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WDJW status for 04/14/19 ...

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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 7:23:36 AM4/14/19
This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
of foods yesterday and is while
really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3).
Let us continue to about this.

So let us not be a (Genesis 25:32)
Drumpf ( ) or else we'll most certainly die a (Mark 9:42) death:

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients: (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 14, 2019, 9:01:03 AM4/14/19
On 4/14/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

This tells so much about sightwalker, if sightwalker where in fact in
Christ he wouldn't be "gentile" per the Bible. It seems sightwalker's
doctoring was as fallacious as the dietary or Bible teachings we see here?
Jimmy Alpha GeD

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 2:37:52 PM4/14/19
Someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD wrote:

> Think on this, not everything sightwalker quotes from the Bible is for
> edifacation (sic), he is hoping to mold others in his image.


Instead, I simply hope to always be wonderfully hungry ( ) like LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Who is our #1 example of being wonderfully hungry (Luke 24:42)


> Remember, even
> the Devil can quote the Bible.


It's not written that the Devil can quote the Bible like is doing here by Book, Chapter, & Verse.

Moreover, it is written at Genesis 3:14 that the Devil is cursed to
eat dust, which isn't food.

This does mean that my being
(Philippians 4:12) proves that I am not the Devil.

Sadly, the same cannot be said of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29)
condemned for blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.



Someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD wrote in part:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD pleaded in part:
>>> Rod, It would be so very easy to show why I feel, but as the Bible is
>>> silent on Ananias & Sapphira other than they died ...
>> Incorrect.
>> "Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these
>> events." (Acts 5:11)
>> "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
>> Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in
>> hell." (Matthew 20:28)
>> Therefore, they (Acts 5:11) were not afraid of their bodies being
>> killed but their souls also being destroyed in hell (Matthew 20:28),
>> which is that eternal lake of fire that torments forever.
>> Source:
>> Bottom line:
>> Those who knowingly lie to those of us, who are in the Holy Spirit,
>> have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, with the consequence of
>> losing their salvation which means their names are blotted from the
>> LORD's Book of Life.
>> "The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I
>> will never blot out the name of that person from the Book of Life, but
>> will acknowledge that name before My Father and His angels."
>> (Revelation 3:5)
>> Ananias and Sapphira were clearly **not** victorious in being struck
>> down dead by GOD for lying before those in the Holy Spirit.
>> While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
>> (Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
>> continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned,
>> **and** your entire household, more than ever in the name of Jesus
>> Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
>> Laus DEO !


> Warning, sightwalker mixing unrelated facts to make up its own narrative
> as it feels it should be if he were God ...

... more blaspheming against the Holy Spirit:

(1) To write that HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, is a
"sightwalker" is writing that the Holy Spirit can be seen by "sight"
which is blaspheming against Him.

(2) To write that HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, suffers from
the delusion that he is GOD, is writing that the Holy Spirit is not
the Spirit of a sound (2 Timothy 1:7) mind, which is again blaspheming
against Him.

(3) Calling the Holy Spirit an "it" is blaspheming against Him.

While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that
GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned, and your entire **extended** household, more than ever in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> "You have lost your salvation, Jimmy." -- Holy Spirit (Mark 3:29)
> You are in error.


Writing that the Holy Spirit is error is your again blaspheming
against Him.

While in the Holy Spirit (Galatians
5:22-23), Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2
Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who
are eternally condemned, more than ever by expanding His curse to your
entire **extended** household more than ever, in the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus Deo !

This is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop being (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in danger
of losing their salvation, thereby becoming eternally condemned (Mark
3:29) just as had happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more
contemporaneously to Bob Pastorio.

The LORD did strike down on Fool's day just
9+ years ago:

Again, this is done ...

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 6:14:51 PM4/14/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a delightful
array of different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 14, 2019, 6:20:22 PM4/14/19
On 4/14/2019 6:22 PM, sightwalker with a phd said:

>> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
>> of foods yesterday and is while

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 9:03:37 PM4/14/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 9:04:14 PM4/14/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>>>> Persent wrote:
>>>>>>>>> jesus is not god he's the son of god
>>>>>>>> The Son (heart) of GOD is GOD just as the Father (mind) of GOD
>>>>>>>> is GOD just as the Holy Spirit (soul) of GOD is GOD.
>>>>>>>> This is what it means for humans to each be made in GOD's image,
>>>>>>>> each having a heart, soul, and mind with which to love GOD, Who
>>>>>>>> also has a heart (Son), soul (Holy Spirit), and mind (Father).
>>>>>>>> One GOD in three different realms:
>>>>>>>> (1) Physical (Son)
>>>>>>>> (2) Spiritual (Holy Spirit)
>>>>>>>> (3) Mental (Father)
>>>>>>>> Source:
>>>>>>> The Trinity is hard to understand.
>>>>>> "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
>>>>>> understanding;" (Proverbs 3:5)
>>>>>> Indeed, I am and hope you, Colt, also
>>>>>> have a healthy appetite too :-)
>>>>>> So how are you ?
>>>> Source:
>>>>> I will post my 2 hrs after beans and franks bg sat.
>>>> I hope that means you, Colt, also have a healthy appetite too.
>>>> So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
>>>> moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
>>> The only fruit I have is the raisins in raisin bran.
>> Source:
>> So you do have the ability to eat a healthy raisin at the moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
> Thankyou Dr


I share with you, Colt, that it's really wonderful knowing through our
hunger that we're both not having a heart attack at the moment in
accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful & appetite=hunger) and
advise that you try to write that you're "wonderfully hungry" since
we've established here that you are:

So now how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 9:06:01 PM4/14/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia
(low blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target
HgbA1c of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 9:06:31 PM4/14/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen
to you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews
12:1) of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,


Apr 14, 2019, 9:07:07 PM4/14/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 14, 2019, 9:09:44 PM4/14/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 8:41:03 AM4/15/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 15, 2019, 8:52:14 AM4/15/19
On 4/15/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 9:00:41 AM4/15/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 5:45:45 PM4/15/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a tasty array of
different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 15, 2019, 8:53:37 PM4/15/19
On 4/16/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 9:21:10 PM4/15/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 9:21:53 PM4/15/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to
you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews 12:1)
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian life.

