Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be - Nor Does He Want To Be One {HRI 20081005-V2.4}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 26, 2008, 6:25:57 AM10/26/08
to Koos Nolst Trenite
Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be - Nor
Does He Want To Be One

5 October 2008
{HRI 20081005-V2.4}

(Version 2.4
on 10 Oct 2008)

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Thus I am waiting for your Love *(7) to return
to me:

"J'attendrai... ton retour, le jour et
la nuit" -

"If it takes forever, I will wait for you..."

waiting, since ever, 'le jour et la nuit,'
for you to revive your Love for me. *(2)

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
- human right philosopher and poet


You could admit, that Jesus Christ never was a leader, nor wanted to
be one; and you could conclude, that he never will be one. *(nn)

Thus, you will have to do the facing of life, yourself, *(7)(8)(9)

rather than to shove your responsibility off to him who could
but who does not and never has taken and never wanted to take
such responsibility,

as he is lacking the intense Compassion and Love required
to do so, *(nn)

and he has, much like you have too, assumed all kind of "divine"
or other "reasons," *(nn)

to explain "why he should not" take responsibility for
life here on Earth. *(4)

As you know, I do not suffer from any such deadly



After regaining my own viewpoint on and my own feelings for life,
and for people, *(8)(9)(10)(12)

ANY attitude of refusing to take responsibility for life on Earth,
has struck me as highly LACKING in Compassion and Love for people,

witness places of hideous mass murder, like Katyn and
Auschwitz in Poland and, and, and...



Jesus Christ created a swarm of fishes on one side of the boat of his
friends - but did not tell them that it was he who did so, nor how
he did it.

This led to considerable confusion, to such an extent, that
some Christian fisherman NOW *('Deadly Catch' documentary TV
series) stated, that this ALSO applies to him catching crab off
the coast of Alaska ...NOW.

Jesus Christ lifted his body to float in the air above the water, so
as to seem to 'walk' on water - but he did not tell people how he
did it, nor did he repeat it above land, to demonstrate the simple
ability, which also some other Saints had. *(nn)

He created duplicates of bread and created wine from water, to feed a
whole party of people - BUT DID NOT EXPLAIN HOW HE DID IT, nor did he
contemplate why he did so then, and at other times not.

His friends collected money for the poor and sick, without even
considering the ability of their master, Jesus Christ, being
able to also CREATE that money or bring about that healing
instantly, and in abundance.

Jesus Christ re-created, from a distance, the dead body of a man
(Lazarus) so that it was healthy and alive again. NOT however did
Jesus Christ explain to anyone, HOW he did that, HOW this can be
possible. *(6)

(You need Fine Particle Physics to explain and understand these
things. *(nn) )

And his re-creating, also from a distance, the malformed body parts of
lepers, to be whole and healthy again instantly, neither was taken as
an occasion by him to explain - to explain how he did that or how
that was possible - nor did he in any way contemplate that he did not
feel like doing so at many or most other occasions.


It gets more heavy, though:

Jesus Christ created *(nn) duplicates of his own body - and did not
tell that, then *(nn) to his friends, as the use of that ability -
and while choosing that method, he had himself humiliated publicly,
flogged and tortured and crucified and (that body of his) become
dead, killed,

and not only he did not tell, THAT he did that in that manner,
nor did he explain how he did that; *(nn)

and then he claimed, simply by re-creating another duplicate of his
body somewhere else, to then have resurrected, and he created the
stigmata on his body (as many Saints did too, to imitate him).

Pretty wild, isn't it. *(nn) It is however one of the few true pieces
of historic data given by Mohammed in Islam. *(nn)


Jesus Christ was not explaining all that to people, neither what he
did and could do, nor the many other things he could do but did NOT

and the vast amount of lies to his friends:

all the things he was hiding about himself, about his past and
about his future and about the nature of Mankind and of the

a hiding of data which amounts to lying and which has been
extremely destructive, *(nn)

and that DOES NOT MAKE HIM A LEADER, it makes him 'not a leader,'

and it makes it wholly obvious, that he did NOT WANT to be a leader.


