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l. ron hubbard still Dreaming of Blowing up Planets with People who don't Like him - {HRO 20081017-V7.0-ADDITION-1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 7, 2015, 6:31:06 AM12/7/15
l. ron hubbard still Dreaming of 'Blowing up Planets with People who
don't Like him'

17 October 2008
{HRO 20081017-V7.0-ADDITION-1}

7 December 2015)


l. ron hubbard is still dreaming of 'blowing up planets' ...populated
by people who don't like him.

This records him persistently confessing to his crew, his desire to,
AND his imagined "spiritual ability," to 'blow up planets' - with the
"reason" given, that people there [who don't like him] "are bad:"

(quotation start)

"I [the Scientologist quoted here] spoke with a [Hubbard
Commodore's] messenger from the ship days [Scientology's
1970's], who told me, that

"a few times, LRH (l. ron hubbard) would speak to her after his
normal 4 or 5 hours of sleep and say words to the effect of

“I blew up a few planets last night” and then provide
details to her.

"Apparently, 'these were "enemy planets with horrible [people]
controlling them".'

"This WASN’T A ONE-OFF COMMENT, that he made: These types of
comments were made often [by him].

"The amazing part of this is, that she felt (that he was so

(quotation end)

- reported by blog commenter 'clearlypissedoff,'
on November 20, 2015

file: 20151120 Regraded Being - at 80 comments.html




The above reported data adds to:

The Natural Human Rights Order on Satan - his last incarnation being
l. ron hubbard (Founder of 'Scientology')

17 October 2008
{HRO 20081017-V7.0}

(Version 7.0
on 4 June 2015)

(optimized for

(with Index -
view Summary
by skipping
indented text)


"He [l. ron hubbard] would give enormous praise
and admiration to someone - and then,
as soon as that person had left, behind his back,
he (l. ron hubbard) would burst out into swearing
and violent hate

"...against that very same person, who had just left
with the conviction that l. ron hubbard was 'his very
best friend'." (adapted from Appendix A.)



0. Introduction, including 'Definition of Truth'

(0.a.) l. ron hubbard's vampirism, Hate of Life, and
of all people and his followers alike
(0.b.) His "critics" are inhibited by their OWN Hate
of the nature of Life and people
(0.b.1.) (Envy)
(0.c.) Both l. ron hubbard AND his "critics" are
motivated by ENVY of the very capable and
caring (of me, for instance)
(0.d.) l. ron hubbard and his (ex-)followers' JOY of
PRETENDING "to eradicate Evil from Mankind"
(0.e.) Definition of Truth
(0.f.) A Natural Human Rights Order

1. The actual Human Rights Order

2. to 12. Explanations, Context and Comments:

2. Remembering the past is remembering the Sociopaths
who destroyed your memory of them
2.a. (Alzheimer's)
3. Denying the nature of Life and of people,
stems from HIDDEN Hate
4. Revoking also past activities supporting this
individual (Satan)
5. Protect (your) future lives, by identifying and
curbing the Sociopaths
6. It is only the Sociopaths, who are atrociously lying
about death and rebirth
7. About Satan as an individual, the beginning
8. About Satan as an individual, forcing his nature
onto others
9. About Satan and his Sociopaths, inflicting on us
their JOY of being Evil
10. Irreparable nature of Satan (l. ron hubbard)
11. What Satan (l. ron hubbard) did in the past
12. Satan mutilating the soul of others, into also
becoming possessed by his 'JOY' of being Evil
to others and to Life

Endnotes ('Textnotes'): (a) to (e)
Appendices: A. to C.
References: 39 items, including web links for these
Copyright notice: 'learnware'



(0.a.) l. ron hubbard's vampirism, his Hate of Life and of all
people and his followers alike

"He [l. ron hubbard] would give enormous praise and
admiration to someone,

(making that person convinced, l. ron hubbard is
his greatest friend and supporter)

"and then, as soon as that person had left, behind his
back, he [l. ron hubbard] would burst out into swearing
and violent hate

"...against that very same person - who had just left with
enormous praise and admiration given to him, directly and
personally by l. ron hubbard."

(quote adapted from Appendix A)


It is one of his (l. ron hubbard's) methods, to pull
the Life Energy out of a victim:

By giving great praise and admiration to the victim,
the victim WAS MADE WHOLLY UNSUSPECTING of and thus
also defenseless against the Satanic practice by
l. ron hubbard, of vampiring on the Life Energy of
people - victimized by him also in this way.


He applies THAT to ALL of his 'Scientology' adherents,
too, by telling them, that "they are extremely important
and doing the greatest work ever;" that

"they are helping him [sic] remove all evil from Mankind
and from the universe - and that, for all time to come - "

"by studying (which he calls 'duplicating') his every word
AND executing (doing) very precisely what he says:"

With those PRETENDED goals of his, "his goals for
them and for Mankind" - "for all eternity," even -

the adherents of l. ron hubbard are made WHOLLY
UNSUSPECTING of it (his goals) being the very

How much he HATES everyone of them (and all
people) - but hating them behind their back -

and how much HE REALLY HATES Life itself;

And he makes them unsuspecting of

what atrocious lies "about himself and about
his intentions for people, and about his goals
for Life and for Mankind," he tells and writes:

All his lies, that you can find in his
writings and in his lectures about
Scientology and Dianetics.


By PRETENDING to describe "his true intentions," he
HIDES from his followers - and from any naive or
uninformed reader - his tremendous Hate for Life
and for all people.

To any, even moderately endowed student of Life, however,
his Hate is very obvious.


(0.b.) His "critics" are inhibited by their OWN Hate of the
nature of Life and of people

His "critics" however, NEVER MENTION (his) Hate of Life -
because mentioning Hate - the root, the crux of the matter
(which IS l. ron hubbard's Hate - is 'too close to home'
for THEIR OWN comfort.


Many 'critics' are themselves severely immersed in
Hate, AND proud of that, too,

which (Hate and pride of Hate) keeps them spiritually
Blind (blocked from Perceiving Life and people as
these are).

They act as "critics" BECAUSE OF their OWN hidden
Hate for Life:

They HATE Life for it (life) being, by its
very nature, spiritual, and

they HATE Life for it, Life, existing ONLY
because of, and by means of Life Energy.



Their Hate of Life, is THAT severe, that they DENY
Life itself to exist:

"The soul 'does not exist'," "Life Energy
'does not exist'."

The very nature of Life itself, is tremendously
Hated by them

- oddly enough, you might say, and
I repeat this very important fact,

It is that very Hate, the Harmful Life Energy
Particles of Hate, that prevent them from
PERCEIVING what Life actually is, and what
people actually are and who people (also those
they know), really are.

They very, very literally HATE to see Life as
it is.

Some get into worshiping Buddha or
Gandhi, with methods and techniques of

that "when one can be made NOT TO FEEL
Hate existing," (when you are blocking
oneself from feeling existing Hate)

or "when you made yourself and others
wholly UNAWARE of Hate" (to exist at all)

THEN "Hate does not exist" and "does not
influence one's life."

Like: "When you make people UNAWARE
of radioactivity, then it will not
affect them"

- a statement, that will not
earn you many friends in
the city of Hiroshima (Japan).


Once again, also that, boils down to a Satanic

Putting into practice, the viewpoint, that
"it is only in someone's mind" - it is in your
imagination only, they mean - "that Life and
feelings exist or become manifest."

That Satanic "truth"

- that "Life is: whatever you
convince (yourself and others)
with certainty, that 'it is',"

"Life is an illusion," or "Life
is a game against others" -

as the Sociopaths feel "Life is."

It is a PRETENSE of Life:

Their Satanic "truth"

is completely disproven by living Life
and by using the mathematics of Life
itself: {Fine Particle Physics}. {FPP}


In other words, the "critics" of l. ron hubbard are
secretly HATEFUL of Life and people,

AND l. ron hubbard is secretly HATEFUL of Life.

- Only, l. ron hubbard (Satan) HATES LIFE AND PEOPLE to a
depth and intensity, that is well beyond your current
ability to imagine, as really existing.


(0.b.1.) (Envy)

But you can figure out something about it:

It is an interesting fact, that ALL statements by
l. ron hubbard

"about himself" and "about his goals," and
"about the aims of Scientology,"

and all his writings and lectures and actions
related to it,

savior of Mankind and the Universe.

