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'The ONLY way to control people...' - 'Yet Another Scientology Lie' that the "critics mafia" does not want to look through - {HRI Note 20120611-V3.0-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jun 12, 2012, 2:24:30 PM6/12/12
"The ONLY way to control people..." - 'Yet Another Scientology Lie'
that the "critics mafia"* does not want to look through

11 June 2012
{HRI Note 20120611-V3.0-t}

(Version 3.0
on 12 Jun 2012)

(view summary,
by skipping
indented text)


(Sequel Note to:
'What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?'
{HRI 20120606-V3.0-t} of 6 June 2012) [WEV]


"The ONLY WAY you can control people, is by lying to them" (frequently
quoted by critics of 'Scientology' as an honest admission) stated by
l. ron hubbard's and thus by 'Scientology.'


But it is 'Yet Another Scientology Lie' put together by l. ron hubbard
in his 'Scientology:'

"The ONLY WAY you can control people, is by lying to them."

The "critics" of Scientology love to repeat it, thinking
"l. ron hubbard is being honest now about himself."

Well, you might laugh about that, after you read this,
or maybe already about the phrase "l. ron hubbard is being
honest now about himself,"

which is of course a laughable idea in itself.

Not unlike another famous catch phrase of him, of
l. ron hubbard, that

"Man is basically good"

- which does put him outside the realm of Mankind,
indeed... if it were true. Back to the subject:


He tells his victims: "The ONLY WAY you can control
people, is by lying to them."

And they dutifully nod and "absorb the truth he
bestows on them-poor-unknowing sods..." that

"the ONLY WAY you can control people, is by lying to
them." He emphasizes it to the victims listening
to him, with 'you better write that behind your
ears' or such,

as "yet another one of 'the greatest truths about
life and people' revealed by him" to them-listeners
and to the world at large:

"The ONLY WAY you can control people, is by lying to
them." Sounds nice, doesn't it, so nice, so simple,
"now you know the answer to the Universe... your
life will be easy from now on..."



Of course it is NOT AT ALL "the only way" - but a very very MINOR
way, by which l. ron hubbard accomplishes - to control people:

What l. ron hubbard OMITS - as always - to say, is, HOW he manages to
get people to ACCEPT his lies "as truth,"

and HOW he gets people to fight and destroy others for his lies, with
his lies, and using his lies:

HOW he gets others to fight against their own best friends, and

HOW he gets others, to actively and fiercely HIDE the nature of him
(l. ron hubbard himself) being the source of Evil:


HOW he gets people to really accept his lies - often very weird
lies - and his very destructive "advice," [SLOHR]

HOW he gets people, to see such very destructive advice as
"being the most important truth of Life, and on Earth."


He does not tell you the truth AT ALL:

He inflicts some Energetic Violence** on you, or on your

and then he has you figure-figuring, "what PHYSICAL
violence it is, that has been inflicted on you 'IN THE
PAST'," *(a)

thus hiding what is being inflicted on you right
NOW and by WHOM, (for instance by him, or by another
Sociopath**) and, thus he is hiding HOW it is being
inflicted on you;

and instead of looking at what IS going on,

you must figure-figure, that "the physical force of
something that happened to you in your past, 'has been
"re-stimulated" now' - 'has caught up with you' now,"

for instance "because you happened to think"
- inadvertently and very much against the advice
of l. ron hubbard - "(you happened to think some
forbidden thought or about some forbidden subject),"
let's say, you thought of "the volcanoes on Hawaii."

Anything will do, really, as long as it makes you
feel that it is "something in yourself."

And because of the actual, present Energetic Infliction
on you, "you must think now,"

instead of simply feeling the infliction for what it
IS, and BY WHOM it is inflicted - which usually ends
the effect of the infliction instantly or very
soon - but instead, you must think now,

that "you urgently need some Scientology Auditing-therapy
to resolve the infliction"

"you need it urgently, even if you have to go to the
(less-regimented) 'Freezone' of l. ron hubbard - but ALSO
THERE, again,


- also there, in the Freezone of l. ron hubbard,
by 'Scientologists' in the Freezone, you are
PREVENTED from looking -

AT THE ACTUAL infliction on you,***

at what IS going on - at actual Truth, that means:

at the Energetic Violence** inflicted now and inflicted
in the future, in this case inflicted BY l. ron hubbard
and/or his co-Sociopaths - inflicting Energetic Violence
ON you and/or on your body.**


("your Case")

THEY hit you - l. ron hubbard hits you - with
Energetic VIOLENCE,** and then THEY call that (then
he calls that) "YOUR" CASE,

"Your Case," "YOUR" aberrations,** that YOU have to
"handle" - and at that,

that you then "can only handle" BY coming to THEM,
for treatment,

because "only THEY could understand you,"

and on top - to gain their permission to buy
and receive treatment from them - they demand,

"you must never talk to anyone about the
inflictions on you,"

"you should not talk with ANY others, also not with
other 'Scientologists,' not even with your friends,
nor with your spouse *(b) or other family,"

"about 'your OWN CASE'."


