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On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as "fighting for truth and freedom" - {HRI 20100402-V2.0} (as Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)

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Leonardo Been (Plato)

Feb 8, 2011, 6:29:56 AM2/8/11
On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as "fighting
for truth and freedom" (as Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)

2 April 2010
{HRI 20100402-V2.0}

(Version 2.0
on 7 Jan 2011)


Both they and we, would be better off, if they came out of the closet
and openly stated their condition.

For themselves to state or even admit their condition, however, is
contrary to their condition and purpose:

alt.religion.scientology consists of a group - people posting there
and interacting there - a group of sociopaths in various states or
degrees of putrefaction (of offensive decay), and their supporters

- which, from a sociological viewpoint is highly interesting,
to study such a group -

any other, fitting or convenient sociopath) SEEM "NORMAL" or "NOT-
SOCIOPATHS," and even "much better than others."


And the method they have in common, is: To expose or attack
'Scientology' in such a way,

that it will not actually bring about an understanding, but avoids
an understanding of life itself.

But that, however - an understanding of life itself - IS
necessary, to expose 'Scientology,' and

to understand sociopaths and oppressive groups in general.

Sociopaths themselves, vehemently oppose any true
knowledge of life and about themselves, and so also

while they PRETEND to expose truth and want to be
admired for that - for that, what they actually do
NOT do.

Well, what else should you expect of sociopaths,
than exactly that.

Once you DO know they are sociopaths, they then
become very predictable, and very understandable.




If you do NOT know that about them - and THEY have the purpose to
confuse you about that and to hide it from you - if you do NOT know
their actual purpose,

then their shouting "for freedom and truth," and their posting
(writing) so, is of course very confusing,

IF you do not know, that it is coming from sociopaths WHO HAVE
THE PURPOSE 'to seem "normal",' and the purpose

'to seem to want to "protect life," and who "do that more than
others," even,'

they talk and act and write, as if "THAT would be 'their
purpose'." But they are sociopaths.




They get more confusing to you, though

- and they hide that fiercely, but nevertheless -

most of those sociopathic "critics" SECRETLY believe,

that 'Scientology' DOES "further knowledge of the spirit," and DOES
"restore spiritual abilities - to include past life memory, extending
spiritual perception and generally heightening the ability to handle
life energies"

- and, being sociopaths, they will wish to vehemently deny, hinder,
distort, make wrongly "understood," and in any other way oppose

abilities which 'Scientology' may induce or confirm
early-on, IN ORDER TO THEN DESTROY those abilities,

because the purpose of 'Scientology,' of l. ron
hubbard, is, 'NOT TO BE LOOKED THROUGH,' and so his

'Scientology' PREVENTS their victims ('Scientologists')
from perceiving and knowing life itself, 'Scientology'
DESTROYS what a person - and what you and I - SHOULD come
to know about self and about life,

- by the simple trick, of PRETENDING to make people
'find out' by themselves -

so 'Scientology' (l. ron hubbard, as the Bare-faced
Messiah) is NO DIFFERENT from the other sociopaths,

as you have been able to see from their (from the posters') intense
desire to "utterly destroy me,"

much like l. ron hubbard himself and HIS sociopaths desire
it and tried (and try) it too, to "utterly destroy me."

Denying who I am, in their pitiful hope of getting others
confused enough, like Satan* (l. ron hubbard) does try
with some success to confuse others Energetically,

to think or feel, that "I do not exist" but that
they - the sociopaths - "are me."

So Satan (l. ron hubbard) is VEHEMENTLY denying
who I am, and that I exist,

The faithful reader may have surmised, and some may
have felt, that there is a sort of 'final battle'
being waged between me and that individual, Satan*

a fight "to the death," you might say,

and he is already dead...

while I am still alive, to your very great
advantage, indeed,

after many life times of losing, I now finally
regained the knowledge and ability to look through
him, and thereby to regain the ability to counter




Now 'the rest of the story:'

THUS THEY SUPPORT - with the above, hidden "opposition to what THEY
believe 'Scientology' stands for," they in fact support

- which is THE NEXT LAYER OF CONFUSION, or 'Double-Lie' -

by which they in fact support and solidify

THE PRETENSE of 'Scientology' (of l. ron hubbard) that "Scientology
delivers those spiritual abilities," and that 'Scientology' "is about
that" - which it is not at all, as I described for you recently in

