Official Bug/Feature List

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Petya Lakatos

Mar 29, 2016, 4:01:00 PM3/29/16
Hello Maru Beta testers!

In this post, I will collect all the problems and bugs you face or find,
as well as the ideas you have through out the Beta. 
I've spoken with Preetam and he said, he will have his eye on
this thread to check, what would we like to have in Maru.

So please, if you find anything interesting, post it under this thread,
I'll read it and add it to the official list!
Also, I would like to kindly ask you, if you make a comment here,
please follow this schema to help my work a bit.

  • If you have a feature you would like to have in Maru, post it like this:
    [Feature] <Title or short summary goes here>:

    Here, below the title, you can write up how you think your idea
    should be done, or simply write down why did you miss this feature.

  • If you have a bug, that you want to report, do it like this:
     <Title or short summary goes here>:

    Here you can describe, what did you found and how can
    we reproduce it. Try to be as precise as you can, because
    we can only fix it, if we could see it in person.

So here it goes:

Known Bugs/Problems:
  • [#1] [SOLVED] Bluetooth headset buttons doesn't work (by Spencer McClendon)
    Release v0.2.3 should fix this issue, try installing that version, If this did not work for you,
    please give some feedback or try it with another bluetooth headset.

  • [#2] Phones audio is going through monitor, when connected (by Bruce Griffis)

  • [#3] Greeter Login does not work properly (by chev droid)
    If you use "xfce4-session-logout" in terminal to logout,
    the login part of the Debian OS does not work properly, or is just buggy.

  • [#4] Big power drain with Desktop usage (by Spencer McClendon)
    Phone discharging on somewhat quick rate, even on charger! Maybe could try out a more
    power efficient Linux distro? If you need help, try asking in this thread:!topic/maru-os/gqml2SH4UJ4

  • [#5] System clock in Debian isn't in sync with clock in Android (by Chris Olson )
    The Desktop seems to show UTC timezone and I found no way to change time or timezone,
    even in terminal with 'rdate' .

  • [#6] "Browse Network" in File Manager showing error on click (by Stefan Kern)
    In Desktop File Manager if you click on "Browse Network", File Manager crashes with error

  • [#7] [SOLVED] No other keyboard layouts than English (US) (by Thilo Noormann)
    You can find a permanent solution to this problem here:!topic/maru-os/kb-M7uTEtbU

Ideas/Feature requests:
  • [#1] Access WiFi, NFC, GPS, Network... in Maru Desktop (by s h)

  • [#2] Maru with MultiROM as main ROM (by Giovanni Sganga)
    Check out the link here for more information:!topic/maru-os/TGCHBXxW45c

  • [#3] Maru Desktop on phone's screen (by Daniel Bălășoiu)

  • [#4] Adding more Desktop users (by Michael Martin)

  • [#5] Controlling Desktop with phone on-screen keyboard/touchpad (by Mattia Dorigatti)

  • [#6] Adding more customization options on the Android side (by Mattia Dorigatti)

  • [#7] Support for other Desktop Environments (e.g. GNOME) (by chev droid)
    Would be cool to have support in changing the Desktop Environent to e.g. GNOME or others.
    I already tested it and it's not possible at the moment and also not offically supported.

  • [#8] Manual overscan adjustment option for TVs (by PHoSawyer)
    Currently, there is no way to adjust overscan problems in the Desktop, so the only fix is 
    configuring the TV itself! Check out this thread, maybe you can find help:!topic/maru-os/VfhNyii678M

  • [#9] KVM support (by bárbaro bárbarin)

  • [#10] Screen On/Off Gestures (by Chris Olson)
    This would really help the power button's lifetime!

  • [#11] Notification mirroring (by Jimmy Aumard)
    Get your phone's notifications in Maru and vice versa.

  • [#12] Answer SMS/MMS from the Destkop or take a call (by Jimmy Aumard)
    It can be nice to have a message app under the desktop that synchronize with android version.

  • [#13] Smart TV, ChromeCast support (by Jimmy Aumard)
    With this option HDMI and SlimPort are not needed anymore.

  • [#14] Don't turn off the linux screen when the phone is locked (by Dan Tirel)

Thanks for your help in advance!

chev droid

Mar 29, 2016, 4:45:34 PM3/29/16
Hi Petya Lakatos 

First of all, good idea, it makes sense to gather all features and bugs in one thread!

A little suggestion, how about to number the feature requests and bugs? e.g. [001 Feature ....] [001 Bug ...] ? Would be a bit more clearly, and to don't get duplicate bugs and feature requests.

Below i have a feature request and a bug, which sticks somehow together.

[Feature] <Support for other Desktop Environments (e.g. GNOME)>:

Would be cool to have support in changing the Desktop Environent to e.g. GNOME or others. I already testet it and it's not possible at the moment and also not offical supported.

[Bug] <Greeter Login does not work properly>:

If U use "xfce4-session-logout" in terminal to logout, the login part of the Debian OS does not work properly, or is just buggy.