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 9:22:27 PM4/15/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low
blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target HgbA1c
of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 15, 2019, 9:23:10 PM4/15/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>>>> Persent wrote:
>>>>>>>>> jesus is not god he's the son of god
>>>>>>>> The Son (heart) of GOD is GOD just as the Father (mind) of GOD
>>>>>>>> is GOD just as the Holy Spirit (soul) of GOD is GOD.
>>>>>>>> This is what it means for humans to each be made in GOD's image,
>>>>>>>> each having a heart, soul, and mind with which to love GOD, Who
>>>>>>>> also has a heart (Son), soul (Holy Spirit), and mind (Father).
>>>>>>>> One GOD in three different realms:
>>>>>>>> (1) Physical (Son)
>>>>>>>> (2) Spiritual (Holy Spirit)
>>>>>>>> (3) Mental (Father)
>>>>>>>> Source:
>>>>>>> The Trinity is hard to understand.
>>>>>> "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
>>>>>> understanding;" (Proverbs 3:5)
>>>>>> Indeed, I am and hope you,
Colt, also
>>>>>> have a healthy appetite too :-)
>>>>>> So how are you ?
>>>> Source:
>>>>> I will post my 2 hrs after beans and franks bg sat.
>>>> I hope that means you, Colt, also have a healthy appetite too.
>>>> So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
>>>> moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
>>> The only fruit I have is the raisins in raisin bran.
>> Source:
>> So you do have the ability to eat a healthy raisin at the moment,
don't you (yes/no) ?
> Thankyou Dr


I share with you, Colt, that it's really wonderful knowing through our
hunger that we're both not having a heart attack at the moment in
accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful & appetite=hunger) and
advise that you try to write that you're "wonderfully hungry" since
we've established here that you are:

So now how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 8:46:32 AM4/16/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 16, 2019, 9:46:41 AM4/16/19
On 4/14/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 10:15:32 AM4/16/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 16, 2019, 11:18:52 AM4/16/19
On 4/15/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 11:30:58 AM4/16/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 8:35:06 PM4/16/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a delightful
array of different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 16, 2019, 9:07:06 PM4/16/19
On 4/17/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

This tells so much about sightwalker, if sightwalker where in fact in
Christ he wouldn't be "gentile" per the Bible. It seems sightwalker's
doctoring was as fallacious as the dietary or Bible teachings we see
here? What has the supersmart sightwalker done but have a waste of a life...
Jimmy Alpha GeD

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 9:36:25 PM4/16/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 9:36:49 PM4/16/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 9:37:09 PM4/16/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia
(low blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target
HgbA1c of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 16, 2019, 9:37:36 PM4/16/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen
to you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews
12:1) of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 7:15:55 AM4/17/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 17, 2019, 8:23:58 AM4/17/19
On 4/16/2019, sightwalker with a phd said:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 8:32:18 AM4/17/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 4:37:10 PM4/17/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a tasty array of
different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 9:28:08 PM4/17/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen
to you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews
12:1) of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 9:28:32 PM4/17/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia
(low blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target
HgbA1c of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 9:29:02 PM4/17/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>>>> Persent wrote:
>>>>>>>>> jesus is not god he's the son of god
>>>>>>>> The Son (heart) of GOD is GOD just as the Father (mind) of GOD
>>>>>>>> is GOD just as the Holy Spirit (soul) of GOD is GOD.
>>>>>>>> This is what it means for humans to each be made in GOD's image,
>>>>>>>> each having a heart, soul, and mind with which to love GOD, Who
>>>>>>>> also has a heart (Son), soul (Holy Spirit), and mind (Father).
>>>>>>>> One GOD in three different realms:
>>>>>>>> (1) Physical (Son)
>>>>>>>> (2) Spiritual (Holy Spirit)
>>>>>>>> (3) Mental (Father)
>>>>>>>> Source:
>>>>>>> The Trinity is hard to understand.
>>>>>> "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
>>>>>> understanding;" (Proverbs 3:5)
>>>>>> Indeed, I am and hope you, Colt, also
>>>>>> have a healthy appetite too :-)
>>>>>> So how are you ?
>>>> Source:
>>>>> I will post my 2 hrs after beans and franks bg sat.
>>>> I hope that means you, Colt, also have a healthy appetite too.
>>>> So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
>>>> moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
>>> The only fruit I have is the raisins in raisin bran.
>> Source:
>> So you do have the ability to eat a healthy raisin at the moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
> Thankyou Dr


I share with you, Colt, that it's really wonderful knowing through our
hunger that we're both not having a heart attack at the moment in
accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful & appetite=hunger) and
advise that you try to write that you're "wonderfully hungry" since
we've established here that you are:

So now how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 17, 2019, 10:04:55 PM4/17/19
On 4/16/2019, what can sightwalker do with its phd:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 17, 2019, 10:35:43 PM4/17/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 7:12:25 AM4/18/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 18, 2019, 8:59:15 AM4/18/19
what has sightwalker done with its phd:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety


Apr 18, 2019, 9:33:00 AM4/18/19
In article <q99sb0$p06$>, Jimmy Alpha GeD says...
Be that as it may, I'd be interested in his reaction after reading the Mueller
Report...unredacted version...and whether he's a registered Republican or


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 10:43:03 AM4/18/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote about the "hunger is
starvation" (Genesis 25:32) delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:11) of the
eternally condemned (Mk 3:29):

> "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
> For this reason GOD sends them a powerful delusion
> so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned
> who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
> (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)


someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Hunger = Healthy


> A serious fatal error of logic often repeated does not improve.

Your falsely believing that hunger is not healthy is consistent with
your being ever more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.

