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Music - The JOY of Creating Loving Beauty: Karen Carpenter - Educating Angels to Live on Earth - {HRI 20110608-V1.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jun 14, 2011, 9:24:10 AM6/14/11
Music - The JOY of Creating Loving Beauty: Karen Carpenter - and
Educating Angels to Live on Earth

8 June 2011
{HRI 20110608-V1.0}

(considerably edited
since 8 June,
and published
on 14 Jun 2011
as Version 1.0)

(view summary
by skipping
indented text)



The JOY of Creating Loving Beauty by performing music:

That is what I found Karen Carpenter doing, immensely and necessarily
supported in it, by her brother Richard. *(e)


But Angels walking the Earth, must know - must LEARN - how
to protect themselves,

Angels must get to understand Life on Earth, because
they do not know.

I learned it now, after so many thousand years: Not out
of care for myself - not at all because that is not my
nature - but

out of care for YOU - for the very Beautiful, very Able
and very Caring - for you,

because of my immense Love for you, because that IS my

And thus I wrote the Trinity Human Rights Issues (to be
called the Natural Human Rights Issues) which materialize
that Love and Care,

and I developed Fine Particle Physics by which it becomes
very easy to understand Life,

the very basics of Life,

the barest necessary knowledge of Life,

to be able to cope with it, on Earth,

but that currently not ANY University teaches... let alone
any college or any primary school! *(1) [IPA]




One of my main concerns is, and always has been, to educate and
support those who genuinely are very Beautiful and very Loving and
very Responsibly Caring. *(n) [GA]

When THEY are supported in their understanding of themselves and of
others, and of Life on Earth,

(they are not actually supported, by you, really, "because
'they are so good, that they do not need any support'"), but

when they ARE educated about Life on Earth, and about living on

(but they are not actually educated, by you - "because 'they are
so good, that they do not need any education about how they
function, themselves,' and 'they know already much more than
others do, about Life'")

but when they ARE educated about Living on Earth,

then THEY are the ones who will help you very much more effectively
than they do now, meaning, THEN they will help you SUFFICIENTLY, *(c)

and that IS necessary, because they DO NOT MANAGE by far, to help
you enough, by far not enough...

because also THEY, also Angels, whether incarnate (alive, maybe
even as your son or daughter) or not incarnate (deceased, and
desiring to be born, and otherwise interacting),

also THEY are almost as confused by Life on Earth, as you are:
*(1) [IPA]


CONFUSED, falsely "educated" about Criminal Minds, and with all
education and social life undermined BY Criminal Minds confusing
you about people and about life and about the past, and about your
own nature, too,

you look to "religion" to tell you, that "all will be fine and
justice will be served," that "all is or will be taken care of,"

that is, "as long as you believe and do what the prophets or
gurus, and their servants and other Holinesses and Exaltenesses
and Babas tell you to think and to believe and to do and to
refrain from doing, and what to NOT examine and what NOT to
Perceive and what NOT to understand," *(1) [IPA]

while telling you, how "God speaks," or "writes," *(8) [NDG]

and to have a "religion" DENY to you the responsibility for your
Education and for your Life, and instead, to relinquish it to
Criminal Minds; and if not to "religion,"

then you look to "science" to arrange the molecules of your body, and
to do your Perception and your Memory FOR YOU - equally DENYING who
and what you are and what Life is and what your body is, and what
your actual capabilities are. *(1) [IPA]



Again: One of my main concerns is and always has been, to educate and
support the very Beautiful, the very Loving and the very Responsibly

I have come to learn, that I apparently have to include myself
in that, too,

because, while I do care intensely about your well-being and
work myself at least half to death in actually providing it for

- wrestling the knowledge from those who intend and fight

which are all the Criminal Minds, all the Sociopaths
and their supporters, also those in "science" and
in "religion,"

who fight Energetically, and physically through the

with the dirtiest of methods, to forever keep basic
knowledge hidden -

and the writing and publication of each Human Rights Issue
is a victory over them, the value of which can be counted
in multiples of Gross National Products,

the tremendous contribution from me to you, is not coming in
return from you, at all, towards me, so I have to provide that
for myself. I have to

because and as long as you prefer "comfortably" to give in

to the forceful Hypnotism by Criminal Minds - which I
have described for you on many occasions for many contexts
- as it applies to almost all situations.

