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Daily Spirit-guided WDJW thought for 03/07/09

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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

7 mar 2009, 00:45:267.03.2009
It is when we overcome meaningful challenges that we become healthier
(hungrier) than ever.

"The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the
LORD." (Proverbs 16:33)


A Spirit-guided exegesis of Proverbs 16:33 ...

Nothing happens by chance because everything happens only as GOD
allows it (Ecclesiastes 9:11):

Sign that GOD can easily unleash an H5N1 Pandemic (Pan-Flu) at any

What we are teaching to prepare folks for the eventuality of a
catastrophic Pan-Flu:

How to not be fearful:

Trust the truth, Who is Jesus !!!

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
2009th year since the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our Messiah,
the Son of Man ...

... by being hungrier:

Hunger is wonderful ! ! !

It's how we know the answer to the question "What does Jesus want?"

Yes, hunger is our knowledge of good versus evil that Adam and Eve
paid for with their and our immortal lives:

"Blessed are you who hunger NOW...

... for you will be satisfied." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Luke 6:21)


Here is a Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 6:21 given in hopes of
promoting much greater understanding:

Jesus is LORD, forever !!!

Be hungrier, which is truly healthier:

Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Andrew <><

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

7 mar 2009, 06:41:167.03.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote ...

> [...] Who is Jesus !!! [...]

The Jesus Doubt File

Historical Jesus Summary : No Reliable Evidence

Helpful information to refute claims that 'Jesus
Christ - Son of God & a Virgin...

Jesus - Christ, Man, or Myth

Top 420 Books for SHANANNAREEFERS (105-130 : Christian Criticism)

The Jesus Mysteries


Jesus Christ, Supermyth

J E S U S C H R I S T ?

GOD - Brainwashing Evidence - christian bible ...


Four Elephants reveal non-existence of Jesus?

The above, the first -12- of -101- posts at the
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER website that con-
tain a mention of Jesus.

For the remainder of those articles, see

- - -

For -53- posts at that website that include the
word diabetes, see

- - -

For -38- Pro-Humanist FREELOVER posts
after March 12, 2007 that include the word
diabetes, see

- - -

¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

7 mar 2009, 07:17:547.03.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >
> The Jesus Doubt File

May GOD soften your heart, neighbor, so that you would come to trust
the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist


7 mar 2009, 08:38:147.03.2009
On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 05:41:16 -0600, Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote
(in article <49b25dfe$0$28543$>):

>> [...] Who is Jesus !!! [...]
> The Jesus Doubt File

Who is Jesus ...... I did not know Jesus played first based

Abbott and Costello's Who's on first:


7 mar 2009, 11:37:567.03.2009
On Mar 6, 11:45 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>

Praise God for hunger and wisdom to know truth. He has humbled me and
caused me to hunger. NOTHING of this world can erase this. He is
truth and He lights my way through the darkness. Andrew, you told me
the you do publically every day. HE has not only healed
my heart but has answered my prayers to give me my heart's desire. My
life is HIS and I boldly proclaim this to the world.

Those who do not understand why you post on simply
have not yet learned what healing the heart truly is.

I love you. Truth is simple. Truth is powerful.

In Jesus, Laura Lynn Halvarson


Citizen Jimserac

7 mar 2009, 12:01:387.03.2009
On Mar 7, 7:17 am, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>

> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> > Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > >
> > The Jesus Doubt File
> May GOD soften your heart, neighbor, so that you would come to trust
> the truth, Who is Jesus:

The truth THAT is Jesus, you idiot.

May he bless YOU with the ability to stop posting like a spammer,
troll and IDIOT!!

Citizen Jimserac

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

7 mar 2009, 13:21:437.03.2009

"laurahalvarson" <> wrote in ...

> [...]

> Praise God for hunger and wisdom to know truth. He has humbled me and
> caused me to hunger. NOTHING of this world can erase this. He is
> truth and He lights my way through the darkness. Andrew, you told me
> the you do publically every day. HE has not only healed
> my heart but has answered my prayers to give me my heart's desire. My
> life is HIS and I boldly proclaim this to the world.

> Those who do not understand why you post on simply
> have not yet learned what healing the heart truly is.

> I love you. Truth is simple. Truth is powerful.

> In Jesus, Laura Lynn Halvarson


Hi, Laura. Congrats on survival.

Just curious, does your love extend
to everyone?

Do you believe in hell? If so, does
your love extend to those who you be-
lieve are in or will be in hell, or if you
view hell as a temporary condition pre-
ceding immortal death, does your love
extend to the immortally dead?

If you don't believe in hell, never mind,
I don't believe in it either, except to the
extent that conditions in this life are at
times hellacious for most, sometimes,
-or- for the unfortunate, for a lot of the
time, and for the very unfortunate, for
practically all of the time.

As for a pleasant immortality, are you
familiar with the naturalistic possibilities
in that area, -or- do you believe that
naturalistically, there's -0- chance of
either a pleasant immortality -or- of
a pleasant continuance?

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

7 mar 2009, 13:34:007.03.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote ...

> [...]
> Love in the truth, [...]

A video from Richard Dawkins:

- - -
Video : Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion
9 minutes : 52 seconds
- - -


Richard Dawkins : "For me what matters is the


7 mar 2009, 16:20:347.03.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"

> Richard Dawkins : "For me what matters is the
> truth."

Begone Richard Dawkins into ye everlasting fire.
Thou art a demon from Hell.

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

7 mar 2009, 19:26:117.03.2009

"RF" <R...@NoDen.con> wrote in message

> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

>> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote ...

>>> [...] Love in the truth, [...]

>> Richard Dawkins : "For me what matters is the
>> truth."

> Begone Richard Dawkins into ye everlasting fire.
> Thou art a demon from Hell.

He's a naturalist who, after a religious expo-
sure at a young age, grew up and later decided
that he didn't believe that the God descriptions,
any of them, were representative of reality.

As for "everlasting fire", he would desire evi-
dence if he thought any of the threats had any
possibility of being true, and would recognize
the danger of threatening humankind in a "be-
lieve or else" manner without one iota of evi-
dence that any of the seductions (like heaven)
and threats (like hell) are true, the dire conse-
quences that have resulted from that combo
in this one real life we share, both past and

He hopes that in the future, humankind will
free itself from the consequences of what
using blind faith to follow ancient oft-times
anti-human dogma has imparted (glaring
recent example, the 9-11 mass murders
and the religious-inspired Bush decision
to handicap embryonic stem cell research
which caused significant increases in costs
to researchers who had to split their re-
sources between research OK and not
OK per government strictures).

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

7 mar 2009, 19:36:037.03.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote ...
> >

> A video from Richard Dawkins:
> - - -
> Video : Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion
> 9 minutes : 52 seconds
> - - -
> Excerpt:
> Richard Dawkins : "For me what matters is the
> truth."

Mr. Dawkins is certainly welcome to try to explain away the fact that
non-christians are unable to publicly say "Jesus is LORD" because the
Holy Spirit will not allow it:

May GOD soften your heart, neighbor, so that you would come to trust
the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

7 mar 2009, 19:57:367.03.2009
Laura Halvarson wrote:

> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > It is when we overcome meaningful challenges that we become healthier
> > (hungrier) than ever.
> Praise God for hunger and wisdom to know truth.


> He has humbled me and
> caused me to hunger. NOTHING of this world can erase this. He is
> truth and He lights my way through the darkness. Andrew, you told me
> the you do publically every day.

Simply a servant just like you being mindful of WDJW :-)

> HE has not only healed
> my heart but has answered my prayers to give me my heart's desire. My
> life is HIS and I boldly proclaim this to the world.
> Those who do not understand why you post on simply
> have not yet learned what healing the heart truly is.


We are not saved by what we believe in our brains but by GOD through
the hearts of our souls.

> I love you. Truth is simple. Truth is powerful.

Yes, true love for GOD resides in the heart of our souls.

True love for GOD is ever-renewing and does not matter no matter how
much the world assails us. It is from the true love for GOD that we
are able to love others as GOD wants.

This is why we are able to even love our enemies.

This is why we are able to pray for those who are headed to hell and
ask GOD to save them too. Without love, we would be unable to pray
for their perishing souls.

GOD is love :-)

Yes, we understand there is a bad place called hell that is such a
terrible place that we would not wish this on anybody whom we love.

> In Jesus, Laura Lynn Halvarson

Yes, you are a patient whom GOD did not allow to die :-)

Love in the truth,

Andrew <><

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist

Don Kirkman

8 mar 2009, 01:46:538.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote in
article <49b31147$0$22025$>:

The sad thing, though--if you are describing his thinking
accurately--is that he appears to be rejecting the same uncritical
descriptions and definitions of God, hell, and the rest as the
hard-line fundamentalists cling to, much of it still echoing what they
learned as childhood morality tales. The extremists at each end are
either unaware of or ignoring the wealth of religious thought on both
sides of the issues, and the philosophers and others that see much
more depth and complexity in the world and the way it works, includes
the great ethical questions that need to be wrestled with.
Don Kirkman

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

8 mar 2009, 05:23:178.03.2009
convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:

No amount of judging others is going to help you become able to
publicly say "Jesus is LORD."

May GOD soften Vera's heart, Fred's heart, Mistylein's heart and your
heart, Don, so that you would come to trusting the truth, Who is


Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Andrew <><
"... no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Cor

What does Jesus want (WDJW) ?

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

8 mar 2009, 11:58:458.03.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote ...

>> [...] trust the truth, Who is Jesus: [...]

Most of the world doesn't believe Jesus is
"the truth". The part of the world that does
believe it, many have doubts regarding the
Jesus tales as well as doubts in the primary
tools used to promote the notion, that being
the brainwashing of children before they're
old enough to, with materials widely availa-
ble outside the scope of the church, research
the matter themselves.

At the time the Jesus New Testamyth tales
were originally spun, decades after the sup-
posed Jesus supposedly lived, varying and
contradictory tales were spun, with much
of the spinning getting its inspiration from
the tales of other religions.

Some key excerpts regarding the dubious
nature of the New Testamyth Jesus tales:


The gospel writers are unknown


What did Jesus write? Nothing that we know of


Life events shared by Osiris-Dionysus and Jesus

... the godmen myths had been circulating well before
Jesus birth. The Christians would have copied earlier
Pagan material, not vice-versa.


When was the New Testament written? Note that
no documents were written during the period of
time the Jesus Christ as described in the gospels
would had to have lived.


The following referenced website has a lot of information
doubting both the new testamyth christian gospels -and-
epistles, as well as a section doubting non-christian sources
used by some to promote an historical Jesus. Also, the
website includes

o a section on frauds involving a supposed Jesus char-

o the absence of writings about a supposed Jesus char-
acter during the lifetime when such a character would
had to have existed, based on the new testamyth itself,

o the absence of sources for any Jesus material as far
as independent corroboration of actual first-hand wit-
nesses -- hearsay is the key word when it comes to
'Jesus' claims

o origins for many of the myths in the new testamyth

o discussion of how trying to manufacture heroes was
common in ancient days, with godlike men (refer
to evemerism)

o scholarly bias of christian scholars explained

o many quotes on views of those skeptical towards the
claims that the new testamyth Jesus actually existed
as anything other than a hodgepodge of myths, most
of which were based on prior-existing myths

- - -

Did a historical Jesus exist?

by Jim Walker, originated: 12 June 1997 /
additions: 25 May 2004 [latest
additions: 22 Sep 2007]



What Would Jesus Do?

Per the new testament, he offered no cures
for any diseases. Oh, he magicked up some
hocus pocus, reminding one of faith healers
in the modern age, but cures other than "please
god, help me"? Nope.

Per the new testament, he did nothing that
good humans had not figured out long before
he arrived, as 1) son of god claims / myths
were widespread in that part of the world, and
2) pro-human concepts were promoted by
wide groups of people, both rulers and the
ruled, before he arrived and here, 2,000 years
later, pro-human folks of all faiths and non-
faiths are still persevering in that effort, yours
truly included.

Oh, by the by, really helpful suggestions for
how humans could use science to cope in a
natural world, easing pain and suffering, sug-
gestions that would have saved hundreds of
millions of lives and would have made for
a convincing case that the mythical J was real
rather than imaginary? Sorry, WWJD? Nothing.

The fit? Made up stuff by creative writers based
on the multitude of son of god and christ and
hero superstitions and myths and religious and
secular goings on in the day and age of the
cross-fertilized cultures of that region of the
world, no more, no less.

Around 400 years prior to the christ myth char-
ade, Alexander the Great did conquer an area
from far west of Egypt, thru Egypt, Judea,
Turkey, the fertile crescent, Persia, present-
day Pakistan, up to the plains north of Afghan-
istan, and down to the edge of India.

My, my, now that's quite an array of cultures
and myths and religions and superstitions that
the Greeks were exposed to, from ancient
Egyptian and Persian and other Middle East-
ern deities / cultures to Zoroastrianism to
Hinduism to Buddhism, mixed in with the
myths and religions from their own culture ...

