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Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism, and Examining Heaven and Hell - (NDG) {HRI 20080406-V5.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 17, 2011, 12:51:44 PM5/17/11
Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism, and
Examining Heaven and Hell (NDG)

6 April 2008
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}

(Version 5.0
on 17 May 2011)

(view [shorter] Summary
by skipping [more]
indented text)

(suits foreign
language students)


The PURPOSE of the mono-theistic ('there is God') religions is, to
get or keep you more strongly connected to - and thus feeling and
greatly benefiting from - the Source Energy of The Creation:

The Creation's Source Energy which - if defined correctly by
you - is called God.


The PURPOSE of well-meaning people in the monotheistic religions, is,

to get or keep you more connected

to the Source Energy of The Creation,

and thus to let you experience and use the forces and the qualities
and feelings of this Energy of Life,

of the Source Life Energy of The Creation - which we define,
here below:




The Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems -


The Source Energy of The Creation, which is DEFINED as God,

as you know very well because you have experienced it, as
it is

- even if, for some, experienced in an unremembered,
maybe distant past, even then

you still know, that when you feel, when you do
experience or contact the Source Energy of The
Creation - it

is filling with immense, genuine Love, and

is giving intense, true Beauty, and

is showing Truth by persistently and uncompromisingly providing
(the connecting and then also unhindered) ACTUAL Awareness:

Awareness of truth, meaning 'that, what really happened,
and who caused it, with what actual intentions,'

{definition of Truth}

Truth that is kept visible (is felt, is observable)

- freely and uncompromisingly and persistently
visible -

by means of the Source Energy of The Creation, because it
connects you to Life;




and thus, and indeed, the Source Energy of The Creation,
which is also called God - thus God

is entirely free of Hate, entirely without Revenge, and contains
no Jealousy or Envy, and

has no desire nor use for creating Ugliness, and

is entirely without inflicting any Harm;


and you know very well, that

it stops Harm from being inflicted, and repairs Harm done,

it has indeed no demand or thought whatsoever of inflict-
ing Harm,

also not as Punishment, and

certainly not to "demand of others to inflict harm
onto themselves or onto each other, thus to repent,"
but it is

never Harming, also not "to improve or purify a
person's soul" or "to further a soul's development;"

the Source Energy of The Creation, which is called God
defined correctly,

is entirely free of Suffering,

is free of Unconsciousness,

is free of Pain, and

is free of any other Vandalism in any sense (such as diseases,
for instance);




and (thus, and indeed, the Source Energy of The Creation,
God defined correctly) has

no morals other than being itself:

it is inviting genuine (a person's own) Love,

indeed without any need or desire for Hate, nor
any necessity for Blindness or not seeing, and it is

without any need or desire to inflict any Blindness,
nor is it allowing or agreeing to inflict Blindness,
but it has

no other morals than being itself:

recognizing and appreciating true (own) Beauty, which does
indeed invite and result in tremendous Aliveness, and it

without any desire or need or necessity to hide
Beauty, it has

no other morals than being itself:

showing (making available for anyone to feel and sense)

anything that happened, what of it was done by whom,
with what intentions

(and not just showing a small part of it, but)

thus showing Truth about anyone and about anything,

which you know as the natural definition of

very obviously a basic ingredient of all Life.

And indeed, the moment anything happens or is done or
intended by anyone, it then becomes forever part of
The Creation,

the occurrence or even just the intention for it,
is so recorded, indeed, and is

recorded without that it ever can be erased, which

all in the quality of the Source Energy of The Creation.



Then 're-ligion,'

stemming from the Latin words for 'again' and 'connection'

is meant to be connecting again to the Source Energies of
The Creation, to the original and basic qualities, which means

to God if defined correctly.



That's the definition of God - to get it back to your awareness,
digging it again up from the bottom of your soul, where it has been
lying dormant for so many thousands of years,

and now awoken again by me, for you to stay awake this time.






The first monotheist in Earth's physically recorded history, was
Akhenaton, *(2) a pharaoh, (Amenhotep IV, if you like, or me)

and an 'Outsider' due to his extraordinary Love *(2) for people:


Pharaoh Akhenaton, who had correctly DEFINED God, as

'The Source Life Energy of The Creation.'

A correct definition, which Criminal Minds then
perverted, by substituting it,

substituting God with "the sun of this solar

materialistically: And

- if God is defined correctly, it is easily
seen - (that)

thus Criminal Minds are in fact DENYING God to



By means of re-introducing the correct, natural definition of 'God,'
Pharaoh Akhenaton intended to counter and end the influence of the
entirely Demonic, intensely Evil Egyptian Priesthood of his time:

These practiced "mummification" intending not only
completely and forever to destroy and hypnotize the souls
of people, but also

(that permanent destruction or eternal "sleep,"
and other hypnosis, inflicted on the soul of the
deceased during the "mummification" process, is
intended by them to be so,

that the victims, you and I, will then not
wake up to what they did, and, being oblivious
of the Life Energy taken from us, we would not

(or not become more aware again, at which
time we would)

try and connect again - naturally - to our
own Energies that were sucked away from us,

for which the mummification process was used, by

to obtain all extractable Life Energies (Life Energy
Particles) from a person's soul, AND from that person's
body as well, at the time of death, with the technologies
they then still had, to extract Life Energy, *(n)

yes, they - these Evil "priests" - even proceeded to
obtain, to extract, to 'steal,' the Life Energies

(they sought out animals in their prime time or
at their greatest Energetic strength - yes,
also their eggs, that, after all, do contain
vigorous Life Energy)

extracting also the Life Energies of animals,

by mummifying also THESE, perfectly healthy, alive
animals mummified by them,

millions of animals - the mummies of which still can
be found - and which have partially been un-earthed,
from mass graves in Egypt's soil - in caverns, in
huge tombs, *(n)

certainly nothing for Egypt, to be proud of.





