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Re: The risks of being over weight

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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月7日 19:07:582011/9/7
GysdeJongh wrote:
> Calories in, Calories out
> Wax in, wax out
> <>
> Lifetime 'Dose' of Excess Weight Linked to Risk of Diabetes
> Our study finds that the relationship between weight and type 2 diabetes is
> similar to the relationship between smoking and the risk of lung cancer.

The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to (Proverbs 4:23) the heart by holding to the
right daily amount (32 oz) of food.

Yes, right amount (omer) control as Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod
Eastman are doing is much more sophisticated and smarter:



Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Approach to get our...

and then...

so that there will be...

Being hungry really is wonderful as proven by five lines of evidence:






So that we really should and say we are
"wonderfully hungry" whenever we are greeted:

There is pure joy in being used by GOD to convince others:

"A 2005 visit to an Atlanta cardiologist by the name of Andrew Chung
put me on some serious reality

I wasnt just chubby or husky, I am what they often call morbidly
obese. He explained that morbid obesity simply means that if something
happened to me that could be attiributed to weight and I were to end
up in the not breathing state

ok some call it DEAD

that a doctor could simply dismiss it as natural causes related to
weight more or less.

Ive been told I was a chunky fella a couple times, maybe even fat...
but not quite that harshly. Definitely made me think about a few
things, as much as I dislike scare tactics when it comes to health.

Well in the midst of the shock treatment, he also had me come to a
heart wellness seminar that he does on some Saturdays in Mableton.

Nice little get together, he has folks from the community come in and
discuss Tai Chi, exercises, testimonials, all kinds of good stuff.

Then he shows the movie SUPERSIZE ME to set up the pitch for his 2PD
Omer approach that he has his patients use to lose weight.

In a nutshell, in his view, HOW MUCH you eat is more of the issue than
WHAT you eat and portion is more important than any fat content or

I agree with this. This is why I have always been more successful on
more liquid diets (cabbage soup, slimfast, herbalife (tho dangerous))
than anything else. I wasnt eating the portions I was before that..."


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:


2011年9月7日 19:16:432011/9/7
hasn't bothered Chung in the least...!


2011年9月7日 20:18:532011/9/7
On Sep 7, 4:07 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>

> The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to the heart by holding to the
> right daily amount (32 oz) of food.


The diet invented by Andrew B. Chung, is only one many available

Take into consideration though; that there isn't a single bit of
obtainable empirical clinical evidence, to support Andrew B. Chung's
opinion of the diet he invented.

Nor is there a single licensed nutritionist or dietitian who's on on
record to support Andre B. Chung's opinion of the diet he invented.

Nor is there a single theologian, Bible scholar or historian who will
back up Andrew B. Chung's opinion of what an "omer" weighs, or any of
Andrew B. Chung's other opinions as to how the Bible applies to the
diet he invented.

All you really have to go by regarding this matter, is nothing more
then Andrew B. Chung's opinion.

Andrew B. Chung wrote:

> 2 pound diet
> [I] Dr. Chung invented this approach

Truth is reality.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月7日 20:37:462011/9/7
On Sep 7, 5:18 pm, Jeremiah <> wrote:
> On Sep 7, 4:07 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>
> wrote:
> > The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to the heart by holding to the
> > right daily amount (32 oz) of food.
> Lie.
> The diet invented by Andrew B. Chung, is only one many available
> options.
> Take into consideration though; that there isn't a single bit of
> obtainable empirical clinical evidence, to support Andrew B. Chung's
> opinion of the diet he invented.
> Nor is there a single licensed nutritionist or  dietitian who's on on
> record to support Andre B. Chung's opinion of the diet he invented.
> Nor is there a single theologian, Bible scholar or historian who will
> back up Andrew B. Chung's opinion of what an "omer" weighs, or any of
> Andrew B. Chung's other opinions as to how the Bible applies to the
> diet he invented.
> All you really have to go by regarding this matter, is nothing more
> then Andrew B. Chung's opinion.
> --
> Andrew B. Chung wrote:
> > 2 pound diet
> > [I] Dr. Chung invented this approach
> Truth is reality.

And the reality is that I'm just a loudmouthed spamming Quack!

Andy Chung MF/BS/SOB/POS
Certified Quackologist

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月7日 20:36:142011/9/7
... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends like Rod Eastman
( ) to also pray for Ken simply because we really love
him as our LORD commands (John 15:12) with all glory to GOD the

Millie wrote:
> Ken (aka "retarded popstar" ) wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > I'm Bat Shit KrAZy and I approve this message
> >
> > <snip>
> Yeah..
> We know, so why not get some professional help

Ken doesn't believe in GOD.


Ken really wrote earlier in part:

> Imma Insane


Yes you are insane, Ken.

Ken also wrote earlier in part:
> "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
> different results"
> Albert Einstein ...

... and ...

Actually, insanity is simply a condition of being disconnected from
reality falsely thinking fiction is truth thereby suffering from

For example, your quoting Albert Einstein's fictional definition of
insanity multiple times and applying it as if it were true serves well
as evidence that you really are becoming insane.

