RI-1208i 'God, and 100 Billion people, KILLED BY L. RON HUBBARD - How' - Re-Issued 20161122

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 22, 2016, 4:10:36 PM11/22/16
to Koos Nolst Trenite
RI-1208i 'God, and 100 Billion people, KILLED BY L. RON HUBBARD - How'

                                                           2 May 1999

                                                   Re-Issued 20161122

                                                    (References added,

                                                           Issue note
                                                          of 20140128


RI-1208i  'God, and 100 Billion people, KILLED BY L. RON HUBBARD - How'

from Ambassador for Mankind

Message # RI-1208i for Internet

(Distribute freely and without alteration.)

        "When he denied the existence of God,
          he also denied the existence of all these other beings!"

        "I am actually seeing him disconnect from God."

        "It's like looking at some moment
          of Hubbard creating a non-God area."

                        'The First Lady'

(A 'Real Audio' recording of the Session
 [could be] found, for instance,
  when going to the section called 'Specific Subjects'
   in the Library of Ambassador for Mankind, at:
   ... )

The Session was, as all sessions,
 given with the assistance of
  the 100 USD Super E-meter-Polygraph
   ( ... /ri-bulletins/emeter.htm).

First Lady for Mankind,
 on 2 May 1999, 09:53 GMT,
 in Session with Ambassador for Mankind:

F/N F/N LF's (*)

[First Lady:]
"I seem to get a sense of the moment Hubbard enraged.
  It's very vague (to see, at the moment).

"I get the sense of
   a being (Hubbard) right over here,
 and then I get the sense of
   the moment (that)
    the rage occurred,
    this red Energy occurred,
    this blood red Energy ejected...
     looks like it ejected from him [Hubbard].

"(Hubbard) seems to want (the rage) to be covered up
   with the blackness,
    at that point, concealed.  LF's (*)

"I am still watching the moment.
  I want to stay on the moment here.
   What was that?"

[Ambassador:] That. M-hm. [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"(I am) trying to go in closer
  to what the consciousness is at that point."

[Ambassador:] That. [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"I am moving in, trying to move in
  on the (Hubbard's) consciousness there closer."

"I am still looking really hard,
  I am pulling the blocks (to perceiving), off,
   because I know this should be easy for me to do
    - as myself."  (laughter)

[Ambassador:] There! [= Indicating a big reaction on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"The first thought (of Hubbard) is
  the creation of the insanity, right there.  LFBDBD (*)

"And then I get a sense of -
  like an Energy inverting inside of him.

"I don't have a lot of words yet,
  it seems like something reversed flow.

"And I don't understand that yet,
  I just keep penetrating it.

"This is very strange,
  I am actually getting a sense of
   inverted Energy-flow.  LFBD (*)

"(They are pushing at my head.) OK."

[Ambassador:] Yes. There. There. There. There.
               [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"Just for a flicker,
  it seemed to be a consciousness of thought,
   something there.

"I am looking at a thought of some sort,
  an idea, an intention."  LF's

[Ambassador:] Yes. There. There. [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"First thought was
  (Hubbard) intending to be greater than God.

"The first thought.
  Something like, 'I am greater than this',
   something in that area, a thought.

"It is a very 'self' thought,
  like 'nothing else exists but the self, him'.

"Oh, my...!
  He denied his relationship to all others."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"(I am getting some pressure, pain on the top right head.
  They are trying to shut off my right eye(-sight).
  And there is the Red [Hate-Pain Energy Particles], coming,
   [they are] trying to throw Red at me.)"

[Ambassador:] There. There. [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"Strange shut-down!



"Let me go to, just the point before,
  of how that thought came into existence.

"Because I look at it just prior
  and the first thought comes in
    he is really there connected,
    he is really there NOT connected.

"I am trying to get in between
  that little space.

"And it's like just a split moment.
  I am trying to slow it down.

"((They are) trying to throw blocks up again.)"

[Ambassador:] There. There. There.
              [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"I know, I am right there.
  I am looking at it,
   but I don't have it into conceivableness yet."

"It's just a thereness."

[Ambassador:] There. There. [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"A space! Oh, my god.
  He conceived of separation?  LF's

"That's what I am looking at.
  I am looking at a break in connection.

"I am just looking at a space, right there."
  Oh, man."

[Ambassador:] There. There we have it, there.
               [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"I have it?"

[Ambassador:] Yes. There it is, yes. Very good, yes.
               [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"He decided, right there...
  Somehow he decided himself different.  LFBDBDBD
   Something, oh, something in that space."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Oh, something about...
  It's like a space
  and then filled in the space with himself.