While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned,
more than ever by expanding His curse to also include your
**extended** household more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

someone eternally condemned and tormented unwittingly revealed their
scientific illiteracy by being unable to refute the explanation for
the paradox in a research study:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:

>> **No association (with T2D) was
>> observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.**
>> (**Emphasis** of study paradox added.)

Explanation is as given at:

Your scientific illiteracy is consistent with being more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.

While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned,
more than ever by expanding His curse to also include your
**extended** household more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented shrieked:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, Who heals (Luke 4:23 and Isaiah 53:5) completely, boldly wrote in the subject line:
>> <>< Vanquishing the "hunger is starvation" delusion ...


> The ""hunger is starvation"" is a false dichotomy.


Instead, it is a false equivalence.

Your not being able to distinguish equivalence from dichotomy is
consistent with your being ever more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.

While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned,
more than ever by expanding His curse to also include your
**extended** household more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Suggested additional reading:

Someone eternally condemned and tormented shrieked:
> The Holy Ghost eats shit and so do I!

Actually ghosts by definition don't eat.

That being written, your eating fecal matter is consistent with your
being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned,
more than ever by expanding His curse to also include your
**extended** household more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> Regarding child type 2 diabetes and obesity:
>> The absolutely only **healthy** way to save these children is by
>> having them hold to the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food,
>> thereby stopping their overeating without undernourishment.


> False, on average that would mean an intake of some 2500 calories for a
> child.

LIE from satan, who is the father of all lies, a murderer.

Only the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD knows the average amount of
calories in food that is **actually** eaten even when weighed simply
because we need to incinerate food to ashes to measure calories and
ashes are not edible.

Moreover, GOD is the One Who has established that the right daily
amount of food for humans, which includes children, is 2 lbs
(Revelation 6:6 and Exodus 16:16).

And what is our daily portion (i.e. daily bread in "the LORD's
prayer") ?

"2 pounds of wheat for a day's wages" (Revelation 6:6)


It is also described in the Bible that the disciples of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth harvested raw wheat to eat on the Sabbath instead of

This would also be the omer, which is right amount "for each person
according to their need" (Exodus 16:16).

"An omer of manna weighs 2 pounds" -- Holy Spirit (Revelation 6:6)


Indeed, just as the caloric density of manna is known only by GOD,
even the caloric density of milk is known only by GOD b/c it is
variable depending on source and timing so that 2 lbs of milk (i.e.
for babies) will vary on average much less than 2500 calories with
maximum of about 1 calorie per gram which means about 909 calories for
32 oz (909 grams) of milk.


Knowingly lying before those of us who are in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, is blaspheming against Him.

Thus, you've proven you are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) for it's
written that blaspheming against the Holy Spirit will never be


May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned and tormented, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote in part:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Someone eternally condemned and tormented pleaded in part:
>>> Rod, It would be so very easy to show why I feel, but as the Bible is
>>> silent on Ananias & Sapphira other than they died ...
>> Incorrect.
>> "Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these
>> events." (Acts 5:11)
>> "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
>> Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in
>> hell." (Matthew 20:28)
>> Therefore, they (Acts 5:11) were not afraid of their bodies being
>> killed but their souls also being destroyed in hell (Matthew 20:28),
>> which is that eternal lake of fire that torments forever.
>> Source:
>> Bottom line:
>> Those who knowingly lie to those of us, who are in the Holy Spirit,
>> have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, with the consequence of
>> losing their salvation which means their names are blotted from the
>> LORD's Book of Life.
>> "The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I
>> will never blot out the name of that person from the Book of Life, but
>> will acknowledge that name before My Father and His angels."
>> (Revelation 3:5)
>> Ananias and Sapphira were clearly **not** victorious in being struck
>> down dead by GOD for lying before those in the Holy Spirit.
>> While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
>> (Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
>> continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned,
>> **and** your entire household, more than ever in the name of Jesus
>> Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
>> Laus DEO !


> Warning, sightwalker mixing unrelated facts to make up its own narrative
> as it feels it should be if he were God ...

... more blaspheming against the Holy Spirit:

(1) To write that HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, is a
"sightwalker" is writing that the Holy Spirit can be seen by "sight"
which is blaspheming against Him.

(2) To write that HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, suffers from
the delusion that he is GOD, is writing that the Holy Spirit is not
the Spirit of a sound (2 Timothy 1:7) mind, which is again blaspheming
against Him.

(3) Calling the Holy Spirit an "it" is blaspheming against Him.

While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that
GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned, and your entire **extended** household, more than ever in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> "You have lost your salvation, Jimmy." -- Holy Spirit
> You are in error.


Writing that the Holy Spirit is error is your again blaspheming
against Him.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned and tormented, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Duke wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented perseverated:
>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>>> > Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> >> Someone eternally condemned and tormented asked:

>>> >> >> >> > can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
>>> >> >> >> No according to Genesis 3:14
>>> >> >> > i'm a human being asking you if i can eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day
>>> >> >> Eternally condemned and tormented Judas Iscariot was a human being too
>>> >> >> until satan entered into him.
>>> >> > asking if one may eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day is not evidence
>>> >> > that 'satan' has entered into anyone.
>>> >> Otoh, lack of discernment is evidence that satan has entered into you.
>>> > i ask again, in your opinion, can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
>>> Again, the answer is no according to Genesis 3:14
>> so the Chung dietary plan is not just; "32 oz of food per day"
>> 32 oz of pop tarts are excluded even though pop tarts
> Your simpleton mind just can't grasp it.

Such is the degenerating condition of the reprobate mind of those
eternally condemned for blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.


Note: To knowingly lie to someone in the Holy Spirit, Who is the
Spirit of Truth, is to blaspheme against Him.

Someone eternally condemned and tormented perseverated:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> > HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> >> Someone eternally condemned and tormented asked:
>> >> >> > can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
>> >> >> No according to Genesis 3:14
>> >> > i'm a human being asking you if i can eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day
>> >> Eternally condemned and tormented Judas Iscariot was a human being too
>> >> until satan entered into him.
>> > asking if one may eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day is not evidence
>> > that 'satan' has entered into anyone.
>> Otoh, lack of discernment is evidence that satan has entered into you.
> i ask again, in your opinion, can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?