Indeed, Criminal Minds and Demonic creatures (sociopaths) are
violently opposed to monotheism,

(monotheism) when it is correctly defined, as:

'people's desire naturally to be connected to and naturally
to feel the Source Energies of Life,

and thus to experience the intense beauty and joy of life,
of being alive and of living life.'

That is 'Soli Dei Gloria,'

as you may have seen it written, and as one
might have said it a few hundred years ago,

specifically to mean

"(Music Composed) only by the use of the Source
Energy of The Creation."





Chapter: Opposition to the Source Energy of The Creation (God)


Indeed Criminal Minds (dictators, etc.) are violently opposed to mono-
theism, because Criminal Minds (for instance dictators) do want, that
people are (spiritually or Energetically, and also materialistically)
'connected to THEM ONLY,'

and dictators want, that people rather see or feel THEM (dictators)
as 'Gods,' or "best" even only one dictator, who can then be adored
as 'the God,'

and not just as an idea of 'God,' but in real life activity too:

in blind devotion and with unquestioning compliance,

complete with punishment, torture even, with revenge
and with hate,

as you know it from various "religions,"


as if those things, blind devotion and unquestioning compliance

- LET ALONE punishment and torture, (not even to mention such
equally and ENTIRELY UNGODLY things as

'revenge' and 'hate,' let alone

'killing people "who do not believe",'

(and, at that, killing 'who do not believe' in some
undefined 'God,' or in some prophet who talks in vague
and confusing, or even very wrong and highly blasphemous
terms, about God)

and, being a dictator in fact, he actually means

'killing people who do not want to be dominated'

(domination and submission are the very OPPOSITE of God) -

as if THAT

"would have anything to do with God,"



with which those barbaric ideas or actions or feelings that do
accompany dictatorship, have NOTHING to do at all, and

indeed (blind devotion and unquestioning compliance,
and punishment, torture even, and revenge and hate, and
'atonement' and 'penance' and 'self-abasement,' but also
mourning and grieving) stem ONLY from Criminal Minds,

from Criminal Minds in the past somehow PRETENDING
to be 'God' - or even in the present -

in order to get you deceived and complying WITH THEM,
directly or indirectly,

or in particular to insinuate lies "coming from
God," lies about life, about the past and about the
future, *(n)

and thereby to dominate you, so that they have command
over your Life Energies (over your thoughts, feelings,
ideas and actions).





Chapter: Criminal Minds - the irreparable souls


OF COURSE, Monotheistic people would like to see, that ALSO Criminal
Minds (people of a Criminal nature) and Demonic creatures are being
remedied and repaired by connecting again to the Source Energy of
The Creation, connecting to God

- this is no doubt an ardent wish in the hearts of
monotheistic people, that this be done, by means of
those Energies,

by means of getting those Criminal Minds connected
again to the Source Energy of The Creation, to God,

by rubbing their nose in it, so to speak -

and monotheistic people ('believers in God'), do very naturally
think and assume, that that - connecting again to God, to the
Source Energy of The Creation -

"would ALSO remedy, would ALSO repair Criminal Minds."


HOWEVER, it is impossible to repair Criminal Minds or Demons - which
includes the "well-adjusted" Sociopath - because these have the

to PREVENT AND OPPOSE their own and other's connection to the Source
Energy of The Creation (called God, defined correctly)

- a level of Evil, that 'Science' or 'Academia' as yet
has to discover even the existence of, but

that I have extensively researched, like everything
else that I write for you in the Human Rights Issues
(the HRI's) and in Fine Particle Physics (FPP),

and what I write here, is based on that research, which
I published also. *(n)




It is indeed to make the mutilated souls become and remain
forever irreparable, that Criminal Minds have been given that

by means of, for you entirely unimaginably Evil methods,

and with tremendous spiritual forces, for it to become
installed and embedded in their soul

(an 'Anti-Social-Personality Disorder,' as it is

in currently fashionable parlance of "science,"
being at the lowest rung of the ladder of causative

these souls have been IRREVERSIBLY given the impulse, the
desire, and the most violent compulsion, and the malevolent
joy, too, installed in their soul, that "protects them" from
recovery *(n)


(OR ELSE, so they feel, "they will die and/or to lose
ALL control over their Life Energies"

- what you call 'someone going wholly insane'
or 'someone having a psychotic fit,' etc. -

that can be triggered by themselves when certain
circumstances or conditions are met, when they feel
"threatened with Sanity,"

or that can be triggered in them by other Criminal
Minds with Life Energetic control over them,

triggering a psychotic break in them "to protect
them" from Sanity, even from feeling what it would
be like, to be Sane, *(n)

because certain factors are installed in their soul

(harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles installed), and

by other factors removed from their soul (basic, vital
Life Energy Particles smashed out of them), *(n)

factors that, together, are enforcing the compulsion

with such harmful Energy fixed inside,
embedded inside their soul, providing it
with very intense, Evil force to execute


the purpose, cunningly to PREVENT AND vehemently to OPPOSE their
feeling and becoming connected again to the Source Energies of
The Creation (to God) - fiercely preventing it for themselves,
AND for others: *(n)


They have been made to feel the Energy of being Hated so
INTENSELY "AS IF that Hate Energy is coming from the
Source Energy of The Creation:"

And whenever they tried to connect to God (correctly
defined), they were made INSTEAD, to feel Hate (Red Hate)

which however opposes the very definition
itself, of God, and its actuality, as shown

They "are Hated by God," because the Energy of Hate is
installed around their soul to feel, whenever they want
to connect to God, to the Source Energy of The Creation,

and they have then been made to do plenty of Evil things,
to make them believe, that "they deserve to and indeed
must be Hated by God," exactly as they feel it. *(n)


Such is the extent of Evil inflicted by Demons, who
inflicted such inconceivable Evil onto the souls of
people captured, *(n)

"for the fun" of being Evil, like the JOY a
Medical Doctor 'Mengele' feels about freely
and "lovingly" inflicting Evil on people in
his care, inflicted *(n)

out of Envy for the Beauty of others:

Forever destroying people (as the major Demonic creature
mentioned by me elsewhere, did, who is being the subject
of a permanent Human Rights Order on him, or on 'it' if
you like - he being not incarnate, currently).

