day post I
began. I only RESPONDED to YOUR attempts to demonize me!!! By recognizing
there was MORE to it, than met the eye. Clearly IF YOU had NOT attempted

to demonize ME, because of my tribute to MLK, ALL of the various threads

about that tribute would not exist. All you would have had to do is let that tribute
pass as written. Since the WORDS did not attempt to demonize YOU, and only
were meant to pay a tribute to a great civil rights leader. But, in fact, you DID

try to demonize me... At the VERY BEGINNING... before I had even posted

ONE WORD to you, regarding that tribute, or had one word in that tribute
addressed to you. And now you have admitted that you also intended to DESTROY
MY MEANING in those words. So once again... YOU are UNABLE and
UNWILLING to look yourself in the mirror, and instead try to accuse ME of the very
behavior that YOU demonstrated at the very BEGINNING of this dialog.


>Now, what will he call you, in retaliation for the above hammering, 'JPB' ?
>A 'devil' ? A 'goblin' ? A 'monster of evil' ? Maybe a pixie, as he
>seems to think that they exist ... LOL !!!

No.. YOU were the one who CLAIMED that _pixies_ exist.. since they
appear so often in a google search on that name. Please try to keep it
straight. I have never see a person here who engages in such disgusting
hyperbole, and distortions of words from the past. While I TRY to be
as PRECISE as possible, in EXACT quotations, you presume to take
all forms of liberty in _translating_ the words of others to other forms.
Of course, everyone realizes that is your REAL purpose in not archiving
your words. You fear them being brought back to you EXACTLY as

Certainly, though... JPB has some real mental issues, having decided to
hang onto YOU, simply because he has found ME to be his enemy.
And the mental image of him being a misshapen goblin forms because
of his weird attraction to you. As I said --

"One wonders... if there is a God... why no thunderclaps and
windstorms, no driving pellets of hail and brimstone, and no upheavals
of the earth are brought down on desi? Why doesn't the will of God
descend in virtue to silence his wicked crimes against man and nature?
And why has he found a henchman to play on a satyr flute that his
words are not cancerous and baneful? Plainly, Satan has shown his
malefic form here in _desi the deil_.... and just as plainly JPB has
simply become his emotionally stunted and misshapen, goblin follower.
Frankly, they both demonstrate that evil is a disease of mankind that
will not be easily eradicated." (A Planet Visitor, Feb. 22, 2003)"

One can hardly deny that someone attempting to DEMONIZE the
person who provided a tribute to MLK, is himself a demon. Repeating
this bit -- It wasn't ME who attempted a destruction of the MEANING

of a tribute to MLK. I was the CREATOR... To paraphrase the
took it upon yourself to say -- "Now I am become RACISM...the

destroyer of worlds." Your hate for the MEANING of my words stank

up this entire group. The foul odor of your racism, cast a gloom on this

group that will take some time to dispel. And you are a bit perverse to
presume you can insult, blackmail, and threaten all members of this group
to _vote_ for you.


Feb 28, 2003, 7:50:42 AM2/28/03

Mr Q. Z. Diablo <> wrote in

> In article <>, A Planet
> Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote:
> > On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:58:09 +1000, "Exador" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message
> > >
> > >> On 23 Feb 2003 12:44:47 -0800, (Just passing
> > >> by)
> > >wrote:
> > >
> > >[snip usual rant]
> > >
> > >Froth, froth, froth. Go and enjoy the Florida sunshine PV. Please.
> > >Cheers,
> >
> > Go _froth_ (sic) and enjoy Utopia, sport. Of course, you will never
> > it.
> Given that Craig lives in Queensland (functionally equivalent to
> Florida), perhaps he has found Australia's Utopia...
> Wrinklies everywhere, sand, sea, rednecks. Almost identical.

Just noticed this Mr D. Given that I have enjoyed living in most parts of
this vast land, even having ventured to the far southern outpost of
Federation that you call home and further noting that I have chosen to
return to Brisbane after having so ventured, it is obvious that I must
concur with your Utopian assessment of Queensland. I must, however, take
umbrage with your Florida comparison. Despite a nasty outbreak of
Septicaemia apparently centred on Canberra, we in the North appear to have
been largely spared the depradations of Shrubitis, hence our wrinklies
(mostly) retain their faculties and are sufficiently compos mentis to apply
sunscreen to their necks.
The Floridan technique of self-generated spittle showers is _not_ encouraged
here in Godzone.


Feb 28, 2003, 7:52:42 AM2/28/03

A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message
PV, as usual you confuse effort with effect.
> PV
> >Craig
> >

Just passing by

Feb 28, 2003, 8:11:36 AM2/28/03
A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...

> On 27 Feb 2003 13:32:55 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

> > And as I will show
> >towards the end of this post, this time he has added something very
> >small but very significant to Desmond's sentence to deliberately
> >change it.
> Actually, I ADDED nothing.

Oh yes you did. You added a period (full stop), and you did so to
deceive people.

> >And now the big one, where PV claimed to be providing the direct
> >quote:
> >
> >> No... he has ADMITTED his TARGET was MY MEANING. Try to
> >> keep that straight.
> >> 1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning."
> >
> His exact words. The period is simply the END of MY sentence, which in American
> English ALWAYS goes inside the quotation marks.

Not in that situation, it doesn't.

> >And this time we see a deliberate misquote. Where did that full stop
> >(period) come from?
> It comes from MY complete sentence -- From Webster's New World
> English Grammar Handbook, ISBN 0-7645-6488-9, Page 172 --
> "Commas and periods are always placed inside the quotation marks."

And now you are pretending to have misread your own Webster's book,
and to misunderstand what the above refers to.

> American English rules and British English rules differ in this placement.

No they don't. You tried using that defence after telling that "judge
is a crook" lie. It didn't work then, and it won't work now.

All of your above attempts to hide behind feigned ignorance are
exposed for the sham they are by the fact that, in that very same
post, you demonstrated that you do indeed know the correct way to cut
short a quoted sentence. Here it is:

> Not at all.. it formed a COMPLETE thought... followed by his
> REASONING to take the action he took. But the ACTION he
> took is clearly DEFINED in those five words. "So I DESTROYED
> _your_ meaning..."

But that was not what you did before. Instead you inserted a SINGLE
period in an attempt to hoodwink people into thinking that Desmond's
sentence had ended at that point. You lied.

Even using the above correct example would, in these circumstances,
have been dishonest because the part of Desmond's sentence you removed
was crucial to the point he was making. But at least if you had put it
in the above way, people reading it would have been warned that the
quote was incomplete and could then, if they chose to, research it
further to discover the complete sentence in its full context. But you
deliberately tried to prevent people carrying out any such further
investigation by adding your own single period.

John Rennie

Feb 28, 2003, 8:23:12 AM2/28/03

"Exador" <> wrote in message


> > Given that Craig lives in Queensland (functionally equivalent to
> > Florida), perhaps he has found Australia's Utopia...
> >
> > Wrinklies everywhere, sand, sea, rednecks. Almost identical.
> Just noticed this Mr D. Given that I have enjoyed living in most parts of
> this vast land, even having ventured to the far southern outpost of
> Federation that you call home and further noting that I have chosen to
> return to Brisbane after having so ventured, it is obvious that I must
> concur with your Utopian assessment of Queensland. I must, however, take
> umbrage with your Florida comparison. Despite a nasty outbreak of
> Septicaemia apparently centred on Canberra, we in the North appear to have
> been largely spared the depradations of Shrubitis, hence our wrinklies
> (mostly) retain their faculties and are sufficiently compos mentis to
> sunscreen to their necks.
> The Floridan technique of self-generated spittle showers is _not_
> here in Godzone.
> Cheers,
> Craig

I would have though Mr D's comparison to be rather apt.
Queensland has had a prime minister who would make
Shrub look like a tree hugger when it comes to environment
matters. Take the fair town of Cairns; it's once lovely
beaches are now covered by mud because unrestricted
tree felling was allowed on the banks of the river on whose
estuary Cairns was founded. This premier whose Dutch
name I just cannot being to mind was also a racist of the
worst type - he was also popular again proving Mr D's
argument. (All right - I know he got his come uppance
but it did take a very long time.)


Feb 28, 2003, 9:00:31 AM2/28/03

John Rennie <> wrote in message

We prefer "Premier" John, but you are nonetheless absolutely correct.

Take the fair town of Cairns; it's once lovely
> beaches are now covered by mud because unrestricted
> tree felling was allowed on the banks of the river on whose
> estuary Cairns was founded. This premier whose Dutch
> name I just cannot being to mind was also a racist of the
> worst type - he was also popular again proving Mr D's
> argument. (All right - I know he got his come uppance
> but it did take a very long time.)

I fear you have been listening to some unfortunately incorrect propaganda. I
lived in Cairns at a beautiful spot called Clifton Beach, and I can attest
that the beach was most definitely _not_ befouled with cane farm run-off.
There was a slight crocodile problem following the monsoonal rains, when the
buggers get washed from the rivers, and there is a problem with siltation on
the inshore reefs, but Cirns itself remains relatively un affected in that
respect. What is a bigger problem is the so-called "acid sulphate" soil
problem, whereby somewhat sulphurous anaerobic soil horizons are alternately
flooded and exposed, causing oxidation of the organic sulphides to soluble
sulphates which duly dissolve, thus acidifying the river or other waterway
and killing all the life. The killing occurs due to either oxygen depletion
of the water due to direct chemical action (sulphide to sulphate), or by
rendering the pH of the water untenable for most species.