One of Alexander's many establishments?
Alexandria in Egypt, a center of Jewish settle-
ment and the first translation of Jewish scrip-
tures into Greek.

After exposure to and influences upon / by
Roman culture, around 400 years after Alex-
ander's conquests, surprise, surprise, the
new testament gospels were written in Greek,
wrapped in myths / superstitions / secular
goings on from (see above) ...

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

8 mar 2009, 13:11:378.03.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in part:

> >> [...] trust the truth, Who is Jesus: [...]
> Most of the world doesn't believe Jesus is "the truth".

Actually all those who are able to publicly say "Jesus is LORD" know
in the hearts of their souls that Jesus is the truth even if they
might be in denial about this in their brains.

From the personal experience of asking people "Can you say 'Jesus is
LORD' ?" and perseveringly following up until certain about whether
they can say "Jesus is LORD" the observation is being made that most
of the people in this world do believe in their hearts that Jesus is
the truth as evident by their being demonstrably able to say "Jesus is

Can you publicly say "Jesus is LORD" ?

Love in the truth,

Andrew <><

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist

Don Kirkman

8 mar 2009, 16:47:428.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in

>convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>>Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

[Re Dawkins]

No amount of your misconstruing, misinterpreting, misunderstanding,
misanthropy will turn what I wrote into judging rather than stating
observable facts. The rest of what you wrote is extremely old news.
Don Kirkman


8 mar 2009, 17:43:208.03.2009
On Mar 8, 3:47 pm, Don Kirkman <> wrote:

> No amount of your misconstruing, misinterpreting, misunderstanding,
> misanthropy will turn what I wrote into judging rather than stating
> observable facts.  The rest of what you wrote is extremely old news.
> --
> Don Kirkman


Faiths rely on basic premises and if you do not accept the premises,
then you will never agree with anything that follows. If you read
about religions, there can be intellectual discussions about
conclusions based on those premises. Just read about the Talmud to
see what I mean. There are also faiths based on one person deciding
about the conclusion, as with the Pope.

Faiths also have those who distort the premises and hold themselves up
as being special and those are impossible to have any sort of
intellectual discussions.

It is obvious Chung is one of those who distorts it and certainly
holds himself up as special. There is no way any intelligent person
can try to have a discourse with him unless you accept Chung's
premises that he is special and specifically speaks for God, Jesus and
the Holy Spirit. If you do accpet Chung, then what Chung writes has to
follow with Chung's premises. I think Chung's premises are absurd and
a sign of mental illness and/or troll-like behavior. With the length
of time and the amount of posting, if he started out as a troll, then
that itself has become patholgical.

Play along with Chung for fun, if you want, but do not fool your self
into thinking it is any serious discussion about fatih.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

8 mar 2009, 22:34:298.03.2009
convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

Your being critical of others does mean you have judged them.

Truth is simple.

May GOD soften your heart, Don, so that you would come to trust the
truth, Who is Jesus:

Archie Leach

9 mar 2009, 02:55:169.03.2009
"Pro-Humanist FREELOVER" <> wrote:

>"RF" <R...@NoDen.con> wrote in message
>> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
>>> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote ...
>>>> [...] Love in the truth, [...]
>>> Richard Dawkins : "For me what matters is the
>>> truth."
>> Begone Richard Dawkins into ye everlasting fire.
>> Thou art a demon from Hell.

at least as annoying if not moreso than Christian "extremists".

Don Kirkman

9 mar 2009, 02:18:219.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in

>> [Re Dawkins]

You struck out with "judging" so now you're going to try "critical."

>Your being critical of others does mean you have judged them.

I AM is being critical of you, doc. But you seem to think making
judgments and criticisms is necessarily a bad thing. I guess the idea
of something being constructive and useful never occurs to you.
Don Kirkman

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

9 mar 2009, 03:48:279.03.2009
> >Your being critical of others does mean you have judged them.
> You struck out with "judging" so now you're going to try "critical."

You are projecting your failure at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

May GOD soften Vera's heart, Fred's heart, Mistylein's heart, and your

heart, Don, so that you would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus:

Citizen Jimserac

9 mar 2009, 07:56:309.03.2009
On Mar 8, 10:34 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>

> Truth is simple.
> May GOD soften your heart, Don, so that you would come to trust the
> truth, Who is Jesus:

The Truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH you poor sod -
the TRUTH is that others in this newsgroup HAVE JUDGED YOU.


This is OUTRAGEOUS HYPOCRISY in my opinion.

STOP disgracing yourself and your good name and accomplishments with
these tricks, they should be BENEATH a truly competent MD, surgeon and
board cerftified cardiologist, if that is indeed what you are.

Citizen Jimserac

Citizen Jimserac

9 mar 2009, 08:07:479.03.2009
On Mar 9, 2:18 am, Don Kirkman <> wrote:

> >> No amount of your misconstruing, misinterpreting, misunderstanding,
> >> misanthropy will turn what I wrote into judging rather than stating
> >> observable facts.  The rest of what you wrote is extremely old news.
> You struck out with "judging" so now you're going to try "critical."
> >Your being critical of others does mean you have judged them.
> I AM is being critical of you, doc.  But you seem to think making
> judgments and criticisms is necessarily a bad thing.  I guess the idea
> of something being constructive and useful never occurs to you.
> --
> Don Kirkman


"Dr." Chung is caught in an unsolvable and psychology/intellect
busting dichotomy. As a professional, he must keep the most
rational, calm and objective scientifically minded attitude. But, as
can be seen by his frequent spam in this and other newsgroups, his
psyche is shattered by the blind elevation of religous metaphor,
superstition and belief.

In my opinion this manifests as profound self doubt and inabaility to
cope with his objective reality - perhaps he has lost patients but
this conflicts with his overweening, in my opinion, self gratifying
ego. In order to avoid self criticism and condemnation he then
subconciously elevates himself to be a major friend of Jesus, thus
absolving himself of all guilt and reinforcing his pathological ego
gratification and overconfidence.

He then utilzies the objections and criticisms leveled against him in
these newsgroups in order to assume the mantle of the persecuted
martyr, fighting against "convicted neighbors" and others. It is
OBVIOUS that this helps to maintain reinforce his already fragile
psychology. In order to do this, he needs to shut off introspection
and override his reason which is easily accomplished with the "Jesus
is LORD" mantra, effectively disconnecting his rational facultative
and logical faculties and bathing himself in a short circuit of self
reinforced ego reinforcment. Unfortunately, as with all short

Citizen Jimserac


9 mar 2009, 08:11:559.03.2009
On Mon, 9 Mar 2009 07:07:47 -0500, Citizen Jimserac wrote
(in article

> "Dr." Chung is caught in an unsolvable and psychology/intellect
> busting dichotomy. As a professional, he must keep the most
> rational, calm and objective scientifically minded attitude. But, as
> can be seen by his frequent spam in this and other newsgroups, his
> psyche is shattered by the blind elevation of religous metaphor,
> superstition and belief.
> In my opinion this manifests as profound self doubt and inabaility to
> cope with his objective reality - perhaps he has lost patients but
> this conflicts with his overweening, in my opinion, self gratifying
> ego. In order to avoid self criticism and condemnation he then
> subconciously elevates himself to be a major friend of Jesus, thus
> absolving himself of all guilt and reinforcing his pathological ego
> gratification and overconfidence.
> He then utilzies the objections and criticisms leveled against him in
> these newsgroups in order to assume the mantle of the persecuted
> martyr, fighting against "convicted neighbors" and others. It is
> OBVIOUS that this helps to maintain reinforce his already fragile
> psychology. In order to do this, he needs to shut off introspection
> and override his reason which is easily accomplished with the "Jesus
> is LORD" mantra, effectively disconnecting his rational facultative
> and logical faculties and bathing himself in a short circuit of self
> reinforced ego reinforcment. Unfortunately, as with all short
> circuits, the FUSE EVENTUALLY BLOWS.

Summed up with three words: Chung Is Insane

Citizen Jimserac

9 mar 2009, 09:00:189.03.2009
On Mar 8, 1:11 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>

Jesus is Lord AND YOU are a FARCE.

Citizen Jimserac

::: Jesus is LORD :::

9 mar 2009, 10:23:199.03.2009
Citizen Jimserac <> typed:

> On Mar 8, 10:34 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <>
> wrote:
>> Truth is simple.
>> May GOD soften your heart, Don, so that you would come to trust the
>> truth, Who is Jesus:
> The Truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH you poor sod -
> the TRUTH is that others in this newsgroup HAVE JUDGED YOU.

Correct - it looks like that.

> This is OUTRAGEOUS HYPOCRISY in my opinion.

This is not only hypocrisy, it is also called SPAMMING.

> STOP disgracing yourself and your good name and accomplishments with
> these tricks, they should be BENEATH a truly competent MD, surgeon and
> board cerftified cardiologist, if that is indeed what you are.

Good that you tell him...

> Citizen Jimserac


Don Kirkman

9 mar 2009, 16:25:109.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in

>You are projecting your failure at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

Attempts: 0 Failures: 0
Don Kirkman

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

9 mar 2009, 19:33:299.03.2009
convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

>> You are projecting your failure at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."
>Attempts: 0 Failures: 0


First, attempts are synonymous with failures so that your attempt to
separate them was a failed act to obfuscate.

Second, your attempts/failures at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" are
discernably greater than zero.

Attempts at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" have occurred at the level
of thought each time you have read this very simple question ...

"Can you publicly say 'Jesus is LORD' ?"

... and have failed to answer this question with an affirmative
because the thought of publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" was kept from

Bottom line:

GOD continues to keep you from publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

May GOD soften Veralein's heart, Fred's heart, Mistylein's heart,
Cary's heart, Pro-Humanist's heart, and your heart, Don, so that you

would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


We will know when GOD answers our prayers when we witness the miracle
of your publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist

Fred Thomas

9 mar 2009, 18:57:509.03.2009
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Amen.
> We will know when GOD answers our prayers when we witness the miracle
> of your publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

And when you do not witness you will have proof god does not exist. YOU WILL
know you wasted time talking to air. God does not answer prayers, god is not real.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

9 mar 2009, 20:07:219.03.2009
convicted neighbor Fred Thomas wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

>> We will know when GOD answers our prayers when we witness the miracle
>> of your publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."
>And when you do not witness you will have proof god does not exist.


It remains the experience of those of us who are Jesus' disciples
(either Jew or gentile) that everything we ask in Jesus' name is done
for us.

You, Fred, will someday publicly say "Jesus is LORD."

In the interim, may we, who are Christians (either Jew or gentile),
continue to pray that GOD softens Veralein's heart, Mistylein's heart,
Cary's heart, Pro-Humanist's heart, Don's heart, and your heart, Fred,
so that you would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus, thereby
becoming new creatures in Christ, reborn of water and the Holy Spirit:


When GOD does this is when you can publicly say "Jesus is LORD."

What is a non-christian that can publicly say "Jesus is LORD" ?

A Christian :-)

Prayerfully in the infinite power and might of the Holy Spirit,

Don Kirkman

9 mar 2009, 19:51:179.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in
article <>:

>convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:

>>Attempts: 0 Failures: 0


>First, attempts are synonymous with failures

If they were synonymous they would have the same name. Failures and
successes are the fruits of attempts; having made no attempts I could
not have had failures. We work in English here, doc.

>Second, your attempts/failures at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" are
>discernably greater than zero.

And you know this how? Your brand of "discernment" has been broken as
long as I've been seeing your posts here.

>Attempts at publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" have occurred at the level
>of thought each time you have read this very simple question ...

What kind of logic is that? A thought is not an attempt at something,
otherwise they would have the same name.

>"Can you publicly say 'Jesus is LORD' ?"

>... and have failed to answer this question with an affirmative
>because the thought of publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" was kept from

I have answered it consistently. The answer is "there is no reason
why I should either answer your pointless questions or attempt to
repeat your silly magical mantra.

>Bottom line:

>GOD continues to keep you from publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

Odd as it may seem to you, God and I keep our thoughts and
relationship to ourselves, not fretting about other peoples' hearts,
livers, sweetbreads, souls of kidneys, or anything else you may
Don Kirkman

::: Jesus is LORD :::

9 mar 2009, 20:07:399.03.2009
In news:gp46tl$9hq$,
Fred Thomas <> typed:

> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>> Amen.
>> We will know when GOD answers our prayers when we witness the miracle
>> of your publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."
> And when you do not witness you will have proof god does not exist.
> YOU WILL know you wasted time talking to air. God does not answer
> prayers, god
> is not real.

Jesus is LORD!

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

10 mar 2009, 05:05:4210.03.2009
convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >

> >>Attempts: 0 Failures: 0
> >Incorrect.
> >First, attempts are synonymous with failures
> If they were synonymous they would have the same name.


