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Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 19

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Dave Reitzes

Jan 6, 2012, 11:23:16 PM1/6/12
I compiled this material a few years ago but never posted it for some

For some time I thought that something I'd written could be the source for
a claim of Judyth's that Howard Platzman, Ph.D., found quite significant,
as it was "confirmed" by a book published by Bill Davy. But I had put the
relevant information online prior to the time Judyth came forward, and I
was not the only one.

Judyth claims that she knew Garrison suspect Clay Shaw, and claims that
Shaw used the alias "Lambert." This is something that was first alleged in
December 1967 by a wanna-be Garrison witness named Edward Girnus, a career
criminal serving a sentence for bank robbery in the US Penitentiary in
Atlanta, Georgia. Girnus informed the NODA's office that in May or June
1963, he had been involved in gunrunning with a friend of Jack Ruby's when
he was introduced to a man named "Lambert," whom he identified as Clay
Shaw. Girnus claimed that he met with Shaw in New Orleans about a week
later, where "Shaw told Girnus that he knew some people who were
interested in buying some guns. Shaw made a telephone call and a short
time later, two men joined the meeting. According to Girnus, one of them
was Lee Harvey Oswald." (This is described in Bill Davy, LET JUSTICE BE
DONE, pp. 91-92.)

Girnus refused to say anymore about that meeting, insisting to Assistant
DA James Alcock that their conversation was being bugged. He did say that
"the last time he saw Oswald was when he drove him to Catulla, Texas in
September of 1963. Girnus introduced Oswald to a friend of his who was an
ex-Mexican army man. Oswald and Girnus' friend went into Mexico through
Laredo, Texas. Their trip had something to do with getting Oswald a
passport." (Davy, p. 92.)

Girnus promised Alcock that he would have someone send him two items of
corroborating evidence: a photograph of Oswald and an unidentified person
taken in Mexico, and "an FAA flight plan, which he said would be
self-explanatory." (Ibid.)

The photograph never materialized, but the DA's office did receive a
flight plan dated April 8, 1963, detailing a flight from Hammond,
Louisiana to Garland, Texas, with a "D. Ferrie" as pilot, and three
passengers: a "Diaz," a "Lambert," and a "Hidell." "According to Girnus,"
Davy writes, "Diaz was an anti-Castro Cuban, Lambert was an alias of Clay
Shaw's and of course Hidell is the now-famous alias of Lee Harvey Oswald."
(Davy, pp. 92-93.) There is no evidence that Shaw ever used such an alias.
More significantly, Lee Oswald was in Dallas, not Louisiana, at that time,
(Warren Commission Report, p. 724) which may be the reason the story never
received much in the way of follow- up.

When Jim Garrison was shown the flight plan in 1978 by staff investigators
for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, he could barely even
remember it. (HSCA staff interview with Jim Garrison, November 8, 1978.)

Dave Ferrie biographer David Blackburst adds:

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subject: Re: Ferrie's flight of fancy with 2 freedom fighters & a
From: (Blackburst)
Date: 1/16/01 9:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Most researchers don't place too much credence in the flight plan.

First, the source. It was provided to Garrison's staff on December 7, 1967
by Edward Julius Girnus, then serving time at the United States
Penitentiary at Atlanta, GA for violation of the Dyer act. Girnus was also
wanted by authorities in Virginia. He told a tale of gunrunning involving
Shaw, Ferrie, Oswald and a friend of Ruby's.

Second, then flight plan itself. The appears to have two sections torn out
of it, covering several pieces of information important for verifying it's
authenticity, such as the aircraft's FAA registration number.

Third, the plane. Ferrie is listed as pilot, but the aircraft is listed as
"Cessna 37". Ferrie is not known to have access to an aircraft at this
time, and is never known to have flown a Cessna.

Finally, the date: Dated April 8, 1963, the flight would have happened
about two weeks before Oswald moved to New Orleans on April 24.

While it's authenticity cannot be ruled out, it is certainly open to

<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

Howard Platzman and Martin Shackelford thought that Judyth could not
possibly have known about the Girnus allegations, as they had never
been noted in a book until Bill Davy's LET JUSTICE BE DONE in 1999:

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Re: Lambert
Date: 10/8/00 12:05:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Howpl
To: Dreitzes
CC:, ElectLady63

In a message dated 10/7/00 10:20:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Dreitzes

<< Where, besides Davy's new book, is it written/alleged that Shaw used the
> alias Lambert?