Hypnotism defined by analogy:

You are walking in a Labyrinth WHILE NOT PERCEIVING,
and not aware, not knowing, not conscious of the
fact, that the FORCE of their collectively inflicted
Energies, makes you follow the path determined by
the labyrinth constructed and maintained by the
Criminal Minds in the society.

Of course THEY want to MAINTAIN that Labyrinth, so
invisibly and so strongly radiated at you with their
Energy, and so wrongly "understood," that it is complied
with by you and by anyone.


You have therefore to counter the (very forceful) Hypnotism, that

"you cannot, must not, or do not have to help the very Able, the very
Beautiful, the very Responsibly Caring" - and, that

"THEY are there, to help YOU - and not the other way around..." *(a)




Criminal Minds made it (they Hypnotized you) so, that you practically

- whether they are incarnate (living while having a body),
or not -

the very Beautiful, the very Loving and the very Responsibly
Caring and Able,

you almost DEFINE these as beings or persons

"who create and GIVE support and who create and GIVE feelings
(that connect to Beauty, Love and Truth) and who kindle
Abilities in you," but

"who THEMSELVES need no support in maintaining, in repairing and
in enhancing or even kindling more of their abilities," and

"who themselves need no Beauty, Love and Truth and Understanding
IN RETURN to them, or any being cared for,"

"who have no need of being understood and of expressing and of
sharing THEIR OWN feelings about others and about their OWN
life, with you."

Such ideas have been installed and are maintained 'in your Labyrinth'
by Criminal Minds, IN ORDER to make Angels (especially those in the
incarnate condition) very much less effective or hampered in helping
and assisting you.



Karen Carpenter produced the Energy of her JOY of Creating Loving

It is very strikingly and beautifully documented, I believe, in a
moment of a video recording

during an Australia public performance (recorded in black and white
TV footage), at 43 minutes 24 seconds into the recording (that I
have), and that is just after the introductory clarinet solo when
Karen starts singing "We've Only Just Begun," and she and Richard
are both on camera,

where her JOY of creating Loving Beauty is very intensely felt for
a moment by Richard, by her brother - and you might be able to see
that very clearly on his face -

which is why I mention that video recording - it is most
striking, if you manage to see it.



According to the theory evolved from generally known data, you
can state, that, what happened to Karen culminating some ten
years later, is,

that someone must have succeeded in inflicting such INTENSELY
Harmful Energy on her

- meaning, THAT persistently and THAT insistingly, and so
much capable of deeply touching the core of Karen's
soul -

inflicting the feeling and the atrocious lie, that "she is Ugly"

- as Criminal Minds are wont to inflict onto the
most Beautiful -

in particular inflicting it onto her,

AS IF it is "her 'own' feeling 'about herself',"

as only individuals who are Criminal Minds, do manage to
inflict such insidious Harm onto others,

Criminal Minds do DELIGHT in incapacitating Angels,
and to thereby to take the Energy of an Angel,
for themselves to wield,

and to that end, Criminal Minds have to be - and
are - very clever, very insistent, very insidious
and very well camouflaged or hidden as to their
nature and Energetic activities,

in order to be able at all, to reach the core of an
Angel, and in the case of Karen,

to inflict INTO her - as if it is "her 'own' feeling and
as if it is 'about herself' - that "she is Ugly."

ALL Criminal Minds create and project such Harmful
Energies - copiously, abundantly, constantly, and
very forcefully.




But Karen KNOWS her own Joy of creating Loving Beauty - this in fact
defines her voice, her singing -

so this opposite feeling, this "own" feeling of "being Ugly somehow"
- as it feels like her "own" Energy - can not be understood by her

as long as she feels it is her own feeling - which it is NOT.



It is NOT her own feeling, NOT her own Energy, BUT she tries to
treat it, to deal with it, as "her own feeling," as "her own
intention," as "something that SHE wants"

as if "she has to remedy 'her own' Ugliness."


That is the nature of a Compulsion: [HPC]

The victim THINKS, FEELS, that "it is his (or her)
OWN Energy" - "own" ideas, feeling, intention -

and thus acts irrationally and impotently on the

BUT it IS NOT the victim's Energy.

