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Re: As more hospital systems consolidate, experts say health-care prices will jump

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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 26, 2010, 7:55:17 PM9/26/10
a neighbor wrote:
> another neighbor wrote:
> >
> > From their base in Baltimore, leaders of Johns Hopkins Medicine can
> > see the future - and it's at the hospital down the road.
> >
> > The world-class academic medical center is reaching deep into new
> > territory, acquiring a hospital last year in suburban Maryland and
> > awaiting approval to add Sibley Memorial in the District to its roster
> > of hospitals and clinics.
> Health care prices have ALREADY JUMPED. Thanks for nothing Obama!

Health care costs of those who continue to eat excess food will
continue to escalate:

The only way out of this crisis is GOD's
(Exodus 16:16) Approach.

Yes, right amount (omer) control as Chris Malcolm is doing is much
more sophisticated and smarter:

Be hungrier, which really is healthier especially for diabetics and
other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Approach to get our...

and then...

so that there will be...

Being hungry is truly wonderful as proven by four lines of evidence:





So that we really should and say we are
"wonderfully hungry" whenever we are greeted:

There is pure joy in being used by GOD to convince others:

"A 2005 visit to an Atlanta cardiologist by the name of Andrew Chung
put me on some serious reality

I wasnt just chubby or husky, I am what they often call morbidly
obese. He explained that morbid obesity simply means that if something
happened to me that could be attiributed to weight and I were to end
up in the not breathing state

ok some call it DEAD

that a doctor could simply dismiss it as natural causes related to
weight more or less.

Ive been told I was a chunky fella a couple times, maybe even fat...
but not quite that harshly. Definitely made me think about a few
things, as much as I dislike scare tactics when it comes to health.

Well in the midst of the shock treatment, he also had me come to a
heart wellness seminar that he does on some Saturdays in Mableton.

Nice little get together, he has folks from the community come in and
discuss Tai Chi, exercises, testimonials, all kinds of good stuff.

Then he shows the movie SUPERSIZE ME to set up the pitch for his 2PD
Omer approach that he has his patients use to lose weight.

In a nutshell, in his view, HOW MUCH you eat is more of the issue than
WHAT you eat and portion is more important than any fat content or

I agree with this. This is why I have always been more successful on
more liquid diets (cabbage soup, slimfast, herbalife (tho dangerous))
than anything else. I wasnt eating the portions I was before that..."


Love in the truth,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:


Sep 26, 2010, 9:11:22 PM9/26/10
Seek advice from a qualified medical professional, not an obsessive
compulsive Quack like chung

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 26, 2010, 10:12:07 PM9/26/10
... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends to also pray for
Ken simply because we truly "agape" love him as our LORD commands with
all glory to GOD the Father.

Ken wrote:
> "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
> different results"
> Albert Einstein ...


... and ...

Actually, insanity is simply a condition of being disconnected from
reality falsely thinking fiction is truth thereby suffering from

For example, your quoting Albert Einstein's fictional definition of
insanity multiple times and applying it as if it were true serves well
as evidence that you really are becoming insane.

Ken wrote earlier in part:
> Schizophrenia can set in at any time but it's usual shows up in early
> adulthood.
> I'm predisposed due to my biological maw spending her adult life in a
> hospital as a paranoid schizophrenic before passing in '66


Only the truth, Who is Jesus, can keep you from becoming more
delusional like your mom was.

There are others who are also observing that you are exhibiting

Bottom line concerning you, Ken:

Truth is reality ...

... despite your efforts:

And, so this bona-fide physician ( ) freely
chooses to continue to pray for you as outlined per the amazing
Facebook spectacle at earlier:

May GOD save your perishing soul by giving you, Ken, a new heart and a
new spirit (Ezekiel 11:19-20 and 36:26) so that you would be born
again of water and Spirit (John 3:3 and 3:5),
by Him so that you would come to trust the truth, Who is Jesus:


Be hungrier, which really is healthier especially for diabetics and
other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Approach to get our...

and then...






Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Jimmy Alpha

Sep 27, 2010, 12:47:34 PM9/27/10
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> a neighbor wrote:
>> another neighbor wrote:
>>> From their base in Baltimore, leaders of Johns Hopkins Medicine can
>>> see the future - and it's at the hospital down the road.
>>> The world-class academic medical center is reaching deep into new
>>> territory, acquiring a hospital last year in suburban Maryland and
>>> awaiting approval to add Sibley Memorial in the District to its roster
>>> of hospitals and clinics.
>> Health care prices have ALREADY JUMPED. Thanks for nothing Obama!
> Health care costs of those who continue to eat excess food will
> continue to escalate:
> The only way out of this crisis is GOD's

Found on the net... A Life-Changing New Approach To Lasting Success from

Most Effective Christian Weight Loss Expert, Dr. Frank B. Sm*** MA, DD

"How A Powerful New Understanding Of God's

Wisdom Has Created Weight Loss Success Stories In

More Than 41 Countries All Over The World, And How

Any Christian Can Now Enjoy The Same Success!"