Nowhere. The Girnus allegations cited by Davy constitute the only
such claim. >>

Dave -

1. It was in June or so of last year that I first saw Judyth's rambling
text. She reports on a call from Lambert to Reily's and she says, matter
of factly, that it was Shaw. When I said I never heard of Shaw using that
alias, she refused to back down. She never heard of Davy, and this letter
is the first time I am telling her, via a cc, that I came across this
reference. In another part of her text, she recalls accompanying Lee,
Shaw, and Ferrie to the airport, where they (not including her) took an
overnight trip to Canada. There are some other things in Davy's book that
corroborate claims she made in the earliest drafts. She is constantly
surprised by what people do and don't know.

<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Re: Lambert
Date: 10/8/00 3:36:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (mshack)


It can hardly be said that J got this from the literature, as she
mentioned it to us long before the publication of Davy's latest book.


<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

I disagreed:

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Re: Lambert
Date: 10/8/00
To: Howpl

I am not CC'ing this particular response to Martin or Judyth, but feel
free to pass it along if you want.

In a message dated 10/8/00 12:05:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Howpl

> Dave -
> 1. It was in June or so of last year that I first saw Judyth's rambling text.
> She reports on a call from Lambert to Reily's and she says, matter of
> factly, that it was Shaw. When I said I never heard of Shaw using that alias,
> she refused to back down. She never heard of Davy, and this letter is the
> first time I am telling her, via a cc, that I came across this reference.

Davy is the first author I know of to publish the allegations in a
book, but the allegation itself is not uncommon, particularly on the

<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Lambert
Date: 10/9/00 2:02:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Howpl
To: Dreitzes

Dave -

Martin and I did some Internet searches using "Shaw" and "Lambert" and
got nothing. Where on the net is it?

Blackburst said the names are on the April flight plans. Where are
they? And what does it mean if such documents do in fact exist?

- Howard

<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

Neither Howard Platzman nor Martin Shackelford can locate anything
about Shaw and "Lambert" on the Internet.

Keep reading.

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Re: Lambert
Date: 10/9/00 4:52:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Howpl
To: [ ]
CC: ElectLady63,, Dreitzes


-- Wouldn't Judyth have to go on quite an expedition to find something she
had no reason to believe existed? It would be a brilliant stroke even for
a very cunning fraud. McAdams keeps demanding early material. I got her
original text way before Davy with this alias casually mentioned in it.
I told her I never heard of it, but she refused to back down. As she has
on other points that seem wholly new, or appear to contradict the
prevailing wisdom, or appear to strengthen the case AGAINST Oswald. For
instance, she is living witness to the fact that Lee was a crack shot.

-- Diaz is an interesting addition. Escalante has fingered a Diaz as one
of the shooters. Now, if Lee was involved in a conspiracy of one, how do
we account for these three names appearing on a flight plan in April of
1963? Who, at that time, could know that Hidell would emerge as an Oswald
alias and a Diaz would be named as an assassin by the Cubans? (Are there
first names mentioned, as that would decide whether this was Escalante's
Diaz or another one.)

-- Such a document is either genuine or suggests that someone was trying
to tie Oswald to the Cubans before OR after 11-22-63. If the latter, then
it had better be after or the "lone nut" was apparently known to others
not so lone themselves. This document would have to be an after-the-fact
forgery and a reason given for its fraudulent production. Linking Oswald
to a Cuban exile would have to be the work of Castro. The addition of the
name Lambert -- which NO ONE in this case outside of Judyth has ever
alleged that Shaw used in a call to them -- would then need explaining.
If the document is bogus, why not use the name Bertrand? Who the hell is

Isn't it altogether simpler to accept the document as genuine? I'd like
to know your reasons for thinking it is bogus, what it might have been
intended to accomplish, how use of the name Lambert contributed to its
aim, and why it would simply be filed away like any other flight plan (my
assumption), to be dug up years later or not at all. Note: Judyth met Lee
on April 25, 1963.


