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Re: Obama was “born Barry Soetoro”

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 16:32:0717/04/2011
On Sun, 17 Apr 2011 12:58:36 -0700 (PDT), ?baMa? Tse Dung
<> wrote:

>Obama's Hidden Past
>Information about Obama's hidden past is finally coming out due to the
>diligent research of Citizens for Freedom and Donald Trump's
>investigation into Obama (And it's NOT about the birth certificate
>issue.). This video exposes the FACTS they have uncovered about
>Obama's past that may be surprising, even shocking, to some.
>Manipulation of political figures by the ruling elite is nothing new.
>In fact it's the documented history of how the British Empire (the
>mercantile elite class of Britain) was able to control the world (and
>still do). Knowing information like this and keeping it suppressed
>while financing them to high political office is how the controlling
>elite of the world are able to completely control the puppet
>politicians in America and deceive all but the most astute studiers of
>Obama was “born Barry Soetoro”
>In this video, Donald Trump pounds on Obama’s natural-born status, and
>then says, “look, he was born Barry Soetoro and somewhere along the
>way changed his name!” It doesn’t sound like he is speculating, or
>that he is asking a question. It sounds as though he is stating a
>fact. Hannity doesn’t follow up on it. He talks about Obama’s Kenyan
>Grandma Sara and the chaos in the room when she said Barry was born in
>a Kenya hospital. He talks about Bill Ayers, how Obama got into
>Harvard, and the Tony Rezko scandal. So what does Trump know that we
>don’t know about Barry Soetoro?

Jesus Christ but you people are loony!!!!

The material posted here may or may not be factual.

The author is following the example set by former
President George W. Bush who told 935 lies to justify
has attack on Iraq.

The author also is following the example set by
Senator Jon Kyl (R, AZ) who was caught citing
false statistics, after which his staff stated
that his comments were "not intended to be factual."


John Smith

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 18:01:4617/04/2011
On 4/17/2011 1:32 PM, Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names wrote:

> The material posted here may or may not be factual.
> The author is following the example set by former
> President George W. Bush who told 935 lies to justify
> has attack on Iraq.
> The author also is following the example set by
> Senator Jon Kyl (R, AZ) who was caught citing
> false statistics, after which his staff stated
> that his comments were "not intended to be factual."

Oh. Now let me see if I get this right, "it" has nothing to do with
what is factual, or not ... only what personal attacks we can make on
the author?

They what? We kill the guy if the author did something wrong? Ignore

Uhhh. You'll have to excuse me here, I just don't follow your logic!

Anyway you cut it, barack obama = barry soetoro ...


Gary Forbis

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 18:07:4417/04/2011
On Apr 17, 3:01 pm, John Smith <> wrote:

> Oh.  Now let me see if I get this right, "it" has nothing to do with
> what is factual, or not ... only what personal attacks we can make on
> the author?

How does one counter pure fiction? Part of the process is identifying
a bias on the part of the author. This doesn't discount what the
says but does frame it.

The general rule is extraordinary claims require extraordinary
The author just makes asserts without any evidence. There's no way
to counter this when facts are discounted.

Lamont Cranston

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 20:37:0917/04/2011
On 4/17/2011 3:01 PM, John Smith wrote:
> On 4/17/2011 1:32 PM, Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names wrote:
>> The material posted here may or may not be factual.
>> The author is following the example set by former
>> President George W. Bush who told 935 lies to justify
>> has attack on Iraq.
>> The author also is following the example set by
>> Senator Jon Kyl (R, AZ) who was caught citing
>> false statistics, after which his staff stated
>> that his comments were "not intended to be factual."
> Oh. Now let me see if I get this right, "it" has nothing to do with what
> is factual, or not ... only what personal attacks we can make on the
> author?

Anyone who uses WingNutDaily as a source is not interested in anything
"factual," you fucking kook.


non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 20:57:1417/04/2011
On 4/17/2011 5:37 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:
> Anyone who uses WingNutDaily as a source is not interested in anything
> "factual," you fucking kook.

Alex Jones is kicking ass today.

John Smith

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 21:00:3017/04/2011
On 4/17/2011 5:37 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:

> ...

> Anyone who uses WingNutDaily as a source is not interested in anything
> "factual," you fucking kook.

> ...

Fact is, the truth is the truth if spoken by a gutter wino or God
himself ...

"Berg said, “Obama’s ‘LEGAL NAME’ is Barry Soetoro, his name when he was
adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia.
Obama refers to his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in one of his books.
Also, on our web site,, we have detailed all of the
facts that substantiate ‘Soetoro/Obama is a fraud, a phony, an imposter
and this is the biggest ‘HOAX’ against ‘our’ country in ‘our’ history.
We have a copy of his school record in Indonesia where his name is Barry
Soetoro !"

If you don't like Berg's book, pick another source from the net.
Attacking the messenger is fun, but changes nothing.

A few books to clue you in:
Deconstucting Obama -- Jack Cashill

"Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not
Eligible to Be President." -- Jerome Corsi

The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality -- Jerome

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists
and Other Anti-American Extremists -- Brenda J. Elliott

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and
Cronies -- Michelle Malkin

Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals
Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That
Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming
Us ... and What to Do About It -- Dick Morris

The Obama Diaries -- Laura Ingraham

The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality -- Jerome
R. Corsi

Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama's Radical Agenda -- Sean Hannity

Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is
Inviting the Next Attack -- Marc A. Thiessen

A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid
Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media -- Bernard Goldberg

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and
Cronies -- Michelle Malkin

The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values -- Bradley
S. O'Leary

The War On Success: How the Obama Agenda Is Shattering the American
Dream -- Tommy Newberry

Welcome to Obamaland: I Have Seen Your Future and It Doesn't Work --
James Delingpole

The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda
of the Media's Favorite Candidate by David Freddoso

Obama - The Postmodern Coup by Webster Griffin Tarpley

Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals
Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That
Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming
Us ... and What to Do About It by Dick Morris