Dear Fellow Christian,

Of course you want to get to your healthiest weight.

But you're feeling frustrated, depressed, and maybe even disgusted.
Because no matter how hard you've tried, nothing has ever really worked
for you -- especially dieting!

You know all about the physical and emotional costs of being overweight,
and you sure don't want to spend the rest of your life that way.

So you're really serious about losing your unwanted pounds, and you
should be. But maybe you feel like you're running out of options.

That's where I come in. I'm Dr. Frank B. Smoot, MA, DD, Christian weight
loss coach and counselor.

I've helped hundreds of people to finally make their weight loss dreams
come true by using the Divine Wisdom of He who made us all!

Now I want to show you how doing things God's way will bring you weight
loss victory -- no matter how many failures you've endured in the past:

"Hey Dr. Frank, I have lost 50 pounds so far and it is all for the Glory
of GOD! Who the Son sets free is free indeed! I have gone from 501 to
451 Now!!! I just weighed in today and i am happy! Love in Christ your

Gwyn Dit**** - Evanston, Ill

Hi Dr. Frank, I dropped 3.5 pounds this week for a total of 21.5!!!! I
feel GREAT!!!! I'm definitely on my way!!! Many Blessings,

Lisa Sch**** - Florence, AL

"…I already lost 15 pounds in the first five weeks, and I feel like I'm
just getting started. For the first time ever, I know I can get where I
want to go and stay there!"

Carlotta McDo*** - Roanoke VA

"Hi Dr. Frank, I just had to write and tell you I have lost 16 pounds
and am 7 away from my goal. Living in the Light of the Lord and loving
it !!!!"

Cheryl Lynn Te*** - Germantown, WI

The first thing you must understand what you're really up against -- a
lifetime of tragically ineffective "Diet Industry" weight loss methods.

Here Are Three Traditional "Diet Industry" Weight Loss
Methods That Never Worked And Never Will

Which of these approaches have already failed you -- and maybe more than

1. Trying to achieve weight loss through dietary changes. How many times
have you said, "I know this diet will finally be the one," only to find
that nothing really changed?

That's because weight loss success has virtually nothing to do with your
diet. This quote from an article on reveals the truth about
so-called "Christian" diets:

"…the 'Christian diet' turns out to be barely distinguishable from the
"secular diet." Low-carb, low-fat, calorie conscious, fruits, fibers,
vegetables and whole grains, you already know the routine."

What does this really mean?

It means "Christian" diets are really just regular diets wearing
biblical robes. And the sad truth is, no diet makes much difference for
weight loss.

2. Trying to "burn off the pounds" with lots of exercise. Have you
noticed that sweating buckets at the gym or jogging 'til you drop never
seems to make any real difference? You'll soon understand why.

3. Trying to force success through "will power." For reasons that will
soon be clear, "will power" is really no power at all. And once you
understand why, you'll never waste another minute of your life going
down that dead-end road!

Did you know that an incredible 96% of all weight loss efforts fail, and
that we gain back a heartbreaking 95% of the pounds we do manage to lose?

How is this possible? Because we keep trying to succeed using methods
that never worked and never will -- diet and exercise.

But if those "traditional" approaches don't work, where does that leave us?

With a much better solution from He who made us all!

Eye-Opening New Research Studies

Confirm Ancient Biblical Wisdom

Now, the Bible doesn't tell us exactly why the world's weight loss
methods don't work. But a recent major clinical weight loss study helps
make it clear enough.

The researchers set out to determine what, if anything, consistently
helps real people lose weight in the real world. They analyzed 47
individual weight loss studies involving a total of nearly 15,000 people.

What they discovered amazed them. They found out that:

- Less than 20% of weight loss success or failure can be attributed
to dietary factors.

- And even smaller fraction can be attributed to exercise.

- But an astonishing 63-77% of weight loss success (or failure) was
directly determined by "non-physical" factors, and the single most
important factor is your own beliefs and attitudes.

They discovered that people who struggled and failed at weight loss were
plagued by certain "self-sabotaging" beliefs and attitudes.

On the other hand, people who got to their healthy weight and stayed
there had much more "self-supportive" beliefs and attitudes.

What it all adds up to is this:

Weight loss success is not about what goes into your mouth.
It's about what's goes on between your ears!

In other words, it's not what you're eating. It's what's eating you!

In short, we fail because we're operating on bad information. All our
lives, we've been told that weight loss success can only be achieved by
(a) eating less food, (b) getting more exercise, or (c) some combination
of the two.

But now we know that nothing could be further from the truth.

