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The origin of the Curse of alt.religion.angels

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ªºª rrock

Jun 5, 2006, 10:00:09 PM6/5/06
Perhaps Ptututptutss hasn't the ability to use the simple tools that
Google has provided to search for various posts, and without this knowledge
he believes in vain that it is therefore impossible for others. His ego
will simply not allow him to understand that there are other people
in the world besides him, especially people that can tell the truth,
read plain English, use a search engine, or perform other simple skills
he has yet to master. Be that as it may, his beliefs are far from reality.
His brain damaged from drug abuse, it is more than likely that this wretch
will be deluded until his dying day.

Ptutututpuss wrote:
> I was still searching. Not for God or Angels,
> but for like-minded souls who might be able to commune with me because
> they read my work. I published my book in 1998 through iUniverse.
> At that time I joined an angel NG on the internet, thinking I would find
> all the right people who could commune with me.

Lie. Ptututpuss joined this news group before he published his book, and his
book was based on the information, knowledge, and data provided by other
people in the group without their permission. This post will point out this
fact clearly and be referred to every time Ptututptutss decides to try and
sweep his past under the rug as if it will be forgotten.

Ptututptutss's first post to alt.religion.angels was a reply to an ongoing
discussion between David Ellison, Raine and G. Ford. They were discussing
various comparisons about the historical accuracy of central prophets of
various religions. David Ellison's post was posted Jul 22, 1998.


In his very first post, besides being completely off topic, Ptututptutss
immediately began by putting people down, referring to people in his
very first line as "ignorant", and further describing them as "stupid",
"afraid", "weak" and "confused". He then gave a tirade preaching
to the group about the "Immortal, Eternal soul" as if the existing posters
of the group were the people to whom he was referring to as stupid, afraid,
weak, ignorant, and confused. Posted two days after the post he replied to,
Ptututptutss starts out like the ego-maniacal know-it-all that he has always
pretended to be. He even reveals his motives plainly but hidden behind the
Freudien slip as he speaks about his "con". As a thesis post he points out
clearly that he is all about power and greed. Read for yourselves:


Besides writing in a style which was unclear and could be taken in several
different ways, Ptututptutss either hadn't read the thread at all (explaining
his completely off-topic digression) or for the very first time showed that he
simply hasn't the ability to read. Read here the response from the first offended
person on alt.religion.angels to Ptututptututp's very first post:


Fortunately for Ptututptuts, kurdtcat was forgiving of his inexperience and
after defending her ideas from the twisted propaganda he had made from them,
she kindly welcomed him to the news group. But right off the bat, the regulars
could see through the fallacies he had posted, and set the record straight
quickly. Certainly this would be the first blow to his perfect ego, since
he obviously hasn't ever seen that he insults people. For everyone in the
group at the time, all would naturally be settled, but from this very first
posting experience to alt.religion.angels, PTututptututs formed a vendetta.


In his second post to this news group, Ptuytptuttus begins his campaign of lies.
These lies will twist him immeasurably as he constantly tries to evade the truth
in the future. He begins his post by using a band-wagon marketing acclaim of
thanking all in the group whom have asked questions of his "angelic group, Annex".
No prior introduction of these angels made previously, he continues to describe
them as having the ability to answer "any question" without any sort of supernatural
power of his own. The post comes across as coming straight from the bark of a circus
conductor. He promises confidentiality unless a question is requested to be made
public. He completes his second post with the ridiculous closing showing that he
is self-conscious about using the name of an actual saint, but that it is his own
"real name" even though he had evidently forgotten that his posted nickname still
contained his actual name, and as if he was fooling anyone from two weeks prior.
He will have to backtrack to cover this attempt to become "holier than all" later
when he posts:

> My name is David St. Albans-Pudelwitts. I am 43 years old, male, born in
> 1954 in Chicago, Illinois. I grew up in Chicago and Pasadena, CA. Right now
> I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Pudelwitts is a Polish name, my father's name
> and my legal name.


This second post begins to show the true reason for his joining this news group,
that being specifically to make money selling his acclaimed angelic contact. As any
charlatan would begin, he starts by offering a service for free to entice his
prospective marks and to hopefully build some credibility. Here is both the post
and his first "customer" whom can obviously see right through his con by asking
all the correct questions:


Ptutptututpuss never responds to those questions, but provides a vague treatise
describing the nature of truth on Aug 10th. It is quite apparent according to his
descriptions of LSD trips that he is high as a kite during this post:



Notice that Raine doesn't buy into Ptututptutt's acid trip answers from acid trip

> All of this and more from someone who preaches christianity in the guise
> of *no religion*. Sorry, David. Your *factoids* are incorrect. And your
> *contacts* have contradicted themselves with regularity. I would recheck
> their credentials.
> Sorry,
> --
> JhiaRaine

Later that week he makes his financial intentions plain by announcing to the group that he
will be using information gleaned from them in a new book. This clearly shows that Ptututptuts
joined the group before publishing his "book", which as it turns out was only a self-published
compilation of things he had learned from others and twisted with his use of LSD.