You are, of course, right in suggesting that Johannes Bjelke-Petersen was
the Premier originally responsible for allowing indiscriminate land
clearing, but his successors haven't done anything to redress the situation
until very recently. Joh is a burr under the saddle of every intelligent
Queenslander, and he certainly didn't get elected on my vote.

You're also right in suggesting that Qld hosts more than its fair share of
geriatrics. Unlike Florida, however, we don't regard accumulating an
enormous , spongy mass of spittle as an achievement one would advertise.


John Rennie

Feb 28, 2003, 9:22:32 AM2/28/03

"Exador" <> wrote in message


I've walked on the Cairns beaches and the surface just didn't look very
nice. We enjoyed Port Douglas though. Short anecdote follows.
We, the wife, three young children and my good self, were on the road
from Port Douglas to Cairns when we saw a lovely little creek. It was
more than a little hot and the kids needed a cooling off so we stopped and
skinny dipped. After a few minutes more driving we stopped at a cafe
for drinks. I mentioned the creek to the waitress.
"You were lucky - it's noted for crocs." "But there weren't any notices."
I squawked. "Oh, the tourists usually take them home for souvenirs."

Actually I loved Queensland.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 28, 2003, 1:04:38 PM2/28/03

Effort is food for the soul.

"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is
full victory."
Who said it? Why none other than Mohandas K. Gandhi.


>> PV
>> >Craig
>> >


Feb 28, 2003, 3:32:22 PM2/28/03
Subject: Re: FW The Lying Slimeball [WAS: Re: Military guide to Iraq 'war'
From: "Exador"
Date: 2/28/2003 7:50 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <3e5f5b0a$0$5550$>


Factiod: The only people in Florida who actively engage in spittle showers are
Snowbirds. Just thought you would like to know.


PS: Snowbirds is the name given to Candians who come south for the winter.

Mr Q. Z. D. at home

Feb 28, 2003, 10:09:32 PM2/28/03
In article <3e5f6b67$0$5549$>, "Exador"
<> wrote:

> You are, of course, right in suggesting that Johannes Bjelke-Petersen was
> the Premier originally responsible for allowing indiscriminate land
> clearing, but his successors haven't done anything to redress the
> situation
> until very recently. Joh is a burr under the saddle of every intelligent
> Queenslander, and he certainly didn't get elected on my vote.

You must remember the "Joh for PM" campaign that cost the Libs an
election? Magnificent. He had his uses, after all. The old bugger's
still alive, presumably farming peanuts in Kingaroy.

Hardly anybody voted for the old bastard, BTW.

> You're also right in suggesting that Qld hosts more than its fair share
> of
> geriatrics.

The warm climate is given to relieving arthritis, I understand.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 28, 2003, 11:59:29 PM2/28/03
On 28 Feb 2003 05:11:36 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...
>> On 27 Feb 2003 13:32:55 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:
>> > And as I will show
>> >towards the end of this post, this time he has added something very
>> >small but very significant to Desmond's sentence to deliberately
>> >change it.
>> Actually, I ADDED nothing.
>Oh yes you did. You added a period (full stop), and you did so to
>deceive people.

There was no deception. It was a full thought he had expressed, which
he simply followed by a pathetic attempt to provide a MOTIVE for
being a racist. His words were "So I destroyed _your_ meaning" In
which I have left out the period which so offends you, yet changes his
words not one single bit. And it seems strange to me to leave it out,
in a grammatical sense. It was his STATEMENT of WHAT HE DID.
Why he did it, his MOTIVATION... is simply immaterial to me. And
should be to anyone who is not a racist... since THIS was my meaning --

What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to
EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know that
the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.

And I have come to appreciate my words more and more, as I continue to
repeat them. The sweep and the MEANING are clear. And the MEANING
is what he has claimed he DESTROYED. For whatever reason he did
so. Do you think destroying the MEANING of those words above is the
act of someone who respects equal rights? Do you think destroying the
MEANING of those words above, shows respect for the man, the works,
and the memory of MLK?

>> >And now the big one, where PV claimed to be providing the direct
>> >quote:
>> >
>> >> No... he has ADMITTED his TARGET was MY MEANING. Try to
>> >> keep that straight.
>> >> 1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning."
>> >
>> His exact words. The period is simply the END of MY sentence, which in American
>> English ALWAYS goes inside the quotation marks.
>Not in that situation, it doesn't.

Yes, it does. It formed the completion of MY sentence, not his. Regardless,
my quote of his FIVE WORDS, represents a COMPLETE THOUGHT,
and in no way DISTORTS that thought. What he follows with, is his pathetic
attempts to JUSTIFY having DESTROYED the meaning of my words.
There can BE NO JUSTIFICATION for destroying words which would
eulogize the memory of MLK. Other than justifying it through one's own
racism. Which is what I've been trying to tell you.

>> >And this time we see a deliberate misquote. Where did that full stop
>> >(period) come from?
>> It comes from MY complete sentence -- From Webster's New World
>> English Grammar Handbook, ISBN 0-7645-6488-9, Page 172 --
>> "Commas and periods are always placed inside the quotation marks."
>And now you are pretending to have misread your own Webster's book,
>and to misunderstand what the above refers to.

Grow up, and visit the library. I have quoted EXACTLY what that page in
that reference states. The fact that American English and British English
differ in the placement, does not make my placement false.

>> American English rules and British English rules differ in this placement.
>No they don't. You tried using that defence after telling that "judge
>is a crook" lie. It didn't work then, and it won't work now.

Tough shit... I am quoting EXACTLY from that reference, and as far as I'm
concerned it is a reputable source for American English. If you notice my
comments over the years here, you will find that I always place the period
inside of the quotation marks. When I do not... THAT is when I consider
myself as having made a mistake in American English. I will now provide
a link to a site concerning American Grammar rules -- See
Now, scan down toward the bottom of the page -- to a section called
"EXAMPLES." And READ how that paragraph under that heading is
constructed in AMERICAN English. I will repeat the last sentence in
that section --
In the words of technology, "A good dictionary should be user-friendly."

Can you possibly SHUT YOUR YAP, about presuming you can demand
that I must abide by some rule of yours?

>All of your above attempts to hide behind feigned ignorance are
>exposed for the sham they are by the fact that, in that very same
>post, you demonstrated that you do indeed know the correct way to cut
>short a quoted sentence. Here it is:

Rubbish... you are the one who is IGNORANT. And a pedantic grammatic
xenophobe, cast in the mold of desi, at that.

>> Not at all.. it formed a COMPLETE thought... followed by his
>> REASONING to take the action he took. But the ACTION he
>> took is clearly DEFINED in those five words. "So I DESTROYED
>> _your_ meaning..."
>But that was not what you did before. Instead you inserted a SINGLE
>period in an attempt to hoodwink people into thinking that Desmond's
>sentence had ended at that point. You lied.

Rubbish again. Read the American Grammar source I have provided.

>Even using the above correct example would, in these circumstances,
>have been dishonest because the part of Desmond's sentence you removed
>was crucial to the point he was making.

No... I left that point in... the point was he said "So I destroyed _your_
meaning." He then followed that with one of the most pitiful excuses for
BEING a racist, one can imagine.. his following words were the meaningless
driveling excuses of a racist which were --

"which was a cynical attempt to clean up your image. Oh boy, does it
need to be cleaned up."

None of that has ANYTHING to do WITH WHAT HE DID... He is
simply trying to JUSTIFY what he did. Because WHAT HE DID... and
he ADMITS IT... was DESTROY MY MEANING. If anyone's image
needs to be cleaned up.. it would be that of someone who admits he has
"destroyed" the "meaning" of these words --

What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to
EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know that
the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.

How can you POSSIBLY support someone who finds himself SATISFIED
by DESTROYING the MEANING in those words? Happily, he CANNOT
do so, even as he claims to have done so. Were he to do so... to paraphrase
MacArthur.. millions of ghosts in rags of slaves, in oppressive chains, in
broken and beaten bodies, would rise from their graves, thundering those most
oppressive words ever spoken --: racism, racism, racism!!!

Claiming to destroy the MEANING of my words, REGARDLESS of how he
would DEMONIZE ME... is to destroy our very souls. And remember... my
words did not attempt to demonize desi. He did THAT... all by himself, with his
efforts to DESTROY MY MEANING.. and his pitiful attempt to demonize
me, which he claims I always attempt with him.

> But at least if you had put it
>in the above way, people reading it would have been warned that the
>quote was incomplete and could then, if they chose to, research it
>further to discover the complete sentence in its full context. But you
>deliberately tried to prevent people carrying out any such further
>investigation by adding your own single period.

I only wished to show what his PURPOSE was. His MOTIVES were
irrelevant, unless one presumes that a racist ACT can be justified
by some motive. People who wear white peaked hoods, with slits
cut out for eyes, and carry flaming crosses, only concern me with
their PURPOSE; which is to destroy the meaning of equality of the
races, which is what he stated his purpose was in destroying the
meaning in my words. WHY they do so... their MOTIVES... must
be axiomatically seen as insanity, and should not concern ANY rational
human being. In fact, even EXAMINING them, seems to imply
one can AGREE with the act itself. If a KKK burns down the home
of a black family, with that family inside... do we presume that ANY
motive he might offer can JUSTIFY the act itself? Do you think it
can be _justified_ if that KKK arsonist states a motive of _trying to
clean up that family's image... and boy did it need cleaning up_???

