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What are 'Double Lies:' Unraveling 'Scientology' (l. ron hubbard's) - , some of the most obvious - {HRI note 20091023-V2.3}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 29, 2009, 5:00:04 AM10/29/09
What are 'Double Lies:' Unraveling 'Scientology' (l. ron hubbard's) -
some of the most obvious ones

23 October 2009
{HRI note 20091023-V2.3}

(Version 2.3
on 29 Oct 2009)

(suits foreign
language readers)



Unraveled, the following statements (1., 2., and 3.) of
the actual truth, do POINT UP THE DOUBLE LIES *(1) used by
'Scientologists' in order to SMASH your, and their own,

Explanation of terms:

'Safe Space,' 'Out-Tech' and 'Off-Source,' as well
as 'Suppressive Person,' are self-explanatory, and
are part of 'Scientology' jargon.

They all have a DOUBLE meaning, in
'Scientology,' and their second meaning is
hidden from the followers, but used on them.

A Double Lie: 'Not using Zyklon-B to gas people,
"is inhumane".' This covers up the actually inhumane
activity, which Criminal Minds did and do, and will
like to, cover up, in such a manner.

The following truths are thus not recognized, and
therefore I would point them out, to the less endowed,
who can not grasp these by themselves:

1. 'Scientology' is a 'Safe Space' FOR Suppressive Persons,
(a 'Safe Space,' for Tom Cruise and his buddy David
Miscavige for instance).

2. 'Scientology' IS 'Out-Tech' or a FALSE Technology
(it is grafted onto valid Regression Therapy and
Biofeedback metering, but is carefully misusing the
hopes and expectations kindled in people, much the same
as it was in Nazi thinking and acting).

Indeed "efficient, productive" Hate is the underlying
emotion of all 'Scientology' staff, coming from the top,
from l. ron hubbard, on down.

3. 'Scientology' is 'OFF-Source,' it has a FALSE Source of
data and of thinking and of intention - l. ron hubbard.

l. ron hubbard being a Demonic Creature, having NO OTHER
intentions and use for data and people, than to dominate
people's Energies and Awareness, forever and everywhere,

is obviously a FALSE Source. But he accuses people of
being 'Off-Source' if they do not exactly do and think
and "perceive" as he demands things to be "understood"
and "perceived" and done.




Truth is absolute, and not, "whatever you or your favorite guru or
Eckhart Tolle or Oprah Winfrey thinks of it."


A hundred thousand people can agree, that "there is a black cat
playing a harp on the top of mount Shasta," but that does not
make it so.

'Scientology' however, with its preacher 'l ron hubbard,'
teaches that it then does.

I pointed this out very recently when a "rabbit" of
Hubbard (we can't call them "squirrels," as the word is
already taken by themselves - to describe certain people
that are not fully dominated by l. ron hubbard - but)

we can call them "rabbits," a "rabbit's" thinking and thus
acting - we define now - IS wholly dominated by l.ron

So it was, when a "rabbit" (of l. ron hubbard) "explained"
to the public, "how Reality works," or what is - according
to the "rabbits" of l. ron hubbard - "Reality,"

that I pointed out his SATANIC "definition" of Reality.


Two billion people can agree, that

- the very person who, with Hugo Chavez, HATES and opposes
the previous US president, George "Washington" Bush,

who is hated by the current US President, Obama -

(two billion people can agree with Obama, that)

Obama "brings about peace," and that "Bush brought about war,"
but that does not make it so

- quite the contrary, in fact:


Given the Definition of Peace,** Obama fully intends to and does
indeed DESTROY global peace - AND the climate too, AND American
"Health Care."

He makes life more dangerous, on Earth

wholly following the nature of his soul (where he or his
wife claims, so I am told, that the soul "does not exist,"
that thus)

"you do 'not exist'," ('nice' to know, isn't it...)

he makes life more dangerous, on Earth

because he is HIDING and DENYING danger and dangerous
individuals existing,

which it is in his soul's nature, to hide.


He is "Loved" for that by all the Criminal Minds on Earth, and
also by their victims (by you), that is:

by those who prefer to "not see or remember" what everyone
(including you) finds repulsive, and prefers not to feel,

to feel "it does not exist" - meaning:

when existing, "it must NOT be felt as existing."