Catastrophe by Eileen McGann

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
by Robert Spencer

Right Now: A 12-Step Program For Defeating The Obama Agenda by Michael
S. Steele

How Barack Obama is Bankrupting the U.S. Economy (Encounter Broadsides)
by Stephen Moore

How The Obama Administration Threatens Our National Security (Encounter
Broadsides) by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Obama's Government Takeover of Health Care Will Be a Disaster
(Encounter Broadsides) by David Gratzer

Obama's Betrayal of Israel (Encounter Broadsides) by Michael A. Ledeen

How the Obama Administration has Politicized Justice (Encounter
Broadsides) by Andrew C. McCarthy

Obama's Radical Transformation of America: Year One (Encounter
Broadsides) by Joshua Muravchik

The Bad Science and Bad Policy of Obama's Global Warming Agenda
(Encounter Broadsides) by Roy W. Spencer

How the Obama Administration Threatens to Undermine Our Elections
(Encounter Broadsides) by John H. Fund

No He Can't: How Barack Obama Is Dismantling Hope and Change by Kevin

Celebrity Elect: When Your Favorite Star Becomes President Of The United
States by Sabrina Lamb

Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation by
Jason Mattera

How Obama is Transforming America Through Immigration (Encounter
Broadsides) by Mark Krikorian

How Obama is Transforming America's Military from Superpower to Paper
Tiger (Encounter Broadsides) by Jed L. Babbin

How Obama Has Mishandled the War on Terror (Encounter Broadsides) by
Michael Bernard Mukasey

How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty (Encounter
Broadsides) by John R. Bolton

Storm Rising by Gary Naiman

The Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an
Imperial Presidency by J. Kenneth Blackwell

Obama In Wonderland: Inside Insane Hussein's Looking Glass: A Silly Book
for a Serious Time by Joe Sansone

The Obama Timeline: From his Birth in 1961 Through his First 100 Days in
Office by Don Fredrick

To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine by Newt Gingrich

Power Grab: How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and
Bankrupt America by Chris Horner

Obama Health Law: What It Says and How to Overturn It (Encounter
Broadsides) by Betsy McCaughey Ross

Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall
Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses by Timothy P. Carney

Obamanomics: How Bottom-Up Economic Prosperity Will Replace Trickle-Down
Economics (Economics in the Obama Presidency) by John R. Talbott


John Smith

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 21:01:3117/04/2011

Read a few books on obama, take a break from Alex:


non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 21:26:3217/04/2011

Wow. An objective person on RRS. How refreshing! Welcome!

John Smith

non lue,
17 avr. 2011, 21:44:3117/04/2011

Here is a list of books which pretty well cover obama as a criminal, his
criminal and treasonous actions, etc. Dr. Jerome Corsi covers the
obama/soetoro connection:


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 00:24:3918/04/2011

Wow, I'm impressed. All this written material proving Obama to not be
who he is and endangering America's existence, and still he's
president after two years. How has he not been sent to stand before a
firing squad by now? Someone like you would get arrested for poking a
cop the wrong way, no mountain of evidence or any witnesses needed.


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 01:08:4418/04/2011

So why won't Obamba show us his real birth certificate?


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 01:14:2218/04/2011

It could all be settled so easily if Obamba would just show his real
birth certificate. Why won't he?


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 05:43:5518/04/2011

...and... One Must Still Ask . . .
Just How Did Barry Soetaro a Legal Citizen of Indonesia
get Elected to the US Prez-A-Duntzcy ? ? ?
Fact Check # 1 : Was the individual that we now call
'Barack Obama' : Once Legally "Barry Soetaro" ? [YEP]
-oops-another-inconvenient-truth- {yep again}
Fact Check # 2 : Was the individual that we now call
'Barack Obama' : Once Legally a Citizen of Indonesia ? [YEP]
-oops-another-inconvenient-truth- {yep again}


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 06:08:5318/04/2011

- It could all be settled so easily if Obamba would
- just show his real birth certificate. Why won't he?

One Must Still Ask... Just How Did 'Barry Soetaro'
a Legal Citizen of Indonesia Get Elected to the
US Prez-A-Duntzcy ?

Fact Check # 1 : Was the individual that we now call
'Barack Obama' : Once Legally "Barry Soetaro" ? [YEP]
-oops-another-inconvenient-truth- {yep again}

-a- YES "BO" {Obama} Was As A Minor Child

Fact Check # 2 : Was the individual that we now call
'Barack Obama' : Once Legally a Citizen of Indonesia ? [YEP]
-oops-another-inconvenient-truth- {yep again}

-a- YES "BO" {Obama} Was As A Minor Child
Question... Did "BO" {Obama} as an Adult Travel using
the name 'Barry Soetaro' and Using an Indonesian Passport ?
Question... Did "BO" {Obama} as an Adult Apply a/o GoTo
College using the name 'Barry Soetaro' and Claiming to be
a Foreign Student from Indonesian ?
'The-Donald' -says- Barry Soetaro You're Fired !
Liberal-Democrats Ask : Where Was Mitt Romney's Dad From ?
-more-importantly- Americans-First Ask Where Is Barack [?]
Durham/Obama/Soetaro From . . . {Born : Hawaii-or-Kenya ?}
* IIRC : Barack Obama Has *NOT* Provided a Legal
Long-Form State [Hawaiian] Issued Birth Certificate
As Part of The Official Public Record.
-j-u-s-t- An Internet Photo-Shopped {Doctored-Up}
Simulated "Obama" -aka- Soetoro Hawaii Birth Certificate
Is NOT Real Long-Form 'Official' State Record [.]
Oops... Prez-A-Duntz Obama 'Reconsidering' Second Term
Run in 2012 : 'Soetaro' Has Been Out Trump'ed !
Who Who... Who Let The "BO" Out ? -w-h-o-

D. Peter Maus

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 06:23:3118/04/2011

A bigger question would be: Why did he have all his records sealed?