Ken wrote earlier in part:
> Schizophrenia can set in at any time but it's usual shows up in early
> adulthood.
> I'm predisposed due to my biological maw spending her adult life in a
> hospital as a paranoid schizophrenic before passing in '66


Only the truth, Who is Jesus, can keep you from becoming more
delusional like your mom was.

There are others who are also observing that you are exhibiting

Bottom line concerning you, Ken:

Truth is reality ...

... despite your efforts:

And, so this bona-fide physician ( ) freely
chooses to continue to pray for you as outlined per the amazing
Facebook spectacle at earlier:

May GOD save your perishing soul by giving you, Ken, a new heart and a
new spirit (Ezekiel 11:19-20 and 36:26) so that you would be born
again of water and Spirit (John 3:3 and 3:5),
by Him so that you would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Approach to get our...

and then...







Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,


2011年9月7日 23:59:342011/9/7
On Sep 7, 5:37 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"

> And the reality is that I'm just a loudmouthed spamming Quack!
> Andy Chung MF/BS/SOB/POS
> Certified Quackologist-

We know..
But why must you continue to advertise that fact, ya QUACK?

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月8日 00:20:332011/9/8


> Imma Insane



Truth is reality ...

... despite your efforts:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for

diabetics and other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Approach to get our...

and then...







Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Andrew <><


2011年9月8日 02:48:382011/9/8
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:

> The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to 4:23) > the heart by holding to the

> right daily amount (32 oz) of food.


The diet invented by Andrew B. Chung, is only one of many available
dietary options.

Take into consideration though; that there isn't a single bit of
obtainable empirical clinical evidence, to support Andrew B. Chung's
opinion of the diet he invented.

Nor is there a single licensed nutritionist or dietitian who's on on

record having supported Andrew B. Chung's opinion of the diet he

Nor is there a single theologian, Bible scholar or historian who will

back up Andrew B. Chung's opinion of what an "omer" weighs, or any of

Andrew B. Chung's other opinions as to how the Bible supposedly
directly to the diet he invented.

All you really have to go by regarding the diet invented by Andrew B
is nothing more than Andrew B. Chung's opinions and personal claims.

Andrew B. Chung will claim that the diet he invented was the result of
a vision form God, however he didn't start making this claim until
about five years after its 1998 inception.
He will also claim it's not a diet, even though he called it a diet
until about five years after its 1998 inception.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月8日 07:09:152011/9/8
an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is
>> to (Proverbs 4:23) the heart by holding to the
> > right daily amount (32 oz) of food.
> Untrue.

Not for the discerning who know that the definition of overeating is
simply eating more than the right daily amount and understand that
eating less than the right amount is unhealthy.

It is as written in the Bible that the path to righteousness is a
narrow one.

an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote in part:

> Chung invented this thing (2PD-OMER Approach) in 1998


The inspiration from the Holy Spirit about the
(Exo 16:16) Approach happened in 1997 during the viewing of an IMAX
Mt.Everest documentary that started playing at the Tennessee Aquarium
circa 1996:


MU wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> > Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >>
> >> Awareness is indeed lacking in folks who are not aware of how much
> >> they are eating.
> >
> > What's lacking is... an iota of obtainable empirical clinical evidence
> > to back up Chung's claims regarding the 2pid diet.

The LORD's (Exodus 16:16) Approach is

Truth is simply reality and there is simply no truth in accursed lying

> Fine then don't use it. Few care about a worthless Usenet troll's
> obesity anyway. I sure don't.

We should care about hapless folks possibly being deceived by its lies
when the fact is that the greatest possible clinical evidence from the
Great Physician is as published in the greatest book of all time and
is readily available at Deuteronomy 8:4 where data is given that the
hundreds of thousands using His 2PD-OMER Approach avoided vascular
disease (their feet did not swell) and avoided obesity (their clothes
did not wear out) for the 40 year clinical trial period.


an accursed lying sockpuppet despairingly wrote:
> Andy thinks he has exclusive Holy Spirit powers surpassing everyone
> who's ever lived including the likes of Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist...


Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD with all glory to GOD :-)

Neither Moses nor Elijah nor John the Baptist were made smarter by the
Great Teacher, Who is the smartest as evident by His outsmarting (Luke
4:4 & Matthew 4:4) satan, who is your master.

Yes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the smartest for it is written we,
who are His students (disciples) would not be greater than our


an accursed lying sockpuppet despairingly wrote:
> Sure, all cardiologists with an active medical practice are up all
> night long posting to Usenet, NOT :-)

This physician ( ) with an active medical
practice has found it easy (Matthew 11:30) to post on Usenet for 15
straight years for he can do all things through Christ Who strengthens
(Philippians 4:13) him:

Laus Deo :-)

May GOD continue to curse to the Nth generation all the real humans
who presently know the identity of the person(s) behind the lying
sockpuppets here, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Here's what I found on the comments section of
> What if you are wrong? What if it is not possible to say, "Jesus is
> Lord" except by the Holy Spirit?
> CharlotteFairchild
> ----
> The issue here is; can someone who is not saved say "Jesus is Lord"
> and still remain unsaved?

