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Jouw Liefde Voor Mij, Is Uniek Voor En Met Mij - 20081003-V1.3-A-NL-V1.0 - (NL Addition to: 'Your Love For Me is uniquely respecting me ... ')

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jan 12, 2011, 5:44:36 AM1/12/11
Jouw Liefde Voor Mij, Is Uniek Voor En Met Mij (bij: 'Your Love For Me
is uniquely respecting me ... (LFM)' )

3 October 2008

(Version 1.3
on 15 Oct 2008)

(suits foreign
language readers)

(inspired by Mieke,
initiated by Meike)*


(Addition NL
on 12 Jan 2011)

(uit een persoonlijke
brief van 10 Jan 2011)


"Beste Meike,

"Verder wil ik je uitleggen, wat een relatie is, zodat je je dat
weer kunt herinneren, hoe dat in elkaar zit, en zodat je dus
weer makkelijk met relaties om kunt gaan.

"Ik heb dat in het Engels gepubliceerd met de titel 'Your
Love For Me is uniquely respecting me' ** - d.w.z. jouw
liefde voor mij, is een liefde die uniek is, gecreeerd
door jou, precies voor en met mij, en die - deshalve -
niet als zodanig op anderen 'toepasbaar' is: ***

"Voor anderen creeer je een liefde (Liefdesenergie)
die precies voor en met die ANDER is.

"Het is duidelijk, dat, als je die dingen niet vermengt, je van
ontzettend veel mensen kunt houden, en zij van jou - van ieder
speciaal - met een, van jou voor hem of haar unieke Liefdes-
energie, en vice-versa:

"zoals het inderdaad in iedere normale natuur ligt, van
zeer veel mensen te houden.

"En misschien, om van iemand wel heel extra veel te houden.




(***) Dit mag duidelijk zijn, namelijk uit het feit, dat Liefde een
kwaliteit bezit, die 'Waarnemingsenergie' genoemd kan worden.

Waarneming (d.w.z. voelende, echte waarneming van de ander(en)),
is een WEZENLIJK deel van werkelijke Liefde, zoals niet moeilijk
te begrijpen is.

Liefde is dan ook een onderdeel van de 'Drie-Eenheid der
Wetenschap' (de 'Trinity of Science'), die bestaat uit
(de samenwerking van)

Liefde, Schoonheid en Waarheid,

alle drie NOODZAKELIKE ingredienten van Wetenschap,

omdat deze drie, het tegengif vormen TEGEN Haat en
Lelijkheid en Leugens, welke - zoals bekend - DE




(**) Addition to:

Your Love For Me is uniquely respecting me - and should inspire your
Love for others, to be respecting others uniquely as these are (LFM)

3 October 2008

(Version 1.3
on 15 Oct 2008)

(suits foreign
language readers)

(inspired by Mieke,
initiated by Meike)*


Your Love for me, is created by you for me (or about me, you might
feel it, as 'love about me') - so it has a very peculiar and unique
quality being created by you FOR ME or about me,

just as also my Love for you or about you, is very uniquely for
or about you - its quality is specially for you and about you

Love, as you know, has to do with respect - respect is,
precisely to look at or sense, who and what someone is,

and so Love does look at who and what you are, and, at who
and what I am.

Your generally quite oppressed abilities in that

- to sense and feel and know and remember who
someone is and was, and equally who you are
and were - your actual abilities

are very far beyond and exceeding that, what you are
"allowed" by Criminal Minds to use, and dwarf what
these have "taught" you, that "are your abilities"
to sense and feel and remember.

And indeed, despite what is written in the history
books about me or you, having died, or in general
about ancestors, it is so, you might concede, that

neither am I dead, nor are you dead.

We live on...

as sung so beautifully by Celine Dion, for
the movie 'Titanic' - the song I might presume
rightly you know by that part of its lyrics:

'We live on...'



So when you create your Love for me

- because you become aware of me again and feel me again,
through my work or directly, or both

(because though I, like you, have died many life times,
we are not only alive, but live a time of life again, now)

and whenever you were aware of me and felt me in any past,
when you created (felt or remembered) your Love for me -

what you feel for or about me, being very specific and unique Love,
that characterizes you and me specifically, you can not or do not
give that to another, of course,

because that would - and it indeed does - violate the
respect that is a major part of any true, actual Love:

It is my love for you and your love for me, which is a
very specific and unique Love, specifically for you,
respecting you, and it is from you with respect to and
for or about me,

and my Love for you certainly would break down, if
you give it, my Energy of my Love for you,

in an extreme case for instance,

to a Criminal Mind,

for which my Love for you, is not designed at

and your Love for me, is very obviously NOT
created by you for addressing

nor has it the quality with which to
address - it is not suitable to give -

Criminal Minds,

or to a lackey of a Criminal Mind,

it would be a great distortion of and in fact will hamper or
break my Love for you, and your Love for me, too,

because - being uniquely personal - it is not your Love about
another, nor is it my Love about another.



