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Koos Nolst Trenite - 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' V2.1.txt - {HRI 20021018-V2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 12, 2007, 4:07:55 AM8/12/07
The Mafia Code Against Mankind

18 October 2002
{HRI 20021018-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
of 12 Aug 2007)

(layout for
typewriter font)

(suitable for foreign
language students)


The Mafia Code against Mankind

- as you may know already - is very strictly enforced by
certain individuals (you can find them in any position,
in any group, in any race, with any belief or religion,
in any profession, with any political ideas, and of any
nationality), and their Mafia Code against Mankind -

reads as follows:

1. "Do NOT investigate the nature and use of Life Energy -
do not STUDY Fine Particle Physics."

1.a "Deny the existence of Life Energy."

Life Energy Particles are those Life Energies that one
uses to feel, to sense, to perceive, to memorize, to sing,
to whistle or play the violin, to express one's love and
emotions, to recognize people, and to be curious and
happy about being alive, etc. etc..

These Energies are felt or sensed and used not only by
yourself, by your soul, but also by your body, as anyone
knows and as you can feel every day.

And these Life Energy Particles are felt, sensed and used
in the interaction between you (your soul) and your body,
while your body is alive.

You use Life Energy to connect your awareness for
instance to the sense organs of your body.
So they make your use of the body's senses (eyes,
ears, etc.) possible. *(1)


And one can also feel, of course, one experiences it,
when there is a loss of Life Energy Particles, and one
experiences or feels a loss of Life Energy Particles from
one's body when or after a Criminal Mind has pulled away
or has smashed some Energy from one's body,

resulting for instance in tiredness, or in loss of
abilities, or loss of memory, or loss of emotion,

loss of love and connection to people, or

loss of connection to the body or to parts of the
body, so that you can not keep it healthy, or so
that parts of it can not be kept healthy by you

And one can feel, of course - both on one's body and in
one's soul - the use and projection, by Criminal Minds,
of poisoning and poisoned (Altered) Life Energy Particles.
*(2) (See also point 1.c on that, further below.)


1.b "If denial of the existence of Life Energy fails, then do
obscure or falsely describe or get others to falsely
or incompletely describe the nature, use and function of
Life Energy." *(1)(3)

1.c "If that fails, then deny that Criminal Minds are poisoning
and are using Altered (poisoned) Life Energy to destroy or
to manipulate others and to bring about unawareness, and to
get untruth not felt or recognized." *(2)

With poisoned or Altered Life Energy, they
manipulate the soul of others, and the feelings one
gets from the body.

They dominate others, they delude others,
they use Life Energy to enforce emotions and
ideas on others, as if these are the
recipient's "own" emotions and "own" ideas.

They also project poisoned Life Energy onto
the body of people, in order to bring about
immune deficiencies, and to inflict sickness
upon others.

They use it to distract or diminish people's
attention or awareness, so that these have
accidents. Or they cause someone's body to
have a heart attack or a stroke, by the
infliction of intense, harmful, poisoned Life
Energies onto those spots of your body.

They use it to destroy the awareness, the
perceptions, the memories and the abilities
of people, and instead to cause euphoria and
selective 'blindness' (unawareness of certain


1.d "If denying the evil use of Life Energy fails, and also
generally, just draw no attention to the use of Life Energy
that is poisoned and with which Criminal Minds dominate and
manipulate people and incapacitate them or make people sick:


"Direct people's attention and their care and curiosity
away from detecting and stopping those individuals who
destroy life. Divert it, away from looking at and
investigating and understanding those who create or use
poisoned Life Energy to destroy or hinder life."

"Let people only perceive and feel their care for animals,
for plants or for 'the Earth', but not their care for
"Make them fully convinced, that 'they can not remedy the
suffering of people.' So their attention can be more
easily diverted to caring for nature only."


1.e "Allow people to perceive and to investigate and to study
only the interaction between objects - and make them do
that exclusively with photons or electrons."

"Demand that people regard, and also treat, the living
body as a physical object."

The body as "an object:" WITHOUT its Field of Life
Energy Particles - WITHOUT its Life Energy
Particle structures, that make it grow in the first
place and that keep it alive and repaired, and
without which the body would not be alive for one



2. "Do NOT investigate, openly and correctly, your own or others'
past lives."

Past lives are the actual, own and true history of people, and
therewith, the true history of Mankind.