'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (incl. definition of Jesus Christ, definition of Satan)'
(SRCS) {HRI 20100106-II-V5.1} (see under References, below)


'PEACE not in Heaven, but ON EARTH: (with many correct, extensive
definitions) Please look at the Extreme, "Impenetrable"
- Blinding, Hypnotizing and Vampiring - Ugliness Energies of
Satan (current alias: l. ron hubbard, of 'Scientology' infamy)'
{HRI 20101224-V2.0}, (see under References)




My writing DOES truly expose 'Scientology' and l. ron hubbard, for
what "it" is (and what he, Satan, is), and so

the putrefied and putrefying sociopaths,

suffering from Anti-Social Personality Disorders as witnessed
and proven by their archived communications

- the group that defines (defined) itself by their written
exchanges in alt.religion.scientology *(1)...(12)

these sociopaths will never publish that, what really DOES under-
stand and really DOES expose 'Scientology.'

THEIR pretended "fight against 'Scientology'" is merely
intending to "prove" for themselves, and to support each other
in, the belief or pretense,

that "they are good," that "they are 'fighting for freedom of
speech and for justice',"

it is to make each other FEEL - which "proves" it to
themselves and to each other - that "THEY are the good

while they have been doing just about
everything to DESTROY Freedom of Speech AND

exactly like their opponent 'Scientology'
does it too,

it is to "prove" to themselves and each other, to make
each other FEEL, that "THEY are the good ones,"

and so they act themselves like a sort of sect, very
"protective of their group of sociopaths," and so I have
come to call them (that alt.religion.scientology 'group')
a 'mafia,'



In other words, they are sociopaths PRETENDING - as 'Scientology' does
too PRETEND - that "they fight for truth and for freedom and for
justice," and

you can recognize them most easily, in that THEY HAVE NEVER RELAYED,
nor have put on their websites, nor openly have validated my writing

(understanding life itself, which my writing does,
precisely DOES expose 'Scientology')

- my writing DOES understand and therefore it protects Life, and
THEREFORE it opposes 'Scientology,'

and it does OPPOSE ALSO the (hidden, above-mentioned) purpose

of 'making sociopaths seem "good"' or even '(making
sociopaths seem) "being above normal people"' -

and so,

even though they DO know, that MY writing really DOES expose
'Scientology,' and that my writing really DOES understand Life,

they are most unlikely now or in the future to validate and relay my
writing, and that gives you the easiest tool to recognize them.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(*) See under References.

(1) 'The Social 'Mark Bunker' Psychosis: 'When the Bad join the Ugly,
to PRETEND "to fight Evil" and "to be 'free speech advocates'" '
{HRI draft note 20100219-V1.0}
(19 February 2010)

(2) 'Detecting Criminal Minds: At deaths of active Sociopaths
(e.g. Dave Bird, Eldon Braun), other Sociopaths come forward
to praise these'
{HRI draft note 20100212-V1.0}
(12 February 2010)

(3) 'Advice to murderous sociopaths ("How is your jugular,
'henri'?") '
(3 February 2010)

(4) 'Murderous sociopaths described (How "henri" behaves like a
'Scientologist' or as a Hubbard-clone: "Always attack, never
defend" - which is logical, for sociopaths)'
{note 20100201}
(1 February 2010)

(5) 'Sociopaths trying to incite sociopaths to justify, and to again
commit murder on Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI note 20100201-V1.0}
(1 February 2010)
'The accessories to - , the aids to - , and the originators of
this crime,* remain silent...'
{HRI note 20100201-V2.0}
(1 February 2010 - Version 2.0 on 5 Feb 2010)

(6) 'Much vital truth acquired by me, the Demonic Critics of
Scientology, have been attacking and denying, since thirteen
years now (Example: Mike Rinder Interview 1996)'
(includes Ambassador for Mankind RI-753i of 2 Dec 1996)
{HRI note 20091103-V1.0-t} - includes {AfM RI 19961202}
(3 November 2009)

(7) 'Anyone here NOT wanting me murdered or destroyed? - Their
incitement to murder the very able'
{HRI note 20091028-t}
(28 October 2009)
... /group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/5be79255e1685d80

(8) 'Demonic Creatures' Incitement to murder the very able (you)'
{HRI note 20091021}
(superceded by and included in {HRI note 20091028-t} )
(21 October 2009)
... /group/

