希腊的民主 西方的民主 支那的民主

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Dec 8, 2008, 10:26:12 AM12/8/08
to salon-...@googlegroups.com, lih...@googlegroups.com
g: 两位都挺弱智。

lihlii: 你说说我的意思是什么。“西方的社会制度”?凭什么说是西方的?


Originally Posted by lihlii View Post

Who knows what you mean?

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post

Democracy and rule of law were only invented in the west. That's why I
say they are western. So are computers. It would be as stupid to try to
map binary numbers used in computers to the Chinese theory of Metal,
Wood, Water, Fire and Soil, as what you are doing with Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi,
and Xin.

Dictatorship and repression were invented in both the west and the east
independently of each other. So they are both western and eastern.

g: Who knows what you mean?

lihlii: 你是如何评论你所不知道的东西的呢? :)

Democracy and rule of law were only invented in the west. That's why I
say they are western. So are computers. It would be as stupid to try to
map binary numbers used in computers to the Chinese theory of Metal,
Wood, Water, Fire and Soil, as what you are doing with Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi,
and Xin.

1. The European democracy (rule of the majority) was invented not in the
"west", but in Greece. But later Greece turned into despotic state.

2. Modern democracy (liberal constitutional democracy) was invented in
the west (the netherlands and britain).

3. Computers were invented by the European and American, but why don't
you call it western computer? :)

4. There are enough people-based political theories in Chinese classics,
which can be easily accepted by Chinese people and migrate into even
better liberal democratic system of theory. Why should not Chinese make
their own liberal theory? Why should you always limit democratic theory
in "western" or the classical boundary? The "western" people developed
the Greek democracy and formed the modern liberal democracy. It was not
there before people tried to study and modify the original theories.

5. Please tell me how can you judge a thing as stupid before you
understand what it means? :)

6. 你认为日本是西方还是东方呢?日本的制度是西方的制度还是东方的制度呢?:)

7. 法的精神和立法的精神是两回事。正义是司法的精神。法是对利权的声张确

有一句谚语说,“无救济则无利权 A right without remedy is not right”。司法






8. 我所欣赏的五色旗,作为对儒学自由主义的一种符号阐释。你说可笑,那么,
法兰西人用蓝白红代表自由平等博爱,是否可笑呢?:) 韩国的旗帜上有太极八卦

至于五色的解释,自由主义给你自由的解释空间。:) 不过我主张的解释是五常五
义和五权[6]。其他的历史解释见 [7]。

红 仁 爱心同情 恶律贼仁 立法定权 仁爱
黄 礼 惜权如金 非礼勿用 行政从宪 自由
蓝 义 天下平等 不义必纠 司法公正 平等
白 信 清正廉洁 失信必察 监察入微 和平
黑 智 黔黎国本 无欺民智 舆论自由 民主



上,就可以理解为何威尼斯商人 Shylock 按照契约要一磅肉的利权主张,是合乎






[1] 反儒和复兴儒学
[2] 用专制主义对待专制主义,用自由主义对待自由主义
[3] 儒释传统是和思想言论自由兼容的
[4] 人之为人
[5] 韩国国旗是太极八卦吗?有什么含义?


[6] 经济危机 权力制衡 五权宪法
[7] 五色 五常 五权http:


Dec 11, 2008, 8:25:51 AM12/11/08
to salon-...@googlegroups.com, lih...@googlegroups.com
09-12-2008, 10:51 AM ygao
Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
1. The European democracy (rule of the majority) was invented not in the "west", but in Greece. But later Greece turned into a despotic state for a long time.
It was because of the Byzantium Empire. An empire is inherently against democracy and innovation.

For the same reason, the hope of democracy was extinguished in China since Qin united China in 221 BC.

Western Europe was saved from this fate due to the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
2. Modern democracy (liberal constitutional democracy) was invented in the west (the netherlands and britain), but why don't you call it dutch democracy or british democracy but "western" democracy? If it's because the western countries accepted such theory, then why can't Chinese accept such theory and develop Chinese democracy?
Due to the cultural similarity between many western countries, British and Dutch democracy could be much more easily accepted.

The Chinese culture now is already anti-democractic. So are the Greek and Italian cultures now.

To embrace freedom and real democracy, it is necessary for those countries to get rid of a great part of their culture.

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
3. Computers were invented by the European and American, but why don't you call them western computers?
Because there is no such a thing as eastern computers. Also, unlike the case of democracy, there are no such stupid people trying to invent eastern computers. If such people did exist, I would indeed call computers as western computers.

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
4. There are enough people-based political theories in Chinese classics, which can be easily accepted by Chinese people and migrate into even better liberal democratic system of theory. Why should not Chinese make their own liberal theory? Why should you always limit democratic theory in "western" or the classical boundary? The "western" people developed the Greek democracy and formed the modern liberal democracy. It was not there before people tried to study and modify the original theories.
Those were never the mainstream.

Another question for your quesion: why should Chinese not invent their own computers based on there YinYangWuXing theory?

Even if they could, it would be stupid because it's simply so inefficient. If I think something good, I would just take it and maybe later try to improve it instead of trying to re-invent it.

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
6. 你认为日本是西方还是东方呢?日本的制度是西方的制度还是东方的制度呢?
The Japanese were and are much cleverer than the Chinese, because they decided to take the western system instead of trying what you are now doing.