No, the issue here is what is written at 1 Corinthians 12:3 that "no
one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >
> >
> > Steve's demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
> > reality :-)

> The guy on the video said he's heard demons who have *possessed* someone
> say "Jesus is Lord"

Steve's demons would not be able to "possess" anyone if they were
corporeal. It is the person via the Holy Spirit indwelling in the mind
of the "possessed" person and not the demons indwelling in the heart
(Jeremiah 17:9) that says "Jesus is LORD" with the mouth for it is
written that "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
Spirit."(1 Corinthians 12:3) Again, truth is simply reality :-)

Laus Deo for your unwittingly confirming what the Holy Spirit has
guided this physician ( ) to write :-)


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Yes, absolutely "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
>> Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3) and there is absolutely no reason for the
>> Holy Spirit to help demons say "Jesus is LORD" with their mouths unto
>> salvation (Romans 10:10) and indeed the Bible teacher in the YouTube
>> audiofile below isn't a demon as prodigal as he is as evident by his
>> teaching falsely for 40 years that demons can say "Jesus is LORD" with
>> their mouth unto salvation:
>> Demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
>> reality :-)
>> And so this gentile Christian disciple, in the Holy Spirit (
>> ) humbly (Deu8:3) prays:
>> May GOD curse all who continue to falsely teach that anyone can say
>> "Jesus is LORD" (i.e. like a parrot) thereby contradicting what's been
>> proven at just as the LORD cursed the fig tree
>> right before driving the money-changers out of the Temple in
>> Jerusalem, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
>> Amen.


>Well, Andy, here's a little challenge for you. Give him a call and
>discuss it with him on the air.

There really is nothing to discuss. The fact remains that Steve's
demons are non-corporeal which does mean they have neither mouth nor
tongue to use to say "Jesus is LORD."

>His show, The Narrow Path, airs from 9:30 to 10:00 AM and from 2:00 to
>3:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
>The phone number for the 9:30 to 10:00 AM program is: 1-800-227-5278
>The phone number for the 2:00 to 3:00 PM program is: 1-800-438-5090.
>Steve encourages people who disagree with him, to air their disputes.

Opinions come from the heart which is deceitfully wicked (Jeremiah
17:9) so that those like Steve who opine while encouraging others to
do the same are invariably wrong in what they teach and are thus
sinning. He should stop sinning before something worse happens to him
(John 5:14).

>Steve is highly regarded for his ability to stay calm and relaxed,
>rather than getting upset or offended. He even has a lecture called,
>"Refuse to be offended".

Additional false teaching for the Source of our perfect peace is not
self according to what is written at Psalm 119:165.

> He doesn't want someone to basically use the show as a platform to
> preach their viewpoint as opposed to conducting a civil discussion.
> But I've seen him display remarkable patience even along those lines.


> From that video log:
> @CharlotteFairchild wrote "The Omer is"
> I just got a private message about Andrew Chung and? this board being
> trolled by you. Bye.


> So how's about it, Andy? Are you capable of going toe to toe with this
> man on the air?

Steve is not capable of going toe to toe with a woman named Charlotte
Fairchild much less this physician ( ) who is
in the Holy Spirit ( ).

Laus Deo :-)


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote and cross-posted to

> Dear Claire,
> First of all, I will abide with your request.

Her request is that you not cross-post to alt.christnet.christianlife

Laus Deo for your unwittingly proving that you cannot help lying (i.e.
it's pathological).


MU wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
>> MU wrote:
>>> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
>>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>> MU wrote:
>>>>>> Hoo boy, I guess we put a burr under his rump.
>>>>>> *LOL*
>>>>> Indeed :-)
>>>>> Laus Deo for His answering our prayers by cursing them :-)
>>>> Oh, so this is what you and your sockpuppet "prayed" for, eh?
>>> No just expected. lulz
>> Then you'll have nothing to complain about. Win win :-)
> Whose complaining?

Their handlers will be complaining to their physicians about feeling
more tired then usual because they are now cursed by GOD.

Then they will wither away as did the fig tree did after being cursed
by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

We will later watch their souls get tossed into the lake of fire being
prepared for them (Revelation 20:15).


And, if there are any born-again handlers of these lying sockpuppets,
may GOD blot their names from His Book of Life so that they will no
longer have the help of the Holy Spirit to say "Jesus is LORD" so that
they will also be cast into the lake of fire being prepared for them
(Revelation 20:15) in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > May GOD curse to the Nth generation all the real humans who presently
> > know the identity of the person(s) behind the lying sockpuppets here, in
> > the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
> Proof that Chung is both lost and insane.


Those who are either lost or insane or both, cannot pray to GOD in the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

> And apparently *not* a true disciple of Christ.