We now know that diets don't work, exercise isn't the answer, and
relying on "will power" just leads to more stress, struggle, and failure.

So please -- stop putting yourself through all that needless suffering.

God Has A Much Better Plan!

"I am amazed each day how easy this is…. The weight is just falling off,
and I am dropping dress sizes fast!! Total weight loss is the last four
months is more than 80 pounds…with no stress or strain in two months.
Thank you again!!!!!!! God Bless You,

Sandy Sp***, Marketing Director - Deltona, FL

"I have lost 31 pounds 'God's Way.'…Thank you for everything!"

Greta Kel***, Military Employee - Metarie, LA

"Dr. Frank, I weighed in this morning at 243.5 lbs for a total loss of
around 26.5 lbs. I have not experienced the struggles, the guilt, or the
aching hunger “normally” associated with my previous weight loss
attempts. I believe God has truly placed this call on your life."

Charles Phil*** - Beaufort, SC.

"Hi Dr. Frank, I should maybe let you know I reached my goal of 120 lbs.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Carmela Pen*** - Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada

These Scriptures make the real problem clear:

...Do not deceive yourselves...the wisdom of this world is
foolishness in God's sight. (1 Corinthians 3:18)

...we were in slavery under the basic principles

of the world. (Galatians 3:4)

…keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)

But God has little regard for worldly "wisdom." He gives us the real key
to lasting success in Romans 12:2:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

And again He tells us…

You were put off your old be made new
in the attitude of your minds... (Ephesians 4:22-23)

The message is clear. If we want to succeed, it's not our diets we need
to change. It's our minds!

One researcher summed up the problem this way...

“Trying to lose weight through diet and exercise is like trying
to get rid of dandelions with a lawn mower. You may get some
temporary results, but until you solve your problem at its root,
it just keeps coming back—and bigger every year!”

Can you relate?

No wonder we fail! We've been looking for solutions in all the wrong places!

The root cause of our weight problems is in our own thinking --
specifically, in our own self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes. That's
why only permanent cure for your weight problem is to correct the
self-sabotaging thinking that caused it in the first place!

The good news is that, when you do, your thinking now supports you in
reaching your goals -- instead of constantly undermining your efforts.

Can you imagine how that would change your life?

So Does This Mean We Just Forget About Diet And Exercise?

No, they will always have a role to play. But we now know it's a
secondary role, and not the place to start.

Because, as your self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes remain unchanged,
you will continue to struggle and fail at weight loss regardless of
whatever diet or exercise program you're trying to follow.

And now, science has simply confirmed what the Bible has told us all
along. It's not about what we eat.

Science and Scripture don't agree on much. But when they're both telling
us the same thing, how foolish would we have to be to ignore the message?

Three Things You Can Do Right Now To Put Yourself

On The Road To Safe And Permanent Weight Loss

1. Stop "attacking symptoms." Stop focusing on food, dieting, calorie
counting, etc. You'll never eliminate your weight problem by merely
attacking symptoms.

2. Focus instead on solving your problem at its root. If you have a
history of struggling and failing at weight loss, you can be sure that
there are some self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes at the root of it.
And this is where your attention needs to be.

3. Forget "will power" and discover your connection to a much higher
power! Your so-called will power has always let you down, and always
will. So why keep banging your head against that same brick wall?

The #1 Key To Lifelong Weight Loss Success

Winning at weight loss boils down to this: If you have been struggling
and failing at weight loss for a significant part of your life, it's not
because you have bad genes, because you're a bad person, because you're
doomed to be overweight, or because God is punishing you. He doesn't
work that way.

You failed at weight loss simply because you've been buried all your
life under an avalanche of misinformation and lies. You are simply
suffering from bad beliefs.

Only by renewing your mind to a better way of thinking can you enjoy the
vibrant body and excellent health you were designed for!

"Aloha Dr. Frank! - Have to tell you - my weight registered 102.4 this
morning when I got on the scale. I can't believe it - it seems like the
weight is just dropping off of me….It's all happening quite fast and I
don't feel like I'm struggling or striving. WOW!"

Carrie Kuw*** Phipps, "The Big Island," HI

" Dr. Frank…with what feels like no effort have lost 10.5#. Never have I
been able to accomplish such a dramatic loss without some crazy 'diet';
WLGW has equipped me with the tools to make changes in my life and the
weight loss is just a by-product. Blessings to you and yours!

Andree' - Salem, NJ

"I am so very blessed to be a part of your program. I appreciate
everything. Dr. Smoot, guess what?!? I have lost a total of 14 pounds
since I started. Can you believe it?!? Truly, God has answered my prayers."

Denise Ru*** - San Diego, CA

"Well, good morning to you! I have great news! My heart felt so much
lighter this morning. I can't fully explain it but I just felt
different. I weighed 142...the lowest in a LONG time! Hugs, :o)"

Christine Ba*** - Sacramento, CA

God certainly knew what you'd be up against in this world. That's why He
shows you the way out!