In some very successful Alcoholics-rehab

which I described the essence of, and at
that - interestingly enough - in an HRI
about music, about Bach, in ('The Music

'Bach pulling you out of Hell,' or
a similar subject title, *(3)

I describe, that

they did INADVERTENTLY apply this unwittingly,

they explained at length - and as the
core of why the program worked - that

'it is NOT the alcoholic's OWN idea or
desire, but "it is coming from some part
of the alcoholic's brain,"

and he must handle and address it,
the compulsion or desire to alcoholize
himself, as 'not his own desire' but as
inflicted externally from him.'

And they tell you that idiocy about the
brain, in order to comply with or get
around the materialists, the Criminal

Alcoholics are no exception to
denying the nature of Life, to
replace you with your brain, and
to replace your Life Energies with

In this successful rehab program, the victims
of the compulsions (alcoholics etc.)

are educated with great emphasis, into the
THEIR OWN IDEAS, that compels them (to drink,


The FEELING is however inflicted by a Criminal Mind - and in
this case most likely, or mainly, on Karen by her mother Agnes -

and is not recognized AS A HIDDEN infliction of extremely
Harmful Energy, and thus it was ALSO not opposed NOR recognized
as real (as very Harmful Energy inflicted ON HER).

Such things are inflicted by the Criminal Mind, with the
Force (the Energy) of TOTAL CONVICTION, and it is done
secretly and by necessity it is very camouflaged, because
it must not be recognized, for it to remain effective,

which for a mother, certainly to her child, is easy to do,
to not be found out and to not be unmasked, for creating
such horrible Energies,

and it was not pointed out - of course not, because he
knew nothing about Harmful Life Energy, nor about it being
inflicted, let alone inflicted by his mother - so it was

not either pointed out by the one Karen DID trust and Love
most, by her brother Richard that is:

A HIDDEN infliction of extremely Harmful Energy, inflicted with
the creation of TOTAL CERTAINTY, that "it is Karen who is UGLY,"

and by consequence with the equal CERTAINTY, that the Criminal
Mind inflicting it, the mother in this case, "is NOT Ugly."

If you translate fairy tales back into a world
with understanding of how Life Energy is wielded
by the good and the bad, then Snow White suddenly
becomes a much more real story.

(The mother, Agnes in this case - being the Criminal Mind,
as we must assume on the basis of the data provided mainly
by Karen's brother Richard in 'The Karen Carpenter Story'
of 1987, and in other interviews by him and by both Karen
and Richard.)

The compulsion (the Lie about the victim) is inflicted on the
victim THAT FORCEFULLY, with THAT MUCH conviction created and
projected by the Criminal Mind, so penetratingly, onto Karen in
this case,

that it FEELS as if it is really "indeed something of herself."

I hope you get that now: How this mechanism works.
There are many other HRIs in which I have explained it,
in many other contexts.


It - the inflicted feeling and idea and intention, the compulsion -
can not be understood unless one is educated about Life

- which none of the Carpenter family members nor their friends,
were or are educated about - (Fine Particle Physics {FPP} ).




For Karen to try and combine or incorporate both feelings,

her tremendous Joy of Creating Loving Beauty,
by means of her singing in particular,

AND the "Certainty of hers" inflicted on her to completion
or 'grafting it in her soul', that "she is somehow Ugly,"

her trying to incorporate both those Certainties

- the first one simply a true feeling, the
other one a COMPELLED "Certainty" -

as "being part of herself,"

- this I assume as being most likely, from the data at my
disposal combined with the research and resulting theory
of how Life works [FPP] - she therefore tried to,

she "had to" figure out, "what is ugly about herself," because
THAT is what she felt (was given the feeling or Energy of),

- this is an easily observed phenomenon in any
accomplished hypnosis - she tries

figuring it out so as to satisfy the Compulsion INFLICTED
on her, of 'Feeling Ugly in some way,'

and ALMOST figuring it out, too:

That it has to do, with 'how she is perceived by


Indeed, Criminal Minds do tremendously Hate and
Despise and Envy anyone creating Beauty and Love,

and Karen in particular, because she creates such
a vast amount of Loving Beauty. [POLA]

Criminal Minds do tremendously hate and despise
that, even if or by necessity they do so secretly,

and such a mother can not admit that to her own
daughter of course, AND remain respected as a mother
by the rest of the family and by the society, now,
can she...

But that IS the nature of Criminal Minds, no
matter how "well-adjusted" they are.