Not for the discerning who remember what happened to Ananias and
Sapphira when they lied before the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-10) and what
happened to Bob Pastorio when he lied before the Holy Spirit ( ), Who indwells in this gentile Christian
disciple ( ):

The lie:

The consequence:
(an inauspicious death from cancer on Fool's day)

> Like Satan's demons, false disciples can say "Jesus is Lord" in
> mockery and to deceive:
> Proof:

Those saying "Jesus is LORD" in the above YouTube video are neither
satan's demons nor false disciples. Instead, they are prodigal Bible
teachers expressing their opinions, which coming from the heart are
invariably false, and are simply not disciples of Christ as evident by
their forgetting that "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the
Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:3)

Laus Deo for His annihilating you with fires from Heaven for all to
witness in wide-eyed wonder and amazement :-)


liaM wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> > Please do post an NYT article about 2PD-OMER. How's about an article
> > about 2PD-OMER from any major publication magazine.

Here's the verse citation about the LORD's 2PD-OMER Approach in the
most important book in all the universe in all of time:

Exodus 16:16 :-)

> What a small mind you have, whoeveryouare...

It along with its mind is withering away just as the fig tree cursed
by Jesus Christ of Nazareth withered away.


a lying sockpuppet while being annihilated by fires from Heaven wrote:
> Derek F wrote:
> > Is a dropping daytime BP over a period of a few months a sign of
> > worsening aortic stenosis?
> > Derek
> Derek, the only people you'll reach here are kooks and trolls.


Name-calling is by definition lying.a

Additional proof that the sockpuppets are lying:

Simply do a Google profile to confirm this physician's awesome 15 year
posting history in

Laus Deo :-)

May GOD continue to curse to the Nth generation all the real humans
who presently know the identity of the person(s) behind the lying
sockpuppets here, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement with all glory to the LORD:

This physician ( ) would not have been able
to effortlessly do 32 push-ups in perfect form (with absolutely
straight knees and back) while concurrently saying "Jesus is LORD" in
32 different languages had he not successfully (Philippians 4:13)
achieved per the LORD's
Approach, with all glory to GOD the Father.

Moreover, HeartDoc Andrew boldly (i.e. in full unobstructed view of on-
lookers at a public park during the bright light of day) wearing a
half-shirt that bared his midriff during the perfect push-ups has made
it very clear that he has absolutely no VAT as evident by (instead of
distension/protuberance) creases, which are 100% consistent with his
having no detectable CRP even with the high sensitivity assays :-)

Laus Deo :-)

Bottom line concerning lying sockpuppets:

As the fires from Heaven destroy their lies, the sockpuppets do cease
to exist :-)

May GOD continue to annihilate lying sockpuppets with fires from
Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth -->


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist
and Author of "Trust the Truth -
Only the truth can cure the 'hunger is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

Only the truth can cure the "hunger is starvation" delusion:


2011年9月8日 08:47:052011/9/8
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:

> The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to 4:23) the heart by holding to the
> right daily amount (32 oz) of food.

Truth is reality :-)


2011年9月8日 08:53:302011/9/8
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:

Chung's established archived definition of "sockpuppet":
sockpuppet = corporeal demon

Chung's established archived definition of "corporeal demon":
corporeal demon = demons are non-corporeal.

Chung's established archived definition of "non-corporeal demon":
demons are non-corporeal = therefore demons can not use corporal
methods of communication.

Chung's established archived definition of "demons can not use
corporal methods of communication:
demons can not use corporal methods of communication = a sockpuppet
wrote = a corporeal demon wrote...


2011年9月8日 08:52:252011/9/8
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:

> Yes, absolutely "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
> Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3)
>> The issue here is; can someone who is not saved say "Jesus is Lord"
>> and still remain unsaved?
> No, the issue here is what is written at 1 Corinthians 12:3 that "no
> one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."

Saying something, even "Jesus is Lord", without it having personal
meaning in your heart is meaningless.
Meaning that no one can *sincerely* confess Jesus is Lord of their
heart, except with the help of the Holy Spirit.

"For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are" (Romans 10:10)

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Mark 12:30 - Deut. 6:5)

"And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy
Spirit" (Acts 15:8)

"And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured
out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit" (Romans 5:5)

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)

"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart" (Matthew

*** But of false Christians, it is written:***

Many will come using My name... and mislead - Jesus Christ (Matthew

"These people honor me by what they say. But their hearts are far away
from me". (Matthew 15:8)

"The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely,
supposing that they can stir up trouble" (Philippians 1:17)

Steve Gregg ( has even heard demons
*insincerely* say "Jesus is Lord" out of people they've possessed in

> Steve's demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
> reality :-)

Demons speaking though people they've possessed is recorded throughout
the New Testament i.e. Luke 4:33-36, Matthew 8:31, Acts 19:15.

Andrew Chung coined the phrase:
> a corporeal demon

Then suddenly, Andrew Chung says the opposite of what he's been saying
for years:
> Demons are non-corporeal.