Joe from Kokomo

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 07:14:2218/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 12:24 AM, wy wrote:

> All this written material proving Obama to not be
> who he is and endangering America's existence, and still he's
> president after two years. How has he not been sent to stand before a
> firing squad by now?

Maybe for the same reason George W. Bush was not made to "stand before a
firing squad by now" for LYING our country into two vastly expensive,
never-ending, bogus wars.


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 07:55:3718/04/2011
On Apr 18, 4:14 am, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> On 4/18/2011 12:24 AM, wy wrote:
> > All this written material proving Obama to not be
> > who he is and endangering America's existence, and still he's
> > president after two years.  How has he not been sent to stand before a
> > firing squad by now?
- Maybe for the same reason George W. Bush was
- not made to "stand before a firing squad by now"
- for LYING our country into two vastly expensive,
- never-ending, bogus wars.

Joe from Kokomo,

So... the same would apply equally to Prez "BO" {Obama}
for escalating "The Right" War in Afghanistan and Starting
a whole new War-for-Oil in Libya

-oops- another inconvenient truth ~ RHF
OMG ! Barack [H] Obama Was Legally 'Barry Soetoro'
and Was Legally a Citizen of Indonesia

D. Peter Maus

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 08:53:1718/04/2011

You may wish to change the stylus on that cartridge. It's still

Gary Forbis

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 09:34:0918/04/2011

At what age does one with dual citizenship have to choose?


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 11:48:2118/04/2011

Either 18 or 21 Years

Question... Did "BO" {Obama} as an Adult Travel using
the name 'Barry Soetaro' and Using an Indonesian Passport ?

Question... Did "BO" {Obama} as an Adult Apply a/o GoTo
College using the name 'Barry Soetaro' and Claiming to be
a Foreign Student from Indonesian ?

Joe from Kokomo

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 12:40:3018/04/2011

>> On 4/18/2011 12:24 AM, wy wrote:
>>> All this written material proving Obama to not be who he is and
>>> endangering America's existence, and still he's president after
>>> two years. How has he not been sent to stand before a firing
>>> squad by now?

On 4/18/11 06:14 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> Maybe for the same reason George W. Bush was not made to "stand
>> before a firing squad by now" for LYING our country into two
>> vastly expensive, never-ending, bogus wars.

On 4/18/2011 8:53 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> You may wish to change the stylus on that cartridge. It's still
> stuck.

Sadly so, because our Treasury is *still* stuck on being drained and
American kids are *still* dying...

Heck of a job, Georgie! You're gone from office, but the stench lingers on.

Joe from Kokomo

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 12:42:0618/04/2011

> On Apr 18, 4:14 am, Joe from Kokomo<> wrote:
>> On 4/18/2011 12:24 AM, wy wrote:
>>> All this written material proving Obama to not be
>>> who he is and endangering America's existence, and still he's
>>> president after two years. How has he not been sent to stand before a
>>> firing squad by now?
> - Maybe for the same reason George W. Bush was
> - not made to "stand before a firing squad by now"
> - for LYING our country into two vastly expensive,
> - never-ending, bogus wars.

On 4/18/2011 7:55 AM, RHF wrote:

> Joe from Kokomo,
> So... the same would apply equally to Prez "BO" {Obama}

> for escalating "The Right" War in Afghanistan...

Interesting that you whine about Obama not stopping the Afghan war (and
conveniently forgetting the winding down in Iraq), but especially odd
that I don't remember a peep out of you when W. Bush STARTED both wars.
How 'inconvenient' of you.

(...and yes, I have gone on record in this NG as saying Libya is a mistake).


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 14:49:2018/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 5:53 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> You may wish to change the stylus on that cartridge. It's still stuck.

It's not stuck. Unfinished business awaits Mr. Bush the next time he
leaves the USA. He is wanted man in most of the world. Why were the Good
Germans the last to find out?

John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 14:52:3418/04/2011

Well, comparing bush to obama, and which you'd rather have as a corrupt
crook in public servant office, is exactly like pondering which TSA
guard you'd rather have grope you ...

Personally, I find neither choice acceptable.

bush and obama, BOTH, sharing the same gallows would be an acceptable
solution ...



non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 14:59:5118/04/2011

John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:05:5918/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 11:59 AM, dave wrote:

> ...

Fish or cut bait.

Stay, or go.

Do it, or not.



Le message a été supprimé


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:25:2718/04/2011
On 04/17/2011 10:08 PM, Buzz wrote:

> So why won't Obamba show us his real birth certificate?

All the crappies float to the surface...

John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:26:1918/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 12:22 PM, Bob Dobbs wrote:

> ...
> Sort of like having the 'dubya' serving house arrest<g>

I just think it is a shame he didn't offend the Mossad to where they
would hunt him, relentlessly, like a nazi war criminal!



non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:27:2518/04/2011
On 04/18/2011 03:23 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> A bigger question would be: Why did he have all his records sealed?

Show us the Texas Driving Record..


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:35:2318/04/2011

If it serves their purposes they won't hesitate. He who...

Le message a été supprimé

John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:51:5418/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 3:23 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> ...

> A bigger question would be: Why did he have all his records sealed?

He already answered that!

The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with
something to hide. -- barack obama (AKA, barry soetoro)

The real question is, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CROOK HIDING???"


John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 15:54:4218/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 12:35 PM, Bob Dobbs wrote:
> He was in bed with them, as their useful idiot.
> Even if a kid gets tired of a new toy
> enough to no longer want to take it to bed,
> he's not likely to want to destroy it.

Yeah, that is the shame of it all ... I would sure like to see him take
a Swiss vacation though ... :-)


Lamont Cranston

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 17:40:0718/04/2011
On 4/17/2011 6:00 PM, John Smith wrote:
> On 4/17/2011 5:37 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:
>> ...
>> Anyone who uses WingNutDaily as a source is not interested in anything
>> "factual," you fucking kook.
>> ...
> Fact is, the truth is the truth if spoken by a gutter wino or God
> himself ...
> "Berg said, “Obama’s ‘LEGAL NAME’ is Barry Soetoro, his name when he was
> adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia.

