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Fighting the Source of Harmful Life Energy Particles by Using an Electronic Meter - {FPP 20130502-II-V2.0-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 10, 2013, 12:31:48 PM5/10/13
Fighting the Source of Harmful Life Energy Particles by Using an
Electronic Meter

2 May 2013
{FPP 20130502-II-V2.0-t}

(Version 2.0 on
10 May 2013)

(layout for mono-spaced font
includes 'white space,'
tab width is 6)

(for Summary,
skip indented text)


(relay also to victims
of l. ron hubbard)



{preamble start}

You do create and are maintaining vast amounts of Life
Energy Particles: to think, to perceive, to sense, to
know and be aware, to remember, and to communicate - and
also to heal with, and to be and remain firmly connected
with your body.

That may well be the First Law of Fine Particle Physics -
which you are actually most familiar with. (!)

Because you are using it always - when you are alive (and
if you like, even when you are dead):

You create and maintain vast amounts of Life Energy

to be able to think, to be able to perceive and
sense, and to be able to know and be aware, to be
able to use your memory, and to be able to connect
to others - to communicate - and also to be able to
heal, repair and restore life, and - last but not
least - to be firmly connected with your body.

'The proof of the pudding is in the eating:'

When any particular type of your Life Energy
is REMOVED from you,

THEN you LOSE (some, or much, or all of) that
particular ability,

that goes with that particular type of Life

Sociopaths typically do try to do that
to you and anyone, and they do often
succeed in pulling or smashing some
or even much Life Energy away from you,

especially during your sleep,

so that you have to again create a lot
of your Life Energy after you wake up
in the morning, to - hopefully - get
back to your normal level,

but this being done to you day after
day, night after night, is a process of
slowly eroding you, that results in
'getting old' - in body, and, as the
case may be, in soul too.


Or Sociopaths make (a part of your) life THAT
horrible, that you prefer and choose, to let
go of some particular types of your Life
Energies, or to allow these to be taken away
from you

(and even to be replaced so that you
then use THEIR Life Energies for
something - which defines hypnotism):

for instance, that particular Life Energy that
you need, to actually Perceive THEM - to
Perceive (sense, feel, perceive) Sociopaths,

to Perceive their intense but hidden Hate and
ditto Ugliness and to Perceive their actual
malevolent intentions and feelings for Mankind
- and for you too, no matter how well they
can hide these from you;

and they try by brute force to remove that
particular Life Energy, that you need and
normally would use, to remember and to stay
aware of, or simply to Perceive their past
deeds against people, against Life, against

'Perceive' written with a capital,
means: 'To perceive and sense and feel,
and then to also - at least try to -
look through Blocking or Masking

As one can expect Sociopaths to do naturally, these work
tirelessly - in many groups and institutions, they are
working - in a DRIVEN, COMPULSIVE manner, with great force
and zeal, with infecting, real enthusiasm,

- I have given you an abundance of examples in
the HRI's, naming many and describing their
DRIVEN enthusiasm and compulsions -

(Sociopaths work tirelessly and diligently) not only
TO KEEP HIDDEN, the most VITAL DATA of any science or
subject or personal relation,

but (Sociopaths work tirelessly and diligently) ALSO, by
any possible means TO REPLACE the most VITAL DATA (to
replace it with their really destructive lies, and else
to REPLACE most vital data with IRRELEVANT data), which
is - you understand - a "more efficient way of HIDING
vital data."

Again: They - the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths in science,
etc. - do work TIRELESSLY and FANATICALLY keep the most important and most vital data of
any subject HIDDEN, they PREVENT you from looking at
it or looking for it,

they keep VITAL data labeled as "NOT relevant," or

they claim it to be "NOT known" - EVEN when the data
is publicly known for centuries,

THEY lie with a straight face, that "it is not
known," or "it is not relevant," or "it is not
proven," or simply, that very solid, irrefutable,
hard evidence, "must be fake."

OF COURSE "it must be fake," else their lies would
show, and their intentions would show up, and at the
very least, they - the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths -
would lose their job. [SHEFP],[RKUIS]



Not being a Sociopath, however - you DO have a free choice
in the matter:

Either you go with the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths, and
especially with the highly paid and even more highly
admired, well-published

Sociopaths of "science," and you worship also their
devoted "science" journalists,

(and I have given many examples elsewhere, of these)

OR you DO stand up to them, to the "Well-Adjusted"
Sociopaths that are COMPULSIVELY and with great enthusiasm
RUINING any science (and thereby, ruining life - also your
life), so

you DO stand up to them AND ALSO to their "science"-cult
followers and "science"-cult devotees:

Only standing up to them, enables you, really to help
people (and also benefit yourself):

To develop actual science and knowing what you do.


So you have a choice here:

Either remain pleasantly hypnotized by the "Well-Adjusted"
Sociopaths and their "science" and stop reading this now,


or on the other hand, as the case may be, continue reading

and LEAVE THEIR HYPNOTIC SEWER of "science" - leave it
there, where - also "Well-Adjusted" - Sociopaths belong:

behind you and below you.


Start facing their hideous intentions - which are also
directed towards you as much as they are COMPULSIVELY AND
CLEVERLY malicious towards all people:

Such is the - unfortunately irreparable - nature of
their soul.



Modern electronics however, PLUS an understanding of Fine
Particle Physics {FPP} (which deals with Life Energy Particles),

can and does aid you now, to detect and understand and determine
the source (which Sociopath it is) and to MEASURE a Sociopath's
being engaged in

the infliction on you and on others, of Harmful Life Energy,
(Harmful or 'negative,' destructive Life Energy Particles),

as described below (and of course described in other 'FPP'
issues), and with modern electronics you can detect and
measure their actions

to take Life Energy FROM you and others:

All, most VITAL DATA, that the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths
from medical and others "sciences" HIDE.

