GoldenCheetah v3.6 - Call for Translators

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Ale Martinez

Jun 8, 2021, 5:15:59 PM6/8/21
to golden-cheetah-users
As we are approaching the v3.6 release and the source files are increasingly complete, it is a good time to start updating translations, if someone is willing to collaborate, no programming skills are required and here is a detailed instructive:

Most of currently supported languages are updated to v3.5 release, except for Japanese and Portuguese (pt and pt-br) which are well behind, with high number of unfinished and untranslated texts. Portuguese (pt) and Brazilian (pt-br) probably should be merged since it would be better to have one more complete than two with minor differences but incomplete. Volunteers are welcome.

Translation files are updated in last dev build:

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_fr.ts -qm 
    Generated 5254 translation(s) (5013 finished and 241 unfinished)
    Ignored 794 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_ja.ts -qm 
    Generated 1157 translation(s) (390 finished and 767 unfinished)
    Ignored 4891 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_it.ts -qm 
    Generated 5327 translation(s) (5112 finished and 215 unfinished)
    Ignored 721 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_pt-br.ts -qm 
    Generated 1093 translation(s) (390 finished and 703 unfinished)
    Ignored 4955 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_de.ts -qm 
    Generated 5320 translation(s) (5122 finished and 198 unfinished)
    Ignored 728 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_cs.ts -qm 
    Generated 5315 translation(s) (5111 finished and 204 unfinished)
    Ignored 733 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_es.ts -qm 
    Generated 5554 translation(s) (5441 finished and 113 unfinished)
    Ignored 494 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_pt.ts -qm 
    Generated 1387 translation(s) (435 finished and 952 unfinished)
    Ignored 4661 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_ru.ts -qm 
    Generated 4970 translation(s) (4652 finished and 318 unfinished)
    Ignored 1078 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_zh-cn.ts -qm 
    Generated 5330 translation(s) (5113 finished and 217 unfinished)
    Ignored 718 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_zh-tw.ts -qm 
    Generated 5328 translation(s) (5121 finished and 207 unfinished)
    Ignored 720 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_nl.ts -qm 
    Generated 5338 translation(s) (5116 finished and 222 unfinished)
    Ignored 710 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_sv.ts -qm
    Generated 5315 translation(s) (5115 finished and 200 unfinished)
    Ignored 733 untranslated source text(s)

Please comment here, thanks, Ale.


Jun 11, 2021, 7:40:19 AM6/11/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Dear Ale,
here I am for the Italian translation. I am not sure I will finish by the official v3.6 release but I'll shall start asap.

Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Jun 12, 2021, 2:21:46 PM6/12/21
Quiero participar. Cuando se puede empezar?


Ale Martinez

Jun 13, 2021, 8:51:50 AM6/13/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El viernes, 11 de junio de 2021 a la(s) 08:40:19 UTC-3, Ugo escribió:
Dear Ale,
here I am for the Italian translation. I am not sure I will finish by the official v3.6 release but I'll shall start asap.

Perfect Ugo, thanks! 

Ale Martinez

Jun 13, 2021, 9:00:11 AM6/13/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El sábado, 12 de junio de 2021 a la(s) 15:21:46 UTC-3, escribió:
Quiero participar. Cuando se puede empezar?

Ya. En el primer mensaje hay un enlace a la wiki donde estan los lineamientos, si después de leerlo te quedan dudas puedes preguntar por aquí.

Ale Martinez

Aug 28, 2021, 12:17:55 PM8/28/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Since v3.6 release was pushed to November we have more time for translations, current state is similar to before, except we have received partial updates for French and Russian translations, contributions are welcome, thanks.

Ale Martinez

Oct 14, 2021, 2:04:49 PM10/14/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El martes, 8 de junio de 2021 a la(s) 18:15:59 UTC-3, Ale Martinez escribió:
We are at pre-release stage and translation files are updated to the last source changes, up to this point we have partial updates for French, Spanish and Russian, other languages translations are at v3.5 level, except for Japanese and Portuguese which are at 2.x level.

If you are a native speaker of one of the incomplete languages and long time GoldenCheetah user, here you have a possibility to contribute to the project.

Thanks in advance, Ale.



Oct 16, 2021, 7:08:54 PM10/16/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is an update from the German translation. For testing copy the gc_de.qm file into the CG folder.


Oct 17, 2021, 7:15:27 AM10/17/21
to golden-cheetah-users
With version. AppImage for linux, is it possible to test an updated gc_fr language file?

Ale Martinez

Oct 17, 2021, 2:06:02 PM10/17/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 20:08:54 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Here is an update from the German translation. For testing copy the gc_de.qm file into the CG folder. 