This I explained in a particular case to you: in an
HRI about the 'Uri Geller' Syndrome, ***

which you do not know about - and that was
then the reason for me, to write about it for
you, in that Human Rights Issue,

because most people, and also you, do suffer
from it. That's how you keep me busy and away
from doing things I rather like to do.



Thus it is also not strange, that, with his and the Drug
Companies' "Health Reform," he, Obama, wants to get America
EVEN MORE hooked on Drugs

(For every US Member of Congress, there are two lobbyists
paid for by Drug or Medical Companies. "To Your Health!")
- (

INSTEAD OF getting people to be more healthy and NOT get sick,

like in a Cleveland hospital, they try to PAY people for
NOT getting sick. (

But the Medical Trade is a "marvelous tool" to get
people dominated, (*)

by means of lies that are ALREADY in place, in
'Academia,' in very Evil "science," indeed, and

that "you must agree to," "because it is science,"
(that "the soul does not, you do not exist," and
that "Life Energy - the 'blood' of Life itself,
does not exist"). (*)

Their standard phrase is - which Criminal Minds also
use in Wikipedia - that 'this or that, whichever
they want to deny the existence of,' "has not been
proven conclusively, to the scientific community,"

though THEIR extremely destructive lies about life
and physics, HAVE been proven to be CONCLUSIVELY
FALSE AND UTTERLY HARMFUL to life - nevertheless
they do maintain these, also in Wikipedia, and
in the Scientific American etc.,

for this simple reason that they ALSO hide from you:
They are Criminal Minds - Criminal Minds have a
REVERSE conscience, and they will NOT tell you that,

you have to look yourself - and therefore they
do make you blind, with THEIR "accepted"

- looking being an entirely spiritual (a Life
Energetic, Fine Particle Physics) activity.



You can tell people a hundred thousand times, and make a billion
people agree, that "people think with their brain," that "the spirit
and Life Energies do not exist," but that does not make it so.

But it DOES make a vast amount of people sick and unable to heal

And because it is a very vicious lie that is told as, and worked with
as "being the truth,"

telling people that "their brain thinks and perceives,"



Thus - having been made LESS Aware - people are more vulnerable, more
open, to OTHER lies.

Already you have NOT been taught, how you DO think and how you
DO perceive, but you have been taught falsely, instead, at

and so the lie can stick to you easily

('not to you,' of course, but to others:).


Because it is a very vicious lie, and the truth is deliberately,
even vehemently, omitted,

like telling people the vicious lie that l. ron hubbard "is a
humanitarian and saves lives, yes, the society even,"


Thus they are more vulnerable, more open, to OTHER lies from that

I was never told, that l. ron hubbard is an INTENSELY EVIL,
vicious, demonic creature in nature and spiritual actions,

not to mention his physical tantrums and constant betrayal
of who were deceived into offering friendship or care to




DOUBLE Lies are made and intended to cleverly hide the underlying lie
or lies, BY SMASHING your awareness sufficiently with the second or
'surface' lie. This I have explained to you earlier.

And Sanity is DEFINED as (the definition valid for Earth, of 'Sanity,'

'The ability to look through deceptions.'


I came to write this Human Rights Issue note just now, while
studying Time magazine on Obama's "Health Care" "reform:"

'How Drug-Industry Lobbyists Won on Health-Care' - by Karen
Tumult and Michael Scherer, on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009




So here we go, as above, in the Summary, with things you may already
know since long, but nobody of you has the Spiritual Intelligence,*
to write this down,

to unravel 'Scientology' (l. ron hubbard's) 'Double Lies,'
with here, some of the most obvious ones.


Unraveled, AND POINTING UP THE DOUBLE LIE, they become the following
statements of the actual truth:

1. 'Scientology' is a 'Safe Space' FOR Suppressive Persons
like Tom Cruise himself is one.

2. 'Scientology' IS 'Out-Tech' or a FALSE Technology, used in
order to hide Suppressive Persons.

3. 'Scientology' is 'OFF-Source,' it has a FALSE Source of data,
where l. ron hubbard, being a Demonic Creature, is a FALSE


These exact things, these conclusions, I have pointed out to you in
detail - explained very precisely - in various published Human Rights
Issue notes, and these conclusions have there been proven.