Again, the answer is no according to Genesis 3:14

>> > take care not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit Mr. Chung.
>> Referring to yourself as the Holy Spirit is in fact blaspheming
>> against Him.
> not that i have done so

Actually you have.

>, but it is not, blasheming the Holy Spirit
> to align oneself with the Holy Spirit

To write that you "align oneself with the Holy Spirit" as if He were
comparable in size to yourself is to again blaspheme against Him.

Suggested additional reading:

I give all glory ( ) to GOD for His
compelling you to unwittingly continue to prove that you are eternally
condemned. The latter is a consequence of being more cursed (Jeremiah
17:5) by the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.


Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> RandyF wrote:
>>>> CONCLUSIONS: A robust and sustainable weight loss program
>>>> achieved continuing remission of diabetes for at least 6 months
>>>> in the 40% who responded to a VLCD by achieving fasting plasma
>>>> glucose of <7 mmol/L. T2DM is a potentially reversible
>>>> condition.


> An a1c of < 7 is not what one would find in a "cure". The only relevant
> benchmark would be the 4.6 to 5 or so of the non-diabetic.

All the glory ( ) to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly display your ignorance about the units of measure
for HgbA1c **not** being in mmol/L. Such ignorance is consistent with
your being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> RandyF wrote:
>>>> CONCLUSIONS: A robust and sustainable weight loss program
>>>> achieved continuing remission of diabetes for at least 6 months
>>>> in the 40% who responded to a VLCD by achieving fasting plasma
>>>> glucose of <7 mmol/L. T2DM is a potentially reversible
>>>> condition.


>>> The study had 30 people? And had only less than half classed as
>>> responders to the treatment.
>> 50% cure rate is pretty impressive.
> The small number of participants in this study (30) doesn't inspire
> confidence in the results.

The purpose of a larger number (N) of participants would be to ensure
that a study is adequately powered to detect a small effect.

The "small number" excuse to reject the results of a study would be
justified if there were **no** findings with the rationale being that
the study was underpowered to detect small effects and consequently
missed them.

Such an excuse is not applicable here since the "50% cure rate" is a
very large effect.

Clearly you have no comprehension of statistics. Such cognitive
deficits are consistent with your being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by


May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:

>> In a type 2, "first phase insulin response" invariably still rises
>> above the basal insulin steady state level.


> Sometimes

Invariably means always.

> , but starting near nothing

No, starting from basal which is "near nothing" in type-1 but not

> , means even a small amount is "rises",
> no?

Though the "spike" (first-phase insulin release) of the post-prandial
rise in insulin levels may be gone, the response is still there as
evident by it running into an enhanced "second phase insulin release"
instead of generating a delayed "first phase insulin release."

> Here is a good review of the topic:
> In patients with impaired glucose tolerance or in the early stages of type
> 2 diabetes, first-phase insulin release is almost invariably lost despite
> the enhancement of second-phase secretion.

Doubling the "first phase insulin response" as observed in cases of
remission/reversal/cure does in fact restore the "spike" (first-phase
insulin release) at the very beginning of the curve of post-prandial
insulin levels.

I give all glory ( ) to GOD for His
compelling you to unwittingly continue to demonstrate that you are
unable to comprehend the diagnosis of type-2 diabetes. Again, the
latter cognitive deficit is a consequence of being more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:

> I forgive you.

Exposing you is not sin but rather it's keeping the LORD's commandment
(Matthew 5:16)

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to remind us that we who are His have
already been by Him as evident by our being
new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) publicly saying "Jesus is
LORD" with our mouth (Romans 10:9) unto salvation (Romans 10:10) for
all to witness at Jesus' web site :-)

Laus DEO !!!


Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:

> "Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another;
> love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous." 1 Peter 3:8

Yes, this is directed towards those of us, who, unlike you who are
eternally condemned, have been as evident by
our publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" with our mouth (Romans 10:9) unto
salvation (Romans 10:10) for all to witness at our LORD's web site and so we have compassion towards each other
instead of towards those like you who are being forever tormented by
the LORD our GOD, Who hates you just as He hates Esau (Malachi 1:2-3)
for his lying that hunger is starvation (Genesis 25:32).

> May God bless and protect and provide peace at last.

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly reveal that not only do you not know how to pray to
Him, you also do not have either His blessing or His protection or His
peace which is consistent with your being forever tormented by Him.

May GOD continue to openly curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who
are eternally condemned, more than ever thereby ever comforting those
of us who are His in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth. Amen.


Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:

> I'm sorry ...

Those who say/write that they are sorry unwittingly reveal that they
are indeed accursed for those of us who are
always say/write with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1 Peter 3:8) that we

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly prove yet again that you are forever accursed.


Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the
> mouth, this defiles a man. Matt. 15:11


Some additional examples:


Indeed, if what comes "out of the mouth" (Matthew 15:11) is either not
the phrase "wonderfully hungry" or doesn't cause (Deuteronomy 8:3)
others to be now (Luke 6:21a) then
they are words that defile and prove that the source is like you who
are accursed like satan who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food.

Many thanks, much praise, and all glory to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly continue to prove that you are eternally condemned and
always accursed.


Laus DEO !

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:

> Markea Berry ...


Some additional examples:


Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly allow us to know that Markea's is haunting you by cutting down members of your
household one by one in answer to our prayers to the LORD our GOD, in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth:

Laus DEO !!!

Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> "Bariatric surgeons have in the peer-reviewed medical literature documented
> cases of type-2 diabetes being cured,"


> False, they only go as far as saying "reverse" or some similar term.

"Reverse" is a similar term to cure in that they are interchangeable
(i.e. synonymous):

To reverse type-1 diabetes would be to cure it.

To reverse Multiple Sclerosis would be to cure it.

To reverse Parkinson's disease would be to cure it.