People are souls, as you know, immortal souls.

The longtime and faithful reader may remember
my having published the research data obtained
to uncover those Crimes against Humanity

- mentioned above -

Crimes that are well beyond your desire to
investigate, but that have been nevertheless
committed on people, as you can easily see
and examine, on Earth.




But the so deviously mutilated souls - Criminal Minds, or
sociopaths - can PRETEND to be connected,

they can take the Energies of normal people, and PRETEND

- with these Energies taken ('stolen,' vampired)
from others, they can pretend -

in such a way, that they SEEM

- as some actors and singers who are sociopaths, who
are Life Energy Vampires, do - they are quite
seeming *(n)

to act and feel and think 'like you and me,' yes, even
"better than you and me, more in command of 'themselves',"

as if the ideas, the feelings and the intentions, and the
Beauty they use, are "their own Energies." *(1)

(See for instance the HRI 'Genuine Art.' *(6) )




What has been installed in Criminal Minds - to further make them
become and remain forever irreparable - is their JOY of being
Evil to others.

As they have been effectively cut off from feeling the
Source Energy of the Creation, from God

- and you might rightly observe, in this case, that
THEY 'are Godless' -

they like to provide for their Life Energy BY TAKING IT

BY inflicting Evil, *(8) that is.

For THEM - I mentioned names elsewhere - "Life is
a game of overwhelming others." *(n)(n)

'Do not do unto others, what you would not want done
to yourself' - the 'Golden Rule' - to THEM is wholly
ridiculous: "It applies to OTHERS, not to THEM!"

For THEM - for Criminal Minds, for "well-adjusted"
Sociopaths - THEIR JOY is to betray and to deceive
and to take the Energy of others,

and they work to establish a social or political
environment or system, where that is allowed and
even desired. *(n)

Pointing that out in real life, is done in
many Human Rights Issues (HRI's).

So, what to do, about those Criminal Minds, as they can not be
connected to the Source Energy of the Creation, to God?





Chapter: Atheistic religions or atheistic philosophies

(elaborately PRETENDING to remedy Criminal Minds)

Now indeed is the right moment, to mention, that

THE PURPOSE of the ATHEISTIC "religions" or "philosophies" is,

"to actually remedy - to really remedy - those irreparable people,"

the Criminal Minds or the Demons or the "well-adjusted"
sociopaths, "remedying their condition,"

BY "making these accepted and loved," or "seen as 'normal'," or by
making these (Criminal Minds) not recognized at all,

and by having these accepted and praised as "better citizens,"
even, as gurus for instance;


and further also, they "remedy Criminal Minds"

by providing them, Criminal Minds, with "a path for being restored
to their original spiritual state,"

but this - their condition - must not be mentioned, of course,
because that would be 'pointing at Criminal Minds;' so instead,

(see for instance, the HRI
'Penetrating Hinduism and Buddhism' *(7) )


"it is an 'Evolution' of the soul," for which - you guessed it -
"suffering Evil *(8) is necessary,"

(Evil stems entirely and only from Criminal Minds, so
these malicious individuals are suddenly "necessary" -
"indispensable" really, "for other souls to grow and

and of course - in the framework of making Criminal
Minds or sociopaths accepted as "being basically
like everyone else," as "normal" - (therefore the
atheists, are)

"offering" this 'path' to ALL people - BY claiming, that
"everyone IS following this path anyway, because it is
'the Cosmic nature of life',"


"everyone must partake in 'the evolution of his or
her soul',"

"and THAT IS the process of suffering and of learning
from it, (that then 'must take place,' and 'that it
IS taking place on Earth,' proves, that the soul is
evolving by experiencing it."

And then they feed that back into the groups
of monotheistic people, by claiming,

that "God wanted it so," "that God lets you suffer, in order for you
to learn," "in order to make you a better person," "in order to show
how good (or not yet good enough) you are,"


That construction of ideas sprouts from a level of INTENSE

It is so ungodly - so nauseatingly 'anti-God' -

so untrue, so ugly and so malicious, so false and so anti-
life, that

- like a nauseating smell does too -

it is repelling you from looking into it, from examining

THAT repulsively Evil those ideas are, that you are
simply refusing to face even the reality of it,

- THAT intensely OPPOSED to God, THAT strongly
opposed it is to the Source Energy of The




God is DEFINED as 'The Source Energy of The Creation' - Energy


- but those things are ADDED by Criminal Minds of THEIR free

and by consequence, claiming that their Harmful
Energies are "being a normal part of Life," is
THEIR effort to make it seem "normal,"

yes, Criminal Minds who are very bold, do even
claim, that

any Harmful Energies and conditions, and any
accidents and disasters 'are inflicted "by

- would you believe it -

and it is THEIR effort, 'to make you "understand",'

and 'to make you "understand" about anyone
else's nature, yes, even "about yourself",'

that "you yourself ALSO have been a Criminal Mind,
during your evolving as a soul," and that "at least
potentially, anyone is and thus also you are some-
what like a Criminal Mind, like a 'well-adjusted'
Sociopath, or even something of a Demon,"

which inevitably, "you must have been at some
time during your evolution as a soul," as "in
some unknown and unknowable past,"

and "now and in any future you ALSO have those
seeds in you" - so they like you to believe -

in order for you 'to be like them.' And that is
the whole purpose in this matter, to "prove," that