You can however (and you do) use MY specific and unique Love for or
about you - and YOUR specific and unique Love for or about me - to
inspire you, it may and will help you,

to create your specific and unique Love for ANOTHER, and for many
others too, as well as in your receiving the specific and unique Love
of others, for you, *(1)(2)(3)

much like you might choose to play music composed by me, while
you are engaged in pleasant conversation or activity with others
who equally appreciate my music.

The idea, that "you can Love only one person," *(6)(7)
stems entirely from Criminal Minds:

In that case, if such a Criminal Mind has tricked
you into Loving (into creating and giving your Love
Energy to) him or her

(who - being a Criminal Mind - can not really
be Loved, at all,

not ever, in fact: so insidious and so wholly
irreparable is the mutilation inflicted in
distant past lives - with for you now wholly
unimaginable methods, inflicted on such a soul
and reversing his or her intentions, thereby),

if you are tricked into Loving
a Criminal Mind,

then he or she (the Criminal Mind) 'has made it'

- has "succeeded" in deceiving and captivating
you, has managed to secure your Energy for
himself or herself -

when you have agreed, that "you can or you must love
only one person" (if you agreed with ideas to that
effect, culturally or otherwise).

Similarly, a Criminal Mind will convince you,
that "You must live in (you must be aware only
of) the present." (Oprah Winfrey, Eckhardt
Tolle, "The Power of Now.")

Then he or she 'has made it,' has made you
blind to his or her past and future intentions
and activities towards you and others.


Then "you can live with Criminal Minds,"
which is the goal of various Hindu and
Buddhist gurus,

and of the current Secretary
General of the United Nations

Ban Ki-Moon (and I would suggest
to take his first name to be an
English verb) - indeed

'living with Criminal Minds' is in fact
impossible, because these will ruin your
life in any (other) way,

UNLESS they are respected as they are,

which has given rise to various
HRI's on that subject, to respect

for instance with the HRI 'The Rights of
Criminal Minds.' *(8)


You DON'T let Criminal Minds tell you, that "I am dead," that "I do
not exist anymore, 'because I have died'." I am a soul, you know,
just as you are too.


This also applies to religious people: You may sense my
existence and my Love and Compassion for you, you feel my
Golden Strength or Fiercely Blue Life Energy of Beauty, Truth
and Love, of Creating Life.

Which then may result in you creating your Love for me, which is
specific and unique Love, to me and about me.

Now you DON'T then go and give THAT Love to Jesus Christ,

conversely, because you sense someone's great Compassion
and Love for you coming towards you or surrounding you,

that you are unable to identify correctly,

you then DON'T assume, that "I am Jesus Christ"

- I am not Jesus Christ, there is only one
Jesus Christ and I am not him.

He is very different from me, though similar in
certain aspects that are culturally determined; *(4)

you can and should appreciate Jesus Christ for what
and who he was and actually is (and not "appreciate"
him for what you like him to be, but respect him
for what he is). *(5)

And so you go and appreciate and feel me, and acknowledge my
existence, and thus respect me, for what I am and who I am. *(4)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(*) Mieke very naturally created and showed her Love for me as
uniquely for me, so all was fine: She created and showed her
Love for others as was her Love for others.

This was sharply contrasted by Meike, who experienced a strong
Love for me, when she saw me, and talked with me, but that she
then, after a while and away from me, directed at someone else
whom she considered 'she should love,' but did not tell me
It felt like a drain and distortion, that hampered the overall
creation of my pure Love, and that prompted me to diminish my
Love flowing to her, as it was being mis-used, mis-represented,
mis-assigned, and thus made Ugly, by her not keeping it open and
honest as my Love is intended.


(1) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA-PITRIT)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(2) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' (FALEV)
{HRI 20031110-V3.7}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.7 on 9 Jan 2007)

(3) 'ABBA's Famous Life Energy Vampire, Agnetha'
(Addition to 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected
Of Destroying Your Emotional Integrity')
{HRI 20031110-V3.7-A1-V2.0}
(10 November 2008 - Addition 1, Version 2.0 on 10 July 2008)

(4) 'Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite - Intending others
to be decent to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.3} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.3 on 30 May 2008)

(5) 'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
- Nor Does He Want To Be One' (JCNL)
{HRI 20081005-V2.3}
(5 October 2008 - Version 2.3 on 7 Oct 2008)

(6) 'What is Love, and Three Parts of Love' (WIL)
{HRI 20080428-V2.1}
(28 April 2008 - Version 2.1 on 9 June 2008)

(7) 'About Loving people - Basic education by example
- An hour of my life recorded for you' (ALP)
{HRI 20050625}
(25 June 2005)

(8) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V1.3}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.3 on 26 Jun 2008)


(See under Footnotes, above.)

(more as applicable)

Issue Note:

Version 1.0 of this HRI was not publicly issued.


Copyright 2008, 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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