And sorry for my mispellings :)

Best Regards


Petya Lakatos

Mar 29, 2016, 4:59:12 PM3/29/16
to Maru
Thanks for the suggestion and reports! I updated the main post. :)


Mar 31, 2016, 5:54:05 PM3/31/16
to Maru
THANK YOU Petya for organizing this thread! This makes it a lot easier for me to keep track of everything. You are awesome! :D

Spencer McClendon

Apr 1, 2016, 7:28:33 PM4/1/16
to Maru
Power Drain should be added to this list of issues that needs to be addressed. I finally got my mouse today and was able to play around with some of the applications on the Linux side. I started with 89% battery and charging. After 20-25 minutes of use my battery was down to 78%. This averages to about 3 hours of usage even though it is charging. Not a horrible number, but the problem lies in the fact the phone would be dead after I'm done with a 3 hour session. Hope this can be addressed. I am really liking Maru.

Petya Lakatos

Apr 1, 2016, 7:56:45 PM4/1/16
to Maru
I'll add that to the list in a moment!
However, I think you should try another charger, maybe the one which came with the phone.
There are differences from charger to another, so you should give it a try.
Also, simple task on Desktop will drive your phone's CPU crazy (i.e.: moving windows),
so when you are using the Desktop, check your CPU usage on your phone and if you
find anything CPU intensive try avoid it, if it's possible, until Preetam find something out.

Spencer McClendon

Apr 3, 2016, 8:06:43 AM4/3/16
to Maru

Chris Olson

Apr 6, 2016, 1:34:51 PM4/6/16
to Maru
[Bug] System clock in Debian is ahead of clock in Android

This is my first time using a Debian distro, so perhaps I'm just not looking the right place to adjust it. I also tried using rdate in terminal, but that was a no go. Any pointers?

Spencer McClendon

Apr 8, 2016, 8:26:16 PM4/8/16
[SOLVED] f.luax for android is the reason I was getting these screens  

Not sure how to describe this problem, so just i'll attach some pics to go with it.

Display does this on both android and Linux side. Can't get a pic of android side. For some reason it doesn't show up on a screenshot.



Apr 11, 2016, 12:25:59 PM4/11/16
to Maru
@Spencer Woah, those are some crazy screens. Can you point me to the Android app that caused this?

Spencer McClendon

Apr 11, 2016, 12:44:32 PM4/11/16
to Maru

Winarto Zhao

Apr 12, 2016, 10:54:05 AM4/12/16
to Maru
First of all, this is great job. I've got my MaruOS like a month ago but just today my cable arrive and first shoot didn't work as expected.
It shows as half top screen on my Nexus 5 while the half bottom is the android. However the full screen touch belongs to Android but it is half covered by the Linux. I couldn't shutdown the Linux and the only way to quit from that situation was long pressing power button and then trying to guess where the power off location as it is covered by Linux.

By evening I tried again, this time works as expected. However a little bugging issue is that when the android screen is off, the Linux screen is also going "off". It doesn't go to shutdown or sleep, but just the screen is off.
Other than that, the rest is great. It works with my Apple mouse too. Tomorrow I'll try with my Logitech keyboard in my office to see how it fully works :)

Great job once again!!!


Apr 14, 2016, 4:59:51 PM4/14/16
to Maru
@Winarto Thanks for the feedback! It looks like there may have been an issue with the HDMI link so the desktop started up on your phone screen--this is a debugging fallback I have which may be confusing. Yes, when the Android screen goes to sleep the Linux display will sleep as well since the device display hardware is going into a suspend state. You can avoid the Android screen sleeping by making sure you connect your SlimPort cable to a USB charger. Keeping the device charged while in use will allow the Android side to enter "daydream" and you will see a clock screensaver on your phone screen while the Linux system remains on.
Message has been deleted

Apr 18, 2016, 5:07:06 AM4/18/16
to Maru
Hi, refused to ship the recommended mouse and keyboard to France, so I bought these items from
Both of them are working fine with Nexus 5.

Thank you so much for all these efforts, the system is great and the installation was easy and direct.

I noticed the following things:
- When I booted the phone with the HDMI cable connected to it, it started both system on the mobile screen, the upper half was for ubuntu, the other half was for android and nothing on tv screen. I rebooted the phone without the cable and everything was fine.
- The system worked just fine till I started using apt-get for making some updates and downloading applications
apt-get update
apt-get install nano terminator  (but actually it is happening with any package ), the TV screen started blinking randomly and sometimes the screen went off completely with each apt-get command. I tested other commands, edited some files, ...etc, but I faced no problem !
- I tried using LXC inside ubuntu, it worked partially but apparently some LXC tools need at least kernel 3.8 (e.g lxc-attach).
- I couldn't create virtual interfaces on the system, I think one of the Android kernel options isn't included (CONFIG_VETH=y)
- Is it possible to compile the kernel with this option  (CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC=y) (it is needed for lxc-checkconfig) ?

I have attached the output of logcat and dmesg commands.

Last thing, is there a group for developers so we can contribute ?

Thanks again


Apr 22, 2016, 3:04:15 PM4/22/16
to Maru OS
@oao198011, thanks for the feedback and the logs!

The case where you see the upper half being Linux is a debugging feature that is being triggered when the HDMI connection is unstable (confusing I know, see this post for some more info). That's interesting that this occurs if you boot the phone with the cable attached. I can boot my phone with the cable attached and the desktop starts up properly on the external monitor. I've noticed that the HDMI link can be pretty finicky depending on the cable and display so it really depends on your setup.