Do you get it now?!!

I talk about EVIL, E.V.I.L. - they have NO
CONSCIENCE whatsoever - l. ron hubbard has
NO conscience whatsoever, in fact he has a
REVERSE conscience...

Get used to it, you dopes.


They have accepted the 'Bottom Lie' *(b)
and then they are open to uncritically
accepting ANY related lie about life,

AND they then 'explain' those lies
to themselves, and they enforce
those lies "about life," on others

Their critical ability to discern lies
that come from that source, has now been
severely impaired,

BY their acceptance of the Bottom Lie.



Someone gets you to accept as "fact,"
that "the moon does not exist," he gets
you to accept that,

with such certainty, that you ALSO
PERCEIVE it to be "not existing:"

When you look up into the sky, then each
night you see NO MOON in the sky.

And when someone points it out to you,
then you tell the other person, that

"he must have an aberration in his eyes,
that makes him sometimes see a white
spot when looking upwards at night."


The point is, that, once control by
someone else over your Perception, has
been established totally on SOME matter

- Truth being absolute, with only
the DEGREE of Perception making
it SEEM relative from person to
person -

when someone managed to control
your Perception totally on ONE

then control about perceiving or not
perceiving other things can be easily
established by the same source of Evil,
controlling your Perception of "what is
true and existing, and what is not."


Fundamental understanding of Perception
itself (given in Fine Particle Physics),
makes it of course easier for you, to
gain a rational grasp of this phenomenon
and of how to prevent such effects, from
degrading or even ruining your life
and the life of others. [DPFI][FALEV]





How he DOES get people to accept his lies, IS described

- for those, that is, who DO wish actually to understand Life -

(and of course, the Scientology "critics-mafia"* refuses to
relay also that,

even though it is about the very nature and methods of
'Der Billion-Years-Reich Fuhrer' l. ron hubbard, himself,

to control people without that they ever would find out),

described for instance,


(**) 'What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?'
{HRI 20120606-V3.0-t} {FPP Note 20120606-V3.0-t} [WEV]
(6 June 2012 - Version 3.0 on 8 June 2012)




Again: 'Yet Another Scientology Lie' (abbreviated 'YASL'), is the lie
of l. ron hubbard and thus of 'Scientology,' that

"The ONLY WAY you can control people, is by lying to them"

(frequently quoted by critics of 'Scientology').

It is a "Double Lie" - meaning, it is accepted as a lie, IN ORDER TO
mask the underlying lie or lies - it is a lie, to 'bait' the victim

in this case, baiting the victim to see the lie as, to accept
what is in essence and intention a LIE, but to "understand" and
feel it as, 'him, l. ron hubbard, "now telling the truth...",'

and thus it is frequently quoted by his critics* - who are then
victimized by him

...without that they ever notice it; [SSPG]

...and the "critics mafia"* can not look through it, because they
refuse to understand Life itself

(I "never told you that" either, but in order to understand

you FIRST have to understand Life itself, and people, and THEN
you can - from your OWN, actual viewpoint on Life and people,
and un-dominated, THEN you can - gain an actual understanding),

but the "critics mafia,"*

they are apparently more interested in Hating, than in under-
standing people including an understanding of themselves

(meaning, they are not really interested in understanding with
a view of defending people and themselves from Evil;

witness their refusal to defend me from Evil, and then their
refusal still now even, merely to apologize publicly, for their
past malicious acts* AGAINST me (!)), and that is explained in
the reference* given.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



(*) 'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" ' [SFTF]
(the Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)
{HRI 20100402-V2.0}
(2 April 2010 - Version 2.0 on 7 Jan 2011)

(**) See above, in the text body.

(***) 'Physical, Metered Proof of Facing Satan'
{FPP note 20120309} [PMPFS]
(9 March 2012)

[...] See under References, below.



(a) 'Engram:' Also THAT, l. ron hubbard defines wholly falsely, as
"a moment of pain and unconsciousness" which then (again wholly
falsely) "results in someone obeying literally, anything SAID
during such a moment."

While cancer appears the most common cause of death amongst
'Scientologists,' l. ron hubbard claims, that the phrase "My
blood turns to water," if heard during a moment of pain and
unconsciousness, then "will cause leukemia or blood cancer."

But it leads also to bizarre behavior by 'Scientologists' - as
they uncritically believe everything proclaimed by their Source,
by l. ron hubbard -

they want silence during birth, which they want to see - because
they are TOLD to, to see birth, the most natural and most joyful
event there is, as "a moment of pain and unconsciousness."