Presuming, even slightly, that a MOTIVE might even possibly
JUSTIFY racism, is the first step to accepting it might possibly BE
justified. There are some acts, that claim justification through various
motives, that are so obscene, that a motive for doing what one does,
must be viewed as insane. Do you consider his MOTIVES justify
DESTROYING the MEANING of my words? Read my words...
and ask yourself if you do. And do so honestly... rather than through
the eyes of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.



Mar 1, 2003, 12:45:09 AM3/1/03

"John Rennie" <> wrote in message
: "Exador" <> wrote in message
: news:3e5f6b67$0$5549$
: snip

{more snippage}

: We, the wife, three young children and my good self, were on the road

: from Port Douglas to Cairns when we saw a lovely little creek. It was
: more than a little hot and the kids needed a cooling off so we stopped and
: skinny dipped. After a few minutes more driving we stopped at a cafe
: for drinks. I mentioned the creek to the waitress.
: "You were lucky - it's noted for crocs." "But there weren't any
: I squawked. "Oh, the tourists usually take them home for souvenirs."

Come to think of it, the sight of four lily white 'poms' cavorting naked in
my creek, would be enough to turn me of my dinner as well.

You could imagine the conversation between the 'salties' lying in the
undergrowth, as John and his family hove into sight.

First croc. "Oh look, here come meals on wheels"
Second croc. "Damm, its roast beef and Yorkshire pud again"
First croc. "Lets give this lot a miss, there is a tour bus due shortly and
we can have Chinese or maybe sushi"
Second croc. "After that we can cruise down the creek to the Abo camp and
have some black pudding for desert"
First croc "Sounds good to me, don't forget to chuck those signs into the

WooF w00f WooF

Just passing by

Mar 1, 2003, 6:39:01 AM3/1/03
A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...

> >> His exact words. The period is simply the END of MY sentence, which in American
> >> English ALWAYS goes inside the quotation marks.
> >
> >Not in that situation, it doesn't.
> >
> Yes, it does. It formed the completion of MY sentence, not his.

You were not offering it as your sentence, but as his. You put it
inside quotation marks. Do you see any quotation marks enclosing this
sentence I am currently typing? No, because these are my words. You
would only put your own words inside quotation marks if you were
referring to something you had previously said or written. You even
preceded the alleged quote with the words "his words --" thus leaving
no room for doubt. Here it is again:

>> >> 1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning."

That period did not appear in the original sentence so you should read
your Webster's Handbook again, and pay attention this time to what it
is referring to.

> >> It comes from MY complete sentence -- From Webster's New World
> >> English Grammar Handbook, ISBN 0-7645-6488-9, Page 172 --
> >> "Commas and periods are always placed inside the quotation marks."
> >
> >And now you are pretending to have misread your own Webster's book,
> >and to misunderstand what the above refers to.
> >
> Grow up, and visit the library. I have quoted EXACTLY what that page in
> that reference states. The fact that American English and British English
> differ in the placement, does not make my placement false.

There is no such difference. You are on a hiding to nothing here.

> >> American English rules and British English rules differ in this placement.
> >
> >No they don't. You tried using that defence after telling that "judge
> >is a crook" lie. It didn't work then, and it won't work now.
> >
> Tough shit... I am quoting EXACTLY from that reference, and as far as I'm
> concerned it is a reputable source for American English.

Indeed it is, but you have read it incorrectly. So pay attention and I
will demonstrate what that passage refers to. Supposing you had
written the following:

'Desmond ADMITTED that he was destroying my MEANING when he wrote: "So
I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a cynical attempt to clean up
your image".

What is wrong with the above? That period (full stop) at the end
should be inside the quotation marks, not outside where I have
deliberately erred by placing it.

Now look at another hypothetical example. Supposing you had written

'When Desmond wrote "So I destroyed _your_ meaning," he was ADMITTING
having done just that.'

The above, although totally dishonest and deliberately misleading,
would have been grammatically correct because the original comma was
retained. In fact, a comma could be used to indicate a pause in your
own sentence inside quotation marks used to denote a full quote, even
if no such comma was used in the original sentence.

But what you did was very different, and clearly was done to deceive
people. I don't care about your grammatical errors or spelling
mistakes because we all make such mistakes from time to time. This is
not about grammar, but about dishonesty.

> Now, scan down toward the bottom of the page -- to a section called
> "EXAMPLES." And READ how that paragraph under that heading is
> constructed in AMERICAN English. I will repeat the last sentence in
> that section --
> In the words of technology, "A good dictionary should be user-friendly."
> Do you SEE how the PERIOD goes INSIDE the QUOTATION MARKS?
> Can you possibly SHUT YOUR YAP, about presuming you can demand
> that I must abide by some rule of yours?

The difference is that the above example was of a complete sentence,
whereas yours was of only part of a sentence. You did not indicate
that you were extracting only part of Desmond's sentence - on the
contrary: you inserted a period to deliberately hide that fact.

Finally, PV, I direct you to my latest two replies in the "Father
murderers" thread (one of which is going to make you cringe with utter
humiliation - even though you will certainly deny that and still find
some excuse to claim victory) and in particular the final goodbyes I
say to you at the end. The job I set out to do has now been done more
effectively than I ever imagined it would be, so there is nothing left
for me to do other than write out my reply to your next post, and all
others, in advance. Here it is:


< Everything of PV's which no doubt included references to demons,
goblins, abominable snowmen, vampires, poltergeists and the Loch Ness
monster, snipped >

Save it, PV. I have stopped reading your posts because they are all
the same. Same lies, same spam, same drivel, same evidence of your
urgent need to lie down on the nearest psychiatrist's couch and tell
that nice man with far more patience than I have all about Desi's
evil; about how, like Saddam Hussein, you win every battle; about how
you were appointed by God to stand guard over this newsgroup to
destroy the forces of darkness that would otherwise spread their evil
and destruction across the whole world. Tell him your fantasies - he
is paid to listen; I am not.

So, once again, goodbye PV.

John Rennie

Mar 1, 2003, 9:49:29 AM3/1/03

The war in Iraq will be over, the war with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria
Pakistan will also have reached a conclusion. Those that have survived
will be going to work or school wearing tin helmets and carrying gas
masks. But one little remnant of the past will remain - we will still be
able to log on to a.a.d-p. and look in on the eternal flamefest between
JPB and PV. Two proud egos battling it out beyond Armageddon.


Mar 1, 2003, 1:19:47 PM3/1/03
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 13:45:09 +0800, "Cerberus"
<Cerberus(nospam)> wrote:

>Darth Vader "What shall we do with this 'Cerby'"
>Emperor. "He will be one of us"
>Darth Vader "But there is _one_ thing, My Lord"
>Empreror "What is that?"
>Darth Vader "He cannot spell, nor use apostrophes.
>If you call him names, he gets upset and threatens to
>'track down' his enemies. He then breaks down in tears
>and begs for Jiggy to help him. I fear he may break our
>Imperial Fleet's morale if they believe we have been
>joined in our conquest by a little bitch."
>Emperor "You think well. He must not join us. He must
>be destroyed."
>Darth Vader "It will be done, My Lord."

Don't worry, Geek, it's only a nightmare!


John Rennie

Mar 1, 2003, 2:16:02 PM3/1/03

"dirtdog" <> wrote in message

Can't count either.

A Planet Visitor

Mar 2, 2003, 12:48:31 AM3/2/03
On 1 Mar 2003 03:39:01 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<>...
>> >> His exact words. The period is simply the END of MY sentence, which in American
>> >> English ALWAYS goes inside the quotation marks.
>> >
>> >Not in that situation, it doesn't.
>> >
>> Yes, it does. It formed the completion of MY sentence, not his.
>You were not offering it as your sentence, but as his.

Quite wrong -- MY sentence in it's totality was ----- 1) his words -- "So
I destroyed _your_ meaning." ------

Nonetheless... you are grasping at the most trivial point you can imagine,
which is why I returned the favor with your FALSE quote. The point is
HIS WORDS /quote/ So I destroyed _your_ meaning /unquote/ form a
COMPLETE thought, and represent his INTENTION. Do you AGREE
that it was GOOD to destroy my MEANING in that tribute to MLK?
That is a question you have not answered. Nor CAN YOU... without
agreeing that it is a _good thing_ to destroy a tribute to MLK.

> You put it
>inside quotation marks. Do you see any quotation marks enclosing this
>sentence I am currently typing? No, because these are my words. You
>would only put your own words inside quotation marks if you were
>referring to something you had previously said or written. You even
>preceded the alleged quote with the words "his words --" thus leaving
>no room for doubt. Here it is again:
>>> >> 1) his words -- "So I destroyed _your_ meaning."

Quite true... I don't know what you're mumbling about... since you now seem
to AGREE that those are HIS WORDS. Which has been my point all along.
The words in MY sentence, which were "his words" form part of MY
Sentence, and must end with a period. In American English that period
goes INSIDE the quotation marks, if the quotation marks are at the end of
MY sentence. Once again -- See the grammarlady cite below for the
exact example I refer to. You could more easily pedantically pick on the
point that I did not CAPITALIZE the first word in MY SENTENCE.
But you would not do that... since it would show how your entire dialog
is twisted and perverted to support an act meant to DESTROY the meaning

of a tribute to MLK.

>That period did not appear in the original sentence so you should read

>your Webster's Handbook again, and pay attention this time to what it
>is referring to.

I have read it, and other references to American Grammar, and all recognize
the DIFFERENCE between American and English Grammar.

'The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual,' ISBN 0-201-10433-4,
Page 274 -275 -- Quote :

"QUOTATION MARKS -- The basic guide for open-quote
marks and close-quote marks.... The period and the comma
always go within the quotation marks."