Ale Martinez

Oct 17, 2021, 2:08:03 PM10/17/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 08:15:27 UTC-3, UlysseUlysse escribió:
With version. AppImage for linux, is it possible to test an updated gc_fr language file?

Yes, that feature is supported across operating systems. 


Oct 17, 2021, 4:13:06 PM10/17/21
to golden-cheetah-users
The completed French version

Ale Martinez

Oct 17, 2021, 6:05:38 PM10/17/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 17:13:06 UTC-3, UlysseUlysse escribió:
The completed French version

That file is malformed:

lrelease error: Unexpected characters 'Aucun                                                                                ' at Resources\translations\gc_fr.ts:9148:5 

Have you edited it by hand instead of using linguist tool?


Oct 18, 2021, 1:50:40 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
I edit it by hand because QT Creator that I installed on GNU / Linux 10 (buster) does not start ... With the GC AppImage version I do not see how to test unfortunately


Oct 18, 2021, 2:00:47 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
I use the word processing software Gedit: ' = ' this is probably the error


Oct 18, 2021, 2:07:36 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
J'ai corrigé ' par '

Ale Martinez

Oct 18, 2021, 2:09:54 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 02:50:40 UTC-3, UlysseUlysse escribió:
I edit it by hand because QT Creator that I installed on GNU / Linux 10 (buster) does not start ...

With the GC AppImage version I do not see how to test unfortunately

Ale Martinez

Oct 18, 2021, 2:16:07 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 03:00:47 UTC-3, UlysseUlysse escribió:
I use the word processing software Gedit: ' = ' this is probably the error

No, see the error report above, in the indicated line there is a word  (Aucun) outside any tag

Ale Martinez

Oct 18, 2021, 2:18:48 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Test you work first please, I cannot merge an untested translation in a language I don’t understand.


Oct 18, 2021, 3:17:53 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users

I just thought I would help you, I followed the procedures:, it does not work for me, so as not to continue unnecessarily, I prefer not to go further. Best regards

Ale Martinez

Oct 18, 2021, 7:47:31 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 04:17:53 UTC-3, UlysseUlysse escribió:

I just thought I would help you

No, this request is not about helping *me*, but giving back to the project and helping other users in the same language. 


Oct 18, 2021, 10:58:14 AM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
I spoke in the plural, I do not fully master English ... in French tu and vous translate this into "You". A big thank you for your very technical answer


Oct 18, 2021, 12:45:42 PM10/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
It would be a pity if the work is in vain.

I fixed the file so that it can be opened with the Qt Linguist tool.

I don't have debain. The package qttools5-dev-tools (5.7.1-1) should have the tool with it. With "sudo apt install qttools5-dev-tools" in the console the package can be installed. What was the problem under Debian when installing the tool?

The attached file is not suitable for integration, because it is not checked by a native speaker.


Oct 21, 2021, 3:33:05 PM10/21/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Maybe someone can help me. I just can't find the Laps Editor.
I wanted to check the following text: The Laps Editor allows you to enter a sequence of work-rest interval series - defined by number of reps, distance (Dist, units according to settings in Pace Zones) and duration (min and sec) - to generate the data points for the activity.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Ale Martinez

Oct 21, 2021, 5:01:16 PM10/21/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021 a la(s) 16:33:05 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Maybe someone can help me. I just can't find the Laps Editor.

Activity > Manual Entry > Laps Editor button, enabled when Sport is Run or Swim, IIRC. 


Oct 21, 2021, 5:20:09 PM10/21/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Yes, thank you!


Oct 27, 2021, 1:43:37 PM10/27/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Here again a update of the German translation. Thanks for the merge.

Ale Martinez

Oct 27, 2021, 2:46:08 PM10/27/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Merged, thank you!


Nov 18, 2021, 3:05:11 PM11/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
While testing, I noticed that two areas are not translated.  In the German translation. The two areas are translated in the translation file. Is this due to the translation?

1. Options → Appearance → Colors

2. When you add a new Overview chart is the add chart wizard which does not display translations.Screenshot_20211118_203309.pngScreenshot_20211118_203257.png

Other question. Is there any way to automatically delete translation that is no longer used?
I tried with lupdate Thought that deletes the translations that are no longer needed.

Ale Martinez

Nov 18, 2021, 5:26:09 PM11/18/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021 a la(s) 17:05:11 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
While testing, I noticed that two areas are not translated.  In the German translation. The two areas are translated in the translation file. Is this due to the translation?

I don't think so, I can reproduce the problem using the Spanish translation and both areas are translated too. It looks like there is a problem with GCColor and OverviewItems objects, but I am on travel and could not debug it yet. 