He (being the very opposite, really, he) CAN NOT
be that of course,

but HE CAN - for some time which is now ending, he
could - PRETEND to quite a number of people, to be
"the savior of Mankind and of the Universe,"

by stealing some spiritual betterment
techniques from others (from Volney Mathison
in particular),

and by adding to it, his own INVERTED ideas

"about the soul, about people's interaction,
about life forms, about Mankind and about
the Universe"

filling the vacuum of an area - spirituality -
that the Sociopaths managed to kick OUT of
science, in order that it - spirituality -
would neither be codified nor scrutinized.

(Satanic Charisma of the tyrant)

We won't go here into the Life Energy
Particle aspect here, of how he (and any
tyrant) acquired his "Satanic Charisma."

Him actually pursuing his activities for the major
part of a life time,

may serve to give you at least some vague idea of
the CORE of his inconceivable HATE for Mankind. *(c)


(0.c.) Both l. ron hubbard AND his "critics" are motivated by
ENVY of the very capable and caring (of me, for instance)

Just like l. ron hubbard himself is motivated by ENVY for
the very capable and caring, so also do his "critics" act
out of Envy - as they prove continuously, [SFTF]

out of ENVY for very capable people, like me, who BY
NATURE ARE very capable and very decent and ARE
uncompromisingly-truthful, and ARE ACTUALLY caring:


Their ENVY shows in their 'pretending to be vastly
superior to me' - and in their studiously IGNORING or
even wholly DENYING my existence. Or if that fails, then
to ridicule, that I actually exist and that I did do work
that is very far superior to theirs

(and many have been active in, and some ordered and
did organize other Sociopaths, ACTIVELY PLOTTING

- l. ron hubbard Scientology Dirty Tricks
'Bureau One' style and direction

"in order to protect l. ron hubbard's
'reputation' meaning, their power and
control over people, based on his lies -

to get my life destroyed,

and they succeeded in completely 'eradicating me,'
in Bamberg, in September 2000.

And they wanted and organized and did so proceed,
solely BECAUSE of my competence and BECAUSE of my
vast love for people,

and BECAUSE of my doing the basic work of Human

that they were not capable of doing themselves,
let alone, willing to do, and very much less so,
also to publish

- which I however DID do:

in the RI-series, published by me indeed up
to September 2000)

but they were, and are

COMPLETELY denying my work (also my present work, the
HRI and FPP Issues - that, by 'eradicating me,' they had
hoped forever to have prevented from being created and
from seeing the light of day,

to prevent the creation of those works of Human Rights
Philosophy, of which the value for society as a whole,
can be calculated in multiples of Gross Domestic Products.


DENYING my work then and now, they are nevertheless avidly
digesting it, to distill it into their own "self-developed"
ideas and courses of action - or else in order TRY AND
REVERSE my work (to know and thus to make others do
precisely the opposite) [CMKWTT] [CMHJL]

because of their secret Hate of Life,

drenched in 'Humanistic Rationality' as some
of them call their viewpoints:

They like to think of themselves as belonging to
"the better and - most of all - the rational part"
of humanity.

Little do they know...


Again, their ENVY is quite like l. ron hubbard's ENVY of
and JEALOUSY for those of ACTUAL capability and of ACTUAL
insight and of ACTUAL care,

but his, l. ron hubbard's (Satanic) ENVY and
JEALOUSY, is of a depth and depravity, that is, once

surpassing your current ability, even to imagine it
as really existing,

let alone to fathom, and actually to feel or
sense, that such as his ENVY, JEALOUSY, AND
DEPRAVITY, ACTUALLY EXISTS and really has been
created by him and has been and is being
inflicted by him.


(0.d.) l. ron hubbard and his (ex-)followers' JOY of PRETENDING
"to eradicate Evil from Mankind"

And then we have the (ex-)followers of l. ron hubbard (of
Satan), the (ex-)Scientologists:

THESE ENJOYED TO PRETEND "to eradicate Evil from Mankind,"
TO PRETEND "to create a world without criminality, without
war and without insanity."


IF they HAD wanted that, then they would as a first
thing, have looked at and EXPOSED l. ron hubbard
and recognized him as Satan,

they would have examined and uncovered his
actual, CORRECT past (lives),

and as a second thing, they would have worked to
locate and eradicate his Harmful Life Energies, if
only those inflicted by him into themselves,

and they would have built an actual LEF-meter
that DOES register his Harmful Energies (at
5 Hz and above). [IPA]


IF they WERE ACTUALLY interested in eradicating Evil from
Mankind, they would have joined me.

to be "the ones who face and eradicate evil"

- as l. ron hubbard (Satan) had told them "they are
the only ones, who do:"

his telling them, with all kind of fancy talk and
stories of conquest, fake past lives and false
cosmologies; and

his giving them resounding titles of "planetary
this and that" and fake Navy uniforms

(and very harsh discipline and no money, so
they would not manage to leave physically
either, and if they left or let anyone leave
they "would betray Mankind itself for all

they were ENJOYING IT, to NOT AT ALL FACE the real Evil,
him, Satan, l. ron hubbard,

and most are still immersed in (his Energies, providing
them with) that Satanic JOY, of PRETENDING to each other
and to the world, that THEY want to "FACE AND REMOVE EVIL:"

They wanted to PRETEND TO REMOVE Evil,

which is obvious from the very facts of the matter:

l. ron hubbard,

which would have been - and is - THE FIRST STEP in
removing Evil from Earth and beyond.


(0.e.) Definition of Truth

Definition of Truth:

'Truth is defined in your soul, as

'That what happened - plus, who caused it, plus,
the intentions of who caused it;'

- truth then (though it can be hidden in various ways)
is absolute, it obviously can not ever be erased,
no matter how distant in time it has come to pass;

- truth further, having become part of The Creation
the moment something happened or was intended, can
forever be remembered or viewed, also by others.'


Koos Nolst Trenite
human rights philosopher and poet

That is not a theoretical definition, but a definition
borne from results (which were provided to you by me and


(0.f.) A Natural Human Rights Order

If you had sufficient knowledge about, care for and understanding of
Mankind, and of Life itself, then

you would have given this order yourself, and I would then not have
had to do so.


The order is called a Human Rights Order, because it is based on
a sufficient understanding of Human Life on Earth

- and thus of Natural Human Rights -

as found now, in the Human Rights Issues and in Fine Particle



It is thus a Natural Human Rights Order, and it reads as follows:




(1) Anyone who supports or aids or promotes the individual soul who
is last known as l. ron hubbard (L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology),

is an enemy to Mankind, to the degree of any aid, support or
promotion, that is given to or intended for that individual soul
(last known as l. ron hubbard and now easily identifiable).

This particular order can not be revoked, and remains in force
for all eternity, as explained below.



Not only sufficient data, but also sufficient understanding, has been
made available to you - and made accessible by you - to be able for
you to comply with this order,

and also to understand its additional order: of being permanent, of
being irrevocable for all time.





(2) Remembering the past is remembering the Sociopaths who destroyed
your memory of them


The order applies, retroactively, also to those who have IN THE
PAST in some way supported that individual, that soul (l. ron
hubbard or Satan),

by (as I did) not recognizing him in time,

or by wanting to be Admired by him - Admired by him FOR
NOT recognizing him as he is, or FOR executing his Evil -

or by wanting to ENJOY the flow of his unrestrained,
unbridled and successful Evil - Evil cleverly hidden and
thus un-recognized or un-opposed -

and by contributing to that Evil. [ODE]


Having in some way supported him IN THE PAST, naturally does
INCLUDE such times and circumstances of support, you having
given to him in any past lives:

To be only aware of your current life time, is an extremely
UNNATURAL condition, that is being forced upon you by the

Imagine for a moment, that you are being allowed ONLY THE
MEMORY OF THE PRESENT DAY, to be accessible to you.

That means also, that someone who yesterday knocked
you over and stole all your money, is not recognized
by you now, because "you have no recollection of


It is NOT LESS UNNATURAL and not less harmful, to have forced
upon you, FALSE "past lives" "of yourself" and "of others."

Actual past lives are as valid as your present life or
any other existence of you [PLDHD]

- regardless of your loss of memory of

(you are currently lacking the Life Energy
with which to remember - to feel and connect
to - some or much or even all of your past
lives, resulting likely in your failure to
recognize or know)

WHO those Criminal Minds (the Sociopaths) are,
that existed (obviously, also) in your past lives.


And of particular interest are of course those
Sociopaths, who have taken away and keep taking
away, your Life Energy

(that specific, Connecting-type Life Energy,
that you use, for your Perception of the past
and thus)

for remembering your own past.

(2.a.) (Alzheimer's)

Those who have become Alzheimer's victims, would
be particularly interested in detecting WHO are
those Sociopaths.