And see
Quoting -- Do you always put a period and comma inside quotation marks? --

Answer -- Quoting -- The direct answer to your question is yes. In American English,
the convention is to put commas and periods inside quotation marks. The British
follow a more complicated and time-consuming convention, which may be why there is no
longer a British Empire. --

And quoting further -- "The American punctuation system is very straightforward for
periods: They are always placed inside of quotation marks."

And see --
Quoting again -- Place commas and periods inside quotes. (This is the "American
System.") --

The reasoning for this can be traced back to the old methods of typesetting. Where
the slugs for the close Quotation Mark and the period, seemed to cause some problems
if the period followed the quotation mark. Not fitting properly I believe,
apparently not being able to be typeset. That custom has prevailed since that time,
and is accepted American English Grammar. I do not argue that the British use a
different system... but do NOT presume to tell me I cannot use the system from my

>> >> It comes from MY complete sentence -- From Webster's New World
>> >> English Grammar Handbook, ISBN 0-7645-6488-9, Page 172 --
>> >> "Commas and periods are always placed inside the quotation marks."
>> >
>> >And now you are pretending to have misread your own Webster's book,
>> >and to misunderstand what the above refers to.
>> >
>> Grow up, and visit the library. I have quoted EXACTLY what that page in
>> that reference states. The fact that American English and British English
>> differ in the placement, does not make my placement false.
>There is no such difference. You are on a hiding to nothing here.

See the MANY references available to American Grammar... You are too stupid
to argue this meaningless point. Since your devious purpose is to presume that
desi did not MEAN what he clearly WROTE -- that being his PURPOSE of
DESTROYING MY MEANING in the tribute to MLK.

>> >> American English rules and British English rules differ in this placement.
>> >
>> >No they don't. You tried using that defence after telling that "judge
>> >is a crook" lie. It didn't work then, and it won't work now.
>> >
>> Tough shit... I am quoting EXACTLY from that reference, and as far as I'm
>> concerned it is a reputable source for American English.
>Indeed it is, but you have read it incorrectly. So pay attention and I
>will demonstrate what that passage refers to. Supposing you had
>written the following:

You are about to demonstrate NOTHING but your ignorance.

>'Desmond ADMITTED that he was destroying my MEANING when he wrote: "So
>I destroyed _your_ meaning, which was a cynical attempt to clean up
>your image".
>What is wrong with the above? That period (full stop) at the end
>should be inside the quotation marks, not outside where I have
>deliberately erred by placing it.

There is NOTHING wrong with it IN BRITISH ENGLISH. However, there
is EVERYTHING wrong with it in AMERICAN ENGLISH. Please enlighten
yourself as to the differences in cultures. And do not employ some
xenophobic argument, which intends to corrupt the fact that desi's WORDS
clearly stated his ACT was to DESTROY MY MEANING.

>Now look at another hypothetical example. Supposing you had written
>'When Desmond wrote "So I destroyed _your_ meaning," he was ADMITTING
>having done just that.'

I don't know if it is constructed properly in British English, nor do I care, since
I am not trying to nitpick pedantically to try to divert from desi's clear claim that
his PURPOSE was to DESTROY MY MEANING. But there is one glaring
error in American English, although your placement of the comma inside
the quotation is correct. Both commas and periods ALWAYS go inside the
quotation mark in American English. However, in American English the convention
of single and double quotes is exactly the opposite from the British method. Single
quotes are ONLY enclosed in double quotes, to indicate a quotation within a
quotation -- See
and so many other American Grammar references. Going to that reference
you will find this information --

Place quotations in double quotes and use single quotation marks within quotations.
For example, "They called him 'Whitey' when he was 'on the run'" Or, "Remember the
commandment 'Honor thy father and thy mother.'"

Previously, I used single-quotes, outside of double-quotes to have a different
meaning from a quotation. For philosophical observations, or emphasis. I
have tried to stop doing so, since so many from the U.K. presumed a single-quote
meant a DIRECT QUOTE... but it is just the opposite in American English.

>The above, although totally dishonest and deliberately misleading,
>would have been grammatically correct because the original comma was

Who actually cares? Since my comment was perfectly accurate, and you
only intend to muddy the waters with some pedantic drivel. My period in
NO WAY corrupted the MEANING of desi's words... which meant his
PURPOSE was to DESTROY THE MEANING of my tribute to MLK.

> In fact, a comma could be used to indicate a pause in your
>own sentence inside quotation marks used to denote a full quote, even
>if no such comma was used in the original sentence.

Gimme a break.. do you see how you intend to pursue drivel?

>But what you did was very different, and clearly was done to deceive

No... it was NOT. You are intent on deception by presuming that desi
did not state his ACT was to DESTROY MY MEANING in my tribute
to MLK.

> I don't care about your grammatical errors or spelling
>mistakes because we all make such mistakes from time to time. This is
>not about grammar, but about dishonesty.

No... YOU'VE tried to make it about grammar. You're the one who is
arguing so strongly that my words were GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT.
You think you can get away with supporting racism, and a comment which
clearly shows that desi's PURPOSE was to destroy the meaning of that
tribute to MLK, by pedantically focusing on a _period_.

>> Now, scan down toward the bottom of the page -- to a section called
>> "EXAMPLES." And READ how that paragraph under that heading is
>> constructed in AMERICAN English. I will repeat the last sentence in
>> that section --
>> In the words of technology, "A good dictionary should be user-friendly."
>> Do you SEE how the PERIOD goes INSIDE the QUOTATION MARKS?
>> Can you possibly SHUT YOUR YAP, about presuming you can demand
>> that I must abide by some rule of yours?
>The difference is that the above example was of a complete sentence,
>whereas yours was of only part of a sentence.

Rubbish... MY full sentence was --

his words "blah blah blah."

It would not be correct in American English to write it as --

his words "blah blah blah".

See the example.

In any case, you have twisted this entire argument to turn it on a period, which
in no way CHANGES what he claims as HIS ACT. You are trying to DEFEND
that act... which was to DESTROY THE MEANING of MY WORDS. And the
words in my original tribute formed nothing racist at all, and in fact where
counter-racist. But his ACT.. his ADMITTED ACT... was to destroy the meaning
of a counter-racist tribute.

> You did not indicate
>that you were extracting only part of Desmond's sentence - on the
>contrary: you inserted a period to deliberately hide that fact.

I put that period to END MY SENTENCE.

>Finally, PV, I direct you to my latest two replies in the "Father
>murderers" thread (one of which is going to make you cringe with utter
>humiliation - even though you will certainly deny that and still find
>some excuse to claim victory) and in particular the final goodbyes I
>say to you at the end.

ROTFLMAO... You presume that you can EXCUSE YOURSELF,
by pointing out what I've done??? Two wrongs don't make a right,
buster. And I've apologized. WHERE IS YOUR APOLOGY.
Do YOU have as much integrity as I do, by offering YOUR apology?
or will you sneak away, like a thief in the night... and claim victory?

> The job I set out to do has now been done more
>effectively than I ever imagined it would be, so there is nothing left
>for me to do other than write out my reply to your next post, and all
>others, in advance. Here it is:
>< Everything of PV's which no doubt included references to demons,
>goblins, abominable snowmen, vampires, poltergeists and the Loch Ness
>monster, snipped

Allow me to reintroduce it for future reference --


One wonders... if there is a God... why no thunderclaps and
windstorms, no driving pellets of hail and brimstone, and no
upheavals of the earth are brought down on desi? Why doesn't the will
of God descend in virtue to silence his wicked crimes against man and
nature? And why has he found a henchman to play on a satyr flute that
his words are not cancerous and baneful? Plainly, Satan has shown his
malefic form here in _desi the deil_.... and just as plainly JPB has
simply become his emotionally stunted and misshapen, goblin follower.
Frankly, they both demonstrate that evil is a disease of mankind that

will not be easily eradicated. One through his racism.. the other through
his blindness to that racism.

And I meant every word of what I wrote. If there IS a God... there is the
certainty that He will examine racism as closely associated with
any act which Man has developed as a crime. It is a crime against
nature... it is a return to slavery... it is an abomination of the human
spirit. Anyone who would MINIMIZE or TRIVIALIZE the words
of desi... as he INSULTED MLK, his works, and his memory,
deserves nothing but my disgust.

This is a question that should hang on everyone's mind if they presume there
is a creator. I find desi's comment as PROOF that a creator is uncaring
about what we do in our temporal existence. We are creatures of FREE
WILL. But WE WILL BE JUDGED for the acts we commit using
that free will. Desi can get away with his racism here. There will be NO
thunderclaps... no windstorms .. no driving pellets of hail and brimstone...
no upheavals of the earth. But he WILL be judged. You can take that
to the bank.

Yet here, in this existence, we have a responsibility to OUR OWN
MORALITY, whatever we find that morality to be. To decide whether
acts we do, and acts others do meet OUR moral code. Ranging
from murder, to rape, to racism, to spanking our children, to spitting on the
sidewalk. I find desi does not meet mine, and not only in respect to his blatant
racism. And I will tell ANYONE that I find that to be my view. While, it
is totally immaterial to me, what others find him to be because they have
THEIR OWN moral code. Now, he may meet YOUR moral code, JPB
... but that's YOUR MORALITY... not mine.