1. Options → Appearance → Colors

2. When you add a new Overview chart is the add chart wizard which does not display translations.Screenshot_20211118_203309.pngScreenshot_20211118_203257.png

Other question. Is there any way to automatically delete translation that is no longer used?
I tried with lupdate Thought that deletes the translations that are no longer needed.

You can use the -no-obsolete command line option of lupdate IIRC, run lupdate -help to see the options and their meaning. 


Nov 19, 2021, 3:55:00 PM11/19/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you for checking. 

Yes, right the -help. With lupdate -no-obsolete works perfect.


Dec 5, 2021, 12:38:03 PM12/5/21
to golden-cheetah-users
There is a strange behavior with the german translation under Arch Linux.
There is no default colors displayed for the November dev in the user chart.
Unfortunately, I could not find the line in the translation that is responsible for this.
Under Windows 10 I could not find the behavior. Mac I can not test.

If someone also encounters this strange behavior.
One possibility is to copy the 2nd German translation from me into the GC folder will.

Mark Liversedge

Dec 5, 2021, 2:18:45 PM12/5/21
to golden-cheetah-users
On Sunday, 5 December 2021 at 17:38:03 UTC marcen wrote:
There is a strange behavior with the german translation under Arch Linux.
There is no default colors displayed for the November dev in the user chart.
Unfortunately, I could not find the line in the translation that is responsible for this.

tr("Data") in ColorButton.cpp needs to have the same translation  as tr("Data") in Colors.cpp


Dec 5, 2021, 3:00:27 PM12/5/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you for the clarification.

Question about this.
In ColorButton.cpp is one line to translate, which is not present in Colors.cpp.
In Colors.cpp there are 109 lines to translate.
The felding lines are still to come?
I have run lupdate before check.
Message has been deleted


Dec 7, 2021, 3:45:04 PM12/7/21
to golden-cheetah-users
I searched again with QT Linguist for the lines from ColorButton.cpp and Colors.cpp.
I found the lines only once.

Here is the finished translation.
Except for the calendar everything is translated. Because I don't have one I couldn't test it.

Ale Martinez

Dec 14, 2021, 4:49:26 PM12/14/21
to golden-cheetah-users
El jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021 a la(s) 17:05:11 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
While testing, I noticed that two areas are not translated.  In the German translation. The two areas are translated in the translation file. Is this due to the translation?

1. Options → Appearance → Colors

2. When you add a new Overview chart is the add chart wizard which does not display translations.Screenshot_20211118_203309.pngScreenshot_20211118_203257.png

Both should work now using current master: 

Ale Martinez

Dec 14, 2021, 4:55:42 PM12/14/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Message has been deleted


Dec 16, 2021, 11:09:42 AM12/16/21
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you for fixing the error and for integrating the German translation.

The translation is within my possibilities to contribute to the project. Thank you for the offer!


Jan 4, 2022, 1:57:25 PM1/4/22
to golden-cheetah-users
A small update from the German translation.
A few small changes in the existing translation and translated what was after the November release.

If someone wants to test the version: copy the gc_de.qm file into the CG folder.

Thanks in advance for integrating in GC.

Ale Martinez

Jan 4, 2022, 4:25:36 PM1/4/22
to golden-cheetah-users

José Luis García Pallero

Jan 17, 2022, 12:34:28 PM1/17/22
to golden-cheetah-users

Attached I send a patch for the Spanish translation. The changes made can be clasified in 3 categories:

1. Typos in spelling (some missing accents, keyboard typos, etc.) fixed
2. Non correct uppercase spelling in Spanish fixed
3. Translation of almost all untranslated source texts

Best regards

El martes, 8 de junio de 2021 a las 23:15:59 UTC+2, Ale Martinez escribió:
As we are approaching the v3.6 release and the source files are increasingly complete, it is a good time to start updating translations, if someone is willing to collaborate, no programming skills are required and here is a detailed instructive:

Most of currently supported languages are updated to v3.5 release, except for Japanese and Portuguese (pt and pt-br) which are well behind, with high number of unfinished and untranslated texts. Portuguese (pt) and Brazilian (pt-br) probably should be merged since it would be better to have one more complete than two with minor differences but incomplete. Volunteers are welcome.

