'Satanology' hijacks Past Life Regression and Life Energy Meter, IN ORDER to enforce Satan's "philosophy" and his 'Billion Year Reich' - {HRI Note 20120710-V1.2-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 13, 2012, 2:08:26 AM7/13/12
to Human Rights Issues
'Satanology'* hijacks Past Life Regression and Life Energy Meter,
IN ORDER to enforce Satan's "philosophy" and his 'Billion Year Reich'

10 July 2012
{HRI Note 20120710-V1.2-t}

(Version 1.2
on 12 July 2012)

(for summary,
skip indented text)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Now several 'journalists'*(6) started in their newspapers
to spread "explanations" of "what is 'Scientology',"

exactly in a way, that Satan* (l. ron hubbard) wants
it (his 'Scientology') "seen and understood" - and
thus they, some journalists, are complying with him
- to "explain"

how 'Scientology's (Satan's*) ideas and goals must be
seen by the poor hypnotized*(5) sods themselves,

how Satan* (l. ron hubbard) wants it (his 'Scientology')
thought of by the 'Scientologists' themselves - to the
poor hypnotized*(5) sods themselves - as seen on their
'Scientology' websites.


One US magazine even relays the - very easily refuted -
lies that make up the greatest spiritual fraud by Satan
or 'Scientology:' *(7)

The truth being, that 'the HIGHER any 'Scientologist'
moves up Satan's ladder of "Upper Levels of Scientology,"
LESS ABLE they all become:

So also Tom Cruise, as as well as his big bosom friend,
Chairman of Scientology, David Miscavige,

ABILITIES - in any sense whatsoever, beyond what any
average Sociopath on Earth has.


And they can not even define Perception, they do not
know how Perception works,

much less, how to act as an independent spiritual
being, nor can they define or understand Awareness:

Because Satan (L. ron hubbard) does not tell them,

AND HE, l. ron hubbard, DOES NOT WANT ANYONE to know how
these things work (or even how these things are defined).

(In his pathetic 'Philadelphia Doctorate Course'
- in 1952 - he PRETENDS, to a very hypnotized
public of 'Scientologists,' to "explain those
things," which he does in such a way, that his
audience WILL NEVER FIND OUT how these things work.

And it is no different in all his subsequent
"teachings" and writings.

Well, what else do you expect of Satan* - his last
incarnation* being l. ron hubbard?)




Satan* (l. ron hubbard) and his army of Sociopaths** have made and
kept you THAT severely Insane*** and THAT Stupid,**** on Earth,

that you DENY not only your (and Satan's,* and anyone's) past lives,

his army of Sociopaths (a hundred million Sociopaths are living
on Earth), have made and kept you that Insane and that Stupid,

that you also DENY Life Energy

- which however can be metered by means of a Life Energy
Fluctuation meter (Mathison-Trenite) -

all of which the Sociopaths have made you DENY:

"Science" even DENIES Life Energy to exist. (!)
[IPA] (see References, for [IPA] etc.)



And then he ('Satan,' named l. ron hubbard in his last life time) can
come along and sell you past life regression therapy and a meter, as
"his invention" sprung from "his good intentions for you,"

and to "enjoy that favor bestowed upon you by him," YOU HAVE TO
SUBMIT TOTALLY TO HIM and to Satanology,*

meaning his Nazi-type "philosophy" of utter Hate and Contempt
for Mankind AND of denial of The Creation (of God, if defined



What ELSE do you expect of 'Satan'* (l. ron hubbard)?

Do you expect to hear The Truth on 'Scientology's website, about
what 'Scientology' really is?

Or to hear from his subdued victims, what 'Scientology' really

Your Insanity and Stupidity is indeed that deeply grafted onto
your "friendliness" and your "understanding" towards the hundred
million Sociopaths living on Earth.