He wants you to have a healthy, attractive body. Don't forget, your body
is His temple!

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the

Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and

ye are not your own? (1 Corinthians 6:19)

God Wants You To Be Healthy And Happy!

...for I am the LORD, who heals you. (Exodus 15:26)

God wants you to have it all! is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)

If you're ready to start receiving more of it, weight loss God's way
will fill you with something a lot more satisfying than food!

But You Must Stop Doing What Has Never Worked,

And Start Doing What's Been Proven To Work

Stop wasting your precious time, energy, and emotions doing what can
never get you where you want to go. Stop fussing with your diet, and
stop counting carbs and calories.

Stop listening to the diet industry hype-mongers on TV who want to sell
you their latest drug, pill, or diet. Start tuning in to the wisdom of
your Creator!

Here's How Weight Loss God's Way Can Help You
Succeed At Weight Loss Starting Right Now

Based on our powerful new understanding of God's word and wisdom, on the
new clinical research discoveries, and on many years of real-world
experience in my own coaching practice, I have developed an extremely
effective success program called Weight Loss God's Way.

The Weight Loss God's Way Success System is the only program in the
world that will solve your weight problem at its root.

For the first time in your life, you will identify and eliminate the
self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes that are (and always have been)
the real, root cause of your weight problem.

The good news is, this process is both enjoyable and enlightening!

"Dr. Frank, I have just finished my first week with your program - and
all I can say is - where have you been all my life ???? This is SO what
I needed - and is so much more than a weight loss tool. It is pulling
one's life together in every facet...."

Bev Sm*** - Houston, TX

"Good Morning Dr. Frank, can you believe that I have lost 43.5 lbs? It
is even hard for me to believe! It is almost overwhelming!…I have gotten
to where I don't even think about food any more. God really IS blessing
my success!"

Keren McCo*** - Cross Plains, TN

"Hi Dr. Sm*** ....I have to tell you that the changes that are already
taking place (in just TWO days) in my life are just amazing to me and
I'm so excited to see where I'll be in 7 weeks! Thank you so much for
your help and time. Sincerely,"

Kimberly He*** - Cleveland, OH

"Dr. Sm***, guess what?!? I have lost a total of 14 pounds since
[starting the program] Can you believe it?!? Truly, God has answered my
prayers! "Dr. Smoot, please know that I thank you for all you do to help
people like me. Most Sincerely,"

Denise R***, San Diego, CA

"Hi Dr. Sm*** ....I have to tell you that the changes that are already
taking place (in just TWO days) in my life are just amazing to me and
I'm so excited to see where I'll be in 7 weeks! Thank you so much for
your help and time."

Sincerely, Kimberly He***

So if you have felt frustrated by past weight loss failures, please hear
this powerful truth:

The problem you can see on your hips, thighs, or butt has it's origin in
your mind.

If you are like most people, you're only vaguely aware of your own
self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes. But whether you know about them
or not, they're constantly operating "behind the scenes" to undermine
your success and frustrate your most sincere efforts.

As Paul lamented in Romans 7:15…

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do

I do not do, but what I hate I do.

You see, Paul had no way of knowing what we know now -- that our own
self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes are the real problem.

And we don't renew our minds and rid ourselves of these deadly beliefs,
the future will just be endless reruns of the past.

That's why the Weight Loss God's Way Success System shows you exactly
how to identify and remove these unseen "inner roadblocks" that are the
true cause of your failure -- so you can finally let the truth set you
free, and open the door to the success you deserve!

When you replace your self-sabotaging beliefs and attitudes with
self-supportive ones, your renewed mind now supports you in reaching
your goals…instead of invisibly blocking you at every turn.

Can you imagine the difference that would make, every day of your life?

I'll show you exactly how to make that happen -- by taking you through
the very same steps my coaching clients use to get the kind of
life-changing results you've been reading about.

"Every day my clothes fit better and people comment not just on the
change in appearance, but on the change in attitude. [Laurie has lost 33
pounds so far.] I have had so much positive reinforcement in the past
couple of weeks that I am walking 3 feet off the ground!"

Laurie Den***, Program Manager - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"Dr. Frank, "I hope to write you a much longer email in the next couple
of weeks but I wanted to let you know that I dropped 6 lbs in the last 2
weeks! I felt like I wasn't even trying, I'm so excited! Thanks!"