"Do you see what I am talking about?"

"Like a vacuum.
  As the beginning!  LFBD

"Oh, my God.
  So let me go in, to find that separation-point, there.

"(I am) trying to get in even earlier."
  It's like looking at a moment of uncreating.
   Uncreating his connection there."

"Why the hell would he want to do that?"

[Ambassador:] There. [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"I am looking at a decision
  about deciding 'to be (it all) and have it all'.

"But it is very, very subtle.
  It's like... when he starts to disconnect,
   maybe out of... to experience it?
 Something very subtle there."

[Ambassador:] So, let's look earlier.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] There. [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"He is trying desperately for me not to see this."

[Ambassador:] There we have it. There. There. There it is.
               [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"It is grey!"  LFBDBD

[Ambassador:] Yes! There is it. There.
               [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"I am looking at a point where he killed LIFE."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"He literally... he killed life!"  LF-F/N

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Oh, my God."

[Ambassador:] Describe it.

[First Lady:]
"I am looking at (Hubbard) killing the connection
  in order to be greater than the connection, somehow."

[Ambassador:] Well, that's typically him.

[First Lady:]
"Something about 'wanting to be first and all'."

"Where does he get the 'want', what did he lack?"

[Ambassador:] Well, there you are in the area of justifications.
               We just want to know what he DID.
                The point where he killed life.
                 Describe that."

"He did... he killed life, right there."

[Ambassador:] Describe that, the grey. Describe the grey.

[First Lady:]

"It looks very..
  kind of a charcoal with a white haze over it.
   A covering-up, of creating-a-nothing of some sort there.
    Which is not...
  Oh, this is SO insane!

"OK, this is very strange,
  this is how I am getting it, so far:"

[Ambassador:] Yes. There.
               [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter.]

[First Lady:]
"I am talking about
  the conceivability of
   out-doing God by out-creating God,
    (by) being able to create
       'nothing that God can be connected
         to or in or with or from.'  LFBDBDBD

"In other words,
    In order to out-create God.

"In other words,
  (creating) something (to prove) that he (God)
    was NOT at all, 'all that is'
      (to prove that God is NOT all).

"(Hubbard) trying to create a point
  where he (God) is NOT.
    Oh, boy, this is very strange.

"And in order to do that,
  there had to be a denial
   that God existed and
  (that God) is constant, everywhere.  F/N (*)

"So it's like putting a hole
  in God's space (God's Creation).
    (In that way) I put it in more of a picture-like idea.
   Because God does not die,
   or does not have a 'not-ness' to it.

"And I am actually looking at the blackness, now,
  like a black void of some sort.
   It's like creating an emptiness -
    where God is not."  LF-F/N (*)


"So he (Hubbard)
   created the exact opposite of God,
   defying God's Life-Force Energy,
    by creating the exact opposite of that.

"It is an inversion on God,
  in order to out-create the idea of
   God is and exists everywhere, The Creation.
 Oh, my God!"

[Ambassador:] He created the exact opposite of...

[First Lady:]
"God, or The Creation.
  You can call it The Creation.

"In order to prove,
  that God does not exist everywhere,
   trying to out-create the truth."

"It's like a point of creating death of God."
  (A point where) God is dead."

[Ambassador:] No wonder that Hubbard is a compulsive liar.
               [Him wanting to out-create truth.]

[First Lady:]
"I was looking to find out about the fury (the rage of Hubbard),
  where that comes in,
   because I went into the space.

"It looks like the fury
  is the initial force of the Break."

"It's like the conceivability (to do it, thinking it out)
  and then the force to do it."  LFBDBDBD LFBDBD

[Ambassador:] Right. Very good!

[First Lady:]
"That's what he did."

[Ambassador:] Yes. Well done for getting it (out in the open).

[First Lady:]
"Well done for an amazing Question!
   [The Session Question formulated by Ambassador,
     and given at the beginning of the Session to The First Lady:
       This Question can be found at the end, here, below.]

"Oh, man!

"My space has definitely brightened up!" (laughter)

 F/N (*)
 VVVGI's [Very, Very, Very Good Indicators]

[Ambassador:] Yes! (laughter)
              My space (has brightened up) too. Very good.
              Your [100 USD E-meter-Polygraph] Needle is Floating. (*)

[First Lady:]

"He (Hubbard) has been passing this on, ever since,
  (Implanting (**) this fury into others)."