I give all the glory ( ) to GOD for His
compelling you to unwittingly CHECKMATE yourself here. The latter
self-defeat is consistent with your being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5)
by the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned and tormented, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth.


Laus DEO !

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 4:37:19 PM4/18/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a delightful
array of different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 18, 2019, 8:56:48 PM4/18/19
what has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 9:16:06 PM4/18/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 9:17:47 PM4/18/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to
you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews 12:1)
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian life.

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 9:18:27 PM4/18/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low
blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target HgbA1c
of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 18, 2019, 9:18:50 PM4/18/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>>>> Persent wrote:
>>>>>>>>> jesus is not god he's the son of god
>>>>>>>> The Son (heart) of GOD is GOD just as the Father (mind) of GOD
>>>>>>>> is GOD just as the Holy Spirit (soul) of GOD is GOD.
>>>>>>>> This is what it means for humans to each be made in GOD's image,
>>>>>>>> each having a heart, soul, and mind with which to love GOD, Who
>>>>>>>> also has a heart (Son), soul (Holy Spirit), and mind (Father).
>>>>>>>> One GOD in three different realms:
>>>>>>>> (1) Physical (Son)
>>>>>>>> (2) Spiritual (Holy Spirit)
>>>>>>>> (3) Mental (Father)
>>>>>>>> Source:
>>>>>>> The Trinity is hard to understand.
>>>>>> "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
>>>>>> understanding;" (Proverbs 3:5)
>>>>>> Indeed, I am and hope you,
Colt, also
>>>>>> have a healthy appetite too :-)
>>>>>> So how are you ?
>>>> Source:
>>>>> I will post my 2 hrs after beans and franks bg sat.
>>>> I hope that means you, Colt, also have a healthy appetite too.
>>>> So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
>>>> moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
>>> The only fruit I have is the raisins in raisin bran.
>> Source:
>> So you do have the ability to eat a healthy raisin at the moment,
don't you (yes/no) ?
> Thankyou Dr


I share with you, Colt, that it's really wonderful knowing through our
hunger that we're both not having a heart attack at the moment in
accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful & appetite=hunger) and
advise that you try to write that you're "wonderfully hungry" since
we've established here that you are:

So now how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 8:14:43 AM4/19/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 19, 2019, 8:53:14 AM4/19/19
what has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

This tells so much about sightwalker, if sightwalker where in fact in
Christ he wouldn't be "gentile" per the Bible. It seems sightwalker's
doctoring was as fallacious as the dietary or Bible teachings we see
here? What has the supersmart sightwalker done but waste air and net
Jimmy Alpha GeD

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 9:16:21 AM4/19/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 19, 2019, 11:04:16 AM4/19/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 11:11:42 AM4/19/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 19, 2019, 7:21:53 PM4/19/19
What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
license lost that sucker for being a wacko:

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 7:45:06 PM4/19/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 7:45:39 PM4/19/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile (Rv3:9) Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a fabulous array
of different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Ella Olds

Apr 19, 2019, 7:53:54 PM4/19/19
Jimmy happy you are out and free again

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 7:58:52 PM4/19/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 9:51:04 PM4/19/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen
to you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews
12:1) of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 9:51:24 PM4/19/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia
(low blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target
HgbA1c of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 9:51:43 PM4/19/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>>>> Persent wrote:
>>>>>>>>> jesus is not god he's the son of god
>>>>>>>> The Son (heart) of GOD is GOD just as the Father (mind) of GOD
>>>>>>>> is GOD just as the Holy Spirit (soul) of GOD is GOD.
>>>>>>>> This is what it means for humans to each be made in GOD's image,
>>>>>>>> each having a heart, soul, and mind with which to love GOD, Who
>>>>>>>> also has a heart (Son), soul (Holy Spirit), and mind (Father).
>>>>>>>> One GOD in three different realms:
>>>>>>>> (1) Physical (Son)
>>>>>>>> (2) Spiritual (Holy Spirit)
>>>>>>>> (3) Mental (Father)
>>>>>>>> Source:
>>>>>>> The Trinity is hard to understand.
>>>>>> "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
>>>>>> understanding;" (Proverbs 3:5)
>>>>>> Indeed, I am and hope you, Colt, also
>>>>>> have a healthy appetite too :-)
>>>>>> So how are you ?
>>>> Source:
>>>>> I will post my 2 hrs after beans and franks bg sat.
>>>> I hope that means you, Colt, also have a healthy appetite too.
>>>> So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
>>>> moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
>>> The only fruit I have is the raisins in raisin bran.
>> Source:
>> So you do have the ability to eat a healthy raisin at the moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
> Thankyou Dr


I share with you, Colt, that it's really wonderful knowing through our
hunger that we're both not having a heart attack at the moment in
accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful & appetite=hunger) and
advise that you try to write that you're "wonderfully hungry" since
we've established here that you are:

So now how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Ella Olds

Apr 19, 2019, 11:06:17 PM4/19/19
On 4/19/2019 8:06 PM, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> *** 04/19/19 Tragically ...

Jimmy is right about you Dr Sightwalker

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 19, 2019, 11:08:54 PM4/19/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 8:06:12 AM4/20/19
This gentile (Rv3:9) Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 20, 2019, 3:55:51 PM4/20/19
What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
license lost that sucker for being a wacky wacko:

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 4:05:02 PM4/20/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 4:14:03 PM4/20/19
HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

> This gentile (Rv3:9) Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious
> of foods yesterday and is while
> really satisfied (Lk6:21a) knowing that the LORD provided his body
> with all the needed good food and his mind with knowing to
> which are words from His mouth (Dt8:3). Let us continue to
> about this.

This chinese-American physician has enjoyed 24 oz of a delightful array
of different foods so far for today and is looking forward to his next meal.

Do you know how much you have eaten so far for today?

If not, why not?

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 6:54:19 PM4/20/19
Colt wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Colt wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>>> Colt wrote:
>>>>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 6:54:49 PM4/20/19
F00 wrote:
> Remus Pohl asked:
>> Gys de Jongh wrote:
>>> "Dutch researchers reported"
>>> So,
>>> this can't be fake news
>>> <>
>> Why is it bad to overtreat?