Even more ridiculous and harmful it is, that they HIDE,
that Sociopaths do not stop, after their death, with the
infliction of Harmful Energy and with taking away vital
Life Energy from others.

They HIDE it, the Sociopaths in "science" HIDE it, EVEN
THOUGH it is probably the major Source of Suffering, on

They hide it, rather, BECAUSE it is probably the
major Source of inflicted Suffering, on Earth.

The PURPOSE of Sociopaths is, to make it impossible for you (and
for anyone), to defend yourself from them and from their


So you decide, which side you are on - I will definitely judge
you accordingly.

{preamble end}





Electronic meter - here meaning:

(*) Life Energy Fluctuation meter (LEF meter): [IPA]

Fluctuations in your Life Energy are reflected as (they
cause) very tiny changes in electrical resistance, that
are then amplified, electronically analyzed, and shown
audio-visually (and by touch as well, if you like);

these electrical changes are most relevant and easiest
to measure, at certain points of the body (like at the
hand palm): points of the body, where particular
'Life-Energy-Particle-streams' converge. [IPA]



So we come immediately 'to the point:'

If you are NOT getting your meter to show a signal representing that
Extreme Disharmony with Life, the Disharmony that is typically coming
from any Sociopath,

the Extreme Disharmony produces a 'shuddering' of your body's
Life Energy,

and makes your soul 'Shudder' as well

- your soul: your own thoughts and Perception and your
emotions and your remembering and knowing -

and your soul is again connected very tightly, by means of Life
Energy, with your body.


So you (your soul's Life Energies) and your body's Life Energies
do 'Shudder' when encountering extreme DISHARMONY with Life

(that Disharmony, that a Sociopath tries to bring about
by projecting Harmful Energy - and has brought about):


That is, of course, IF you don't 'go with it,' IF you don't
make yourself agree and make your body agree with the Evil
inflicted (as some Gurus advise you to do), BUT

IF you are aware of it to a sufficient depth, and thus oppose

- or if your body is aware of it and thus opposes the
inflicted Harm,

with the very real possibility, that you don't but
your body (itself a living organism) DOES register
some harm and opposes it FOR you,

and also of course if both you and your body are aware
of it (sense it as being Harmful) and thus oppose it,

that means, when you are not Drugged and your body
is NOT drugged, and when you are not otherwise in a
condition of being overwhelmed -

THEN you and your body do OPPOSE the Harmful Energy Particle
inflictions by a Sociopath, and that brings about a physical


And your body's electrical resistance does fluctuate instantly,
too - in such a pattern as the Life Energy itself fluctuates,

in the case of the mentioned DISHARMONY, the electrical
result in the body gives a very wildly shuddering pattern.

You can thus measure these fluctuations electronically, and they

producing a signal, that is popularly called 'Shuddering' or 'a
Shudder' [IPA]

- 'Shuddering' is an unmistakable type of LEF-meter* output:
a very WILDLY changing, and usually BIG signal, meaning
relatively of very high amplitude: erratic, very FAST and
soon developing in HUGE changes in electrical resistance,
typically when one faces a particular Sociopath's DISHARMONY
with life -

but when you DON'T get that signal showing on your meter,

then you are NOT Perceiving, meaning actually and sufficiently facing
(beneficially facing, precise enough facing, penetrating deeply
enough to Perceive) the SOURCE of Harmful Life Energy:




Still a major source, and seen throughout time, really the
ultimate Source of Life-deadening, Harmfully Altered Life Energy

is the individual (soul) who is known currently by the name of
l. ron hubbard.

For himself he was practicing very Black Arts in secret,
and this, he even increased considerably since he died in
1986 during a heavily sedated psychotic break:

he continued with, and does continue at present too, his
extremely 'Black Arts'

- now as a ghoul (as a 'Dybbuk,' if you like) -

as the very Evil Black spirit or soul, THAT HE ALWAYS WAS

behind his active (Energetic) MASK of "him being the
opposite," "a nice, helpful, honest gentleman,"

as he PRETENDS to be, with his Mask of Life
Energy he took from others,

and otherwise behind a Mask of simply "not existing"
or of "being imperceptible,"

ALL THE WHILE inflicting his VIOLENTLY Harmful Life
Energy ...Particles, remember?

This soul, or ghoul if you like, is tricking people into giving
him Life Energy, and is pulling or smashing Life Energy out of
people and out of their body,

by means of his creating and projecting Harmfully Altered
Life Energy Particles (as described below, and elsewhere),

he INFLICTS Life Energy Particles that contain Perceptions, and
thoughts, intentions, goals, and emotions like drugging euphoria
or hate, even bodily pain, and feelings like unawareness and
ugliness, he projects too, in large measure:

Feelings, perceptions (like you know dreams), thoughts,
and intentions ARE (contained in) Life Energy Particles.
This is how hypnotism works, and why it works.





Harmfully Altered Life Energy

The main, basic four 'HALEP' types (Harmfully Altered Life
Energy Particle types) are

1. inflicting Drugged Euphoria,
2. inflicting Ugliness,
3. inflicting Unawareness,
4. inflicting Pain or Hate,

and these are described extensively elsewhere. [FPP]



Facing the Source of Evil

(someone who is the Source of 'Harmfully Altered
Life Energy Particles' (HALEP),
someone who creates these and inflicts these on
others, is a Source of Evil)

If you ARE facing the Source of Evil

(meaning, if you are sensing those actual Energies, the force of
their intentions, that the ghoul or 'dybbuk' - the deceased
l. ron hubbard - inflicts, and if you look through the tricks
and deceptions and hypnosis that he inflicts with these; and if
you identify these correctly AS COMING FROM HIM - truth being
absolute - )

then your meter indicates (shows) your looking at Extreme Disharmony
with Life.