All you have shown me, JPB, is that you SUPPORT racist comments, and
have become part of desi's entourage of fulsome evil little goblins, in servile
allegiance, currying favors under the aegis of desi's Satanic spell. I cannot
imagine a more disgusting coterie of cackling gnome-like demons, than
those who have allied themselves with that evil little racist. A monster who
once called on abolitionists to consider themselves domestic cats, and consider
retentionists - sparrow "playthings."

desi went so far as to THREATEN... trying to coerce members here in hoping
to _cage votes_, and you easily offered YOUR VOTE for RACISM. He
stated they would "redeem yourselves," if they _voted_ for him... and that they
had to show their "backbone." And he insulted them with phrases such as that they
dressed themselves in "sycophancy in the guise of not wanting to 'get involved'."
And then he attempted to intimidate them by demanding they "leave the newsgroup,"
if they didn't _vote_ for him. Look at how he pathetically changed the
subject... to appear he was BEGGING for votes... he _submits_ to the group...
that's be the day that desi EVER submits. The moment he gets votes... he will claim
racism WINS. I've said over and over, that I have NO FRIENDS here. Not
abolitionist nor retentionist. I have only my opinion to offer. And that opinion
most certainly condemns desi as a racist, and you as one of one of his minions.
_Votes_ from anyone who would vote for an admitted racist act of destroying
the meaning of a tribute to MLK, mean NOTHING to me.

Further... desi has presumed to apologize to the group for his _strong
language_ (which translates into an apology for trying to destroy a tribute
to MLK). Presumably to appear more _reasonable_ and perhaps _gather
some votes_. But the fact is...IMHO... he owes more than this group
an apology. He owes all of humanity an apology. And I've never
said I can judge him. That power is well beyond what I can do. I
can only observe that his postings have a distinctive racist flair. And
I have a duty to my own morality to recognize that racist flair in his
posts. You seem to believe, just as desi would hope to gain _votes_ for
his racism... that racism can be supported if one finds enough others
to SUPPORT that racism. But that's a distinct moral failure, and a
logical fallacy. Let's all _vote for racism_, is a DISGUSTING concept
to me. But it seems to be the vote you have cast.

Understand, please, that I am sorry for you, that in your defeat in another
thread, in another battle, in another war, on another day, you have found
it necessary to DEFEND a racist...acting like Satan's stooge. But it speaks
eloquently to the fact that you have descended to the most ignorant depths
imaginable. Defending a RACIST... because you're piqued at me. And it
also demonstrates how flimsy you realize your argument in respect to the
_Great White Whale_ actually WAS. Since it has generated such a
hateful kneejerk reaction from you, in you DEFENDING the comments
of a racist. A response which is remindful of a child in kindergarten,
unhappy that his conduct was laughed at by another, who psychologically
needs to vent his anger by providing such a hateful response in a totally
different setting.

My sole PURPOSE throughout this thread has been to expose the evil
which desi demonstrated as he attempted to DESTROY the tribute to MLK
that I had offered here. Racial prejudice attempts to cast a shadow
over the Black man. My purpose was first to pay a tribute to the
works of MLK in civil rights. My purpose NOW it to ILLUMINATE
the racist shadow that desi would cast over my tribute. It is as evil
as Man can devise. So evil that I tremble at the thought that such
hate could come from one man. An evil specter -- a destroyer of
worlds -- and man himself -- desi the racist.

Since _I_ first offered the tribute... and desi INSULTED that tribute,
admitting he intended to destroy my meaning, and then found it necessary
to apologize to the group for his grossly insulting comments to the words
in that tribute, it is desi who has been most certainly permanently damaged.
If not in the eyes of this group, or in your eyes... then most certainly in the
eyes of a higher power whom he will ultimately have to answer to. That
dreaded five-layer pentagram of evil that desi stays inside, with the black
candles flickering at each point when posting, cannot protect him from
that righteous wrath forever. And you, his feckless minion... supporter of
his evil... will ultimately have to answer as well. The fact is, that
your _vote_ was clearly FOR racism. You accept racism as being
of little importance... since it is more important for you to support
someone who you find as a _friend_, because he is the enemy of your
enemy, rather than stand on your principles. But you are the same as
a couple of others here, who have also formed allegiance to desi, and have
lost sight of THEIR principles by so doing.

Nonetheless... even if every member of this group accepted desi's words,
I would not succumb to the siren song of racism. Nor would I consider
leaving this group. It would be a moral disgrace for me to even consider
either of those choices. I would CONTINUE to speak out against what I
clearly see as racism in desi, as long as I SEE IT. While you and desi
would presume to shut me up. And as long as I can articulate WHY I
see it, using HIS WORDS, and not some imaginary racist slurs
placed in his posts to PRESUME he is racist, as he does with others, I will
continue to point it out. The ONLY thing that would cause me to stop...
would be if I STOPPED SEEING it in desi's words. Let me be clear
about something else, as long as we are here... I am NOT calling YOU
a racist, since I can presume that will be the NEXT lie offered here. I
am calling you STUPID... which is not the first time you have shown
your stupidity to me. I now claim I see you to be BLIND to desi's racism,
and see that you would defend desi at any cost, because in some
neurotic behavior of yours... the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
You have not said anything that would cause me to find you to be a racist...
but much to cause me to find you to be STUPID. A much less grievous

Finally... desi's kind... the words he offered to slap down that tribute...
are what was responsible for the brutal slaying of MLK. The white
hood he put on -- that symbol of the KKK... to "break some eggs" in his

disgusting insult to that tribute... is what created that brutal slaying.

The breaking of eggs to make his racist omelette. And what is even
MORE hateful and despicable of him... is that he CONTINUE even
onto today, to PERPETUATE that hate. He HATED that I offered
that tribute... and he HATES that he now need to grovel in front of
the group, and ask their forgiveness... to claim to SUBMIT... while
EVERYONE here, knows that he will fall back into his racist

ways, the instant the opportunity to do so returns. But I will be

WATCHING! Right now... he is scrambling DESPERATELY

to regain some tiny bit of credibility here... having had ANY

perception that he is not a racist... TOTALLY destroyed. And
you are part of his scrambling efforts. desi's hate for MLK
stank up this entire group. The foul odor of his racism, has cast a

gloom on this group that will take some time to dispel.

Of course... IMHO.

>Save it, PV. I have stopped reading your posts because they are all
>the same.

I understand that you have long ago... shut your eyes to racism.

> Same lies, same spam, same drivel, same evidence of your
>urgent need to lie down on the nearest psychiatrist's couch and tell
>that nice man with far more patience than I have all about Desi's
>evil; about how, like Saddam Hussein, you win every battle; about how
>you were appointed by God to stand guard over this newsgroup to
>destroy the forces of darkness that would otherwise spread their evil
>and destruction across the whole world. Tell him your fantasies - he
>is paid to listen; I am not.

None of that pathetic insult is true. And it appears you are now using
_desi-methods_. This is not a battle between me and anyone. This
a statement of my opinion as to the racism I see in desi. Whether
anyone else sees it.... is immaterial to me... since I've fulfilled MY
MORAL obligation. I am only saying what I see IN MY OPINION.
If you wish to vote for desi (which I see as a vote for racism), I
would not expect to tell you that you CANNOT do so, or must leave
the newsgroup, as desi has tried to tell others who might not vote for
him. What is rather obvious to me, however; is that you wish to see it
in a PERSONAL framework. Which embodies the VERY reason this
thread has taken on a different meaning than my original tribute. I offered
a tribute to MLK, totally impersonal to anyone here. A tribute to the
man, his works, him memory, and a wish that we ALL examine our
hearts and accept the equality of ALL men that was his guiding principle.
desi IMMEDIATELY brought the full force of PERSONALITIES into
that tribute. Yet he claims that _I_ demonize... while it is clear that HE
DEMONIZED. I was appointed by no one for anything. But I do have
my own moral principles that would be shattered, were I not to defend
the MEANING of my tribute. Which is essentially all I have done here.
Had that tribute gone untainted by the obvious insults to that tribute
that desi provided, this thread and the others in respect to that tribute
would NOT EXIST. It became necessary for me to DEFEND that
tribute. I certainly am unaffected by any personal insults to me from
either you or desi... having long ago written you both off as imbeciles.
But dangerous imbeciles, as I found out following that tribute. I have
argued, and will continue to argue, that in my opinion anyone who would
DESTROY that meaning in my tribute MUST BY DEFINITION be a
racist. I have always said that morality is a subjective concept, and I
can define no other person's morality for them. If you believe racism
is moral...or desi does... that is something I cannot argue CANNOT
BE your morality. Nonetheless, I find it necessary to point out that it
doesn't agree with MY morality.

>So, once again, goodbye PV.

Repeating some words of desi, as he tried to _cage votes_ for racism --

"Whatever your 'vote', be it for me or against me, I accept it. But either stand up
now and be counted, or at least have the decency to leave the newsgroup, for you are
nothing but pawns of a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all those with
whom he cannot debate."
My comment --
I have never seen a more insulting diatribe directed at ALL members of this group.

A hysterical cry for HELP!!! from desi. Let me again be clear -- I need NO HELP.

Should every member here _vote_ for desi... MY MORALITY will still be intact.
desi would claim their morality BELONGS to HIM. And if it doesn't he directs
them to "leave the newsgroup."