The screen issues on apt-get update has been reported by two other people so far (something similar here), but I can't seem to reproduce this on my end. I'll follow up with you over email to see if we can troubleshoot this...

And great, thanks for testing out LXC on Maru! The Nexus 5 runs a 3.4 kernel so some LXC commands are not available. And yes, you are right--CONFIG_VETH and CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC are not set right now. I'll go ahead and add those for the next kernel release.

I'll also create a developer group for Maru once the open source project is up, and am looking forward to any of your contributions!


Apr 26, 2016, 8:00:29 PM4/26/16
to Maru OS

Just letting you know that you can change the system timezone from UTC to your local area in Debian with the following:

  $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Then use the terminal GUI to navigate to your timezone and select it. Reboot your desktop and you should have the system clock in your local time zone.


May 1, 2016, 9:34:18 AM5/1/16
to Maru OS
Just would like report. Maru doesn't support f2fs. I tried multirom+ f2fs(cache, data) and we have bootloop.
BTW kernel with f2fs support could be good idea. Since with Debian we will have more r/w operations at nand memory.
Best regards,


May 2, 2016, 1:27:16 PM5/2/16
to Maru OS
Hi qu, thanks for your feedback and for testing Maru out! I did a quick search on f2fs and it looks like it's only available from mainline kernel 3.8+. The Nexus 5 runs an older 3.4 kernel that does not include f2fs unfortunately. I am willing to enable support if it is offered in AOSP kernel mainline for a device. This should be possible on newer devices when Maru supports them. If you have any further feedback or questions on f2fs, please start a new topic to discuss further.

Chris Olson

May 3, 2016, 12:44:03 AM5/3/16
to Maru OS
Thanks, Preetam!

Chris Olson

May 3, 2016, 12:49:50 AM5/3/16
to Maru OS
[Feature] Screen On/Off Gestures

Would it be possible to add these? Given that we all now have a great deal of new life in old hardware, I figured that limiting the amount of contact we come into with the power button could extend the life of the device.

Thilo Noormann

May 9, 2016, 4:29:40 AM5/9/16
to Maru OS

I just wanted to report that there are no other keyboard layout options than English (US).

Yes, of course I did try commands like sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup , locales etc. and so on, but none did help so far, to change the keyboard layout to my language.




May 12, 2016, 10:13:47 PM5/12/16
to Maru OS
Just a heads-up to everyone that there is a solution for permanently changing your keyboard layout here:!topic/maru-os/kb-M7uTEtbU


May 13, 2016, 6:58:26 PM5/13/16
to Maru OS
Yes, solved.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that myself!

Kind regards


Jimmy Aumard

May 14, 2016, 4:29:51 AM5/14/16
to Maru OS
[Feature] Chromium browser, (can't apt-get install it... no installation candidate)

[Feature] Notification mirroring

[Feature] Answer sms/mms from the Destkop or take a call
Don't know if desktop and android can speak to each other but it can be nice to have a message app under the desktop that synchronize with android version.

[Feature] Share folder/files
don't know if it's available yet but I download some files and can't retrieve them under the phone, also photos/videos/musics are not on the desktop

I'm also developer (Android, no much linux ^^) but if I can help let me know !  

Petya Lakatos

May 14, 2016, 4:45:33 AM5/14/16
to Maru OS
I think Preetam can't do much for Chromium, if the developers did not release it for ARM architecture. Please correct me, if I'm wrong.

For the SMS/MMS answering, there is no native way yet to do it, but you can have that feature with an app i.e. Pushbullet.

Also you can access the phone's directories from the Desktop. There is a folder called Phone, you can see it right when you boot up.
You can find your photos, downloads, movies and music folders in it.

Thanks for the feedback I'll add your suggestions to the list. :)

Jimmy Aumard

May 14, 2016, 5:13:02 AM5/14/16
to Maru OS
Thanks for your quick response :) 

For chromium they have an ARM version, maybe I have to modify the repositories in order to successfully install it... I will more look at this.

For the SMS/MMS : does the desktop and android run on the same linux instance ? I think it should be possible to create an API that allow desktop to interact directly with the phone to retrieve informations. Pushbullet and co are "fine" if you are not on same device but they use mobile data to do it. The power of Maru (in my opinion) is also to interact directly with the phone. 
If it's not possible maybe it can easy to create an Android application called "Maru" who embedded a local web server and with an API and a "Maru desktop message app" can call this API to retrieve and response to messages, it's like "Pushbullet" but doesn't use data because request are made locally only.   

Ho I miss the "sdcard" folder on "Desktop" you are right ! Thanks !

Jimmy Aumard

May 14, 2016, 10:38:54 AM5/14/16
to Maru OS
[Feature] Smart TV, ChromeCast support
With this option HDMI and SlimPort are not needed anymore ^^ 

Dan Tirel

May 25, 2016, 5:28:48 PM5/25/16
Fisrt of all good work.
I still have an Idea.
[Feature] : Don't turn off the linux screen when the phone is locked.
Sorry if it has already been proposed but i haven't seen it.
Sorry for my bad english google translate is my friend.