Typically for an Angel on Earth who is not educated about
Life on Earth, and

who is made unaware, has lost the Awareness, on Earth, of
things about Life, that she might have known otherwise,

Karen DID COMPLY, as we all know, with the inflicted Compulsion,
with the very Hypnotism (as you might well call it), by which

a Criminal Mind with close access to her feelings and ideas
about herself,

intended to destroy Karen, to destroy, to stop, to put an end
to Karen and Richard's activity of creating vast amounts of
Loving Beauty on a global scale.


Karen COMPLIED with the inflicted Compulsion (which is like

INSTEAD of studying Life and Life Energies and studying
Criminal Minds and

what inflictions these bring about,

by means of Harmful Life Energy Particles which
convey and really ARE the False Feelings, which
also contain the atrocious, deadly lies; so:

studying and understanding the atrocious lies these
create about people and about themselves,

that they, Criminal Minds, "with TOTAL CERTAINTY of these
'as truth'" - meaning, with great Mental Force - inflict
on you,

and to do that effectively, they want you of course
to be Blind to Perceiving and detecting them. [IPA]


These are BASIC things about Life on Earth, you know, that
ALSO Angels - in particular Angels on Earth, incarnate
Angels - have to be educated in.


Karen herself has not fully confirmed the Compulsion described

- in what you probably call telepathy with me (thoughts
ARE Particles, you know *(4) [LG] - )

but then again, she has not expressed any denial of it either,
by the same way of communication.

Generally, she still appears to be unwilling to talk about
the subject, then (in 1982) as now (on 20110608).

But she feels now (20110608) that there IS tremendously
Harmful Force (Harmful Energy Particles) 'encysting' or
encapsulating the inflicted Compulsion Energies,

I venture to observe, not entirely without reason,

and such a realization is of course a crack to open it by.

Facing Evil of Criminal Minds is unpleasant also for
Karen, (but the result of NOT facing Evil of them, is
clearly horrible and can be very deadly - and in this
case, of Karen, it certainly was.)



A British singer and personal friend of hers, Petula Clark, tells
us, that Karen 'was being naive' (in 1982). [see video References]

Karen's brother Richard is angry at his sister's developed aversion
against her feeding her body despite all the hep she got for it,

which indeed seriously affects also his work and future, of

and he tells her 'to mend her ways.' [see video References]

Translated as: "Karen should stop hating 'food ingestion and
food digestion in her body'," "she should stop hating to eat."


But Karen, faced with the "to her obviously unsurmountable" problem

of keeping the Love of her brother

AND at the same time shedding the - intense, but camouflaged,
Harmful Energy inflictions - of Hate and Lies about her that
were coming from her mother at her,

- in a very hidden way constantly and most Forcefully
inflicted on Karen - she

"solved" it, by leaving... by leaving her body at her mother's place,
leaving the "Ugliness" of her body behind,

regardless of what some medicos have to say about
it, while denying ninety-five percent of the most
vital data about Life and about bodies being alive,

Karen stopped holding on to her body,

while feeling (and being) rejected by her brother Richard of
whom she knows, however, that he does Love her immensely (which
he keeps confirming to me - 20110614) - her brother whom Karen
in turn Loves above all,

and whom she no doubt would have married - had he
not been her biological brother - and

their audience indeed feels it often as if they have
about them the Energy of being a married couple

- which no doubt in some life time or other,
they WERE, but their religion and certainly
their parents would not have allowed them
to be AWARE of that, to know that or to
find that out.



It is from the data provided publicly, that it becomes apparent, that
it was her mother who is in fact a Criminal Mind, a "well- adjusted"

and OF COURSE her mother prevented Karen from fully Perceiving that.
*(1) [IPA]

Children are generally so much conditioned (made Unaware,
constantly Hypnotized) by such parents, that that possibility
does not even occur to them in the least,

even while Karen certainly try to stay away from her at times.


