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Die Bamberg Notiz - {HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1} - (A Notice to Bamberg)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 31, 2009, 1:45:58 AM8/31/09
Die Bamberg Notiz - (A Notice to Bamberg)

19. August 2009
{HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
am 31. August 2009)

ergibt sich aus
der Formatierung)


Gemeinde Effeltrich
LandRatsAmt Forcheim
Stadt Bamberg
LandKreis Bamberg

OberLandesGericht Muenchen
Bay. VerfassungsGerichtsHof

Fakult. f Rechtswissenshaft

Europaeischer Gerichtshof

RAe f Schadenersatz
RAe f Verwaltungsrecht
RAe f Verfassungsrecht
RAe f Strafrecht


Letselschade advocaten (NL)


Zur Weiterleitung



Gesellschaftsdiener krimineller Geistesart,
sind nicht einfach ohne Gewissen - und, das
haben Sie nicht gewusst:

Diese haben ein UMGEKEHRTES, und diese f�hlen
und handeln von einem UMGEKEHRTEN Gewissen

Das, was ausserordentlich gut und wahrhaft und
liebend ist, "stellt die gr�sste Bedrohung dar,"
und ist DESHALB "am meisten b�se." Aber:

Was in dem Masse b�se ist, dass die Leute
es uberhaupt nicht als solches erahnnen wollen
oder k�nnen, ist "bei weitem am besten," und
"ergibt den besten Schutz - gegen die Entdeckung
JEDER von 'unserer' kriminellen Geistesart, in
der Gesellschaft."


Zum praktischen Teil:



Die Stadt Bamberg hat Schadensersatz zu leisten f�r

- und zwar f�r jeden Tag der erfolgten Zuf�gung der
genannten -

zugebrachte Schaden und Verletzungen eines niederl�ndischen
Staatsangeh�rigen, und f�r jeden Tag, dass die Stadt Bamberg den
Schaden nicht beendet bzw. verg�tet:

Es handelt sich insbesondere um

(unter der B�rgermeisterschaft von Herbert Lauer, und
unter Erzbischof Karl Braun)


I. Schwerste K�rperverletzung mit langj�hriger Invalidit�t als
direkter Folge *(0)

II. Schwerste Freiheitsberaubung mit im Detail geplanter Vorbedacht

III. Schwerste Verleumdung mit Vorbedacht, Verursachung ausgedehnter
und langwieriger 'Folgeverleumdung,' und � erschwerend - ohne
jede Bem�hung bis jetzt, den Schaden zu lindern oder einen Ende
zu bereiten

IV. Wirtschaftliche Schaden, beim Opfer und f�r die Gesellschaft,
als Folgeschaden.



Der niederl�ndische Staatsburger habe sich - so die damalige
"Anklage" der s�ddeutschen Beh�rde - der 'RELIGIOESEN
WAHNVORSTELLUNG' schuldig gemacht:

Der 'Schuldige' behauptete �ffentlich, auch via e-Mail zu
den dortigen kirchlichen Amtstr�ger:


- so wie es �brigens auch der Philosoph Platon
(Plato) lehrt -

und 'er habe dies nicht nur �ffentlich auf seiner
Web-site kund getan, aber hat dazu auch noch fast t�glich
Hinweise oder sogar Beweise geliefert, und ebendort

Und - so sieht es die kriminelle Geistesart - 'dies
stelle eine akute Gefahr f�r die geistige Gesundheit
der hiesigen Bev�lkerung da,

"die nich in solchen Humbug glaubt, und darin
auch nicht glauben mag".'


Es sei immer ein Dorn im Auge des kriminell gearteten Teil
der Bev�lkerung �BERHAUPT gewesen,

und in diesem Falle bei dem entsprechenden, etablierten
Teil der (Bamberger) Bev�lkerung, und folglich

- folglich dem herrschenden Sentiment bei dem sehr
kleinen, kriminell gearteten aber etablierten
Teil der Bev�lkerung Bambergs -

verursache dies Unbehagen, und ein Gef�hl von Bedrohung,
in eben dem kriminell gearteten Teil der 'Respektierten
B�rgerschaft der Stadt Bamberg;' und

dieses Unbehagen 'm�sse deshalb, zur dessen endg�ltiger
Beseitigung, in Aktion "�bersetzt" werden,' d.h.