Jun 10, 2016, 12:10:14 PM6/10/16
to Maru OS
Just letting everyone know that v0.2.3 should fix Bug #1: Headset buttons doesn't work. I've tested this with my Bluetooth headphones and can confirm that the pause and skip forward/prev buttons don't work on v0.2.2 but do work on v0.2.3.

If you were having this issue before, please give it a try!

Samuli Kapanen

Jun 14, 2016, 6:10:17 AM6/14/16

I clean flashed v0.2.3 and I tried to connect my Microsoft Wedge bluetooth keyboard to Nexus 5. Bluetooth pairing went well but after that I cannot do anything with keyboard. On CM13 Wedge works OK with Nexus 5 and on my OnePlus One. I also tried with the another bluetooth keyboard without success. This troubleshoot lets me think if Maru OS lacks some bluetooth drivers or there is some bug on it. 

Details: no root, no gapps installed, clean flash, multirom, bluetooth keyboards does not work.


Jun 14, 2016, 8:58:02 PM6/14/16
to Maru OS

Thanks for the bug report! If I understand this correctly, the Android side of Maru OS doesn't react to the key events right? Your keyboard should still work on the desktop side though! This was a quick workaround I used to prevent duplicate key events in both Android and Linux--bluetooth keyboards and mice are completely dropped from Android even though you can pair them up.

I agree that this is definitely unintuitive and needs to be fixed so that when you are not using the desktop, your key events still register in Android. I've filed a separate GitHub issue on this here:

Samuli Kapanen

Jun 15, 2016, 2:58:15 PM6/15/16
to Maru OS
Thank you for your answer! That`s right, keyboard does not work on Android side. I have not yet tested my keyboards on desktop since I have no slimport cable.


Jun 22, 2016, 4:06:36 AM6/22/16
About [#5] System clock in Debian isn't in sync with clock in Android (by Chris Olson )

Time synchronization configuration and CentOS / Debian -

- Install tzdata
- Configure with tzselect
- Copy o create ln -s to /etc/localtime (to change UTC to CEST)

Good Luck

Daniel Tripp

Jun 25, 2016, 1:29:46 PM6/25/16
to Maru OS
NFS doesn't work with the stock kernel - nfs-common installs fine - no errors - but mount nfs results in "mount.nfs: No such device", there's no "nfs" in /proc/filesystems and modprobe and lsmod return nothing.

On Wednesday, 30 March 2016 04:01:00 UTC+8, Petya Lakatos wrote:
Hello Maru Beta testers!

In this post, I will collect all the problems and bugs you face or find,
as well as the ideas you have through out the Beta. 
I've spoken with Preetam and he said, he will have his eye on
this thread to check, what would we like to have in Maru.

So please, if you find anything interesting, post it under this thread,
I'll read it and add it to the official list!
Also, I would like to kindly ask you, if you make a comment here,
please follow this schema to help my work a bit.

  • If you have a feature you would like to have in Maru, post it like this:
    [Feature] <Title or short summary goes here>:

    Here, below the title, you can write up how you think your idea
    should be done, or simply write down why did you miss this feature.

  • If you have a bug, that you want to report, do it like this:
     <Title or short summary goes here>:

    Here you can describe, what did you found and how can
    we reproduce it. Try to be as precise as you can, because
    we can only fix it, if we could see it in person.

So here it goes:

Known Bugs/Problems:
  • [#1] [SOLVED] Bluetooth headset buttons doesn't work (by Spencer McClendon)
    Release v0.2.3 should fix this issue, try installing that version, If this did not work for you,
    please give some feedback or try it with another bluetooth headset.

  • [#2] Phones audio is going through monitor, when connected (by Bruce Griffis)

  • [#3] Greeter Login does not work properly (by chev droid)
    If you use "xfce4-session-logout" in terminal to logout,
    the login part of the Debian OS does not work properly, or is just buggy.

  • [#4] Big power drain with Desktop usage (by Spencer McClendon)
    Phone discharging on somewhat quick rate, even on charger! Maybe could try out a more
    power efficient Linux distro? If you need help, try asking in this thread:!topic/maru-os/gqml2SH4UJ4

  • [#5] System clock in Debian isn't in sync with clock in Android (by Chris Olson 
  • )
    The Desktop seems to show UTC timezone and I found no way to change time or timezone,
    even in terminal with 'rdate' .

  • [#6] "Browse Network" in File Manager showing error on click (by Stefan Kern)
    In Desktop File Manager if you click on "Browse Network", File Manager crashes with error

  • [#7] [SOLVED] No other keyboard layouts than English (US) (by Thilo Noormann)
    You can find a permanent solution to this problem here:!topic/maru-os/kb-M7uTEtbU

Ideas/Feature requests:
  • [#1] Access WiFi, NFC, GPS, Network... in Maru Desktop (by s h)

  • [#2] Maru with MultiROM as main ROM (by Giovanni Sganga)
    Check out the link here for more information:!topic/maru-os/TGCHBXxW45c

  • [#3] Maru Desktop on phone's screen (by Daniel Bălășoiu)

  • [#4] Adding more Desktop users (by Michael Martin)

  • [#5] Controlling Desktop with phone on-screen keyboard/touchpad (by Mattia Dorigatti)

  • [#6] Adding more customization options on the Android side (by Mattia Dorigatti)

  • [#7] Support for other Desktop Environments (e.g. GNOME) (by chev droid)
    Would be cool to have support in changing the Desktop Environent to e.g. GNOME or others.
    I already tested it and it's not possible at the moment and also not offically supported.