"For T2D patients, overtreating increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low
blood glucose) which can be lethal. "


> It really has to do with the method(s) used to treat the condition.
> Increasing medications, whether that is insulin or other drugs,
> in order to accommodate overeating and/or eating badly leads to
> the results that have been reported. This is quite simply a
> variation on "correlation is not causation."

Actually, the medications are being increased to achieve a target HgbA1c
of less than 7.0% instead of "to accommodate overeating."

Sadly, few of my fellow physician researchers (aka medical scientists)
are aware of their own overeating much less whether their patients are

Nonetheless, I am wonderfully hungry ( )
and hope you, F00, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 6:55:25 PM4/20/19
Richard Heathfield wrote:
> Someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:
>>> which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


> Forgive my curiosity, but remind me why you're posting this to
> alt.christnet.christianlife ?

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to
you." -- LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 5:14)

Therefore, being well (i.e. healthy) and stopping the sin (Hebrews 12:1)
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2) to stay well is part of Christian life.

Indeed, it is also written at John 14:6 that LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth says He is the way, the truth, and the life.

So, I am wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope
you, Richard, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 20, 2019, 9:35:49 PM4/20/19
What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
license, lost that sucker for being a wacky wacko and started a cult:

Ella Olds

Apr 20, 2019, 10:09:59 PM4/20/19


Apr 20, 2019, 10:22:35 PM4/20/19
* Ella Olds <q9gjdl$2pb6$> :
Wrote on Sat, 20 Apr 2019 22:09:48 -0400:

> On 4/20/2019 9:35 PM, Jimmy Alpha GeD wrote:
>> if sightwalker where in fact



Apr 20, 2019, 10:35:25 PM4/20/19
In article <>, Madhu says...
Nah..."where"...makes more sense the original way...


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 10:41:39 PM4/20/19
Madhu wrote:
>> Someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD wrote:
>>> if sightwalker where in fact
> *were*


Those who are not in the Holy Spirit, are instead in error.

Madhu wrote in the the Subject line for a new thread:

> "greeting andrew for the last time"

Actually, you have not greeted me before.

Nor are you greeting me now.

> You are only intent on disrupting legitimate conversation on usenet

Actually, it is a greeting that starts a legitimate conversation anywhere.

Other things start debates instead of conversations.

It is written that LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth says that we are to do
unto others what we would have them do unto us.

We would have others greet us.

Thus, we are commanded by GOD to greet others.

> You are not serving the gospel with your usenet posts.

Instead, I serve the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD with my Usenet posts.

Those of us, who are human, **share** the Gospel with others more
powerfully by greeting them first.

Again, it is written in the Gospel that LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth
says that we are to do unto others what we would have them do unto us.

> You are instead working for the antichrist google.

The LORD is neither the antichrist nor Google.

> I will not respond to your emails where you mention my name, and if you
> continue it constitutes harrassment

I have not emailed you.

Therefore, this has not been nor ever will be harassment.