Simply think about what is written to motivate folks toward achieving

"Just do it." (i.e. no attempts)

Now, Don, can you publicly say "Jesus is LORD" ?

Don Kirkman

10 mar 2009, 14:29:0510.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in

>convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

>> >

>> >>Attempts: 0 Failures: 0

>> >Incorrect.

>> >First, attempts are synonymous with failures

Not at all. In fact many attempts result in success, not
failure--though your attempts to control the thoughts and actions of
others have all been failures so far.
Don Kirkman

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

10 mar 2009, 16:21:4010.03.2009
convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>Attempts: 0 Failures: 0
>>> >Incorrect.
>>> >First, attempts are synonymous with failures
>Not at all. In fact many attempts result in success, not
>failure--though your attempts to control the thoughts and actions of
>others have all been failures so far.

GOD's purpose for me here remains to inform and not to control

Your attempt at obfuscation has again failed. If it had not, it would
simply be success and we would not be recalling the following:

No amount of obfuscation by you is going to help you publicly say
"Jesus is LORD."

Don Kirkman

10 mar 2009, 17:04:4210.03.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in
article <>:

>convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

>>>> >

>>>> >>Attempts: 0 Failures: 0

>>>> >Incorrect.

>>>> >First, attempts are synonymous with failures

>>Not at all. In fact many attempts result in success, not
>>failure--though your attempts to control the thoughts and actions of
>>others have all been failures so far.

>GOD's purpose for me here remains to inform and not to control

So start informing and stop trying to cow people into repeating a
magical incantation that you draw from a false reading of a Bible

>Your attempt at obfuscation has again failed. If it had not, it would
>simply be success and we would not be recalling the following:

>No amount of obfuscation by you is going to help you publicly say
>"Jesus is LORD."

Obfuscation hardly even is helpful. Now point out exactly where I
attempted it. "Obfuscation" is a really really big word, but you
spelled it correctly and even used it in the right sense, so it's
unfortunate that you used it where it didn't apply. Attempt 1
Failure 0 Success 1
Don Kirkman

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

10 mar 2009, 20:12:2510.03.2009
convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
>>>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Incorrect.
>>>>> > First, attempts are synonymous with failures
>>> Not at all. In fact many attempts result in success, not
>>> failure--though your attempts to control the thoughts and actions of
>>> others have all been failures so far.
>> GOD's purpose for me here remains to inform and not to control
>> anything.
>So start informing ...

Done with GOD's help:

> ... and stop trying to cow people into repeating a magical incantation ...

"Jesus is LORD" is just a simple sentence that is absolutely true and
not a magical incantation. The power behind this spoken sentence is
from GOD and not from magic.

>... that you draw from a false reading of a Bible passage.

There is no such thing as a false reading of a Bible passage. Sad to
see you falling back to attempting to obfuscate again.

May GOD soften Veralein's heart, Fred's heart, Mistylein's heart,
Cary's heart, Pro-Humanist's heart, and your heart, Don, so that you
would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


We will know when GOD answers this prayer when we witness your
publicly saying "Jesus is LORD."

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

16 mar 2009, 12:28:3616.03.2009

- - -
Vatican Cardinal says Dawkins' theories 'absurd'

Associated Press
2009-03-03 06:45 PM
- - -


Vatican officials say Charles Darwin's theory
of evolution and the belief that God created
the Earth are not mutually exclusive.

Cardinal William Levada, head of the Vatican's
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,
reiterated Church teaching that there is a "wide
spectrum of room" for belief in both the scien-
tific basis for evolution and faith in God the

He says the only thing the Vatican rejects as
"absurd" is the atheist notion, promoted by
biologist and author Richard Dawkins and
others, that evolution proves that there is
no God.

- - - end excerpt - - -


First off, the Vatican Cardinal misstated the
case that Dawkins has made.

As for the God definition being an ever-chang-
ing entity, varying from person to person and
from event to event and from religion to religion,
supposedly all-powerful, all-knowing, all-respon-
sible and at the same time powerless, helpless,
irresponsible, supposedly judging and immor-
tality-granting and immortality-damning, suppos-
edly human-centric and earth-centric and oblivi-
ous to or by-and-large for or against human wel-
fare and earth welfare (based on how the sup-
posed God is feeling at any particular time), well,
I think most can see, with a logical and reason-
able approach, that it's difficult to evidentially
support such an amorphous and self-contradic-
tory notion.

That being said, some YouTube videos from
Richard Dawkins serve well to counter the Vati-
can Cardinal's misrepresentation of Dawkins'
position, as well as presenting Dawkins' power-
ful case with clarity and strong appeal to those
who either doubt or disbelieve or have unswer-
able questions regarding the God notions iter-
ated above:

- - -
Video : Richard Dawkins -- "What If You're
1 minute : 23 seconds
- - -

- - -
Video : There's Probably No God! - Richard Dawkins,
Ariane Sherine, and the Atheist Bus Ad Campaign
2 minutes : 4 seconds
- - -

- - -
Video : Science Can't Disprove God - Richard
Dawkins @ UC Berkeley
2 minutes : 54 seconds
- - -

In this video, Dawkins uses the following scale to
discuss degree of belief in a God:

1 = Know there is a God

4 = 50/50 chance of there being a God

7 = Know there is no God

Darwin charecterises himself as 6, although in
another video, he characterises himself as a 6.9 .

Interestingly enough, in yesterday's audio inter-
view, the interviewer mentioned the number 6.5,
which he didn't dispute, so it would appear that
anywhere from 6 to 6.9 describes Dawkins'
view of where he fits on the '1' to '7' scale.

However, later in the audio interview, he cor-
rected the interviewer and characterised himself
as being at 6.9 .

I suspect that most, depending on the God
being referred to, adopt a 6ish or 7 position
on that God unless the God being referred
to is the God favored in their culture. Zeus,
for example, I think most in America have
a position close to or at 7 regarding Zeus.
Allah, I think most in America who aren't
Muslims have a position close to or at 7
regarding Allah.

The Deistic any God who's the 'real' God
will suffice type of God, most "believers"
like that idea (reference the popularity of
the "In God We Trust" phrase) so long as
it remains generic and is not attached to a
God that's far removed from one's cultural

- - -
Video : Intelligent Design? Watch it get schooled.
4 minutes : 31 seconds
- - -

- - -
Video : Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion
9 minutes : 52 seconds
- - -

- - -
Video : Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms
31 minutes : 8 seconds
- - -

- - -
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence
for Evolution
- - -


The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence
for Evolution is a forthcoming book by
British ethologist and evolutionary biologist
Richard Dawkins, scheduled for release in
September 2009, which will expound the
evidence for biological evolution.

It will be Dawkins' 10th book, following his
bestselling critique of religion The God Delu-
sion (2006) and The Ancestor's Tale (2004),
which traced human ancestry back to the
dawn of life. His recent documentary series
The Genius of Charles Darwin covers some
of the same issues as the book.

- - - end excerpt - - -

From an article accessed at the
Richard Dawkins' website:

- - -
June 6, 2008

Hints of 'time before Big Bang'
by BBC News,2679,-Hints-of-time-before-Big-Bang...
- - -


... Professor Carroll urged cosmologists
to broaden their horizons: "We're trained
to say there was no time before the Big
Bang, when we should say that we don't
know whether there was anything - or if
there was, what it was." ...

- - - end excerpt - - -

By the way, I recently watched a TV
show called "Parallel Universes", a fas-
cinating discussion emcompassing the
possibilities regarding multiple universes
and naturalistic explanations of how our
particular universe may have begun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - -
Minnesota Public Radio : Dawkins seeks
more converts to atheism

Broadcast: Midmorning, 03/04/2009, 9:06 a.m.
- - -

Complete article:

[see article for link to 54 minutes : 13
seconds audio interview on March 4]

Richard Dawkins says atheists should be
just as forthright in their views as those
who believe God is real. The prominent
atheist talks about why he wants to con-
vert more to his way of thinking.


Richard Dawkins: Evolutionary biologist
and author most recently of "The God
Delusion." He's also the author of "The
Selfish Gene." His new book, "The Great-
est Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evo-
lution" is due out in the fall.

- - - end of article - - -

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

16 mar 2009, 12:30:1916.03.2009

Excerpts from "Billions and Billions: Thoughts On Life
and Death at the Brink of the Millennium", the last book
by Carl Sagan

From the Epilogue (by Carl's wife, Ann Druyan)

"Contrary to the fantasies of the fundamentalists, there was no
deathbed conversion, no last minute refuge taken in a comforting
vision of a heaven or an afterlife. For Carl, what mattered most
was what was true, not merely what would make us feel better.
Even at this moment when anyone would be forgiven for turning
away from the reality of our situation, Carl was unflinching. As
we looked deeply into each other's eyes, it was with a shared
conviction that our wondrous life together was ending forever."

... later (end) of Epilogue ...

"As I make the changes in proof that Carl feared might be
necessary, his son Jeremy is upstairs giving Sam his nightly
computer lesson. Sasha is in her room doing homework. The
Voyager spacecraft, with their revelations of a tiny world
graced by music and love, are beyond the outermost planets,
making for the open sea of interstellar space. They are hurtling
at a speed of forty thousand miles per hour toward the stars
and a destiny about which we can only dream.

I sit surrounded by cartons of mail from people all over the
planet who mourn Carl's loss. Many of them credit him with
their awakenings. Some of them say that Carl's example has
inspired them to work for science and reason against the forces
of superstition and fundamentalism. These thoughts comfort
me and lift me up out of my heartache. They allow me to feel,
without resorting to the supernatural, that Carl lives."

-Ann Druyan
February 14, 1997
Ithaca, New York


Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

16 mar 2009, 12:31:1516.03.2009

This article (excerpts appear in this
post) is loaded with details and hope for what may
be the future of humankind in the next millenium and
beyond, affording us the opportunity to dream and
perchance to realize the edge of immortality in this
certain plain of existence:

- - -
Excerpt: "In the 20th century, doctors and researchers
have focused mainly on expanding the average life
expectancy, succeeding dramatically in the developed
world - adding 30 years in the United States, for
instance. Today, as a result of antibiotics, vaccines,
public sanitation, and preventive medicine, so many
centenarians are puttering around that Willard Scott
would have to say happy birthday to about 200 a day
just to keep up.

Until recently, it was assumed that these oldsters were
simply edging closer to a set-in-stone life-span limit.
But these days, a growing number of scientists agree
that humans are poised for a breakthrough in longevity
and what might be called "human repairability" - a new
era that will not only raise the maximum age, but also
deliver unimaginable new methods for preserving and
even redesigning our own bodies."
Excerpt: "Evolution plays the part of fickle lover to our
bodies, or somas. It loves our somas, nurtures them,
makes them strong in youth so we can pass on germ
cells - our eggs and sperm - to produce another generation.
Once we've accomplished this, evolution loses interest.

If we live, fine. If we die, fine. The good news is that
evolution doesn't require that we die, either. It doesn't care.
It simply lets our bodies run down like a car with an empty
Excerpt: "Human Genome Sciences, based in Rockville,
Maryland, is a $2 billion company that has partnered with
pharmaceutical giant SmithKline Beecham to the tune of
$125 million. It was founded by William Haseltine, a
former Harvard biochemist and cancer researcher who
helped decipher the structure of HIV.

Haseltine claims to possess sequences for almost all
human genes and to have a vast database of the products
those genes make - including the chemical signals that
direct stem cells. The company has three drugs in
clinical trials, one of which involves injecting a gene
into diseased muscle tissue to stimulate regrowth.

This is the beginning of what Haseltine calls 'regenerative
medicine,' a new era that, he says, will lead to 'practical
immortality - that is my concept.' Haseltine doesn't mean
in a few thousand years, either - more like 70 or 80.
Eventually, he says, stem cells and genetics will give
the human body 'a transubstantiated future.' "
Excerpt: " 'We are all born young,' Harley says. 'There is
a capacity to have an immortal propagation of cells. The
way we have evolved is to go from germline to germline,
with our somas the dead-end carriers. But that is not

In other words, people don't have to die. ...

If Ingber is right, we'll be able to check ourselves in
for an overhaul late in life. Our new organs will be
manufactured the way Ford makes crankshafts. They
will have telomerase permanently switched on for eternal

In this way, says Haseltine, our bodies will perpetually
renew themselves."
Excerpt: " 'There is a huge future in biological body
manipulations - oh, yeah,' agrees UC Irvine's Michael
Rose. 'That's gonna happen. The future is now, with
respect to that.'