'in beh�rdlicher "Aktion-Skript" verfasst werden:'



'Es liege' - so denkt und f�hlt es die kriminell geartete
Pers�nlichkeit - 'es liege "eine akute und unabwendbare Gefahr
f�r die bayerische Volksgesundheit" vor,'

'die aber in entsprechende Formeln gegossen werden muss, um
"diese Gefahr - diesen Angriff auf den Wurzeln des kriminell
gearteten Teil des etablierten B�rgertums" - (um diese) in dem
Keim vernichten zu k�nnen,'

'wof�r eine entsprechend kriminell geartete (eine sociopa-
tische) "Zeug(in)," als auch einen entsprechend gearteten,
auf Staatskosten dienenden 'Psychiater,' nur unschwer
aufzufinden sind.'

Und die erste hatte sich schon selbst angeboten, wenn
nicht gerade aufgedr�ngt, als 'agent provocateur.'


Begreiflicherweise - bei derart kriminell gearteten
Personen - VERABSCHEUT und BEK�MPFT eine solche
"Zeug(in)" und ein solcher "Experten," jede Form
von korrektem Wissen und von genauem Verst�ndnis.

Eine solch-artige Person will auch auf keinem
Fall - selbstverst�ndlicherweise - ein
Wissen dar�ber zulassen, was wohl ihre
wirklichen Absichten und wirklichen Gef�hle
f�r ihre Mitmenschen sind, oder �hnliches
Verst�ndnis �ber sie selbst, *(3)

so wie ihre Art in dem Grundsatz (ganz oben)
dieses Schriftstuckes angegeben ist.

Das gilt insbesondere bez�glich ihrer
abscheulichen aber vergangenen Missetaten
und Absichten, wovon die Entdeckung, oder
sonst wenigstens die Glaubw�rdigkeit von
bereits entdeckter Fakten �ber sie, mit allen
m�glichen Mitteln zunichte zu machen sei.


Solche kriminell gearteten Personen,

eben WEIL ihre Seele krimineller Natur ist

- und die Natur ihrer Seele besteht auch dann,
wenn ihre soziale Position oder Ausbildung
solches nicht vermuten l�sst, (diese Personen)

schrecken dann auch f�r �BERHAUPT NICHTS zur�ck:

Kriminell geartete Personen sind nicht blo�
'gewissenlos,' aber sie haben ein UMGEKEHRTES
Gewissen - eine UMKEHRUNG von was gut und was
b�se ist. *(4)


Die ben�tigte Rechtsbeugung war dann auch leicht zu
organisieren, mit einer Richterin die das Opfer nicht
kannte und auch nicht kennen wollte, nichts fragte,
und das Opfer nicht mal zu Wort kommen liess,

und die auch bereit war, auf jeglicher Rechtsbeistand f�r
das Opfer zu verzichten

- und so "f�r das 'akut-gef�hrdete' Wohl der
Allgemeinheit..." zu handlen,

d.h. f�r das "Wohl," f�r die "Un-Entlarvung"
der Klicke kriminell gearteter Personen der
Stadt Bamberg.



Schwerste K�rperverletzung mit seit langem geplanten Vorbedacht und
bleibender Schaden (was den kriminell gearteten Individuen nat�rlich
besonders freut) *(0)

Schwerste K�rperverletzung mit langj�hriger Invalidit�t als
direkte Folge

Schwerste Freiheitsberaubung mit im Detail geplanter Vorbedacht

Schwerste Verleumdung mit Vorbedacht, und Verursachung
ausgedehnter und langwieriger 'Folgeverleumdung,' ohne jede
Bem�hung, den Schaden zu lindern oder einen Ende zu bereiten,
geschweige denn, diesen zu beheben

Schwerster Psychoterror - absichtliche seelische Verletzungen,
insbesondere von beabsichtigt bleibender Art - unter Verwendung
von schwerster K�rperverletzung und Freiheitsberaubung

Destruktiver, b�sartiger Missbrauch �ffentlicher Gelder

Destruktiver, b�sartiger Missbrauch beh�rdlicher Zeit und

Absichtliche Verletzung der Gerichtsordnung, und zwar mit

Schwerste Rechtsbeugung, mit Vorbedacht

Schwerster Amtsmissbrauch, mit Vorbedacht

Schwerste Verst��e gegen das deutsche Grundgesetz

Schwerste Verst��e gegen das bayerische Grundgesetz

usw., usw., usw..