Pam Coll*** - Earlysville, Virginia

"Dear Dr. Frank, I am really enjoying WLGW I feel like this is an answer
to my prayers. I had been at a plateau and was gaining weight but praise
God this week I lost 4.4lbs! People are noticing too. In Christ…"

Deborah Bottenfi*** - New Braunfels Texas

"Dr. Frank, I believe your program is the answer to my prayers. Thank
you, God!" Ann McNe*** - Champagne, IL

Here's What The Weight Loss God's Way

Success System Will Do For You


You will finally get to your healthiest weight and stay there --
without drugs, pills, or dieting!


You will enjoy safe, healthy, natural, and permanent weight loss.


You eliminate forever those miserable loss/gain-back cycles, and
get off the "weight loss roller coaster" forever!


You stop wasting your precious time and energy "attacking symptoms."


You solve your weight problem once and for all -- at its root.


You put an end to the stress and struggle of "diet industry"


You eliminate for good the pain, depression, and frustration diet
failures cause.


You take no drugs, pills, or unproven herbal "supplements" so
there's no tampering with your body's delicate metabolism, and no chance
of dangerous side effects.


You eliminate forever the huge health risks of weight-reduction
surgery—which usually just brings temporary results anyway!


You finally get to live the healthy life God intended you to live!

When you turn away from the world's failure-prone ways, and toward the
wisdom of He who created you, you enter a whole new realm of power.

And when you accept the simple truth that the root cause of your weight
problem is between your ears and not on your plate, you hold in your
hand the key to safe, struggle-free, and permanent weight loss.

But I want to be clear with you.

There is nothing mysterious or magical about the results the Weight Loss
God's Way Success System gives you. You succeed simply because you're
putting time-tested biblical principles to work in your life. The
process works equally for all who will use it.

"Hi Dr. Frank, The program is fantastic. Since starting this new life
style of losing God's way I have lost 18 pounds…. I am 72 years old and
taking a lot of medication for heart problems. So one has a good excuse
for not losing weight if they follow this plan.."

Bonnie Tay*** - Lawrence, Kansas

"Hi there - This is Gloria. I lost 5 pounds last week and 1 1/2 so far
this week. I am doing much better. Thanks for your help."

Gloria Kel*** - Scranton, PA

"Hi Dr Frank, I know that some of the words you say are straight from
God Himself to me personally. So thank you…..I have lost 3 k (9.6 lbs)

Raelene Wil*** - Caloundra, Queensland, Australia

"Dr Frank, I wanted to share with you my daughter and myself are
successes in weight loss God's way. I now after 14 weeks have lost 21
lbs, my daughter has lost 23 lbs. We are not on a diet as you teach us,
it is a way of life."

Lynda Mad*** - Yucaipa, CA

Here's What The Weight Loss God's Way

Success System Gives You:


You get the complete (209 page) Weight Loss God's Way Success
System manual, in a printable 8 1/2" x 11" format, with 100% solid
content and zero fluff, filler, or "note-taking" pages. There's nothing
else to buy -- ever!


You get a complete 7-week program, a bounty of mind-renewing
Scriptural references, and 87 self-customizing Success Exercises that
will get you firmly on track for victory!


You get a program totally customized for your personal success,
not some "generic" diet plan or one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter
"solution" that treats you just like everybody else.


You get a proven program based solidly in 200+ Scriptures whose
truth and power have now been confirmed by extensive clinical research.


And I am right here with you, every step of the way! You'll never
be more than an email away from an answer to any questions you may have.

Plus, I'm also going to give you five additional Power Resources:

Resource #1: You get "The Hidden Secrets Of Lifelong Fitness" - I
created this 166-page e-book specifically to help my weight loss
coaching clients discover and use my own personal fitness and fat-loss
success secrets. No theory in here! This is 100% fact and real-life
experience. (It's also why I'm the only person I know over 60 with zero
health problem, no pills, drugs, or complaints!) - a $39.97 Value

Resource #2: You get the blunt, eye-opening, and brutally honest "Real
Client Emails" e-book - You'll see more than 100 pages of real unedited
back-and-forth insider email exchanges with my actual coaching clients!
(Their names, of course, are kept confidential.) ... another $34.97 Value

Resource #3: You get the exclusive Life-And-Love Self-Assessment. The
Bible instructs us to live in love. But if the enemy can keep you in
fear and strife, he can keep you from reaching your goals. You will
pinpoint your personal weak spots, replace your fears with love, and
finally open yourself the blessings God is waiting to give you! – a
$29.97 Value

Resource #4: You get 21 Hidden Keys To Success God's Way. This resource
shows you the 21 most powerful Biblical principles for creating success
in your life. Discover how to get yourself aligned with God's plan for
you! ...a $19.97 Value

Resource #5: You get 10 Power Steps To Positive Life Change - Not to be
confused with any “12 step” program, 10 Power Steps To Positive Life
Change is designed to be used in private, not in a recovery group - a
$19.97 Value

So You're Getting Five Additional Tested And Proven

Power Tools Worth Nearly $140 -- For FREE -- With Your Purchase

Today Of The Weight Loss God's Way Success System...