Vita-More has a few changes in mind. 'Maybe I can
look like a Renaissance painting for a while, or maybe
a pointillist image, or maybe Cubist, like a Picasso,'
she says. 'I'm a bodybuilder, so I love sculpting muscle.
Muscle is gorgeous, and our future bodies will have
streamlined muscles in all sorts of interesting shapes,
new types of limbs, new types of carved skeletal struc-

It's conceivable that a significant number of people
(though certainly not Extropians) will choose not to
have these enhancements. Such people (Vita-More refers
to them as 'humanish - you know, like Amish') will elect
to age and stick with whatever cards nature and their
environment have dealt them."
Excerpt: " 'Fifty years ago, the structure of DNA wasn't
even known,' Harley says. 'Today we can manipulate it
and use it for everything from engineering better foods
to treating genetic disorders and tissue engineering. And
the ability to use pluripotent stem cells is just starting.
In 50 years we'll be doing things hard to even imagine
today.' "

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

18 mar 2009, 14:24:0918.03.2009

Regaining a feeling of comfort after suffering heartache does not
allow us to feel that another lives beyond death. Instead, it simply
means we are recovering from our grief.

Truth is simple.

May GOD soften Ann's heart and your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you

would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

19 mar 2009, 12:38:1019.03.2009

Someone wrote ...

> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

> [...]

Ann Druyan: "... These thoughts comfort me

and lift me up out of my heartache. They allow
me to feel, without resorting to the supernatural,
that Carl lives."

- - -

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

21 mar 2009, 02:51:4221.03.2009
Dear Pro-Humanist,

May reading the following help you understand the reality of GOD:

"The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the
LORD." (Proverbs 16:33)


A Spirit-guided exegesis of Proverbs 16:33 ...

Nothing happens by chance because everything happens only as GOD
allows it (Ecclesiastes 9:11):

Sign that GOD can easily unleash an H5N1 Pandemic (Pan-Flu) at any

What we are teaching to prepare folks for the eventuality of a
catastrophic Pan-Flu:

How to not be fearful:

Trust the truth, Who is Jesus !!!

May you and other dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a
blessedly wonderful 2009th year since the birth of our LORD Jesus
Christ as our Messiah, the Son of Man ...

... by being hungrier:

Hunger is wonderful ! ! !

It's how we know the answer to the question "What does Jesus
want?" (WDJW):

Yes, hunger is our knowledge of good versus evil that Adam and Eve
paid for with their and our immortal lives:

Hunger is the physical "hearts burning" feeling that unlocks the 4
mysteries of the "Road to Emmaus" adventure described in Luke 24:

Moreover, being hungrier is the key to being Jesus' disciples:

"Blessed are you who hunger NOW...

... for you will be satisfied." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Luke 6:21)


Here is a Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 6:21 given in hopes of
promoting much greater understanding:

Jesus is LORD, forever !!!

Be hungrier, which is truly healthier for mind, body, and soul:

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to

trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Human Geneticist and Molecular Biologist

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

21 mar 2009, 11:23:5321.03.2009

- - -
Ann Druyan Talks About Science, Religion,
Wonder, Awe . . . and Carl Sagan

It is a great tragedy that science, this
wonderful process for finding out what
is true, has ceded the spiritual uplift of
its central revelations: the vastness of
the universe, the immensity of time, the
relatedness of all life, and life's precious-
ness on our tiny planet.
- - -



We've had a long period of unprecedented
success in scientific discovery. We can do
things that even our recent ancestors would
consider magic, and yet our self-esteem as
a species seems low. We hate and fear science.
We fear science and we fear the scientist.

A common theme of popular movies is some
crazed scientist somewhere setting about
ruining what is most precious to all of us.

I think the roots of this antagonism to
science run very deep. They're ancient. We
see them in Genesis, this first story, this
founding myth of ours, in which the first
humans are doomed and cursed eternally for
asking a question, for partaking of the fruit
of the Tree of Knowledge.

It's puzzling that Eden is synonymous with
paradise when, if you think about it at all,
it's more like a maximum-security prison
with twenty-four hour surveillance.


So here are Adam and Eve, who have awak-
ened full grown, without the tenderness and
memory of childhood. They have no mother,
nor did they ever have one.


Their father is a terrifying, disembodied
voice who is furious with them from the
moment they first awaken. He doesn't say,
"Welcome to the planet Earth, my beautiful
children! Welcome to this paradise. Billions
of years of evolution have shaped you to be
happier here than anywhere else in the vast
universe. This is your paradise."

No, instead God places Adam and Eve in
a place where there can be no love; only
fear, and fear-based behavior, obedience.

God threatens to kill Adam and Eve if they
disobey his wishes. God tells them that the
worst crime, a capital offense, is to ask a
question; to partake of the fruit of the Tree
of Knowledge.

What kind of father is this? As Diderot
observed, the God of Genesis "loved his
apples more than he did his children."

This imperative not to be curious is pro-
bably the most self-hating aspect of all,
because what is our selective advantage
as a species? We're not the fastest. We're
not the strongest. We're not the biggest.
However, we do have one selective advan-
tage that has enabled us to survive and
prosper and endure:

A fairly large brain relative to our
body size. This has made it possible
for us to ask questions and to recog-
nize patterns. And slowly over the
generations we've turned this aptitude
into an ability to reconstruct our dis-
tant past, to question the very origins
of the universe and life itself. It's our
only advantage, and yet this is the
one thing that God does not want us
to have.


Our nation was founded on a heroic act of
disobedience to a king who was presumed to
rule by divine right. We created social and
legal mechanisms to institutionalize the ques-
tioning of authority and the participation of
every person in the decision-making process.
It's the most original thing about us, our
greatest contribution to global civilization.

Today, our not-exactly-elected officials try
to make it seem as if questioning this ancient
story is wrong. . . . That the teaching of our
evolving understanding of nature, which is a
product of what we have been able to discover
over generations, is somehow un-American or
disrespectful of strongly held beliefs.

As if we should not teach our children what
we've learned about our origins, but rather
we should continue to teach them this story
which demonizes the best qualities of our
founding fathers.

This makes no sense and it leads me to a
question: Why do we separate the scientific,
which is just a way of searching for truth,
from what we hold sacred, which are those
truths that inspire love and awe?

Science is nothing more than a never-ending
search for truth. What could be more pro-
foundly sacred than that?

... So here's this process, this way, this
mechanism for finding bits of reality. No
single bit is sacred. But the search is.

And so we pursue knowledge by using the
scientific method to constantly ferret out
all the mistakes that human beings chron-
ically make, all of the lies we tell ourselves
to combat our fears, all of the lies we tell
each other. Here's science, just working
like a tireless machine. It's a phenomenally
successful one, but its work will never be


In four hundred years, we evolved from a
planet of people who are absolutely con-
vinced that the universe revolves around
us. No inkling that the Sun doesn't revolve
around us, let alone that we are but a minus-
cule part of a galaxy that contains roughly
a hundred billion stars. If scientists are
correct, if recent findings of planets that
revolve around other stars are correct, there
are perhaps five hundred billion worlds in
this galaxy, in a universe of perhaps another
hundred billion galaxies.

And it is conceivable, even possible, that
this universe might one day be revealed to
be nothing more than an electron in a much
greater universe. And here's a civilization
that was absolutely clueless four or five
hundred years ago about its own tiny world
and the impossibly greater vastness sur-
rounding it.

We were like a little bunch of fruit flies
going around a grape, and thinking this
grape is the center of everything that is.
To our ancestors the universe was created
for one particular gender of one particular
species of one particular group among all
the stunning variety of life to be found
on this tiny little world.


a man named Giordano Bruno was burned
alive for one reason: he would not utter the
phrase, "There are no other worlds."


We have not resolved the trauma of losing
our infantile sense of centrality in the uni-
verse. And so as a society we lie to our
children. We tell them a palliative story,
almost to ensure that they will be infantile
for all of their lives. Why?

Is the notion that we die so unacceptable?

Is the notion that we are tiny and the uni-
verse is vast too much of a blow to our
shaky self-esteem?

It has only been through science that we
have been able to pierce this infantile,
dysfunctional need to be the center of
the universe, the only love object of
its creator.

Science has made it possible to recon-
struct our distant past without the need
to idealize it, like some adult unable to
deal with the abuse of childhood.

We've been able to view our tiny little
home as it is. Our conception of our sur-
roundings need not remain the dispropor-
tionate view of the still-small child.

Science has brought us to the threshold
of acceptance of the vastness.

It has carried us to the gateway of the
universe. However, we are spiritually
and culturally paralyzed and unable to
move forward; to embrace the vastness,
to embrace our lack of centrality and
find our actual place in the fabric of

That we even do science is hopeful evi-
dence for our mental health. It's a break-
through. However, it's not enough to
allow these insights; we must take them
to heart.

What happened four or five hundred years
ago? During this period there was a great
bifurcation. We made a kind of settlement
with ourselves. We said, okay, so much
of what we believed and what our parents
and our ancestors taught us has been ren-
dered untenable. The Bible says that the
Earth is flat. The Bible says that we were
created separately from the rest of life.

If you look at it honestly, you have to
give up these basic ideas, you have to
admit that the Bible is not infallible, it's
not the gospel truth of the creator of the

So what did we do?

We made a corrupt treaty that resulted
in a troubled peace: We built a wall
inside ourselves.


What we actually knew of nature we com-
partmentalized into a place that could not
touch our souls. The churches agreed to
stop torturing and murdering scientists.
The scientists pretended that knowledge
of the universe has no spiritual implica-

It's a catastrophic tragedy that science
ceded the spiritual uplift of its central
revelations: the vastness of the universe,
the immensity of time, the relatedness of
all life and it's preciousness on this tiny


To me, faith is antithetical to the values
of science. Not hope, which is very dif-
ferent from faith. I have a lot of hope.


When my husband died, because he was
so famous and known for not being a
believer, many people would come up
to me-it still sometimes happens-and ask
me if Carl changed at the end and con-
verted to a belief in an afterlife.

They also frequently ask me if I think
I will see him again. Carl faced his death
with unflagging courage and never sought
refuge in illusions.

The tragedy was that we knew we would
never see each other again. I don't ever
expect to be reunited with Carl. But, the
great thing is that when we were together,
for nearly twenty years, we lived with a
vivid appreciation of how brief and pre-
cious life is.

We never trivialized the meaning of death
by pretending it was anything other than
a final parting. Every single moment that
we were alive and we were together was
miraculous-not miraculous in the sense
of inexplicable or supernatural.

We knew we were beneficiaries of chance.
. . . That pure chance could be so generous
and so kind. . . . That we could find each
other, as Carl wrote so beautifully in Cos-
mos, you know, in the vastness of space
and the immensity of time. . . . That we
could be together for twenty years.

That is something which sustains me and
it's much more meaningful. . . . The way
he treated me and the way I treated him,
the way we took care of each other and
our family, while he lived. That is so
much more important than the idea I will
see him someday.

I don't think I'll ever see Carl again. But
I saw him. We saw each other. We found
each other in the cosmos, and that was

Copyright (c)2003 Ann Druyan

Here is the dedication Carl Sagan wrote
in his best-selling book Cosmos:

For Ann Druyan

In the vastness of space and the immensity
of time, it is my joy to share a planet
and an epoch with Annie.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

22 mar 2009, 05:05:2122.03.2009
Dear Pro-Humanist,

While being mindful of our past written discussions:

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

22 mar 2009, 13:38:0922.03.2009

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

24 mar 2009, 03:38:3424.03.2009
Dear Pro-Humanist,

While being mindful of our past written discussions that resulted in
your panic-stricken flight:

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

24 mar 2009, 21:17:3624.03.2009

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

27 mar 2009, 22:16:1127.03.2009

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to
trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Human Geneticist and Molecular Biologist

Andrew Z. Chung Md/PhD

27 mar 2009, 22:21:3027.03.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote in message
(heh,andrew's nonanswer, please follow the thread)
Andrew Chung:

Is a frequent and proven liar (evidence archived forever on Google)

Has lost numerous NNTP accounts with supernews and others, has had many
Google accounts nuked, and his vanity domain is now
banned from setting up accounts. He is instead using multiple Google
sock accounts and email addresses in the format (#
being a number)

Is unemployed after being sacked with cause from his one and only job
after just over 80 days

Fled the state of Florida, and now claims to practice in Georgia despite
having no admission priveliges in the State's hospitals

Runs a phony foundation with a total declared income of circa $200, the
ownership and contact details of which are obfuscated on its website

Makes failed prophecies concerning earthquakes with areas and dates,
which don't happen (remember the bible quotes about false prophets)

Performed a public attempt at 'exorcising' a Malaysian sock on usenet,
then denied doing it. He has recently reversed position again and admits
to practicing exorcism by usenet, proving himself a liar in the process.

Promotes a dangerous diet, with a million dollar guarantee that he
demands thirty dollars to access details of. This despite being
unemployed. His soliciting and spamming for donations looks to be
similar to the Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud, where victims pay money
upfront in the hope of coming into riches but find they have merely
bought into a lie. Part of his advice is to pour nail polish remover onto

Declares he has a cardiology practice despite posting night and day from
the same IP address (his home presumably) or a coffee shop internet cafe

Makes further false prophecies that we should now be all dying in a bird
flu pandemic. When these fail to happen, he does them all over again and
changes the dates. Nuclear war is another Chung spciality, which
naturally doesn't happen when he says it is going to.