Berg is a fucking moron. Obama's legal name is Barack Obama.

> Obama refers to his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in one of his books.
> Also, on our web site,, we have detailed all of the
> facts that substantiate ‘Soetoro/Obama is a fraud, a phony, an imposter
> and this is the biggest ‘HOAX’ against ‘our’ country in ‘our’ history.
> We have a copy of his school record in Indonesia where his name is Barry
> Soetoro !"

Big fucking deal. It is not uncommon for children to use the last names
of their step-fathers.


= kook site.

> If you don't like Berg's book, pick another source from the net.
> Attacking the messenger is fun, but changes nothing.

I'll stick to books by people who are sane.

> A few books to clue you in:
> Deconstucting Obama -- Jack Cashill


> "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not
> Eligible to Be President." -- Jerome Corsi

Corsi is a certified nut job.

BTW, here is the birth certificate:

This is the one whose authenticity has been verified by officials of the
Hawaii Department of Health numerous times.

> The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality -- Jerome
> Corsi

Again, Corsi is a nut job and a dishonest one at that.

> The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists
> and Other Anti-American Extremists -- Brenda J. Elliott


> Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and
> Cronies -- Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin? Really? Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

> Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals
> Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That
> Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming
> Us ... and What to Do About It -- Dick Morris

Dick Morris, the Toe Sucker? You must be kidding.

> The Obama Diaries -- Laura Ingraham

Damn, you seem to be attracted to all of the wingnuts.

> The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality -- Jerome
> R. Corsi

Nut job.

> Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama's Radical Agenda -- Sean Hannity

Slanthead? Surely you jest. Hannity sees facts as obstacles to his own

> Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is
> Inviting the Next Attack -- Marc A. Thiessen

I don't know this guy, but it's almost a certainty that he's a whacko.

> A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid
> Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media -- Bernard Goldberg

Goldberg is a kook.

> Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and
> Cronies -- Michelle Malkin

You already used this one.

[remainder of insane conspiracy theorist references snipped]

You need very serious professional help.

Lamont Cranston

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 17:41:0318/04/2011
On 4/17/2011 6:01 PM, John Smith wrote:

> On 4/17/2011 5:57 PM, dave wrote:
>> On 4/17/2011 5:37 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:
>>> Anyone who uses WingNutDaily as a source is not interested in anything
>>> "factual," you fucking kook.
>> Alex Jones is kicking ass today.
> Read a few lies on obama, take a break from Alex:

I fixed the description for you.

> Deconstucting Obama -- Jack Cashill

> "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not
> Eligible to Be President." -- Jerome Corsi

> The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality -- Jerome
> Corsi

> The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists
> and Other Anti-American Extremists -- Brenda J. Elliott

> Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and
> Cronies -- Michelle Malkin

> Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals
> Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That
> Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming
> Us ... and What to Do About It -- Dick Morris

> The Obama Diaries -- Laura Ingraham

> The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality -- Jerome
> R. Corsi

> Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama's Radical Agenda -- Sean Hannity

> Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is
> Inviting the Next Attack -- Marc A. Thiessen

> A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid
> Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media -- Bernard Goldberg

> Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and
> Cronies -- Michelle Malkin

> The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values -- Bradley
> S. O'Leary
> The War On Success: How the Obama Agenda Is Shattering the American
> Dream -- Tommy Newberry
> Welcome to Obamaland: I Have Seen Your Future and It Doesn't Work --
> James Delingpole
> The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda
> of the Media's Favorite Candidate by David Freddoso
> Obama - The Postmodern Coup by Webster Griffin Tarpley

> Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals
> Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That
> Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming

Lamont Cranston

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 17:43:1718/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 3:23 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

He didn't.

Le message a été supprimé

D. Peter Maus

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 19:29:2018/04/2011

You may wish to look again.


non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 20:32:0318/04/2011
At the gas pump, mention the MOFO's name and listen to people start
cussing that MOFO Out!

I Plagiarized that from what somebody at
said last week.It is the Truth though.

John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 23:20:3918/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 2:41 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:

>>> ...

>>> Alex Jones is kicking ass today.
>> Read a few lies on obama, take a break from Alex:
> I fixed the description for you.

> ...

Sorry, doesn't work that way, the reasons are quite obvious.

However, after you write your book on obama, and are published, please
post a URL to order it.

After a proper vetting and peer review, we will get back to you!


John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 23:23:4618/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 4:29 PM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

>> ...

>> He didn't.
> You may wish to look again.

You really think that will do him any good? You think his powers of
comprehension encompass being able to discern truth?

I'd say this boy is a plonker!


John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 23:26:5618/04/2011

Well, if you don't wanna' hear all the cussing, use his alias, barry
soetoro, some don't even realize that is obama alter ego!

When they ask, "Who is that?" Just tell them he is president of some
country, you can't remember the countries name -- to look it up on the
internet when they get home! HEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


John Smith

non lue,
18 avr. 2011, 23:30:1618/04/2011
On 4/18/2011 2:40 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:

> ...

> You need very serious professional help.

Well, that post proved it, you are a plonkable nutjob!

There is so much wrong with your incorrect and false comments I cannot
begin to point them out; I simply haven't the time ...

Better luck in your next life ... plonk ...


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 00:34:2719/04/2011
Scalp (Surgical?) Scar Covered Up

Looks like they have 'doctored' it up.

John Smith

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 00:45:3319/04/2011

That is where they removed the alien implant from?

Will he still act alien, or is that supposed to fix it?


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 00:52:1819/04/2011
On Apr 19, 12:34 am, wrote:
> Scalp (Surgical?) Scar Covered Up

> Looks like they have 'doctored' it up.
> cuhulin

He may NOT be human , like we thought . It's a Cyborg .

John Smith

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 00:59:2019/04/2011

Yeah, I didn't get it, at first, either.