I enclose, for your edification,

'Drugged Hate, Drugged Ugliness and Drugged Unawareness -
inflicted by Sociopaths - Your refusal to really face Life'
{HRI draft note 20120425-V4.0} [MLRH]
(25 April 2012 - Version 4.0 on 26 Jun 2012 )
Former subject title (versions 3.0 and earlier):
'The monstrosity l. ron hubbard IS 'Drugged Hate,' 'Drugged
Ugliness' and 'Drugged Unawareness' (Energy) inflicted'

to relieve SOME of the depraved Insanity and Stupidity that his

('Satan's, now known as l. ron hubbard* - his)

army of a hundred million Sociopaths, has inflicted on you and keeps
you in, by means of - which is what you are supposed to begin to
know and understand, nowadays) their

'Drugged Hate, Drugged Ugliness and Drugged Unawareness -
inflicted by Sociopaths - Your refusal to really face Life'

(jump to 'Enclosure,' below, to study it)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



(*) see [HRO]

'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.2} [HRO]

(**) see [ODE]

'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]

(***) see [DOI]

'Natural Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.5.1} [DOI]
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.5 on 8 Jul 2008, V2.5.1 p. 13 Mar 2012)

(****) see [HRPK] and [KNTSBH]

'Human Rights Philosopher Knowledge Extends Very, Very Far Above
Any Person And Institution - the Human Rights Issues And You'
{HRI 20100728-V3.3} [HRPK]
(28 July 2010 - Version 3.3 on 27 Mar 2012)

'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
Sanity' [KNTSBH]
(11 October 2007 - publication date quotes from HRI 20040619)

(5) 'Satan's hypnotic "Certainty, is knowledge ...not data" - an
l. ron hubbard or 'Scientology' "Axiom" (really!) ...explained
{FPP note 20111117-V1.1-t} [SHCIK]
(17 November 2011 - Version 1.1 on 18 Nov 2011)

(6) 'Scientology: the facts - By journalist Hannah Furness
As the separation of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes brings
scientology into the limelight once again, the Telegraph [UK)
attempts to separate fact from fiction.'
By Hannah Furness
4:48PM BST 02 Jul 2012

Not surprisingly, she ALSO writes other weird things that the
Sociopaths want you NOT to understand,
meaning, about Bosons and Modern Theoretical Physics

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/large-hadron-collider ...
... /9378882/Arise-Sir-Peter-Give-Professor-Higgs-a-knighthood-
... colleagues-say..html


Village Voice (New York) - journalist Tony Ortega, almost daily
nowadays spouts the doctrines of 'Scientology'

just as the most 'puritan Scientologists' (the most
strictly following and promoting the lies of Satan* - or
"LRH" as they call him),

reporting AS 'Scientologists' and Satan want 'Scientology' to be
seen and "understood"

- how these are "explaining" 'Scientology' to the public.

file: 20120709 10,000 Scientologists Got This E-Mail Today About
"Disconnection," their Church President, and a Mysterious Death
- New York News - Runnin' Scared.html
http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2012/07/ ...
... scientology_heber_jentzsch_karen_de_la_carriere_email.php

(7) 'US magazine' repeats the outrageous lies, that 'Scientology
management' tells ITS OWN MEMBERS in true l. ron hubbard manner
and fashion:

"Cruise is at the very advanced "OT VII" [O.T. Seven] stage.
'[Operating Thetans or O.T.'s] "have total 'control' over
themselves and their environment. [O.T.'s] can allegedly move
inanimate objects with their minds, leave their bodies at will
and telepathically communicate with, and control the behavior
of, both animals and human beings."

"At the highest levels, they are allegedly liberated from the
physical universe, to the point where they can psychically
control what Scientologists call MEST: Matter, Energy, Space
and Time."

This is indeed all described in the promotional materials and
ad nauseam in the lectures by l. ron hubbard in 'Scientology,
as well as in early promotional magazines of 'Scientology'
called 'Advance! Magazine' - for Scientologists' eyes only.

The TRUTH however, is the very OPPOSITE of all those claims:

the more a 'Scientologist' advances on these "O.T. Levels," the
more he LOSES any native spiritual abilities he may have had:
[ASRJS] (see there, under first References, below)


l. ron hubbard (Satan* reincarnate and since 1986 dis-incarnate)

- he acts most violently, by means of spiritual Energy
(see [MLRH] which is Enclosed below) he acts most
violently to destroy and subdue ANYONE with spiritual
abilities that might see and stop him -

lest (meaning, he does anything that a most violent and most
intelligent, most ruthless Sociopath would do, also by Energetic
means, to PREVENT, that)

people actually Perceive him, and Perceive what and how he is;



'US magazine' repeats another outrageous lie, that 'Scientology
management' tells ITS OWN MEMBERS, equally in true Satanic or
l. ron hubbard fashion:

"Scientology ( [is] "the study of truth" [and] ) has 10 million
followers worldwide in 159 countries, with more than 6,000
churches, missions and outreach groups" ...