                   'The First Lady' [Stephanie Umana]

The Question given at the beginning of this session, was:

[Ambassador:] 'Describe
                the rage against God
                the intention
                 to prevent detection
                  of that condition -
                  73,942,000 years ago
                   into Freya and
                   into some 100 billion other captured people
                    from some 27 planets,
                     in the area of the
                      star Altair [17 lightyears from Earth],
                that was conceived, organized and managed
                 by L. Ron Hubbard
                  after he engulfed
                   with his rage and Black and Red Energy,
                    seven Angelic beings
                     who tried to contain Hubbard's earlier evil.'

Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind

Copyright 1999 by Koos Nolst Trenite



(***) The Question formulated and given by me, was based on my earlier
    recorded research, and went as follows:

    'Describe the rage against God and the intention to prevent
     detection of that condition -
     Implanted** 73,942,000 years ago into Freya and into some
     100 billion other captured people from some 27 planets,
     in the area of the star Altair [17 lightyears from Earth] -
     that was conceived, organized and managed by L. Ron Hubbard
     after he engulfed with his rage and Black and Red Energy,
     seven Angelic beings who tried to contain Hubbard's earlier

(*) (The abbreviations sF(small Fall), F(Fall), LF(Long Fall),
     LFBD(Long Fall Blow Down) and F/N(Floating Needle) describe
     reactions on the E-meter-Polygraph, indicating mental charge
     (sF, F, LF LFBD), and release of charge completed (F/N).
     "LFBD-F/N" = truth found out. "ind" = indicated to the person.)

    'On E-meter-Polygraph'

(**) Definition of 'Implants':

      Subconscious mind-control commands,
       only 'effectively' given during unconsciousness.
      These are administered by people
       who are emotionally below terror.
        Only persons terrified of losing control
         would Implant others.

      And, 'Implanting' is always done
       on people who are being
        drugged or stunned
         into unconsciousness.

      This condition
        [of being stunned or drugged into unconsciousness]
       turns all that is intended and projected,
         into 'Subconscious Commands,'
          meaning that they are absorbed, but
              OTHER DATA OR PEOPLE,
            AND UNRELATED TO
              PRESENT OR PAST
                AS THEY WERE OR ARE.

      And these sub-conscious commands, IF NOT OBEYED,
       re-produce again the
        unconsciousness and fear and
        confusion and terror and pain
         that was present during the Implanting-activity.

      As a cautious statement,
       I would tend to believe
        that there is no person living on Earth,
         who has NOT been Implanted
          into not facing Hubbard's evil.


Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind


Library of the Ambassador for Mankind:

The 'Understanding Suppression Series'

    [These references and other RI-Bulletins can well be obtained
     by searching for the Subject Title.]

- About the demon L. Ron Hubbard

  The Actual Future of Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard (RI-683i)

  RI-1194Ai 'The First Lady FACES Demon L. Ron Hubbard - FOR YOU to
  RI-1114Si Summary of 'The First Lady looks at L. Ron Hubbard'
        13 Dec 98

  RI-1167i 'Freya killed by L. Ron Hubbard, the Evil Eye'
        of 4 Mar 1999
  RI-1155i 'The Evil Eye IS L. Ron Hubbard - his Blackest Black Magic'
        Feb 99

  RI-1139Ai 'Eldest Son of L. Ron Hubbard speaks out - I (Summary)'
        22 Jan 99

- On Remedying Sub-conscious Mind-control Implants

  RI-1193i  'Subconscious Commands Implanted by Hubbard on you'
        16 Apr 99
  RI-1205i  'Made to FEEL Criminal - How they did it' of 28 Apr 1999

  RI-1182i  'Memories Do Never Erase' 5 Apr 1999
  RI-1179i  'Running Incidents out - to restore Life and recover

  RI-1137i  'Your Good Intentions Used Against You' of 17 Jan 1999

  RI-1172i  'Top Fifteen Lies thrown by demon L. Ron Hubbard'
        of 5 Mar 1999
  RI-1173Si 'Best Lies - thrown by demon L. Ron Hubbard - Summary'
        10 Mar 99

- On Care and Life

  RI-1180i 'Definition of God (all religions)' of 31 Mar 1999

  RI-1022i 'The Purpose of Life' of 26 Sept 1997
  RI-714i  'State of Sanity, Definition of' of 24 Oct 1996

  RI-1103i 'The Nature of War and Friendship - basic text'
        of 24 Sept 98

  RI-629i  'Definition of Care' of 12 July 1996
  RI-602i  'Definition of Power' of 20 June 1996