That is why he needs the teleprompter, the brain surgeon slipped and
scalpel slipped into the speech area of the brain!

Wow, don't you just feel bad now, I mean by enjoying all the jokes about
obama (soetoro) and his teleprompter?

Of course, I still have some belief in the illegal alien implant theory
... and that is why he refuses to tighten the borders and deport illegal
aliens, gives 'em drives licenses without birth certificates, work
without proper verification, etc!

Will have to see what future evidence comes to light ... I guess :-)



non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 08:06:4819/04/2011


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 08:15:5019/04/2011


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 08:22:2619/04/2011

I have scars like that from trying to shave my head drunk.


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 10:15:3819/04/2011
"John Smith" <> wrote:

> "Berg said, “Obama’s ‘LEGAL NAME’ is Barry Soetoro, his name when he was adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro,
> in Indonesia.

This whole thread sounds like a bad MLM (Multi Level Marketing) scheme.
You're not selling a bad or fake product, but a cooked-up idea based on thin air.
Many conspiracy-theories goes like this; If one could only convince 3 or 4 people
that the theory holds water, you're in business. Those 3 or 4 would tell their friends
etc. and the story will gain credibility. Never mind the thruth, it's the marketing of the
idea/theory that matters.

Products sold via MLM can only make the approx. top 10 sellers rich. The rest of the
gullible merchants below in the pyramid are just useful idiots that can never make a
return on their investment. I believe "John Smith" (?) is such an useful idiot trapped in
a such an MLM "selling" this kook idea. He (and others) probably have way too much

PS. Here is a good article debunking MLM:

Gary Forbis

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 10:45:2819/04/2011
On Apr 18, 2:40 pm, Lamont Cranston <>

> Berg is a fucking moron.
> = kook site.

> I'll stick to books by people who are sane.

> Corsi is a certified nut job.

etc. Remember, an often told lie becomes the truth,
especially when in print.

No fact can possibly overcome the high standards of the birthers.

John Smith

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 10:59:5819/04/2011

The other side of that is much, much more dangerous:

"The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with

something to hide." -- barack obama (AKA barry soetoro)

Or, as has recently been shown out, "THE TRUTH TRUMPS!"

Or, is that, The Trump truths?



John Smith

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 11:02:0119/04/2011
On 4/19/2011 7:15 AM, ElChino wrote:
> "John Smith" <> wrote:
>> "Berg said, “Obama’s ‘LEGAL NAME’ is Barry Soetoro, his name when he
>> was adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in
>> Indonesia.
> This whole thread sounds like a bad MLM (Multi Level Marketing) scheme.
> You're not selling a bad or fake product, but a cooked-up idea based on
> thin air.
> Many conspiracy-theories goes like this; If one could only convince 3 or
> 4 people
> that the theory holds water, you're in business. Those 3 or 4 would tell
> their friends
> etc. and the story will gain credibility. Never mind the thruth, it's
> the marketing of the
> idea/theory that matters.
> ...

No "cooked up ideas." obamas' indonesian school records show the
"soetoro connection."

It won't take you long to find that info on the net ...


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 11:06:0619/04/2011
Lee Marvin was a mighty fine movie actor, but he couldn't sing worth a
I was borrrrrn under a wanderrring starrrrr,,,,,,, - Paint Your Wagon

Gary Forbis

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 11:12:0219/04/2011
On Apr 19, 7:59 am, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 4/19/2011 7:45 AM, Gary Forbis wrote:
> > On Apr 18, 2:40 pm, Lamont Cranston<>
> > wrote:
> >> Berg is a fucking moron.
> >> = kook site.
> >> I'll stick to books by people who are sane.
> >> ROTFLMAO!!!!
> >> Corsi is a certified nut job.
> > etc.  Remember, an often told lie becomes the truth,
> > especially when in print.
> > No fact can possibly overcome the high standards of the birthers.
> The other side of that is much, much more dangerous:
> "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with
> something to hide." -- barack obama (AKA barry soetoro)

"The Truth? You can't handle the truth." -- LTJG Daniel Kaffee

John Smith

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 11:55:1019/04/2011
On 4/19/2011 8:12 AM, Gary Forbis wrote:

>> ...

>>> No fact can possibly overcome the high standards of the birthers.
>> The other side of that is much, much more dangerous:
>> "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with
>> something to hide." -- barack obama (AKA barry soetoro)
> "The Truth? You can't handle the truth." -- LTJG Daniel Kaffee


Much worse than that! We can't even handle obamas' (soetoros') LIES!

... get real!


John Smith

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 11:57:5619/04/2011

Well, I will admit, regan did a better job of acting the part of
president ... but then, he had an unfair advantage -- regan was an
actor, had practice/experience at acting the part of a governor in
California and a slew of grade B movies -- on the other hand, obama is a
poor actor with very little or no experience!



non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 12:16:0219/04/2011


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 12:18:1819/04/2011


non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 12:22:2319/04/2011
On 04/19/2011 08:55 AM, John Smith wrote:

> Much worse than that! We can't even handle obamas' (soetoros') LIES!
> ... get real!
> Regards,
> JS

What lies can't you handle?

m II

non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 13:34:5919/04/2011
Hash: SHA1

On 11-04-18 01:27 PM, dave wrote:

> On 04/18/2011 03:23 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:
>> A bigger question would be: Why did he have all his records sealed?

> Show us the Texas Driving Record..

Never mind the driving record. What about the rape charges?


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



non lue,
19 avr. 2011, 14:44:3819/04/2011

The documents, revealed for the first time, show that how British
Petroleum (BP)'s concerns over losing lucrative contracts in Iraq were
addressed by then Trade Minister, Baroness Symons, the daily Independent

According to the papers, Baroness Symons had assured BP, five months
before the 2003 invasion, that British energy firms would be given their
shares of Iraq's enormous oil and gas reserves as a reward for Tony
Blair's commitment to US plans for regime change in the country.

British oil giant, BP, had voiced concerns that then US government under
George W. Bush was quietly striking deals with US, French, and Russian
energy firms, the papers say.