(9) 'When Koos Nolst Trenite is mentioned to Demonic creatures (to
hidden sociopaths)' (MTDC)
{HRI note 20091002-V2.0}
(2 October 2009 - Version 2.0 on 4 Oct 2009)

(10) 'Refuting some of the Evil of Tulka on me, that Demonic creatures
love to repeat'
{HRI note 20090929-V2.0}
(29 September 2009 - Version 2.0 on 2 Oct 2009)
... /group/

(11) 'Mark Rathbun (the confessor of Tom Cruise), How to return him
- or rather, those who DO want to - to Sanity'
{20090827-V1.0.1 note by KNT hrp&p}
(27 August 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Aug 2009)
... /group/alt.gossip.celebrities/msg/2f2dac12feeb173c

(12) 'Filtering out his "critics," who are AS demonically malicious as
l. ron hubbard himself, and 'Scientologists' alike, plus rabid
supporters of either' - (Encl. {HRO 20081017-V2.3.2} )
{note 20090826-V2.0}
(26 August 2009 - Version 2.0 on 30 Aug 2009)
... /group/alt.gossip.celebrities/msg/c49c04e296b92c4a


'Breaking the Apathy-"culture" about Sociopaths (incl. Definition
of Hypnotism) - about their Hate for Life and their Contempt for
{HRI 20100828-V4.2}
(28 August 2010 - Version 4.2 on 14 Oct 2010)


'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (incl. definition of Jesus Christ, definition of Satan)'
{HRI 20100106-II-V5.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 5.1 on 28 Mar 2010)


'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
{HRI note 20091105-V1.3} (archived 20100101 by
... /group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/404f416cfcf9817d

'Vampirism by sociopaths, on your body's Life Energies
- facing Vampirism made easier by LEF meter use (Life
Energy Fluctuation electronic measurement)'
{FPP 20110101-V1.2}
(1 January 2011 - Version 1.2 on 3 Jan 2011)
... /group/fine-particle-physics/msg/6922f89eff3b9a82

'PEACE not in Heaven, but ON EARTH: (with many correct, extensive
definitions) Please look at the Extreme, "Impenetrable"
- Blinding, Hypnotizing and Vampiring - Ugliness Energies of
Satan (current alias: l. ron hubbard, of 'Scientology' infamy)'
{HRI 20101224-V2.0}, {FPP 20101224-V2.0}
(24 December 2010 - Version 2.0 on 25 Dec 2010)
... /group/human-rights-issues/msg/e5d6b95bf71f8435

'When YOU are freed of Aberrations, then "Satan* will stop
wanting to murder you"????! - incl. References'
{draft note 20101220}
(20 December 2010)
... /group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/e98f9d8bf397cd79

'What are 'Double Lies:' Unraveling 'Scientology' (l. ron
hubbard's) - some of the most obvious ones'
{HRI note 20091023-V2.3}
(23 October 2009 - Version 2.3 on 29 Oct 2009)


'Biggest Secret of 'Scientology' exposed by {HRO 20081017-V2.3.2}
incl. actual 'Definition of Truth,' 'Definition of Punishment,'
and 'Definition of Karma' '
{HRI note 20090923}
(23 September 2009)


'Did you ever face the SHUDDERING Ugliness of l .ron hubbard?'
{HRI note 20090921}
(21 September 2009)
... /group/


'A Cult (Scientology) Demon's "Definition" of "reality"
- (encl. The ACTUAL Definition of Reality or Truth,
in {HRO 20081017-V2.3.2})'
{HRI note 20090914-II}
(14 September 2009 Additional Issue II)
... /group/alt.gossip.celebrities/msg/a5fb436a57a395d5


'Real Life Definition of Cult Member, here 'Scientology'
"'Sea Org' member" - Providing the Demon (here the rapist-
ghoul l. ron hubbard) with Life Energy'
- (encl. {HRI draft 20090822-V1.4} 'Real Life Definitions ... ')
{HRI note 20090914-I-V2.1}
(14 September 2009 Add. Issue I - Version 2.1 on 17 Sept 2009)
... /group/alt.gossip.celebrities/msg/4f87cfb7ccd407b6


'Die Bamberg Notiz - (A Notice to Bamberg)'
{HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1}
(19 August 2009 - Version 2.1 on 31 Aug 2009)


'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)
... /group/alt.christnet.christianlife/msg/4b691b97c821da7d



Copyright 2010, 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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