Now Japan is a western country.

Today, 09:29 AM ygao
Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
No. Even in ancient Greece, they had democracy, then 僭主政治,then 专制帝制。
They had all these even after the democracy collapsed.
I don't know what your point is. Yes, in ancient Greece, they had almost all possible forms of governance. So what?

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
I don't think the Japanese threw their culture away. In fact, there are even more Chinese culture preserved in Japan and S. Korea than in the despotic mainland China! There are more Chinese traditional culture preserved in Taiwan than in mainland China, yet Taiwan can be more liberal a society than China. Can you explain these?
The Japanese elite wanted a complete westernization. They even banned sumo and promoted interracial marriages with Europeans to improve their genes.

The fact is, if you want a complete westernization, you get finally 50% westernized and this was the case in Japan. The Japanese reformers did not want to preserve any Chinese or Japanese culture. But not surprisingly, they did not succeed completely in this.

If their goal had been to have a 50% westernization plus 50% traditional culture, they would have never achieved what they have achieved now.

Japan has still many drawbacks because of the remaining elements of the Asian culture. Just name a few examples: a highly hierarchical society, self sensorship of the media, less individual freedom due to social pressure, and much less degree of emancipation of women.

Comparing to any other Asian countries, Japan is the most successful, because it persued a complete westernization although it was not completed in reality. But comparing to real western countries - I am not including Italy or Greece because they are culturally not really western any more - Japan is still backward.

Originally Posted by lihlii View Post
When liberal democracy emerged in western Europe, it's not "mainstream" either. The mainstream political system of western Europe was then Feudalism and despotism. Yet, the non-mainstream thoughts could grow to be mainstream.
Feudalism provides perfect soil for the seed of democracy. I don't think I need to explain more on this. In fact, Japan was so much more privileged comparing to China because it was still in feudalism by the end of the 19th century.

Feudalism in China ended too early. After that, a united empire of 2000 years made the Chinese culture no more compatible with individual freedom or democracy.

The real eneny to democracy is not feudalism or even depotism, but a united empire and a culture or mentality that promotes it.

Today, 02:06 PM lihlii
Originally Posted by ygao View Post
I don't know what your point is. Yes, in ancient Greece, they had almost all possible forms of governance. So what?
So how to explain this with your view of "culture"? Is ancient Greek culture pro-democracy or despotism?

Originally Posted by ygao View Post
The Japanese elite wanted a complete westernization. They even banned sumo and promoted interracial marriages with Europeans to improve their genes.
These are ridiculous attempts.

Originally Posted by ygao View Post
The fact is, if you want a complete westernization, you get finally 50% westernized and this was the case in Japan. The Japanese reformers did not want to preserve any Chinese or Japanese culture. But not surprisingly, they did not succeed completely in this.

If their goal had been to have a 50% westernization plus 50% traditional culture, they would have never achieved what they have achieved now.
They learned very well the "western" military states, following Germany. Then they became a military state.

Originally Posted by ygao View Post
Japan has still many drawbacks because of the remaining elements of the Asian culture. Just name a few examples: a highly hierarchical society, self sensorship of the media, less individual freedom due to social pressure, and much less degree of emancipation of women.
It's not "asian" culture, but there are also many of these in Europe. Even in western Europe, there are countries like Germany which is comparatively hierarchical, self-censored media, less freedom, etc. In most liberal western countries, there are still many remnants of conservative political groups who support things that you mentioned. Take Netherlands as an example, they have SGP, Reformed Political Party.

Originally Posted by ygao View Post
Feudalism provides perfect soil for the seed of democracy. I don't think I need to explain more on this. In fact, Japan was so much more privileged comparing to China because it was still in feudalism by the end of the 19th century.

Feudalism in China ended too early. After that, a united empire of 2000 years made the Chinese culture no more compatible with individual freedom or democracy.
That's a possible explanation, but not for sure. If you abandon the history determinism 历史决定论, then you might have another different view on this, instead of trying to explain every historical development as a must or definite result. If you haven't read Karl Popper's "Poverty Of Historic Determinism", I highly suggest you do read it.

In my view, I think maybe the choice of democracy or dictatorship, liberalism or despotism is in fact by chance rather than destined. Because there are so many factors that might effect the result, since the society is a highly non-linear system.

Democratic states might be fortunate, but it may well collapse if people don't take care of it.
五常新民 五权宪政 五色自由

Today, 02:23 PM lihlii
Originally Posted by ygao View Post
Another question for your quesion: why should Chinese not invent their own computers based on there YinYangWuXing theory?
Chinese should also try to invent new computers different from the von Neuman system currently people are using. Chinese should contribute to the human knowledge actively. Whether it should be based on Yinyang Wuxing or something else, it's not a key point. All those that Chinese created, it will be Chinese contribution and China Made.

My effort of contribution to the politics study, is the review and correction of 三权分立 seperation of three powers, review and correction of 五权宪法 five power constitution, etc. The best things in Chinese tradition must be restored, thus we can build a new culture upon the good things. Whether it's "western" or "eastern" is not the point. Abandon Chinese traditional culture will not bring about liberty, but only more fierce despot, and give way to introduce the worst elements of "western" thoughts.

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