BTW, here's what was found in the comments section of:
> @CharlotteFairchild wrote "The Omer is"
> I just got a private message about Andrew Chung and this board being trolled by you. Bye.
> Steve's demons would not be able to "possess" anyone if they were
> corporeal.

Once again, demons speaking though people they've possessed is
recorded throughout the New Testament i.e. Luke 4:33-36, Matthew 8:31,
Acts 19:15.

Andrew displays the need to believe, and make others believe, that
mouthing the words "Jesus is Lord" without *sincerity* without
actually believing it in his heart is all that is needed. Even though
the Bible says otherwise (Deuteronomy 6:5Matthew 5:8, Matthew 12:34,
Mark 12:30, Acts 15:8, Romans 10:10).

And especially, Matthew 15:8;
"These people honor me by what they say. But their hearts are far away
from me".

Chung's only defense for refusing to accept believing that Jesus is
Lord with his whole heart, despite the numerous commandments to do so
listed above, is in trying to use Jeremiah 17:9 as an *out of context*

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月8日 21:20:462011/9/8
an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is
>> to (Proverbs 4:23) the heart by holding to the

> > right daily amount (32 oz) of food.
> Untrue.

Not for the discerning who know that the definition of overeating is

simply eating more than the right daily amount and understand that
eating less than the right amount is unhealthy.

It is as written in the Bible that the path to righteousness is a
narrow one.



2011年9月8日 23:08:592011/9/8
And still he goes on and on and on....never realizing he's just a
clown, and not even a funny one at that

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月9日 01:36:012011/9/9
... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends like Rod Eastman
( ) to also pray for Ken simply because we really love
him as our LORD commands (John 15:12) with all glory to GOD the
Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,


2011年9月9日 02:13:422011/9/9
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:

Chung's established archived definition of "sockpuppet":
sockpuppet = corporeal demon

Chung's established archived definition of "corporeal demon":
corporeal demon = demons are non-corporeal.

Chung's established archived definition of "non-corporeal demon":
demons are non-corporeal = therefore demons can not use corporal
methods of communication.

Chung's established archived definition of "demons can not use
corporal methods of communication:
demons can not use corporal methods of communication = a sockpuppet
wrote = a corporeal demon wrote...

> [I'm] Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD with all glory to GOD :-)

It's a shame those smarts didn't stand the test of time.

Bob (this one)

2011年9月9日 02:15:142011/9/9
Regarding Andrew B. Chung:

> And does *not* act like a true disciple of Christ.

> Not for the discerning who remember what happened to Ananias and
> Sapphira when they lied before the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-10)

Ironic coming from Chung, who makes up things and then attributes his
personal inventions to the Holy Spirit, in a vain attempt to give his
ideas and inventions backing.

Maybe if Chung uses the name of the Lord in vain enough when issuing
judgments and curses upon the Elect, the Lord will tire of it and heap
judgments and curses upon Chung's head.

> and what
> happened to Bob Pastorio

Chung the egomaniac, with the still bruised ego,
still taking credit for one of nearly 8 million people
who died of cancer in 2007.

Bob's death (we all die, even Chung) just *has* to be connected with
Bob taking Chung's nonsense apart on Usenet, it just *has* to be.

I skinned my elbow while rock climbing. That *must* have been God
punishing me for exposing Chung as a charlatan, it *must* be.

Boy oh boy, I'd better stop exposing egomaniac Chung's duplicity, or
God might
strike me dead for it. Not.

Only charlatans like Chung attempt melodramatic scare tactics, when
they are being exposed.


2011年9月9日 02:12:262011/9/9
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:

> Yes, absolutely "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
> Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3)


>> The issue here is; can someone who is not saved say "Jesus is Lord"
>> and still remain unsaved?
> No, the issue here is what is written at 1 Corinthians 12:3 that "no
> one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."

Saying something, even "Jesus is Lord", without it having personal

meaning in your heart is meaningless.
Meaning that no one can *sincerely* confess Jesus is Lord of their
heart, except with the help of the Holy Spirit.

"For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are" (Romans 10:10)

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Mark 12:30 - Deut. 6:5)

"And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy
Spirit" (Acts 15:8)

"And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured
out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit" (Romans 5:5)

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)

"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart" (Matthew

*** But of false Christians, it is written:***

Many will come using My name... and mislead - Jesus Christ (Matthew

"These people honor me by what they say. But their hearts are far away

from me". (Matthew 15:8)

"The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely,
supposing that they can stir up trouble" (Philippians 1:17)

Steve Gregg ( has even heard demons
*insincerely* say "Jesus is Lord" out of people they've possessed in

> Steve's demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
> reality :-)

Demons speaking though people they've possessed is recorded throughout

the New Testament i.e. Luke 4:33-36, Matthew 8:31, Acts 19:15.

Then suddenly, Andrew Chung says the opposite of what he's been saying
for years:
> Demons are non-corporeal.

BTW, here's what was found in the comments section of:

> @CharlotteFairchild wrote "The Omer is"

> I just got a private message about Andrew Chung and this board being trolled by you. Bye.