Worships evil hatemonger Fred Phelps and will not denounce the acts of
Westboro's congregation. He even accuses someone with the name Phelps of
being Fred's son and refuses to accept he is completely wrong.

Uses the same patter as Pat Robertson, indicating his religious activity
is confined to watching cable TV. No evidence Chung has ever attended a

Has a tendency to cyberstalk, particularly women. His wife fled some
time ago to another state, an act which Chung tries to pass off as "being
on vacation".

Frequently passes himself off as being qualified in areas such as
endocrinology, despite making incredibly fundamental blunders in his
'advice'. It is no wonder the Florida heart facility terminated him, and
has publicly denounced his version of events. Again archived on Google.

Don't forget the fake fast, where he didn't lose any weight, as well as
the infamous 666 stamping fiasco. His latest vile trick is spamming the
blogs of dying cancer patients and then crowing triumphantly when they
pass away.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

28 mar 2009, 02:38:0328.03.2009


What we are teaching to prepare folks for the eventuality of a
catastrophic Pan-Flu:

How to not be fearful:

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful

2009th year since the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our Messiah,
the Son of Man ...

... by being hungrier:

Hunger is wonderful ! ! !

It's how we know the answer to the question "What does Jesus
want?" (WDJW):

Yes, hunger is our knowledge of good versus evil that Adam and Eve
paid for with their and our immortal lives:

Hunger is the physical "hearts burning within us" feeling that unlocks

the 4 mysteries of the "Road to Emmaus" adventure described in Luke

Moreover, being hungrier is the key to being Jesus' disciples:

Being physically hungrier is how we will physically recognize Jesus
when He physically returns for us to meet Him physically in the air:

"Blessed are you who hunger NOW...

... for you will be satisfied." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Luke 6:21)


Here is a Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 6:21 given in hopes of
promoting much greater understanding:

Trust the truth, Who is Jesus (T3WIJ):

Be hungrier, which is truly healthier:

Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Andrew <><

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

28 mar 2009, 16:00:1228.03.2009

- - -
The Carl Sagan Portal

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

29 mar 2009, 03:48:1829.03.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> - - -
> The Carl Sagan Portal

The defeat of you and other non-christians:

Truth is simple :-)

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

31 mar 2009, 11:01:4531.03.2009

- - -
Hawking on past - and end of future
- - -


PROFESSOR Stephen Hawking will star in a new three-part
documentary charting the history of the universe from the Big
Bang and his theories on the end of time.

The series, commissioned by the Discovery Channel with the
working title Stephen Hawking's Universe, is the eminent
cosmologist's first major TV project in his specialist area in
more than a decade.

The 67-year-old, who suffers from motor neurone disease
and uses a voice synthesiser to speak, will tackle some of
the great mysteries of the cosmos:

how the universe began, how it will end, the likelihood of
extra-terrestrial life and the possibility of time travel.

Prof Hawking said: "This ambitious series explores some of
the most fascinating aspects of cosmology and I am pleased
to bring these theories to a new audience.

"I hope these visions of the universe will evoke a sense of
wonder for everyone, and maybe inspire a new generation
of cosmologists."


- - - end excerpt - - -

- - -
Discover Channel Exploring "Universe"
- - -


"Stephen Hawking's Universe" is a multimillion-dollar
three-part special that will use the physicist's theories
and computer-generated imagery to explore the mys-
teries of our galaxy and beyond.

Discovery is aiming for a 2010 release. A successful
similar program, also called "Universe," is in its third
season on History.

"'Universe' is a good show, but it's a weekly series on
a weekly series budget," Discovery president and gen-
eral manager John Ford said. "We're doing a multimillion
investment ... we plan it to be truly an immersible experi-
ence. ..."

Discovery's HD "Universe" will combine CGI, live action
and archival material.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

3 kwi 2009, 02:01:103.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> - - -
> Hawking on past - and end of future
> - - -
> Excerpt:
> PROFESSOR Stephen Hawking will star in a new three-part
> documentary charting the history of the universe from the Big
> Bang and his theories on the end of time.
> The series, commissioned by the Discovery Channel with the
> working title Stephen Hawking's Universe, is the eminent
> cosmologist's first major TV project in his specialist area in
> more than a decade.
> The 67-year-old, who suffers from motor neurone disease
> and uses a voice synthesiser to speak, will tackle some of
> the great mysteries of the cosmos:
> how the universe began, how it will end, the likelihood of
> extra-terrestrial life and the possibility of time travel.
> Prof Hawking said: "This ambitious series explores some of
> the most fascinating aspects of cosmology and I am pleased
> to bring these theories to a new audience.
> "I hope these visions of the universe will evoke a sense of
> wonder for everyone, and maybe inspire a new generation
> of cosmologists."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement:

"I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end." -- LORD Jesus


Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

4 kwi 2009, 03:12:124.04.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote ...

> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

> [...]

Behold what happened in 1609, 200 years
before Darwin was born:

- - -
April 3, 2009
- - -



It was in 1609 that the Tuscan astronomer [Galileo]
fashioned the world's finest telescope to date, up-
ending notions of the cosmos.

The so-called Father of Modern Science discovered
the phases of Venus and the four largest moons of
Jupiter. He was also the first to spot lunar mountains
and craters.

Most importantly, Galileo championed the then-bra-
zen theory that Earth circled the sun, a belief for
which he was imprisoned.


- - - end excerpt - - -

- - -

¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤ - ¤

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

4 kwi 2009, 12:51:534.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >
> >

> Behold what happened in 1609, 200 years
> before Darwin was born:
> - - -
> April 3, 2009
> - - -
> Excerpt:
> It was in 1609 that the Tuscan astronomer [Galileo]
> fashioned the world's finest telescope to date, up-
> ending notions of the cosmos.
> The so-called Father of Modern Science discovered
> the phases of Venus and the four largest moons of
> Jupiter. He was also the first to spot lunar mountains
> and craters.
> Most importantly, Galileo championed the then-bra-
> zen theory that Earth circled the sun, a belief for
> which he was imprisoned.

Such are the dangers of having religions, which remain creations of
man and not GOD:

Truth is simple.

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you come to trust the

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

4 kwi 2009, 18:21:264.04.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote ...

> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

>> [...]

>> Behold what happened in 1609, 200 years
>> before Darwin was born:
>> - - -
>> April 3, 2009
>> - - -
>> Excerpt:
>> It was in 1609 that the Tuscan astronomer [Galileo]
>> fashioned the world's finest telescope to date, up-
>> ending notions of the cosmos.
>> The so-called Father of Modern Science discovered
>> the phases of Venus and the four largest moons of
>> Jupiter. He was also the first to spot lunar mountains
>> and craters.
>> Most importantly, Galileo championed the then-bra-
>> zen theory that Earth circled the sun, a belief for
>> which he was imprisoned.

> Such are the dangers of having religions, which remain

> creations of man and not GOD [...]

God is a creation of man. Jesus is, too.

What do you call your religion, Chungism
or God/Jesusism-differing-from-all-other-

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

5 kwi 2009, 14:37:445.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> Behold what happened in 1609, 200 years
> >> before Darwin was born:
> >>
> >> - - -
> >> April 3, 2009
> >>
> >> - - -
> >>
> >> Excerpt:
> >>
> >> It was in 1609 that the Tuscan astronomer [Galileo]
> >> fashioned the world's finest telescope to date, up-
> >> ending notions of the cosmos.
> >>
> >> The so-called Father of Modern Science discovered
> >> the phases of Venus and the four largest moons of
> >> Jupiter. He was also the first to spot lunar mountains
> >> and craters.
> >>
> >> Most importantly, Galileo championed the then-bra-
> >> zen theory that Earth circled the sun, a belief for
> >> which he was imprisoned.
> > Such are the dangers of having religions, which remain
> > creations of man and not GOD [...]
> God is a creation of man. Jesus is, too.


> What do you call your religion, Chungism
> or God/Jesusism-differing-from-all-other-
> religions-per-Chung?

It remains my personal choice to not be religious because there is no
religion in this world that has GOD's approval:

Truth is simple :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

6 kwi 2009, 01:08:416.04.2009

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote ...

> Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

>> "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" wrote ...

>> > Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:

>> >> [...]
>> >>
>> >> Behold what happened in 1609, 200 years
>> >> before Darwin was born:
>> >>
>> >> - - -
>> >> April 3, 2009
>> >>
>> >> - - -
>> >>
>> >> Excerpt:
>> >>
>> >> It was in 1609 that the Tuscan astronomer [Galileo]
>> >> fashioned the world's finest telescope to date, up-
>> >> ending notions of the cosmos.
>> >>
>> >> The so-called Father of Modern Science discovered
>> >> the phases of Venus and the four largest moons of
>> >> Jupiter. He was also the first to spot lunar mountains
>> >> and craters.
>> >>
>> >> Most importantly, Galileo championed the then-bra-
>> >> zen theory that Earth circled the sun, a belief for
>> >> which he was imprisoned.

>> > Such are the dangers of having religions, which remain
>> > creations of man and not GOD [...]

>> God is a creation of man. Jesus is, too.

> Incorrect.

God, every last one of 'em, created by
human imagination. Jesus, too, created
by human imagination.

>> What do you call your religion, Chungism
>> or God/Jesusism-differing-from-all-other-
>> religions-per-Chung?

> It remains my personal choice to not be religious [...]

Chungism, and your version of no religion
is extremely religious.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

6 kwi 2009, 12:37:136.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> >> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

Again, incorrect.

There is only one GOD.

> Jesus, too, created by human imagination.

If this were true, you and other non-christians would be able to
publicly say "Jesus is LORD" just as you are able to publicly say
"Santa Claus lives at the North Pole" as can all Christians:

Instead, you and other non-christians simply can't:

Twittering One

6 kwi 2009, 12:41:526.04.2009
Let's get Serius ~ !

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

7 kwi 2009, 03:38:027.04.2009


"The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the
LORD." (Proverbs 16:33)


A Spirit-guided exegesis of Proverbs 16:33 ...

Nothing happens by chance because everything happens only as GOD
allows it (Ecclesiastes 9:11):

Sign that GOD can easily unleash an H5N1 Pandemic (Pan-Flu) at any

What we are teaching to prepare folks for the eventuality of a
catastrophic Pan-Flu:

How to not be fearful:

Trust the truth, Who is Jesus !!!

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful

2009th year since the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our Messiah,
the Son of Man ...

... by being hungrier:

Hunger is wonderful ! ! !

It's how we know the answer to the question "What does Jesus
want?" (WDJW):

Yes, hunger is our knowledge of good versus evil that Adam and Eve
paid for with their and our immortal lives:

Hunger is the physical "hearts burning within us" feeling that unlocks

the 4 mysteries of the "Road to Emmaus" adventure described in Luke

Moreover, being hungrier is the key to being Jesus' disciples:

Being physically hungrier is how we will physically recognize Jesus

when He physically returns for us to meet Him physically in the air:

"Blessed are you who hunger NOW...

... for you will be satisfied." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Luke 6:21)


Here is a Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 6:21 given in hopes of
promoting much greater understanding:

Jesus is LORD, forever !!!

Be hungrier, which is truly healthier for mind, body, and soul:

Marana tha

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

7 kwi 2009, 08:20:427.04.2009

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -
Video : Cosmos
- - -

- - -

The Carl Sagan Portal

- - -

- - -

(Top Posts - Science - 110905)

- - -

Transcript of some key excerpts from a
series originally broadcast in 1980 [inserts,
not part of the original series, added in

Inspiring, provocative, enlightening, enrich-
ing, these are but a few of the many acco-
lades describing Carl Sagan's greatest work
in a life cut far too short by the naturalistic
forces Carl went to great lengths to explain
in this series.

Beyond that, Carl tried to bridge the gap
between the intricacies and complexities of
the naturalistic world and the limited under-
standing that most humans have, most often,
regarding them.

- - -

"Shores of the Cosmic Ocean"

The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or
ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations
of the Cosmos stir us -- there is a tingling
in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint
sensation, as if a distant memory, of fall-
ing from a height. We know we are ap-
proaching the greatest of mysteries.

The size and age of the Cosmos are be-
yond normal human understanding. Lost
somewhere between immensity and etern-
ity is our tiny planetary home.


In the last few millennia we have made the
most astonishing and unexpected discov-
eries about the Cosmos and our place
within it, explorations that are exhilerating
to consider. They remind us that humans
have evolved to wonder, that understand-
ing is a joy, that knowledge is prerequisite
to survival.

I believe our future depends on how well
we know this Cosmos in which we float
like a mote of dust in the morning sky.


The Cosmos is rich beyond measure
-- in elegant facts, in exquisite interrela-
tionships, in the subtle machinery of awe.

The dimensions of the Cosmos are so
large that using familiar units of distance,
such as meters or miles, chosen for their
utility on Earth, would make little sense.