Criminal Minds intend to reverse all truth, and they then
like to say

about people who know some of their past lives,

that 'those people THINK they have had real and actual
previous lives with real names and true locations and
real history-book history.'


But whether people, you or I, THINK or not think so, is
entirely besides the point:

Whether we know or guess or affirm or deny that
we have been called Jones or Schmid or LeBrun or
Chang or Ilja or Pedro or Jesus or Indira, in our
preceding life,

we, and they, HAVE had a very precise and very particular
and very unique life, before our present one, (and before
that previous one too). And

ALSO when we, or they, have not the faintest idea
about past lives, and also when we have 'never
heard of previous lives,'

we HAVE been who we have been, and we have done what we
have done and experienced, in our past lives, in our
previous lives. And so have others - the same applies to
others -

REGARDLESS of whether we, or they, know, or
remember, or do not know, or do not remember

who we or they have been and what we or they
have done in earlier lives, and

REGARDLESS of whether we, or they, are still now
acting upon, or also now can or do sense or feel
or know and remember

such past activities, past achievements and
past failures, feelings and thoughts, likes
and dislikes, and pains and sorrows, of our
previous lives.


REGARDLESS of whether we, or they, know, sense or
feel things from previous lives falsely, or whether
we feel it correctly,

we, and they, still have done and still have
experienced what we did, or the consequences
of what we failed to do.

Whether people see or know or not, that does not
in any way change the fact of what actually exists:

As much as you can deny the existence of
bacteria, they still exist, they still act
upon you, upon life, and that

not only since Antony van Leeuwenhoek
spied them with his microscope (in 1683)

not only two hundred years later, when
they started to use that knowledge for
saving many people's lives and for
preventing illness, and to conserve
food, and so on. *(a)


These facts can be established without too much work, and
with the assistance of a Life Energy Fluctuation Meter,
because you measure the fast fluctuations in
regular electrical

- direct-current or 'galvanic,' as from
a battery -

resistance between concentrating Life Energy
points (acupuncture points)

such as between the hand palms touching
each a big metal surface,

to measure the very sudden, and sometimes
very big but mostly small fluctuations in
electrical resistance, from the changes in
Life Energies impinging upon your body, and
so it

is vulgarly called - by those who do not understand
why and how it works, and who deny the existence of
Life Energy - called a 'Galvanic Skin Response'
(GSR) meter, or Emotion-Meter.

Even more vulgarly and even further from the truth,
and by those of even less understanding, it is
called a lie-detector.

Presently, and to enforce 'The Mafia
Code against Mankind,' the less a
professional understands about these
things, the higher is his salary, or
the more funds for research he gets,

because he will not actually make any
correct use of the principle,

and he can be expected to spread false
and misleading date about its use and
"prove" it to be useless,

not unlike they said, a century
ago, about the introduction of
the telephone - now a common and
indispensable instrument in every


It reacts on truth rather than on lies, and
it does not react properly on Criminal Minds
at all, regrettably enough:

Criminal Minds have a reverse concept
of truth, and you can not detect them
with a meter that shows the behavior of
their Life Energy, nor by other
indicators of their body - because they
do not only pretend in word, but they
pretend also in mind,

they ALSO lie Energetically - in
their thoughts, that is - they
fully create the Energies to make
their and other people's lies
seem and feel true. They do so by
means of the manipulation of Life
Energy content and behavior.


You know this very well about them:

Inside a Criminal Mind, just about
anything can be "completely true" - and
they can have any falsity "completely
true," at any moment, and keep it so
as long as they want some very false
data to be "completely true." They
are perfect actors, indeed, and are
very proud of their ability to lie
and to deceive,

and some even get famous and
highly paid for it.



We continue looking at 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind:'

2.a "Deny the previous lives of people, deny any person's
previous lives."

2.b "If that fails, get incorrect or ridiculous 'previous lives'
accepted as 'past lives,' such as 'having been' insects, or
mollusks, or apes, or cows, etc..
Promote false data about past lives (previous lives), and
also about what people do in between their lives.
Write and promote books with such false and perverted data."

About the previous lives of people - and about what they
do while they are without a body, such as in between
lives - there exists, as you know, the promotion of false
(and often most ridiculous) data and of (entirely and
often maliciously) wrong "understanding,"

the most malicious falsities,

not only cloaked as "religion," or "spirituality,"

but also as "science" - promoting or even "proving"
the most debilitating-ly false data to be "true."