In this post, he shows signs of a clearly delusional character. He states that he chose his
name after one of the famous saints of England and then immediately turns around and discredits
that saint by saying that none had ever heard of him. He readily admits that he chose impersonating
a saint because of the fame that he himself felt thrilled about from watching the TV show "The Saint".
Confused on LSD, these two characters fused to become an alter-ego which was larger than life and
from which he would never escape.

This post also discusses his various experiments with drugs, however, it never mentions the serious
hard-core street drugs which he was abusing at the time. He does mention that he crashed and had
some serious physical problems which appear to be from substance abuse the likes of which was
more than likely heroine or morphine. He blames his "crash" on having a normal job of being a
transport in a hospital. It is only a guess but this is probably where he found access to the
drugs he was abusing. In this post he claims that after begging for God upon reaching "rock bottom"
that God answered his call and showed him signs of heaven. This is a complete contradiction from
his recent claim of seeing God as the result of abusing LSD.

recent post src:

In this post he claims to have compiled notes from speaking with his angelic group Annex. His claims
are to the effect that his book is practically finished. He makes quite a few generic guesses about
what people might like to find answers about, i.e. Atlantis, Hell, and even Roswell, in an attempt
to attract an audience.


It is also in this post where he first claims to be a physical angel himself in training. A claim
which he will utterly refute and deny later as well as make attacks on anyone that ever joins this
group afterward that understands physical angels in any manner whatsoever.

Putututptupusss wrote:
> It is my intent here to ask Annex questions for others. To act
> as an angel in training myself, for what I am doing is exactly what they do.

Ptututptuspuss is completely oblivious to his own contradictions made even within single statements
where he announces his intentions for how he plans to make money from the contents of peoples' efforts.

He writes:
> Hopefully a secondary book can come from this activity. Certainly people are
> being helped and the response from my first couple of postings has been
> phenomenal! I really appreciate all the letters I am getting. I don't do
> this for money and I do it in my spare time, so If I can't get to someone
> right away, be patient.

It is clear here that even though he cannot understand it himself in his pathological condition,
he states that he will use the works from other peoples posts in order to finish his "secondary
book", even though his first book hasn't yet been finished. He follows that with the audacious
statement that he doesn't do this for money! He is quite surprised later that people are able
to understand his real intentions, even though in his pathological state he can't understand
them himself.

Jhia Raine, follows this post with a very simple question. It is clear here that she is following
the guidelines that PTutututputss put forth himself. Little does anyone know at this time that
this simple question will be the reason that Ptutututptutss curses this group unto this day. Because
of the question that Jhia asks, he is exposed to be the liar he is very early in the game he was
trying to play. This will cost him all of the money that he had planned to fleece from this news
group. It will outrage him and begin the kind of flaming that he has plagued the group since that
time. Evidently because of this one simple question, Ptututptutss's God and Angels abandon him and
he is forced to realize that he is just a con man that has even fooled himself. Unable to abandon
the alter-ego that possesses him, the Saint Albans TV troll becomes a demon in its own right. The
birth of a troll begins and for this, whom should we blame? It becomes his never ending quest from
that moment on to hide this truth, sweep it under the rug, and declare Raine a "witch" that destroyed


Jhia Posted:
> I have a question for you, David. It might sound simplistic, but it
> isn't, yet it is the least of the 12 questions that require answers.
> Do you know WHY you know to wear warm clothes in the winter?

Jhia further stipulated:
> Ask your angels that question and please post the answer. You do not
> have my permission to in any way copy, or paraphrase anywhere else,
> anything I have written to this NG or any other NG.

This is important because it clearly shows that Jhia did not wish any of her efforts to be used
to aid charlatans like Ptutututptuss in making money from fictitious angels.

Pututptuts replies on the very same day beginning with a high and mighty attitude. He declares
that mere mortals like Raine should not be testing the likes of angels. He has obviously not
forgotten the few comments she had made before concerning the validity of his information, and
allows his pride to cloud his judgment thinking that he is dealing with an uneducated mark
he can take advantage of.


Clearly the "reader" Ptututptuts is upset here and his "angels Annex" are upset as well.
It has been noted many times in the past that when Ptututptuts gets upset he tends to misspell
and use partial sentences in a hurried manner. It is pretty clear whom is actually typing the
word which should be spelled "obfuscation" and that Ptututptuypss is rattled typing his normal
half-sentences in the reply reprinted here:

"Annex" supposedly replied:
>>I have a question for you, David. It might sound simplistic, but it
>>isn't, yet it is the least of the 12 questions that require answers.
>>Do you know WHY you know to wear warm clothes in the winter?
> Annex answers: "David may or may not know why he knows to wear warm clothes
> in the winter. Most likely he does this to keep warm, as he was taught by
> his mother. Are you asking why YOU wear warm clothes in the winter, or how
> you know too? Same answer, you were taught to. Look to those raised by
> wolves, do they wear clothes at all? No! Why not? They weren't taught to. Do
> you ask how WE know to wear warm clothes in the winter? We don't. There is
> no winter here. We wear what garments our souls prefer. Though we don't need
> any. Neither would you, if you had been taught another way to keep warm.
> Your question is somewhat unbelievable to us. And do not go forth and say,
> "Oh, that is because the angels are not real, for they are not able to read
> my mind!" We read your mind loud and clear. It is a mistaken and confused
> mind which has a path of its own which allows no other love or care or
> thought of another upon it. It is a self-centered mind and a mind which
> perceives doubt, evil and sinful passions in everyone but itself. We hereby
> declare we refuse to answer any and all types of these testing, provocative
> questions which only seek to malign in their obscufications and morbidity."
> Annex.