Joe from Kokomo

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 07:22:2220/04/2011
On 4/19/2011 1:34 PM, m II wrote:

> Never mind the driving record [of G.W. Bush]. What about the rape charges?

As in the rape of an entire country? As in literally trashing the entire
country of Iraq? For no legitimate reason. *That* rape?


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 08:08:0420/04/2011

D. Peter Maus

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 08:35:4720/04/2011

Your needle is still stuck.


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 10:55:5520/04/2011
On Apr 18, 12:27 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> On 04/18/2011 03:23 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:
> > A bigger question would be: Why did he have all his records sealed?
> Show us the Texas Driving Record..

So... the same would apply equally to Prez "BO" {Obama}
for escalating "The Right" War in Afghanistan and Starting
a whole new War-for-Oil in Libya
-oops- another inconvenient truth ~ RHF
Obama's New War for Oil : It's About Regime Change in Libya !
Prez "BO"s {Obama's} Secret War in Libya :
Impeach Imperialist Leader {War Monger} Now !
...before... America Is Damm Damm Damm !
OOPS Another Inconvenient "BO" {Obama} Truth . . .
Obama The Torturer Gitmo,,, Gitmo... Gitmo ! ! !
-yeah- Prez Obama Promised to Close Gitmo and
have US Court Jury Trials for the Detainees
-but- Now Prez Obama Says Wants To Keep
Gitmo "Open" and Have Military Tribunals for
the Detainees with Secret Evidence.
-truth-is- Obama Is A Human Rights Violator !
The Obama Imperial Presidency
+ Obama Exceeded His Presidential Authority :
Obama = Nixon & Nixon = Obama
Prez Obama's Big Lie Calling It A "No Fly Zone" :
Libya It's An Illegal Un-Authorized War !
* Nader Calls Libya An Illegal Un-Authorized War !
* Kucinich Calls Libya An Illegal Un-Authorized War !
The Reality of President Obama's 'The Right War'
[in Afghanistan] -oops- It's Still War !
Oops ! What Happened to the 'Liberal' Anti-War Movement ? :
The True All American Anti-War Movement Lives On !
What Happened to the Antiwar Movement ? :
Why Has Cindy Sheehan Been Silenced
[Media-Black-Out] By The Liberal Controlled
Mega Media Network Corporations ?
Prez O-Bomb-My-A : How May America Boy
and Girls Did You Kill Today ?
hey, Hey. HEY ! Prez O-Bomb-My-A
Prez Obama "The War Maker" Preparing for the . . .
Invasion of Iran and the Start of World War III...
Prez Obama Tarnished by WikiLeaks Afghan War
Revelations : The Obama Regime's Pentagon Papers
President Obama Give Peace a Chance :
End the Afghan War Now ! : Stop The Killing In
Afghanistan Now ! : Bring Our US Troops Home Now !
OMG ! Barack [H] Obama Was Legally 'Barry Soetoro'
and Was Legally a Citizen of Indonesia
One Must Still Ask... Just How Did 'Barry Soetaro'
a Legal Citizen of Indonesia Get Elected to the
US Prez-A-Duntzcy ?

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 10:59:0920/04/2011
Missing Records in Hawaii and Kenya and Indonesia. (''They'' have
Amnesia) Jerome Corsi's Book (Where's The Birth Certificate?) to reveal
True Identity.

Wherrrrrrrrrrrrre's The Birrrrrrrrrrrrrrth Certificaaaaaaaaaaaate???

Knock! Knock!
///Whooooooooos there!!!????///
///Kenya whoooooooo???!!!///
Kenya show me the Birrrrrrrrrth Certificaaaaaaate????


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 11:17:4420/04/2011
On Apr 20, 4:22 am, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> On 4/19/2011 1:34 PM, m II wrote:
> > Never mind the driving record [of G.W. Bush]. What about the rape charges?
- As in the rape of an entire country?
- As in literally trashing the entire country of Iraq?
- For no legitimate reason.
- *That* rape?
Joe from Kokomo : You Say Iraq Is RAPE !
Sort of like Prez "BO"s {Obama's} Escalated War in
Afghanistan Killing Innocent Women, Young Girls and
Boys too...
What's The Liberal Legitimate Reason
For This Expanded Obama Rape-War ?
Joe from Kokomo : You Say Iraq Is RAPE !
Sort of like Prez "BO"s {Obama's} New & Improved
War in Libya : Bombing and Killing Innocent Women,
Young Girls and Boys too...
What's The Liberal Legitimate Reason
For This New Obama Rape-War ?

OOPS Another Inconvenient "BO" {Obama} Truth . . .
Obama The Torturer Gitmo,,, Gitmo... Gitmo ! ! !
-yeah- Prez Obama Promised to Close Gitmo and
have US Court Jury Trials for the Detainees
-but- Now Prez Obama Says Wants To Keep
Gitmo "Open" and Have Military Tribunals for
the Detainees with Secret Evidence.
-truth-is- Obama Is A Human Rights Violator !
What's The Liberal Legitimate Reason For Obama's
Illegal GitMo Torture and Trial Rape of Human Rights ?
yeah - that's the way 'i' see it : obama-rape-wars ~ RHF


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 11:20:1020/04/2011

Are you trying to say we should give George W. Bush a pass? He killed
hundreds of thousands of non-combatants in an illegal preemptive war,
let alone the 6,000 or so Americans he murdered. If we want to claim any
moral authority in the world we will not forgive George W. Bush (or
Obama for that matter).


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 11:28:4720/04/2011
> Obama = Nixon& Nixon = Obama


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 11:37:0620/04/2011

He will write up a book of lies and half-truths in a week if Regnery has
a check waiting for him.

Joe from Kokomo

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 12:45:4620/04/2011

>> On 4/19/2011 1:34 PM, m II wrote:
>>> Never mind the driving record [of G.W. Bush]. What about the rape
>>> charges?

