Leea spp : shortlisted from A REVISION OF THE FAMILY LEEACEAE / C. E. RIDSDALE : BLUMEA 22 (1974) 57-100 |
L. macrophylla Roxb. Ex Hornem (incl. integrifolia, robusta, aspera Wall., latifolia etc) | Flowers 5-merous, greenish white Leaves unifoliolate, trifoliolate or 1-3 pinnate | Open vegetation, dry forest and teak forest, particularly forest borders and regrowths, upto 2250 m alt. | Bombay, Central Prov., Mysore, Madras, Orissa, Bihar, Bengal. United Prov., Sikkim, Khasia, Assam, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc |
L. compactiflora Kurz (incl. trifoliate, robusta auct. Non Roxb., bracteata) | Flowers 5-merous, greenish white Trifoliolate or 1-2 pinnate | Woodland on shaded ravines and hillsides, sometimes dying back to woody base in drier localities, upto 2000 m. alt. | Sikkim, Assam, Khasia, Manipur, Bhutan, WB |
L. crispa van Royen ex L. (incl. aspera Edgew, herbacea, pumila, pinnata) | Flowers 5-merous, greenish-white Leaves unifoliolate, trifoliolate or 1-2 pinnate | Evergreen, deciduous and montane forests to 2250 m alt, grassland plains | Bombay, Central Prov., Mysore, Madras, Orissa, Bihar, Bengal. United Prov., Punjab, W. Himalaya, Sikkim, Khasia, Assam, Manipur, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh |
L. indica (Burm.f.) Merr. | Flowers greenish-white Leaflets generally 3-nerved at base | | Bombay, Madras northwards to Punjab, Sikkim, Assam, Nepal, Bangladesh |
L. aequata L. | Inflorescence and leaflets with large, discoidal, brown pearl glands, bracts of inflorescence large, upto 8x5 mm, conspicuous Leaves 2-4 pinnate | | Bombay, Central Prov., Mysore, Madras, Orissa, Bihar, Bengal. United Prov., Sikkim, Assam, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh |
L. rubra Bl. Ex Spreng | Flowers and inflorescence deep red Leaves chartaceous, without setaceous hairs above | | Assam, Khasia, Bengal, Bangladesh |
L. alata Edgw. | Flowers 5-merous, red Leaves 1-pinnate, rarely trifoliolate | Dry woodland and hill forest | Punjab, United Prov. Central Prov., Orissa, Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Khasia, Sikkim, ?Nepal, Bhutan |
L. setuligera Clarke Note : very similar to L. guineensis in general appearance | Flowers 5-merous, wine-red to carmine in the bud, creamish-yellow when open 2-3 pinnate, leaflets numerous | Undershrubs in deciduous forests | Concan, Assam |
L. guineensis G. Don | Leaflets petiolulate, rachis not winged | | Bombay, Madras northwards to United Prov., eastwards to Sikkim and Assam |
NOTE : There might be some mistake while copying from the paper. Distribution records copied without changing to current names of the places. Distribution in other countries and Andaman Nicobar omitted while copying |