  • [#8] Manual overscan adjustment option for TVs (by PHoSawyer)
    Currently, there is no way to adjust overscan problems in the Desktop, so the only fix is 
    configuring the TV itself! Check out this thread, maybe you can find help:!topic/maru-os/VfhNyii678M

  • [#9] KVM support (by bárbaro bárbarin)

  • [#10] Screen On/Off Gestures (by Chris Olson)
    This would really help the power button's lifetime!

  • [#11] Notification mirroring (by Jimmy Aumard)
    Get your phone's notifications in Maru and vice versa.

  • [#12] Answer SMS/MMS from the Destkop or take a call (by Jimmy Aumard)
    It can be nice to have a message app under the desktop that synchronize with android version.

  • [#13] Smart TV, ChromeCast support (by Jimmy Aumard)
    With this option HDMI and SlimPort are not needed anymore.

  • [#14] Don't turn off the linux screen when the phone is locked (by Dan Tirel)

Thanks for your help in advance!

Blauer Hunger

Jun 28, 2016, 4:35:02 AM6/28/16
to Maru OS
[FEATURE] Maru as patch for rooted Android

As I don't have any experience with android I don't know weather the needed effort is worth it, but I'd be glad if I could modify an existing Android system (or CyanogenMod) to have the desktop functionality of Maru OS.
As a Linux (mostly Debian) power user, I know that this is possible, but as I don't work with Android currently, I have no idea how much effort is needed on Android.


Jun 28, 2016, 5:29:01 AM6/28/16
to Maru OS
To root Maru OS (Android) only have to install the UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.65.

Upload the UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.65 to /sdcard and later you have to boot terminal in Recovery Mode, Go to TWRP Install menu and select the file

Once install the UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.65 you must reboot device

Note: To start Recovery Mode you have press Power Button + Volume down keys and select Recovery Mode. If you dont have TWRP installed you can load again using command fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.0.x.x-xxx.img  from Maru OS Install folder


Blauer Hunger

Jun 28, 2016, 5:34:09 AM6/28/16
to Maru OS
Sorry for the unclear post. My idea was to add the possibility to install Maru as a patch into an existing Android system (without flashing).

Daniel Tripp

Jul 1, 2016, 12:11:02 AM7/1/16
Sorry - this doesn't answer your question Blauer - however - if following the guide for getting OpenGAPPS and TWRP on your Nexus 5 after Maru OS - TWRP gives you the option to root your android - which I did...

The answer to your question Blauer - is no - not currently possible....  I can't see that feature ever being possible...

What I am hoping - is the next build of MaruOS will allow patching existing MaruOS, and not complete flashing operation.

Henry Wilhelm

Jul 10, 2016, 12:04:21 PM7/10/16
to Maru OS
[Bug] <copy file from remote server to home-dir via thunar with error>:
The destination folder is read-only
, can't copy files from remote server to home-dir
Any ideas or solutions?

[Bug] <remote file editing with geany, or any else gui editor does not work>:
Files could not be opened.
Any ideas or solutions?

[Bug] <vpn established with android does not work under linux>:
Any ideas or solutions?

Maru OS is a great work, but using vpn-connection or remote editing is essential for me. Thanks for any hints!


Jul 14, 2016, 9:57:19 PM7/14/16
to Maru OS
Hi Henry!

On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 12:04:21 PM UTC-4, Henry Wilhelm wrote:
[Bug] <copy file from remote server to home-dir via thunar with error>:
The destination folder is read-only
, can't copy files from remote server to home-dir
Any ideas or solutions?

Yup, I can vouch that this happens to me too. This is for drag and drop from Thunar, correct? Can you try to cp these over to your home dir from a terminal? It looks like this could potentially be a bug in Thunar.

Here's the issue with more details:

[Bug] <remote file editing with geany, or any else gui editor does not work>:
Files could not be opened.
Any ideas or solutions?

I haven't tried remote file editing. How are you mounting your remote fs? I guess a workaround for now would be to copy these over locally (via cp and terminal) and make the edits?
[Bug] <vpn established with android does not work under linux>:
Any ideas or solutions?

Haven't tried VPN with Maru either so very possible I missed something that breaks this. Have you tried looking at this thread
Maru OS is a great work, but using vpn-connection or remote editing is essential for me. Thanks for any hints!

Thank you for taking the time to give Maru OS a try and for reporting these issues with remote servers and VPN. It's on the official issue list so I think we'll get this stuff fixed. Also a heads-up that dev is at a halt for a bit while I'm organizing the open source project--thanks again for your patience.


Jul 24, 2016, 4:16:07 PM7/24/16
to Maru OS
Hello. Please add Support for Phoneencrypten. When i use Phoneencrypten i cant use the Desktop. Thanks


Jul 28, 2016, 10:20:55 PM7/28/16
to Maru OS
Hi KonradZue100,

Thank you for bringing this up. Yes, you are right, this is a known issue with Maru right now. Please disable encryption if you would like to use the desktop until this is fixed.