Madhu wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Madhu wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Madhu wrote:
>>>>>>> It is, but it isnt all carnal hunger.
>>>>>> Actually, given the context of Deuteronomy 8:3, it really is just
>>>>>> simply hunger for food.
>>>>> It is, but it isn't all about carnal hunger. The hunger and the
>>>>> had this purpose:
>>>>> "that he might make thee **know** that man doth not live by bread
only, but
>>>>> by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man
>>>>> live."
>>>> **emphasis** added.
>>>> Source:
>>>> And so we **know** through our hunger for food now that we're being
>>>> blessed by GOD now according to what's written in red&white at Luke
>>>> 6:21 which are indeed words from the mouth of the LORD.
>>>> Indeed, man with "bread only" and no hunger (i.e. no ability to eat
>>>> the bread) will surely die.
>>>>> And this was learnt and shown by Jesus in Matt. 4:3-4. Do you
>>>> You skipped Matt 4:2 where it's written that Jesus is hungry.
>>>> Jesus teaching us that though He desires to eat food that this does
>>>> not mean He needs to eat food (GOD has no needs) is Wonderful (Isaiah
>>>> 9:6).
>>>>> BTW Here is a contrary viewpoint posted on usenet recently that
>>>>> denounced fasting.
>>>>> &MSGI=%3Cpjeqba$rq2$
>>>> It's written that we don't fast while the LORD is with (Matthew
>>>> 28:19-20) us.
>>>> Indeed, holding to 32 ounces (Revelation 6:6) of daily (Exodus 16:16)
>>>> food is, in fact, **not** fasting (i.e. 0 ounces of daily food).
>>>>> God has also sent famine and made cannibals of the Israelis in
the past.
>>>> Israel's Prophet Ezekiel held himself to 20 shekels (4 ounces) of
>>>> daily food (sprouted grain cooked over cowchips) for two years to
>>>> teach that being cannibal (2 Kings 6:29) during famine is being
>>>> profane (Hebrews 12:16) like (Genesis
>>>> 25:32) whom GOD hates (Malachi 1:2-3).
>>>> This also teaches us that holding to the right daily amount (32 ounces
>>>> per Revelation 6:6) is far from either famine (4 ounces per Ezekiel)
>>>> or starvation (0 ounces per definition).
>>>>>>> Last week three kids died in a family in New Delhi from
>>>>>>> Their father had fallen in bad times over the previous week.
>>>>>> Humans, including kids, dying from anything, including starvation,
>>>>>> lose the ability&desire to eat food (i.e. are not hungry).
>>>>> The hunger can also be demonic and the demon can drive one to death.
>>>> Again, it is written that it is GOD Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) us to
>>>> hunger when He blesses us now (Luke 6:21).
>>>> Nowhere in Scripture is it written that a demon causes hunger much
>>>> less blesses.
>>>>> I've been hungry when sick, but unable to eat any food at all -
>>>>> to a collapse of the immune system. after being hungry for
sometime it
>>>>> is true that after a point you dont feel hungry but you are still
>>>>> starving, and even if the lack of nutrition doesnt kill you some
>>>>> infection or the other would.
>>>> The mind isn't working when someone is sick and it's written that the
>>>> human heart (Matthew 15:19) deceives (Jeremiah 17:9).
>>>>>>> I myself have had a notion more times than one of passing through
>>>>>>> salvation.
>>>>> starvation*
>>>> Hunger really isn't starvation.
>>>>>>> no youtube. google is the antichrist.
>>>>>> Neither youtube nor google deny that Jesus Christ of Nazareth
came in
>>>>>> the flesh for them to fulfill the Scriptural criteria for being the
>>>>>> antichrist.
>>>>> At the moment you are right, but I shall hold on to my position.
>>>> It is written that the antichrist is already in this world so that
>>>> there's no reason to think that something is going to become the
>>>> antichrist.
>>>>>> simply refers to John 15:12 by
>>>>>> countering "pay it forward" which is not love.
>>>>>>>> have overcome the deadly (Proverbs 23:2) Adam&Eve sin (Hebrews
>>>>>>>> of gluttony.
>>>>>>> I have not overcome it yet.
>>>>>> We can (Philippians 4:13) overcome it when we're always
>>>>>> that we're "wonderfully hungry"
>>>>> And if I can't (i.e. just by saying the words) where does it
leave me?
>>>> Actually, you've already written earlier as archived by Google that
>>>> you are "wonderfully hungry" so that we know that you can.
>>>> Those who really can't say/write that they're "wonderfully hungry" are
>>>> perishing either because they need to "born again" (John 3:3-5) or are
>>>> eternally condemned (Mark 3:29).
>>>>> Have I made a liar of God? Has God made me a liar with my words?
>>>> See above.
>>>>> All those who call on the name of the lord shall be saved. It is
>>>>> the name of God that has the power to save, not incantations that
>>>>> makes up. I may make repeat a mantra umpteen times and it may have
>>>>> tantric/kabalistic effect but I cannot claim the power for my
words from
>>>>> God based on what the bible teaches. With God-given grace our
>>>>> overcome and it becomes an accomplished fact, but the faith is in
>>>>> power of God, not in a mantra which will become true if I keep
>>>>> it. YMMV but is there any precedent in the bible.
>>>> Saying/writing that we're "wonderfully hungry" is not an incantation.
>>>> Instead, for those of us who are living instead of dying, it's really
>>>> the only absolutely correct answer to the greeting "How are you ?"
>>>> The more common answer, which is "good," is the absolutely most
>>>> incorrect answer for it's written that only GOD is good (Matthew
>>>> 19:17).
>>>>>>>> The "new name" (Revelation 2:17) for those of us who
"overcometh" is
>>>>>>>> in fact, "wonderfully hungry"
>>>>>>> 6:58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as
your fathers
>>>>>>> did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall
live for
>>>>>>> ever.
>>>>>>> 7:16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more;
neither shall
>>>>>>> the sun light on them, nor any heat.
>>>>>> Such is the future (Jeremiah 29:11) for those of us who
>>>>>> (Revelation 2:17) for our place will be in our Father's House where
>>>>>> indeed we'd no longer hunger & thirst for righteousness because
He is
>>>>>> our righteousness and will live in our midst.
>>>>>>> 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall
feed them,
>>>>>>> and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God
shall wipe
>>>>>>> away all tears from their eyes.
>>>>>> Again, I advise that you, Madhu, really try to simply write that
>>>>>> you're "wonderfully hungry" since we've established here that
you are:
>>>>>> So now again, how are you ?
>>>>> I'll try to tell you when I am.
>>>> Again, I share with you that your being able to write/post here on
>>>> Usenet does indicate you also have the more fundamental ability to eat
>>>> food.
>>>> So again, I really advise a 4th time here that you, Madhu, **really**
>>>> try to write that you're "wonderfully hungry" since we continue to
>>>> establish here that you are: So now again, how are you ?
>>> That was a different thread! This is a different topic and
>>> thread!.
>> Greeting others is ever appropriate and on-topic in any thread.
>>> Afaic it is all matters on that thread were resolved
>> Source:
>> No. See above.
>> So again, I really advise a 5th time here in the continuation of this
>> greeting that you, Madhu, **really** try to write that you're
>> "wonderfully hungry" since we continue to establish here that you are:
>> So now again, how are you ?
> I'm not given to pleasantries, and hellos and goodbyes and all that

None are good (Matthew 19:17) except for One, Who is the LORD our
Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

So again, I really advise a 6th time here in the continuation of this
greeting that you, Madhu, **really** try to write that you're
"wonderfully hungry" since we continue to establish here that you are:
So now again, how are you ?

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 10:44:08 PM4/20/19


Apr 20, 2019, 10:45:14 PM4/20/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 20, 2019, 10:53:02 PM4/20/19


Apr 20, 2019, 10:57:50 PM4/20/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 21, 2019, 9:44:50 AM4/21/19
We the thinking wonder what sightwalker did with its phd, we know what
it did with its MD license, lost that sucker for being a wacky wacko and
started its cult:


Apr 21, 2019, 10:18:19 AM4/21/19
* Miloch <> :
Wrote on 20 Apr 2019 19:35:15 -0700:
It doesn't but ... oh what's the point


Apr 21, 2019, 3:39:11 PM4/21/19

How he even obtained those degrees is something of a
mystery. Perhaps his delusions didn't manifest themselves
as strongly at that time.

With a PhD he could teach at the university level.
However, given that his MD license is revoked it seems
unlikely he'd be able to teach in the field of medicine.
The same drawback applies to his potential for medical
research. He might teach at some quack medical school such
as any one of a number of online alternative medical
schools or maybe at a school of chiropractic. However, it
seems his mental disorder has debilitated him and he's
likely unable to function in any capacity in any sort of
professional environment.

I suppose he could become a preacher but his religious
delusions are pretty narrowly focused and well outside any
kind of mainstream version of christianity and thus lack
appeal to anyone that I can see.