The Ptututptuts angel puppets immediately fail the examination of the group.
The question asked was specifically referenced in the Bible as noted in this

> --- Shiva --- wrote:
>> HI David H Ellison..
>> The question is referred to JOB 37:17 Bible, take your pick..
>> and now you see why, hopefully.


In full context the passages are quoted here:

Job 37.
[14] Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.
[15] Dost thou know when God disposed them, and caused the light of his cloud to shine?
[16] Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge?
[17] How thy garments are warm, when he quieteth the earth by the south wind?
[18] Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?
[19] Teach us what we shall say unto him; for we cannot order our speech by reason of darkness.

And so now that the actual facts have been unfolded and documented, please allow me to
restate what Ptututptutts has to say for himself now:

> I was still searching. Not for God or Angels,
> but for like-minded souls who might be able to commune with me because
> they read my work. I published my book in 1998 through iUniverse.
> At that time I joined an angel NG on the internet, thinking I would find
> all the right people who could commune with me.

It should be obvious that Ptututptutpss's memory has failed, or that once again he is
trying to cover up his checkered past with something that sounds to him as believable.

He continues:
> That didn't happen. And
> after seven years of of trials and tribulations and trying in vain to
> wrest some sort of good from this experience I found it was all too
> much.

His alter-ego "Saint" now in complete control of his faculties, born with maniacal amounts
of pride and shattered at its very birth, the newly formed pathological liar begins a seven
year escapade to prove anyone and everyone "wrong" even if they are "correct". The polite little
con-man switches his personality completely to become one of the most hideously vulgar personalities
that ever posted on UseNet. Now in later days, some eight years after his con has failed, he is
still up to his charlatan tricks, having gathered a group of hacking friends that surround him
and starting his "own group" called "angelictheory" where he either rewrites his own history or
fills in the blanks of the archives about his sordid affairs of the past.

Certainly it is easy to see that he will blame his shame and hatred on everyone else but his
own self. Will he ever become a real man and admit what everyone already knows? It is doubtful,
since his old personality was crushed by drugs and his phony personality was crushed by facts.
He is left now with only the shell of a troll whose only purpose to post is to abuse. The irony
of such a net demon having a nickname "Saint", or "Angelicus Rex", or "The Sainted One" would
be hilarious to the casual onlooker, but to those of us whom endure his sacrilege, lies, daily
spam attacks, and cross-posting, it is just ridiculous wastes of peoples' time.

> Some people don't just hate angels, they despise anyone who
> thinks differently than them, which of course is everyone! Either
> people can find a common ground or they cannot. Not finding it there, I
> decided to establish this group. Hopefully people will be tempted to
> come on here, to a safe and secure environment, and speak about their
> personal experience or their beliefs.

Here in the above paragraph he is referring to his new group "angelictheory" as "here". Has he
kept his word about moving there and were his motivations serious? no, he is a liar. And
was he serious about people joining that group to be in a safe environment? He uses the words
"hopefully tempted" as if he is already counting their cash. He is a blatant and pathological
liar that cannot even see that he exposes his lies within the same old moldy attempts to try.

> I agree with Karaprachniel, there is a major difference between belief
> or faith and personal knowledge of a thing. But what is it? What if my
> personal knowledge of angels is different than hers or yours? Does that
> make me wrong and you right? Or can their be worlds upon worlds that
> are all right? The search continues anon and now instead of looking for
> like minds, I seek broader horizons, to see what else might be out
> there. How about you?

These words written by a foul mouthed liar and bigot whom for eight long years continuously
harassed anyone and everyone whom disagreed with what he believed in the slightest. These
words written by a known stalker and troll of all of Mark Earnest's posts, claiming now
that it shouldn't make any difference about a person's personal knowledge as if it couldn't
possibly be wrong or right. His words are blatant and malicious lies, and he hasn't any
defense for his actions.

> Saint

And he still to this day believes in his "saintly" lie, his alter-ego that consumed and
wrecked him. Forsaking his real name completely now, and defending the nick "Saint" or
any sort of derivation of the nick "Saint" as if it were a property. This is the reason
why i promised to never bother to try and spell his name again. He isn't even a man enough
to realize his mental problems, go back to his real personality. He is too much of a worm
to even suspect there is a chance to reclaim any sort of dignity. He has forsaken any chance
to redeem himself among other men and so therefore other men shouldn't waste their time even
attempting to correctly spell his name.

He is Ptutptutputptuss the troll, the curse of this news group alt.religion.angels. THEREFORE
BE FOREWARNED AND WELL ARMED to protect yourself in advance of his abusive nature, and lies.

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