Translation files are updated in last dev build:

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_fr.ts -qm 
    Generated 5254 translation(s) (5013 finished and 241 unfinished)
    Ignored 794 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_ja.ts -qm 
    Generated 1157 translation(s) (390 finished and 767 unfinished)
    Ignored 4891 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_it.ts -qm 
    Generated 5327 translation(s) (5112 finished and 215 unfinished)
    Ignored 721 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_pt-br.ts -qm 
    Generated 1093 translation(s) (390 finished and 703 unfinished)
    Ignored 4955 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_de.ts -qm 
    Generated 5320 translation(s) (5122 finished and 198 unfinished)
    Ignored 728 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_cs.ts -qm 
    Generated 5315 translation(s) (5111 finished and 204 unfinished)
    Ignored 733 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_es.ts -qm 
    Generated 5554 translation(s) (5441 finished and 113 unfinished)
    Ignored 494 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_pt.ts -qm 
    Generated 1387 translation(s) (435 finished and 952 unfinished)
    Ignored 4661 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_ru.ts -qm 
    Generated 4970 translation(s) (4652 finished and 318 unfinished)
    Ignored 1078 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_zh-cn.ts -qm 
    Generated 5330 translation(s) (5113 finished and 217 unfinished)
    Ignored 718 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_zh-tw.ts -qm 
    Generated 5328 translation(s) (5121 finished and 207 unfinished)
    Ignored 720 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_nl.ts -qm 
    Generated 5338 translation(s) (5116 finished and 222 unfinished)
    Ignored 710 untranslated source text(s)

lrelease Resources\translations\gc_sv.ts -qm
    Generated 5315 translation(s) (5115 finished and 200 unfinished)
    Ignored 733 untranslated source text(s)

Please comment here, thanks, Ale.

Ale Martinez

Jan 17, 2022, 2:08:10 PM1/17/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Hi, the patch fails to apply on current master, if you attach the full gc_es.ts file I could try to fix that.

Thank you.

José Luis García Pallero

Jan 17, 2022, 2:17:21 PM1/17/22
to golden-cheetah-users
El lunes, 17 de enero de 2022 a las 20:08:10 UTC+1, Ale Martinez escribió:
Hi, the patch fails to apply on current master, if you attach the full gc_es.ts file I could try to fix that.

Here is the file. I downloaded it from Github on January 4th and I can see that last change was made on December 15th, so I can't understand why the patch is incorrect. I cloned today the repo, then overwrite the gc_es.ts file with my modified version, made git add, and then I made the patch as git diff --cached > gc_es.ts.patch


Ale Martinez

Jan 17, 2022, 2:55:47 PM1/17/22
to golden-cheetah-users

Ale Martinez

Jan 17, 2022, 3:09:53 PM1/17/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Ugo also contributed the final Italian translation recently, so current status is:

German, Italian and Spanish: finished.
French: contribution under revision
Others: without changes, contributions are welcome.

José Luis García Pallero

Jan 21, 2022, 3:10:06 PM1/21/22
to golden-cheetah-users

Attached I send again the Spanish translation in its final version after a last checking and some errors corrected

Daniel Medina

Jan 22, 2022, 2:13:54 PM1/22/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Hi Ale, 

I'm from Brazil and currently translating pt-BR (started 2 days ago). I would like to ask you for keeping pt and pt-BR independent. For Brazilian speakers, European Portuguese sounds very strange. Language structure is the same, but a lot of words are different. We can understand, but it doesn't sounds good.

Currently I have the following stats:
Captura de Tela 2022-01-20 às 22.44.26.png

There is a long way until completion, but I think it is going in a good velocity. Could you please share the deadline for this to enter in v3.6?


Ale Martinez

Jan 22, 2022, 6:52:32 PM1/22/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Merged, thank you!

Ale Martinez

Jan 22, 2022, 6:57:38 PM1/22/22
to golden-cheetah-users
El sábado, 22 de enero de 2022 a la(s) 16:13:54 UTC-3, escribió:
Hi Ale, 

I'm from Brazil and currently translating pt-BR (started 2 days ago). I would like to ask you for keeping pt and pt-BR independent. For Brazilian speakers, European Portuguese sounds very strange. Language structure is the same, but a lot of words are different. We can understand, but it doesn't sounds good.

No problem, lets keep them separate then.
Currently I have the following stats:
Captura de Tela 2022-01-20 às 22.44.26.png

There is a long way until completion, but I think it is going in a good velocity. Could you please share the deadline for this to enter in v3.6?

I cannot provide a deadline, but there will be at least one more dev build before release, so I will update here so we can merge your work before release even if it is not finished. 

Thank you!
Message has been deleted

Ale Martinez

Feb 15, 2022, 3:24:37 PM2/15/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Update: Sping Zhao has completed his Chinese translation and Damien is working on the French one, so we have:

German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese (simplified): finished.
French: Under revision/completion by Damien
Portuguese (BR): Daniel is working on this
Others: without changes, contributions are welcome.

Thanks, Ale.

Ale Martinez

Feb 17, 2022, 8:05:26 AM2/17/22
to golden-cheetah-users
French translation is finished and Maks Vasilev is updating the Russian translation, thank you!