Finally, and most importantly... you will also note the pathetic appeal contained in
desi's last sentence... that of calling ME "a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises

all those with whom he cannot debate." But you will find that THIS THREAD has

been constructed at its very beginning by desi trying to DEMONIZE ME, with
HIS disgusting DESTRUCTION of MY MEANING in the MLK Day post I

began. I only RESPONDED to his attempts to demonize me!!! By recognizing

there was MORE to it, than met the eye. Clearly IF he had NOT attempted

to demonize ME, because of my tribute to MLK, ALL of the various threads
about that tribute would not exist. All he would have had to do is let that tribute

pass as written. Since the WORDS did not attempt to demonize him, and only
were meant to pay a tribute to a great civil rights leader. But, in fact, he DID

try to demonize me... At the VERY BEGINNING... before I had even posted
ONE WORD to him, regarding that tribute, or had one word in that tribute

addressed to him. And now he has admitted that he intended to DESTROY
MY MEANING in those words. So I would ask you, JPB. The question you
refuse to answer --


And another question -- Do you AGREE that it was GOOD to destroy my
MEANING in that tribute to MLK as desi has triumphantly claimed?


Just passing by

Mar 2, 2003, 11:33:37 AM3/2/03
"John Rennie" <> wrote in message news:<zS38a.118$>...

Not any more. I have now discovered - a little late, I know - that
exchanging posts with PV on any topic whatsoever, is a pointless
exercise, as he is totally incapable of meeting the standards of
honesty and intellectual integrity that are a prerequisite for
both/all sides before any kind of debate can be undertaken. You will
not see any replies from me to any of his latest posts. If it is of
any interest, the following is just one of the reasons (without even
going into his compulsion for telling lies, or his endless spam,
created by combining numerous previous posts of his and repeatedly
reposting them, back to back) of why I would now advise others that
they should not waste their time - as, admittedly, I have done -
trying to engage that man in any kind of debate.

One thing PV will always do is claim to have won every argument he
takes part in, however obvious it is to everybody else that he has
been comprehensively annihilated (check this link for a better

But when that is made plain to him he will insist that he doesn't need
the judgement of others because he sees his own view as final and the
only one that matters. That changes, however, when, during one of the
many Google searches he conducts every day of his life on this group's
archives, he finds some distant quote from somebody that he then sets
about presenting out of its original context to create the illusion of
somebody having agreed with him. The reality, I suspect, is that deep
down he knows that he is unable to conduct reasoned debates in the way
that most posters here do. PV seems to believe that every debate has
to have a winner and a loser, and fails to understand that many,
perhaps even most, debates are simply discussions from which all
participants can gain both knowledge and enjoyment. To PV, "debate" is
a synonym for "war", and so he approaches every debate on the basis of
"all's fair in love & war" and will lie, cheat and distort his way to
what he - and only he - imagines is his final victory.

The best example I know of PV using the above Saddam Hussein approach
occurred during my own very long arguments with him on the subject of
a well known murder trial. The fact - and this can be proven through
the threads which are, and probably always will be, still available
for scrutiny - is that there never was what could be called a "debate"
between us. The debate that should have occurred was never allowed to
even begin - PV saw to that. Right at the beginning, I presented PV
with a list of seven proven and undisputed medical facts establishing,
beyond any doubt, that the defendant in that trial could not possibly
have done what she was charged with and wrongfully convicted of. I
then challenged PV to address those seven facts in whatever way he
believed could advance his own argument.

So, did he successfully disprove all seven of those facts? No.

Did he successfully disprove ANY of them? No.

Did he conduct any research through the trial transcripts or any of
the other sources he has relied on in his arguments on that topic, to
help him challenge those seven facts? No.

Has he ever tried to show that I have simply made up those seven
claims or even suggested that? No.

So what has he ever offered, by way of reply, to counter those seven
facts? Absolutely nothing whatsoever.

And I have presented those seven facts to PV on literally dozens of
occasions. Every single time I have done that, his response has been
the same : to completely ignore them; to pretend they are invisible on
his screen; to run away from them.

Unless and until PV is prepared to respond to those seven facts, the
debate he preposterously tells everyone he has won, could never
possibly even begin. And that is why I said above that I regard this
example of his Saddam Hussein approach to be the most ridiculous of
them all - because he is not just claiming victory in a debate he has
lost, but in one he has repeatedly run away from even taking part in.

A Planet Visitor

Mar 3, 2003, 11:02:13 PM3/3/03
On 2 Mar 2003 08:33:37 -0800, (Just passing by) wrote:

>"John Rennie" <> wrote in message news:<zS38a.118$>...
>> The war in Iraq will be over, the war with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria
>> Pakistan will also have reached a conclusion. Those that have survived
>> will be going to work or school wearing tin helmets and carrying gas
>> masks. But one little remnant of the past will remain - we will still be
>> able to log on to a.a.d-p. and look in on the eternal flamefest between
>> JPB and PV. Two proud egos battling it out beyond Armageddon.
>Not any more. I have now discovered - a little late, I know - that
>exchanging posts with PV on any topic whatsoever, is a pointless
>exercise, as he is totally incapable of meeting the standards of
>honesty and intellectual integrity that are a prerequisite for
>both/all sides before any kind of debate can be undertaken.

TRANSLATION == I haven't _won_ any argument with PV. Thus, I can
only explore crying to someone else, and hope they empathize with me.

What is it with some here, who are ALWAYS whining for others to
_help_ them? _Support_ them? _Agree_ with them? Are they unable
to stand on their own legs? I am reminded again of desi's pathetic plea
for members here to _help_ him, and _vote_ for racism... as JPB just
seemed to do. Remember desi's words --


However, to all of those (on both sides of the debate) who stand silently
by whilst FW accuses everyone around him and who best him, of being guilty
of all of the sins of the world. You dress your sycophancy in the guise of
not wanting to 'get involved'. Well you are involved.

This is your chance to redeem yourselves. This is your chance to show the

newsgroup that you have backbone. So far, only dirt and 'JPB' have

bothered to stand up and ridicule FW when he called me a racist, based on

words that were designed to call _him_ a racist. Whatever your 'vote', be

it for me or against me, I accept it. But either stand up now and be
counted, or at least have the decency to leave the newsgroup, for you are
nothing but pawns of a sick, perverted lunatic who demonises all those with
whom he cannot debate.


Never has a more pathetic whine emerged from this group. Never a more
sniveling little bit of begging, while at the same moment throwing an insult at
the collective group, if they do not _vote for him_. Never a more sickening
plea... to please.... HELP ME!! Like the wife-beater who both beats his
wife... and begs for her forgiveness just after doing so.

While looking at his begging in his comment, anyone can clearly see that desi
would try to accuse ME of demonizing. But it is certain that in the thread MLK
Day... HE attempted and ADMITTED his PURPOSE was to demonize me,
and the MEANING of my words.

Let us not forget the FIRST words from me... and the FIRST words from desi in
response to my words in that thread, which I began. They need repeating and
demonstrate forcefully what a total hypocrite and a racist desi actually is. Nor
will I let him forget it for some time. He will need to demonstrate some integrity
for some time, before I let this pass -- Again... MY ORIGINAL WORDS as the
ORIGINATOR of the thread "MLK Day" on the day that the U.S. honors the
man, the works, and the memory of that civil rights leader. The ONLY tribute
offered to MLK on that day in this group --


What would MLK say today? The 'dream'?? Realized 34 years after his
assassination? Does anyone think it has become reality? This is a day of
'RECOGNITION.' Not in platitudes to ourselves of 'how far we have
come.' But in the awareness of 'how far we have to go.'

This is a day to personally reflect on your individual contributions to
EQUALITY, or the lack thereof. Because only TRUE EQUALITY can
fulfill that dream. This is a day for inward contemplation. To paraphrase
Lincoln... and I hope not tritely.. "That from (this) honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which (he) gave
the last full measure of devotion.."

This is a day to honor the dead... to Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man, his principles, his dreams... and yes -- his memory as well.
But let's not forget he is MORE than a 'memory.' He embodies the
very principles which should guide our lives. Where will we be 34
years from today? Will the glass of prejudice and hate still be half-full,
or will we have finally emptied it? I certainly don't know, but I do know
that the answer lies in the future behavior of each and every one of us.


See ANY demonization there? There is none. It is simply a tribute to
MLK, and a suggestion we become more introspective of our views.
Now... let's look at desi's IMMEDIATE RESPONSE to my MEANING,
and his attempt to DEMONIZE ME beginning with his FIRST
SENTENCE, in his sickening insult to MLK, as he has admitted
his intention was to DESTROY MY MEANING --

Normally, the whole of news:alt.activism.death-penalty considers you a
perverse joke. In the main, your 'purpose' on this newsgroup is to make
us all feel good at being normal, and especially, at not being _you. You
make us laugh, but unfortunately for you, we don't laugh _with_ you, but
_at_ you. You're recognised as the most inefficient, most inept, least
educated, most unsophisticated, most violent, least honest, most sexually
depraved poster that is currently posting to this newsgroup.

In short, you're a disgusting, laughable prick.

However, that being so (and no one would even contemplate stating the
opposite), this thread will make no one laugh. That the repulsive moron
who believes that all Germans are stupid, who will never trust an Arab, who
believes that study after study showing inherent racial bias in the
administration of the death penalty in the United States, only shows that
it is 'pro-black', who does not hesitate to call a German 'Adolph', who
exhibits rampant homophobia in almost every post, who believes that
'anti-Semitic' can only refer to the Jew and not to the other half-dozen or
so Semitic races, who mouths platitudes against a woman's right to choose
who uses her body, that such an example of sheer, _blinding_, proactive
stupidity, should seek to hijack the day when his own kind cut down a brave
young man in the prime of his life ... is beyond the pale.

Martin Luther King Day is not for your kind, Scum. If it were not for you,
there would be no Martin Luther King Day, for the man himself would not
have been killed. _You_ bear his blood on your hands. As long as your
kind exist, then the black will forever be excluded, forever the victim,
forever a 'second class citizen'.