"you are still potentially being a Criminal

or "you are an ego," they say nowadays,

"who, like everyone, must be transformed and
evolve into 'being able to feel compassion for

(remember: the Criminal Mind has no
compassion, no conscience, AND they
enjoy lying in the most unimaginable


they add those false ideas by which they mean to
indoctrinate you

(while THEY SEEM TO CLAIM, and to practice, that "all
people are basically good,"

they in fact are very clearly claiming, and
also practicing

- with truly hypnotic efficiency, they
are convincing you of the opposite of
what they really mean to achieve -

in actual fact they try to establish)

that "all people are basically Evil," and thus "all people
evolve into becoming good people as their 'final' state,"

by following a "spiritual, evolutionary path"

- either of suffering, or of learning (but, by which
they mean 'also suffering' or 'mainly suffering')

as their "spiritual evolution," *(n)

and according to some great authority, it is
"after exactly six thousand life times" (with
the starting point not mentioned, however),
n Earth,

that one automatically achieves that 'final'
state, and "is admitted to Heaven," *(n)

and in his case or vision one gets there
regardless of whether one suffers and
'learns from that,' or

on the other hand, when one simply and

- to any sane person certainly
preferable - when one, being
on Earth anyway,

fully ENJOYS life with others, as much
as one can manage to do.




A particular example of a pretended and exceedingly harmful
"remedy" of the irreparable (of Criminal Minds, "well-adjusted"
Sociopaths, etc.)

- and quite an important example to know about, because
very many people on Earth try to enforce it on life,
on our lives -

an important example of PRETENDED "handling" of
Criminal Minds or Sociopaths,

is the 'Serenity Group' (that I have describe elsewhere), *(n)

and that 'Serenity' is found and practiced on Earth

- but is of course not actually described by them,
else such individuals would not be able to recruit
normal people but only Criminal Minds and
Extreme Cowards,

you would conclude, if you get to understand
their way of "harmonious life,"

'harmonious life' that Criminal Minds by
definition, inherently, by their nature,
are entirely incapable of living,


in "religions" and "philosophies" (and in the groups or
"Ashrams" etc., where they live together practicing such

that are based on Hinduism, and (on India's Hindu brand
of) Buddhism *(n)

- with unimaginably vicious lies "about Life" and
"about people's nature," "about the past," "about
the present," and "about the future," *(n)

lies as one can expect these, EXACTLY of Criminal
Minds, because they have everything in reverse:


"Love is Hate"

("Love," in the 'Serenity Group of
"Harmony with Criminal Minds," means

'Hating those who are looking and who
observe Hate and Evil existing in

"Living is Dying"

("Living must be done by withdrawing from
Life and by extinguishing your desires
and even your soul")

"Friends are Enemies," "Enemies are Friends,"

("Friends who are pointing out Enemies,
are destroying (the feeling of) 'peace
and of harmony,' and thus these friends
destroy your life")

"Unawareness is Perception," "Perception is

("Enlightenment and Awareness is an inner
state of mind" which is indeed disturbed
by being seeing Criminal Minds existing,

and being aware of the truly Extreme
Ugliness, Hate and Lies of those people
who oppose Awareness, "destroys your

they claim and practice, that BECOMING
Aware of Evil, "DIMINISHES Awareness,"
and that WITHDRAWING from Life, which
is becoming LESS aware, "INCREASES

etc. etc.:


REVERSALS OF LIFE, reversals that you will come to
recognize, when you actually look through the masks
and the - often very beautiful, very exalted - lies
from Criminal Minds,

lies collected as "philosophies," and also
practiced, in particular coming from India.




The 'Serenity Group' is a group of souls bound by the agreement,
doctrine and goal

- and with tremendous group-force ('peer-pressure' in
currently fashionable terms), they are kept to it -

GROUP - a "true brotherhood" - that means,

with the idea, and the fierce Hate accompanying it

- though they claim to "be the very essence
of Love itself" - accompanied by

their tremendous, searing, deadly HATE AND CONTEMPT
for any manner of actually looking at people,

other than "looking at, sensing and feeling" THE

how they LIKE TO BE SEEN,

that is Criminal Minds "being nice to
each other" and with threats of great
violence demanding compliance with
THEIR "Golden Rule" of "being nice and
polite to the members of the family,
the group or brotherhood,"

with the notion, the idea, that


those who DO look PAST the deception, behind their mask, at
the actual individuals and their actual intentions, and at the
past actions of others,

which of course are looked at by you and me, and by other
courageous and sincere and just, caring persons, wanting
to know 'who and what,' and

who DO see Evil, and who DO point Evil out, and who DO oppose

- and who also point out the Evil of those who are HIDING

(for example, pointing out those who were hiding the
Evil - and who did profit from the Evil - of Saddam
Hussein, the suffering he inflicted on the Iraqi
people for many decades) -

it means, that those, you and me, who DO LOOK AND DO SEE EVIL and
who intend thus to stop Evil because we care naturally about people,

it means - their doctrine and practice of hiding Evil, means - that

WE "are most evil and most despicable persons," according to

They really feel it that way, which is probably very hard
to imagine for you,

because you never harmed them, quite the contrary,
you protect them FROM Evil inflicted on them, but
nevertheless, they FEEL,

that (we) are "most evil and most despicable
persons," FOR our looking at and pointing out WHO
is committing Evil and FOR stopping people who are

I point out the Hate you (will) )see in some
slums, the Hate projected at normal, helpful
police officers,

or, the intense Hate against those very
American soldiers who freed the Iraqi people
from its most cruel, most violent, most
Insane and Criminal dictator, Saddam Hussein.