Being very different from the "critics mafia," I AM interested
in finding and relaying the truth of 'What is an Engram,' which
is a term from therapy in general:

There is little or no value in classifying moments of pain
and unconsciousness at all, as "causing aberration,"

except then, WHEN THERE IS a strong intention present, BY
SOMEONE, to destroy you or a part of you (or (of) your

BUT EVEN THEN, there is hardly any importance to the words
used but there IS importance to the Energetic Violence**


And what l. ron hubbard omits, besides omitting the most
important parts, which is the INTENTION behind or with the
infliction, and WHO has or have that intention towards the

by only mentioning pain and unconsciousness, he omits to
mention - he deliberately HIDES - the other two Harmful
Energies of the basic quartet of infliction:

1. Drugged Euphoria, and 2. Ugliness, which together
with 3. Pain-Hate and 4. Unawareness Energy, make up
the basis of any inflictions on Earth. [DFPI]

{definition of Engram}


(b) And so, former 'Captain of Scientology' Debbie Cook, did - as
she now admitted publicly, in court - she did NOT inform anyone,
not even her own husband, of the atrocities that she had been
subjected to BY "correctional" Scientology staff

(at the "secret" International 'Scientology' Leadership
compound, in Hemet, California, staff ordered to destroy
each other mentally, with Mao-style, violent and abusive
repression in group sessions and in one on many sessions,

and in North-Korean style, without fail and continuously
having to adore l. ron hubbard as the genius who knows
"this is right for them," and that "it is necessary 'for
saving the Universe'," that they are now put into intent-
ionally degrading living conditions, and are to live cut
off totally from the society in all respects - and that
any possibilities of escape must remain blocked:

All "for the greatest good of the group and of Mankind,"
so claimed by l. ron hubbard himself), and

after having suffered these conditions that were
extremely upsetting to her and equally to the
others being so held there, some for months, others
for years,

"so that l. ron hubbard can save Mankind and
the Universe from its aberrations as defined
by 'Der Billion Year Reich Fuehrer' himself,
by "Commodore l. ron hubbard,"

when she then returned to her staff position as
'Captain of Scientology' in Clearwater Florida,
"to again serve her beloved genius and savior of
Mankind and the Universe, l. ron hubbard,"

and able to see her husband again, too, in Florida's
Clearwater town, then

she was NOT EVEN telling HER OWN HUSBAND about her ordeals
and those of the others - the atrocities they were ordered
to subject each other to, as 'Scientology' staff -

she was not talking about that, because "that puts out a
bad image of Scientology," "her beloved group which is
inherently flawless and does really only improve people,"
would you believe it...

and not talking about it to anyone, IS STANDARD PRACTICE
in 'Scientology,'

because "it is her OWN Case," what she experienced and felt and
thought about it, "is her own Case,"

and talking about it to anyone, "would 'upset' the Case and
spiritual progress of others, of also her husband," to know
the truth about how bad Scientology really is, in real life
practice by its staff; "and l. ron hubbard never intended that;"

justifying to keep it hidden, DEMANDED hidden, by 'Scientology'
Technical doctrine, by l. ron hubbard, that is

- which is "logical, reasonable and obvious," to hide it,

"because to hear the truth would 'upset' any Scientologist,
also her husband, and that would in turn necessitate more costly
and time consuming Scientology therapy for him," and

"to hear the truth would 'upset' anyone really, who might
otherwise reach for 'Scientology' and obtain the Eternal
Freedom it offers, through its therapy," etc. etc. etc..

No kidding!


I never told you that, but 'Criminal Minds have everything

It is 'upsetting,' to hear the Truth about those,
whom you should think of and treat as "your best
and most trustworthy friends."

Which leads to 'Yet Another Definition for Scientology:'

'The science of how to make people believe,
convinced and certain, that "they have by
themselves worked to find, and found out, the
truth about themselves and others and about
Life," WITHOUT that they ever found out and
ever will find out the actual Truth, what
they really SHOULD know about themselves,
about others and about Life.' [SSPG][ASRJS]


You can see the general law of hypnotism - as formulated by
professional hypnotist Gerald Kein - you can see the first law
of hypnotism at work, also there:

When you get someone to accept ONE total falsehood including
the false perception of it, in this case, of

the Bottom Lie or 'BL' (that follows here, now)

- a really, totally absurd lie and reversal of Truth,

in this case, the totally absurd lie and REVERSAL of
Truth, with the Bottom Lie for this case:

"l. ron hubbard has the best of intentions for you and
for Mankind," [HRO]


once that wholly absurd and atrocious LIE is accepted as
"Truth" by someone, as "the most important Truth in Life
even" -

THEN really ANY lie that is based on the Bottom Lie, can now
easily be absorbed as ALSO being "the truth" and "reality,"
including its Perception as if it is "really existing," and
it is then easily followed by the victims.



[WEV] 'What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?'
{HRI 20120606-V3.0-t} {FPP Note 20120606-V3.0-t} [WEV]
(6 June 2012 - Version 3.0 on 8 June 2012)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.2} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.2 on 15 Mar 2012)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
[check also for upcoming new Version]
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[SSPG] 'Scientology Syndicate Propaganda, Goebbels Propaganda
Definition' [SSPG]
(19 February 1998) ...
... msg/3bce294cf7f4582a

[SLOHR] 'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1} [SLOHR]
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

[FALEV] 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
Destroying Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V4.2} [FALEV]
(10 November 2003 - Version 4.2 on 22 May 2012)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' [ASRJS]
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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