<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Re: Lambert
Date: 10/9/00
To: Howpl

In a message dated 10/9/00 4:52:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Howpl

> -- Wouldn't Judyth have to go on quite an expedition to find something she
> had no reason to believe existed?

Whether her story is true or false, Howard, don't expect to convince me
that the Net-friendly Judyth couldn't know about something I myself was
posting about two years ago.


<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

<QUOTE ON>-------------------------------------

Subj: Would an affidavit from Sally help?
Date: 10/9/00 10:20:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Howpl
To: Dreitzes

1. Martin has never seen it.
2. Judyth said the following recently. I'm hope she has not written
her own epitaph.

I am sure that if there is documentation found for what I say, they will
say i searched for it first. if there is no documentation for what I say,
they will not believe it.

I have little defense concerning the existence of this and that document
bringing up this and that event, but all I can say is that my friends and
family know i have had no activities whatsoever in Kennedy research areas.
no books, no trips, none of the digging and delving. i was excavating an
Indian mound two years ago and teaching many extra classes. beforte that,
overhwlmed with long drives living in very remote areas, and my daughter
knows what i was doing on the computer-- counseling people out of
mormonism for hours and hours.

My only possible defense is the fact that i can give you more reasons for
why things happened and how they were actually linked together that
hopefully will lead to new evidence.

My other defense is how can it be that a person never known to have
anything to do with kennedy stuff suddenly, in apparently the space of
about 609 days, created this fascinating hodegpodge with all these exotic

Because sarah lived with me until end of 1998, and Dr. riehl saw my book
just 45 days later. You have to assume that I did all this research
sometime between Dec. 30, 1998 and Feb. 15, approximately, and then put it
on a disk. the fact that i was taking classes, teaching English classes,
moved from the trailer to another trailer, was still counseling mormons on
the internet, and sold a car during this same time period, must mean i not
only read and write at the speed of light, but also can do years of
research that fast, too. Because my daughter, Sarah, used the computer
often, and she knows there was NOTHING anywhere on that computer. we were
living 48 miles from lafayette in the middle of nowhere, and i commuted to
the university three times a week to teach and attend classes. Commuting
exhausted me, too.

For four years, just sally and i lived together, and i was working and
going to school, getting my Master's, then we moved to Louisiana. She
knows i had not ONE SHRED of any kennedy stuff of any kind.

I do not think even Reitzes can conclude that I had time to do all this in
about six weeks. Most of these papers he talks about we didn't even know
about, surely I did not know about, and in fact, i have to say that Marina
and Lee and some of the Warren Commission report was all i knew about at
first-- and had very little chance to see any of the W.C. report even at

<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------

Be that as it may, allow me to quote from an article written in 1996 by
one Martin Shackelford and posted to the Web shortly thereafter:

<QUOTE ON>--------------------------------------

Sunshine in Dark Corners: Covert Intelligence Operatives and Lee
by Martin Shackelford (
Part Four of a Series
Special to Review Magazine


Suspect David Ferrie, who died early in the investigation, became a CIA
operative in the late 1950s. He was a pilot in anti-Castro activities,
paid by a CIA front organization, Double-Chek Corp. of Miami, paymaster
for pilots in the 1961 Bay of Pigs operation. In the Fall of 1963, he flew
Clay Shaw on CIA business to a CMC gathering in Montreal, and to another
meeting related to business interests in Cuba. One House Assassinations
Committee document released in 1993 was a flight plan dated April 8, 1963:
pilot Ferrie, passengers Hidell (an Oswald alias), Lambert (an alleged
Shaw alias) and Diaz, flying from New Orleans to Garland, Texas.

<QUOTE OFF>------------------------------------


Dave Reitzes

Jan 6, 2012, 11:37:29 PM1/6/12
In the event, however unlikely, that someone wants to see the previous
18 installments:

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 1

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 2

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 3

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 4

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 5

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 6

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 7

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 8

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 9

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 10

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 11

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 12

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 13

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 14

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 15

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 16

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 17

Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 18

Should these links fail to work (as seems to happen with Usenet groups
a lot), all can be accessed here (just scroll down a bit):


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