So, quite vital - and literally vital of
course - would be TO REMEMBER AND ALSO TO
RECOGNIZE those very Sociopaths,

who are constantly taking away (smashing away,
pulling away) Life Energy from you and from
your body.

Which they CAN do in the first place
because they have 'installed' (inflicted)
Weak Spots and Blind Spots in you and
in your body's Life Energy structures,

by means of past-life infliction
of atrocities on you,

intending (and likely resulting in)
the slow death of your body, as by
the infliction of pain, and then
occasionally drugs "to do you the
favor of not feeling the pain,"

while at the same time intending
to inflict severe damage into your
soul, of the hypnotic kind - on and
on till they can't keep your body
alive anymore.

Such are the Sociopaths... no respect
for life or people, whatsoever. People
are just toys, or batteries, for them.


It is the lack of Life Energy for detecting
Sociopaths, that then results in, what we are
supposed to call "modern scientific thinking,"
"academic research," or "true rationality:"

Where adolescents and adults alike, must
"rationally" believe - and are taught in
school, college and university - that

"their own Life Energy does not exist."

The Life Energy Structure of their own
BODY, is not even pointed out (much less
that of other living organisms).

With the result, that a curriculum
in 'How to make people miserable,
sick, and stupid about any bad
condition they may have,'

is taught in only seven years of
mainstream Medical Study - under
the guise of calling it "helping
people." *(a)




(3) Denying the nature of Life and of people, stems from HIDDEN Hate


It is not difficult to understand these Sociopaths - the
Bill Nye's and Carl Sagan's who so loudly "demand science
and rationality" -

their PERSISTENT AND LOUD DENIAL of the nature of Life and
the nature of people - which includes denying their own
nature - (their denial) is born from Hate for Life, Hate
for people, and Hate for themselves.

Examining their very public denial, but most of all
nature itself of Life and people

- and that includes a 'not-blunt' but instead
a "clever," "spiritually educated" denial of
the ACTUAL nature of Life:

by those people, who use "spiritual
knowledge" to give you a FALSE past

in order to PREVENT you and
themselves from facing their REAL

(and in particular to make you NOT FACE
any real Sociopaths in your past)

a "clever" denial of the correct, ACTUAL PAST,
as well as of the correct, ACTUAL IDENTITY of

PRETENDING also a FALSE past "to exist"
of Mankind, and of Earth,

all of which results again in denying the
ACTUAL nature of Life,

examining all that, (when you examine all that) then

an - extremely valuable and very workable - fact
does jump into view:


It is out of HATE - they are denying the actual nature of
Life - out of (because of) Hate for themselves

(for themselves being spiritual by their very nature
- which THEY HATE),

and Hate for Life itself (Life being spiritual by its very
nature - which they HATE):

The spiritual nature of people, obviously, DOES
include their correct, ACTUAL past lives

- and the Sociopaths HATE that. [PLDHD]


Individuals who keep on DENYING their own and others'
correct past lives,

also those individuals, who do persist in PRETENDING
and offering FALSE "past lives" for themselves or
for others,

also those who keep offering a FALSE "past" for
Mankind in general, (like the Big Bang, etc.)

which IS a form of denying the past, really,
BY substituting it with a FALSE "past", [PLDHD]

such individuals ACT OUT OF (hidden) HATE:

Why else would one even WANT to deny one's actual
past... or want to replace it with a FALSE one.


It IS HATE for themselves, that compels them to DENY...

...the biggest and most interesting and most
important part of themselves and of others:

one's past, which is really huge!

But instead of examining their OWN past lives
- their OWN history, that is - some people dig
into family trees and ancestry:

By "examining their roots" in genealogy, they
pretend to examine but in fact they DENY their
own or others' actual past-lives as a soul, as
a spiritual being

- which is however not tied to ancestry,
though a soul may try to get re-born
into the same family. [FPL]


They feel HATE towards being correctly aware - which often
compels them to violent, malicious or criminal behavior.

And (to destroy that reality - to destroy their own
correct awareness of themselves) they might work up a rage,

even, to oppose merely being REMINDED, that it IS POSSIBLE
FOR ANYONE to go and correctly remember things,

that is, to remember whatever actually happened in
their past (lives), and what was done by whom to
others, in any past (lives). [FPL]

Not surprisingly, you will detect Hate-Energy surrounding
them, which of itself is (a wall of Particles) Blocking
them from feeling (things and people) correctly.


And if it is Hate inflicted ONTO them

(rather than self-generated Hate, which
is intended by themselves - but when it
is inflicted ONTO them),

and if they don't hold on to it too hard,

then you can - or they themselves may want to,
and can by themselves - REMOVE that Hate

which consists simply of Harmful Life
Energy PARTICLES and which can thus be

By detecting these Particles and their

- by observing, looking at, sensing,
feeling, Perceiving the actual
existence of (the absolute Truth
of) actual Hate Particles,

and that includes also, WHO actually
inflicted or inflicts these -

thereby you are likely to neutralizes
and dissolves those PARTICLES.

In this case, you might correctly
say, that it is the Absolute Truth
that may set you free.

Detecting and seeing what is
actually there - the Absolute
Truth of it.

It has nothing to do with
faith - unless the faith
coincides with the Absolute
Truth of what is there.




(4) Revoking also past activities supporting this individual (Satan)


So the Human Rights Order applies, retroactively, also to those
who have IN THEIR PAST in some way supported that individual,
that soul,

and that includes those past lives in which you or someone
else may have been TRICKED into supporting - OR FORCED
INTO supporting - the mentioned soul,

who is now known as l. ron hubbard and can now be
studied and referred to as such.


Obviously this Human Rights Order applies to the extent, that
someone does NOT revoke, or refuses to revoke and to denounce,
support that was given in the past for that individual (for that
soul, for that spirit), [CDOS]

naturally including any support one may have given to that
individual in the past of past lives.

By definition, your past lives are not less lived, and
not with less future conditions created by you then - of
course - as much as you do create future conditions also
now, in your present life time.

It is all very down-to-Earth, and nothing mysterious at


If you don't detect and curb the influence of Sociopaths (also
from your past lives), then these may very well again ruin your
life - and possibly remain undetected at the start of your NEXT
life time, as well.

People who keep DENYING their own and others' FUTURE
lives to even exist, are equally immersed in HATE
of themselves and of others, and of Life itself,

obviously by REFUSING to embrace Life and refusing
to care for Life, for their own life, and for the
life of others,

expressing as they do, their "Beautiful JOY of
Hating Life," with obscene phrases like 'YOLO'
or "You Only Live Once."




(5) Protect (your) future lives, by identifying and curbing the


Example: (not destroying slavery)

If the people of China and of South Korea do NOT destroy
North Korea's horror regime and its slavery,

then people (of China and South Korea, or people of Japan,
and further away, of ANY country, ANY person) including




(about your future, your next life time)
On the matter of rebirth, you have to study Life YOURSELF

...RATHER THAN wanting to have the Sociopaths or their
followers and pupils, including ALL mediums or psychics,
"explain Life" and "teach spirituality" to you or to your

If you study Life YOURSELF, you would come up with
examples like the above, about (also your) future lives.

NEVER accept "explanations" or "understanding" - from even
the biggest expert - ONLY accept their DATA, their OWN and
correct observations.


If you do indeed examine the very AVAILABLE data

(and do REJECT ALL prevalent "explanations" or
"understanding" of the data)

on the subject of life and death and birth again, then
you will find, as I did - by thorough research of ALL
available data - you will find, that

THERE IS NO "automatic," "Divine," "Cosmic" nor "Karmic" Justice
or "Karma," AT ALL - neither after death nor at re-birth,
not in being blessed with health and wealth, and not with the
opposite, of being stricken with disability or illness etc.


That you feel, you may want to have people who deserve
it, punished, is not part of the Energy of Life. [DGC]

If you do feel punishment must be inflicted as a form
of "Justice" towards someone, and if you even feel like
taking revenge,

it is probably, what the Sociopaths themselves have forced
you to think or to feel as "doing Justice:"

Like this: "'RATIONALLY,' you must inflict suffering
and pain now, onto 'someone who deserves it,' and
'for whom it is good, to feel that suffering, now'."
[DOJ], [HRD-01]

Crime PREVENTION or CONTAINMENT of crime, is a wholly
different subject, in which DETERRENTS and BARRIERS
are used.


If you DO study history (which includes of course your and
others' CORRECT past lives), you will find, that

there is NO "automatic" Justice whatsoever, or "Karma" as
some like to call it: IT DOES NOT EXIST - it does not
exist for anyone, regardless of what you may wish, that
"there should be."