> Steve's demons would not be able to "possess" anyone if they were
> corporeal.

Once again, demons speaking though people they've possessed is

recorded throughout the New Testament i.e. Luke 4:33-36, Matthew 8:31,
Acts 19:15.

Andrew displays the need to believe, and make others believe, that
mouthing the words "Jesus is Lord" without *sincerity* without
actually believing it in his heart is all that is needed. Even though
the Bible says otherwise (Deuteronomy 6:5Matthew 5:8, Matthew 12:34,
Mark 12:30, Acts 15:8, Romans 10:10).

And especially, Matthew 15:8;

"These people honor me by what they say. But their hearts are far away


2011年9月9日 02:10:552011/9/9
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:

> The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to 4:23) the heart by holding to the
> right daily amount (32 oz) of food.

The diet invented by Andrew B. Chung, is only one of many available
dietary options.

Take into consideration though; that there isn't a single bit of
obtainable empirical clinical evidence, to support Andrew B. Chung's
opinion of the diet he invented.

Nor is there a single licensed nutritionist or dietitian who's on on
record having supported Andrew B. Chung's opinion of the diet he

Nor is there a single theologian, Bible scholar or historian who will
back up Andrew B. Chung's opinion of what an "omer" weighs, or any of
Andrew B. Chung's other opinions as to how the Bible supposedly
directly to the diet he invented.

All you really have to go by regarding the diet invented by Andrew B
is nothing more than Andrew B. Chung's opinions and personal claims.

Andrew B. Chung will claim that the diet he invented was the result of
a vision form God, however he didn't start making this claim until
about five years after its 1998 inception.
He will also claim it's not a diet, even though he called it a diet
until about five years after its 1998 inception.

> happened in 1997 during the viewing of an IMAX
> Mt.Everest documentary that started playing at the Tennessee Aquarium
> **before** 1996:


The release date for "Everest" was 6 March 1998.

Andrew B. Chung wrote:
> 2 pound diet
> [I] Dr. Chung invented this approach

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月9日 19:22:072011/9/9
an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is
>> to (Proverbs 4:23) the heart by holding to the
> > right daily amount (32 oz) of food.
> Untrue.

Not for the discerning who know that the definition of overeating is
simply eating more than the right daily amount and understand that
eating less than the right amount is unhealthy.

It is as written in the Bible that the path to righteousness is a
narrow one.


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote in part:

> Chung invented this thing (2PD-OMER Approach) in 1998


The inspiration from the Holy Spirit about the
(Exo 16:16) Approach happened in 1997 during the viewing of an IMAX
Mt.Everest documentary that started playing at the Tennessee Aquarium
MU wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD with all glory to GOD :-)

Neither Moses nor Elijah nor John the Baptist were made smarter by the
Great Teacher, Who is the smartest as evident by His outsmarting (Luke
4:4 & Matthew 4:4) satan, who is your master.

Yes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the smartest for it is written we,
who are His students (disciples) would not be greater than our


an accursed lying sockpuppet despairingly wrote:
> Sure, all cardiologists with an active medical practice are up all
> night long posting to Usenet, NOT :-)

This physician ( ) with an active medical
practice has found it easy (Matthew 11:30) to post on Usenet for 15
straight years for he can do all things through Christ Who strengthens
(Philippians 4:13) him:

Laus Deo :-)

May GOD continue to curse to the Nth generation all the real humans
who presently know the identity of the person(s) behind the lying
sockpuppets here, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Here's what I found on the comments section of
> What if you are wrong? What if it is not possible to say, "Jesus is
> Lord" except by the Holy Spirit?
> CharlotteFairchild
> ----
> The issue here is; can someone who is not saved say "Jesus is Lord"
> and still remain unsaved?

No, the issue here is what is written at 1 Corinthians 12:3 that "no
one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."

an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >
> >
> > Steve's demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
> > reality :-)

> The guy on the video said he's heard demons who have *possessed* someone
> say "Jesus is Lord"

Steve's demons would not be able to "possess" anyone if they were
corporeal demons (i.e. folks who have unwisely blasphemed against the
Holy Spirit so that they will not be ever ).
It is the person via the Holy Spirit indwelling in the mind of the
"possessed" person and not the demons indwelling in the heart
(Jeremiah 17:9) that says "Jesus is LORD" with the mouth for it is
written that "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
Spirit."(1 Corinthians 12:3) Again, truth is simply reality :-)

Laus Deo for your unwittingly confirming what the Holy Spirit has
guided this physician ( ) to write :-)


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Yes, absolutely "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
>> Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3) and there is absolutely no reason for the
>> Holy Spirit to help demons say "Jesus is LORD" with their mouths unto
>> salvation (Romans 10:10) and indeed the Bible teacher in the YouTube
>> audiofile below isn't a demon as prodigal as he is as evident by his
>> teaching falsely for 40 years that demons can say "Jesus is LORD" with
>> their mouth unto salvation:
>> Demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
>> reality :-)
>> And so this gentile Christian disciple, in the Holy Spirit (
>> ) humbly (Deu8:3) prays:
>> May GOD curse all who continue to falsely teach that anyone can say
> @CharlotteFairchild wrote "The Omer is"
> I just got a private message about Andrew Chung and? this board being
> trolled by you. Bye.