In actuality, 'Scientology' is the study of how to PREVENT
people from finding out the truth, BY MEANS OF CONVINCING THEM,
that they "by themselves" - with their hard work and lots of
money given - "have found out the truth they needed to find out."

This is so evil, that it is - certainly for its members - not
easy to face. See [TBLS]


file: 20120710 Scientologists Think Tom Cruise Has Telekinetic,
Telepathic Powers - UsMagazine.com.html
http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/scientologists-think ...
... -tom-cruise-has-telekinetic-telepathic-powers-2012107



[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011)
http://groups.google.com/group/koos-nolst-trenite/ ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)

[SFTF] 'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" ' [SFTF]
(the Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)
{HRI 20100402-V2.0}
(2 April 2010 - Version 2.0 on 7 Jan 2011)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' [ASRJS]
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[TBLS] 'The Bottom Lie: "l. ron hubbard has good intentions."
Once accepted, this opens up someone's 'Road To Eternal
Hell' or to Scientology's 'Billion Year Reich' '
- (quotes from {HRI Note 20120611-V3.0-t} )
{note 20120628-I} [TBLS]
(28 June 2012)


See also more References under Footnotes, above.





Drugged Hate, Drugged Ugliness and Drugged Unawareness - inflicted by
Sociopaths like l. ron hubbard - Your refusal to really face Life

25 April 2012
{HRI draft note 20120425-V4.0}
{FPP draft note 20120425-V4.0}

(Version 4.0
on 26 June 2012)

(for summary,
you can skip
indented text)

(suits foreign
language readers)



What is 'Drugged Hate', 'Drugged Ugliness', and 'Drugged Unawareness'?

Well, Hate, Ugliness and Unawareness, you can feel:

Anyone can feel those Energies - to quite some extent.


When these are 'cushioned' with unreality and detached euphoria,

- or, in other words, when these are 'covered in Drug
Energy' -

then, understandably, what some Sociopaths have done is, to
create and inflict on you what has then become 'Drugged Hate,'
or 'Drugged Ugliness,' or 'Drugged Unawareness;'

more precisely - because feelings are Life Energy
Particles - these are called 'Drugged Hate ENERGY,'
'Drugged Ugliness ENERGY,' and 'Drugged Unawareness


Those are feelings projected at you.

And those are made up of, they are formed by, a combining
with Drug Energy,

Drug Energy is wrapped around, is covering, is
coating, is softening up, is hiding, is camouflaging
and is misidentifying, is distorting or preventing
your properly sensing, your true Perception of

- and that is why it is called Drug Energy,
of course -

it is coating, giving a nice, pleasant coat to those other
Harmful Energies, and producing thereby:

Drugged Ugliness, Drugged Unawareness, and Drugged

Now you know.




And, knowing this, you can of course do something with it

- like staying healthy and sane


Earth has some hundred million Sociopaths living on it,
who all are creating and projecting the mentioned Harmful
Energies, in greater or lesser intensity.

Talk about pollution of the planet, and about
preserving Earth!

Sociopaths can not be remedied, unfortunately, and they will
not stop, even when detected, *(n)

and the only option is, to educate yourself and others about
Life, meaning, about real Life

and thus to be able to recognize and remove the inflictions of
Harmful Energies on you and on others,

so that you can remedy and prevent the damage Sociopaths do
inflict on you and (regardless of your age) on your body.


That is - to put it somewhat satyrically - much more
fruitful, than adoring Celebrities,

or than, on the other hand, being awarded Nobel

meaning: activities to HIDE Sociopaths, and to
globally PRETEND "knowledge" and "progress" and


So go and educate yourself and/or others of good will and of ACTUAL
Intelligence. *(1)

Others wil care for you, quite often and in all kind of
circumstances and situations,





Back to the subject:

Drug Energy is euphorizing (pronounced 'you-fo-rising'):

producing unreality and euphoria, Drugging;

giving a Drugged feeling and sensation and putting a
'spin' on reality and on any intentions -

it is a "distorting-feelings-and-perceptions" type of Energy.


So when DRUGGED Hate or DRUGGED Ugliness or DRUGGED Unawareness Energy
is inflicted on you,

and it is inflicted in very large amounts and to very
intense levels, by the monstrosity called l. ron hubbard,
on anyone,

when Hate-Pain or Ugliness or Unawareness is inflicted,
projected - by him or by any other Sociopath - onto you
or your body, and when it

is 'wrapped' in DRUGGING feelings (in Drug Energy),

THEN YOU DON"T FEEL IT COMING, BUT you do feel the result of it, of
the damage that such feelings exert in your soul or in your body.