Instead, we measure distance [within the
part of the Cosmos we have been able to
explore with telescopes] with the speed
of light.

In one second a beam of light travels
186,000 miles ... or seven times around
the Earth. In eight minutes it will travel
from the Sun to the Earth. We can say
that the Sun is eight light-minutes away.
In a year ... it crosses about six trillion
miles ... a light-year.


If we were randomly inserted into the
Cosmos [not speaking of the infinite and
unknown expanse of all that is, but instead
referring only to the particular space-time
continuum that we are a part of], the odds
that we would find ourselves on or near
a planet would be less than one in a billion
trillion trillion (10 to the 33rd power, a one
followed by 33 zeroes).


- - -

"Travels in Space and Time"

Matter is much older than life. Billions
of years before the Sun and Earth even
formed, atoms were being synthesized
in the insides of hot stars, and then re-
turned to space when the stars blew
themselves up. Newly formed planets
were made of this stellar debris. The
Earth and every living thing are made
of star stuff.

But how slowly, in our human perspec-
tive, life evolved, from the molecules of
the early oceans to the first bacteria.

The reason evolution is not immedi-
ately obvious to everybody [in addition
to the basic underlying reason being
the ignorance promoted by ancient
religions which were, themselves,
founded upon ignorance of almost all
that we've discovered about our natur-
alistic Cosmos in the last 150 years]
is because it moves so slowly, and
takes so long.

How can creatures who live for only
70 years detect events that take 70
million years to unfold, or 4 billion?

By the time one-celled animals had
evolved, the history of life on Earth
[to-date] was half over. Not very far
along to us, you might think, but by
now, almost all the basic chemistry
of life had been established.

Forget our human time perspective,
from the point of view of a star, evo-
lution was weaving intricate new pat-
terns from the star stuff from the
planet Earth, and very rapidly, most
evolutionary lines became extinct.
Many lines became stagnant.

If things had gone a little differently,
a small change of climate, say, or
a new mutation, or the accidental
death of a different humble organ-
ism, the entire future history of life
[on Earth] might have been very


We might not have evolved.


But that's not what happened.


As a result, the dominant organisms
on the planet today come from fish
[of course, Carl is referring to humans
as the dominant organism, and he may
be correct in referring to humans being
the dominant *multi-cellular* organism,
but point in fact, the most dominant
organisms on Earth, by both weight
and number, are the longest-lived org-
anisms, those that evolved *first*, that
being the smallest organisms on Earth,
that being bacteria].

Along the way, many more species be-
came extinct than now exist. If history
had a slightly different weave, some of
those extinct organisms might have
survived, and prospered.


For three and a half billion years, life
had lived exclusively in the water, but
now, in a great breathtaking adventure,
it took to the land.


From our ancestors, the reptiles, there
developed many successful lines, in-
cluding the dinosaurs. Some were fast,
dexterous, and intelligent. A visitor from
another world or time might have thought
them the wave of the future. But after
nearly 200 million years, they were sud-
denly all wiped out.


The successors of the dinosaurs came
from the same reptilian stock, but they
were able to survive the catastrophe
that destroyed their cousins.

Again, there were many branches which
became extinct, and again, had events
been only a little different, those branches
might have lived to be the dominant form

For 40 milliion years, a visitor would not
have been much impressed by these
timid little creatures, but they led to all
the familiar mammals of today. And that
includes the Primates.

About 20 million years ago, a space-time
traveller might have recognized these
guys as promising. Bright, quick, agile,
sociable, curious. Their ancestors were
once atoms made in stars. Then, simple
molecules, single cells, polyps stuck to
the ocean floor, fish, amphibians, reptiles,

But then, they came down from the trees,
and stood upright. They grew an enor-
mous brain. The developed culture, in-
vented tools, domesticated fire. They
discovered language and writing. They
developed agriculture. They built cities,
and forged metal.

And ultimately, they set out for the stars
from which they had come, 5 billion years

We are star stuff which has taken its
destiny into its own hands.

The loom of time and space works the
most astonishing transformations of

Our own planet is only a tiny part of the
vast cosmic tapestry, a starry fabric
of worlds yet untold.

Those worlds in space are as count-
less as all the grains of sand on all the
beaches of the Earth.

Each of those worlds is as real as ours.

In every one of them, there is a succes-
sion of incidents, events, occurrences
which influence its future.

Countless worlds, numberless moments,
an immensity of space and time.


It is well within our power to destroy our
civilization, and perhaps, our species as
well. If we capitulate to superstition, or
greed, or stupidity, we can plunge our
world into a darkness deeper than the
time between the collapse of classical
civilization and the Italian Renaissance.

But we're also capable of using our com-
passion and our intelligence, our tech-
nology and our wealth, to make an
abundant and meaningful life for every
inhabitant of this planet, to enhance
enormously our understanding of the
universe, and to carry us to the stars.

- - - end excerpts - - -

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

9 kwi 2009, 03:20:089.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Galileo

GOD gave Galileo the courage to stand up for the truth against the

GOD is against the world's religions as discussed earlier:

Thankfully, Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with the
risen Christ Jesus, Who is the Son of GOD.

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

9 kwi 2009, 12:05:439.04.2009

A.B.C. wrote ...

> [...]

> GOD is against the world's religions as discussed earlier:

> [...]

And what's God's position on *your* religion?
What's that? Your religion isn't a religion? Prove
it. You believe the christian bible, how do you
explain the following (from another post you
failed to respond to)?

Oh, and by the way, you do know that the bible
is an assemblage of documents chosen at the
behest of the Roman dictator, murderer Con-
stantine, don't you, who had the document
assembled to promote his religious faith. Does
that not trouble you, your religious faith based
on a document assembled by edict of a mur-


1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty,
and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer,
but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his

1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and
bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this
man's religion is vain.

1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the
Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their
affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

- - -

I suppose one could argue that since Christians are spotted,
they're not part of a 'pure' religion.

If, by 'pure' religion, the writer is referring to Christianity,
well then, if you are really a bible believer, how do you
reconcile that with your definition of Christianity *not*
being a religion?

I wonder how many Christians visit the fatherless and
widows in their affliction. Well, I suppose that many of
them visit the Christian fatherless and widows, but since
most of the world isn't Christian, I'd submit they visit
very few of the Muslim/Hindu/Atheist/Agnostic/Secular
Humanist/Freethinking/Buddhist fatherless and widows
in their affliction. I doubt that many of the Muslim/Hindu/
Atheist/Agnostic/Secular Humanist/Freethinking/Buddhist
fatherless and widows in their affliction would be all that
receptive to visits from strangers, but I suppose some

Mormons? Not sure where they fit in your Christian para-
digm, but I suspect that most of the fatherless and widows
are visited by fellow Mormons, and whether you consider
them Christians or not, not sure. After all, their version of
Jesus came to America, didn't he? Do you believe in that?
Do you believe that their founder was God-inspired?

- - -

The Mormon Jesus



Jesus in America

Mormons believe that the resurrected Jesus ministered to the
Nephites in America. He appeared before a congregation in
their temple, and allowed them to feel the wounds in his hands
and feet.

He stayed with them for several days, teaching and healing.

He called and ordained twelve disciples, and gave the people
various commandments and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus Christ also appeared to Joseph Smith in New York State
in 1820 in what is known as the First Vision. He appeared to
Joseph Smith on several other occasions.

Jesus Christ has appeared to other Church leaders, for example
in 1898 and in 1918.

- - - end excerpt - - -

Heck, even the religion of Islam has a Jesus character in it.
My, my, my, Jesus, not enough of "them" to go around, eh?

Religion, including your own personal version that you call
"no religion", is just mind control.

- - -

As for the posts in this thread that A.B.C. has
no cogent response to:

- - -

- - -
Hawking on past - and end of future
- - -

- - -
The Carl Sagan Portal
- - -

- - -
(Top Posts - Science - 110905)
- - -

- - -

Don Kirkman

9 kwi 2009, 12:54:539.04.2009
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in

>GOD gave Galileo the courage to stand up for the truth against the

Galileo was also religious; he just disagreed with the church defining
the phenomena of the natural world. The official doctrine was, like
many others, based on supposed or erroneous biblical teachings and not
on observation and analysis of what goes on in the natural world.
Don Kirkman

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

9 kwi 2009, 18:49:099.04.2009
convicted Don Kirkman wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>GOD gave Galileo the courage to stand up for the truth against the
>Galileo was also religious;

Actually, the way he lived his life indicates otherwise.

Seeking the truth is actually not religious behavior.

GOD does favor those who seek the truth over those who adhere to

Afterall, King David was esteemed by GOD as a "man after GOD's own
heart" and not for being particularly religious.

Truth is simple :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Don, so that you would come to trust the
truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Human Geneticist and Molecular Biologist

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

9 kwi 2009, 22:48:589.04.2009

- - -
April 8, 2009

Commentary: Earth in danger!
When the universe turns bad

by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service
- - -

Complete article:

In the face of disaster, optimists tend to be grateful
because they easily imagine how much worse things
could have been. Count astrophysicists among them.
When we hear about earthly problems, many of us
think to ourselves, "You have no idea ..."

Worried about something falling on your head as you
walk down the street? We've got something better.
Thousands of asteroids the size of baseball stadiums
- and larger - orbit the sun with trajectories that inter-
sect Earth's path. Eventually, Earth will collide with
every one of them - at impact speeds of at least seven
miles per second.

The smallest of that set are large enough to cause deadly
tsunamis and trillions of dollars of property damage.

A medium-size asteroid will devastate our culture as it
disrupts food chains, transportation systems, the elec-
trical grid, and the overall stability of what we call civili-

The largest among them - the size of mountains - will
launch an assault on the tree of life that will extinguish
more than half of all land and oceanic species.

Worried about a hole in the ozone layer cased by pollu-
tants? How about no ozone layer at all? Not too far away,
in a neighboring galaxy, lies a prodigious stellar nursery,
birthing stars of all sizes - small ones and large ones.
At the top end of this range are stars that die spectacular
deaths - exploding their guts at staggering speeds across
the galaxy.

A particularly deadly subset of these will focus nearly
all their explosive energy into a narrow beam that's bright
enough to be seen across the entire universe. The beam
is so intense with life-hostile UV and X-rays that if it
happens to aim at Earth, the leading edge of this radia-
tion will deplete our protective ozone layer entirely. With-
out this line of atmospheric defense, the radiation that fol-
lows will pass straight through the atmosphere, sterilizing
Earth's surface.

Worried about falling into a hole in the ground? How about
a black hole in space? If you fell into one of these, you'd
never come out. The very fabric of space and time closes
back on itself, preventing all escape. And as you fell - feet
-first, let's say - the gravity at your feet would rapidly be-
come much greater than the gravity at your head, forcing
your body to stretch beyond comfort - beyond your body's
capacity to remain whole.

Your body would snap, as your lower half separated from
your torso. Each of those two body segments then would
snap into two more pieces, and so forth. But it gets worse.
During your fall, the fabric of space and time gets narrower,
effectively extruding your body parts like toothpaste from
a tube. We call this form of death "spaghettification."

Worried about a fender bender on the highway? Consider
the impending collision between our beloved 100-billion-
star Milky Way galaxy and our nearby cousin, the Andro-
meda Galaxy. These are two beautiful spiral galaxies cur-
rently minding their own business, yet they are hurtling
toward each other through the vacuum of intergalactic
space, with a closing speed of about 400 miles per sec-

We collide in about 6 billion or 7 billion years. Stars will
not likely hit each other directly - space is too empty for
that - but a gravitational free-for-all will ensue, with stars,
and whatever planets orbit them, cast hither and yon in the
cosmic equivalent of a train wreck.

Worried about global warming redrawing Earth's coast-
lines? How about no coastlines at all? In about 5 billion
years, the sun will exhaust its stable supply of hydrogen
fuel. In response, its inner regions will collapse, raise the
core temperature, and ignite helium as the next fuel source.

In the meantime the sun's outer layers will expand prodi-
giously, engulfing the entire orbits of Mercury and Venus.
As the sun continues to grow - as the sun's luminous
surface gets closer and closer - Earth will get hotter and
hotter. The oceans will come to a rolling boil, evaporate
into the atmosphere, and lay bare the ocean floor. Our
heated atmosphere will escape into space, as Earth's
surface becomes a scorched wasteland.

Worried about Earth running out of fuel? The cosmos
shares a similar problem. As the universe expands, the
concentration of energy within it gets weaker and weaker.
Eventually all gas clouds that make stars will have made
all the stars they can. All stars, beginning with the most
luminous ones, run out of fuel entirely. With nothing to
replace them, the stars you see at night begin to blink off
- one by one - as the universe becomes cold and dark
and desolate. The cosmos will indeed end. Not with a
bang, but with a whimper.

Have a nice day.


Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist with the Amer-
ican Museum of Natural History. He is author of "Death
by Black Hole," and most recently, "The Pluto Files: The
Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet."