> So how's about it, Andy? Are you capable of going toe to toe with this
> man on the air?

Steve is not capable of going toe to toe with a woman named Charlotte
Fairchild much less this physician ( ) who is
in the Holy Spirit ( ).

Laus Deo :-)


an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote and cross-posted to

> Dear Claire,
> First of all, I will abide with your request.

Her request is that you not cross-post to alt.christnet.christianlife

Laus Deo for your unwittingly proving that you cannot help lying (i.e.
it's pathological).


MU wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
>> MU wrote:
>>> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > May GOD curse to the Nth generation all the real humans who presently
> > know the identity of the person(s) behind the lying sockpuppets here, in
> > the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
> Proof that Chung is both lost and insane.


Those who are either lost or insane or both, cannot pray to GOD in the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

> And apparently *not* a true disciple of Christ.

Not for the discerning who remember what happened to Ananias and
Sapphira when they lied before the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-10) and what
happened to Bob Pastorio when he lied before the Holy Spirit ( ), Who indwells in this gentile Christian
disciple ( ):

The lie:

The consequence:
(an inauspicious death from cancer on Fool's day)

> Like Satan's demons, false disciples can say "Jesus is Lord" in
> mockery and to deceive:
> Proof:

Those saying "Jesus is LORD" in the above YouTube video are neither
satan's demons nor false disciples. Instead, they are prodigal Bible
teachers expressing their opinions, which coming from the heart are
invariably false, and are simply not disciples of Christ as evident by
their forgetting that "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the
Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:3)

Laus Deo for His annihilating you with fires from Heaven for all to
witness in wide-eyed wonder and amazement :-)


liaM wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist


2011年9月9日 21:37:572011/9/9
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:

Chung's established archived definition of "sockpuppet":
sockpuppet = corporeal demon

Chung's established archived definition of "corporeal demon":
corporeal demon = demons are non-corporeal.

Chung's established archived definition of "non-corporeal demon":
demons are non-corporeal = therefore demons can not use corporal
methods of communication.

Chung's established archived definition of "demons can not use
corporal methods of communication:
demons can not use corporal methods of communication = a sockpuppet
wrote = a corporeal demon wrote...

> [I'm] Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD with all glory to GOD :-)

It's a shame those smarts didn't withstand the test of time.


2011年9月10日 02:54:372011/9/10

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:

> The absolutely only healthy way to stop the overeating is to 4:23) the heart by holding to the
> right daily amount (32 oz) of food.

The diet invented by Andrew B. Chung, is only one of many available
dietary options.

Take into consideration though; that there isn't a single bit of
obtainable empirical clinical evidence, to support Andrew B. Chung's
opinion of the diet he invented.

Nor is there a single licensed nutritionist or dietitian who's on on
record having supported Andrew B. Chung's opinion of the diet he

Nor is there a single theologian, Bible scholar or historian who will
back up Andrew B. Chung's opinion of what an "omer" weighs, or any of
Andrew B. Chung's other opinions as to how the Bible supposedly
directly to the diet he invented.

All you really have to go by regarding the diet invented by Andrew B
is nothing more than Andrew B. Chung's opinions and personal claims.

Andrew B. Chung will claim that the diet he invented was the result of
a vision form God, however he didn't start making this claim until
about five years after its 1998 inception.
He will also claim it's not a diet, even though he called it a diet
until about five years after its 1998 inception.

> happened in 1997 during the viewing of an IMAX
> Mt.Everest documentary that started playing at the Tennessee Aquarium
> **before** 1996:


The release date for the IMAX documentary "Everest" was 6 March 1998.

Andrew B. Chung wrote:
> 2 pound diet
> [I] Dr. Chung invented this approach

> [I'm] Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD

It's a shame those smarts didn't withstand the test of time.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement with all glory to GOD:
> Yes, absolutely "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
> Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3)

> and there is absolutely no reason for the
> Holy Spirit to help demons say "Jesus is LORD" unto salvation (Romans
> 10:10)

No one said He does.

> and indeed the Bible teacher in the YouTube audiofile below
> isn't a demon as prodigal as he is as evident by his teaching falsely
> for 40 years that anyone can say "Jesus is LORD" (i.e. like a parrot)
> without needing the help of the Holy Spirit (i.e. in direct
> contradiction to Scripture)

People need the Help of the Holy Spirit to recognize and confess Jesus
is Lord of their life.

They don't need help to insincerely say the words.

> and that he has seen demons say "Jesus is
> LORD" though they are non-corporeal (i.e. invisible sans tongue/
> mouth):

Anyone (except Chung) listening knows he said he's *heard* demons say
"Jesus is Lord" through people, the same as they called Him "Son of
God" in the Bible (Luke 8:28)

Andy wants to believe he's saved solely because he can mouth some
words like a good little demonic parrot.