This might help you to understand certain individuals who accuse you
vehemently, that "YOU are hating people" or, that "YOU inciting to
hate," (BY your observing and opposing and protecting people FROM


because in THEIR doctrine and mindset, exposing Evil IS an act of
hate, and must be attacked strongly and instantly, in order to
stop and prevent the exposure of Evil. *(n)



And INSIDE that 'Serenity Group' of souls, of people, that
"brotherhood," it is so, that

those OUTSIDE THAT spiritually-bound group - the "not
brothers" -

those who DO, like you and me, truthfully point out and oppose

(such as by pointing out alliances or axes of Evil, which
are pointed out BY THOSE OUTSIDE, by you and me and by
any decent person) (we, thus)

"are the evil ones" - that is, by the 'Serenity Group' definition
of "evil," (WE) "are evil."


They are Admiring Evil

as 'something that one must not interpret as Evil, at

(which you see again in certain Hindu beliefs, where
they talk about it as 'Duality' and 'Ego' to "judge"
an act as Evil,

"when everything is relative" and "evil is good for
one, while it might be bad for another") *(8)

because - by THEIR definition - "exposing and labeling Evil as
evil, IS THE EVIL,"

and "labeling Evil people as causing Evil is (the most) evil
(thing one can do)"

in the 'Serenity Group' of people. And so

their "loving" each other

- meaning, their very intentional, very ACTIVE and
ENERGETIC BLINDNESS to Evil, and instead admiring
the strength of their masks -

does label the OUTSIDERS who are looking or who intend to look
through it, as "being evil."



In other words, they have a completely DIFFERENT

something like:

"Evil is, 'whatever and whoever makes them look at Evil as
being Evil'."
{reverse definition of Evil}


They label in particular the [in 2008] current American
President, George 'Washington' Bush, and Dick Cheney, the
vice-president, as "the very embodiment of evil,"

while members of that 'Serenity Group' (see HRI
'Famous American Life Energy Vampires,' etc.)

such as Al Gore and Ban Ki-Moon, even Obama, are
hailed BY the 'Serenity Group' people, as "the very
embodiment of good,"

"who are 'ushering in a new era of life on
Earth, that is 'caring for people,' and is
'not Evil'."

I add some physical data.

We have five or so oceans on Earth,
filled with water that has extremely
peculiar properties of absorbing and of
giving off heat,

with built-in favor for the temperature
of the human body, would you believe it.

And it can absorb and give off enormous
amounts of heat (or cold, same thing).

Members of the 'Serenity Group' WANT EVIL
PEOPLE NOT LOOKED AT, and instead want you to
be diverted,

into being scared about global warming

they want you NOT to look at those who DO cause and
who DO maintain Evil on Earth

- at the dictators and the scientists who intend to
ruin and who do ruin life on Earth, as much as
they can get away with -

at those who PREVENT us - Earth and its population -
from doing well, and who prevent us from doing well
everywhere, on this Earth.


I add some more physical data.

If you implement The First International
Law, then you need only a minimum of
armed forces, on Earth.

This reduces your famous 'Carbon
footprint' by a factor 100,000 or such,
in the area of the military.

And it frees up a tremendous amount of
highly skilled and very caring people,
for other, and much more fun jobs.


I add some more physical data.

If you get medical personnel to
actually study life and the life
process of bodies, then you reduce
suffering of people, by a factor 100,000
or such, and that globally too. *(9)


Do I really need to go on, to give you
more data - on food supply, on industry,
on commerce, on energy supply, on health
and happiness? *(n)

You might have gotten the idea,
by now...





If you have some intelligence or ability to connect to
data and to separate data into relevant and irrelevant,

and have, what is only seemingly 'the opposite of

if you have the ability to FEEL and sense what is there,

if you have the courage and strength to 'FEEL THROUGH' all
the blocking and confusing and blinding, and unpleasant or

FEELINGS that Criminal Minds create and put up as barriers
to your Perception,

then you can see the mix-up - the interweaving of good and
Evil, the mix-up of truth and vicious lies,

that they use because

Criminal Minds and Demonic creatures HIDE, that THEY CAN NOT BE

and they hide from you, that they do NOT WANT to be repaired,
but want to be "seen" as "normal," and,

at that, as "more normal" and as "more responsible" than
decent and caring people, and

they hide from you, that they are Criminal Minds who WANT TO BE IN
CHARGE OF EARTH, of science, of the arts, of politics, of religion,
of education, of economics,

where you find indeed many of them *(n)

and they hide from you, that they ENJOY TO HATE AND TO LIE AND



THEY ENJOY - if only deviously - to make life miserable for others,
under any excuse that you will believe of them,

be it a "political" excuse, a "religious" excuse, a "scientific"
excuse, or

"that they have to do so" (to make you miserable)

for "educational" reasons, or out of "medical necessity," or
else, "to reduce global warming," "electric smog," "nuclear
radiation" and what-have-you, *(n)

"reasons" THEY USE to make life miserable,

while they destroy the very science that has the
solutions and technology at hand, *(n)

and instead they promote "their care for the group,"

"reasons" that are accepted as "care," and that depends on
what you - and the journalists - are in a given period the
most gullible or the most Insane about, so you accept
these "reasons" eagerly, *(n)

"reasons" that are "fashionable to complain about, now,"
often as a fad,

and that can be used to demand a reduction in life
- to make life miserable, that is -

"reasons" that carry the hypnotic power of demanding
compliance of others, "for their own good,"

"reasons" that call for domination of the society in some


I repeat: THEY ENJOY to make life miserable for others, under
any pretext or excuse that you will believe and accept.

Thus they are VIOLENTLY opposed to basic knowledge about
life, and about them.

They will ALWAYS divert science into the wrong direction,
they will always "educate" into a PRETENSE of "knowledge."





All that, is how completely their soul has been destroyed.