It's as simple as that.

The fiercely Disharmonious, Harmful Life Energy Particles,
do instantly change the electrical resistance of your body

- as the Harmful Life Energy Particles hit it (to
put it very simply, here) -

and the meter shows that electronically, as a 'Shudder'
type of signal.

Simple, isn't it ...if you know it (the result of forty years of
extremely caring research based on tremendous love for Mankind
and necessarily protected by extraordinary beauty, as well).

We continue, with what the meter shows you:


This is NOT, NOT, NOT YOUR OWN LIFE ENERGY "bringing about
'shuddering' Disharmony," but it IS you using your Perception

(Life Energy Particles that you use for Perception, like
radar - you use your own Particles), [YEI]

to PERCEIVE the 'Shuddering' Energies of l. ron hubbard.

You need Energy - Life Energy Particles - in order to be able to

If you yourself are not having and using (strong) enough Energy
for Perception, then you cannot Perceive, sense or feel well
enough, of course.

So the fight of l. ron hubbard (the ghoul, the Dybbuk, the male-
volent spirit - his goal and activity) is,

to pull away, to oppose, to block, to divert, to deceive or to
destroy, your and anyone's Perception Energy

(your ENERGY for looking: You use your strong and piercing
Life Energy Particles for Perception, for looking - at
the nature and intentions of Sociopaths, like for looking
at the mentioned Sociopath, for instance). [iFPP].




Sociopaths - like l. ron hubbard too - want to have everything seen IN
REVERSE by others and thus also acted upon, by others, IN REVERSE.

So he has - with his 'Scientology,' he makes - a big 'spiel'
about "confronting things and people" and about "observing the
obvious," and drills for that,

while DELIBERATELY NOT telling you, what Perception is, nor
what Awareness is - let alone, how that works.

So he gives people the conviction, that "they ARE Percei-
ving perfectly, now, due to the drills he gave them."

But they are SELECTIVELY, very selectively "Perceiving" -
like forced into seeing photons only, as "the reality,"

rather than the Life Energies of others which you
normally sense and that you definitely MUST sense or
Perceive, in order to be of any actual social value
to others.

Someone who sees too much, is considered a 'Security
Risk.' No kidding!

A 'Scientolopgy' staff member did however see
Life Energy emanating in colors from her body,

and - INSTEAD of validating her for it and
explaining that to her - she was labeled a
'Security Risk.' (I know because I talked to
the girl about it, where it happened.)



Sociopaths PREVENT knowledge, by "teaching you"


The Sociopaths who are professors of "science," and of
"philosophy," etc., DO NOT WANT you to know it either,
what Perception and what Awareness is.

TELLING them is no use, because they will either
ignore it, or vehemently deny it

...their being Sociopaths, what else can you expect
of them.

Instead, they write 'New York Times'-bestseller-list
"non-fiction," with resounding titles, by which they
PRETEND to know, and PRETEND to explain, "what
consciousness and thinking, and what perception is."


And these - always following their nature, being
Sociopaths, these - have invented intelligent ways
to fight AGAINST the society

such as l. ron hubbard's Scientology' is too:
a tool - DESIGNED by a Sociopath -

to PREVENT you from ever finding out

(what Perception is and what Awareness is and what
Life Energy is,

much less, what Harmfully Altered Life Energy is,
not to mention WHO inflicts it on you or on your
body and what effects that has)

WHILE the Sociopaths "teach you" - with vast amounts of
books, "THEY TEACH YOU" - "what it is..."




Sociopaths: "Looking is Evil"

Sociopaths say or think, and demand - they act according to a very
FIRM and quite understandable conviction of theirs - that

actual, real, factual, true looking at them, "IS EVIL,"

and to hide that their demand applies only to looking AT THEM,
they say "looking deeply at ANY person, IS EVIL," and "is not
wanted by anyone."

Their followers tell you, that "you must first ask (or
get a sense about), whether you are ALLOWED TO LOOK at

- but in this way, of course one never gets to look at
what a Sociopath wants NOT to be looked at, and you
will never find out the truth:

THEY DO NOT WANT truth to be seen! So they will never give any
permission whatsoever, to really find out what their nature is.
(see also HRD-03 - which is still to be issued)

Truly looking at them "is an Evil, malicious Purpose towards
them from your side," and if you want still to look anyway, then
YOU MUST BE ERADICATED ("ausradiert, ausgerottet, vernichtet")

- the ability to look at people properly and with strong
and mask-piercing Love:

This ability MUST BE DESTROYED UTTERLY or must be
classified as "a sickness," as "a mental disease
that is dangerous to its owner AND to the society
in particular" (to all Sociopaths, that is), and

thus the Loving ability to actually look at people
and to Perceive the true nature of anyone, "demands
'medical' sedation for the rest of your life" -

exactly as the Sociopaths want me to be "destroyed utterly:"
(abundant evidence of that)

They want me to be "not existing," or at least they want, that
I do not exist FOR OTHERS, as in:

"my work must not being read or, at least, not understood," and
"I must not be heard or at least, not listened to," and "best I
must not even thought of, remembered or sensed by anyone"

- or, to remind you of the past-life language of some
of those Sociopaths they talked THEN about you
and other decent persons:

You must be "Ausradiert und ausgerottet - fuer immer
vernichtet muessen sie werden!' 'Vernichtet! Vernichtet!'
'Vernichtet die Volksschaedlinge!'"

Thus spoke Sociopaths and their followers in their
previous Life time. Or the equivalent in the Japanese
language, not to mention the Chinese or the Russian or
the Cambodian or the Korean language in which Sociopaths
inflicted Evil on the best and the most decent and caring:
"Murder them at will!"