Indeed some mothers or fathers are Criminal Minds,

- after all, at least one in every hundred living
people on Earth, ARE most severe Criminal Minds,
no matter how "well-adjusted" they are -

and "'to honor them' as if they are normal," or to be
forced to (as I once was), is extremely self-destructive,

and one is likely then, to run barefoot, with open
arms so to speak,

into a similar marital partner, to whom you are easy
game, a sitting duck really, an easy target for
their appetite for your Life Energy,

meaning, you easily are made to "feel at home" by,
- you easily trust as family - any similar "well-
adjusted" sociopath who ALSO forcefully claims "to
love you greatly" and "to be very supportive of

nevertheless such parents demand to be honored or treated
"as if they are normal,"

they demand that self-destruction of their children, and
enforce it in their social environment,

WHILE such parent(s) tell you, and teachers and health
care professionals, etc., that "they, being your parents,
only want the very best for you,"

and if you marry someone like them, a "well-adjusted"
sociopath, then they, your own parents, "are so happy for
you" *(5) [YCTT]

- you can't imagine really, how Evil Criminal Minds
are - *(1) [IPA]

in this case Karen's mother,

who was having enough access to Karen's soul, to Karen's emotions, to
Karen's ideas, to do so,
in particular with access via the Force of her brother Richard's Love
for Karen,

her brother Richard, who is not educated in these matters
either, and who was not interested in such things, of course

because such as their parents, OF COURSE demand, that
feelings are not talked about, much less,

they OF COURSE want, that feelings and emotions are NOT
discussed - certainly not with them and with anyone, at
least NOT EVER in order to bring out the Truth and to
achieve actual understanding,

"one does not talk about such things" - "one does not
express one's feelings to others, certainly not in the
family" - "this is not on our wavelength" - "we are
rational(!)" - "emotions are subjective, they can not
be felt (!)" - "we don't believe in such things" - etc.,

the standard fare you get from such parents:

whatever is necessary for them to PREVENT
understanding while remaining "socially right
and acceptable;"


and Richard did thus refuse to recognize what was camouflaged
and socially accepted as their mother's "opinions" and her
"likes and dislikes" but, what was in fact

the INTENSITY of the ENERGIES (the Mental Force) of hidden Hate
and hidden Lies, that poison dissolved invisibly within the
"intelligent" or "normal" social family talk and conventional
family activities, to cover it up,

created and inflicted by their mother AT KAREN, and at
the rest of the family

(this seems now - 20110611 22:13 GMT - as I write this
down, to be confirmed by Karen, by her soul, if you like,
by the Energy she creates and shows very happily:

Karen (her soul) returned to radiating her usual
aliveness such as in the early 1970's, and continued
to remain very happy to this day, certainly with me
- Note on 20110613)

her brother Richard had kept on denying that their mother is a
Criminal Mind, "because 'mothers can never be' Criminal Minds,"
and "she is only a bit inconsiderate, but further 'just like any
mother'," etc.,


(mothers forcing their children to sleep)

even though she demanded of him, "in order to care
for him," that he poison himself every night into
unconsciousness, "in order for him to get enough sleep"
*(2) [CMS]

- and undoubtedly she makes sure, that Richard does
not experience,

(as I once did, by accident)

how a truly loving mother does act towards a
beautiful child, towards him -

but all the while, "she wants only the best for him,"
while she demands he seriously poisons himself every
night, in such a way, that he complied.

(The facts now researched by me [CMS], prove
conclusively, that your body does not need sleep,
and that your soul does not need sleep, either

- but Criminal Minds, especially when they are
mothers, like to ENFORCE sleep,

they LIKE it when others are following
commends to be Unconscious, Unaware or Blind
for a while,

and they can do so command their own children,
even poison them with legal potions,

simply because they are not stopped by you in
inflicting that Unawareness on their own children,

and it makes it easier for a Criminally
Minded parent, (to absorb, to take away, to
feed on) to vampire on the Life Energy of
their own children,

more easily and "unnoticed" when the child
is asleep,

none of which you might like to hear, because the
proof and the facts are HEAVILY denied by Criminal
Minds, Criminal Minds HEAVILY OPPOSE this data

- with their standard 'policy' of DENYING or
HIDING all evidence and proof present or
presented - [as the TV-Sociopath James
Randi does standardly]

and so you rather become sick, or fall ill or worse,
rather than to become educated and face Life on
Earth.) *(2) [CMS]



And so, the mother (Agnes Carpenter) was able sufficiently to
penetrate with her 'It feels Ugly' Energy, into her daughter's
soul and body, into Karen,

with hidden, Extreme Lies about Karen's nature, and

intending to Hate and Destroy Karen's Intense Beauty and

in secret of course, so as not to compromise herself

to destroy it by projecting - as all Criminal Minds do
SECRETLY project it - that, in this case Karen, "is very

And to camouflage that - so it is not detected and the
Harmful Energy is thus not taken away - they SAY and ACT
the opposite.