Some of these then go on to claim "scientifically," that
their soul and the soul of others "does not exist," and
that *(n)

their thoughts and feelings "are the result of clashing
molecules and electrons inside their brain," *(n)

thoughts and feelings and memories "that will end
(partly or wholly) when their brain is (partly
or wholly) destroyed, or shrunk." *(n)


Indeed they are - "scientifically" or "medically" - DENYING the
very simple fact, that

ALL thoughts, and ALL feelings, ARE Life Energies, ARE Life
Energy Particles;

Particles that are wholly different from molecules
and from electrons

which, after all, do follow the laws of
(Newton's) Coarse Particle Physics (CPP)

and of (Rutherford's) nuclear or Small
Particle Physics (SPP),

which is ENTIRELY different from Fine Particle
Physics (FPP).


These are FINE Particles, Life Energy Particles,

which are vastly senior to Coarse Particles (that
are objects) and to Small Particles (such as

and thus Fine Particle Physics is vastly senior - in all
respects - to those two kinds of (coarser) Physics
(Newton, regular physics, and Rutherford, nuclear physics)
that you probably know from school (meaning, school before
this HRI of 2008, is introduced), and

the vastly senior physics, Fine Particle Physics,
defines and describes and predicts Life Energies

- that, what the medical world is SUPPOSED to
almost entirely work with; but does not,

because the medical world is, by Criminal
Minds, certainly in the West, brought to
not know ANYTHING AT ALL, about the actual
Physics of Medicine, *(n)

which is, indeed, Fine Particle Physics, as
anyone can only too easily see. *(n)


A hundred years from now, people would
not believe you, if you told them

that in the year 2008, medical schools
did NOT teach Fine Particle Physics:

People would think that too
incomprehensibly Insane to
have been an actuality.

Imagine that now you would 'live without
any electrical devices at all,'

"because you can not see electrons."

(see 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics')





Chapter: Physical Heaven, physical Hell


The monotheistic religions or philosophies

- 'God is the Source of the Energy of The Creation, and is NOT
a person or persons' -

as the Christian, Judaic and Islamic religions proclaim,

(these) TRY to be monotheistic,

but they are having a very difficult time doing so,

because their monotheism is tainted and diverted and hindered
by the fact, that

each of those religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam,

claiming 'Heaven' to exist, yet (they) are HIDING it:

THEIR DOCTRINE and their value,

their extra-terrestrial connection to or their promise of
an extra-terrestrial

'Heaven.' *(1)




And so you get "scientists," astronomers, who should know
better but who are kept spiritually very Blind indeed by
means of 'peer-pressure' ...and 'peer-salaries,'

with an IQ of about minus 20, should you
define Intelligence in any way correctly,

Intelligence being the use of the ability to
connect to and to integrate and differentiate
ALL RELEVANT data pertaining to the subject at

and by that definition of Intelligence, they
are sorely lacking it, which puts those in the
minus range, because of their


who are "searching for extra-terrestrial signs of life."

(Not a joke, the not-a-joke is called 'SETI' by the
not-jokers. Most are members of not-a-physics-joke
called CERN, in Switzerland, where they do let
electrons - or other small particles, fractions of
water molecules, if you want to be precise - run in
a big circle under the ground (so as not to bump
into people, but into each other) and astoundingly,
these people are "against wasting energy" or "for
OTHERS reducing their Carbon-12 footprint."

Recently their guru, a very severe sociopath, called
Stephen Hawking, still claimed - and, to their
acclaim (to applause) at that - that "there can not
be any life superior to that of Earth, in the whole
Universe," "else he would have known about it and he
would have heard their - extra-terrestrial - radio
shows," *(n)

amidst the blazing radiation of the stars, in
our (radio-) telescopes.

That people believe that guru, is - sadly enough -
ALSO not a joke. All he has done, and is doing, is
to block progress, and to destroy the science of
physics. As of writing Version 5.0 on 17 May 2011)
he, the Sociopath Stephen Hawking, renewed also
his destruction of the sciences of medicine and of


And because of such Criminal Minds, you have that kind of
"religion" on Earth, that "religious politics," and that
"religious 'science'" since millennia,

and also now, by such as Stephen Hawking and Albert
Einstein, and TV's atheist guru, Carl Sagan,

all of them "scientists" who are severe sociopaths,

who claim Earth as "being the only spot in The Creation
with intelligent, human life:"



The Creation, that consists of millions of (also to astronomers:)
VISIBLE Galaxies, each

consisting of billions of VISIBLE stars - created with the very
purpose of providing places for life to take place and to be
enjoyed by people.




The Christian, Judaic and Islamic religions TRY to be mono-
theistic, but they are having a very difficult time doing so,

because their monotheism is tainted and diverted and
hindered - by, each of them,

DOCTRINE - their extra-terrestrial connection, their promise




All of these three - attempting-to-be-monotheistic - religions,

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, (and their off-shoots too)

do try to promise, via their prophets who were deriving their
prophetic power from, but were and are HIDING that

(as in the case of Mohammed, only)

spiritual connection or

(as in the case of Jesus, and of Moses, also)

physical connection

(to extra-terrestrials)

to physical, real people from 'Heaven,' from

"'the' abode of 'God' to which 'God' ultimately welcomes the
righteous and faithful," meaning

'Heaven' - which is simply a more civilized society on another
planet, of which there are billions and billions (such proper
societies - you may safely assume - ) on

planets in The Creation.



Now VERY OBVIOUSLY, Heaven, the 'Heavens,'

meaning very physical, very real, very normal societies in very
real star systems,

that you can see the stars of, through your telescopes,

and that occasionally have their spaceships visit
also this Earth

(camouflaged as mile-long and half-a-mile-wide
"weather balloons" - joke -

spaceships a mile-long and half-a-mile-wide with
flashing lights, over Phoenix, Arizona, USA, or
more recently, over Stephenville, Texas - not a
joke - )

of these very real, very physical, other-star-system
planetary civilizations, these

are NOT letting in any souls to be born there (or to dwell there as
souls even without being born)

who are Criminal Minds or Demonic creatures,

NEITHER those who are being so by nature and basic character,

NOR those who are being so by current contamination

and by their refusal to block out the contamination by
Energies from Criminal Minds or Demonic creatures, from

and their contamination from complying with Evil Energies,
instead of refusing to comply, refusing to do Evil.