Sociopaths teach REVERSE "instructions" for interpreting
the electronic meter signals

Indeed Sociopaths - like l. ron hubbard also - do want to have all
and everything seen IN REVERSE by people, and thus acted upon IN

Hence l. ron hubbard's very firm instructions to his followers
about using an electronic meter, are indeed in reverse

- and it is with extreme malice and harm, that his
instructions are -

in this particular instance so extremely IN REVERSE

- dripping with the most insidious, shuddering malice,
that an intelligent Sociopath can think of:


Thus, when someone even vaguely starts to become aware of the Source
of Evil (of Harmful Energy),

and, that that Evil is somehow CONNECTED to him - to l. ron
hubbard - or connected to his Energetic inflictions or connected
to his 'Scientology' instructions and doctrines and activities

- which ALL are intended to intelligently trap a soul
forever to him, to l. ron hubbard,

blinding a soul forever from perceiving him and from
remembering him

OTHER THAN how HE wants to be seen and remembered (his
MASKING Energies, that is) -

but when that entrapment does not quite 'bite' strongly enough
and someone CONTINUES vaguely to Perceive, and ever so slightly
becomes aware ANYWAY

of the intense but hidden malice of l. ron hubbard towards
any and all people:

when someone DOES sense the shuddering DISHARMONY with Life,
that he, l. ron hubbard radiates and represents, and inflicts
on others by means of Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles,

when someone - by consequence - DOES produce a 'Shudder' type signal
on the meter

- this 'Shudder' is the pattern of Harmful Life Energy that has
THE INTENTION 'to destroy The Creation' - *(a)

that highly significant fact, is of course not revealed by
l. ron hubbard, but he can not ignore the very obvious, very
visible, and even spectacular and very objective signal output
of an electronic meter, [IPA]

so he already gives the 'Shuddering' signal a confusing name
- a 'Rock Slam' -

that's what he calls the wild, vehement or Shuddering type
of fluctuation, showing as the output signal

- he calls it a 'Rock Slam,' and gives some abstruse
"explanation" of that name, to confuse the matter
as much as he can -

but that is nothing compared to what he does then:

then he, l. ron hubbard, gives this 'Shudder' type signal A BIG SPIN
- a spin AWAY FROM pointing at him

(to PREVENT, that the very objective signal is being used to
detect HIM, l. ron hubbard, and other Sociopaths as Sources of
Evil, but especially him as THE Source of Evil),

he DOES cleverly admit, when this signal output is showing, that one
is looking at 'an intention to destroy life,' but then

he gives it A REVERSE 'SPIN' - and in the 'malice beyond malice'
that is very typical of ALL Sociopaths - he deliberately does
instruct his followers very falsely:

that, when someone DOES observe something ABOUT HIM or about
his intelligent system of soul-entrapment (l. ron hubbard's
system called 'Scientology'),

or when someone senses something about l. ron hubbard 'bleeding
others of their of Life Energy,'

(l. ron hubbard vampiring on the Life Energy of others)

then he - l. ron hubbard - demands (instructs, teaches "with
infallible authority"), that what IS showing on the meter,

(which IS, that you DO perceive some of HIS malicious
intentions and activities of the past, the present and
of the future as he intends it), he tells you, that

"it is NOT" what it clearly is, but

HE REVERSES the actuality,

like any other Sociopath too, wants to have things "seen"
and "understood" IN REVERSE - and so acted upon IN REVERSE

he turns the truth around in an utterly malicious way - as
all Sociopaths delight in doing -

and he claims the reverse of truth, namely, that

"that 'shudder' signal" - he demands you to believe - "DOES mean, and
proves," that

"you are looking, 'NOT at l. ron hubbard's indeed shuddering
intentions'," BUT "it means," so the Sociopath l. ron hubbard wants
others to "understand it:"

that "one is looking at one's OWN (Harmful) intentions" TOWARDS
HIM, l. ron hubbard,

and "one is looking at one's intentions to destroy HIS
activities," his systems of enslaving the soul of people

(which is always done under the most convincing guise of
"freeing people,"

in order to work well or for the deception to work at


He, l. ron hubbard, the Sociopath, puts it all IN REVERSE:

That 'Shudder' signal on the meter, "is NOT what it is," but
(he spins it into its REVERSE):

"It shows" - and "even proves," so he writes - "that one has the
intention, to destroy HIM, l. ron hubbard,"

"and it shows, that one wants to destroy his activities:" his
current system of clever, self-perpetuating soul-enslavement,
that he has called 'Scientology.'



He does have a point, there, though, because observing him

- and observing any Sociopath or Criminal Mind AS HE
(or she) REALLY IS including his actual intentions
and some of his actual past - [HRD-03]

observing him

DOES of course "DESTROY HIM" - so he see it, and any
Sociopath sees it so,

and SENSES IT (truth being absolute), too,

that looking at him does "DESTROY HIM and destroys
his activities:"

The Sociopath l. ron hubbard knows it THAT
WELL, that he put it in, as part of his
'Fundamentals of Thought:' (booklet)

"You MUST lie about something, and keep the
lie from being looked at, and ONLY THEN will
anything continue to exist" - straight from
his Criminal Mind...


If you do correctly observe his activities and his
intentions and his nature

- well BEFORE he can strike at you -

then you at the very least do protect yourself from
much of his inflictions and deceptions, but

exactly that, according to any Sociopath or Criminal Mind,
"is destroying him and his activities." *(e)





You must remember throughout this, that Truth is absolute. [CSTC]


And 'Truth' is NOT, NOT, NOT, what Sociopaths want you to think,

that "It is whatever someone believes or thinks is true:
Your truth, my truth."

Or they teach you, that you "discover truth like this:"

"whatever makes you feels-good thinking 'is true,' that is
the truth." [IDBCM-p20]


Or in the "science" from Sociopaths:

that "time is relative."