You _fucking disgusting_ lowlife.
Desmond Coughlan

So I submit -- WHO is the "sick, perverted lunatic who would demonize all those
with whom he cannot debate."? And I claim it is desi. But you can _vote_ for him,
if your anger about being made a fool of in respect to the _Great White Whale_,
has so affected you, that you would abandon any principles which you might have
had. And I have asked you over and over, to answer the question -- WHO
FIRST attempted to demonize in the MLK Day thread? And I notice that you
have not had the courage to answer one way or the other.

> You will
>not see any replies from me to any of his latest posts. If it is of
>any interest, the following is just one of the reasons (without even
>going into his compulsion for telling lies, or his endless spam,
>created by combining numerous previous posts of his and repeatedly
>reposting them, back to back) of why I would now advise others that
>they should not waste their time - as, admittedly, I have done -
>trying to engage that man in any kind of debate.
>One thing PV will always do is claim to have won every argument he
>takes part in, however obvious it is to everybody else that he has
>been comprehensively annihilated (check this link for a better

ROTFLMAO... Once again, JPB offers a link to a post where he declares
me to be Saddam. And declares himself the _winner_. In an argument
which clearly has no _winners_... only the dead and the guilty as losers.

>But when that is made plain to him he will insist that he doesn't need
>the judgement of others because he sees his own view as final and the
>only one that matters.

Of course My judgment IS... all that matters to me. Do you presume
to DESERT your principles because a majority view otherwise? Are
you so shallow that you would depend on that majority for YOUR morality?
Would you convict a person accused of murder, because the other 11
members of the jury felt he was guilty, and you did not believe he was?
The fact is... if YOU cannot see racism simply DRIPPING... OOZING...
SLATHERING... from many of desi's posts, than it is not my morality
that is brought into question.

> That changes, however, when, during one of the
>many Google searches he conducts every day of his life on this group's
>archives, he finds some distant quote from somebody that he then sets
>about presenting out of its original context to create the illusion of
>somebody having agreed with him.

Huh??? You're an imbecile. Provide the exact quote in which you
accuse me of such. And let's SEE how the context was changed.

> The reality, I suspect, is that deep
>down he knows that he is unable to conduct reasoned debates in the way
>that most posters here do. PV seems to believe that every debate has
>to have a winner and a loser, and fails to understand that many,
>perhaps even most, debates are simply discussions from which all
>participants can gain both knowledge and enjoyment.

Actually... I have clearly said in the past, in other threads-- that

"There are 'no winners' here, folks. We are ALL losers."

and --

"There are no 'winners' here, sport. There are, as the trolley problem
ALWAYS demonstrated - and what is also obviously recognized in
murder and the penalties we exact for that crime - only losers."

and --
"I clearly stand as an observer. Neither a winner or a loser, but an 'observer"

While desi has certain proclaimed himself as a "winner," over and over,
prompting me to always remind him of St.George Seminal Axiom 6)....
claim victory.. which he always presumes to do. One of his comments
to me was --

"Insofar as usenet can have 'winners' and ''losers', you are the loser, and
I am the winner."

But MURDER and the DP BOTH have no winners. Only losers... humanity
itself in both processes. Were there no murder... there would obviously be
no need for the DP.

And you have certainly called YOURSELF a _winner_ in respect to the
_Great White Whale_. But that cannot be... since she was found guilty.
You have BACKED a _loser_. But do not presume I have called myself
a "winner" in our dialog. because there IS no "winner" in the conviction
of the _Great White Whale_. There is only the fact that Matthew Eappen
was the loser. Totally... losing his life. Winners in respect to murder, do not
exist. We, as a species are ALL losers. And that is the problem with you
here... it has become an obsession to you to believe YOU can become a
"winner" in the defense of a proven murderer of a baby. But the justice
system proves you wrong.

> To PV, "debate" is
>a synonym for "war", and so he approaches every debate on the basis of
>"all's fair in love & war" and will lie, cheat and distort his way to
>what he - and only he - imagines is his final victory.

LOL... Shall I AGAIN repeat those comments you have offered which
are lies, cheating and distorting the truth? Nah... I'll save the bandwidth.
Your entire obsession with the _Great White Whale_ was convincingly
exposed in my post... see --

Not just some pieces... but CHAPTER AND VERSE.

>The best example I know of PV using the above Saddam Hussein approach
>occurred during my own very long arguments with him on the subject of
>a well known murder trial.

Yeah... the one that proved the _Great White Whale_ was a _baby killer_.
Beyond ANY reasonable doubt.

> The fact - and this can be proven through
>the threads which are, and probably always will be, still available
>for scrutiny - is that there never was what could be called a "debate"
>between us. The debate that should have occurred was never allowed to
>even begin - PV saw to that. Right at the beginning, I presented PV
>with a list of seven proven and undisputed medical facts establishing,
>beyond any doubt, that the defendant in that trial could not possibly
>have done what she was charged with and wrongfully convicted of. I
>then challenged PV to address those seven facts in whatever way he
>believed could advance his own argument.

Rubbish... all of those "proven and undisputed medical facts (sic),"
were offered in the very effective appeal her defense offered to the
Supreme Court of Massachusetts -- See --
The defense appeal petition to the Massachusetts Supreme Court at

Second, it has been recognized by a great number of doctors, who
ALL signed a letter which stated quite clearly that "The hypothesis put
forward by the defense that minor trauma caused a "re-bleed" of an
earlier head injury can best be characterized as inaccurate, contrary to
vast clinical experience and unsupported by any published literature.
The "re-bleed" theory in infants is a courtroom "diagnosis", not a medical
diagnosis, and the jury properly rejected it." See --
JPB would try to DISCREDIT this letter, by claiming the doctors who
signed it were either BLACKMAILED/EXTORTED into signing,
or they somehow became doctors without learning how to read.

Third, it is ironic, that in spite of all the arguments mounted by the defense, not
ONE case....not even one, can be found of a baby who died as the defense
argued 8-month-old Matthew Eappen did: from an old, undetected skull
fracture and hemorrhage that re-bled weeks later, sending the child into a
fatal coma. An inquiry sent by The Associated Press through ProfNet, an
Internet query service that reaches about 300 hospitals and 760 colleges and
universities around the country, yielded NO examples of any such re-bleed

Fourth, in fact, some members of the defense team of the _Great
White Whale_ said (??) they had seen or heard of it. But could not
NAME one specific case. While, an expert witness for the DEFENSE
became flustered when cross-examined about his admission to the
defense team "that the injury that Matthew Eappen suffered that caused
his death occurred sometime between forty-eight and twelve hours of
his admission to the emergency room at Children's Hospital..." See

>So, did he successfully disprove all seven of those facts? No.

I did not have to.. since they were all successfully disproved at trial and
in appeal. I will not pander to anyone presuming to REWRITE evidence,
simply because they are obsessed.

In fact, the entire argument of a re-bled is the most disgusting defense
imaginable, since it's a 'Plan B' defense... blame SOMEONE ELSE. It's a
defense strategy of TRY ANYTHING, no matter how disgraceful it is.
Since it intends to ACCUSE the Eappens of ACTUALLY causing the
brain damage that killed Matthew. Not that I believe it should not be done...
simply that I believe it would be absurd not to see through it. The defense,
must of course, try ANYTHING, including sending doctors dressed in clown
outfits to testify, if they believe it can help their client.

>Did he successfully disprove ANY of them? No.

See above. Your _theory_ (sic) rests on a post from someone called
"Ainsley"...reporting live from Ithon on the Wye river, on an obscure
bulletin board site, just a bit right from those which discuss _alien invaders_ .
Presuming that "Ainsley" has the medical abilities to dispute ALL those
doctors, and medical evidence to the contrary. How very droll.

>Did he conduct any research through the trial transcripts or any of
>the other sources he has relied on in his arguments on that topic, to
>help him challenge those seven facts? No.


>Has he ever tried to show that I have simply made up those seven
>claims or even suggested that? No.

YOU certainly did not make them up... you do not possess the medical
expertise to _make them up_. Others _made them up_ for you. But that
does not mean they have any substance other than a DEFENSE strategy.
_made up_, is a very good description of what kind of _evidence_ that is.
Perhaps that is even a Freudian slip on your part.

>So what has he ever offered, by way of reply, to counter those seven
>facts? Absolutely nothing whatsoever.

The courts did that for me. They examined all the theories developed by
the defense in the trial and in the appeals process.

>And I have presented those seven facts to PV on literally dozens of
>occasions. Every single time I have done that, his response has been
>the same : to completely ignore them; to pretend they are invisible on
>his screen; to run away from them.

There is no reason to argue what has already been adjudicated, since
it offers no new evidence, and would simply try to REWRITE what
has been written into evidence, and has been fully adjudicated.

>Unless and until PV is prepared to respond to those seven facts, the
>debate he preposterously tells everyone he has won, could never
>possibly even begin. And that is why I said above that I regard this
>example of his Saddam Hussein approach to be the most ridiculous of
>them all - because he is not just claiming victory in a debate he has
>lost, but in one he has repeatedly run away from even taking part in.

Once again... For my very precise destruction of JPB's obsessive affection for the
_Great White Whale_, anyone can go to ==

While anyone wishing the TRUTH without believing either of us, can make up
their own minds, using the following resources. I would advise not to depend
on _Ainsley_, har har har.