Constantly, and with very disastrous effects, this is done
by those who fiercely desire to have people's awareness and
activities controlled. It is done

by those who therefore intend - whether or not they
are aware of their intention - to confuse and to
misinform people,

out of whatever "necessity" and for whatever
"reason" they can think of as having the most
chance of getting the false data accepted or
believed and followed.

And thus they assist Criminal Minds in dominating
people. Thus they too enforce The Mafia Code against


The Mafia Code continues:

2.c "If that - the promotion of false data and false ideas about
past or previous lives - fails, then you prevent people
from perceiving and accepting the previous lives, and
thereby the nature, of those persons

I. who have truly been decent throughout their previous
lives, and who have been so in between their lives

"And equally important, you prevent people from perceiving
the nature of, and from recognizing by past lives, those

II. who throughout most of their previous lives have
done evil, and who are basically evil, or very evil,
by nature." *(4)(5)

2.d "If that fails, then do at least prevent the perception and
thus prevent the recognition by past lives, of very evil

- of the truly Criminal Minds who have been, throughout
their previous lives and in between their lives and
who indeed are, basically evil or very evil." *(6)


Most people have much or all of the Life Energy taken
away from them, that they would need to be able to
remember their own past lives - what they did in their
own previous lives.

But equally the Energy that they would need to
remember the previous and indeed past lives of
others, not only of their friends, but

ALSO the previous activities (and the
spiritual activities in between lives) of
Criminal Minds,

AND the previous lives activities of
Destructive Cowards too, that is, of those
who covered up, who protected and who
assisted Criminal Minds.



Awareness is brought about by having Life Energy.

And awareness is diminished, awareness is taken away, by taking
away Life Energy or by making a person disconnect from parts of
his Life Energy.
(Or forcing a person to part with all of his
Life Energy, which is always against his will,
and which is resulting not only in a bodily
death, but also in a spiritual - and indeed
very frightening - death, as it was practiced
at times you will discover from people's
previous lives, and as some people re-live it,
in their nightmares.)


Especially, of course, your Life Energy to remember your
more distant past, is taken away - that partial
unawareness is brought about and is caused, is inflicted -

by those who do not want to BE remembered as far as
what THEY did in their previous lives. And their
past lives are part of your past lives, at some time
or another.

Decent people mostly are quite proud of their
previous lives, of what they have achieved -
of what they have done for others and for
mankind in their previous lives.


But Criminal Minds, or the Destructive Cowards who
act as their slaves, even for themselves they do
not want to know or remember their own true past.

They do not want to know their past correctly at
all -

that is, like true criminals, they deny what
they did. They deny it not only to others but
mostly also to themselves, what they did in
their previous lives.

And what's more

- Agatha Christie has become
famous by writing about it -

they like to blame their own crimes on
others, in order to hide the crimes
better. And they like best to have
others falsely convicted for it. And
they like to blame, and have executed,
especially those who can see or who can
recognize them and who can see what
they did or what they do intend - they
like to execute, or to murder forever,
those who are not fully blind yet.


Detection of these individuals of course would be
easy, if one would remember what they had done in
previous lives:

They have criminal records, so to speak, mass
murder or systematic extermination of people,
and such activities:
"To solve over-population," or "to 'rid' the
society of nuisance, impurity or illness" -
while it is they, the Criminal Minds, that
are the very individuals who caused people
in the society to be upset, blinded, insane
or ill!



You have found - if you studied any history at all -
that Criminal Minds will,

in order to hide their nature better, and to
be evil unhindered,

assume an opposite past life identity to what they
actually are and were, and they will carry that
false identity as if it is their present life, and

they will pretend to have been the very one
who actually fought their evil, and

they will pretend to have been the good
person that they actually murdered.

That murdering and that torturing they
did, indeed, mostly or wholly, in order
to obtain the Life Energy of their
victim(s), the Life Energy that
contains the abilities, as well as the
identity of their victim(s) -

whom they now pretend to "have
been in that past life." And so
you could detect the Anti-Christ,
and expose him.



You could become a true investigator, and provide
correct justice, as I did, and for which I am
somewhat famous from some earlier life times.

I am free of hate, and so I can bring about
justice, when asked to.

You understand, that, as soon as you
begin to hate, you are siding with

You are doing what Criminal Minds want
more from you than anything else - that
you hate people, or that you want to
take revenge.


The true meaning of 'Turn the other cheek'

Do not return hate with hate.