Why do bodies of spiritual knowledge, like Buddhism
and Hinduism and also their off-shoots like New Age

(why do their adherents) NEVERTHELESS assert entirely
FALSE ideas about cycles of 'death and birth'

as "providing Justice" for Earthly crimes or for one's
shortcomings in Life?

WHY do they ALL pretend a completely fictitious
spiritual "evolution," and why do they claim,
that you must pursue an 'end goal' of an entirely
undefined "enlightenment" or even "annihilation"

- ENTIRELY FALSE ideas as these are,
AND CREATED, DESIGNED, to enslave any
and all:

out of one's own free will to
enslave oneself... while calling
it "liberation."


Well, you haven't even asked yourself those questions,
(you have been very not-'mindful' - indeed)

mindlessly, you have ACCEPTED all those FALSE ideas
from Hinduism or Buddhism, [IPEHAB],[PEHAB]

AND YOU PASS THEM ON "to show off your spiritual
knowledge" and "in order to be part of the spiritual
'in-crowd' (to show the 'New Age' people, how
"spiritually-educated" you are)."


The answer about why they pass on all those false ideas,
is simple, however - if you know it:


Their FALSE assertion of ideas

"about Life," and "about the past," and "about the
future," and "about cycles of life and death" -
their very FALSE ideas and assumptions about it,


and to PREVENT you from detecting these individuals (the
Criminal Minds, or, meaning the same, the Sociopaths):

The Sociopaths want, that you DO NOT understand
Life as it is, and

these want you WRONGLY to "understand Life."




(6) It is only the Sociopaths, who are atrociously lying about death
and rebirth


There is nothing esoteric or mystical about death, and then
about birth again after death:

You do it all the time - anyone does it all the time. And the
data about it, IS ALSO available - in great abundance - to be
studied, examined and tested.

Indeed the matter is as simple, as can be.


BUT the Sociopaths do exactly HATE THAT:

that all the relevant data IS available and CAN very
simply be examined, and tested.

The ugly Sociopaths, like James Randi, and the "beautiful"
Sociopaths, like Bill Nye and Carl Sagan, and Sociopaths
all the way down in history to Roman times and beyond,

these individuals HATE those data to be available.

They - being Sociopaths - shamelessly claim, that "there
is no conclusive evidence." And they DENY the data even
to exist. Nevertheless:

The data has always been available - and widely
since the printing press was invented and used
several centuries ago.

The Sociopaths however, continue callously,
atrociously and maliciously to shout:

etc., etc..

However, the matter is as simple as can be.


Suppose for a moment, that you worked to build the Eiffel tower
in a previous life time of yours. Then it - the Eiffel Tower -
is still standing there now, isn't it:

It did not disappear, when your body died, right? You did
something in your past, and the effect of it is still quite
visible now, and experienced now by many people, including
by yourself.

Another example:

If you wrote a book in your past life, with "a glowing
account of support" for (the soul and the work of) the
individual who is the object of this Human Rights Order,
about l. ron hubbard (Satan),

then your book (and possibly its influence) may of course

- you might be willing to admit -

as your creation of possible support for the individual,
in this case for the soul last known as l. ron hubbard.

The book you wrote, does not "automatically erase,
at the moment of your death."

What you did in your past lives, DOES LIVE ON.


Also, the MEMORY of what happened in the past (see
Definition of Truth, above) CAN NOT BE ERASED, ever:

Whatever happened, is now part of The Creation, and
remains so forever, and can thus be viewed by anyone
who comes across that data, or searches for it. It
can not be erased.


Not surprising it is then, that the Sociopaths
DO DENY the very existence of The Creation

and they replace it - Satanically so - with:

"It is whatever is in your Mind" and "It is,
what is agreed upon with others to exist also
in their Mind"

- and that is indeed, how l. ron hubbard
(Satan himself) wants to "define"
The Creation.


The Sociopaths want to 'DISMANTLE' Life

- at least to dismantle people's
Perception of Life, of others and of

and thereby to influence the things
that people feel and do -

to 'REPLACE' Life as it actually is, with
'whatever it pleases the Sociopaths to
project, that "Life is",' and like the
mentioned TV personalities, to "educate"
others, "what Life is," according to the
prevailing Sociopaths.


The Sociopaths (surprise, surprise) - VIOLATE the
'Definition of Truth:'

They DENY - often very intelligently, always
with intent to confuse - they deny the simple
truth of things in life and about people,

things that you- correctly - define as being
The Truth:

What DID happen and who DID really bring
it about, and out of what intention it
was done.

To connect to, whatever happened - and thus to feel
and know and see and examine it again - does define
'using your memory,'

and when you sufficiently control enough of your
Perception-connection type Life Energy, then you
can remember anything again, that you wish to


Using the Definition of Truth - as it is embedded in your soul
and in anyone's soul - and as I did grasp and use it,

you can find out what happened in the past, (also in the distant

Examining that, you will find as follows, as I did too:




(7) About Satan as an individual, the beginning


Satan is not merely 'a concept of Evil,' or 'an Evil Energy,'
but Satan is an actual individual, a soul, named 'The Dark Soul'
because he has decided at some time,

out of motives commonly underlying basic, self-generated
sociopathy, (with motives)

such as Envy and Hate

- Envying and then Hating others for THEM having
tremendous abilities and for THEM being capable
of experiencing extraordinary Joy from living
Life -

and then to make a decision to destroy FOR OTHERS, 'what
he himself can't have and can't enjoy experiencing,'

just like any ordinary bully does too,

and calling that - destroying others' Joy of Life - and
his experience of stopping people from enjoying their
Life - calling THAT


...BY DESTROYING people's JOY of Life and subduing their
tremendous abilities

- destroying that in whatever "clever," deceitful
or else in forceful ways -

where 'Life is a game of overwhelming others,'

(that is how this individual, l. ron hubbard, does
actually expresses in writing his viewpoint on
Life, in his 'Scientology game,' with his "Axioms
about Life" - by which "good and evil, beauty and
ugliness, DO NOT EXIST, other than as however he
pleases to consider, it is")

to be actively Insane and Destructive of Life.


With a decision originating (made by him) much, much longer ago,
than some Earth myths claim,

this individual soul - who then of course became known as
'Satan' or 'Darkening Soul' - decided

to "seek his joy in destroying The Creation,"

and "wanting to be 'senior to The Creation' (or 'senior to God,'
if you like)," "senior to it" BY DESTROYING IT,

AND he was not leaving it at that, but - can you imagine -

he set out and organized, to DESTROY (the ABILITY of others to
create and enjoy Life, in)

as many souls as he could capture by whatever means,

as he did to people in their distant spiritual past, which
is likely also your distant spiritual past.


He himself, the soul you called Satan, now l. ron hubbard,
in his latest life's work, in 'Scientology'

he now is not entirely hiding it, (but he declares
it to be "confidential data" and he even registered
it as "a Scientology Trade Secret"), that is,

he does not hide, THAT a malicious intention "to
destroy Life" had indeed come to life in an
individual in some distant past;

and he does not hide, THAT intense havoc has been
inflicted on a vast amount of people by an individual
at that time.

(Again: Truth, defined as 'that what happened,'
is available for viewing, for all time to come,
to anyone, as it has become part of
The Creation.)


But l. ron hubbard (Satan) claims, in all the secrecy
he can muster, "to reveal the secret of the universe,
that he alone could discover without dying from looking
at it." And he then claims,

THAT 'a malicious intention "to destroy very many
souls," had originated in and was executed by an
individual some 74 million years ago,'

which "happens to coincide" with the time HE made
that decision and executed it, in order

"to be above The Creation or above God, by being
against it, BY destroying it,"

to destroy people's ability to enjoy Life and
instead, to make his victims enjoy going AGAINST
Life, to be Evil. [ODE]

(That decision he DOES hide - but it is,
from all his Scientology writings and
"Axioms about Life," anyway quite obvious).

In his highly secret writings in Scientology about
it, which "if revealed, would make a person die,"
and thus must be kept secret at all cost (a typical
Science Fiction story plot)

which nowadays however is very far from secret, and
can be found all over the Internet. In his story

he himself now is placing the start of it at some
74 million years ago (his attempt at destruction of
The Creation, "his destruction of God").


To "destroy God" - to bring about that effect in
many people - he actually did find out and devised
ways and means to do so,

by inflicting EXTREME anguish and vicious,
Life Energetic damage onto the soul of captured
people, he used ways and means of

BLOCKING OFF people's soul-CONNECTION to the Source
of the Life Energy of The Creation (which may
correctly be named 'God']. [GNEH]

The illusion of "Destroying God," may be produced by
Blocking someone's Life Energy (feeling-)connection
to the Source Energy of The Creation, to God.