The ex-husband of Karen seems to be of the same
nature and disposition as her mother is, and acted
also undetectedly towards Karen,

so from her mother's viewpoint he was then
"the ideal husband for Karen:"

He ALSO could obviously manage to keep her
Blind and even make her love him,

ALSO a "well-adjusted," well-hidden Sociopath;

and of course both claim,

that they simply provide to Karen, what Karen
WANTS to feel - wants to be made to feel
indeed - as "true"

that they (those well-adjusted and undetected
Sociopaths), "are honest," "are normal and lovable,"
and "do actually love and support her."



YOU DON'T EVER go and assume, that a Criminal Mind "actually
Loves you:"

These were however,

in the documentary 'The Karen Carpenter Story' as
authorized by her brother, [see video References]

the very last words that their mother, Agnes, spoke to
Karen while Karen was alive.

IT IS DEADLY, to believe in their Love for you, even for one
moment, because the moment you accept that, then

WITH IT, you instantly let in all the Energies of their secret,
tremendous Hate and of their extremely Ugly lies, about Life and
people, and also about you, into and surrounding your soul:

You lose your own Energy to hold a true viewpoint with, and
you are in THEIR Energy of Hate and Ugliness and Lies about
everyone, and about you.

And it WAS deadly. At 32 years of Karen's age. She let go of
her body, that she was not holding tight onto already.

And you do know what I think of the licensed medical
quacks and charlatans, the peer-reviewed 'money and
status grubbers' *(9) [ 20110613]

- they do not even know, how a body functions... [MDSF]

yet they are LICENSED to do the most dangerous things
to your health, under the cloak of "treatment,"

and that "they know best" - "they know all there is
to know."

Really now...




All that did happen, INSTEAD of you studying Life and its Energies
and you studying Criminal Minds and THEIR Energy projections and
their inflictions on you and others.


I used my present life time to figure all this out, and to communicate
it to you.

And you BETTER make use of what I found out for you, about Life
on Earth.


Again: One of my main concerns is, and always has been, to educate
and support those who are very Beautiful and very Loving and very
Responsibly Caring.

It is very easy for you, to understand such people:

They are not arrogant, but they are eager to examine - and to
admit to caring people - what they do not know,

so that they can learn what they do strongly NEED education

It is Angels, who NEED education about Life on Earth, most of all -
especially when they are incarnate. [POLA]


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet


"Suddenly I felt that if I listened
just close enough,
Bach was describing
the construction of the Universe,
the wind and the water, earth and flame,
God, man, and daemon inside these pieces.

How could one man ever know God that well?"

Travis Hodgdon


(a) That is 'a bitter pill to swallow,' to face reality about the
prevailing conditions on Earth,

brought about and maintained by Criminal Minds:

- that "people are not who they are, that people do not exist,"

by which also they, Criminal Minds, want to remain
invisible as to WHO THEY are (their soul unrecognized),

- that "there is no Good and no Evil," as these may say, while
at the same time they may claim,

- that "Evil has to be inflicted on you, for you to learn from,
and thus 'to aid the evolution of your soul',"

etc., etc..


Repeatedly I read in all history books, and daily I 'hear' it,
from people who intensely love and respect me,

that "I am dead," as regards my past existence and work for you,
that "I did great work, and now I unfortunately do not exist
anymore... I have departed."

Which is what Criminal Minds most emphatically want to
convince you of, that "I am dead," that "I do not exist

I beg (you) to disagree with that, and to disagree with
Criminal Minds in general.

They INTENTIONALLY have made a quagmire, a
morass out of the whole subject, with quicksand
of booby-trapped "knowledge,"

so that, WHATEVER you say or see or find out that
happens to be true and very relevant, that

there is always a twist available, to invalidate or
to make unimportant or to make wrongly understood,

that what you DO see or find out about yourself and

Take Barbara Brennan in California, or
Mr. Masaru Emoto in Japan:

Marvelous, extremely important observations
they made - and MAJOR contributions to actual
science -

and then they spoil it all, by letting in all
the lies about Life, that they were educated
in by others and that they took over,

WITHOUT looking at the very false assumptions
about Life, from Criminal Minds and to hide
Criminal Minds, as taught, respectively in
their case, in Buddhism and in Hinduism.