The only things that ARE relative in that, are clocks

- these can go faster or slower as most people know,

and so can light (go faster and slower), which
results in optical lenses being possible -

but that does not make time relative.

And of course you can look at the past - that
intensely, that it seems time has "shifted" for
you - BUT you still are looking at and experiencing
that PAST, FROM the current time - to which you can
and do return anyway.

Sociopaths however, COMPULSIVELY lie about anything and
about everything and everyone.

Nevertheless, Truth is absolute:

Thinking has always been done with Life Energy, and always will be,

NO MATTER WHAT THE SOCIOPATHS SAY in their lectures or write in
their best-sellers, and no matter how many Nobel Prizes they
have received or may receive.


This is Real-Life, real Fine Particle Physics, observing and also
measuring what is really there.


Not surprisingly, someone who sees something of that, what is
really there, is labeled by a Sociopath as "evil,"

labeled "evil" FOR truly observing Evil.

And in this case Sociopaths do label or think of a person
who is Perceptive and caring and had the conscience and
courage to look - as not merely "evil," but as

"a dangerous enemy of the society."

And indeed in our example, such a caring, observing and
responsible person, is labeled "a dangerous enemy to l. ron
hubbard and to his 'Scientology',"

whereby l. ron hubbard and his followers put themselves
ABOVE the society and ABOVE the law, too.

They - being led by a Sociopath - put everything precisely IN

We see - equally unsurprising - his "organizational
policies" about being investigated HIMSELF and his

his "policies" towards being investigated, or - as
the Criminal Mind and the Sociopath sees it and
feels it - when he and his organization "is being

by people "who do not want to understand his
'good intentions',"

then how his followers must "defend" him and his
organizations "against attacks," (against inspection
of his evil and his ingrained abuse of people, of
followers 'who must not talk to each other nor
defend each other against his overwhelm, but must
force each other to deny all civil and spiritual
protection to each other')

his defense against INSPECTION - by journalists, by
authorities, and in court procedures - the responses
he prescribes his followers to implement, then,

ALSO are based on the Sociopath's standard and COMPULSIVE

"Never defend - always attack."

The Sociopath KNOWS HE WILL LOSE, when he is
honestly and responsibly investigated.

And when they resoundingly lose (as in Oregon,
USA, they lost legally and fully), then they
attack ANYWAY, (they organized a full-blown
'Crusade' "against the evil authorities,"
because l. ron hubbard is "always right" -
also when he is correctly PROVEN to be fully
wrong and malicious).

"ALWAYS accuse others - no matter how falsely and
maliciously and meanly - always accuse others,

"as the only true method of defending yourself and
your organization and your beliefs and practices."



This makes of course sense for a Sociopath being investigated,
because for any Sociopath it is THE ONLY POSSIBLE "defense:"

His intentions and dealings ARE malicious, and ARE
intended solely to deceive and to dominate others,

no matter how "charitable" or "religious" or "scientific"
his intentions may be presented to the public and to his


Indeed the only "defense" as you see it done by ANY Sociopath, is:

'screaming' to accuse the INVESTIGATORS of anything,

and really any person of good will and responsibility for
people's well-being, is a POTENTIAL 'investigator'

in the mind of any Sociopath and his followers.

This is not difficult to understand about Sociopaths and
about their followers.

They CONSTANTLY fabricate false accusations about people whom they
think MIGHT want to look through them and see their Hate towards
all people.

And so any Sociopath FALSELY accuses ANY caring person with
a desire for the truth about people,

if they feel they might be found out by someone in
particular, they will very loudly, or very cleverly,
or secretly - with 'Dirty Tricks' - accuse such curious
and caring people

- and a Sociopath really, in some way or other
FALSELY accuses all ethical people -

of "having crimes" and they accusing decent people of these
"being Sociopaths."

And so the Sociopaths have constant libel and defamation
actions going also against me - the more they feel they
might be understood and their intentions exposed - weird
people they are indeed:

Exactly BY their trying to defame or libel me, they do
practically prove BY THEMSELVES, that they are Sociopaths.

This then makes them very predictable, and indeed
well understood.


Note on legal procedures:

Letting SOCIOPATHS investigate you, must
indeed not be tolerated in any way,

but when it happens, you must
CLAIM that fact to be applicable,
with the following reasoning:

Sociopaths REJECT AND DENY actual truth
and evidence, and instead

these DO want, and these do accept,
FALSE "data" and FALSE "evidence," and

these FALSELY - in fact, they assign the
OPPOSITE of the actual intentions to
people, in interpreting data and in
weighing evidence, and in judging
people's actions.

It gets much worse, though:

Sociopaths COMPULSIVELY, by themselves
and without any occasion, MAKE, create,

and - truth being absolute, and
SENSED by Sociopaths, THEY 'SMELL'
what is true, and so they KNOW
whom to FALSELY accuse - they do

in particular towards decent and
caring people

because THAT is their, the Sociopaths'
standard, compulsive way of

already beforehand or 'pre-emptively'
"defending themselves" (and Sociopaths
also "defend" each other in this way).

In fact, you can recognize Sociopaths in
your environment easily by detecting
that compulsion of theirs.

Sociopaths are very scared, and
so they COMPULSIVELY divert any
possible thought of investigating
THEM, and of accusations against

They 'pre-emptively' divert any
suspicions against themselves,
BY already beforehand, FALSELY
accusing those they fear most,

sometimes quite successfully
diverting the attention of
especially an unthinking mob,
AWAY from themselves and

to make decent people have to
spend some time and money to
protect and defend themselves
and each other FROM the intrigues
of Sociopaths. *(c)

If you DON'T stop Sociopaths, you
eventually wind up with wars. *(d)



But when it happens, that actual Sociopaths
are "investigating OTHER Sociopaths" - then
this gets into a real mess, of course, if you
don't know that BOTH sides are Sociopaths.