It is the most horrible crime that can be
committed on anyone. But what else do you expect
of Satan...



And he does indeed place the start of his destruction
in that time period.

He intended to divulge at least the time-frame with
some accuracy,

BECAUSE it shows up strongly ANYWAY, when one does
look at that distant past,

especially when one looks with a Perception Aide [IPA]

even with the crude and severely limiting device
called the 'E-Meter,'

the invention and its therapy that was stolen
by l. ron hubbard from Volney Mathison, and is

used in Scientology therapy, for instance to
locate and zoom into memory connections.


A Perception Aide: [IPA]

The Life Energy Particle flows in and around
the body, change constantly. These may show
very strong, sudden and rapid FLUCTUATIONS

in particular upon contacting the
Energies of very significant memories,
or when finding very strong, connecting
Life Energy bundles to or from other

These strong fluctuations of Life Energy,
directly bring about corresponding fluctuations
in the simple electrical resistance of the body
certain spots of the body, such as the hand palm.

A Life Energy Fluctuation meter (a LEF-meter,
see [IPA], etc.) measures those corresponding
electrical fluctuations,

which show up when you connect with your
thoughts to your own - or to someone
else's - also distant past. (Your
thoughts ARE Life Energy Particles.)



And because the mentioned time period is likely to
show up EVEN on the crude and severely limiting
E-meter used in Scientology by the followers of
l. ron hubbard,

he does indeed place the beginning, the start of the
soul-destruction (that he HIMSELF created and
inflicted and then spread to billions of people):

"Something very, very bad happened to you and to others,
about 74 million years ago," [GNEH]



And to hide further, that it is himself who did it, he
spins a tale - like any other criminal does too - very
deliberately to mislead followers and anyone else who
would encounter those memories.

He is 'handling' the obvious threat of exposure of his
identity as Satan and of his distant past acts against

After he has completely taken control of their thoughts
about him, by making them 'Clear,' [RDSC] he does tell
his followers "to look" at it 'but only under his very
strict control and secrecy:'

"They should examine a distant time period of great
spiritual damage to them and Mankind," but

ONLY at THE STORY, that he has spun about it, "with
volcanoes and hydrogen bombs," "used as tools to damage
and compress souls into 'clusters' of souls"

- all of it serving TO MISLEAD AND HIDE how souls can be
ACTUALLY damaged, and WERE actually damaged by him and
by his crew of Sociopaths.

Not surprisingly, his followers, while severely
misdirected and confused as instructed, and under
total control by him (looking for "volcanoes,
hydrogen bombs and clusters of compressed souls"),

they are strictly controlled and forbidden to
compare notes with each other, let alone to
divulge anything at all to anyone, also privately.


He even used the legal system of our
civilization - whenever our civilization
can be used to protect and hide his Evil:

The SECRECY of his tale and his "instructions
for looking at it,"

was formalized by registering these as
'Trade Secrets.'

Nowadays these are found all over the Internet,
and confirmed as genuine.

In fact - by the Scientology Copyright owners
prosecuting opponents who published these
'Trade Secrets' - the law courts had to verify,
that these were indeed

the actual, real Scientology writings by
l. ron hubbard himself,

by a criminal (l. ron hubbard or Satan) in
desperate fear of being found out, and
believing to have provided the methods of
successfully hiding himself "eternally" -
hiding at least from his, so thoroughly
hypnotized followers.


He invites his 'Clear' (highly hypnotized) [RDSC]
followers, to "look at it"

- which is in fact a 'preemptive (preventive)
strike' against his followers, it is his attack
on them,

to knock out any attempt at CORRECT recall
(correct memory) of what DID happen, of WHO
caused the devastation and with what INTENTION -

he invites his followers (when these have arrived to do
his Scientology hypnotic Upper Level of 'O.T. III'),
with extreme control by him (by his organization)

to "look at" an upheaval very distant in time, 74 million
years ago, while he has ALREADY knocked out their sense
of time, places and actions, by means of his entirely
false doctrines and lectures and books with "Whole Track"
(distant past) "data"

- and you might remember in passing, that the most
famous and most intelligent Sociopath on Earth,
Albert Einstein, has already wiped out all
POSSIBILITY of correct memory, by declaring time
to be "relative,"

in order that people can not remember the
time when his, Einstein's Sociopathy began.


l. ron hubbard forces, with his organization, TOTAL
SECRECY (very strictly enforced secrecy) on his followers
when these "look" at that time period. They are allowed
"to look,"

ONLY after they have been prepared (very thoroughly
hypnotized with many Scientology therapy courses
"completed" and "verified" beforehand)

WAY, will get even an INKLING of suspecting him, of
suspecting l. ron hubbard, as the actual perpetrator,
as Satan.

"The greatest friend of Mankind," "their true
spiritual shepherd" explains to them, that

"they will likely die a horrible death"

"UNLESS thoroughly prepared by his Scientology
therapy, training and guidance" for looking at
that distant time.

In his criminally false narrative about that distant time,
he depicts himself, l. ron hubbard, as being "the only
hero in the whole history of the Universe, who could look
at that time, and did look at that time, WITHOUT dying from
looking at it" - "but he almost broke his spine, by looking."
[Ron's Journal '67 - 'The Wall of Fire']


All those elaborate lies are created by the perpetrator,
l. ron hubbard, the pathological liar, better to hide
himself, and with more conviction to blame "someone else,"
with lies about himself, like:

"Look, I am the ONLY ONE capable of finding this out,

"and it was ME who did find out, that something
atrocious did happen to all of us, 74 million years

"So now YOU must believe, that I DID NOT DO IT,"

and "now you must also believe, that events at that
time, DID happen AS I SAY these did happen."

He so heavily drugged himself, "to remember
the past better," that he could not even spin
a vaguely coherent story about it,

so much was he focused on "displaying
himself as the biggest hero of all of
Mankind in all of the history of the
whole of the Universe,"

which - making himself thought
of as THE hero of the Universe
and Mankind - was his real and
main concern. [ibidem]

But the more atrocious his lies were, the more
eagerly his followers - well hypnotized into
not even WANTING to sense the truth - (they)
gobbled it up (swallowed it).

They paid LARGE sums of money to him,
in order to be allowed by him, to get
Scientology access to his "secret story"

and to then further ruin themselves
spiritually by doing the Scientology
"therapy," to place him - Satan, of all
people - on the throne as "the hero of
the Universe."


Some followers inadvertently did however
address, with the very crude 'Scientology'
E-meter to steer their Perception, run into
some actual places and times of Harm inflicted
upon their soul, ANYWAY.

DESPITE Satan l. ron hubbard's entirely
false and also really idiotic tales which
he intended to 'throw them off the scent.'

a few people NEVERTHELESS did contact SOME
Harmful Energies connected to that distant

After all, they had spent much time and
money and were very DETERMINED to
improve themselves, no matter what, and

out of sheer determination and will to
improve as much as they could, even in
those very averse circumstances, and
with very false instructions,

(they sensed) SOMETHING,

WITHOUT allowing themselves however
- thoroughly hypnotized as they are -
to see any details,

never of course even considering
the actual perpetrators (l. ron
hubbard and his crew of Sociopaths)

in the EXTREMELY toxic, strictly
controlled environment of 'Scientology'

- which after all, IS Satan's current
life work, to exalt himself and be
admired and followed and freely
vampiring on his followers' Life

and also now using THAT Life Energy
to inflict his malice (intensely
Harmful Life Energy) onto anyone.
(see The Dead Files, to get an idea
of what he inflicts now)



(8) About Satan as an individual, forcing his nature onto others


In fact, the start of his own Evil decision, and his acts
TO DESTROY as much of Life anywhere, as he could, [GNEH]

and to make the destruction of Life, as permanent
and as irreversible,

and to make Life as atrocious, and as ugly,
and as unaware,

as he could manage to make it,

and forcibly to imbue and 'IMPLANT' in the soul of as many
people, as he could get a hold of and capture, to IMPLANT
into their soul,

the "JOY" of destroying Life and The Creation,

also to make people forever UNAWARE of what happened
to them and others, and more critically important,
forever to prevent AWARENESS of WHO did what with
what intention to them and others:

to make people UNAWARE of what he started

about 74 million years ago. [GNEH]


Since that distant decision, he endeavored to use his
intelligence in a Rage with all his Violence and Hate

(and those whose soul he had already managed to fully
mutilate - so that these had become what we call
Sociopaths - his now enthusiastic servants aided him)

to mutilate the soul of as many people as he managed to capture,

to destroy their Beauty and Love,

and to Implant in their soul, that "THEY ARE HATED BY GOD," thus
disconnecting them from (the Source Life Energy of) The Creation.
*(e) [NDG]

The Creation's Source Energy or 'God', which anyone
is naturally part of, and should be connected to,
to function well and enjoy Life [NDG]

- but exactly that is, what he DISCONNECTED
in people -

their CONNECTION to vast Love, to vast Beauty, and to
unfettered Truth.