Feb 21, 2022, 3:53:32 PM2/21/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is an update of the German translation since the release of RC1.
With small bug fixes in the translation.
A few words were not translated. See the attached pictures. Is this also the case for other languages?

Thanks for the merge!

The Banister chart

If you use the question mark, top right in GC
Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-02-21 21-01-13.png

First page at user chart
User chart1.png
Edit of a user chart
User Chart2.png

Ale Martinez

Feb 21, 2022, 5:04:07 PM2/21/22
to golden-cheetah-users
El lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022 a la(s) 17:53:32 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Here is an update of the German translation since the release of RC1.
With small bug fixes in the translation.

Merged, thank you! 

A few words were not translated. See the attached pictures. Is this also the case for other languages?

These terms are available for translations now in current master.


Feb 23, 2022, 4:15:22 PM2/23/22
to golden-cheetah-users
A part is not translated in the Tile table. Thanks for fixing.
User Chart3.png

Ale Martinez

Feb 24, 2022, 9:23:02 AM2/24/22
to golden-cheetah-users
El miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022 a la(s) 18:15:22 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
A part is not translated in the Tile table. Thanks for fixing.
User Chart3.png


Feb 25, 2022, 4:30:32 PM2/25/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you for providing the terms.
Appendix is the German translation with the new terms.
Thanks for the merge!

Ale Martinez

Feb 27, 2022, 7:34:00 AM2/27/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Merged, thank you!


Aug 14, 2022, 3:05:13 PM8/14/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Here are the translations of the texts added since 25.02.2022
Thanks for the merge!

Ale Martinez

Aug 14, 2022, 4:45:28 PM8/14/22
to golden-cheetah-users
It is merged, thank you.

If someone else wants to update translations, the next days will be the last chance before release.

Hwa Runner

Aug 18, 2022, 1:37:48 PM8/18/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Hello Ale,
don't know if I'm too late for translations, but I found one German translation which seems incorrect to me - so I changed it in the file.
Before using my file please check if the file encoding is correct.

For German users:
I think 'Performance Condition' should be translated to 'Leistungszustand' and not to 'Leistung Bedingung'.


Aug 24, 2022, 4:39:19 PM8/24/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is another update of the German translation.
Hwa Runner patch is included.
If it is possible, it would be nice to submit a call for the last update here before release.
Thank you.

Ale Martinez

Aug 24, 2022, 4:43:36 PM8/24/22
to golden-cheetah-users
El miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2022 a la(s) 17:39:19 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Here is another update of the German translation.
Hwa Runner patch is included.
If it is possible, it would be nice to submit a call for the last update here before release.

No problem, but we need the source (.ts), not the binary (.qm) file 


Aug 24, 2022, 5:26:05 PM8/24/22
to golden-cheetah-users

Oops sorry. Here is the correct date.

Ale Martinez

Aug 27, 2022, 11:29:38 AM8/27/22
to golden-cheetah-users
I've updated translation files with the latest strings in and there are matching binaries for testing on, this is likely the last chance to make changes to translations before release, alea jacta est.


Aug 29, 2022, 4:34:54 PM8/29/22
to golden-cheetah-users
here the last update from my side for the german translation before release.

Many thanks for the help and for the integration into GC.

Ale Martinez

Aug 29, 2022, 6:01:09 PM8/29/22
to golden-cheetah-users
Merged, than you for your collaboration!


Feb 2, 2023, 1:25:59 PM2/2/23
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is a small update of the German translation.

Translation of the newly added texts.
Fix translation errors

Ale Martinez

Feb 2, 2023, 2:05:59 PM2/2/23
to golden-cheetah-users
El jueves, 2 de febrero de 2023 a la(s) 15:25:59 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Here is a small update of the German translation.

Translation of the newly added texts.
Fix translation errors

Merged, thank you!


Feb 2, 2023, 5:12:02 PM2/2/23
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you very much.
I'm sorry. I have changed something again. I hope it is easier to understand.

Ale Martinez

Feb 2, 2023, 6:23:43 PM2/2/23
to golden-cheetah-users
El jueves, 2 de febrero de 2023 a la(s) 19:12:02 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Thank you very much.
I'm sorry. I have changed something again. I hope it is easier to understand.

No problem, done. 

Ale Martinez

Mar 19, 2023, 7:22:47 PM3/19/23
to golden-cheetah-users
Hi, there are updated translation files in matching latest v3.6-RC4 binaries in just in case anyone wants to finish them.
Thank you.

Ale Martinez

Mar 20, 2023, 7:22:38 PM3/20/23
to golden-cheetah-users
El domingo, 19 de marzo de 2023 a la(s) 20:22:47 UTC-3, Ale Martinez escribió:
Hi, there are updated translation files in matching latest v3.6-RC4 binaries in just in case anyone wants to finish them.
Thank you.

