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Judyth: From the Beginning, Part 14

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Dave Reitzes

Jun 20, 2008, 4:52:18 AM6/20/08
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Subj: Re: "As I'm told . . ."
Date: 10/21/00 10:56:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Americanwebworks
To: Dreitzes
CC: Awesome agent

I won't judge you, and hopefully, you will not judge me.

i have no problem with believing Garrison was corrupt, and I saw a lot
of his work as very valuable nonetheless, because it did bring in a
lot of new testimony. I rtead at the Srchives (ythe only time i was
there) in his own handwriting many musings. he was interested in the
occult bigtime. he was sure that the case had not been handled
properly with the warren Commission. it look to me like he got driven
almost insane by persecution and harrassment, as i see his written
comments slowly spin away and out of focus, as if he is fighting off
deons or dogs or wolves in his life.

i think he began the investigation with sincere intent, but that he
was compromised seriously. Also, he was in terrible pain and taking
painkillers for his back problems, which I think messed up his
judgment in the end.

i have a mafia hitman friend --actually, almost everybody here knows
me or has heard of me and knows i was lee's girlfriend---anyway, this
person was Sansra sexton;s bodyguard. Sandra was Garrison's lover and
was born a hermaphrodite.

garrison's lust for sandrsa was one reason he didn;t dare go after the
mob. Sandra was situated either in Five Hundred Club or that other
club with a number nearby, can;t quite remember anymore, but they had
the goods on him through Sandra.

now i have given you an important piece of confidential information
about Garrison. I know these things because I lived through them. For
example, Mac didn't volunteer this information. When he mentioned
Sandra, i mentioned what i knew, and so he admitted the rest. I knew
about the affair but did not know she was an altered hermaphrodite.
She had huge silicone implants, i didn;t know this either. When
garrison made his raids, it was on corrupt places not run by the mob,
and Marcello gained considerable power and went to his peak during
Garrison's tenure, in my opinion.
At least, everybody said the moib was at its peak of power in
1963, and i sure believed it. Almost everything of importance was mob-
run or mob-protected, period. you know what that means.
I am very tied and cried quite a bit today at last because the
lies never stop and the absurdities. Barb whatever her face aid that
cancer can;t be induced in human or lab aniumals. is she nuts? I
induced cancer in mice in record time, yes.
I thought maybe I'd tell you that the safeguards they are talking
about, positive and negative pressure, etc. were active in the besat
labs at that time--ou should have seen us going through the airlocks,
I've been there, done that--but what we used at Dave's and outside the
labs were black lights, lots of acetone and alcohol, and--remember--
the stuff was being rotated right back into the orthopedic surgery
dept's bone cancer research lab facilities. then banks of test tubes
were inspected and the fastest growing materials were selected, shot
up into baby mice, and the mice were shipped to a house near Dave
ferrie's, from where we got the mice with the fastest growing tumors.
So this wasso the activity couldn;t be traced, of course.
We had more equipment than they have guessed also. Ochsner's entire
hospital and all research equipment, everything, in charge of a former
FBI agent, was moved to new headquarters from Prytaia to jefferson
just that March. At that time, a lot of necessary equipment got "lost"
and "misplaced" in what was described as the second largest move of a
company to new facilities in New orleans history.
So we had plenty of equipment, and there were many empty boxes
supposedly containing things that WE actually got, instead. So we had
a lot, all things considered. true enough, it was a workstation and
kitchen table environment at Dave's, andnot much better at dr. mary's,
but the biggest work was done by unwitting lab technicians right in
ochnser's clinic, and also at Tulane.
i wish I knew all the logistics and details, but i was never told.
I am very tired, dave, but I had to write tis to you as evidence
to you that indeed i am not prejudging you, and hope you will also
give me the benefit of the doubt.
i am an open and honest person all the way, and i have many longtime
friends who I have been so blessed to know. They know me and vouch for
my integrity. i have never been arrested formally (I got arrested
briefly when writing antiwar stuff for The rag, an underground
newspaper, but that was under the fake name Anne Whiting). I do not
drink or smoke and left the mormon church and a marriage of 24 years
that had at least given me anonymity and a fancy house over my head
(he was an executive with exxon)--for poverty. WHY? because the truth,
dave, is more important than money. I left mormonism because it turned
out to be a fake --based on fake documents.
i learned --took 13 years--how to translate ancient Egyptian
heroglyphs of the greek dynasty period exemplified by Cleopatra, which
was the provenance behind a papyrus called The ook of Abraham.
Anyway, what a horror to discover that it simply wasn't what the
"prophet" Joseph Smith purported it to be.
I got in awful trouble, Dave, standing up for the truth. i asked for
excommunication. A year later, my life made insufferable by an angry
husband whose church career had been ruined--we were mormon leaders
rather high in the heirarchy---he divorced me and i ended up with kids
and lawsuits to fight. I won the lawsuits but lost all my money, and i
am financially very poor, but the truth did get out and many people
left the church. i would do it again in a heartbeat to deliver people
from a system based on fraud.
So i am that kind of person, Dave. Would i then perpetrate a fraud,
since my whole life has been based on trying to do what is right?
That's all i ever wanted to do.
Anyway, dave, take care. I wanted to assure you that i will hope you
are as truthful as i am, and that we will be friends no matter iof we
personally disagree about who lee really was. i prefer to believe he
did not lie to me. i can prove I lived intimately with him and have
done so to the satisfaction of many who have interrogated me with some
special knowledge they could prove they had.
I will do my best, and if they make fun of me too much, i'll just
go away. there is no ego involved. if i can;t help the truth to come
out, then it will have to come out after i die. You'll see i was
right. I had no hope at all until records were finally released these
past few years. i always avoided everything about this thing. My
children will tell you there was never a book in the house about it,
and never mentioned, EVER.
I have been so busy just trying to make ends meet that only recently
have I take out this time to come forth. My last child left home dec.
29, 1998, and the next day i saw the film JFK and felt so guilty, and
began writing everything down. it took two weeks. nothing has changed
since i wrote the account, although more details have been added to
what was said. For example, i said David Ferrie made a pass at me and
i did not wish to be in the car alone with him. Now i can add that
matt Allison found an obscure reference to Dave having something to do
at some time with the other sex. Oh, i told matt also about Dave's
other encoutners with women, i was not the only one.
So i would add what Matt has found in the archives, if he ever gives
it to me. this is not inserting myself into history. My account is
written. if exrta evidence can be cited for what i have already
written down, this is what is done in any research paper, why not to
support my words? EWhy should people have to hunt it up elsewhewre?
At any rate, I have the bpook, but if people keep making fun of me
like this, it will simply only reach the hands of good people and may
never get published. i could care less, just so lee's name gets