Daneben hat die Stadt Bamberg, der Schadensverursacher, die
niederl�ndische Gemeinde des Opfers schadenfrei zu stellen, in Bezug
auf sozialamtliche Kosten, die diese Gemeinde seit 2001 hat machen
m�ssen als Folge der Schaden - und Folgeschaden fortkommend aus die -
die die Stadt Bamberg dem niederl�ndischen Schadensopfer, von Sept
2000 bis April 2001 zugebracht hat.

Au�erdem gibt es noch ein �hnlicher Posten Schadensersatz und
Schmerzensgeld, eben auch wegen Freiheitsberaubung und schwerer
Verleumdung, als auch schwerer K�rperverletzung, einige Monate
zuvor, im Wohnhaus des Opfers, mit Freiheitsberaubung dort und in
der Stadt Bamberg.

Als Folge der ihm durch die Bamberger Beh�rden zugebrachten
langwierigen Verletzungen, Folter und Psychoterror, konnte das
Opfer u.a. nicht mehr ohne Hilfe laufen, nicht mehr schreiben,
nicht mehr arbeiten, nicht mehr still stehen, usw..




Dazu kommt Schmerzensgeld - in Bezug auf den obengenannten Schaden,
den dem Opfer absichtlich und mit vollem Vorbedacht und auf h�mischer
Art, und auf b�sartiger, absichtlich zerst�rerischer Weise, zugesetzt

Alles under Vorbehalt weiterer kriminal-, staats-, zivil- und
strafrechtlicher Anzeigen und -Verfolgungen in der Sache,
insbesondere auch gegen den Ausf�hrenden als nat�rlichen

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
Menschenrechtsphilosoph und Poet

'Die Weisheit Salomos war gr��er als
die Weisheit aller S�hne des Ostens
und als alle Weisheit �gyptens.'

1 K�nige 4:30



(1) 'Die religi�sen Wahnvorstellungen bestimmter deutschen Beamten
und anderer Verfassungsverschmutzern -
(mit Anhang {HRI 20080918-V1.3} )
{HRI 20080930-D-V1.1}
(30 September 2008)
(unten folgend als Anlage)

(0) 'The INTENSE Evil of Licensed Medical Quack "Science" - Kurt
Cobain, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson'
{HRI note 20090720-V1.1}
(20 July 2009 - Version 1.1 on 22 July 2009)

(2) 'Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos" '
(13 Oct 2002)

(3) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)

(4) 'Criminal Minds want to have everything seen and felt IN REVERSE'
{HRI 20090703-V1.0.1}
(3 July 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Jul 2009)

(5) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds - Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1} (IDBCM-p20)
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)



Die religi�sen Wahnvorstellungen bestimmter deutschen Beamten und
anderer Verfassungsverschmutzern

30 September 2008
{HRI 20080930-D-V1.2}

(Version 1.2
am 15. Nov 2008)

ergibt sich aus
der Formatierung
in Schreibmaschinenschrift)


Das w�re doch mal fein, wenn jemand das gesunde
Verstand und das Gef�hl f�r soziale Verantwortung
zeige - geschweige denn das feine und erhabene
Niveau der Zivilisation und das dazugeh�rige
Kulturbewusstsein besitze - um das Unterstehende
ins Deutsche zu �bersetzen.


W�re jedenfalls besser, als dass Ihr Geld ausgegeben wird, um

- so gar und ganz gegen die gleichzeitig tosenden

n�mlich, dass man gross in "technische Fortschritt"
glaubt und diese mit allen Mitteln f�rdert, (*)(***)

(h�hnendes Gel�chter - Hahaha! Hahaha!) *(0)

um gleichzeitig v�llig gegen solche Aussprachen

zu verstossen, und stattdessen -

das intelligente und materielle und sogar zum Teil das
k�rperliche Funktionieren anderer zu zerst�ren, m.a.W. jemanden
geistig und sozial und k�rperlich in seiner Substanz so sehr zu

tats�chlich mitsamt seiner sozial wichtigen seelischen
bzw. k�rperlichen Funktionen wie zum Beispiel Laufen,
Schreiben, und Erinnern - geschweige denn die F�higkeit
zu arbeiten - in anderen zu zerst�ren, und das alles

von ihnen begr�ndet, mit genau ihrer EIGENEN 'Religi�sen
Wahnvorstellungen,' d.h. mit DER Geisteskrankheit