KNT hrp&p

See also:

(1) 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie'
{HRI 20021014}
(14 Oct 2002, posted 25 Oct 2002)


(*) 'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART ONE'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p1}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p1 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

(*) 'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART TWO'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p2}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p2 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

(**) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.7.5-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.5 on 13 Oct 2009)
{HRI 20070520-V3.7.4} (no tabs layout)
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.4 on 5 June 2009)

(***)'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
on your Life Force'
{HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
(7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

(1) (see above under 'See also:')


(on 'Scientology')

'Biggest Secret of 'Scientology' exposed by {HRO 20081017-V2.3.2}
incl. actual 'Definition of Truth,' 'Definition of Punishment,'
and 'Definition of Karma' '
{HRI note 20090923}
(23 September 2009)

'Did you ever face the SHUDDERING Ugliness of l .ron hubbard?'
{HRI note 20090921}
(21 September 2009)

'A Cult (Scientology) Demon's "Definition" of "reality"
- (encl. The ACTUAL Definition of Reality or Truth,
in {HRO 20081017-V2.3.2})'
{HRI note 20090914-II}
(14 September 2009 Additional Issue II)

'Real Life Definition of Cult Member, here 'Scientology'
"'Sea Org' member" - Providing the Demon (here the rapist-
ghoul l. ron hubbard) with Life Energy'
- (encl. {HRI draft 20090822-V1.4} 'Real Life Definitions ... ')
{HRI note 20090914-I-V2.1}
(14 September 2009 Add. Issue I - Version 2.1 on 17 Sept 2009)

'Freedom Possible by Facing Evil - Facing Demons or Not?
- 'A Haunting' for psychiatrists etc., who claim "l. ron hubbard
is dead" - Example of a 'Double Lie' '
{HRI 20061203-V2.4}
(3 December 2006 - Version 2.4 on 8 Dec 2006)

(on 'Double Lies')

'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie'
{HRI 20021014}
(14 Oct 2002, posted 25 Oct 2002)

'Iran's "Enemy," 'The West,' To Be Fought With Higher Oil Prices,
Atom Bombs, and OPEC's Intentional Lies of "Consumption did not
increase" - The 'Double Lie' in action - Associated Press or
{HRI note 20080618-V2.2}
(18 June 2008 - Version 2.2 on 20 June 2008)

(and as suggested or indicated in the text)


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Tom Potter

Nov 3, 2009, 9:56:59 PM11/3/09

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message
> l. ron hubbard being a Demonic Creature...

It is interesting to see that "Koos Nolst Trenite"
seems to be writing about Judaism.

1. Judaism "a 'Safe Space,' for" people like
Maddox and the gang that instigated the Class Wars of the 1900's,
and is instigating the Religious Wars of the 2000's.

2. Judaism IS 'Out-Tech' or a FALSE Technology.
Note that Judaism brainwashes kids to believe
all kinds of insane myths, and to think
they are God's "Chosen People"
and can treat non-Jews as lower animals.

3. 'Scientology' is 'OFF-Source,' it has a FALSE Source of

data and of thinking and of intention - Moses, etc.

4. Moses being a Demonic Creature.

For example note that the excerpts from the Jews own play book
tells how Moses had his gang attack the very people
who gave him shelter when he ran away from Egypt
to avoid being punished for murder,

and to steal all of their assets,
kill all of the men and the non-virgin women,
and rape the virgins.

To my knowledge, Ron Hubbard never
did anything like this.

Considering the examples set by Moses,

and by Abraham, the Patriarch of Judaism,
who got kicked out of Egypt for pimping
his wife Sarah, who gave V.D. to the Egyptians,

it is not surprising that Jews instigate conflict and war
for profit, and are active in pornography, gambling, prostitution, etc.

04:031:009 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian
captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all
their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.
04:031:010 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all
their goodly castles, with fire.
04:031:011 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men
and of beasts.
04:031:012 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil,
unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation
of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of
Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
04:031:013 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest,
and all the princes of the congregation,
went forth to meet them without the camp.
04:031:014 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the
captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which
came from the battle.
04:031:015 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
04:031:016 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the
counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the
matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation
of the LORD.
04:031:017 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones,
and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
04:031:018 But all the women children, that have not known a man by
lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Tom Potter

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