There was several issues with Batch Processing localization, they are (hopefully) fixed in master and translation files updated, sorry. 


Mar 22, 2023, 11:41:59 AM3/22/23
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is the German translation of the newly added texts. Thanks for the merging

Ale Martinez

Mar 22, 2023, 12:29:57 PM3/22/23
to golden-cheetah-users
El miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023 a la(s) 12:41:59 UTC-3, marcen escribió:
Here is the German translation of the newly added texts. Thanks for the merging

Merged, thank you!

So we have German and Spanish updated

According to forum activity Italian would be other widely used language we would need to update.

Giuseppe Cifelli

Mar 24, 2023, 4:29:38 AM3/24/23
to golden-cheetah-users
here is the Italian translation (updates for newly added text and some minor typos).
Thanks for the integration.


Ale Martinez

Mar 24, 2023, 9:09:50 AM3/24/23
to golden-cheetah-users
El viernes, 24 de marzo de 2023 a la(s) 05:29:38 UTC-3, Giuseppe Cifelli escribió:
here is the Italian translation (updates for newly added text and some minor typos).
Thanks for the integration.

Thank you very much, Giuseppe!

So we have: German, Spanish and Italian. From the forum activity there seems to be several users of the French version, any volunteer to update the French translation?


Jun 20, 2023, 4:32:55 PM6/20/23
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is a small update from the German translation.
Thanks a lot for merging.

Ale Martinez

Jun 20, 2023, 4:46:47 PM6/20/23
to golden-cheetah-users
Merged, thank you!


Jan 9, 2024, 5:45:42 PMJan 9
to golden-cheetah-users
If it's ok I would post an update for the German translation here from time to time.
Here is a small update for the German translation. From the newly added string and a small fix.
Thanks a lot for merging.

Ale Martinez

Jan 10, 2024, 7:32:21 AMJan 10
to golden-cheetah-users


Mar 27, 2024, 4:57:42 PMMar 27
to golden-cheetah-users

Some new texts have been added, here is an update of the German translation.

Thank you for merging the updated translation.


Ale Martinez

Mar 27, 2024, 6:07:35 PMMar 27
to golden-cheetah-users
El miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024 a la(s) 5:57:42 p.m. UTC-3, marcen escribió:

Some new texts have been added, here is an update of the German translation.

Merged, thank you! 


May 3, 2024, 8:35:35 AMMay 3
to golden-cheetah-users
Hello Ale,

Preliminary disclaimer: I am a very basic user of GoldenCheetah: I use it only to record bike rides and control a home trainer.
I have absolutely no clue about all the performance management features of GC. Only positive point is that I speak french ;-)

I am currently refreshing the french translation for GC but would need some help before I can share the result.
I followed the instructions you provided in this thread (using Qt5 Linguist, testing on GC latest build) and I now have a working translation file.

However there are a few strings that I could not translate because they are rather ambiguous, as they appear (looking into the source files didn't help much).
Is this the place to ask for clarifications?

Thanks in advance

Ale Martinez

May 3, 2024, 2:13:33 PMMay 3
to golden-cheetah-users
El viernes, 3 de mayo de 2024 a la(s) 9:35:35 a.m. UTC-3, Pat escribió:
Hello Ale,

Hi, Welcome
Preliminary disclaimer: I am a very basic user of GoldenCheetah: I use it only to record bike rides and control a home trainer.
I have absolutely no clue about all the performance management features of GC. Only positive point is that I speak french ;-)

I am currently refreshing the french translation for GC but would need some help before I can share the result.
I followed the instructions you provided in this thread (using Qt5 Linguist, testing on GC latest build) and I now have a working translation file.

However there are a few strings that I could not translate because they are rather ambiguous, as they appear (looking into the source files didn't help much).
Is this the place to ask for clarifications?

Yes, je ne parle pas français, but I could help with the context, and may be other French speaking users can help with the translation.

Ale Martinez

May 5, 2024, 10:22:31 AMMay 5
to golden-cheetah-users
BTW, for the more complete and likely most used translations we have frequent contributors for German and Spanish (Thank you Marcen and José Luis), but French and Italian have not received updates in a while, collaborations are welcome. 