His actions were incompatible with life on Earth, in all
respects, and

- by not explaining what he did, and by mostly hiding (or
thereby inviting others wrongly to assign) the cause,
too, for millennia to come,

and by providing outright false data about his
activities and purposes and circumstances,

and by not actually using his abilities to any
(for Earth conditions useful) extent, intention,
direction, nor quantity,

but rather to, as at his crucifixion, mislead anyone
including his friends -

he created an endless and highly destructive trail of confusion
and Insanity on Earth, which I now managed slowly to dissolve,

a resolution of it BEING NECESSARY in order to finally be able to
establish peace on Earth.


Also did his actions (in particular the lack of it) and
his behavior (mostly his constant stream of lies about

meaning his lack of action, and misrepresenting or
hiding his motivations for the lack, and,

meaning his refusal to explain what was happening
and what was caused by him, and what was going on
on a broader scale,

show little Love and even much less Compassion for the
people of Earth, and also for his own friends.


One could assume, not without reason, that he

- being forced to stay on Earth for a while,
and covering up the true reasons (and the
hidden activities surrounding it) with a
string of lies and guessing games,

as expressed so well by Leonardo in the
painting of 'The Last Supper' - *(11)

(Jesus Christ) was quite disgusted with people on
Earth, and that he resented greatly having been put

which - putting him (his soul) here, with
'the star of Bethlehem' overseeing the event -
appears to have been, for the reason of
punishing him

for supposed misdeeds on his home
planet or "heaven," or other wise
against, or to the displeasure of,
one superior to him,

whom he calls "his father in heaven."


Now it is so, that

- already while none of us have the controlled ability to
spiritually create,

to such an extent as to (re-)create (and thus with
our own Life Energy, to materialize)

fish or bread or wine, or healthy body parts, *(nn)

or money, let alone newspapers now with the news of
TOMORROW, *(nn)(nn) which none of us can do -

none of us would even fit on any such planet that he called 'his
father's Heaven,' isn't it,

let alone, that ANYONE OF US, would be allowed THERE, where
Jesus Christ himself was kicked off. *(a)(b)(c)

Thus, if you want heaven, then you better create it on

which you CAN do now, due to the fact that I have
written the Human Rights Issues.



Islam's Mohammed, being quite the opposite to Jesus Christ - in almost
all respects - (Islam's Mohammed) DID want to be a leader, but an
evil leader, which you may not find pleasant to look at, of course:

Dominate, destroy, maim, kill, lie - do not look at people's
soul, but murder, mutilate -

execute and dominate without the use of reason and truth and
observation and care, and thus, without justice,

which is very much the opposite of Jesus Christ, who has a very
kind and peaceful nature,

if he is not upset by whom he considers to be his father
and commander over his life, and "whose honor he has to


The extent of the lies of Mohammed, surpass by far the very
small amount of minor truths about life, that Mohammed did

the biggest lie already being, (it being far too distant from
any considered truth) that "he talked in the name of God (of
Allah)" and an even bigger lie, that "he represented God's
(Allah's) divine will," like all such "prophets" claim.


"Allah is Great" has been in the past and has become again
- as we all know, now - a statement of

'the purpose to be Evil, to dominate, to mutilate and to
murder, to secretly prepare and commit mass murder,'

which IS the purpose of any Criminal Mind, of any
mutilated soul - as we have come to understand - of
any sociopath,

and assigning such malicious intentions to "God," to
"Allah," has been made all too easy in certain Islamic
communities - because it was performed by Mohammed himself

to establish his political group, his "Islamic
faith" in the Arab peninsula (in the Middle East).

In other words, the Criminal Mind justifies his own
(or her own) evil and malice

- even to himself, as we saw just now

in the speech of the wholly Criminal Soul
of Iran's Ahmadinejad,

in front of the Assembly of the United
Nations, in New York - *(nn)

he justifies his intense Evil and malice,

with making himself feel, that he is "executing the
intentions of God,"

which may be shouted in Arab terms - as "Allahu Akbar!" as
"Allah is Great,"

and as "Cut off the heads of everyone who does not
want to be dominated, as Mohammed ordered you to