You can track this issue here:


Henry Wilhelm

Aug 3, 2016, 9:51:35 AM8/3/16
to Maru OS
Hi, Preetam,

thank you for your answers and sorry for my late response!

Am Freitag, 15. Juli 2016 03:57:19 UTC+2 schrieb Preetam:
Hi Henry!

On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 12:04:21 PM UTC-4, Henry Wilhelm wrote:
[Bug] <copy file from remote server to home-dir via thunar with error>:
The destination folder is read-only
, can't copy files from remote server to home-dir
Any ideas or solutions?

Yup, I can vouch that this happens to me too. This is for drag and drop from Thunar, correct? Can you try to cp these over to your home dir from a terminal? It looks like this could potentially be a bug in Thunar.

Here's the issue with more details:

I don't think, it's only a bug in Thunar. Drag and Drop with Thunar from one remote server to another remote server works well! And I also tried pcman with the same error while dragging from remote to local (maru)


[Bug] <remote file editing with geany, or any else gui editor does not work>:
Files could not be opened.
Any ideas or solutions?

I haven't tried remote file editing. How are you mounting your remote fs? I guess a workaround for now would be to copy these over locally (via cp and terminal) and make the edits?

copy to local, editing locally and finaly copying back from local to remote is hard going, in my case
[Bug] <vpn established with android does not work under linux>:
Any ideas or solutions?

Haven't tried VPN with Maru either so very possible I missed something that breaks this. Have you tried looking at this thread

Yes, I've read this thread before, but the suggested workaround does not work.


Aug 27, 2016, 6:04:44 PM8/27/16
to Maru OS
[FEATURE] Port of Maru OS to Android-x86

Android-x86 is a fully featured desktop port of Android that can run on most PC hardware.  If we were able to install a combined Linux/Android operating system, with a shared filesystem it would be great.

Reinhart Previano

Aug 29, 2016, 9:25:14 AM8/29/16
to Maru OS
[Feature] Standardizing the User Interface and Apps:

Hello Petya and all Maru OS forum members,
I would like to suggest a specific User Interface that will be used by default by either Debian and Android in Maru OS.
Here are some problems:
  • The mobile version runs stock Android Lollipop ROM
  • The desktop version runs Debian + XFCE Desktop Environment
  • Mobile (Android) apps cannot run in desktop version
  • Desktop (Debian) programs cannot run in mobile version
  • UI Inconsistency (Desktop version uses default XFCE theme, while mobile version uses Material Design)
  • Mobile phone cannot control desktop, such as on-screen keyboard and mouse
To be honest, running XFCE is rather a good idea, since it is less power hungry than GNOME, Unity or others. But, mixing Android and Debian may need more memory, and no Android-Debian app integration. But, there are 2 ways to run Android and Debian altogether (on all mobile and desktop). Considering Cub Linux, which runs Ubuntu and Chromium (open-sourced version of Google Chrome) apps altogether, plus with the user interface which looks like Chrome OS. But, for Maru OS, it can take much effort to run Android apps on Debian and vice versa, without any emulators.

One of the ways is by using Debian as the "source" OS (The main OS that Maru OS focus from), with some modified Linux kernel to run on 32-bit, 64-bit and ARM processors. ARM processors are used in most Android devices. Then, add some software that runs Android apps, (including apps such as Google Play) as well as converting Android API to XFCE APIs, such as notifications and calendar. Since this takes long process, Maru OS release date could be long (such as 6 months for Ubuntu, excluding security updates).

Other ways to improve this is by using Android (or Android x86) as the "source" OS, then add some more system apps to Android, which will run Debian apps alongside (such as Libreoffice!). Then, no need for a desktop environment (for Android Nougat) since they have ways to enable multitasking, from dual window to freeform mode. But, some Terminal commands such as apt must also work in Android. This could be the hard work for Android programmers, since there are some differences in Android and Debian file systems.

If all of my suggestion above is not accepted, then Maru OS can be improved from the User Interface (UI) side of the Desktop. Some Material Design themes (such as Paper and Adapta) are great, but we still need to add our own, so system apps will always be the same. Therefore, Maru OS users can still access the desktop programs the same way as the mobile apps.


Sep 1, 2016, 10:44:01 PM9/1/16
to Maru OS
@Ravi Thank you for the suggestion! I don't think this will happen in short term but I've filed an issue for it on GitHub, so if a dev is interested, they can help.

@Reinhart Wow, thank you very much for the detailed feedback! Agree very much that a consistent experience across modes is essential, and that Maru can improve tremendously in this area. I don't think dramatically changing the architecture would be feasible (using Debian as "source OS" for example), but I'll take a look at what can be done to try to unite the systems better. I'm not sure if you are a dev or not (you sounds like you are well experienced with this!), but if you'd like to help in this area, please feel free to send a pull request to polish up some of these rough spots, maybe just starting with using Material Design themes for the desktop.

Also a heads up to everyone that you can file a bug report or feature request directly on the main GitHub repository here if you have a GitHub account: If you don't have an account, no problem, just drop it off here and I or someone else from the community will add it.
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Ben S

Oct 6, 2016, 10:39:56 AM10/6/16
[Bug] funky behaviour connecting the phone to a BenQ 1080p monitor.

