Sandra Purwati Linklink 270322

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Mar 28, 2022, 6:26:14 PM3/28/22
to Sandra Purwati Linklink

Podcasts and books. I should send an email to the eco-compound just to touch base and make sure everything's ready for my arrival. I don't want to show up unannounced or whatever, or with some fee that I need to pay, or any other unforeseen obstacles. Simply sending an email and awaiting the reply will do wonders for my peace of mind, I think.

Beyond that, I bought a pair of waterproof, snake-proof boots that go up to my knees. They'd received favourable reviews from the folk on the discussion board and it's possible I'll be in snake country, so I feel confident that they will do the job. Antivenom treatments are not affordable, and would be uncomfortable even if I had health insurance (which in my case ends at the end of April).

Must. Lose. Possessions. Car is only so big, and there are things that will just be in the way when I head out.

Had lunch with my Executive Director and her husband, along with the former, long-time Board President and his wife today. He gave me a 2022 road atlas, which was a nice gesture. I currently have a 2020 version I think, so this ought to be a suitable update and a backup for when my GPS goes out or whatever.

I have a feeling it might be best to research the area around where I'll be living in an effort to find some way(s) to generate income. I have savings which will largely provide for me for at least a year, however if I move off-site then I'll need to pay rent and utilities somewhere. Without replacing those funds, they'll deplete fast. Unplanned events and emergencies will completely wipe it out, easily.

No solid answers on this. I've seen positions posted for everything from Touring Bicycle Mechanic to various non-profit administrative positions with the local Human Resource Council. I know I will do well wherever I land. But it's too far in advance for me to know much at all about what the rest of the year will look like, beyond life in cabins and tents, gardening and building every day.

Saying goodbye to friends and acquaintances a lot this month. There are a number of people I really don't anticipate seeing ever again. Not necessarily because I don't like them. But I won't be in the city's arts, or music, or non-profit-scene anymore. I even wonder if I'll be able to catch up with the manager of the cinema I frequent on Sundays (he typically has other staff working for the matinees, at least). I've been chit-chatting with the old woman who runs the natural foods store I visit more frequently after I leave town I wonder if that will be the last I will ever see of her.

I also bid farewell to staff members, trainees, employer partners, and so on. In some cases I let them know of the other staff who will be taking over my responsibilities. It's nice to know I'll be missed. I did a lot of hard work for this organization, and people seem to have liked me being around. It's nice to know that your work and time and effort was valued, even though cutting ties with a workplace is at times weird and uncomfortable. There was an enlightening "exit interview" I had with a senior staff here, and to hear him complimenting my work ethic, it meant a lot. When sharing his own frustrations with the state of Things At The Office and even in the city where we work, it was a comfort to know I'm not alone.

There also seems to be a wave of death and dying passing through lately. Among them: the community garden coordinator's wife died from cancer 28th February, and the brother of my old friend living on the side of the mountain in Vermont. My newest coworker's stepbrother also died, last week.

My mother and stepfather caught COVID and I received the news via text message today, less than a week from when I am to visit them.

My Czechen penpal is anxious regarding the conflict in Ukraine and how that will impact western Europe, up to and including nuclear war. I share some news from a political blog I follow, but that's generally all the news about it I can stomach. I do my best to stay in touch with her and wish her well. I even created a few nonograms puzzles and sent them her way earlier this month, in an effort to provide her with something to take her mind off the political situation and possible outcomes.

I have a final wellness check at the doctor's office this week, and maybe a visit to the eye doctor as well. I have health insurance until the end of April and while there's some flex time I don't want to push it and wait 'til the last minute.

I had a bicycle tune-up at the local cooperative and I'm happy to see my machine in fine shape again. Currently storing it at the office, but will bring it with me when I head out on my last day there.

Upon clocking out for the last time, I head up to visit my relatives for a few days. Then it's to the shore for a few evenings. Then I unload everything and ready myself for the move out West.

All things change. This is the long goodbye for my current non-profit job/career. I will likely never see most of these people again, and will not miss much about the city where I work. Life out West is raw potential, stuffed to the brim with question marks. I am cheerful and expectant, and will do my best with whatever I find. The world is still circling the drain, but hasn't been completely sucked-in just yet.

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