No sane person wants to be dominated, to be subdued or to live
in submission

(wearing a head scarf, and other customs and prohibitions
are the enforceable and enforced symbols of having agreed
to domination and submission, rather than be murdered -

no sane person wants to be dominated, so this inevitably leads

terrorizing and dominating EVERYONE - everyone within your
reach - which was and is the goal of Mohammed,

that goal being cloaked

in order to have any permanent and self-perpetuating
results, it is cloaked

in religious terms:

Without promising "Heaven," Islam would not exist at all, and Mohammed
would not have been known... *(d)



That he - Mohammed - recognized the past and future existence of Jesus

that he claimed "Jesus Christ or 'the Mahdi' would return to
Earth one day to establish justice and peace,"

"to establish Heaven on Earth, and punish all those evil
people who 'do not believe in him',"

and also his - not less erroneous, but in fact deeply malicious
- claiming, that

"there instantaneously will be 'life in Heaven' as a reward for
those, who execute the order to murder,"

"who slit the throat of people 'that do not agree to
belong to his own group',"

that extremely false and much more so, malicious and treacherous
claim by Mohammed,

was only intended politically by him, to hypnotize his followers into
putting up with his injustice and with his commands to murder and
to mutilate,

a claim used to allow himself and his followers to dominate or
destroy anyone, *(e)

"because 'the future' will come, that ... "


But Mohammed could not even sense or prophetize the future, so also in
that respect, he was not a prophet. *(e)




Despite all the abilities Jesus Christ had,

to create matter and to make Life occupy it as in living bodies
re-created by him (whether fish or the body of Lazarus or the
mutilated body parts of lepers),

and despite his ability to frighten away demonic creatures,

all of which abilities he - lacking in Love and Compassion - only
sporadically used,

and himself not without vengeful feelings about evil people,

it was indeed so, that in Love and Compassion for Mankind, Jesus
Christ was far surpassed by Mother Theresa,

and even vastly more so in capacity and intensity and beauty of
Love, by Francis of Assisi - and those,

mother Theresa and Saint Francis of Assisi, did so, DESPITE their
being severely handicapped by in particular the lies stemming from
Jesus Christ himself, about life,

that amount to the effect that "one does not have to, and must
not face certain aspects of life and of people." *(nn)




So the values of Christianity, indeed much of what is 'the feeling of
Christianity,' 'the feeling that you want to share life with others,'

in particular the Love and Compassion for people and for their
life on Earth,

is in actuality based on Plato's knowledge and understanding of life,
and does not at all stem from Jesus Christ,

not even from such un-philosophical and illogical statements by
Jesus Christ, as

'He who is free of sin ... '

- neither defining 'sin,' and falsely implying what 'sin'
is -

nor from statements as inane (lacking in applicable knowledge
and use) as

'Father in Heaven, forgive us our sins like we will
forgive sinners, give us our daily bread ...'



As King Solomon earlier (which is little documented) and (by far more
documented) as Leonardo da Vinci later, Plato looked at life himself,

and he guided and brought about, that people look at life themselves,
and thus they (Plato and Leonardo) initiated a spiritual and social

- a Renaissance.


Thus I am waiting for your Love *(7) to return
to me:

"J'attendrai... ton retour, le jour et
la nuit" -

"If it takes forever, I will wait for you..."

waiting, since ever, 'le jour et la nuit,'
for you to revive your Love for me: *(2)

If there will be peace on Earth, and well-being in Man, then - so it
becomes apparent - it will be only through my decision to have it so
and through my hard work to do so bring it about with the help of
those who Love me, and with those who work hard to restore their Love
for me, *(2)(3)

as I have, now, not as Plato, nor as Leonardo, but as
Koos Nolst Trenite ("Cause Trinity"),

defined all those things for you,

about peace on Earth and about well-being on Earth,

and in the process of doing so, I am besting (defying,
vanquishing) those who would OPPOSE that, and who gave
and give you false "definitions." *(nn)(nn)


I now defined all those things for you, *(nn) based on my intense
Love for you *(nn) and

as THE RESULT of my decision *(nn) to have, and my hard work to bring
about 'Peace on Earth, and Well-being in Man'

