{HRI draft note 20100219-V1.0}
Those with a Reverse Conscience (sociopaths) could recently be seen in
unison** with those of No Conscience - in unison in their PRETENSE of
"fighting the Evil of l. ron hubbard."
This, PRETENDING "to fight Evil," gives them a good feeling, and a
social cohesion,
where nobody has to actually FIGHT or FACE Evil, and NOBODY
SHOULD face and understand and name actual Evil,
other than for the PURPOSE of providing the FEELING, the
that "they are fighting Evil,"
to the Bad and the Ugly, to others, in particular to those with
a Reverse Conscience (sociopaths) and to those of No Conscience
(cowards, psychotics, etc.)
- who of course CRAVE for the FEELING of "being heros."
It is the same with Andreas Heldal-Lund, and other, similar individu-
als, as with Mark Bunker:
They pretend very loudly, that "they are" - "because of their own
deep-seated integrity" - "fighting for free speech" - but they are
ONLY fighting for THEIR OWN very narrow and mostly very wrong
viewpoint "on life and people," and they don't mind at all, that more
truthful and more valuable viewpoints and data are cut off and
censored, and they have never fought for such speech to be free, at
If they WOULD be fighting the Evil of l. ron hubbard, which they claim
so loudly and so publicly to do, they would of course, be joining me.
But that would oppose their nature, their 'Reverse Conscience' or
their 'No Conscience,' respectively.
Truth is absolute, and not, what those of REVERSE conscience or NO
conscience would like to make out as "their common truth."
And because they are operating with "whatever you like to see as true,
is 'truth'," they are indeed fighting COVERTLY at the side of l. ron
hubbard, to deny or oppress - as l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology' does
deny and oppress - what is true about others, about themselves, and
about life.*
After all, truth is absolute - defined (as you know and anyone knows)
as 'that what happened, who causes it with what intentions.'
Criminal Minds will reverse it, to replace what actually happened, to
invert who caused it, and to assign the reverse intention to it.
And they (express or try to solidify) their DENIAL, their intense HATE
and the OPPRESSION, and if possible (allowing) the DESTRUCTION, of
anyone who puts back what actually happened, and who actually caused
it, and what the actual intentions were and are, as I also do
KNT hrp&p
* They OF COURSE - being the Bad and the Ugly, and craving the
feeling of PRETENDING "to fight Evil" - (in order to get the
SENSATION of "being heroes" ...which they, by their nature, are
incapable of being, they indeed) HAVE TO deny or oppress the
simplest and most vital truths on the subject they PRETEND to
'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (incl. definition of Jesus Christ, definition of Satan)'
{HRI 20100106-II-V5.0}
(6 January 2010 - Version 5.0 on 17 Jan 2010)
'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
{HRI note 20091105-V1.3} (archived 20100101 by groups.google)
'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)
** They were reacting on alt.religion.scientology and on a YouTube
video of Mark Bunker, recently announcing his engagement to his
longtime girlfriend.
'The Anti-Normal'
{HRI 20071208-V1.0}
(8 December 2007)
'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}
(7 December 2008 - Version 2.0.2 on on 30 Oct 2008)
'Detecting a Criminal Mind, by 'What does he (or she) NOT talk
about, NOT look at, NOT do?' '
{HRI 20080725-V2.2}
(25 July 2008 - Version 2.2 on 7 Aug 2008)
'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)
(a) As always, alt.religion.scientology is a prolific 'meeting
place' to face and examine and analyze the most Insane social
ills in plain view for those who can and wish to see and
research those ills, with the purpose of recognizing and thus
avoiding these or breaking these up.
Copyright 2010 by KNT hrp&p - copyright conditions as usual