One can find the transcript of the trial at
And the ruling of Judge Zobel can be found at
And he prosecution appeal petition to the Massachusetts Supreme Court at
And the defense appeal petition to the Massachusetts Supreme Court at
And the ruling of the Supreme Court at

The _problem_ with JPB's _theories, are that they have always rested, and will
continue to rest on the argument that everyone involved in the prosecution of
the _Great White Whale_ was to a degree corrupt. Obviously, he must call
all prosecution medical testimony as being provided by corrupt or incompetent
medical authorities... thus his condemnations of Reece, Ricci, Kirschner, only
because they provided evidence that goes against the defense of the _Great
White Whale_. For no other reason than that. He must call them and probably the
World Health Organization, the Russian Mafia, and Doctors Without Borders,
all either corrupt or ignorant. And he must claim the letter signed by 47 doctors
was an effort in blackmail and distortion on the part of those out to _frame_ the
_Great White Whale_. For a reason, he cannot specify.

When in fact, it is PROVEN that
1) 12 jurors voted unanimously for guilty of the crime of murder. Any
one of the them having the power to deny such a conviction.
2) One judge, found that the crime committed did not sufficiently prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that there was malice. Thus, while sustaining
the verdict of guilty, reduced the degree of the crime to manslaughter.
A judge having the power to overturn the conviction.
3) All seven Supreme Court Justices voted to uphold that verdict, with
4 concurring with the sentence, and 3 dissenting with ONLY the sentence,
and voting to return the guilty verdict for RESENTENCING only.

None of those 20 members, intimately aware of all the evidence, and not
part of any biased reasoning of the adversarial methods of prosecution and
defense in the justice system... in any way... considered she was NOT

None of them.

But then... I can imagine that JPB believes they were all corrupt.


John Rennie

Mar 4, 2003, 4:39:25 AM3/4/03

"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message

> On 2 Mar 2003 08:33:37 -0800, (Just passing by)
> >"John Rennie" <> wrote in message
> >> The war in Iraq will be over, the war with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria
> >> Pakistan will also have reached a conclusion. Those that have
> >> will be going to work or school wearing tin helmets and carrying gas
> >> masks. But one little remnant of the past will remain - we will still
> >> able to log on to a.a.d-p. and look in on the eternal flamefest between
> >> JPB and PV. Two proud egos battling it out beyond Armageddon.
> >
> >Not any more. I have now discovered - a little late, I know - that
> >exchanging posts with PV on any topic whatsoever, is a pointless
> >exercise, as he is totally incapable of meeting the standards of
> >honesty and intellectual integrity that are a prerequisite for
> >both/all sides before any kind of debate can be undertaken.
> TRANSLATION == I haven't _won_ any argument with PV. Thus, I can
> only explore crying to someone else, and hope they empathize with me.
> What is it with some here, who are ALWAYS whining for others to
> _help_ them? _Support_ them? _Agree_ with them? Are they unable
> to stand on their own legs? I am reminded again of desi's pathetic plea
> for members here to _help_ him, and _vote_ for racism... as JPB just
> seemed to do. Remember desi's words --

And on and on and on. Desperate to be the 'last man standing'. Do
something for all of us, PV. See if you can let the other have the last
word. It isn't that hard.

A Planet Visitor

Mar 5, 2003, 2:13:05 AM3/5/03

Once again... you ALWAYS seem to be calling on ME, to first put up my
sword. And that is not my style, when I find myself to be right. I would
CERTAINLY not allow the last word in the MLK Day saga to be that
desi was RIGHT to DESTROY MY MEANING as he has claimed was
his objective. I find it disgusting that JPB would be so angry that I took him
to task in the _Great White Whale_ argument, that he would now defend
the words of someone I cannot help but see, now and for the past three years,
is a destructive racist... desi. There is no question of this in my mind. It has
in fact become the overriding principle of my current posts. Since it is
obvious to me, that the more I recall his OWN WORDS, the more vicious
he has become in his lies, and the more virilent have become his obscene
insults. desi's despicable assault on a tribute to MLK rather demonstrates that.
While his pathetic whining, and insulting members here by saying they should
"redeem" themselves (as if they had somehow SINNED by not _backing him_),
and that they should gain some "backbone" by _voting for him, or else leave the
group, was a contemptible display of his desperation.


A Planet Visitor

Mar 5, 2003, 3:58:09 AM3/5/03
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 04:08:37 +0000, Desmond Coughlan <>

>le Tue, 04 Mar 2003 04:02:13 GMT, dans l'article <>, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...
>{ snip }

>> What is it with some here, who are ALWAYS whining for others to
>> _help_ them? _Support_ them? _Agree_ with them?

>Ho, ho, ho ...
Oh... Santa... As enticed as I am by those honeyed words... I'll need more than a
'kiss on the neck' to get me excited.

> 'All of the above, totally ignored by you. Not a FUCKING [sic] PEEP
> [sic] from you. Not a FUCKING [sic] WHISPER [sic] of disapproval.
> Apparently feeling it was quite proper for desi [sic] to voice such
> sickening images. But let PV DARE [sic] speak of the "cancerous evil"
> he found in those words. Oh, no... the righteous and sanctimonious "St
> Jürgen the Pious" will have none of that. The 13th fucking apostle of
> purity, pulls out his "sword of virtue" and calls down the wrath of God
> on PV'
> (url:
Do you see anywhere in there that I ASKED for his vote? Do you see
any groveling or begging as you did before this group? No... you do not.
This was to ONE individual poster... not a pathetic appeal to the group for
HELP. But a definite CONDEMNATION... not expecting a VOTE for
me... but clear recognition that he had already decided to ally himself with
the _true force of evil of AADP_... Desmond Coughlan. And it came as
a result of HIS condemning ME for having commented on your hate filled
dialogs here. There is WITHOUT A DOUBT... a cancerous evil in your
words, desi. And I simply pointed it out. I am not the only one who has
recognized it... I am simply one who has verbalized it in a more aggressive
manner... since I find you personally so repulsive. It's just something I can't
help. As when you admitted that you just "can't help being bigoted,
somehow..." See --

>LMAO !!!
> 'I have no concern for Earl's opinion whatsoever. But if you have ANY
> [sic] backbone, you will offer your feelings'
> (url:
Once again... not begging EVERY MEMBER here to _vote_ for me, but asking
one specific member to voice an opinion which she refused to do... which is her
right. Yet I still feel she did not do so, because of the fact that your paths
sometimes cross in a REAL sense, rather than only in this forum.

>{ snip remainder of >400 lines of self-serving, enraged, spittle-spraying
> frustration }
You mean the part about you BEGGING every member to vote for you, and
INSULTING them if they didn't, claiming they needed to REDEEM THEMSELVES.
As if they were in a state of MORTAL SIN... and only YOU could provide that
RELIGIOUS absolution to them, IF they voted for you? Yeah... I remember that
part. And I'll keep reminding you of it. In case YOU forget.


>Ayatollah desi

desi complains about executing murderers, but does he feel it necessary
to _complain_ if murderers are murdered? Obviously not, in his words --

"but surely even he cannot bring himself to 'complain' about murderers being
murdered. Is he _that_ much of a retarded, fuckwitted hypocrite ?" See -

John Rennie

Mar 5, 2003, 4:29:19 AM3/5/03

"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message

Surely the sheer satisfaction of knowing that you are right should be
It is for me in my many arguments with yourself. You will for instance
argue until doomsday that the prevalence of guns in the US contributes
very little to the huge amount of murders. There is no need to keep on
disagreeing with you - the argument is won decisively by myself and those
that argue similarly.

A Planet Visitor

Mar 6, 2003, 2:42:05 AM3/6/03

I've never argued that John. I well accept that guns contribute to elevated
levels of homicide in the U.S. Both in offensive and defensive use. I have
only argued that they have no effect on suicides, other than their often
easy availability makes them the suicide _weapon of choice_, Which if
unavailable would only increase the number of jumps from high buildings,
and monoxide poisonings in closed vehicles (my particular choice if I
was suicide prone), IMHO.

> There is no need to keep on
>disagreeing with you - the argument is won decisively by myself and those
>that argue similarly.

My arguments in respect to the right to bear arms, follows directly from my belief
in a right to self-protection, regardless of the attendant negative consequences in
other aspects. I know of no other argument that presumes we cannot takes
whatever measures we believe necessary to protect our lives, and I find it just
as much a _right_ to take those measures as any other presumed _right to life_.

Nor do I believe gun-control in the U.S. could EVER work. The _war on
guns_ is as impotent as the _war on drugs_. I truly believe in the argument
often presented, that in America, taking away guns means only the criminals
will have guns.



Mar 6, 2003, 3:43:57 AM3/6/03

"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message
: On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:29:19 -0000, "John Rennie" <>

: >
: >"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message
: >
: >> On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 09:39:25 -0000, "John Rennie"
: >wrote:
: >>
: >> >
: >> >"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message
: >> >
: >> >> On 2 Mar 2003 08:33:37 -0800, (Just passing
: >by)
: >> >wrote:
: >> >>
: >> >> >"John Rennie" <> wrote in message
: >> >news:<zS38a.118$>...
: Nor do I believe gun-control in the U.S. could EVER work. The _war on

: guns_ is as impotent as the _war on drugs_. I truly believe in the
: often presented, that in America, taking away guns means only the
: will have guns.

And the police, which could be equated to being the same in a lot of peoples

WooF w00f WooF

John Rennie

Mar 6, 2003, 9:49:18 AM3/6/03

"Cerberus" <Cerberus(nospam)> wrote in message

And I have never argued that they should be banned. I have merely
stated over and over again that it is the prevalence of guns in the
US that is a significant factor when trying to account for the huge murder
toll in the US.

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