Because returning hate with hate, is
just doing what a criminal wants you to

To hate - to be like a criminal



Sometimes, people contact or acquire the Life Energy that
connects their awareness to the memories of their own
past, and so they achieve a remembrance of previous lives,
of past lives, where or when or how they lived;

they may, in the same way, become aware of one or
more previous lives that others lived, maybe that
they lived together with in the past.



On Earth,

where Criminal Minds are - even now - more or less
free to become the richest and the most famous and
the most admired, *(7)

on Earth,

where Criminal Minds are - even now - more or less
free to govern a state or a country *(8)

(though in the future that possibility
probably will sooner end for them) *(9)

that is, in the spiritual or Energetic, environmental
pollution that we live in, we live together with Criminal


Criminal Minds who, according to the Constitution
of Benjamin Franklin, "are equal to you."

Benjamin Franklin was a strict adherent to
the Mafia Code against Mankind, and, knowing
his previous and his following life times, he
certainly has good personal reasons for that.

When Benjamin Franklin was in France, he
recommended after "proper investigation,"
the denial and the prohibition of Mesmer's
discovery of Life Energy in and around the
body, a discovery that Mesmer used to heal
people. *(b)


That "Criminal Minds are equal to you and to me"
whenever these are born again, Benjamin Franklin
convinced those of, who were in 1787 present in
Philadelphia, in America,

who convened to create a supposedly free
society - when Benjamin Franklin 'carefully'
perverted their Constitution, to give free
rein to Criminal Minds while pretending to
do exactly the opposite.

Further, telling people that "they have inalienable
rights" (rights that 'can not be taken away from
them') WITHOUT informing them that they do not have
those rights to begin with, WITHOUT informing those
same people that they are dominated and manipulated
by Criminal Minds,

and how it is done,

by the prolific and harmful use of those
"non-existent" Life Energies poisoned (or
'Magnetic Fluid' as Mesmer called it without
poisoning it but instead de-toxifying it)
on people,

and how it was done,

by the most violent and wholly irresistible
hypnotic (subconsciously and irresistibly
compelling) use of poisoned Life Energies on
them, in certain practices and with certain
devices, in the previous or past lives of
people, that makes them now be unaware of or
blind to Criminal Minds, and that makes them
still now act highly irrational or even
become sick,

to then speak of and to pretend that "everyone is
capable of enjoying 'in-alienable rights'," such a
statement is not only 'a trifle exaggerated,' but

it is the wholly unseen method of giving Criminal
Minds free rein ...without these (in that
Constitution) even being considered to exist! *(10)


When in my present life time, I met the
reborn Adolf Hitler,

(yes, Criminal Minds do get reborn, and
yes, they can be recognized, no matter
what you are told by some Destructive
Cowards about "Universal Laws")

I was very highly offended and shocked, that
others, who were surrounding him now, were
looking up (!) to him, and that they were
fully trusting (!) him, and most of all, that
they were, on top of that - insult upon
insult - demanding of me to do the same!

I had never seen anyone whose hate for
me was more apparent or more latently
violent, except maybe the glowing hate
that his (apparently inseparable)
companion, the reborn Heinrich Himmler,
carries for me, for life, that is. *(11)

I was shocked, and I continued to be shocked,
till I found out the reason for these indeed
very correct observations and feelings of
mine - both about him, and about those
surrounding him. *(12)


Despite our living in this very polluted environment, we
try to maintain the Life Energy necessary to connect to
our memories;

our memories that, on Earth, are constantly denied
or lied about from the moment we are born,

in most cultures already by the fact that we
constantly are being told that "we are dead,"
and "we have to respect our 'dead' ancestors."

Maybe if you have been Marco Polo, or
maybe Antony van Leeuwenhoek - then you
must read in every book or encyclopedia,
that you "are dead," that you "do not
exist anymore."

"And of anybody you meet - blinded as his
or her spiritual eyesight is, and faded
to dust as his or her memories are
supposed to be after his or her death -
some assert to you, that

"you are dead,"

"you do not exist anymore,"

even if you were his or her best friend
in a previous life!" *(14)


I find that slightly annoying,
if not outright vulgar, because
it is a continuous barrage of
unthinking and thoughtless and
ugly lies, subjecting others and
yourself to it,

thanks to the very hard and
very persisting work of the
various Criminal Minds
throughout Earth's history,

who - as you know - left a
trail of tortured and burnt
or drowned past life bodies
of yours and of your friends
behind them, to enforce the
acceptance of their lies.