- ihre eigenen 'Religi�sen Wahnvorstellungen' wie unten
{HRI 20080918-V1.5} beschrieben -

die diese deutschen Beamte und Verfassungsverschmutzer NUR

und all das, taten sie, und KONNTEN SIE NUR TUN,

selbstverst�ndlich unter Verneinung jedes anwendbaren
Satzes der Deutschen und Bayerischen Verfassung, und,

noch viel schwerer wiegend, unter Umgehung jeder
anzuwendenden Gerichtsordnung, und tats�chlich gegen den
Sinn und die Absichten aller Gesetzen,

so wie man das ja nur von Kriminellen Geistern
erwarten kann. Und das

(so, wie das leider auch auf f�rchterlicher
Weise f�r immer in der Geschichte ihrer Stadt
und Umgebung verankert liegt)

mit {HRI 20080918-V1.5} aufgef�hrt sind - durch zu setzen,

und diese, ihre eigenen religi�sen Wahnvorstellungen, zu

was so gar und ganz nicht zur Aufgabe der Beamten

geschweige denn zur Aufgabe von Verfassungssch�tzern

- der Sch�tzern der B�rger gegen ebensolche
Beamte -

Beamte, die unter den, hier unten (mit {HRI 20080918-V1.5} )
aufgelisteten, religi�sen Wahnvorstellungen leiden,

und die, mit der Wirklichkeit konfrontiert, das selbstverst�ndlich
nicht wahr haben wollen,

die eben - wie alle Kriminellen Geister - ganz und gar
krankheits-uneinsichtlich sind,

und die stattdessen behaupten, dass "jeder so sei, wie sie
selbst sind,"

d.h. auch "den gleichen religi�sen Wahnvorstellungen

n�mlich so, wie Kriminelle Geister es gerne h�tten, dass
die ganze Bev�lkerung genau ihrer �usserst destruktiven
Wahn unterliege,

damit sie selbst nicht erkannt werden k�nnen,
f�r was sie sind,

und die - so wie es Kriminelle Geister tun, mit allen ihr zu
Verf�gung stehenden finanziellen und institutionellen Mitteln -

den - und jeden - Darsteller der Wirklichkeit �ber sie, vernichten



Aus dieser Erkenntnis und Notsache, ist dann auch

- notgedrungen um mich selbst und die Menschheit gegen
ebensolche Unholde zu sch�tzen -

ein umfassendes Wissen entstanden, und formuliert, und wohl
unausl�schbar ver�ffentlicht,

zumindest und zuerst in englischer Sprache,

um ebensolche Kriminellen Geister zu entlarven,

und ihr Benehmen, anhand ihrer bekannten Absichten

und ihnen das Handwerk zu legen, BEVOR sie die
immer von ihnen beabsichtigten Sch�den, der
Bev�lkerung zubringen.


Das gleiche trifft ebenfalls zu, auf
die Politik zwischen Staaten, so wie
ich es ausf�hrlich publiziert habe.

Sehe hierzu auch die - daraus ebenfalls
entstandene, und zuerst in der Geschichte
richtig formulierte - 'Definition von Friede'

...was ebenfalls keine schmale Errungenschaft


Also nochmals:

Es w�re doch mal fein, wenn jemand das gesunde
Verstand und das Gef�hl f�r Verantwortung h�tte,
das unterstehend von mir in Englisch Verfasste, ins
Deutsche zu �bersetzen.



Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational Truth

18 Sept 2008
{HRI 20080918-V1.5}

(Version 1.5
on 26 Oct 2008)

(not suitable for


I hope you get that now: THEY have beliefs, WE have the rational

THEY are Criminal Minds, and Criminal Minds have everything in
reverse, so

THEY claim the opposite, that "they have the rational and
scientific truth," and that "we have BELIEFS,"

while THEY have - INTENTIONALLY and maliciously - BELIEFS,
and WE have rational and scientific truth,

which you can find in Fine Particle Physics, and in
the Human Rights Issues.



