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siva siva

Jul 9, 2013, 9:21:39 PM7/9/13
to indian...@googlegroups.com
Please ID this plant. Photo was taken from a herbal garden in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012.


Jul 9, 2013, 11:17:00 PM7/9/13
to siva siva, indian...@googlegroups.com
Leea sp., may be L. rubra.

Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 8:21 PM, siva siva <asiva...@hotmail.com> wrote:
Please ID this plant. Photo was taken from a herbal garden in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012.

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Prabhu kumar KM

Jul 11, 2013, 12:37:40 AM7/11/13
to Vijayasankar, siva siva, indian...@googlegroups.com
Look like Leea guineensis G. Don
Prabhu Kumar K M
Plant Systematics & Genetic Resources Division
Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR)
& 'CMPR' Herbarium
Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala
Kottakkal, Malappuram

J.M. Garg

Jul 17, 2013, 6:46:35 AM7/17/13
to efloraofindia, micha...@gmail.com, asiva...@hotmail.com, Aarti S. Khale, M Swamy, Prabhu kumar KM, Vijayasankar Raman

Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise please.

Some earlier relevant feedback:      

Leea sp., may be L. rubra.
Vijayasankar Raman


Look like Leea guineensis G. Don
Prabhu Kumar K M

 efi page on Leea guineense

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With regards,
'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
The whole world uses my Image Resource of more than a thousand species & eight thousand images of Birds, Butterflies, Plants etc. (arranged alphabetically & place-wise): http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:J.M.Garg. You can also use them for free as per Creative Commons license attached with each image.
For identification, learning, discussion & documentation of Indian Flora, please visit/ join our Efloraofindia Google e-group (largest in the world): http://groups.google.co.in/group/indiantreepix (more than 2135 members & 1,59,000 messages on 30/6/13) or Efloraofindia website: https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/ (with a species database of more than 8500 species).
Also author of 'A Photoguide to the Birds of Kolkata & Common Birds of India'. 

J.M. Garg

Jul 17, 2013, 8:00:28 AM7/17/13
to efloraofindia, micha...@gmail.com, asiva...@hotmail.com, Aarti S. Khale, M Swamy, Prabhu kumar KM, Vijayasankar Raman

J.M. Garg

May 16, 2021, 3:55:13 AM5/16/21
to efloraofindia, Vijayasankar Raman, siva siva, surajitkoley
As per 08-05-2021 : S-KOLEY : Leea diversity in India from Surajit ji:
"I think, the upload by Siva ji from Sri Lanka herbal garden https://groups.google.com/g/indiantreepix/c/wh-XdbJ_2Qk/m/kRgaaKcyvQMJ
is Leea alata Edgew, (even though Sri Lanka is not in the given distribution list) because -
  • as far as I can see it is 1-pinnate leaf with sessile leaflets, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-lanceolate leaflets
  • most importantly oblong stipule
for comparing -

Thank you."
With regards,

J.M. Garg

May 17, 2021, 6:54:30 AM5/17/21
to efloraofindia, Vijayasankar Raman, siva siva, surajitkoley
This should be Leea rubra Spreng. ex Blume

As per attached images leaves are 2-3 pinnate, inflorescence and flowers are red.

Kind regards,
With regards,

surajit koley

May 17, 2021, 10:12:39 AM5/17/21
to J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, Vijayasankar Raman, siva siva
Agreed, ji, if leaves are more than 1-pionate!

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