People are kept Blind and can also not see me (or you, for that
matter) because of the ludicrous data, that they are taught, in
"religion," and in "science,"

that "I am dead," and people are taught the same about

not only in "science," but even in "religion" they are taught,
- complying with the Criminal Minds - that "people do not exist
either as who and what they are," but, to give one example,
people "live in the now, only." [LIP]


(b) stop Hating 'food ingestion and food digestion in her
body' - the activity WE commonly call 'eating well,'

and which (digestion of food) is actually quite an ugly
process, in sight and sound and smell - should you look
or listen or smell inside the intestines;

in licensed medical pig Latin and gobbledy-Greek, THERE 'eating
properly' could be diagnosed, as 'the patient' exhibiting

"Esophagal-Peristaltic Non-Emetic Functionality,"

(Abbreviated 'EPNEF,' according to the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 12th ed. -
DSM XII ...that is, if they are not stopped from
publishing it, by the time the 12th edition would be

that term is likely to give you the idea, that you are
sick and need treatment,

(I mean, who would NOT get sick upon hearing that
about oneself from the mouth of a licensed health
care person)

but which - translated back into plain English - means:

'You easily swallow food, and without wanting to throw up;'

which serves to ridicule, how licensed medical "science" is
describing the opposite in actual fact,

with a typically inane, 'licensed medical' term to hide
their arrogant ignorance of its causes,

of the aversion against eating properly:

'Anorexia Nervosa' (which says, that the victim 'feels he
has "no appetite",' as if you did not know that...

but then you indeed did NOT know - till they
invented it - the medical-Greek translation,
that 'gobbledy-Greek' medical term, that describes

'nervosity about eating,'

a term which bestows then on the victim, on the 'patient,'
the very dubious right to be "treated"

"treated" by the peer-reviewed and licensed medical
quacks and charlatans, and paid for by some medical
insurance fund,

"treated" by those "who care so much about our well-being"
- "SOOOO MUCH," that they do not even know what makes a


(c) ...instead of being gradually eaten away, or eventually
destroyed - their demise often hastened by the millennia-old
arrogance of the Hippocrates oath-takers, of the "very legal,
most charitable and oh so highly ethical" FRAUD called 'the
licensed medical "science".' *(n)(n)(n)(n) [MDSF]

(e) I value Richard Carpenter, both as a musician and as a person,
far above for instance Ludwig van Beethoven, which might become
clear if you study 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It'
{HRI 20021220} [GA]

- see also the videos listed in the References, below -

and I might - not entirely without reason - suggest to Richard,
that, as a holiday, he may like to visit for instance the old
town center of Lubeck in Northern Germany, and play an old
Church organ there, which no doubt would give him much pleasure.



(1) 'Innovation: Perceptional Aid (LEF-meter) also for the Blind to
Photons' (IPA)
{FPP 20110422-V3.0} {HRI 20110422-V3.0}
(22 April 2011 - Version 3.0 on 10 Jun 2011)

(2) 'Cause and Mechanism of Sleep - (Fine Particle Physics)
(incl. Definition of Intelligence and Stupidity)' (CMS)
(plus preamble (20100505 rev. 20100607)
{FPP 20100404-I-V1.4}
(4 April 2010 - Version 1.4 on 5 Jan 2011)

(3) 'Bach Pulling People Out Of Hell' (BPPH)
{HRI 20051021-V3.2}
(21 October 2005 - Version 3.2 on 13 Dec 2005)

(4) ' 'Loving Gratitude' - Flashes of Loving Gratitude in the Snow -
(plus a Philosophy of Science)' (LG)
{HRI note 20110223-II-V2.1}
(23 February 2011, IInd Issue - Version 2.1 on 26 Feb 2011)

(5) ' 'You also could have told the truth...' - Approaching
Criminally Minded Friends, Family Members or Spouses -
plus 'The Greater Proof of Love' ' (YCTT)
{HRI 20080614-V3.0.1}
(14 June 2008 - Version 3.0.1 on 17 June 2008)

(6) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.2}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)

(7) 'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
(11 October 2007 - publication date quotes from HRI 20040619)

(8) 'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
and Examining Heaven and Hell' (NDG)
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

(9) 'Surgeon Shows Hidden Motivations In Medical World :'

'As readers follow Youn into medical school, they come upon many
dark chapters, where physicians and soon-to-be-physicians are
self-absorbed and hungry for status and money.'