Here in the south we don’t hide crazy. We parade it
around on the front porch and give it a glass of sweet tea.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 21, 2019, 4:23:26 PM4/21/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 21, 2019, 7:01:58 PM4/21/19
On 4/21/2019 3:39 PM, Dexter wrote:
> Ella Olds, wrote:
>> On 4/20/2019 9:35 PM, Jimmy Alpha GeD wrote:
>>> What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it
>>> did with its MD license, lost that sucker for being a
>>> wacky wacko and started a cult:
>>>> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a
>>>> delicious variety
>>> This tells so much about sightwalker, if sightwalker
>>> where in fact in Christ he wouldn't be "gentile" per
>>> the Bible. It seems sightwalker's doctoring was as
>>> fallacious as the dietary or Bible teachings we see
>>> here? What has the supersmart sightwalker done but
>>> waste air and net space... Jimmy Alpha GeD
> ______________________________________________
> How he even obtained those degrees is something of a
> mystery. Perhaps his delusions didn't manifest themselves
> as strongly at that time.

sightwalker is I'm sure the product of a very dysfunctional family, but
was allowed to breed! No happy ending there.

> With a PhD he could teach at the university level.
> However, given that his MD license is revoked it seems
> unlikely he'd be able to teach in the field of medicine.
> The same drawback applies to his potential for medical
> research. He might teach at some quack medical school such
> as any one of a number of online alternative medical
> schools or maybe at a school of chiropractic. However, it
> seems his mental disorder has debilitated him and he's
> likely unable to function in any capacity in any sort of
> professional environment.

sightwalker I wouldn't trust as a dog walker let alone with the minds of

> I suppose he could become a preacher but his religious
> delusions are pretty narrowly focused and well outside any
> kind of mainstream version of christianity and thus lack
> appeal to anyone that I can see.

In the olden days they didn't eat until after Communion but it was found
everyone was by then irritable due to the starvation (and perhaps the
offering plate was suffering) so now it's fine to eat and be happy.
Hence who would go to a sightwalkers cult and be wonderfully starved?
Jimmy Alpha GeD

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 21, 2019, 7:42:02 PM4/21/19


Apr 21, 2019, 7:47:40 PM4/21/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 21, 2019, 7:56:42 PM4/21/19

Ella Olds

Apr 21, 2019, 9:44:35 PM4/21/19
On 4/21/2019 9:35 PM, Jimmy Alpha GeD wrote:
> What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
> license, lost that sucker for being a wacky wacko and started a cult:
>> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Jimmy, I feel Andrew's posts are to him much like the Catholic rosary
beads are to the Catholic, the more he posts the "hungry" crap the
better his Heaven chances? Maybe poor Andrew has hungry beads?
Ella O

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 21, 2019, 9:50:36 PM4/21/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 22, 2019, 12:10:39 PM4/22/19
I think poor sightwalker's slacker work habits and inability to work
with people drove it to the voodoo type cult food doctrine we see here?


Apr 22, 2019, 12:18:11 PM4/22/19
In article <q9kp1s$5op$>, Jimmy Alpha GeD says...
Could be his jockey shorts are a bit too tight...might help if he changed brands
to a pair more "breathable"...couldn't hurt.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 22, 2019, 12:49:06 PM4/22/19

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 22, 2019, 10:49:19 PM4/22/19
On 4/21/2019 3:39 PM, Dexter wrote:
> Ella Olds, wrote:
>> On 4/20/2019 9:35 PM, Jimmy Alpha GeD wrote:
>>> What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it
>>> did with its MD license, lost that sucker for being a
>>> wacky wacko and started a cult:
>>>> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a
>>>> delicious variety
>>> This tells so much about sightwalker, if sightwalker
>>> where in fact in Christ he wouldn't be "gentile" per
>>> the Bible. It seems sightwalker's doctoring was as
>>> fallacious as the dietary or Bible teachings we see
>>> here? What has the supersmart sightwalker done but
>>> waste air and net space... Jimmy Alpha GeD
> ______________________________________________
> How he even obtained those degrees is something of a
> mystery. Perhaps his delusions didn't manifest themselves
> as strongly at that time.

sightwalker is I'm sure the product of a very dysfunctional family, but
was allowed to breed! No happy ending there.

> With a PhD he could teach at the university level.
> However, given that his MD license is revoked it seems
> unlikely he'd be able to teach in the field of medicine.
> The same drawback applies to his potential for medical
> research. He might teach at some quack medical school such
> as any one of a number of online alternative medical
> schools or maybe at a school of chiropractic. However, it
> seems his mental disorder has debilitated him and he's
> likely unable to function in any capacity in any sort of
> professional environment.

sightwalker I wouldn't trust as a dog walker let alone with the minds of

> I suppose he could become a preacher but his religious
> delusions are pretty narrowly focused and well outside any
> kind of mainstream version of christianity and thus lack
> appeal to anyone that I can see.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 22, 2019, 10:56:31 PM4/22/19

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 23, 2019, 12:07:42 AM4/23/19
Eating more than 2 pounds of food a day is the sin of gluttony and
eating less than 2 pounds of food a day risks undernourishment.

So what is holding to 2 pounds of food a day ?


Those who call righteousness a cult blaspheme (Mark 3:29) against the
Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of righteousness.

John asked:

> What is a "sightwalker"?

It's what the eternally condemned call those of us who walk by faith.

In the interim, I am simply wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope you, John, also have a healthy
appetite too.

So how are you ?

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 24, 2019, 6:00:58 PM4/24/19
On 4/21/2019 9:44 PM, Ella Olds wrote:

Jimmy Alpha GeD

Apr 24, 2019, 6:01:48 PM4/24/19
What has sightwalker done with its phd, we know what it did with its MD
license, lost that sucker for being a wacky wacko and started a cult:
> This gentile Christian disciple enjoyed 32 oz of a delicious variety

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Apr 24, 2019, 6:08:15 PM4/24/19
It is loading more messages.
0 new messages