When Sociopaths do the investigation, it then
makes the "defense," of 'only attack' - that
any accused Sociopath compulsively puts up -
seem to be the "right" response: [SFTF]

The compulsive accusations leveled
against the investigators appear by
chance then, to be justified, BECAUSE
the investigators happen to be

The Sociopaths "doing the investigation" ARE
NOT INTERESTED in the truth, they have never
an intention to actually get at the truth,
other than for gaining power over others:

They "investigate" only, in order to try and
gain some power over the accused

(and thereby to be in a better position
also, to take Life Energy away from
their victims)

and giving themselves a stronger cover of
"being ethical" and claim to be "caring."


Like 'burning someone at the stake "is
purifying the victim's soul,"

but in fact it is just a method, to
torture Life Energy out of someone,

developed into a "fine art" by
some North-East American Indian
tribes, at some time, *(4)

to more easily make some victim part
with more of his or her Life Energy,

to the benefit of the Sociopaths, who
are - with more Life Energy now - more
forcefully able

to claim "they really do care" about
you, about your health, about the group,
or about life in general.


Indeed you see many Sociopaths in health
care positions:

A convenient and well-respected,
and often highly-paid method, for
obtaining the Life Energy of the

- already weakened as these are
from their suffering, and
confused as these are, also,
about why they are suffering
(why they got sick) in the first

You may even encounter state-run
hospitals where the entire staff
of medical doctors, consists of
Sociopaths and willing followers

- sucking Life Energy of drugged
patients away -

AND getting handsomely paid in the
process, by the community, without
that they ever are being legally
challenged or prosecuted:

A 'dream profession' for ANY "Well-
Adjusted" and intelligent-enough





(section title)

use of electric resistance fluctuations (measuring
Life Energy changes) BLOCKED by l. ron hubbard

l. ron hubbard BLOCKS his followers also, from properly using and
properly understanding the electronic meter:

Interestingly, even the (not centrally organized) 'Scientology'
"Freezoners," are so immersed INTO l. ron hubbard's Satanic Energies

(so strongly immersed into his doctrines and his intentions and
his prescribed actions and his enforced 'thinking,' forcing
them to think as he does, as a Criminal Mind does think) so
deeply immersed his followers are in his Satanic Energies,

or so "interiorized," as these say themselves, they are
immersed so strongly in the Satanic doctrines and Energy of
l. ron hubbard)

that these CANNOT make a proper meter!*


By means of his 'immersive' inflictions on them, on their
thoughts, on their perceptions and their goals,

l. ron hubbard is 'keeping them "in his cave" so to speak'

- he DENIES them the freedom of mind, to investigate and
understand certain things - and

with his (hypnotic) Harmful Energy inflictions, he BLOCKS,
in them,

the necessary sensing, reasoning and understanding, of how and
why the meter works as it does

(and thus, he blocks how it should properly be built, and
used to actually understand life, and

to investigate what and who should be perceived - and
who MUST BE Perceived - correctly). [PCRD]


The only "advance" that these 'Satanically immersed'
people have been able to make (in fifty years), is
a nice gold-colored box around it, some simplifica-
tion of the circuit design

(a circuit that I have also made it available
some time ago, but then provided with a most
necessary, much greater sensitivity - with
extra read-outs - which I still do use
occasionally for a quick look-up)

and of course they "modernized it" by showing a
moving image (!) of the obsolete device on a
computer screen:

The swinging needle of a 'moving-coil micro-
ampere meter' on their computer screen...

...would you believe it.


And those amongst them, who do understand electronics, even THEY
CAN NOT MAKE A PROPER meter. The reasons are explained above.

For them, "Life Energy does not exist," so they will never
get out of their 'Satanic "cave"' either,

their "cave" made up of Harmful Life Energies from
l. ron hubbard, that they are immersed in, "forever"

- exactly as l. ron hubbard WANTS it and has set it up,
to be and to remain for them:

a very DARK "cave" - so to speak - that l. ron hubbard
carved out for himself and his followers, for him to
dominate people immersed in his Energy of Drugged
Euphoria etc., with very strange "definitions of Life."





Again: This is about Real-Life, it is real Fine Particle Physics,
observing and also measuring what is really there, with an
electronic meter.

Someone who does sees something vital, of what is really there,
is labeled by a Sociopath as "being Evil," and not surprisingly
either, someone is labeled by them

as "being Evil" in particular FOR truly observing Evil,

as what THEY think of a person who is Perceptive and who
is caring and responsible AND the courage to look

- Sociopaths label such a person IN REVERSE - as

"a dangerous enemy of the society."

In our example, they do too: A caring, observing and
responsible person with a functioning conscience, is
labeled "a dangerous enemy to l. ron hubbard and to
his 'Scientology' activities."



Underlying it, you will find the subtle DENIAL - and thereby a clever,
selective REVERSAL - of Good and Evil [ODE]

as you see it also in Hinduism and Buddhism, which uses various
other terminologies (words, concepts) but quite similar "data,"
and in essence *(b)

also they do INSIST, as Sociopaths do, that


{definition of 'Cowardice' - start}

Good and Evil "does not exist" (in Hinduism, New Age, etc. etc.
[HFE]) - except "relative to you, the viewer:" [HFE],[TCARWC]

Good and Evil "are just two opposing intentions or goals," or
"it means simply: 'individuals opposing each other' - and when
these STOP OPPOSING each other, then 'Good and Evil' has lost
its meaning, and harmony does ensue" -

it is an essential part of any totalitarian system of
politics or of any totalitarian religion, and usually
brought under the pleasant GUISE of "the ultimate Peace"
or "Ultimate Prosperity for ALL"