On 4/20/11 06:22 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> As in the rape of an entire country? As in literally trashing the
>> entire country of Iraq? For no legitimate reason. *That* rape?

On 4/20/2011 8:35 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> Your needle is still stuck.

Yup, still stuck for as long as the Treasury is still draining and
American kids are still dying.

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 13:09:5620/04/2011
I just now sawed and heard on 12:00 PM WLBT 3 tee vee noos, Nissan
pickup trucks division in Smyrna,Tennessee is moving that pickup trucks
manufacturing division to the Nissan factory near Canton,Missy Sippy,
(I-55 Gluckstadt Exit, bouts twenty sumpin miles North of doggy's couch)
that means 300 More Jobs for Missy Sippy.

John Smith

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 13:21:5920/04/2011
On 4/20/2011 8:37 AM, dave wrote:

> He will write up a book of lies and half-truths in a week if Regnery has
> a check waiting for him.

Corsi book featured on drudge report, today!:


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 13:33:1920/04/2011
On Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:45:46 -0400, Joe from Kokomo <>


Joe from Kokomo -correction- Yup, still stuck for as long
as the 'OBAMA' {Privatized} Treasury is still draining and
American kids are still dying in the Name of 'OBAMA'.
Oops ! : What's The 'Liberal' Legitimate Reason
For Obama's Wars ? {National Rapes !}
Think Green America : STOP the Obama-Bush Wars
and Recycle Prez Obama in 2012 !
Now the Liberal Media is calling Obama's
Bombing of Libya is Rebranded "Peace Bombing"
-aka- Peace Bombs -wrt- Bombs for Peace
I am sure that all the Innocent Women and
Chlidren Bombed {Killed & Injured} into Peace
Will Love Obama for bring them Eternal Peace.


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 13:56:1020/04/2011
In article <ion4np$lr7$>, says...

One kook plugging another's book. Shocking.

BDK- Top of the government shill heap for over 10 years running!

D. Peter Maus

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 14:08:1420/04/2011

Here's a clue: Your boy has been in charge for two years +. He's
not doing anything to stop it.

You can't keep blaming the previous guy for throwing the punch,
when the current guy has refused to stop swinging.

Joe from Kokomo

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 14:58:4320/04/2011

> On 4/20/11 11:45 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>>>> On 4/19/2011 1:34 PM, m II wrote:
>>>>> Never mind the driving record [of G.W. Bush]. What about the rape
>>>>> charges?
>> On 4/20/11 06:22 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>>>> As in the rape of an entire country? As in literally trashing the
>>>> entire country of Iraq? For no legitimate reason. *That* rape?
>> On 4/20/2011 8:35 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:
>>> Your needle is still stuck.
>> Yup, still stuck for as long as the Treasury is still draining and
>> American kids are still dying.

On 4/20/2011 2:08 PM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> Here's a clue: Your boy has been in charge for two years +. He's not
> doing anything to stop it.

Ummm..."not doing *anything*"?

You obviously and clearly missed the removal of a LARGE number of our
troops from Iraq. Selective memory? Disingenuous?

D. Peter Maus

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 15:23:0620/04/2011
On 4/20/11 13:58 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> Here's a clue: Your boy has been in charge for two years +. He's not
>> doing anything to stop it.
> Ummm..."not doing *anything*"?
> You obviously and clearly missed the removal of a LARGE number of
> our troops from Iraq. Selective memory? Disingenuous?

And yet, we're still fighting, there. And now in a third country.
And we're draining the treasury and filling it with IOU's at a
historic rate.

Again, your boy has been in the big chair for more than two
years. And it's not doing anything to stop it. It's time to stop
blaming the guy who's no longer there, and to begin blaming his know, the guy who's currently responsible. The one
who got the job by promising to do what he's not doing now.

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 15:34:3520/04/2011
Jerome Corsi's Book, Where's The Birth Certificate? will be Featured in
every Book Store in America, and Libraries, I Hopes So! And many Book
Stores and Libraries in many Languages in many Countries around the
World too, I Hopes So! Someday, it will be Featured on the Internet too,
the entire Book for Everybody, Everywhere in the World to Read, I Hopes

John Smith

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 15:50:2620/04/2011
On 4/20/2011 12:23 PM, D. Peter Maus wrote:
> ...

> And yet, we're still fighting, there. And now in a third country. And
> we're draining the treasury and filling it with IOU's at a historic rate.
> Again, your boy has been in the big chair for more than two years. And
> it's not doing anything to stop it. It's time to stop blaming the guy
> who's no longer there, and to begin blaming his know,
> the guy who's currently responsible. The one who got the job by
> promising to do what he's not doing now.

As I have pointed out, in the last few decades, presidents have come and
gone, republicrats vs. democans has been the only game in town ...

Through it all the hand of the shadow government as unwaveringly kept
steady course, loss of freedoms, loss of rights, loss of liberty,
increased unemployment, higher inflation, rich getting richer, poor
getting poorer, wars, hunger, loss of medical services, etc.

I can honestly say that since obama has taken office, nothing in my life
which involves government has gotten any better -- only worse. But, I
can say the same for all presidents since Kennedy!


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 16:23:1120/04/2011
Supreme Court Justices Admit the Born in Kenya! USURPER'S Eligibility

I reckon they are reading Jerome Corsi's Book too.


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 18:37:2420/04/2011

I can blame both of them, and you too, for good measure.

William Clark

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 19:52:5920/04/2011
In article <ionddl$s4$>,
John Smith <> wrote:

Given your IQ and attitude, that doesn't surprise me one bit.

John Smith

non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 22:58:0920/04/2011
On 4/20/2011 4:52 PM, William Clark wrote:

> ...

> Given your IQ and attitude, that doesn't surprise me one bit.

I am 1 out of a hundred, or thousand, or ten thousand who actually knows
its number ... and has had it tested, many times ...

