On 1/27/2024 8:51 AM, floriduh dumbass once again flaunted his willful
I finally took the time to read the study referenced in the article
Frank linked, and as usual, the floriduh dumbass reads literature and
makes conclusions that are contradicted by the facts.
The report, its data, methods, and conclusions are here:
> I guess Junior is unable to dispute that the "study" was bogus
> because of too much missing information. It counted
> deaths, not necessarily deaths due to covid, it didn't factor in the
> fact people died because of hurricanes, floods, bad weather, and other
> reasons.
Of course, this isn't true. The study calculated excess death rate,
which would include things like hurricanes, floods, bad weather, and
other reasons.
You remember excess deaths, dontcha dumbass? That's the metric you and
the other two stooges keeping harping on as some sort of ludicrous
attempt at justifying the claim that the vaccines are killing more
people than they are curing. If you three keep chanting the algorithm
proves your point, you don't get to claim it's not relevant here*.
You're entitle to your own opinion, you aren't entitled to your own
It didn't even factor in the age of the deceased (some
> counties have older populations).
And of course, this is completely untrue as well, and proves beyond the
shadow of a doubt that the willfully ignorant floriduh dumbass didn't
read the study before flaunting his willful ignorance. From the study:
"A cross-sectional comparison of excess mortality between registered
Republican and Democratic voters between March 2020 and December 2021
adjusted for age and state of voter registration was conducted. "
Let's parse that out for the dumbass, just because we know he didn't
comprehend the importance of that passage due to his 4th grade reading
"adjusted for age"
Not only that, but Supplement 1 in the study (linked in the JAMA
article) contains 4 tables broken down by age, and the study used a
Poisson statistical regression model which very explicitly used age:
log (𝜆{𝑡𝑝𝑎𝑐}) = 𝛼{𝑝𝑎𝑐} + 𝛾{𝑎𝑠(𝑐)}𝜔{𝑡}
𝑌{𝑡𝑝𝑎𝑐} ∼ 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛(𝜆{𝑡𝑝𝑎𝑐})
Where 𝛼 = age-bin
> IOW, there was no evidence
> presented that more Republicans died of covid than Democrats.
And of course, this is untrue as well. The study itself is evidence, and
also refers to other studies which suggest a correlation of excess
deaths to party affiliation:
"Prior studies have found that Republican-leaning counties have had
higher COVID-19 death rates than Democratic-leaning counties."
As with any study published in JAMA, It has an extensive list of
references used to create the study including the other studies linking
party affiliation to covid death rates.
> He was, however able to accept the leftist organization's undocumented
> rhetoric, though.
lol..Lots to unpack there, Let's start with undocumented - I guess in
floriduh dumbass world a research paper published in arguably the worlds
foremost medical journal with a list of 25 references is "undocumented".
Then of course there's "leftist":
I suppose it comes as no surprise that someone from the dumbshine state
would consider the American Medical Association to be a "leftist
organization", as if the medical industry were more interested in
pushing a political agenda than the Hippocratic oath. Yes, that would be
the position NRA stooges and magatards like the floriduh dumbass,
kunich, and the shitstain would take, regardless of well-documented
evidence to the contrary
> No surprise there.
Yes, dumbass, there is no surprise that you reach conclusions and make
statements as fact completely devoid of any intellectual rigor.
To be continued in a separate discussion, because ignorant dumbass
demonstrations like this from the floriduh dumbass are too precious not
to share widely.
*Yes, dumbass, I know you haven't made any comment in this forum
regarding excess death conspiracy "theories", but given your penchant
for accepting any undocumented rhetoric that suits your mindset and
agenda, it's not that far of a leap.