take care.
i like you, dave, and I certainly am not being told what to do, howard
and martin do not control me or anything like that. if I get in
trouble because i trusted you, well, i had poor judgement. But i don;t
think so. i think you really can be trusted and that you have a good
heart. i may not be able to convince you that lee was an innocent man
regarding that i do not believe he shot JFK, but at least, there
should be some areas where your knowledge and mine can enlighten us
both. And if i win a man as good as you are to the truth (I know, you
don;t think it's true, forgive me, it is), then the time and effort
was worth the risk. Even though david Lifton turned out to be a
stinker, he never came back as you are coming back. he just blew me
off after a 90 minute conversation. And all i hoped to do was give
him some leads to make his book better,
Bye for now. I'm sending a copy to myself because I'm so tired i
may not remember what i wrote to you.....

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Subj: Barbara Walters:
Date: 10/22/00 7:29:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: ElectLady63
To: [ ], Dreitzes, Atlasrecrd, Howpl
To: [ ], [ ], [ ]
To: [ ], [ ]
CC: [ ]
CC: [ ], BEAU813
CC: [ ], [ ]
CC: [ ]

Dear friends,
This is an idea that my friend evelyn had, and maybe it would be a
good way to get the truth out without having to have it come out
piecemeal. Certainly Sixty Minutes, which planned a 13 minute segment,
found no way to do this, though they tried four times.
Here's evelyn's idea, and another person also brought it up:

Would you please write to Barbara Walters?

If everybody does it at the same time, they may take the information
I realize they are competition with CBS, who wanted an exclusive on
this matter for fourteen months altogether, but I never signed
anything with CBS nor was I paid anything but out-of-pocket expenses
and some lost wages for many trips to New York, Washington, Dallas and
New Orleans. (actually, i have yet to be reimbursed, but it has been

If you want to see an uninterrupted interview that everybody can then
attack or defend, I think this would be a long enough time period to
get it.

The book cannot come out until I get some financial support to hire a
lawyer to handle Mr. Peter Cox, who basically claims that he owns 22
1/2 % of it AND my life story, forever, plus British VAT. Thbis comes
to 50-75% of whatever i would ever earn on the book or anything to do
with the life story. But if I go on a talk show, I think a lawyer
would then step forward to help me get the book back into American

So I hope you'll support this drive to ask Walters to interview me It
will go quite a way to help people see another way of looking at Lee.
I will be grateful!

It is easy to reach on the internet....there's a place where you can
"suggest news story."

many thanks,
I will be grateful,


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Subj: Re: "As I'm told . . ."
Date: 10/22/00 6:35:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Howpl
To: Dreitzes

Matt got a number of things wrong (like all the work J did between
high school and New Orleans!). Perhaps he knows there was some e-mail
contact with you and extrapolated. I have no idea. He decided a while
ago that posting to the newsgroup was more important than giving us
the results of his research. I am thankful for his support, but don't
know where he's coming from.

60 Minutes has pulled the plug on a "go" four times. This last time
came after a promise, out of the blue, that "it's not as if we don't
believe you, it's because we didn't know how to do the story, but now
we do." Don Hewittt said that in the presence of Mike Wallace.
Wallace never waivered in his belief in J after the first meeting we
ever had. No, they are not JFK experts. They should have used people
we recommended, but didn't. They just chickened out again. This has
been going on over a period of 15 months.

The amount of detail in Matt's "revelations" is too small to sustain
an informed debate. I am tired and need a rest. My whole life's been
turned inside out and I need a rest.


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