"The Devil made me do it," even when wholly true,
does still ask and demand your opposition to it,
and it

demands your refusal to comply with those harmful
Energies projected at you or installed in you, by
Criminal or Demonic Minds, "by The Devil."

In other words, it is not an excuse - as I explained
in quite a lot more words on the subject of Justice.



Very practically, a suicide mass-murderer "in the name of some
religious ideas," is NOT - DEFINITELY NOT - welcomed in any civilized
society, much less in any 'Heavens.'



Thus, the notion IS ENTIRELY FALSE, that

"Criminal Minds and Demonic creatures could secure a place
in Heaven," "if they are believing in 'God' or 'Allah' or

"or if they chant some religious texts and observe some religious
customs and rituals," it nevertheless is wholly excluded, that

they would go there, to 'Heaven.'


But also the notion, that "YOU, because you are decent and caring and
courageous," would get there,

or that "your most courageous and loving grandmother, would get

- to any of these very real, very physical, other-star-
system planetary civilizations or 'the Heavens' -

even simply "BY being virtuous, or by observing religious
customs or beliefs or doing the rituals someone tells her
to do, or being subjected to some rituals,"

- that you would get to any physical 'Heaven,'

is very remote from or too far removed from actuality, really, to





The same applies correspondingly to a physical Hell, which is easier
to imagine because some places on Earth,

formerly in Iraq under the Islamic dictator, and in dictatorial
Russia's and in dictatorial Germany's past, in its Concentration
Camps and Slave Labor Camps, and

now still in various countries, including China, where they
for instance keep the very GOOD people imprisoned and tortured
in various ways, these places

are a physical Hell.


You can expand this concept, to imagine a whole planet which is
like North Korea and much worse - and there are indeed other
planets, that are like that and worse - [Dulce Base]

where there is no Love, but only 'dominate and be dominated' in
the extreme, only Hate and be Hated,

that, from our viewpoint would certainly be a Hell planet,

and you certainly do have a chance of getting born there, in
some way or other.





Chapter: Dying, Death, After Death, Birth


Even the most superficial student of life, will

any idea of 'Karma' or 'Divine or Cosmic Justice,'
or of 'Last' or other 'Judgments' by anyone,

to be entirely false,

BECAUSE THERE IS NONE AT ALL - only a cursory glance
at people and at life will tell you:

These concepts have been introduced by Criminal
Minds, to make you accept their Evil,

as I showed to you elsewhere and in such a
way as to be understood by the layman, as well
as by the expert. *(n)


Then again, you might also get born in North Korea, if
you do not watch your steps during and after your death,
and before your birth,

and you might - you, being an Energy globe without body -
you might wind up in very wrong places and with very bad
people, *(n)

or you might even get caught in very, very unhealthy
physical devices that capture Life Energy, and
you, *(n)

designed by Criminal Minds to destroy you so as to
extract all your Life Energies and even to dominate
you afterwards, *(n)

- with technologies that are on Earth itself
not currently known and in use anymore -

or even to keep extracting your Life Energies from


That is, UNLESS you do get yourself educated generally,

with the Human Rights Issues and some Fine Particle
Physics, research data and integration of available
data, guided by the Trinity of Science, *(n)

on how life actually DOES work,

so that you can apply the (Natural) First and Second Law
of Human Rights, and

so you can recognize various Energies and the tricks
and deceptions people or spirits do produce,


IF you do get yourself educated generally ABOUT THE ACTUAL

with education that is entirely for free, and

which actual education - knowing how things actually do
work - gives you and other decent people a fair chance,
a safeguard

AGAINST getting into any kind of physical or
spiritual Hell.

And believe me, even the smallest amount of education
in this matter, is already quite a spiritual life guard
that can be used,


IF you manage to stay aware enough and spiritually strong
enough, to actually apply that knowledge also during and after
death, and before birth,

meaning for instance, that you avoid getting drugged
in such a way that you can not anymore see, sense or
assess the presence of obvious or camouflaged Evil,

if you can not recognize Evil individuals, or
'helpful' persons vampiring on your Energy
when you are weak, sick or dying; or

so that you cannot anymore connect

(have the Energy for connecting, that is)

to (feel) your true friends,

and most of all, to stay connected to, and
so feeling the Source Life Energies of The
Creation (feeling, if you would define it
correctly, God).


Generally, you will have to educate and train yourself to
be able to recognize those individuals who wish Evil upon
you, and to detect their numerous tricks,

tricks as you know from hypnotists and from stage
magicians, already

- or whose tricks you should study, in order
to be able to look through any tricks by
those individuals -

and tricks also by (spirits, by) those without a
body, or with a body alike,

who do not do so for your entertainment, but really
to harm you most horribly,

in particular when you are weakest or in great
despair or anguish,

but also and quite on the other hand - it is
just another Evil trick these play on you -
when you are made to feel 'invincible,'

which feeling they inflict or induce
in order to stop you from continuing
to defend yourself:

"You have won" and "Life is a game"

- NOT! If you believe those
lies, you will go down in no





Chapter: Spiritual Heaven, spiritual Hell, After-Life


The mix-up is then made complete, by having ANOTHER concept and
reality of "Heaven,"


in addition to the very real, very physical, other-star-system
planetary civilizations or 'the Heavens' as in actual fact
referred to, or suggested, by Mohamed, by Jesus, and by Moses.