Those captive, with their soul so "treated," became, and are
forever remaining, what you now call Sociopaths or Criminal

those WHO ENJOY TO BE EVIL, to inflict Evil, and to take
away the Life Energy of others. [ODE]




(9) About Satan and his Sociopaths, inflicting on us their JOY of
being Evil


The so mutilated souls ENJOY to be Evil, and it unfortunately
makes no difference, in their malicious emanations (of Harmful
Energy), whether they are alive (are living), or deceased souls:

(whether they are born, currently in a body, incarnate -
or not: like being dead, being deceased souls, being
currently not born, not incarnate now)

they ANYWAY are projecting their Harmful Energy or Evil, and

exertion of that "JOY" (in fact, when they are deceased - like
l. ron hubbard or Satan, now is - they are then much less
restrained by social and physical barriers):

They create and inflict their Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES

(to inflict horrible feelings, panic attacks, ugly
thoughts, unawareness, accidents, pains, unbearable
itching, sneezing, belly aches, etc., etc.)

onto you and others, or at and into your body.

And into other people's body too, of course. And regardless
of the victim's age, you might be willing to consider:
Also on children or babies of any age. Did you ever see
a baby crying "without any reason for it"?). [DPFI]


But the Sociopaths and their adherents, will teach
you - and some are teaching you "rationally," and
"scientifically" -

that "it is something entirely different" than what
it is:

that what you feel, or what your body feels
" something entirely different," than
what it simply is: Harmful Life Energy
inflicted by someone.

Their "rational science" helps the Sociopaths
to make you into (medical) drug addicts, or
otherwise to ruin your life, or that of your
friends or family.

They have made you, and keep you ...very Insane and
very suffering,

where 'Insane' is DEFINED in the natural way,

'(You) assigning the wrong cause to some
condition (of yours or of others).' [DOI]





(10) Irreparable nature of Satan (l. ron hubbard)


Due to the proven nature of the soul last called l. ron hubbard,
being persistent since the very distant past and up to the very

- he is more widely known (though in quite confused ways)
as the soul called Satan, or Shaitan or 'The Dark Soul,'

named for his ability and practice of producing and
inflicting Darkening (Black) Life Energy Particles


the Darkening type of Harmful Life Energy that inflicts
Unawareness (Blackness Particles, spiritual Darkness),
that blocks Perception and Connection to something or
to everything.

And due indeed to his being unresponsive to any therapy or remedy
at all,

this particular Human Rights Order CAN NOT BE REVOKED:

TIME TO COME, to anyone. (see Definition of Truth, above)




(11) What Satan (l. ron hubbard) did in the past


Accounts of what happened, have been made available by me
to you and have been made understandable enough to you,
by me,

accounts starting from the very beginning, [GNEH]

which is when this individual decided to create his
own condition of 'the Joy of being Evil'

- unheard of, and at that time unimaginable,
for anyone even to consider, let alone

to DESIRE and then to also PRACTICE a 'Joy
of being Evil' to others - [ODE]

and that not only for himself but - "in order to
go against and destroy The Creation" -

to inflict and horribly to IMPLANT the same condition,
of 'the Joy of being Evil to others,'

(I reported to you, accounts of that, with
[GNEH] and many surrounding publications -
about his Implanting Evil permanently)

INTO THE SOUL of as many people as he could capture
and mutilate the soul of.

'To be Evil' has no limit

(there IS NO bottom, no 'red line' at
which he, or any Sociopath, would stop
being Evil - for instance by stopping
torturing you or others)

and so he and his aids have inflicted his
soul-mutilations ALSO on the most vulnerable,
on unborn babies, on a large scale, to "create"
spiritual followers and fighters to attack
normal people.

And you know, that many Sociopaths (such
as those pleasing Darwin etc.) do claim,
that "souls do not exist:"


Mutilated as the Sociopaths have these souls, many
Sociopaths now claim, that "souls do not exist"

"so these can also not have been mutilated by them,
you see...."

The SOCIOPATHS and their adherents, call that
"rational" - well, from their viewpoint, it
certainly seems "rational," to DENY their crimes,

perpetrated as recently as in ancient-Egypt:

soul-Implanting by Satan and his priests who
were inflicting "eternal death" etc., (as I
reported to you earlier and quite extensively)

they turned people (you and me) into unknowing,
eternal spiritual slaves to the Sociopaths,

turned spiritually into their unknowing
slaves, with gruesome irreversibility,

supplying them, the Sociopaths, with your Life
Energy - as if we are their batteries.

That goes hand in glove with the Sociopaths'
and Satan's (l. ron hubbard's) current activity
of robbing people of essential Life Energies,

extracting, smashing away from you, such
ESSENTIAL Soul Energies as your native
Beauty and your JOY-of-Life Energy. *(b)




(12) Satan mutilating the soul of others, into also becoming
possessed by his 'JOY' of being Evil to others and Life


We are talking about Satan's most gruesome, widely
enforced and copied acts of 'Enjoying to be Evil to
others,' and 'to block, to mutilate or to uglify
the Life of others,'

as Satan, the soul of the deceased l. ron hubbard,
does act out his Evil JOY ALSO now, without ever
stopping to INFLICT his Harmful Energy (reported to
you frequently, and in detail).


It is most simply described, as 'his irreversible
contempt for Life and for people' (which you know
to be the case in ANY Sociopath).

"Solving problems" for people in such a way,
as to HIDE his Joy of Being Evil to people.

Inventing and justifying the infliction of
atrocities, with "Life is just a game,"

"Solving over-population" by mass
extermination of people - in fact,
to obtain the Life Energy of those

for his own use and for his "crew"
of Sociopaths:

The "Joy" of mass extermination of Life

- as we have seen it, on a very much
smaller scale, repeated here during
the last World War, by such as
Heinrich Himmler,

who happens to be spiritually
a very close companion of Satan,
of l. ron hubbard. [SHFHA]


The 'unimaginable' becomes understandable, when you
recognize it as described earlier:

The fundamental is his Hate of The Creation,

which then culminated

in his destroying whole, populated planets,
blowing these up (as [possibly] the Asteroid
Belt was too once a planet [or part of one]),

or destroying the atmosphere of a planet, as
it was done to our planet Mars,

for the only "reason," that the population is (was)
alive AND is (was) very beautiful AND very happy.


THAT being the only thing, that he has ever wanted to do, and
ever will want to do;

now he concocted Scientology to make people not never
even SUSPECT his actual intentions (the individual, Satan,
l. ron hubbard's) intentions to dominate and rule all minds

once AGAIN to overwhelm and dominate all people
that he can get a hold of;


AND not himself responding to any approach or therapy whatsoever,
since ever and now,

thus - explained in simplest of words and facts -

this particular Human Rights Order CAN NOT BE REVOKED.



Wholly his opposite,

and arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful, and
most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30




(a) The Sociopaths have developed a whole 'sub-culture' based on
that DENIAL of the nature of LIFE AND PEOPLE - they claim a
"non-existence" of, what after all, IS Life itself and what
DOES make all its activities:

Life Energy.

The "rational" Sociopaths are strongly denying Life. They
compulsively (neurotically driven, they) try to REPLACE your
feelings and your thoughts and your perception, with photons
and with neuron molecules.

Their books and articles intending to harm your life,
with what in fact is 'anti-science,' does fill a large
University library.

Their effort, the work and money they commandeer (demand)
from the society, is astronomical. And they are proud of

They DENY the nature of your own body, consisting as it
does, of Life Energy structures that intend to control
and usually succeed in controlling, the molecules in your


The Sociopaths created an 'anti-culture' of DENYING 'ALL THAT IS'
- all that exists ANYWAY, regardless of their denial, and that
so vitally exists -

they DENY, with books telling you, and "proving" to you
and to anyone willing to absorb it, that "Life consists of
molecules" (as REPLACEMENT of Life Energy).