In the present context, Evil Creatures INTENTIONALLY, and against all
rationality and proof, fight for the (obviously erroneous) BELIEF,

that "people are bodies and not souls,"

the rational truth being, that people are souls, and not bodies,
nor a brain;



Evil Creatures fight for the (obviously erroneous) BELIEF,

that "perception is not done spiritually," but "consists of the
stimulation of the body's sense-organs, including the brain,"

the rational truth being, that all perception is entirely
spiritual (done with Life Energy Particles) and IN ADDITION TO
THAT, may be, or may not be, conducted via the body's sense
organs; (***)



Evil Creatures fight for the (obviously erroneous) BELIEF,

that people's memory "is engraved on the molecules of the brain," and
that "(also) therefore, people, being brains, have not lived before
as souls,"

the rational truth being, that the soul is intimately connected
to the brain, through Life Energy Particles, and that memory is
stored in Life Energy Particles, in the soul, and that, with
Life Energy Particles, you connect to and thus become aware of

most hilarious - or truly sad, should "incurable"
'diseases' like Alzheimer have beset you - is,

how Evil Creatures try to "explain" remissions or times of
sudden recovery of the ability to remember, etc. or how
they "explain" the sudden loss of memory;



Evil Creatures fight for the (obviously erroneous) BELIEF, that

"all perception and all memory is a delusion," or must be labeled
so if it is unwanted by Evil Creatures, and if "politely" or
"more convincingly" so, then (must be labeled) as "your own
reality" or "your own truth,"

for the obvious reason of them not wanting witnesses to be
believed, and

- while truth is simply what happened and is thus
absolute, as any sane person knows -

it is labeled by them as "being your delusion," for the
reason of

them not wanting to be recognized and made responsible for the
Evil they inflicted on others, on you, especially in the past
of earlier lives:

"Nobody did it," or, they mean the same, by saying

"God inflicted it," or, they mean the same, that "they,
Criminal Minds, did not do it," and they say

"it is Karma," by which they mean, that "they, Criminal
Minds, did not do it," and they say instead, that

"suffering is necessary, and ultimately caused by

Really... so when you hear those things, you know you are
listening to a Criminal Mind or to a follower of a Criminal



Evil Creatures fight for the (obviously erroneous and medieval)
BELIEF, that "human Life only existed and only exists, on planet
Earth," and "existed not even on Mars,"

and in addition to that, the BELIEF, that "Einstein is
Intelligent," while they can not even DEFINE Intelligence

- see the HRI's for the definition of 'Intelligence' -

(shortest definition)

'ability to connect to data and to separate data,'

{definition} from {HRI 20080406-V4.6.2}

and "intelligence" amongst Evil Creatures - THEIR
"definition" of "Intelligence" - (Evil Intelligence) is
(who has the greatest)

'Ability to deceive others the longest and with the gravest
consequences' {definition}

(Einstein being 'their prophet' and Einstein failing
to use the of course major and first part of

connecting to relevant and applicable, known data,

which Einstein COMPLETELY omitted to do and, as you
will be able to admit, that he omitted INTENTIONALLY
and thus maliciously (*))

contrasting wholly with the simple and very rational truth, being,
that there have been and are and will be infinite occasions of life
on an unimaginably vast amount of other planets, existing

- including heaven-like societies and also societies like hell -

not to mention other spiritual life. (**)



Evil Creatures fight for the (obviously erroneous and medieval)
BELIEF, that "Life after death is either paradisal, infernal, or
nihil," and "did not exist before their present birth," (**)

the rational truth being, that all people, being souls, have
lived before with or without own body and life, and will live
again very many life times, without or with an own body and




So I hope you get that now.

I repeat:

THEY have beliefs, WE have the rational truth.

THEY are Criminal Minds - Criminal Minds have everything in
reverse - and so THEY claim "to have the rational and scientific
truth" while having the very opposite,

and they claim, that the simple and rational truth, is "merely

But it is THEY, while they are countering and hiding the fact,
that they basically DO know the truth very well

- which is why they are fighting it so hard, and why they
know so very well WHAT and whom to fight -

THEY, INTENTIONALLY and maliciously, have BELIEFS, and

WE have (the) rational and scientific truth, which you can find back
in 'Fine Particle Physics,' and in the 'Human Rights Issues.'


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



(0) You can not even DEFINE 'addiction,' because you lack

"Fine Particle Physics" (*)(***)

which gives you the definitions of Awareness and of

(*) Fine Particle Physics - found for instance at

(**) 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.7}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.7 on 24 Oct 2008)

(***) (taken from {HRI 20040617-V3.8})

------ (How You Are Connected To Your Body)

You can be influenced by the Life Energies of your
body - to a greater or lesser extent -

AND you can influence the Life Energies of your body
- to a greater or lesser extent.