What doesn't surprise me is that you have been wrong about nearly 100%
of everything until now, what could possible occur to change that now ...


non lue,
20 avr. 2011, 23:19:3920/04/2011
Craniotomy, sumpin like dat.That is when they open up the skull and do
whatever kind of surgery/operation.

Yeah, ''they'' are All Crazy as Hell!

John Smith

non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 00:09:1121/04/2011

There are only two possibilities, do you agree?:

1) They took out important thought centers of his brain causing him to
resort to criminal and treasonous actions against American citizens?


2) They put something in (cyborg control mechanism) which is forcing him
to obey commands and inflict criminal and treasonous actions on American

I mean, those are all the choices!


non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 00:16:1921/04/2011
On Apr 21, 12:09 am, John Smith <> wrote:

That fits the description of Cali-Fornia's governator . It perfectly
does .

John Smith

non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 00:27:2621/04/2011
On 4/20/2011 9:16 PM, wrote:

> ...

> That fits the description of Cali-Fornia's governator . It perfectly
> does .


You got that dead on center. That tough guy was going to clean up
government here, balance the budget, etc.

All we got was an actor like rotten regan! Neither of 'em can do a
better job of acting like a real governor than acting a part on the big

Arnold did us with NO VASELINE! (only the guys in san fransicko liked him!)


John Smith

non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 00:39:1421/04/2011
On 4/20/2011 9:16 PM, wrote:

> ...

> That fits the description of Cali-Fornia's governator . It perfectly
> does .

But, you do realize we have jerry brown now, right?

That tootsie roll poker got us decades ago. I really can't believe
anyone remembering him would ever let him get anywhere near a governors'

That twinkle toes fairy is already cutting services to the poorest and
arranging sweet deal for the rich ...

It is a real shame, they always assassinate the wrong politicians!
(well, they almost got it right with regan)


John Smith

non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 00:53:3821/04/2011
On 4/19/2011 5:22 AM, dave wrote:
> On 04/18/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:
>> Scalp (Surgical?) Scar Covered Up
>> Looks like they have 'doctored' it up.
>> cuhulin
> I have scars like that from trying to shave my head drunk.


I gotta say, I appreciated that humor ... who knows how good he is with
a razor and a couple of drinks! Maybe.


non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 00:49:4521/04/2011
It could be that somebody once knocked the Sheet out of him with a
Baseball Bat, or something.


non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 01:01:0921/04/2011

John Smith

non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 01:32:3521/04/2011

Could be ...

One thing can be certain however, they darn well didn't knock any sense
into the boy!



non lue,
21 avr. 2011, 13:05:0121/04/2011
In article <ioocdj$k8e$>, says...

You seem to be confused about who is gay, along with just about
everything else.


non lue,
27 avr. 2011, 16:11:5727/04/2011
"John Smith" <> wrote:

> On 4/19/2011 7:15 AM, ElChino wrote:
>> "John Smith" <> wrote:
>>> "Berg said, “Obama’s ‘LEGAL NAME’ is Barry Soetoro, his name when he
>>> was adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in
>>> Indonesia.
>> This whole thread sounds like a bad MLM (Multi Level Marketing) scheme.
>> You're not selling a bad or fake product, but a cooked-up idea based on
>> thin air.
>> Many conspiracy-theories goes like this; If one could only convince 3 or
>> 4 people
>> that the theory holds water, you're in business. Those 3 or 4 would tell
>> their friends
>> etc. and the story will gain credibility. Never mind the thruth, it's
>> the marketing of the
>> idea/theory that matters.
>> ...
> No "cooked up ideas." obamas' indonesian school records show the "soetoro connection."

Sorry I'm doing a follow-up to a week old thread. But the pace at which
these stupid

Now when Obama in fact has given the proof of his birth, what do say now
"John Smith"? Another forgergery? This whole "debate" has racistic undertones
if you ask me. Donald Trump's mother was born in Scotland. If he were to run
for the presidency, who would ask him for a proof of his citizenship? I guess
very few since he's a WASP. But luckily he will never be a prez. Thanks God.

Now Donald Trump is taking credit for the fact that Obama has presented the
proof. Yeah right! Mr Trump is left with no credibility and egg all over his face.
The whole debate (read conspiracy theory) has been embarrasing for your country
and a waste of time. Time better spent to solve the problems you US-citizens really
have. Thankfully I live in Scandinavia and from here the US political scene looks a bit
like a kindergarten. Get a grip an solve the real issues.

non lue,
27 avr. 2011, 23:53:0427/04/2011
On Apr 27, 4:11 pm, "ElChino" <> wrote:

> "John Smith" <> wrote:
> > On 4/19/2011 7:15 AM, ElChino wrote:
> like a kindergarten. Get a grip an solve the real issues.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Right, except it doesn't appear like a kindergarten lately to me !
More like a Pre-K ...

John Smith

non lue,
28 avr. 2011, 02:21:5528/04/2011
On 4/27/2011 1:11 PM, ElChino wrote:

> ...

> Sorry I'm doing a follow-up to a week old thread. But the pace at which
> these stupid
> Now when Obama in fact has given the proof of his birth, what do say now
> "John Smith"? Another forgergery? This whole "debate" has racistic
> undertones
> if you ask me. Donald Trump's mother was born in Scotland. If he were to
> run
> for the presidency, who would ask him for a proof of his citizenship? I
> guess
> very few since he's a WASP. But luckily he will never be a prez. Thanks
> God.
> Now Donald Trump is taking credit for the fact that Obama has presented the
> proof. Yeah right! Mr Trump is left with no credibility and egg all over
> his face.
> The whole debate (read conspiracy theory) has been embarrasing for your
> country
> and a waste of time. Time better spent to solve the problems you
> US-citizens really
> have. Thankfully I live in Scandinavia and from here the US political
> scene looks a bit
> like a kindergarten. Get a grip an solve the real issues.

Yep. We got a new obama-tron docu-mento to examine now!:

Kurt Nimmo and computer specialists at have dismissed it as
a total and easily confirmed forgery!:

This all is definitely in need of more thought and consideration.


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