- - - end of article - - -

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

11 kwi 2009, 16:33:5011.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> Commentary: Earth in danger!
> When the universe turns bad

"Cursed is the ground because of you ..." -- GOD to Adam (Genesis


Behold the curse:

Truth is simple.

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to

trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Human Geneticist and Molecular Biologist

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

13 kwi 2009, 08:50:0513.04.2009

- - -

Search for a 'Creator/God'

- - -

Creator/God -- Have Any Been Found?

Actually, in researching all matters vast and almost
infinitely tiny, no "Creator/God" has been found. All
that has been found is naturalistic.

- - -

Matter Contemplating Itself

As for some matter transforming over billions upon
billions of years into something that contemplates
its origins, that replicates itself, that's evidence that
given enough time on the 3rd rock from an average
star in a nondescript part of an average galaxy, one
of hundreds of millions of stars in each average-
size galaxy, one of tens of billions of galaxies in
this particular part of the cosmos we call (in a self-
centered manner) "the universe" ...

... some matter dares to think about itself, matter,
energy, life, where it came from, where it's going,
what it (everything) is all about, as well as what
each evolved ape's place is in the cosmos.

Early on in the transition from matter to self-
awareness and contemplation, little was known
about much of any of the facts of our naturalistic
cosmos. That lack of knowledge was present for
a large percentage of the evolutionary history of
evolved apes.

- - -

What We Knew 200 Years Ago

If you or any other evolved ape was born just 230
short years ago, at the age of 30 you would know
nothing of

the fossil record,





continental drift,

the age of the earth,

the age of the space-time continuum we
exist within that many call "the universe",

the tens of billions of galaxies with hundreds
of millions of stars per galaxy,

black holes with super-massive black holes
acting as the central core of galaxies,

the big bang,


the ever-accelerating expansion of the space-
time continuum we exist within that many call
"the universe",

dark matter making up 90 to 95 percent of
matter in our particular universe,

the probability of multiple universes,

the quantum physical world which provides in
no small way a probable explanation for the
source of our particular universe,

special and general relativity,


space travel,

nuclear power,

and so on and so forth.

In fact, and this is truly an amazing fact when you
think about it, you would be the most intelligent
and esteemed human on the face of the planet if
you were time-transported back to 200 years ago
(with a rock solid science encyclopedia in your

This would be true no matter your lack of depth
or self-confidence about your knowledge of our
natural cosmos at the current time (although it
wouldn't hurt to do a little reading to build your
self-confidence before making that journey) - that
shows you how far we've come despite our impa-
tience with wanting to know everything *now* ...

- - -

Imagining Stories About the Unknown

Into that vast unknown that existed prior to our
recent advances in understanding, the evolved
ape known as homo sapiens (and in all likelihood,
other evolved apes, like neanderthals and other
species) imagined stories about unknowns. They
imagined super-beings of assorted types did things,
things that explained everything the evolved apes
saw and experienced and desired and feared.

They did this orally, as written records came much
later in the evolution of evolved apes into its modern

When they began writing things down, many disparate
and irreconcilable versions of imaginary beings were
recorded, all over the world. Some of those records
survived wars and plagues and natural disasters, but
many of them have been lost for all of time.

What we're left with, billions of evolved apes still teach
selected versions of the imaginary being stories to
their children, as realities, who likewise pass the stories
down to their children in a multi-generational perpetua-
tion of "make believe" explanations for unknowns.

- - -

Unknowns -- Less Now Than There Ever Have Been

There are so many less unknowns now that there were
230 years ago, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago, 5000
years ago, 10000 years ago, 100000 years ago, 500000
years ago, as the surviving evolved apes have a curi-
ousity that, despite admiration for the myths, continues
to nag at them, leading them to explore and reveal
everything they can possibly find out about the cosmos.

- - -

Dealing With the Unknown

Many of the evolved apes are satisfied to live out their
lives based on selected versions of the myths, being
discomforted about exploring unknowns, preferring to
live based on make believe and parental influence and
social-cultural influences rather than daring to actually
think about such matters.

However, a significant minority of evolved apes do
question the myths, seeing commonality in the "make
believe" nature of myths, preferring to look to logic,
reason, open-minded search for answers in a self-
evidencing naturalistic domain.

Also, a significant minority of evolved apes approach
the unknowns on two levels -- one on a level trying to
adhere to society-culture and the myths that happen
to survive in their culture, but on another level, utilizing
the scientific method to try to find out everything they
can about unknowns.

- - -

Unknowns and Choices -- 1) Naturalism

Into the unknowns, you have a choice. To explore them
with an open mind, leaving the myths behind as simply
a naturalistic result of apes evolving intelligence in a
mysterious cosmos.

- - -

Unknowns and Choices -- 2) Duality

Another option is to maintain a duality, with science on
the one hand and the myths on the other, using science
to learn whatever you can about a mysterious cosmos
and utilizing myths to fill in unknowns. That's somewhat
of a difficult combination, as science bespeaks of no
mythical beings, and mythical beings speak of contra-
dictions with science.

- - -

Unknowns and Choices -- 3) Myths

A last option, one used by religious fundamentalists,
is to fall in love with the myths of their society and
culture, and to treat it as a reality superior to science.

That option, usually utilizing "faith" (i.e., suspension
of disbelief and doubt as an inducement to get the
'goodies' in a magic afterlife and to avoid punish-
ments and/or oblivion), interjects magic beings and
forces into everyday life.

Prayer is a primary tool, with worship and contradictory
instructions from ancient documents also involved.

In addition, asserting that ancient evolved apes who
had no knowledge of science were, on occasion,
throughout all their contradictory myths, able to hit on
"the truth", and that "the truth" happens to reside in
the myths present in the society and culture of the
evolved apes who have chosen their own culture's
myths to admire.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

14 kwi 2009, 02:15:1614.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> - - -
> Search for a 'Creator/God'
> - - -
> Creator/God -- Have Any Been Found?

"My LORD and my GOD!" -- Disciple Thomas upon seeing the risen Christ
Jesus (John 20:28)

"I am the way and the truth and the life." -- LORD Jesus Christ (John


"In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis


May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to

trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Human Geneticist and Molecular Biologist

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

14 kwi 2009, 14:44:1314.04.2009

- - -

Black Holes - Evidence of a Cosmos Far Beyond
ancient concepts of god(s) - Part 2...
(originally posted March 26, 2005)

- - -

Prior reference, with news reports from July, 2001
back to September, 1997:

- - -

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Black Holes

- - -

The Endless Universe - 2 of 3 (Black Holes)

- - -

Black holes, a key to unlocking the entrapment of
the religiously infected into blind faith at a young and
vulnerable age? Well, take Genesis, add all the apol-
ogies and creationist blarney, toss in over 500 million
years of evolution -since- uni-cellular life evolved to
multi-cellular life, recall the super-eruption that almost
caused humankind to go extinct (~74,000 years ago,
Mt. Toba in Sumatra), and to all that add in black
holes and the black hole of nothingness in the chris-
tian bible regarding such matters, and what are you
left with?

The knowledge that the christian bible is a load of
myths absent any evidence whatsoever that the
aggregation of humans who cooked up the myths
had any clue of what the universe was all about
-or- had any contact with a supposed be-all end-
all of all who, you'd think, would've had an inkling
of at least some of what's contained in the follow-
ing and the above, and would've managed in some
manner to have included that in its panoply of
supposed 'holy word of god' stuff, in the judeo-
christian-islamic foundational documents.

But no, what do we have?

Evidence, the christian bible, creationists, the pre-
ceding documents, the documents which followed,
and all in the current day who buy into the so-called
ID or creationist mythos are clueless when it comes
to the way the universe came to be and the way we
have evolved to our current state of exploration and
adventure regarding an awesome and challenging
quest to know what all of this is all about and how
it all came to be.

- - -

Details, from recent news reports (March, 2005 back
to September, 2001) follow ...

~~~ 2005 ~~~

Posted 03/15/2005 ...
Black Holes Influence Knowledge
Of The Universe
Black holes have a reputation for voraciously eat-
ing everything in their immediate neighborhood,
but these large gravity wells also affect electro-
magnetic radiation and may hinder our ability to
ever locate the center of the universe, according
to an international research team. ...

Posted 02/18/2005 ...
Simulations Show How Growing Black Holes
Regulate Galaxy Formation
Using a new computer model of galaxy formation,
researchers have shown that growing black holes
release a blast of energy that fundamentally regu-
lates galaxy evolution and black hole growth itself.
The model explains for the first time observed
phenomena and promises to deliver deeper in-
sights into our understanding of galaxy formation
and the role of black holes throughout cosmic his-
tory, according to its creators. ...

Posted 02/07/2005 ...
Astronomers Find Part Of Universe's
Missing Matter
Found: 7 percent of the mass of the universe. Mis-
sing since: 10 billion years ago. Consider one more
astronomical mystery solved. Scientists have located
a sizeable chunk of the universe that seemed to be
missing since back when the stars first formed. It's
floating in super-hot rivers of gas, invisible to the
naked eye, surrounding galaxies like our own. ...

Around 10 billion years ago, when half of the bary-
ons became stars and galaxies and lit up the sky,
the other half just seemed to disappear. This new
study shows that the missing baryons are still out
there ... they're just floating in gas that is too hot
to see with an optical telescope. The gas that sur-
rounds our galaxy, for example, is 100 times hotter
than the sun -- so hot that it shines in high-energy
X-rays instead of lower-energy visible light.

Posted 01/20/2005
Good News From Big Bad Black Holes
Astronomers have discovered how ominous black
holes can create life in the form of new stars, prov-
ing that jet-induced star formation may have played
an important role in the formation of galaxies in the
early universe. ...

Posted 01/13/2005 ...
Going Beyond Einstein: Spacetime Wave
Orbits Black Hole
... This spacetime wave, if confirmed, would repre-
sent a new phenomenon that goes beyond Einstein's
general relativity. These observations confirm one
important theory about how a black hole's extreme
gravity can stretch light. The data also paint an in-
triguing image of how a spinning black hole can
drag the very fabric of space around with it, creat-
ing a choppy spacetime sea that distorts everything
falling into the black hole. ...

Posted 01/12/2005 ...
Chandra Finds Evidence For Swarm Of
Black Holes Near The Galactic Center
A swarm of 10,000 or more black holes may be
orbiting the Milky Way's supermassive black hole,
according to new results from NASA's Chandra
X-ray Observatory. This would represent the high-
est concentration of black holes anywhere in the
Galaxy. These relatively small, stellar-mass black
holes, along with neutron stars, appear to have
migrated into the Galactic Center over the course
of several billion years. ...

Posted 01/06/2005 ...
Most Powerful Eruption In
The Universe Discovered
Astronomers have found the most powerful eruption
in the universe using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observ-
atory. A super massive black hole generated this erup-
tion by growing at a remarkable rate. This discovery
shows the enormous appetite of large black holes,
and the profound impact they have on their surround-
ings. ... The eruption, which has lasted for more than
100 million years, has generated energy equivalent to
hundreds of millions of gamma-ray bursts. ...

~~~ 2004 ~~~

Posted 11/23/2004 ...
Precocious Supermassive Black Holes
Challenge Theories
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has obtained
definitive evidence that a distant quasar formed less
than a billion years after the big bang contains a fully-
grown supermassive black hole generating energy at
the rate of twenty trillion suns. ... Since the Universe
is estimated to be 13.7 billion years old, we see the
quasar as it was a billion years after the big bang. ...

Posted 06/21/2004 ...
'Blazar' Illuminates Era When Stars And Galaxies Formed
... astrophysicists at Stanford report spotting a
black hole so massive that it's more than 10 billion
times the mass of our sun. More important, this
heavyweight is so far away that the scientists think
it formed when the universe first began to light up
with stars and galaxies, so it may provide a win-
dow into our cosmological origins. ...

Posted 06/01/2004 ...
Discovering Missing Black Holes: First Science
From A Virtual Observatory
A European team has used the Astrophysical Vir-
tual Observatory (AVO) to find 30 supermassive
black holes that had previously escaped detection
behind masking dust clouds. The identification of
this large population of long-sought 'hidden' black
holes is the first scientific discovery to emerge from
a Virtual Observatory. The result suggests that
astronomers may have underestimated the number
of powerful supermassive black holes by as much
as a factor of five. ...