I will say that in more easy terms for you:

You can influence your body well, very well,
extraordinarily well, or not so well, or quite

And your body can influence you greatly or even

with all its perceptions and anything
your body is made to feel, good or bad,
almost determining your thinking and
activities, and

you can let all your communications and
Energies come and go via or through your
body's Energy structures,

or you can do things, make your perceptions and
observations and communications more directly
from person to person or from soul to soul,

which I know is the way almost anybody
highly likes to be addressed, certainly
by me, addressing people as they are -
they ARE souls. *(10)


And you can even train yourself, to have
certain Energies that come in via or from
your body,

for instance Pain Energies, quite
obviously, but also Unconsciousness
Energies (such as those Energies that
make or made you fall asleep) and
Repulsive Energies (ugly feelings,
itching and the like), to have these

not connect into your soul, but to handle these
so well, that you can keep these at bay,

so that these Poisoning Energies will
not cripple your feelings, and will not
stop your being alive, and

so that these Poisoning Energies will
not destroy your ability to detect the
source and nature of those who create and
project such Energies,

and you can train yourself, to more easily
keep these sources - those who project
Poisoned Energies - at bay, in order to look
at these individuals, to understand them and
their intentions,

so as to more quickly nullify these Poisoned
(and Poisonous) Life Energies.


Around the time of birth, when you are born or
slightly earlier already, you connect your Life
Energy into the brain, into the eyes, ears, nose,
skin, internal organs etcetera,

and then, usually rather strongly when these
have become fully grown and functional,

and thus can and do produce certain Life
Energies or feelings (Life Energies
contain(ing) feelings),

also into the genitals of the body,

feelings from the body's genitals to you,
that you can, however, also produce
yourself (you can create the Energies)
and put these into those organs, and

you get normally a combination of these
Energies (from your body, and from
yourself, your soul creating it), and
then of course the same applies to a
partner, and to creating those feelings
in each other's body too.

And again, Criminal Minds will try
to interfere quite heavily and in
various ways,

by projecting Poisonous and

deceptive Energies,

into those very natural processes.


And you connect at the same time also to (and use)
the various Life Energy structures that exist around
the body and keep the body alive, living, and that
make interactions via the body,

Life Energy Particle Fields connecting to the
body - with structures made out of Life Energy
Particles - and some prominent structures are

(commonly called wheels, alive, moving,
turning Life Energy Particle structures -
in the Sanskrit language, wheels are

geared to receive from others and from the
environment - as well as to emanate to others
and to the environment - particular types of
Life Energy.


Life Energy is used to interact
with life:

All aspects and activities
of life consist of actions
with Life Energy,

and matter itself - from the
smallest atoms to the biggest
planets and suns - is made
out of Life Energy, too.


The martial arts are using a particular
type of Life Energy Particles that exert
physical force, and they call these Chi
or Qi or Ki. (The Chinese pronounce it

The Eastern healing arts concentrate on
another type of Life Energy Particles,
that keep the body functioning and alive,
and that form various structures or
strings of Life Energy Particles for that
purpose in, on and around the body, and
they use in India the term Prana in
particular for those Energy Particles,

and some also use that same word,
Prana, to denote the type of Life
Energy that connects you to Life,
that produces connection and thus
feeling or awareness, and not only
of the body.


You can in various ways decide and practice to bring
about less connection of your Life Energies to the
body, or on the other hand, you can decide and
practice to make more connection of your Life Energy
to the body.

So you get the various practices that try to
make you do that. I mentioned Chi or Qi, Ki,
which is a word that you find in many
practices, and then there is Yoga, and
various such philosophies like Taoism, Bon Po,
Sufism, Tantra, etc., and you find what of it
has not been rejected but assimilated, in
some (highly varying) brands of Buddhism, Zen,

In Christianity and Islam, these things are
often designated with the term miracles - as in
'miracle healing' or 'faith healing.'

When you have been made very stupid by
school education or by medical education
(with the criminal neglect of knowledge,
that they are hiding these things from

then this knowledge can be sold to
you as "the secret of the single
and only source of success in all
areas of life."

As said, all aspects and all
activities of life consist
of actions with Life Energy.

And some people charge you merely
twenty dollars for telling you,
that Life Energy exists,

you use it all the time
abundantly, so it is more or
less like

'telling a sailor that
water exists.'