May 5, 2024, 11:46:49 AMMay 5
to golden-cheetah-users
Hello Ale,
Thanks for your support.
Here are the questions that I hope you can answer (fields as shown in Linguist)
    Context: EditUserSeriesDialog
    Source: Group
    Question: Name or verb ? (Not sure where to find it in the GUI to understand what it does...)
    Context: EditUserSeriesDialog
    Source: Aggregate
    Question: seems to be related to some statistical data processing but I don't know how to translate, could you explain what it means?
    Context: EditUserMetricDialog
    Source: Aggregate Zero
    Question: currently translated as if it meant "regroup all zeros" is that correct? Or is it more like "set zero value of something (aggregate? that I don't know how to translate)"
    Context: SpecialFields
    Source: Interval Notes , Interval Goal
    Question: Seem to be names of fields where user can enter information like notes on interval and goal of interval training. Is that correct? If not can you clarify?
    Context: SpecialFields
    Source: Spike Time
    Question: Is this "time at which spike happened" or "spike duration" or something else?
    Context: SpecialFields
    Source: Expression
    Question: Don't know what this is about... Mathematical expression? Something else?
    Context: GCColor
    Source: Stress Ramp Rate
    Question: Could not find where and how it is used. Can you explain what this means?

I have a more general question regarding the Alt key shortcuts: Do you think it is good/smart to change existing shortcuts for more "individual" ones ? Let me explain.
The following pictures show the current english
and french Alt accelerator keys in the top and Activity menus.
You will notice the Alt-A (&A) is used twice in the top menu in french, but seems to work only for opening the Help menu (Aide).This could easily be solved by using Alt-i (for example) to open the Help menu.
Similarly the french Activity menu shows 3 uses for Alt-E... Here we can loop through the different lines by hitting the e key several times. Again this could be easily improved using different Alt accelerators. It would also be possible to have a different accelerator for each line in this menu. (see next picture)
The question is: if (for example) we replace Alt-E with Alt-X for the french version of the Export command some people might have their "hand routines" disturbed initially... Is it worth it? Or should we keep the existing, at the cost of accelerators uniqueness?
What about adding some accelerators (like here for combining activities)? The added accelerator do work, even though I am surprised that this seems to be independent of the application code...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on all this.

Ale Martinez

May 5, 2024, 12:31:43 PMMay 5
to golden-cheetah-users
El domingo, 5 de mayo de 2024 a la(s) 12:46:49 p.m. UTC-3, Pat escribió:
Hello Ale,
Thanks for your support.
Here are the questions that I hope you can answer (fields as shown in Linguist)

I will respond in line, mostly with links to the wiki since there is better explained.
    Context: EditUserSeriesDialog
    Source: Group
    Question: Name or verb ? (Not sure where to find it in the GUI to understand what it does...)
    Context: EditUserSeriesDialog
    Source: Aggregate
    Question: seems to be related to some statistical data processing but I don't know how to translate, could you explain what it means?

    Context: EditUserMetricDialog
    Source: Aggregate Zero
    Question: currently translated as if it meant "regroup all zeros" is that correct? Or is it more like "set zero value of something (aggregate? that I don't know how to translate)"

    Context: SpecialFields
    Source: Interval Notes , Interval Goal
    Question: Seem to be names of fields where user can enter information like notes on interval and goal of interval training. Is that correct? If not can you clarify?

This is a new feature, the idea is you can add metadata specific for each interval.
    Context: SpecialFields
    Source: Spike Time
    Question: Is this "time at which spike happened" or "spike duration" or something else?
    Context: SpecialFields
    Source: Expression
    Question: Don't know what this is about... Mathematical expression? Something else?

    Context: GCColor
    Source: Stress Ramp Rate
    Question: Could not find where and how it is used. Can you explain what this means?

I have a more general question regarding the Alt key shortcuts: Do you think it is good/smart to change existing shortcuts for more "individual" ones ? Let me explain.
The following pictures show the current english
and french Alt accelerator keys in the top and Activity menus.
You will notice the Alt-A (&A) is used twice in the top menu in french, but seems to work only for opening the Help menu (Aide).This could easily be solved by using Alt-i (for example) to open the Help menu.
Similarly the french Activity menu shows 3 uses for Alt-E... Here we can loop through the different lines by hitting the e key several times. Again this could be easily improved using different Alt accelerators. It would also be possible to have a different accelerator for each line in this menu. (see next picture)
The question is: if (for example) we replace Alt-E with Alt-X for the french version of the Export command some people might have their "hand routines" disturbed initially... Is it worth it? Or should we keep the existing, at the cost of accelerators uniqueness?

Accelerators should be unique, if they are not in the English version it is a but, if they collide in a translation it is a translation error and it should be fixed. Linguist has a menu option for checking uniqueness, IIRC.
What about adding some accelerators (like here for combining activities)? The added accelerator do work, even though I am surprised that this seems to be independent of the application code...

I *think* this is a no go, you can translate accelerators but adding new ones is not likely to work.