They have their own "sciences" - "medicine," "neurology,"
"neurobiology," etc. - with their own Associations and lobbying
Institutes, with their own "journals" and (equally Sociopathic)
"science journalists:"

An 'anti-culture' of Sociopaths and their admirers, who
VERY ACTIVELY DESTROY knowledge of Life,

and who thus destroy your Life, and anyone's Life.

Well, what else would you expect of Sociopaths and from their
avid supporters...


(b) In this light, you might start to view some ugly people as
in actuality being victims of such horrible 'soul-theft.'

On the other hand, you might come to view as perpetrators,
some "beautiful" people who took Beauty Life Energy from
others and work with it, presenting it as "their own


However, observing your veneration for the very Ugly
Sociopath Stephen Hawking (who is called a "physicist"
by those who obviously hate actual physics most),

and on the same side, your equally undying adulation for
the "Beautiful" Life Energy Vampires Beyoncé or Michael

allows the unpleasant conclusion, that your Awareness is
hardly up to telling THE DIFFERENCE

between intentional Ugliness with ugly lies, from Stephen
Hawking - as an ugly Sociopath intentionally being ugly
and lying only,

and on the same side, the stolen "Beauty" and "talent"
that is shown off by 'Sacha Fierce' Beyoncé, and by
'Jesus Juice' and 'Love you More' Michael Jackson

- or by the painter Van Gogh, for that matter -

PRETENDING it to be "their 'OWN, self-created' beauty
and talent Energy," as it is shown off to you, by
on-the-surface-"beautiful" Sociopaths.


(c) Like: He orders and buys a Requiem from Mozart, and then,
by projecting vast amounts of Hate Energy into Mozart's
body, he manages to kill off Mozart.

This greatly satisfies his Hate.

And it also satisfies his Envy, because he then organizes
a concert in which he presents that composition (the
Requiem by Mozart), as "being his own brilliant work of
musical composition."

(Of his Evil plan, the last part failed, though - as you


(d) And 'Faith Healing' or 'Miracles' are as "miraculous" as
thunder and lightning, and need as much faith, as
predicting the tide of the sea coming to shore:

Both 'Faith Healing' and 'Miracles' are simply the handling
of Life Energy PARTICLES that, after all, make up all of
Life AND matter too. {Fine Particle Physics}

It has nothing at all to do with faith, but the Sociopaths
DENY it, by calling it "faith."

And if you don't want to know how it works, then even a
flashlight might be called a "miracle."


(e) With this knowledge, the Dutch phrase "Van God Los"
- 'Disconnected From God' - and the corresponding title
of the movie and TV-series, can actually be taken quite



Appendix A:

Sara Northrup's testimony (in Bent Corydon's book) about her living
with l. ron hubbard, as her husband abusing and dominating her love.

Her descriptions classify l. ron hubbard as an EXTREME

and I would venture to say, that he is on a level
with more widely known EXTREME, charismatic-type
Sociopaths such as Iraq's Saddam Hussein,
Russia's Stalin, Yuri Andropov and Lenin, and
Romania's Ceausescu, Palestine's Arafat,
Libya's Qaddafi, China's Mao, and the like.


Sara Northrup:

' "Ron couldn't handle stress. He'd go insane under stress. He had
an extremely violent temper.

"But he was also capable of being extremely charming.


"When lecturing, he was always his charming self....You'd never know
he had any problems at all, when he was on stage....

"He stood up on stage in Los Angeles, and announced, that "I was the
first 'Clear'." I was so embarrassed....

"Ron used a lot of medical drugs, and vitamins, and very large doses
of testosterone (male hormone).'


"The fact is, he was [incurable,] a 'basket case' physically.
He was [manifesting illnesses stemming only from his mind] a
'psychosomatic case.' He would go blind at any moment of the day.

"He had terrible fits of temper and [as a result] his [physical
body] system was totally out of order.

"Sometimes he'd walk using a cane. It was all psychosomatic. There
was nothing actually wrong with him [physically]."


"Ron was fascinated with the magick.... [with the manipulation of
Life Energy].

"Jack [Parsons] was a marvelously brilliant, genuine guy. The house
[of Jack] in Pasadena was a lovely place: Scientists, physicists,
and engineers would come and stay and talk....

"A lot of the scientific language Ron used in Dianetics and in
Scientology, probably came from the courses in engineering he took
in Washington in his brief college days. He flunked pretty badly in
those courses. He was too erratic. He was too neurotic to sit down
and study. He never went into anything in any depth.

"He would just pick up the jargon [the special words of a science].
"He was a dilettante.

"Yet in some respects he was an extremely capable man. But he was
deeply disturbed emotionally. Success put stress on him.

IDEA THAT I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIM. [a standard idea projected
by Sociopaths, to trap people into caring and loving them]

"I should have left much earlier. I can't believe I stayed with
him for five years!...

"Shortly after we first met, he told me, that IF I DIDN'T MARRY
HIM, HE'D KILL HIMSELF...." [once again, a standard action by
a Sociopath, to exert control over responsible people]


Sara Northrup regarding the 'Church' of Scientology:

"People don't want to think. They want to hand over their lives, for
people to make decisions FOR them."

About Ron [L. Ron Hubbard] the writer:

"Ron was happy when he was writing, and fun to be with. But at times
he had writer's block and could become quite distressed about it.

to make plots. The 'Old Doc Methuselah' series was done that way."


Appendix B


An old-time friend of Sara Northrup, John Sanborne, commented:

'Earlier on (before their divorce) he [l. ron hubbard]
made this stupid attempt to get Sara brainwashed [like

'He kept her sitting up in a chair, denying her sleep,
and tried to use 'Black Dianetics'-principles, on her,(*)

'repeating over and over again, whatever he wanted her to

'Things like, "Be his wife, have a family that looks
good, not have a divorce." Or whatever. (*)

'He had [his assistant] Dick De Mille reciting this sort
of thing to her, day and night.'

(*) 'Around this same time (!) Hubbard was lecturing and
writing on the evils of "Pain-Drug-Hypnosis," and
was warning about "Black Dianetics" - i.e. reverse
Dianetics, used [NOT to locate and erase, but] to
IMPLANT hypnotic suggestions, rather than to [remove
them, to] run them out.' (ibidem)

Regarding this, Sara Northrup commented:


"Dave Williams was also working on me: They always talk about Dick
De Mille - they never talk about Dave Williams.

"He [Hubbard] was in Cuba for two months, and [then] - the last time
I saw him - he was in Kansas at the divorce hearings. When the
divorce was over, I felt like I had been freed from prison!

"The last year with him, was particularly terrible....

"I'm not a pathetic person 'who has suffered through the years
because of my time with Ron:' I can't waste my time dwelling on


Sara Northrup, referring to those last years with Hubbard:


"It is too disgusting. I have done well keeping away from discussing
it for 35 years, and I don't want to talk about it now."

"No, I'm sorry, Bent, I would prefer not to continue [the


Appendix C

From Sara Northrup's divorce proceedings against L. Ron Hubbard


' That said separation took place, by reason of extreme cruelty
practiced upon the plaintiff by the said Hubbard....

(a) That during the marriage up until the month of October, 1950,
said Hubbard, [being] an "older man,"

completely dominated the youthful plaintiff, both physically,
mentally and emotionally, and

MARRIAGE, repeatedly subjected plaintiff to systematic torture,
including loss of sleep, BEATINGS, AND STRANGULATIONS and scientific
torture experiments, including the following:

(b) That in the latter part of September, 1950, said Hubbard told
plaintiff at the Chateau Marmont Apartments in Hollywood, that

"I do not want to be an American husband, for I can buy my friends
whenever I want them," and he further said that he, Hubbard, did not
want to be married, yet divorce was impossible, for

a divorce would hurt his reputation, and that she, plaintiff,

(c) That at said time and place, said Hubbard systematically
prevented plaintiff from sleeping - continuously for a period of
over four days - and then in [exploiting] her agony, furnished
her with [he gave her] a supply of sleeping pills [attempting
violently, to drug-hypnotize her], all resulting to the nearness
to the shadow of death.

That the foregoing was a frequent occurrence, during the married
life of the parties.

(d) That at said time and place, plaintiff became numb and lost
consciousness, and was thereafter taken by said Hubbard to the
Hollywood Leland Hospital, where she was kept under a vigilant guard
[in order to prevent rescue by contact] from friends and family,
[and, to hide her from her family and friends, she was registered
in hospital] under an assumed name, [where she had to stay] for
five days.

(e) That, shortly following Christmas 1950, said Hubbard violently
STRANGLED plaintiff and sadistically ruptured the eustachian tube of
her left ear, resulting in the impairment of her hearing.