Others charge you, in the course
of half a life time, a million
dollars for only the promise to
tell you,

and still telling you not -
also at the end not - that
it exists, let alone telling
you, that

it is known since eternity, and known to any
person with even the slightest education - or
with no education at all, but - simply with a
feeling of life and of people.


But some severe Criminal Minds, they are
sophisticated Psychopaths,

like the famous Greek destroyer of
rationality and health, the one
called Hippocrates,

want it "known" and seen as "rational,"

"Life Energy does NOT exist."

Other equally undetected and equally
sophisticated Criminal Minds, working
for personal glory in order not to be
seen for what they are, (they are not
working for people, but for fame)

like Antoine Lavoisier and Benjamin

then introduced that denial - the very
denial of life itself - as "rationality"
into science, and even into politics,

and so they made it up to this day
impossible 'to close the lid of
the "Box of Pandora" from which
they sprang:'

They made it impossible to
detect Criminal Minds and
what these do, impossible
to detect THEM...

------ (Your Life Energy Is Altered By Criminal Minds)

Always they screen and thus hide

most intense evil and extreme ugliness,
violence, betrayal, drugs, pain, and

and they screen and hide the memory you and others
have of their activities,

and your knowledge and recall of those
activities, is of course

most vital to recover till you know the truth,

vital to know the truth of, which is necessary to
have in order to achieve any rational use of the
mentioned Life Energies

- the very use that the many practices for Chi
(Qi, Ki), and Prana are trying to achieve!

So I hope you understand now, that you won't
get anywhere near such rational use,

until you begin studying Criminal Minds,
and until you can understand and detect

And not only detecting Criminal Minds,
but also detecting the Destructive
Cowards who prevent their detection, and
who do the work for Criminal Minds:

I am sure you have seen or you have
experienced how Destructive Cowards
obey Criminal Minds

"in order to 'protect' themselves
from those Criminal Minds," and you
have seen

how these Destructive Cowards
"'predict' how the future will be
for others 'if they do not submit
to Criminal Minds,"

how these Destructive Cowards did
betray others into slavery and
delivered them to be consequently
destroyed by Criminal Minds, and

how these Destructive Cowards are
pretending, that that treachery is
the way "to protect themselves and
others from the wrath of Criminal


Also those people - indeed many of them
Destructive Cowards - who do NOT want to look
at intense evil, have riddled spiritual

with very many false data - and they
INTENTIONALLY continue to riddle it,

while these subjects and these practices are
advertised as bettering your command of your
own Life Energy.

And many false ideas that are contained
in their philosophies and practices, were
- as you may understand now - invented
and placed deliberately, by Criminal


What applies generally:

if you do NOT admit that Criminal Minds DO
exist, and

if you then do NOT go and acquire sufficient
understanding about their ways and methods, and
about the intentions that guide their actions,

you don't get anywhere,

much like building a castle on the beach
that is rinsed away by the next tide:

All your endless training and your deliberately
inflicting entirely unnecessary hardships on yourself
and on your body, and on others too, for many years,
or for many life times,


only finds you (in a condition of having) developed
and trained endlessly to acquire the means,

the abilities and certainties acquired through
endless training,

that merely provide you with the illusion

which indeed is successfully
intended by Criminal Minds,

the false "awareness," that

"you can handle life now,"

murdering a few million Tibetans too,


And they still try to do the same to some
twenty million Chinese off the coast of China,
who, I think, are getting along very well and
happily WITHOUT the "help" of some unnamed
Criminal Minds in "the motherland."


So what you DO achieve - each life time again -

by not detecting and by not understanding and
by not facing Criminal Minds, but

spending endless years with your practices "to
handle Life Energy" and your body,

- only for some fleeting moment, for a part of
each life time only, at best -

what you achieve, at best,

is that you make 'your life in the cave' more
pleasant, or in other words, you make your being
'caved in' slightly more pleasant,

as was pointed out to you already by Plato,
more than two thousand years ago.

Quoted and slightly edited, from:

'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
And Future'
{HRI 20040617-V3.8}
(17 June 2004 - Version 3.8 on 29 August 2004)

(10) 'Who Feels Bach Correctly - The Soul Of Music'
{HRI 20040704-V3.1}
(4 July 2004 - Version 3.1 on 12 June 2005)

(nn) (More as applicable)


Copyright 2004-2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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