> Yes, absolutely "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy
> Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3)
>> The issue here is; can someone who is not saved say "Jesus is Lord"
>> and still remain unsaved?
> No, the issue here is what is written at 1 Corinthians 12:3 that "no
> one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."

Saying something, even "Jesus is Lord", without it having personal
meaning in your heart is meaningless.
Meaning that no one can *sincerely* confess Jesus is Lord of their
heart, except with the help of the Holy Spirit.

"For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are" (Romans 10:10)

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Mark 12:30 - Deut. 6:5)

"And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy
Spirit" (Acts 15:8)

"And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured
out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit" (Romans 5:5)

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)

"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart" (Matthew

*** But of false Christians, it is written:***

Many will come using My name... and mislead - Jesus Christ (Matthew

"These people honor me by what they say. But their hearts are far away
from me". (Matthew 15:8)

"The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely,
supposing that they can stir up trouble" (Philippians 1:17)

Steve Gregg ( has even heard demons
*insincerely* say "Jesus is Lord" out of people they've possessed in

> Steve's demons don't have mouths for they are non-corporeal. Truth is simply
> reality :-)

Andrew Chung coined the phrase:
> a corporeal demon

Then suddenly, Andrew Chung says the opposite of what he's been saying
for years:
> Demons are non-corporeal.

BTW, here's what was found in the comments section of:
> @CharlotteFairchild wrote "The Omer is"
> I just got a private message about Andrew Chung and this board being trolled by you. Bye.
> Steve's demons would not be able to "possess" anyone if they were
> corporeal.

Once again, demons speaking though people they've possessed is
recorded throughout the New Testament i.e. Luke 4:33-36, Matthew 8:31,
Acts 19:15.

And Chung himself has used the discription "corporeal demon" thousands
of times.

Andrew displays the need to believe, and make others believe, that
mouthing the words "Jesus is Lord" without *sincerity* without
actually believing it in his heart is all that is needed. Even though
the Bible says otherwise (Deuteronomy 6:5Matthew 5:8, Matthew 12:34,
Mark 12:30, Acts 15:8, Romans 10:10).

And especially, Matthew 15:8;
"These people honor me by what they say. But their hearts are far away
from me".

Chung's only defense for refusing to accept believing that Jesus is
Lord with his whole heart, despite the numerous commandments to do so
listed above, is in trying to use Jeremiah 17:9 as an *out of context*

> [I'm] Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD

It's a shame those smarts didn't withstand the test of time.


Regarding Andrew B. Chung:

> And does *not* act like a true disciple of Christ.
> Not for the discerning who remember what happened to Ananias and
> Sapphira when they lied before the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-10)

Ironic coming from Chung, who makes up things and then attributes his
personal inventions to the Holy Spirit, in a vain attempt to give his
ideas and inventions backing.

Maybe if Chung uses the name of the Lord in vain enough when issuing
judgments and curses upon the Elect, the Lord will tire of it and heap
judgments and curses upon Chung's head.

> and what
> happened to Bob Pastorio

Chung the egomaniac, with the still bruised ego,
still taking credit for one of nearly 8 million people
who died of cancer in 2007.

Bob's death (we all die, even Chung) just *has* to be connected with
Bob taking Chung's nonsense apart on Usenet, it just *has* to be.

I skinned my elbow while rock climbing. That *must* have been God
punishing me for exposing Chung as a charlatan, it *must* be.

Boy oh boy, I'd better stop exposing egomaniac Chung's duplicity, or
God might
strike me dead for it. Not.

Only charlatans like Chung attempt melodramatic scare tactics, when
they are being exposed.

> [I'm] Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD

It's a shame those smarts didn't withstand the test of time.


"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote:
> an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:

Chung's established archived definition of "sockpuppet":
sockpuppet = corporeal demon

Chung's established archived definition of "corporeal demon":
corporeal demon = demons are non-corporeal.

Chung's established archived definition of "non-corporeal demon":
demons are non-corporeal = therefore demons can not use corporal
methods of communication.

Chung's established archived definition of "demons can not use
corporal methods of communication:
demons can not use corporal methods of communication = a sockpuppet
wrote = a corporeal demon wrote...

> [I'm] Simply smarter as evident by the MD/PhD

It's a shame those smarts didn't withstand the test of time.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

2011年9月10日 19:21:292011/9/10
an accursed lying sockpuppet wrote:

> Many will use My name... to deceive - Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:5)

That is not what is written at Matthew 24:5.

Instead, what is written there is:

"For many will come in My Name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will
deceive many." (Mat 24:5)

This physician ( ) has made no claim to be the
Messiah for he is instead a gentile disciple ( ) of
the Messiah.








Laus Deo :-)



2011年9月16日 20:58:382011/9/16
On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 23:15:14 -0700 (PDT), Bob (this one) wrote:

> Ironic coming from Chung,

Ironic coming from a "dead Bob Pastorio"

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