And right now, for a limited time, you can get the

Weight Loss God's Way Success Systems and all five

power tools for a single one-time payment of $39.97!

Why is that a big deal? Because thousands of Weight Loss God's Way
Success Systems have already been purchased at $47.97.

But as of February 6, 2009, I am reducing the price to just $39.97.

Why? Because very few of us are immune to this challenging economy. So,
in hopes that more people will be able to experience the transformation
this program can bring, I'm doing what I think is right to make it more

Is Weight Loss God's Way Right For You?

That really depends on your goals.

Frankly, if you're looking to lose 20 pounds in a week or 10 pounds in
two days, I'm afraid you're in the wrong place. You'll find the "wild
claims department" on Saturday morning TV.

But if you're looking for safe, effective, struggle-free, and permanent
results, there's simply no better way to get them. I guarantee it.

The Lord assures us He will never leave us nor forsake us. But neither
will He do for us what we can and should be doing for ourselves. That's
why He gave us the freedom to choose His ways, instead of forcing them
upon us.

To reap the rewards God has in store for you, you must have faith, and
you must take action. by itself, if not accompanied by actions, is dead. (James 2:17)

I believe that the best action you can possibly take is to explore the
Weight Loss God's Way Success System.

"Dr Frank, I've been on the program for about 5 weeks now, lost 4kg
(8.81lbs), and that may I add is INCLUDING being on holiday for a week +
staying in hotels the last 2 weeks while traveling with hubby!!!!!!! I
thank God for WLGW program. Blessings…"

Frieda, Bloemfon*** - Freestate, South Africa

"Personally, I've lost 16 lbs, thanks to your direction through mind,
body, and spirit.
"Thank you!"

Joni Whee*** - Lansing, MI

"Hello Dr. Frank, "I have been on the weight loss God's Way program for
the past 6 weeks and have lost 20lbs. I can't thank you enough for this

Pamela Thomp***, Customer Support -

Brampton, Ontario

"Dr. Frank, I am really pleased with this program. My bad cholesterol is
down, with my good cholesterol being way up. I am down about 10 pounds.
I am actually enjoying life now and am off the weight loss
merry-go-round. My weight is no longer an obsession."

God Bless you! - Barb Kni***

Right now you can download this life-changing program and all the bonus
resources (worth nearly $140 all by themselves) for only $39.97, and you
can do it at zero risk to you!

And you don't even need to decide right now...

You can use the entire program and all the
success resources entirely at my risk.

Yes, I will take 100% of the risk.

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May God bless your success!

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 27, 2010, 10:21:33 PM9/27/10
prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> ... and so some folks call the Approach a
>> diet though the Approach is clearly
>> Truth is simple :-)
>Truth is simply, your approach is a *DIET*, hence it is called a diet.
>I hope this helps charlie!
>di·et1 (dş“ąt)
>*To eat and drink according to a regulated system*


Eating the right daily amount (32 oz) involves as much regulating
(i.e. rules) as eating nothing (0 oz), which is fasting.

Just as fasting is not a diet, it logically follows from your cited
definition that the 2PD-OMER Approach is not a diet either.

Moreover, if the 2PD-OMER Approach were a diet, it would not be
possible to combine it with a regular diet as this physician ( ) advocates.

Bottom line:

The LORD's Approach (Exodus 16:16) is clearly else the 12 tribes of Israel would not have
been able to physically endure their 40 years in the desert.

Truth is simple :-)

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:

"Doc, my right *ball* has swollen to about 8.25cm (3 1/4"), perhaps a
little more? It's about the size around as the top of a coffee mug.

Ok Doc, what do you think? Oh it grew from normal to this size in
about, maybe 3 days, perhaps less?

I told the ER Doc it was about the size of a Volley Ball during our
pre exam talk. When he pulled back the sheet to have a look the first
word out of his mouth wasn't Jesus, it was *WOW*! One other thing, his
name is Kim, and he is oriental." -- Prodigal Jimmy Alpha


For an ER Doc to be taken by surprise by a swollen testicle the size
of a "Volley Ball" under a bed sheet means that you are morbidly obese
so that the protuberance of your abdomen dwarfs everything else.

Your being morbidly obese would also be consistent with your history
of bilateral quadriceps rupture:

"Bilateral quadriceps rupture is a rare injury that is often secondary
to predisposing medical conditions."


Yes, morbid obesity would be that serious medical condition that would
predispose you to the bilateral quadriceps rupture that you have

It is now no wonder why you are reacting so adversely to GOD's
2PD-OMER Approach (Exodus 16:16)...