I connected both the power supply and the phone to the slimport cable and than inserted it into the monitor HDMI port. This resulted in the monitor looping between getting and not getting a signal. When it gets a signal the screen is still just black (as black as the screen can make it without turning off).

What does work for me is to first insert the cable in the monitor, than connect the phone, wait untill Debian is shown on the display and than connect the power supply.

So even though I did get it to work, it is a bug and I can imagin people giving up when not able to get Debian to display on the monitor.

The monitor: BenQ XL2420T
The monitor is 1080p, but is also a 120 Hz monitor, could this be hindering the connection?


Oct 6, 2016, 2:00:10 PM10/6/16
to Maru OS
@BenS Added and tracking here: I haven't come across this and can't repro without the monitor but let's see if anyone else is experiencing similar issues and can shed more light. Thanks for including a workaround too.

Daniel Tripp

Nov 27, 2016, 9:18:15 PM11/27/16
to Maru OS
Still missing : NFS kernel support (was missing in previous version too) - NFS is a must have on NIX O/S for me...  can never understand it's omission, NIX and NFS go hand in hand!

Feature request : avahi-daemon support - can install but it won't run...  It's the only device on my network (amongst about 40, various Pi's, ARM SBCs running Linux, x86 BSD NAS and Linux hosts, Windows 7, 8, OS X that all run zeroconf/avahi/bonjour)...


Nov 28, 2016, 9:44:25 PM11/28/16
to Maru OS
@Daniel: I took a look at adding NFS but I ran into an issue installing nfs-common. Were you able to get it installed fine? See my post here for more details: I have a development kernel with NFS support, but I wasn't able to test it out without nfs-common.

Daniel Tripp

Dec 12, 2016, 11:11:10 PM12/12/16
to Maru OS
I can install nfs-common successfully - but cannot do any NFS stuff (i.e. mount an NFS share)...  I don't plan on serving files over NFS from Maru - but would really like to have NFS access to my NAS (FreeNAS)...

I can't test it right now as I'm at work - but I'll report back what happens when I try it at home, this evening...

Cheers for responding @Preetam

Fox Mulder

Jan 6, 2017, 4:09:04 AM1/6/17
to Maru OS

do you include in maruOS the latest bug fixes like these stagefright fixes released few days ago?

These are rated as very serious.

Dionis L

Jan 8, 2017, 2:39:27 PM1/8/17
to Maru OS
The best to avoid this issues is to dnt visit porn sites :)


Jan 19, 2017, 1:04:25 PM1/19/17
to Maru OS
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you Fox.

v0.3 includes all patches up to March 2016. You can check this in Settings > About phone > Android security patch level.

So far, we have merged all the patches included up to the December 2016 security bulletin to master: These will be available in the next release. I want to do a better job of getting these patches out to users faster.

Regarding the latest 2017 security patches--it looks like Google isn't releasing security patches for Marshmallow anymore. There are no updated factory images for hammerhead past Dec 2016, and no updated marshmallow branches. This is likely due to the fact that all of the older Nexus devices that weren't upgraded to Nougat, have now had their security patch support periods expire. For example, N5's support period ended October 2016 and it will not officially be getting Android N due to some graphics driver issues.

The bulletin is confusing because it says AOSP version 6.0.1 has been updated but I am not seeing anything on the AOSP repos. I am trying to reach out to the AOSP team on their Google Group to get some more info on this.

Looking forward, Maru OS will be moving to Android N before long to ensure we can pick up on all the latest patches. There IS a way forward for the N5 though. I would like to port the N5 to Nougat and support it unofficially on Maru OS. This will let us still merge the latest security patches for the N5 (excluding binary drivers, which must be updated via Google and the hardware vendors of course).


Jan 19, 2017, 4:21:20 PM1/19/17
to Maru OS
Great to hear that the N5 road does not end here and that it will (hopefully) be dragged along to Maru OS-Nougat.

Am Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017 19:04:25 UTC+1 schrieb Preetam:
Message has been deleted

Fox Mulder

Apr 24, 2017, 9:17:47 AM4/24/17

so my N5 is up and running and I switched from my old nexus to maru OS.
I have one question: I tried several headphones and it seems that the N5 does not detect my headphone. On my Galaxy Nexus from the moment I connect my headphone all sounds (music, notifications, ringtones) will be played via my headphone only. Is that normal for android 6 or is that a bug of maru? Can I somehow fix that?


Edit: The swipe input for the ASOP keyboard is active but not working. Do I have to fix that manually like with CM 12?

Ian Kelling

Apr 24, 2017, 8:21:08 PM4/24/17
to Fox Mulder, Maru OS

Fox Mulder <> writes:

> Hi,
> so my N5 is up and running and I switched from my old nexus to maru OS.
> I have one question: I tried several headphones and it seems that the N5
> does not detect my headphone. On my Galaxy Nexus from the moment I connect
> my headphone all sounds (music, notifications, ringtones) will be played
> via my headphone only. Is that normal for android 6 or is that a bug of
> maru? Can I somehow fix that?

All sound goes through headphones when they are plugged in his how it
works for me on maru os on my nexus 5. Does any sound work through your
headphones? My first thought is that this may be a mechanical problem.