May 5, 2024, 6:15:53 PMMay 5
to golden-cheetah-users
OK, I will check the links you provided. The wiki is pretty large, and without such guidance it's a bit difficult to locate the relevant information.

Regarding adding accelerators, as stated previously " The added accelerator do work" !
I checked this before talking about it: the Alt-C combination does open the "Combine activities" window when I add the "&Combiner les activités..." in the french translation file even though there is no such accelerator defined for "Combine activities..." in english. As I said I was surprised that it works, but it does...

Ale Martinez

May 5, 2024, 7:19:07 PMMay 5
to golden-cheetah-users
El domingo, 5 de mayo de 2024 a la(s) 7:15:53 p.m. UTC-3, Pat escribió:
OK, I will check the links you provided. The wiki is pretty large, and without such guidance it's a bit difficult to locate the relevant information.

Yes, GoldenCheetah is a relatively large program now, for a sensible translation you need you learn how to use it, may suggestion is to take your time and translate when you understand what you are doing and you can check how it looks in the UI, there is no rush and to translate strings you don't understand is a recipe for disaster, in particular don't translate date/time formats or other technical items unless you are absolutely sure about them.
Regarding adding accelerators, as stated previously " The added accelerator do work" !
I checked this before talking about it: the Alt-C combination does open the "Combine activities" window when I add the "&Combiner les activités..." in the french translation file even though there is no such accelerator defined for "Combine activities..." in english. As I said I was surprised that it works, but it does...

You are right, accelerators can be added at translation time, what requires changes in source code is to add shortcuts s.t. Ctrl+S 


May 6, 2024, 7:54:32 PMMay 6
to golden-cheetah-users
Here is an update of the last available texts and the multiple used Alt Key Accelerators changed so that they are only used once.
In the quit dialogue there is a text that is not translated in the v3.7-DEV2404 version . Thank you for merging the updated translation.

Ale Martinez

May 7, 2024, 9:40:06 AMMay 7
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you Marcen, I merged your updated translation, added "Save Changes" to translatable strings and updated all translation files to include the new strings and remove obsolete ones.


May 18, 2024, 2:54:08 AMMay 18
to golden-cheetah-users
Hello Ale,

Please find attached my updated gc_fr.ts file. It is far from perfect and I am sure there is a lot of room for improvements (but not by me at the moment...)

Please note the following points:
  • despite all efforts I have not been able to translate some parts (not so many missing but still...) because either I could not find help in the wiki, I did not understand the help provided there and/or I could not locate the string to be translated in the GUI
  • several translated strings are based on observed behavior in the GUI and may look "far" from the original statement. Just as an example "Hide Out & Back Route Opacity" is translated as something like "Set route opacity to 100%", which is the effect I saw for that checkbox
  • I have included translator comments in around 70 translations to clarify how good/bad I think the translation may be and to provide additional comments. Comments are in english, please have a look.
  • I did not go through 100% of the existing translations, by far. However I fixed some translations (that struck my eyes at some point) that either: had spelling mistakes or were just seriously wrong (word for word type of translation)
  • I tried to use the exact same wording for similar strings (for ex. "XXXX authorization was successful") when there were discrepancies before and to have some consistency in letter casing (in the scopebar labels mainly)
  • I tried to display proper unit names (km/h, t/mn, W, bpm, m) whenever I saw something different like kmh, rpm, etc...
  • most of the time french language takes a lot more space in a window than english ;) For example "Entraînement" (for "Train") does not fully fit in the scopebar width... Could this be increased a bit?
Suggestion from a basic user: it might be worth creating a gc_en.ts file to be able to easily correct typos in some original strings (or to rephrase some others) without having to change the source files (which would impact all translations).

Please let me know what you think about this file and feel free to merge it if it's worth it or discard if not.
I started this task because I saw many "strange" text strings in GC 3.6 (and previous version) GUI and I think I have fixed the ones that struck my eyes (and a few more), but there may be a lot more that I did not "encounter" yet (and never will, given my very limited use of GC).

Hope this helps.

Ale Martinez

May 22, 2024, 8:48:36 AMMay 22
to golden-cheetah-users
Thank you for your contribution, Patrick, we will be reviewing and merging this in the next weeks.
Feel free to ask questions here at te forum if you find the information on the wiki is no enough for understanding GoldenCheetah.
Cheers, Ale.


May 23, 2024, 2:03:43 PMMay 23
to golden-cheetah-users
Hi Ale,

Me again...
Sorry about that but I realized that there were some "leftovers" (typos, etc...) in my previous submission... :(
This should be cleaned in the attached file, including some improvements (I hope): same "python fix" translation in all statements, clarification of some terms in user metric creation window

Sorry again about this blunder. I hope I did not waste too much of your time.

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