... the Holy Spirit convicts you about your overeating (John 5:14):

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> GOD's 2PD-OMER Approach (Exodus 16:16) is the only way (Mt16:28,
>>>> Mk9:1, Lk9:27& Jn8:51) to immortality while here on Earth.
>>> sightwalker, nothing to do with diet or approach making you a lier.
>> Not for the discerning who have read the Bible.
>> Exodus 16:16 is GOD's 2PD-OMER Approach as prescribed in His written
>> word.
>This is not in the post I replied to, making you a liar.

Not for the discerning who have read your post:

>> Mt16:28, Mk9:1, Lk9:27& Jn8:51 are about immortality for those who
>> keep His written word with the first command to Adam&Eve to not eat
>> more than they need.
> Not the subject of post I replied to, making you a liar.

Not for the discerning who have read the subject line of the post you
replied to:

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> a neighbor wrote:
>>> Aug. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Immune-system cells that cause inflammation in
>>> fat tissue may explain why Type 2 diabetes mostly occurs in people who
>>> are overweight, Australian researchers said.
>> The only known safe cure for obesity is the miraculous $2,000,000.00
>> Approach first prescribed by GOD (Exodus
>> 16:16).
> That's not been shown true as the *only* "known safe cure for obesity"!


Actually, it is easily shown to be the only known safe cure for
obesity by the following proof...

Null hypothesis:

The 2PD-OMER Approach is not the only known safe cure for obesity.

Prediction based on the null hypothesis:

Detractors such as prodigal Jimmy Alpha would have listed other known
safe cures for obesity.

Actual observation:

Detractors such as prodigal Jimmy Alpha have not been able to list
other known safe cures for obesity.


Reject the null hypothesis and conclude that GOD's 2PD-OMER Approach
(Exodus 16:16) is the only known safe cure for obesity.

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote
> > Carole wrote:
> >> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >>
> >>> It remains smarter to eat the right amount (32 oz) of food per day:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> As I said before and never got any reply.
> >>
> >> If the lo-cal diet was so good, then the people in the third world would be
> >> really healthy.
> >
> > The Approach is
> >
> >> If your theory is correct, how come they don't live longer and healthier
> >> lives?
> >
> > They are eating less than the right amount (32 oz) of food per day.
> >
> > Truth is simple.
> Charlie, how do we know this, because you say so?

We, who are smart, have learned the math that zero ounces is less than
thirty-two ounces.


prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, wrote in part:
>> A sockpuppet wrote:
>>> Dr. Chung, do you sin?
>> The absolutely right and true answer is that Dr. Chung is wonderfully
>> hungry right now (Luke 6:21A).
> That's not an answer to the question ...


It remains the perfect answer based on the following Scripture:

"See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse - the
blessing if you obey the commands of the LORD your GOD that I am
giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the LORD
your GOD and turn from the way that I command you today by following
other gods, which you have not known." (Deuteronomy 11:26-28)


"Blessed are you who hunger NOW; for you will be satisfied." (Luke


This cardiologist is satisfied in knowing from being wonderfully
hungry right now and from what is written at Deuteronomy 11:26-28
together with Luke 6:21A that his being blessed by GOD right
now(Lk6:21A) means that he has been obedient to the LORD's commands
(i.e. not sinning) because otherwise there would have been only a
curse(Dt11:28) and no blessing(Dt11:27) from Him.

Again, would continue to gently suggest that you, Jimmy, stop lying
before you possibly suffer a psychotic break from reality (i.e. lose
your mind):

Yes, you know you have been lying:

Yes, you, Jimmy, are prodigal

May GOD renew and strengthen your mind about knowing what is
right(Je9:24), Jimmy, so that you would be able to guard your
deceitful heart(Je17:9) which is causing you to physically perish as
you continue to sin by lying.


Be hungrier, which is truly healthier especially for diabetics and
other heart disease patients:

We do this by weighing our meals per the
Approach to get our...

and then...

so that there will be...

Being hungry is truly wonderful as proven by four lines of evidence:





So that we really should and say we are

"wonderfully hungry" ( ) whenever we
are greeted:

There is pure joy in being used by GOD to convince others:

"A 2005 visit to an Atlanta cardiologist by the name of Andrew Chung
put me on some serious reality

I wasnt just chubby or husky, I am what they often call morbidly
obese. He explained that morbid obesity simply means that if something
happened to me that could be attiributed to weight and I were to end
up in the not breathing state

ok some call it DEAD

that a doctor could simply dismiss it as natural causes related to
weight more or less.

Ive been told I was a chunky fella a couple times, maybe even fat….but

Jimmy Alpha

Sep 27, 2010, 11:06:55 PM9/27/10
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> ... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends to also pray for
> prodigal Jimmy Alpha simply because we truly "agape" love him as our

> LORD commands with all glory to GOD the Father.
> prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

Charlie, found on the net... A Life-Changing New Approach To Lasting
Success from America's

Dear Fellow Christian,

Eye-Opening New Research Studies

Confirm Ancient Biblical Wisdom

Can you relate?