There is an entirely DIFFERENT concept of 'Heaven:'

The SPIRITS-ONLY (Heaven): Being WITHOUT A BODY, being not inside a

(not glued inside a body and not having a body anymore, as also
you are, after death)

subject to the laws of Fine Particle Physics only, and

NOT anymore subject to the coarse, "normal" physics of objects,
nor of the physics of light and electrons


- being 'After life' -

while LIFE and interaction, perceptions, feelings, thoughts and
intentions shared with others

(others with or also those WITHOUT A BODY)

continues, of course,

because you are a soul, and that means LIFE,

this condition of your existing as a soul but after your body

they are calling THAT "Heaven," "being in Heaven"

- that does not a particular place, because you can be at home
or anywhere else, when your body has died and before you are
born into a new family:

You are a Life Energy globe, and you probably keep creating
the Life Energy Image of your previous body, an Image of
your previous body at a stage or age of it, probably, that
you feel most connected to, and to present to others as
"this is me."


To this, see also - and which actually refers back here:

'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} *(3)


You can also while still having Life with a body, somewhat
experience Heaven, both a physical and spiritual Heaven, for
some moments,

let's say when you attend a Bach or Mozart concert

(and they do not perform Bela Bartok etc. after it,
to ruin it again),

or you have found someone with whom you can and do
exchange a great amount of genuine Love and genuine
Beauty, *(4)

and preferably of the opposite gender, too, *(5)

which gives you Heaven, for that time, in a small area, on




The opposite applies, correspondingly, to a non-physical Hell, with a
Demonic creature or a group of Demonic individuals (Criminal Minds,
Sociopaths) who are not having a body (anymore),

enjoying to torture or otherwise to inflict harm onto and to
attack (the soul, the feelings and perceptions of) others, and

torturing those who have the misfortune - by lack of education
and by lack of own force, etc. - to have gotten into those
Energies from and into any spheres of influence of such Demonic

needing, scavenging and tricking and making victims, *(n)

victims who can not handle the situation

- and who do not have enough knowledge and understanding
of the situation and of their (potential) captors, and
of how to handle those malevolent Energies - *(n)

and the victims may simply have lost the strength (the
necessary Energy) to be able to escape or to avoid
Criminal Minds,

and - this is pretty gruesome - even the Energy for still
knowing at all, that it is possible, to escape, and the
Energy for DESIRING to escape captivity, might be taken
away by the Criminal Minds

having taken also that particular Life Energy away,
sucked away, smashed away from the victim,

so that ALSO in that way it becomes impossible

to escape from the captive and torturing Energies and lies of
captors, so that the victims can not leave anymore.




Thus - with three words, 'God, Heaven, and Hell,' used for very many
very different concepts, and very wrongly "defined" for you by
Criminal Minds, throughout the ages - the confusion was complete,

and this mix-up had to be remedied,

and thus I have to engage myself,

being the most caring, most loving, most intelligent, and
the most beautiful, and also the most truthful as well as
most trusted philosopher known to you, and to others as
well, and

I have to unravel the mix-up, and - with the preceding help of many -
I have to set the matter straight,

driven solely by my love and care for you,

with this present Human Rights Issue.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet


'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



(1) ' 'Heaven' and 'The Last Supper,' Charlemagne and Leonardo
da Vinci - Europe' (Quote One from {HRI 20080406-V3.0} )
{HRI 20080406-V3.0-q1-V2.0}
(15 April 2008 - Version 2.0 on 23 Apr 2008)

(2) 'Akhenaton and Nefertiti - The True Story'
(Quote Two from {HRI 20080406-V3.2} )
{HRI 20080406-V3.2-q2-V1.0.1}
(24 April 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 26 Apr 2008)

(3) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

(4) 'What is Love, and Three Parts of Love' (WIL)
{HRI 20080428-V2.1}
(28 April 2008 - Version 2.1 on 9 June 2008)

(5) 'Plato On Making Love - And Defining Loneliness'
{HRI 20041114-V2.2.1}
(14 November 2004 - Version 2.2.1 on 28 May 2007)
{HRI 20041114-V2.0-UAA}

(6) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(7) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(8) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

(9) 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations'
(incl. Real-life definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.2}
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.2 on 5 May 2011)

(n) (many more to be added)


(see also under 'Footnotes')

''In God We Trust' - What does it mean? - Why then does it work?'
{HRI 20081213-V3.1} (IGWT)
(13 December 2008 - Version 3.1 on 15 Jan 2009)

'What is Monotheism, Unconfusing Christianity, Islam and Judaism'
{HRI 20070914-V2.2.1}
(14 Sept 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 7 Oct 2007)
{HRI 20070914-V2.2}

'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

'Koos Nolst Trenite on the Essence of Buddhism' (EOB)
{HRI note 20071109-V2.2}
(9 November 2007 - Version 2.2 on 11 Apr 2008)

'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305-V2.7} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from 'Explaining the Scale of Sanity' {HRI 20040619}
(11 October 2007 - quoted)

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version on 20 May 2010)

'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
- Nor Does He Want To Be One' (JCNL)
{HRI 20081005-V2.4}
(5 October 2008 - Version 2.4 on 10 Oct 2008)

'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V3.0}
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.0 on 12 Apr 2011)

(and many to be added)


Rudolph Wahl, 1978, Bruckmann, Munich:
'Karl der Grosse' [Charlemagne]
(using sources of that time, e.g. Monumenta Germaniae historica)

(many to be added)

Issue Note:

Versions prior to Version 5.0, bore the subject title

'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is

with the abbreviated identifier (DGC) referring to it, in
various other HRI's (Human Rights Issues).

Version 5.0, with its new title 'Natural Definition of God ...'
has essentially the same content as the previous versions, which
however has been considerably edited, and added to,

mainly for further clarity and more ease of reading, and
eventually with more Beauty too - as it is intended in any
higher versions of a Human Rights Issue.



Copyright 2008-2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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