'Youn says the first reason for this behavior is the "doctor-god
complex." He expresses that doctors can take to their heads the
power to save or end lives. Secondly, Youn explains that doctors
have grown bitter because they've suffered long work hours and
hazing rituals.'

'Youn says one reason for writing his book is to show that not
all plastic surgeons are "arrogant, money-grubbing jerks."'

Surgeon Shows Hidden Motivations In Medical World : NPR.html

(n) (to be added)



[GA] 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

[HPC] 'Handling Psychosis And Compulsions - A Definition Of Psychosis
- Definition Of Compulsion' (HPC)
{HRI 20020915}
(15 Sept 2002)

[POLA] 'A Poem of Our Love, and Our Adventures' (POLA)
{HRI 20020717-V5.6}
(17 July 2002 - Version 5.6 on 9 Nov 2008)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[IPA] 'Innovation: Perceptional Aid (LEF-meter) also for the Blind to
Photons' (IPA)
{FPP 20110422-V3.0} {HRI 20110422-V3.0} [or a newer version]
(22 April 2011 - Version 3.0 on 10 Jun 2011)

(MDSF) 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations' (MDSF)
(incl. Real-life definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.2}
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.2 on 5 May 2011)

[LIP] 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

[CMS] 'Cause and Mechanism of Sleep - (Fine Particle Physics)
(incl. Definition of Intelligence and Stupidity)' (CMS)
(plus preamble (20100505 rev. 20100607)
{FPP 20100404-I-V1.4}
(4 April 2010 - Version 1.4 on 5 Jan 2011)

[FPP] study 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics' {iFPP}

[IJC] 'Introduction to Journalism Course' (2010)

[LG] ' 'Loving Gratitude' - Flashes of Loving Gratitude in the Snow -
(plus a Philosophy of Science)' (LG)
{HRI note 20110223-II-V2.1}
(23 February 2011, IInd Issue - Version 2.1 on 26 Feb 2011)

[BCTR] 'Bach Cantatas: Very un-Bach text with very anti-Life, period
"Christian" doctrine, to be REPLACED by actual poets, or
performed using non-text voice' (BCTR)
{HRI 20101012-V1.0.1}
(12 October 2010 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Oct 2010)

[PSAA] 'Protecting heavenly Bach and Mozart soprano, Arleen Auger,
from death' (PSAA)
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p2-q1-V1.2}
(19 Oct 2009 quoted - Version 1.2 on 27 Oct 2009)

[EHPB] 'Extremely High Performances of Bach - Introduction to Bach
(Johann Sebastian Bach)' (EHPB)
{HRI 20051021-V3.2-A-V2.1}
(31 Dec 2005 - Version 2.1 on 24 Nov 2009)

[YCTT] ' 'You also could have told the truth...' - Approaching
Criminally Minded Friends, Family Members or Spouses -
plus 'The Greater Proof of Love' ' (YCTT)
{HRI 20080614-V3.0.1}
(14 June 2008 - Version 3.0.1 on 17 June 2008)



[video] 'The Carpenters in Australia' 1972, 7-Network TV, 47 mins,
(in black and white), at the Chevron Hotel in Sydney.

[video] 'The Karen Carpenter Story' 1989 for TV, 1 hr 28 mins
- closely biographic movie, authorized and contributed to by
Richard Carpenter, I believe - with actress Cynthia Gibb
excellently acting Karen Carpenter, and ditto for the rest
of the cast. With much music. A Weintraub production.

[video] 'Close to You: Remembering the Carpenters (1997) (documentary)
Richard Carpenter and his friends in the music industry,
talk about the success of the Carpenters and about their
Approx. 1 hr 15 mins - with lots of archival footage

[video] 'Carpenters Forever' - recent NHK Japanese documentary of the
Carpenters story, with Richard Carpenter and lots of historic
footage. (Japanese subtitled) - 57 mins

[video] 'Carpenters Live Performance in Budokan, Japan' 31 May 1974

[video] 'Carpenters - Very First TV Special' 1976, ABC TV, 50 mins



Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:

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