(which happens to be in the lyrics of a Baptist Christian song:
'Peace on Earth, and in Man Well-being')

those being - you might well say, if you like - the actual intention
of God, if God is defined correctly. *(6)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(a) 'Punished' for one life time, or for many more lifetimes,

(as Dr. Dahesh, *(nn) he mentions irrationally the number
of 6,000 life times on Earth, "for a person to be allowed
back on a 'heaven planet')"

with life times spent on Earth, "to evolve back to being allowed
in Heaven again," *(nn)*(nn)

"to be on the planet with the father of Jesus Christ," or "closer
to 'God'." *(4)

(b) Evil Creatures fight for the (obviously erroneous and medieval)
BELIEF, that "Life after death is either paradisal, infernal, or
nihil," and "did not exist before their present birth," (**)

the rational truth being, that all people, being souls, have
lived before, with or without own body and life, and will live
again very many life times, without or with an own body and
life. *(1)

(c) "Do not defend yourself against Criminal Minds, do not
even recognize these"

- is the message of all religions planted on Earth,

planted and INTENDED to convey that message.

Including the crucifixion of Christ:

"Even someone unimaginably powerful, like Jesus Christ,
can be murdered on Earth, and IS freely murdered on
Earth, by puny Criminal Minds even" -

to make Earth a safe haven, "the place to be, to prosper
and rise to greater heights" ...for Criminal Minds. *(4)(5)

(d) It seems also, that the only basis of the Mormon Church, to
continue or even start its existence, was its (Joseph Smith's)
equally erroneous and malicious claims (as in Islam), of

providing its adherents plus their BIOLOGICAL ancestors, with
"the means and rituals and rules for their entry into a heavenly
planet" - yes, to enter "the heaven planet of Jesus Christ"
himself even, at that.

That he added an entirely fictitious "history" of people
since the time of Jesus Christ, does also considerably
substract from the already tenuous, very thinly stretched
Sanity of people living on Earth.

(e) THEY would like to say, like Criminal Minds do, that "I do not
respect their beliefs" - the truth being completely the opposite
- which is, that it is I, who DOES respect their beliefs:

Respect meaning to look exactly at in particular the intentions
and values of - people, and in this case, their - beliefs.

The opposite condition prevails in them: In fact THEY talk,
write and act in gross DISrespect of people, and in disrespect
of religion, too - yet, like Criminal Minds, they would accuse
YOU, of "not respecting them..."


(1) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
{HRI 20080918-V1.3}
(18 September 2008 - Version 1.3 on 22 Sept 2008)

(2) 'A Poem of Our Love, and Adventures' (POLA)
{HRI 20020717-V5.1.1}
(17 July 2002 - Version 5.1.1 on 8 Sept 2008)

(3) '1. 'Multipolar' Associated Press at UN destroying Earth's Future
2. Sociopaths, Obama and Ahmadinejad's NYC 20080926 reception by
Obama's Crowd'
{HRI 20080929-V1.4.1}
(29 September 2008 - Version 1.4.1 on 30 Sept 2008)

(4) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.2}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)

(5) 'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
And Future'
{HRI 20040617-V3.8}
(17 June 2004 - Version 3.8 on 29 August 2004)

(6) 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.6.2}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.6.2 on 15 June 2008)
(- Version 4.6.1 on 1 June 2008)

(7) 'What is Love, and Three Parts of Love' (WIL)
{HRI 20080428-V2.1}
(28 April 2008 - Version 2.1 on 9 June 2008)

(8) 'Famous European Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20040729-V1.1}
(29 July 2004 - Version 1.1 on 27 Aug 2004)

(9) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V3.7}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.7 on 9 Jan 2007)

(10) 'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
Time, And Earth's Past And Future'
{HRI 20040829-V3.5}
(29 August 2004 - Version 3.5 on 19 Oct 2007)

(11) ' 'Heaven' and 'The Last Supper,' Charlemagne and Leonardo
da Vinci - Europe' (Quote One from {HRI 20080406-V3.0} )
{HRI 20080406-V3.0-q1-V2.0}
(15 April 2008 - Version 2.0 on 23 Apr 2008)

(12) 'Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite - Intending others
to be decent to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.3} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.3 on 30 May 2008)

(nn) (as indicated)


(as applicable)



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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