Posted 02/05/2004 ...
New Study Shows How Black Holes Get
Their 'Kicks'
When black holes collide, look out! An enormous
burst of gravitational radiation results as they violently
merge into one massive black hole. The "kick" that
occurs during the collision could knock the black hole
clear out of its galaxy. A new study describes the con-
sequences of such an intergalactic collision. ...

~~~ 2003 ~~~

Posted 09/17/2003 ...
Was The Universe Born In A Black Hole?
The universe may have been created by an explo-
sion within a black hole, according to a new theory
...It's a mathematically plausible model which refines
the standard model of the Big Bang ...

Posted 09/10/2003 ...
Chandra X-ray Observatory "Hears"
A Black Hole For First Time
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory detected
sound waves, for the first time, from a super-
massive black hole. ... In musical terms, the pitch
of the sound generated by the black hole translates
into the note of B flat. But, a human would have
no chance of hearing this cosmic performance, be-
cause the note is 57 octaves lower than middle-C
(by comparison a typical piano contains only about
seven octaves). At a frequency over a million, billion
times deeper than the limits of human hearing, this is
the deepest note ever detected from an object in the
universe. ...

Posted 07/21/2003 ...
Black Holes And Galaxies -- Missing Link
Discovered In Our Own Cosmic Backyard
... galaxies and extremely massive black holes
seem to grow together. ... scientists found that
the more rapidly the black hole was growing, the
faster the surrounding galaxy itself was growing
by forming new stars. 'Like the chicken and the
egg, neither black hole nor galaxy can be said to
come first -- each is necessary for the other'. ...

Posted 04/07/2003 ...
It's A Nova . It's A Supernova .
Two billion years ago, in a far-away galaxy, a
giant star exploded, releasing almost unbelievable
amounts of energy as it collapsed to a black hole.
The light from that explosion finally reached Earth
at 6:37 a.m. EST on March 29, igniting a frenzy
of activity among astronomers worldwide. This
phenomenon has been called a hypernova, playing
on the name of the supernova events that mark the
violent end of massive stars. ...

Posted 03/26/2003 ...
Doomed Matter Near Black Hole
Gets Second Lease On Life
Supermassive black holes, notorious for ripping
apart and swallowing stars, might also help seed
interstellar space with the elements necessary for
life, such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and iron,
scientists say. ...

Posted 03/20/2003 ...
Race To Gamma-Ray Burst Reveals
Gigantic Explosion, Death & Birth
Scientists arriving on the scene of a gamma-ray
burst just moments after the explosion, have wit-
nessed the death of a gigantic star and the birth
of something monstrous in its place, quite possibly
a brand new, spinning black hole. ... Gamma-ray
bursts shine hundreds of times brighter than a
supernova, or as bright as a million trillion suns.
The mysterious bursts are common, yet random
and fleeting. ...

Posted 02/21/2003 ...
Case For Massive Black Hole Strengthened
UCLA astronomer Andrea Ghez announced
more than four years ago that a monstrous black
hole resides at the center of our Milky Way gal-
axy, 24,000 light years away, with a mass more
than 2 million times that of our sun. Some astro-
nomers greeted the announcement with skepti-
cism, and proposed exotic forms of matter as
alternatives. ... The case for the supermassive
black hole was strong before, and we have sub-
stantially improved it ... Now it's a 99.99 percent
certainty. We can rule out every alternative that
has been proposed ...

~~~ 2002 ~~~

Posted 11/20/2002 ...
Chandra X-Ray Observatory Spots Two
Supermassive Black Holes In Same Galaxy
For the first time, scientists have proof two
supermassive black holes exist together in the
same galaxy ... These black holes are orbiting
each other and will merge several hundred mil-
lion years from now, to create an even larger
black hole resulting in a catastrophic event that
will unleash intense radiation and gravitational
waves. ...

Posted 11/19/2002 ...
Fast-Flying Black Hole Yields Clues To
Supernova Origin
A nearby black hole, hurtling through the plane
of our galaxy like a cannonball, has given what
some astronomers say is their best evidence yet
that stellar-mass black holes are made in super-
nova explosions. The black hole ... is streaking
across space at a rate of 250,000 miles per hour.
That speed is four times faster than the average
velocity of the stars in that galactic neighborhood.
The most likely "cannon blast" is the explosive
kick of a supernova, one of the universe's most
titanic events. ...

Posted 10/17/2002 ...
Zooming Star Points To Supermassive Black
Hole At The Center Of The Milky Way
Supermassive black holes - the name given to
black holes whose mass is more than 1,000,000
times the mass of the sun - can be found at the
center of many galaxies. Scientists ... have suc-
ceeded in tracking a star racing around a dark
mass at the center of our galaxy. This achieve-
ment offers more support for the widely held
view that the dark mass is a supermassive black
hole. ...

Posted 09/18/2002 ...
Hubble Discovers Black Holes In
Unexpected Places
Medium-size black holes actually do exist ... The
previously undiscovered black holes provide an
important link that sheds light on the way black
holes grow. Even more odd, these new black
holes were found in the cores of glittering, "bee-
hive" swarms of stars -- called globular star clus-
ters -- that orbit our Milky Way and other galax-
ies. ...

Posted 09/17/2002 ...
"Runaway Universe" May Collapse
In 10 Billion Years
The recent discovery that the universe is expand-
ing at an ever-increasing rate has led many astro-
nomers to forecast a dark and lonely future for
our galaxy. According to some predictions, the
rapidly accelerating universe will cause all galaxies
to run away from each other until they are no longer
visible. In this widely accepted scenario, our own
Milky Way will become an isolated island adrift in
a sea of totally black space 150 billion years from

... But two new studies ... suggest that it may be time
to rethink this popular view of a "runaway universe."
Instead of expanding exponentially, our cosmos may
be in danger of collapsing in a "mere" 10 to 20 billion
years. ... the universe, which appears to accelerating
now, will begin to slow down and contract. ... Every-
thing we see now, and at a much larger distance that
we cannot see, will collapse into a point smaller than
a proton. Locally, it will be the same as if you were
inside a black hole.

... some of the best attempts to describe dark energy
predict that it will gradually become negative, which
will cause the universe to become unstable, then col-
lapse ... The universe actually looks, not like a bubble,
but like a bubble producing new bubbles ... We live
in a tiny part of one bubble, and we look around and
say, 'This is our universe.' ... If our bubble collapses
into a point, a new bubble is likely to inflate somewhere
else - possibly giving rise to an entirely new form of life.
Our part of the universe may die, but the universe as
a whole, in a sense, is immortal - it just changes its
properties ...

Posted 06/10/2002 ...
New Space Telescope Aims To Seek Out
And Record Explosive Gamma Ray Bursts
The telescope - called UVOT - will be one of three
telescopes on a special NASA orbiting space observ-
atory planned for launch in 2003. The observatory,
called SWIFT, has been specially designed to find
gamma ray bursts. The most explosive events in the
universe, little is known of about why and when
gamma ray bursts occur. ... Scientists speculate that
gamma ray bursts may come from explosions of mas-
sive stars called hypernovae which leave behind
black holes in their wake or when very dense stars
and rare neutron stars collide. 'One thing we do know
... is that if a gamma ray burst went off in our galaxy,
it would cause mass extinction on the Earth in a matter
of seconds.'

Posted 06/06/2002 ...
Black Hole Dynamo May Be Cosmos'
Ultimate Electricity Generator
Researchers ... believe that magnetic field lines ex-
tending a few million light years from galaxies into
space may be the result of incredibly efficient energy-
producing dynamos within black holes that are some-
what analogous to an electric motor. ... understanding
the mechanism could have important applications here
on Earth such as creating a system of magnetic con-
finement for a fusion energy reactor. ...

Posted 04/23/2002 ...
Los Alamos Researcher Says "Black Holes"
Aren't Holes At All
Researchers have provided a hypothesis that "black
holes" in space are not holes at all, but instead are
more akin to bubbles. ... dying stars collapse to the
"Event Horizon" - in essence the point of no return
for objects entering the gravitational field of a black
hole. At this point, the matter in the dying star trans-
forms to a new state of matter that forms a Gravastar.
... the dying star's matter creates an ultra-thin, ultra-
cold, ultra-dark shell of material that is virtually indes-
tructible. The new form of gravitational energy in the
interior ... appears on the inside to be a bubble of
vacuum, hence the term Gra (vitational) Va (cuum)
Star, or Gravastar. ... the universe we now know
and live in may be the interior of a Gravastar.

Posted 04/05/2002 ...
Supermassive Black Holes Powered The Most
Ancient Quasars, But Have Evolved Through Time
A new survey at X-ray wavelengths of 17 distant
quasars - including the three most distant quasars
yet found - supports theory that predicts that super-
massive black holes powered the most ancient
quasars seen.Quasars, objects larger than stars
and found only in the centers of galaxies, are the
brightest celestial objects in the universe. ...

Posted 02/22/2002 ...
Tango Between Black Hole And Star Remnant
May Explain Cosmic Explosion
Gamma-ray bursts, extremely powerful explosions
occurring in distant parts of the universe, may be
the energetic offspring of a cosmic dance between
black holes and their dance-partner stars ...

Posted 02/07/2002 ...
Yale Astronomer Explores The Final Moments
Of Merging Black Holes
A slow dance lasting up to 10 million years between
a super-massive black hole and a smaller one culmin-
ates in a violent outflow of energy, possibly powering
the bright light known as a quasar, a Yale researcher
and collaborator have found. ...

Posted 01/10/2002 ...
Team Gets Sharpest-Ever Look At
The Heart Of The Milky Way
A team of astronomers ... has taken the sharpest-
ever image of the heart of our Milky Way galaxy.
The image, a panorama of the galaxy's center taken
with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, reveals
hundreds of white dwarf stars, neutron stars, and
black holes bathed in an incandescent fog of multi-
million-degree gas around a supermassive black
hole. ...

~~~ 2001 ~~~

Posted 12/21/2001 ...
Hot Galactic Arms Point To Vicious Cycle
Triggered By Black Hole
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed
the aftermath of a titanic explosion that wracked the
elliptical galaxy known as NGC 4636. This eruption
could be the latest episode in a cycle of violence
triggered by gas falling into a central massive black
hole. ... The energy of this explosion would be the
equivalent of several hundred thousand supernovas. ...

Posted 11/01/2001 ...
Scientists Expect To "See" Miniature Black Holes
Santa Barbara, Calif. -- An article soon to be
published ... fuels excitement that scientists will
be able to see the traces of miniature black holes
created in an accelerator. ... once scientists can
study small black holes, they can start learning
about the relationship between quantum mechan-
ics and gravity. Studying miniature black holes
will reveal a wealth of information about the very
fabric of the universe ...

Posted 10/24/2001 ...
New Energy Source "Wrings" Power From
Black Hole Spin
Scientists for the first time have seen energy
being extracted from a black hole. Like an
electric dynamo, this black hole spins and
pumps energy out through cable-like magnetic
field lines into the chaotic gas whipping around
it, making the gas -- already infernally hot from
the sheer force of crushing gravity -- even hot-
ter. ...

Posted 10/23/2001 ...
Discovery Of Extra Energy Escaping From
Supermassive Black Hole A First, Say Scientists
For the first time ever, astrophysicists have
observed extra energy escaping from the super-
massive black hole at the center of a distant gal-
axy. ... Black holes are collapsed objects so tightly
compacted that not even light can escape their
gravitational pull. Although scientists at NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center showed recently
that small, stellar black holes believed to pepper
the universe have the ability to spin, this is the first
evidence that supermassive black holes also spin....

Posted 09/13/2001 ...
Ancient Black Hole Speeds Through
Sun's Galactic Neighborhood, Devouring
Companion Star
... astronomers discover an ancient black hole
speeding through the Sun's galactic neighborhood.
The rogue black hole is devouring a small compan-
ion star as the pair travels in an eccentric orbital
path looping to the outer reaches of our Milky
Way galaxy.

Posted 09/06/2001 ...
Chandra Catches Milky Way Monster Snacking
For the first time, a rapid X-ray flare has been
observed from the direction of the supermassive
black hole that resides at the center of our galaxy.
This violent flare captured by NASA's Chandra
X-ray Observatory has given astronomers an
unprecedented view of the energetic processes
surrounding this supermassive black hole. ...

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

14 kwi 2009, 16:04:1814.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
>Black holes, a key to unlocking the entrapment of
>the religiously infected into blind faith at a young and
>vulnerable age? Well, take Genesis, add all the apol-
>ogies and creationist blarney, toss in over 500 million
>years of evolution -since- uni-cellular life evolved to
>multi-cellular life, recall the super-eruption that almost
>caused humankind to go extinct (~74,000 years ago,
>Mt. Toba in Sumatra), and to all that add in black
>holes and the black hole of nothingness in the chris-
>tian bible regarding such matters, and what are you
>left with?

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the
Word was GOD. HE was with GOD in the beginning. Through Him all things
were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made." (John


Truth is simple :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to

trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Human Geneticist, Molecular Biologist,
Computer Programmer, Electrical Engineer,
and Board-certified Cardiologist :-)

Pro-Humanist FREELOVER

14 kwi 2009, 20:55:2314.04.2009

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

16 kwi 2009, 05:29:4516.04.2009
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER wrote:
> - - -
> Cosmos (Carl Sagan)

Wiser to go with the Hero, Who has conquered death.

That would be Jesus :-)

May GOD soften your heart, Pro-Humanist, so that you would come to
trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

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