- as the Sociopaths did proclaim it for instance by
means of communism and of fascism,

and as some religions demand world domination,
"to bring this global peace and prosperity about:"

this is how the Cowardice is hidden and "explained" to them-

REFUSING to even DEFINE Evil correctly, [ODE]

and by means of that refusal to define Evil, they also
refuse to stop Sociopaths from inflicting Evil, and they
refuse to to oppose Sociopaths inflicting Evil and hiding
their Joy of inflicting Evil and taking the Life Energy of

By refusing to oppose Evil, they practice a selective REVERSAL
of Good and Evil, as it suits their Cowardice,

(quite similar to the expression of human behavior called
'penny-wise and pound-foolish,'

in other words:

being very demanding in and having a very big mouth about
trivial Evils, but they suddenly become stark staring
insane and destructive of self and others, in matters
of addressing real Evil, i.e. real Sociopaths).

They DEMAND of others, to be Cowardly as well:

Not only "should one not defend others, for fear of the
wrath of Sociopaths,"

but they do ridicule or might even physically ATTACK
caring and responsible people

caring and responsible people who - of course and
naturally, DO defend you and others from the
infliction of Evil,

who do EVEN - of course and naturally - defend
people from Evil inflicted on them in another
country. [NOW],[DOP],[FIL]
{definition of 'Cowardice' - end}


You can and should and will in future use an electronic meter to
defend yourself and others - as outlined above - from the inflictions
of Sociopaths.



Obviously wholly their opposite, and arguably, the most Beautiful,
Caring and Loving, and also the most Truthful spirit on Earth and
well beyond, I do remain yours faithfully etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'




(a) This 'Shudder' is the pattern, that Harmful Life Energy shows
which contains THE INTENTION 'to destroy The Creation:'

to set life on a course of destroying itself, anywhere,
especially under the guise (and while you are being told
told and made to believe), that you are "protecting and
enhancing Life." [HRO]

(b) That is the "therapy," that top 'Scientology' therapist
Mark 'Marty' Rathbun is PROUD of having given to 'Scientologist'
Tom Cruise: Tom Cruise who is indeed 'without a conscience.' **

(c) on Legal procedures:

Very annoyingly, statutes on legal
procedure mostly or fully OMIT the
REASONING, the goal and purpose for
the regulations or statutes given
for procedure.

This is not different for Statute Laws,

The guiding principle MUST however be
stated (of any law and any rule and
regulation), together WITH the Law or

- for the rule or law to be interpreted
and executed constructively and
correctly by those of good will.

on compulsory Education:

In another field, a typical example is
compulsory education - meant well, but:

With no-one knowing how to formulate
the First Law of Education [FLOE], the
compulsory education system becomes
easily THE OPPOSITE of actual education,

and on top, their "compulsory education"
actually HINDERS people from training
that does align both with the student's
talents and with the society's needs.

In other words: meant very well, but
taken over by Sociopaths to make it
into a horrible domination "game" of
enforced mis-information and utter,
destructive stupidity. [RKUIS]

(d) Examples on a bigger scale are obvious, but need attention too:

The German beast Ludendorf - the driving
force behind World War One - (he) did
send the Sociopath Lenin to Russia,

IN ORDER "pre-emptively" to have the
country and society of Russian destroyed

by indeed one of the biggest Sociopaths
on Earth: Lenin, who gladly obliged

and thereby the German beast Ludendorf,
indeed succeeded in destroying Russia,
and he opened the door to the beast
Stalin continuing to decimate and
destroy the Russian society.

And Stalin was not different in his turn
in "pre-emptively" murdering everyone
who could become "a threat to Russia,"
from Poland:

The Russian beast Stalin, ordered all
people with leadership qualities in
Poland, to be captured, sent to a forest
(Katyn) and to be murdered all,

and he succeeded in that.

(e) "List-One Rock Slammer" in 'Scientology'

So l. ron hubbard, and any Sociopath, is labeling an observer
who produces this 'Shudder' ("Rock Slam") signal output on the

when one is closely observing someone else's intention to
destroy or diminish and dominate all of Life, and the intention
of someone else, to get Life 'to destroy itself,'

the Sociopath labels such an observer - who thus really starts
to look at him and through him - as "having malicious intentions
towards him and towards his activities."

And l. ron hubbard specifically, does call someone
who observes, or who just vaguely senses something
of l. ron hubbard's DISHARMONY with Life,

l. ron hubbard labels such a more ethical and more
aware person, a "List-One Rock Slammer:"

'List-One' being a list he made, to check on the
meter, what someone's intentions are towards him,
(towards l. ron hubbard), towards his associates,
and towards their activities called 'Scientology.'

'Scientology' being his current system of
total entrapment of the soul,

promoted with resounding slogans like
"The Road to 'Total Freedom'," and
('Scientology') "the game in which everybody
wins," and 'Scientology' "providing the
'knowledge' you have always sought, about
Life - you can stop looking now - genius
l. ron hubbard has found out for you, all
there is to know." [LEUMPM]

Any person who actually - if only vaguely - BEGINS to face some
of the excruciatingly Evil nature and the Harmfully Energetic
activities to go with it, of l. ron hubbard,

or the true nature and actual purpose of his 'Scientology'
organization and doctrines - anyone who starts to look
through it,

is thus labeled FALSELY BY l. ron hubbard and by his
'Scientology' followers:

They put someone - if you like the expression, they are
putting someone - IN A REVERSE SPIN,

when the meter shows the 'Shudder' output

the meter shows it, because someone is, even if vaguely,

observing something of true and intense, hidden Evil -

and sensing who does inflict it (a person or soul, an
individual, being the true Source of it - a malicious soul
inflicting Harmful Energies).