So WHY did you not know all this? Why do others not know this? Why
is the intelligent Richard Feynman not telling you this in his
Lectures on Physics?

Because Sociopaths do not want him to know, do not want him to

'Sociopaths do not want you to know!' {slogan}

Science is INFESTED with Sociopaths - now you go and figure out,
what result that has on science.

The amount of lies, that these** have introduced and
keep introducing into science, is STAGGERING.

That's what Sociopaths do: Thinking up lies in such
a way that you will accept them. [examples]

"Like children in kindergarten who have no clue of physics,
you are stacking - not blocks of wood but - blocks of
the highly toxic, heaviest metal called plutonium."

This makes you guilty of the Crime of Willful Ignorance.


You have not the faintest idea about the monstrosity of Sociopaths,
(even when you read, with Martha Stout, about a Sociopath living
next door) let alone the monstrosity of he Sociopath Supremo,
l. ron hubbard,

because YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING (about Life and about
Sociopaths), other than what these, the Sociopaths* themselves
(and their servant Cowards, including many journalists) want you
to know,

'allow you' to know, or to talk about to others.

I repeat:

"Like children in kindergarten who have no clue of physics,
you are stacking - not blocks of wood but - blocks of



other than what the Sociopaths (and their servant Cowards,
including journalists) 'allow you' to know and to talk
about and to "research,"

like rats in a cage who are "investigating Evil that is
inflicted on them."




By most of the intelligent definitions of the term 'slave,' it does
certainly apply to you (and to the education that you have suffered):

Someone who has been given the feeling and conviction or belief,
that "he is a free man" - "and that he is born free,"

while you can't even define birth itself...

let alone that you could defining 'free' and 'freedom,'
itself which

- severely lacking in knowledge of Life as you are -

you can not define. [HRD-01][HRD-02]


Though the Constitution tells him, that he is "born free and
born with equal rights" in Life, having such "equal rights,"
is "made possible,"

by the simple method, of REFUSING TO define what Life is.

This makes you guilty of the Crime of
Willful Ignorance.

And so you can - and do - state anything really, and it
is always "true."

Which is how hypnotism manifests itself.



Oh, wait, but there ARE such Slaves who actually DO "define what Life
is" and "what birth is:"

The quivering Cowards of the New Age "tell us what Life
- telling it, "explaining to you what Life is," and
even "what death is" -

exactly as the Sociopaths want it "explained"

"explained" to those who are still slightly more
aware of Life and of people,

the New Agers - with Sociopaths inventing the term and
concept if 'Non-Duality' (of "there is no Evil").


They have amassed a sewer full of philosophical concepts,

"to explain the presence of and need for Sociopaths" to those
not wholly Blind yet, who should go and destroy themselves,

which is camouflaged as "living in the present," and
"erasing their ego" - camouflaging the actual mantra:

DO NOT FACE, understand, think of, let alone OPPOSE


And to those already more Blinded, the Sociopaths do
carefully "explain," that

"there are not really Sociopaths, but there are only humans
as spirits evolving." [New Age docu 'Infinity' of 2009],


The New Agers (from Hinduism to Buddhism to
Blavatsky to modern-day New Agers), they

"are incarnating on Earth 'in order to learn...'
in the course of many reincarnations:"

'incarnations,' in their 'being embedded in the flesh,'

they have not learned anything at all, but rather,
they have become more and more Stupid, less and LESS

They can not even DEFINE Aware, anymore, much
less can they define Stupidity.

And so they claim anything really, with the circular
"proof" that typifies the New Ager in particular.