  RI-738Si 'Christianity - Love, and Guilt solved' of 22 Dec 1996

- On Helping People, Responsibility and Facing Evil

  RI-1064i 'Ambassador for Mankind and Human Rights of 10 Dec 1948

  RI-908i  'The Ostrich-factor - on facing evil or criminality'
        16 Jul 97
  RI-1122i 'Describing True Leadership' of 3 Jan 1999

  RI-1145i '"Rights" NOT GRANTED by Ambassador for Mankind'
        of 29 Jan 1999

  RI-1111i 'Good Teaching - Basics' of 12 Nov 1998
  RI-1106i 'The Nature, Purpose and Value of Art' of 4 Oct 1998

  RI-1163i 'The Question That Saves All' of 2 Mar 1999

- About RI-Bulletins

  RI-380Ri 'Obtaining Truth from the RI-Bulletins' of 1 Nov 1995
  RI-50RQi 'RI-xxxi series Archive - Content and Use' 28 Dec 94
               Revised and Replaced on 6 March 1996

'RI' = 'Right Indication'


The above references and other RI-Bulletins might be obtained
 by searching for the Subject Title (maybe including its number).



Arguably the most Beautiful, most Loving and Caring, and the most
 Truthful and Intelligent spirit on Earth and well beyond,

 I do remain yours faithfully, etc., etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                                            'Men of all nations came
                                       to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
                                  sent by all the kings of the world,
                                         who had heard of his wisdom.'

                                                        1 Kings 4:34


Issue Note [20140128]:

    It has been a source of great surprise and suffering to me,
    that BOTH the "Critics of 'Scientology' and of l. ron hubbard"
    AND the minions and believers of 'Scientology' and worshipers
    of l. ron hubbard


    utterly destroying NOT ONLY this message, BUT ALSO its explorer,
    me, its discoverer, and

    they indeed - in concerted and in gruesomely hidden efforts
    (think Jutta with 'Scientology' Dirty Tricks bureau OSA and its
    head Mike Rinder, and think of their actions against Paulette
    Cooper, who discovered and published only a fraction of the
    truth) - they then succeeded finally in "destroying me utterly,"
    in September 2000 in Bamberg.  [BANO]

    My resurrection if you like - many people when they see me,
    want to believe, and voice, that "I am Jesus Christ" which I
    neither am nor was (and the intelligent and faithful reader
    knows, who actually was Jesus Christ - it was not me [ZTA]) -

    my resurrection gave rise to my investigating the dire condition
    of CURRENT civilization in "civilized" countries,

    and in investigating the actual cause of the obviously INGRAINED
    and forcefully MAINTAINED, Destructive Social Insanity and
    feel-good irresponsibility

        - really used by everyone UNLESS it is understood and
          fiercely OPPOSED -

    a very Destructive Social Insanity, which I felt it necessary to
    examine, understand and expose, to direct my Love and my Beauty
    and Intelligence at, to diminish suffering inflicted very
    obviously by people in "science," upon the world at large.

        I looked at it and analyzed it and published in the form
        of the HRI's or Human Rights Issues,

        and by instituting, creating, a new science and discipline

            because it was wholly lacking BOTH in Western AND
            Eastern science,

        I instituted the science of Fine Particle Physics or 'FPP'

            which was COMPLETELY lacking in my own University
            Physics studies, and in all other Universities as

                even though some religious Universities and
                Traditional Chinese and Indian Medicine TRIED
                VAGUELY to embrace it,

                but also they were and are WITHOUT even trying
                to address the most fundamental subject and
                also they were and are really AVOIDING the
                only and truly IMPORTANT subject in that field

                    which IS Life Energy Vampirism, and

                    which IS Sociopaths inflicting Harm
                    by means of (Harmful) Life Energy
                    PARTICLES.  {iFPP}

        It really IS a forcefully SUPPRESSED science, and that is
        not surprising, because this very science - Fine Particle
        Physics - would and does and will understand and expose

        the Sociopaths, who always have dominated and who ALSO
        currently ARE DOMINATING all "science" and "journalism"
        on the subject of understanding Life and (its) Creation.