(*) See (*) given at the top of the text body.

(**) See [TCARWC], under References, below.

(3) See below under References: [IPA] ('Innovation: Perception Aid')

(4) 'Torture of captives by the Indians of eastern North America'
by Nathaniel Knowles (Philadelphia, 1940)
and other sources



[MHSGT]'Main But Missing History Of 'Scientology:' The Grand Theft'
{HRI note 20090121-V3.1} [MHSGT]
(21 Jan 2009 - Version 3.1 on 22 June 2009)

[LEMSU] 'Life Energy Fluctuation Meter (explained, and) - Minimum
Sensitivity-Upgrade Required for the 1999 "E-meter" circuit'
{FPP 20090120-V3.0.1} [LEMSU]
(20 January 2009 - Version 3.0.1 on 25 Jan 2009)

[TCARWC]'Tom Cruise and Mike Rinder (top 'Scientologists'), and
author Anne Rice, without a conscience: "Wanting
something, makes it right" - plus interviews with Cruise
and with Rice'
{HRI note 20130429-V2.0-t} [TCARWC]
(29 April 2013 - Version 2.0 on 30 Apr 2013)

[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011) ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)


[FPP] Fine Particle Physics - the physics of Life Energy Particles
in general.
See also 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics'

[iFPP] The 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics' course or series.

[ODE]'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.3} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.3 on 30 Sep 2012)

[HRO-RU]'Заказ Прав человека относительно Сатаны, последнего
воплощения Рона Л. Хаббарда
(вкл. Определение 'Кармы,' 'Правды,' и 'Наказания')'
{HRO 20081017-V2.5-ru-V1.0} [HRO-RU]


[HFE] 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
{HRI 20020201-V1.0.1} [HFE]
(1 February 2002 (Version 1.0 issued 20 Feb 2003)
- Version 1.0.1 on 9 June 2007)

[NOW] 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1} [NOW]
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

[DOP] 'Natural Definition of Peace'
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.9-t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)

[FIL] 'The First International Law'
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.3} [FIL]
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.3 on 21 Mar 2011)


[SFTF] 'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" '
(the Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)
{HRI 20100402-V2.0} [SFTF]
(2 April 2010 - Version 2.0 on 7 Jan 2011)

[CSTC] 'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.2} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[IDBCM-p20] ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds
- Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1} [IDBCM-p20]
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

[FLOE] 'The First Law Of Education: connecting FEELINGS'
{HRI 20130316-V1.0}' [FLOE]
(16 March 2013 - published 24 Apr 2013)


[ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305-V2.7} [ZTA]
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

[LTS] 'Learning, Teaching and Schools' [LTS]
(Taken from 'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes
- Zero Tolerance for Evil Impulses - etc.')
{HRI 20060815-V4.1.1} [LTS]
(15 August 2006 - Version 4.1.1 on 29 Jun 2008)
{HRI 20060815-V1.1.1-UAA}

[SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous Sociopath
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)

[RKUIS] 'The mammal Ray Kurzweil's University Singularly for
the Intelligent Sociopath'
('Ray Kurzweil's University for Intelligent Sociopaths
"to build our future"')
{HRI 20130411-V2.1-t-q1} [RKUIS]
(11 April 2013 - quote 1 on 19 Apr 2013)


[YEI]'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are mis-firing
in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune to it?" plus "The
After-shocks of the Big Bang"
{HRI 20130112-V1.0} [YEI] (Version 1.0 is a draft version)
(12 January 2013 - published on 17 Jan 2013) ...
... d/0Bz-dkWr5HR36LXI5VW1qYmMxVkk/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1

[FLE] 'The First Law Of Economics'
{HRI-20031201-V3.7.3.1} (HRI first issue 18 July 2008) [FLE]
(1 December 2003 - Version on 2 May 2009)

[HRD-03] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE THREE
'You have the right, and duty, to look at Criminal Minds'
(to be issued)

[LEUMPM]'l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but
hidden with a MASK, of pretending 'to be me' '
{HRI 20130411-V2.1-t} [LEUMPM]
(11 April 2013 - Version 2.1-t on 16 Apr 2013)

[PCRD] 'Power-Chess to remove dictators (e.g. Putin) - using
Fine Particle Physics'
{HRI 20130420-V1.1} [PCRD]
(20 April 2013 - Version 1.1 on 22 Apr 2013)


Issue Note:

Version 1.0 was posted under my pseudonym Leonardo Been and
signed KNT hrp&p, on 2 May 2013, with Subject Title:

'If you are NOT 'Rock-Slamming' (the meter 'Shuddering'), then
you are NOT facing l. ron hubbard - {FPP note 20130502-II-V1.0}'



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Robert Baer

May 10, 2013, 3:17:40 PM5/10/13
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote: Confused Blather, worse than what his mentor
L. Ron Hubbard ever wrote - while leaning on LRH's e-meter.

Leonardo Been

May 10, 2013, 4:46:09 PM5/10/13
...pass it on unaltered, and with this message included, to others who
might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths specifically,
because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and about

quoted from:

Leonardo Been

May 11, 2013, 12:53:39 AM5/11/13
Sociopaths COMPULSIVELY 'have to lie,' in order to "defend
themselves" against decent and caring people and against truth.

This is described in the original post of this thread:

[FHEUM] 'Fighting the Source of Harmful Life Energy Particles by Using
an Electronic Meter'
{FPP 20130502-II-V2.0-t} [FHEUM]
(2 May 2013 Issue II - Version 2.0 on 10 May 2013)


On Fri, 10 May 2013 11:17:40 -0800, Robert Baer wrote:

> Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 11:17:40 -0800
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> Subject: Re: Fighting the Source of Harmful Life Energy Particles by Using an Electronic Meter - {FPP 20130502-II-V2.0-t}
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