That leaves describing the mess to me, describing it in the hope,
that you - meaning the very able and the very caring - will then be
able to clean it up:

INCLUDING 'cleaning up' [HRO] the monstrosity called l. ron

- l. ron hubbard, WHO IS NOT AT ALL described by even the
most caring journalist exposing him in books etc., this
monstrosity is not exposed at all, other than (the very
bright reader will anticipate)

other than in terms and events, that the Sociopaths
ALLOW the journalist or researcher "to research and to
talk or write about." *


It means, that

- DESPITE the Sociopaths and DESPITE their servant Cowards (who
do Hate you for whatever you do or say or think, that does
not comply with the Sociopaths),

(it means, that) while you have to defend yourself and others
against their destructive Hate and their perpetual lies about
you, about anyone and about anything,

your defense consists primarily in getting yourself NOT
to justify or "explain," but really to understand them,

as truth is absolute, and absolute ONLY -

you will then have to study Fine Particle Physics {FPP}.
[Introduction to Fine Particle Physics {iFPP}, to begin with]


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



(more to be added as the text demands)

(1) 'Human Rights Philosopher Knowledge Extends Very, Very Far Above
Any Person And Institution - the Human Rights Issues And You'
{HRI 20100728-V3.3} [HRPK]
(28 July 2010 - Version 3.3 on 27 Mar 2012)

(*) '"Never say or write anything, that a Sociopath might ridicule or
hate you for" '
{satirical note 20120424-V1.0.1} [SMRH]
(24 Apr 2012 - Version 1.0.1 on 25 Apr 2012)

(**) Very much including the heavy Sociopath Albert Einstein and the
heavy Sociopath Stephen Hawking - see the following:

'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul - the Shortened Lunch
Break' [EHSLB]
{HRI note 20080705-II}
(5 July 2008)

'Addition to 'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul -
the Shortened Lunch Break' [EHSLB-A]
{HRI note 20080705-II-A}
(5 July 2008 - Addition on 11 July 2008)
... /msg/bf4823080622d148

'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
which includes
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

'Also in Physics and Astronomy, Criminal Minds WILL NOT STOP WHEN
their fake intentions, false theories and autistic "research,"
{HRI note 20091209}
(9 December 2009)

''Law of the Conservation of Stupidity' in modern nuclear physics'
{FPP comment 20091206)
(6 December 2009)

(n) (to be added)



(more to be added, as the text demands or suggests)

[HSCC]'How do Sociopaths cause cancer in people's body? - Remedy'
{HRI Note 20120622-V2.0-t} [HSCC]
(22 June 2012 - Version 2.0 on 24 June 2012)

[WEV]'What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?'
{HRI 20120606-V4.1-t} {FPP Note 20120606-V4.1-t} [WEV]
(6 June 2012 - Version 4.1 on 20 June 2012)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011)
http://groups.google.com/group/koos-nolst-trenite/ ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)

[MDSF]'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations'
(incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.2} [MDSF]
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.2 on 18 Oct 2011)



On the monstrosity l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual):

(a selection from publications in the first half of 2012, only)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.2} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.2 on 15 Mar 2012)

(nn) 'How do Sociopaths cause cancer in people's body? - Remedy'
{HRI Note 20120622-V2.0-t} [HSCC]
(22 June 2012 - Version 2.0 on 24 June 2012)

(nn) '"The ONLY way to control people" - 'Yet Another Scientology Lie'
that the "critics mafia" does not want to look through'
{HRI Note 20120611-V3.0-t} [TOWCP}
(11 June 2012 - Version 3.0 on 12 Jun 2012)

(nn) 'Ex-Scientologists talking sense now - some quotes 2011-2012'
{raw data note 20120530-t} [ESTS]
(30 May 2012)

(nn) 'The Tom Cruise 'Beingness' - as 'Scientology World Savior'
scorned, wants Acceptance as 'Humanitarian,' now'
{note 20120601-t} [TCBSH]
(1 June 2012)

(nn) ' 'Satan "is a genius"' as Scientology's real, hidden goal
- Demonic JOY defined'
{HRI note 20120528-t} [SGSRG]
(28 May 2012)

(nn) ' 'Scientology' (Satanic) 'Lower Ethics Condition' (for The
Scientology Celebrity in particular)'
{note 20120526-t} [SLECC]
(26 May 2012)

(nn) 'INTENSE JOY of NOT FACING (Evil, meaning) l. ron hubbard'
{note 20120509} [IJNFH]
(9 May 2012)

(nn) 'Scientology: Freezone of Satan* (that means, of l. ron hubbard)'
{HRI note 20120502}(draft) [SFZS]
(2 May 2012)

(nn) 'Scientology Satanic also in 'DENYING who you and who others are'
{note 20120428-1} [SDWYA]
(28 Apr 2012)

(nn) 'Is 'being Clear,' protecting someone against the assaults
inflicted by l. ron hubbard (or 'Satan' as an individual)?'
{draft concept note 20120427-V1.0} [CPALRH]
(27 April 2012)




Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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