            This to the faithful and intelligent reader, is

    To underline, that "science" and "education" and "journalism" IS
    DOMINATED by Sociopaths, I wrote,

        what is to date probably the most scathing Human Rights
        Issue on that subject:

[YEI]    'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are
     mis-firing in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune
     to it?" plus "The After-shocks of the Big Bang" '
     {HRI 20130112-V2.0}  [YEI]
      (12 January 2013 - Version 2.0 of 1 Feb 2013,
       published 29 Dec 2013)



     {R-RI 19990908 - RI-1259}
      (8 Sept 1999 - re-posted 20161113)

[GNEH] 'With a "God does not exist here" Rage of Hate and Unawareness,
    they were cut loose from The Creation and made into Sociopaths
    - WHO did that to them, how, when, where?'
     {R-RI 19990502-V2.4.1 - RI-1208 annotated}  [GNEH]
      (2 May 1999 - annotated Version 2.4.1-final on 7 Feb 2014)
    (in a previous version at 20140129, with the title):
        'R-RI-1208i 'God, and 100 billion people, killed by l. ron
     hubbard' - How the REAL 74-million-years-ago Holocaust began
      - NOT his malicious fairytale "Xenu and the Wall of Fire"
     {R-RI 19990502 - RI-1208 annotated}  [GKHHB]
      (2 May 1999 - annotated 28 Jan 2014)

[HRO]    'Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the
     individual, Scientology founder)'
     (optimized for foreign-language students)
    {HRO 20081017-V7.0}  [HRO]
     (17 October 2008 - Version 7.0 on 4 June 2015)
PDF-version(0.1) of Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard
 (Satan, Scientology founder) - Version 7.0
file: 20081017-V7.0-pdf-V0.1 Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard
(Satan, Scientology founder).pdf
file:    20081017-V7.0-pdf-V0.1 Natural Human Rights Order\
    on l. ron hubbard (Satan, Scientology founder).pdf

[HRO]'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
    (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
    {HRO 20081017-V3.3}  [HRO]
     (17 October 2008 - Version 3.3 on 30 Sep 2012)

    'Заказ Прав человека относительно l. рона хаббарда (Сатаны как
     индивидуума) - (включая Определения 'Кармы,' 'Правды' и
    {HRO 20081017-V3.3-RU-V1.0}' [HRO-RU]

[SINS]    '(Unawareness inflicted by) Satan (l. ron hubbard,
     'Scientology') in a Nutshell ...and you better keep him
     in there'
     {HRI 20131029-V1.9-Pre}  [SINS]
      (29 October 2013 - Version 1.9-Pre on 15 Nov 2013)

[ODE]    'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}  [ODE]
     (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[ODE-RU] 'Независимое, Объективное Определение Зла
     (Independent, Objective Definition of Evil)'
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2-RU}  [ODE-RU]
     (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
    to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
    {HRI 20060305-V2.7}  [ZTA]
     (5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

[BANO]'Die Bamberg Notiz - (A Notice to Bamberg)'
    {HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1}  [BANO] {extended version coming up}
     (19 August 2009 - Version 2.1 on 31 Aug 2009)


[PEFS]'Creating the Perception Energy to face and push away Evil
     (Satan, l. ron hubbard that is, now)'
     {FPP draft note 20140120}  [PEFS]
      (20 January 2014)

[HPLM]    'How precise must a LEF meter be - frequency range'
     (Spikes on viewing l. ron hubbard's Harmful Energy reach
      up to 30 Hz, but 'Scientology'-meter goes only up to 3 Hz)
         {FPP draft note 20140118}  [HPLM]
      (18 January 2014)

[BDRSB] 'Scientology-Satan-Bubble dwellers RIDICULE their co-dwellers
     in Satan's sub-Bubble commanded by David Miscavige'
     {HRI draft note 20131214}  [BDRSB]
      (14 December 2013)

[NUBEC]'l. ron hubbard's purpose is NOT for you to UNDERSTAND
     'Auditing'-therapy, BUT that you duplicate and EXECUTE
     {HRI draft note 20140114}  [NUBEC]
      (14 Jan 2014 - published on 16 Jan 2014)

[ASRJS-S]'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
    REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil)'
    (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
    'Fuzzytheism') [ASRJS-S]
    with LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
     (6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
    Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
    Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')'
    {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}  [ASRJS]
     (6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS-RU]'Удивительно: Сайентологи, фактически ЗАМЕНЯЮЩИЕ Иисуса
     Христа Сатаной (вкл. определение Иисуса Христа, определение
    {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1-RU-V1.0}  [ASRJS-RU]
     (20 April 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010
      - V6.1-RU-V1.0 published 20 Aug 2010)

[DDC-01]'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part One: The Result of
    'Not Opposing a Criminal Mind' '
    {HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi1-V2.3}  [DDC-01]
     (6 November 2007 - Version 2.3 on 9 Nov 2007)

    further: The series formed by [DDC-01]...[DDC-17]

{iFPP}    'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics'

    Fine Particle Physics does NOT hide or justify nor "rationalize"
    Harmful Life Energy Particles, NOR their sources.  [ODE]





Copyright 1999, 2016 Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher and
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
 specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
 and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.

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