That such STRANGULATION of plaintiff was a FREQUENT PRACTICE on the
part of said Hubbard [in order to subdue her and get her so to give
up her Life Energy to benefit him - his "definition" of a wife].

(f) That in January, 1951, at Palm Springs, while plaintiff was
getting out of an automobile, operated [driven] by said Hubbard,

he intentionally started the said car in [reverse] gear, thus

[end of Appendices]





[AWL-I-XII] see 'Awareness Levels I to XII,' in:
'You have the opportunity now, to face l. ron hubbard (Satan),
and remove him from your life - don't let it go by'
{note 20150417} [ORLRH]
(17 April 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/24mOw8PRYGI

[SIHNR] 'Scientology IS HATE - it IS l. ron hubbard's Hate, and so
Scientology cannot be reformed'
{note 20150316} [SIHNR]
(16 March 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/-q_qAo3GpaY

[AWLBQ] 'Awareness Level Basic Questions - to penetrate-remove
Euphoria, Ugliness, Unawareness and Hate-Pain'
{AWL 20150513} [AWLBQ]
(15 May 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/qkb_4bwJy7w

[SASI] 'It behooves (Ex-)Scientologists in particular, to address
the Soul-Implants* that l. ron hubbard inflicted'
{note 20150311} [SASI]
(11 March 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/V64JqkGNj9U

[GNEH] 'With a "God does not exist here" Rage of Hate and Unawareness,
they were cut loose from The Creation and made into Sociopaths
- WHO did that to them, how, when, where?'
{R-RI 19990502-V2.4.1 - RI-1208 annotated} [GNEH]
(2 May 1999 - annotated Version 2.4.1-final on 7 Feb 2014)!topic/
(in a previous version at 20140129, with the title):
'R-RI-1208i 'God, and 100 billion people, killed by l. ron
hubbard' - How the REAL 74-million-years-ago Holocaust began
- NOT his malicious fairytale "Xenu and the Wall of Fire"
{R-RI 19990502 - RI-1208 annotated} [GKHHB]
(2 May 1999 - annotated 28 Jan 2014)!topic/

[PLDHD] 'Are 'Past Life Deniers' similar to 'Holocaust Deniers'?
Yes, they are extremely mean and malicious to people'
{HRI 20131006-V1.2} [PLDHD]
(6 Oct 2013 - Version V1.2 on 6 Jan 2014)!topic/

[CSTC] 'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.3} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.3 on 2 Dec 2013)!topic/sci.physics/Ou7pCHaEFB4

[DSKEY]' 'Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now
- plus -
'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths
ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' '
{HRI 20120819-V3.4} [DSKEY]
(19 August 2012 - Version 3.4 on 11 Sep 2012)

[PMPFS] 'Physical, Metered Proof of Facing Satan'
{FPP note 20120309} [PMPFS]
(9 March 2012)

[SHFHA] 'Scientology's Himmler, In Case You Want To Face Him Also'
{HRI note 20090528} [SHFHA]
(28 May 2009)

[WLRHHM] 'What does l. ron hubbard* or any 'Super Criminal Mind,'
HATE most?'
{HRI Note 20120226-1-V3.0} [WLRHHM]
(26 February 2012 - Version 3.0 on 29 Feb 2012)

[HTELRH] 'How to Eliminate l. ron hubbard from any and all Therapy,
Social Programs, etc.'
{HRI note 20120226} [HTELRH]
(26 February 2012)

[RTDS] 'THE Road to Total Domination: Scientology's Billion Year
Reich ...shows signs of 'metal fatigue' '
(plus Definition of 'Super Criminal Mind')
{HRI Note 20120213-V2.3} [RTDS]
(13 February 2012 - Version 2.3 of 16 Feb 2012)

[NUMS] 'Nazi-type Under-dog Mentality of THE 'Scientologists' - Why'
{draft note 20120131} [NUMS]
(31 January 2012)

[RDFDS] 'DESTROYING Reason and Science: The Richard Dawkins Foundation
"for Reason and Science" and The Skeptic Society (
as an example'
{HRI note 20120127-V3.1} [RDFDS]
(27 January 2012 - Version 3.1 on 30 Jan 2012)

[NSPD] 'How are the Nazi and Scientology philosophy Different?'
{draft note 20120125-1-t8} [NSPD]
(25 January 2012)

[SAWO] 'Scientology "Awareness Levels",' is a 'Contradiction in Terms'
(an oxymoron)'
{note 20120116} [SAWO]
(16 January 2012)

[MDSS] 'How with a Meter to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal
Minds - 'How To,' for the Common Man'
{HRI 20120109-V1.3-t} [MDSS]
(9 January 2012 - Version 1.3 on 18 Jan 2012)

[HOB] 'Can a person heal his own body? How Flat Is The Earth...'
{HRI note 20120105} [HOB]
(5 January 2012)

[HDCM] 'How do Criminal Minds get in charge of the masses, of science,
and of religion? - Fundamentals explained'
{HRI 20111117-V3.4-t} [HDCM]
(17 November 2011 - Version 3.4 on 13 Dec 2011)

[WHEB-01] 'Who Hides Evil Best ...the Materialists, or the New Age
followers? - Unhappiness CREATED by Hiding Evil'
{HRI 20110814-V1.0-P1-V1.0-t} [WHEB-01]
(14 August 2011 - Part 1 Version 1.0 on 3 Nov 2011)

[SOBE] 'Source of Black Energy (of inflicted Unawareness), is
l. ron hubbard (Satan) himself'
{FPP Note 20111031-V3.2-t} [SOBE]
(31 October 2011 - Version 3.2 on 2 Nov 2011)

[FPL] 'FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from
Studying History' - ('Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?')
{HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t} [FPL]
(9 September 2011 - Part 1 Version 3.0 on 22 Nov 2011)

[SFTF] 'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" ' [SFTF]
(the Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)
{HRI 20100402-V2.0}
(2 April 2010 - Version 2.0 on 7 Jan 2011)

[HHV] 'Herstel van iemands Herinneringsvermogen (ongeacht leeftijd,
intelligentie, of opleiding)'
(Fine Particle Physics of Memory: 'Repair of Anyone's Memory')
{FPP 20121122-NL-V1.0} [HHV]
(22 november 2012)

[NDG] 'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
and Examining Heaven and Hell' [NDG]
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}
(6 April 2008 - Version 5.0 on 17 May 2011)
Title changed from:
'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' [DGC] {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

[IPEHAB] 'Intro to 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' '
{HRI 20060816-V5.2-Intro} [IPEHAB]
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 Intro, on 10 July 2008)!topic/alt.religion/Z3Rka3KAzNY!topic/alt.conspiracy/hOo5fKdFy68!topic/alt.politics.democrats.d/hOo5fKdFy68

[PEHAB]'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.2} [PEHAB]
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)!original/soc.culture.japan/h39IFCW6IFY/nkkp2zT-BHUJ

[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011) ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)

[DOJ] 'Natural Definition of Justice - Restoring Happiness Factor'
{HRI 20070817-V2.2} [DOJ]
(17 August 2007 - Version 2.2 on 30 Aug 2011)

[HRD-01] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and Preamble'
{HRD-01 20091223-V1.1} [HRD-01]
(23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

[YEI] 'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are
mis-firing in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune
to it?" plus "The After-shocks of the Big Bang" '
{HRI 20130112-V2.0} [YEI]
(12 January 2013 - Version 2.0 of 1 Feb 2013,
published 29 Dec 2013)!topic/
show trimmed content also:!original/

[DOI] 'Natural Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.5.1} [DOI]
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.5 on 8 Jul 2008, V2.5.1 p. 13 Mar 2012)

[ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[CDOS] 'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history
and some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
{HRI note 20091105-V1.3} [CDOS]
(5 November 2009 - archived 20 Aug 2010 by

[CMHJL]'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You'
- (incl. Textnote (d.) on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
in order to feel good')
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1} [CMHJL]
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

[CMKWTT]'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth'
{HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5} [CMKWTT]
(27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)

[RDSC] 'Real-Life Definition of "Clear" (Scientology): 'Happy ABOUT
being Spiritually Blinded and Overwhelmed by l. ron hubbard
(a.k.a. Satan)'
{HRI 20101020-V2.2} [RDSC]
(20 October 2010 - Version 2.2 on 26 Oct 2010)


{Fine Particle Physics}

for instance in:

[FPPUP]'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2} [FPPUP]
(27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)!msg/



Copyright 2008-2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle"
Sociopaths, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.

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