Fox Mulder

Apr 25, 2017, 4:49:05 AM4/25/17
to Maru OS,,

it seems to be a software/configuration issue. I got notification sounds (like incoming email in K9 mail) on both speakers (headphone and phone speaker) if no music is played simultaneously. Music is only on my headphone but while music is played notification sounds are also only on my headphone. So I think this works as designed or there is a software/configuration issue.
I am new to android 6.x so I can't tell if that is normal.

Best regards

Los Angeles

Nov 1, 2017, 6:48:19 PM11/1/17
to Maru OS
Hi Preetam! Really love the direction this project is taking. I'm currently using Georgian's HTC 10 build with the Microsoft HD500 dock and the HP Elite X3 lap dock.

One glitch I noticed with the lap dock: the pointer doesn't turn off in Android. Any idea why that's happening?


Nov 3, 2017, 10:54:29 AM11/3/17
to Maru OS
It's very possible the lap dock's pointer is slipping past Maru's filter as described in this issue:!topic/maru-os/TTlSEPnd1Bk. Unfortunately these issues are hard to test unless a dev has the same hardware you have.

A good workaround for now is to add the pointer device's exact name to an explicit exclude file system/etc/excluded-input-devices.xml as mentioned in the related post. You can take a bug report right after pairing up your pointer device for the first time and email yourself the log file and search for "Device added" to find the exact name of the device, see

Of course, if you already have set up adb access you can just use adb logcat from your PC or even from within Maru Desktop itself as described here to find the device name:

Hope this helps!

Chituc Georgian

Nov 3, 2017, 6:11:09 PM11/3/17
to Maru OS
so you made lap dock to make clicks?

Los Angeles

Nov 3, 2017, 6:28:57 PM11/3/17
to Maru OS
No luck on the hardware buttons yet, Georgian. Still working on getting Android to ignore the touchpad.

The taps are working so far though.

Chituc Georgian

Nov 3, 2017, 9:52:23 PM11/3/17
to Maru OS
I need a logcat and dmesg from your phone when you attach the cable , I do not know what type of hardware is that touchpad .

Also , if you attach a usb or bluetooth mouse  after Debian is started , the mouse must not be visible inside Android .

But you said for you mouse is visible in android . SO I do not know how it is detected , if it is not usb and is not bluetooth what it can be ?

Los Angeles

Nov 3, 2017, 11:24:58 PM11/3/17
to Maru OS
The lap dock I'm using is the HP Elite X3. The touchpad is,as Preetam found, named ITE Tech. Inc. ITE Device(8595), or synaptics rmi4.

Chituc Georgian

Nov 4, 2017, 11:19:49 PM11/4/17
to Maru OS
$ xev | grep -i button 

do you see smth when you push mouse hardware buttons?

Los Angeles

Nov 4, 2017, 11:29:18 PM11/4/17
to Maru OS
Not seeing anything in the event touch window that comes up, no.

Ahmad Fadhli

Apr 4, 2018, 2:40:49 AM4/4/18
to Maru OS
[Feature] <Ubuntu Snaps Support>

hi Petya Lakatos

i love maru os..thanks for the job
to the point..
IMHO it is better using snap than apt to install apps

Apr 27, 2019, 7:52:15 AM4/27/19
to Maru OS
[FEATURE] Integrate Lineage OS Updater into maruOs, so that the android kernel stays up to date and security patched.

This would be useful for all mauOs developers as they can concentrate on the unique feature of maruOs: the integrated linux kernel.
This would be useful for all "normal" users as bugs and security fixes are updated in between the big releases.

All will profit from the lineage-Os community and their continuous improvements.

May 1, 2019, 7:47:58 PM5/1/19
to, Maru OS
Let's begin the discussion on what would be necessary for this to work. I am currently running lineage os 15.1 on my samsung galaxy s9+ and I applied my first lineage os update today. From my readings they have nightly builds and looking at the ui on my phone I was prompted to upgrade once for the build on the 17th and again on the build for the 26th. When I applied the update it booted into twrp; applied the update; and rebooted. It is my understanding that the way that maru os works is that they take the lineage os build, modify the kernel to support lxc containers; and run the desktop in that container. We would need to basically match that patching at the cadence of their nightly builds which would mean the build process would all need to be automated and maintained. Nothing is impossible but it does seem like a bit of work for each port. Does anyone else have any thoughts? 

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Levi Shafter

Jul 12, 2020, 8:14:48 PM7/12/20
[Bug] Gray screen appears with cursor when connecting Samsung Galaxy S9+ to monitor.

Hello all. I am dying to get Maru OS to work on my S9+, but I am having issues getting it to work. Tested on a near-mint condition phone with no modifications besides what was detailed under the install guide on the website for this device. Model: SM-G965F. No errors during the install, was careful to check MD5 checksums, etc. Once I try to connect it to a monitor, it seems to trigger desktop mode just fine but what appears on the screen is a gray screen with a white corner and a mouse cursor. Sometimes I can get the word "Applications" to appear, other times I get a blank bar at the bottom which upon clicking on it the cursor changes to the animated loading sign indefinitely. If I disconnect, I lose touch screen capabilities on my phone but everything else seems functional. I have tried it with 2 different monitors, a tv, and a USB C cable as well as with the official DeX desktop accessory suggested on the website but to no avail. Any ideas?
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