Andree' - Salem, NJ

Sincerely, Kimberly He***

If you are like most people, you're only vaguely aware of your own

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 28, 2010, 3:50:33 AM9/28/10
... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends to also pray for
prodigal Jimmy Alpha simply because we truly "agape" love him as our
LORD commands with all glory to GOD the Father.

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:


Bottom line:

Truth is simple :-)

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:



prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:

> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
>>> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

>>>> GOD's 2PD-OMER Approach (Exodus 16:16) is the only way (Mt16:28,
>>>> Mk9:1, Lk9:27& Jn8:51) to immortality while here on Earth.
>>> sightwalker, nothing to do with diet or approach making you a lier.
>> Not for the discerning who have read the Bible.
>> Exodus 16:16 is GOD's 2PD-OMER Approach as prescribed in His written
>> word.
>This is not in the post I replied to, making you a liar.

Not for the discerning who have read your post:

>> Mt16:28, Mk9:1, Lk9:27& Jn8:51 are about immortality for those who
>> keep His written word with the first command to Adam&Eve to not eat
>> more than they need.
> Not the subject of post I replied to, making you a liar.

Not for the discerning who have read the subject line of the post you
replied to:

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:

> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:


Null hypothesis:

Actual observation:


prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:

> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote

> > Carole wrote:
> >> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> >>

> >>> It remains smarter to eat the right amount (32 oz) of food per day:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> As I said before and never got any reply.
> >>
> >> If the lo-cal diet was so good, then the people in the third world would be
> >> really healthy.
> >
> > The Approach is
> >
> >> If your theory is correct, how come they don't live longer and healthier
> >> lives?
> >
> > They are eating less than the right amount (32 oz) of food per day.
> >
> > Truth is simple.
> Charlie, how do we know this, because you say so?

We, who are smart, have learned the math that zero ounces is less than
thirty-two ounces.


Jimmy Alpha

Sep 28, 2010, 7:48:08 AM9/28/10

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 29, 2010, 3:20:34 AM9/29/10

Jimmy Alpha

Sep 29, 2010, 8:21:22 AM9/29/10
A Life-Changing *New Approach* To Lasting Success from America's

Jimmy Alpha

Sep 29, 2010, 10:09:02 AM9/29/10
A Life-Changing *New Approach* To Lasting Success from America's

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 30, 2010, 2:03:18 AM9/30/10
... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends to also pray for
prodigal Jimmy Alpha simply because we truly "agape" love him as our
LORD commands with all glory to GOD the Father.

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> ... and so some folks call the Approach a
>> diet though the Approach is clearly
>> Truth is simple :-)
>Truth is simply, your approach is a *DIET*, hence it is called a diet.
>I hope this helps charlie!

>di·et1 (dº“¹t)

Jimmy Alpha

Sep 30, 2010, 8:27:44 AM9/30/10
Found on the net... A Life-Changing *New Approach* To Lasting Success
from America's

Dear Fellow Christian,

Eye-Opening New Research Studies

Confirm Ancient Biblical Wisdom

Can you relate?

Andree' - Salem, NJ

Sincerely, Kimberly He***

Success System Gives You:

pages. There's nothing else to buy - ever!

* You get a complete 7-week program, a bounty of
mind-renewing Scriptural references, and 87 self-customizing Success
Exercises that will get you firmly on track for victory!

* You get a program totally customized for your personal
success, not some "generic" diet plan or one-size-fits-all,
cookie-cutter "solution" that treats you just like everybody else.

* You get a proven program based solidly in 200+ Scriptures
whose truth and power have now been confirmed by extensive
clinical research.

* And I am right here with you, every step of the way! You'll

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

Sep 30, 2010, 9:27:15 PM9/30/10
... and encouraging born-again (John 3:3 & 5) friends to also pray for
prodigal Jimmy Alpha simply because we truly "agape" love him as our
LORD commands with all glory to GOD the Father.

prodigal Jimmy Alpha wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> ... and so some folks call the Approach a
>> diet though the Approach is clearly
>> Truth is simple :-)
>Truth is simply, your approach is a *DIET*, hence it is called a diet.
>I hope this helps charlie!
>di·et1 (dº“¹t)
>*To eat and drink according to a regulated system*


Eating the right daily amount (32 oz) involves as much regulating
(i.e. rules) as eating nothing (0 oz), which is fasting.

Just as fasting is not a diet, it logically follows from your cited
definition that the 2PD-OMER Approach is not a diet either.

Moreover, if the 2PD-OMER Approach were a diet, it would not be
possible to combine it with a regular diet as this physician ( ) advocates.

Bottom line:

The LORD's (Exodus 16:16) Approach is clearly

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