Much of the Life Energy Particles that connect people's
awareness to their memories of previous lives, that
Energy in sufficient amounts to make them constantly
conscious of such memories - that Energy is sooner or
later smashed or pulled away from them again.

Often that is done already when they are still
babies or toddlers, by means of forceful blasts of
deadening, poisoned Life Energy from Criminal Minds,
who blind these babies again.

Each and every time when they have acquired enough
Life Energy to be aware of and to connect to their
memories of who they really are, and, almost by
consequence, to their memories of who OTHERS really
have been, that Awareness Energy is

smashed away by those who would not want others to
be thus aware: It is smashed away by Criminal Minds.


But sometimes, someone generates so much Life Energy,
for instance in a sudden moment of extreme threat to his
life, that he suddenly connects to all the memories of
one whole life time:

He sees his whole life in a flash, so to speak, and
so he speaks, as he saw it.

And sometimes, someone visits a place, or sees an object,
or meets a person, that connects him to the Energy of a
past life, or of several previous lives, and so he
remembers, or feels, or senses, because of the regained

till that is smashed or pulled away again.



Now what happens if you are not AWARE of your past, your
previous lives, your past lives:

Mostly people live almost completely in their past
lives, of which they are not aware, and so all
their past lives - all things that happened in
their past lives - act like hypnotic commands to
them. *(13)

Things done to them in their past lives, act upon
them now, as hypnotic commands.


There is another factor, because past lives and the time
in between lives, was very far from pleasant for most of
them, most of the time.

And so people have been convinced, that they need,
or even that they want huge amounts of the very
poisonous, debilitating Euphoria ('Drug') Energy
and the very strongly poisonous and deadly
Unconsciousness Energy, *(2)

in order to remain unaware of the unpleasant,
or most unpleasant, experiences in their
previous or past lives.

Typically, people who use drugs fall also in
that category. *(5)

There are people, who

without that they are consciously
aware of doing so, of course, and

only after they have been most
violently hypnotized in their
previous lives to do just that,

marry a Criminal Mind for that very
purpose, or who (when they decide to be
born again) choose a Criminal Mind as a
father or a mother, or who choose a
Criminal Mind as their "best friend:"

The Criminal Mind is producing so
much 'Drugging' Energy for them,
and rather much Unconsciousness
Energy, so that, to their great
"relief," they now live in the
apparency - they "feel" - that
"Criminal Minds do not exist,"

and they "feel" the "proof"
of that, day and night, in
front of them.



In order not to be too much influenced by violent
hypnosis, by torture and other experiences in previous

in order to be somewhat free to choose and
reasonably free to decide, in order to be somewhat

one has of course to be aware of these past lives to some
extent, so that these do not influence you too severely and
beyond your knowledge and awareness. *(13)

Only then can you, indeed, BE actually in the
present, and only then can you actually live in the
present, really in contact with life itself in all
its beauty and tremendous joy.

That is not too difficult - if you are not
being smashed too heavily by those who want
you not to remember - to remember your
previous lives.

It is very much easier, if your Energy has not been smashed
away too heavily, and if you are in the lucky position of
having actual and real friends

who do not subscribe to, who do not openly or
secretly enforce 'The Mafia Code against Mankind,'

better still, who fiercely oppose that 'Mafia Code.'


But also that is not always easy to determine,
because Criminal Minds will pretend anything
in order to deceive you best, and so to get
your support, your trust, and thus your Energy.

They will often not inform you that they are
supporting that Mafia Code - some observe
strict silence about what they really think.
They "don't remember," or they "remember"
falsely, when queried and investigated.

So it really is a Mafia Code Of Silence
too, sung by a German song of which I
now understand the meaning:

'Die Gedanken sind frei' - "nobody
can know what you think,"

which is yet another lie from the
list of wishes of Criminal Minds.


To summarize the last paragraphs:

- Living in the present, means being aware of past lives,
so that these do not influence you too much without
that you know it.

- Most people live almost entirely as determined by what
was done to them in previous lives, often done in very
distant past lives, or in between lives.



And a general remark about

1. the denial of the very nature of life, of it being
basically an activity of Life Energies, *(3)

2. the denial of your and others' memories and feelings from
previous lives. *(13)


Most people are VERY confused about these things,
because they constantly feel or sense little things,
or sometimes big things, in their mind, or on their
body, in their perceptions, and,

exactly as they do in the hypnosis that you
know from entertainers on TV shows, after
the hypnotic commands have been received,

people "find explanations" for their commanded
behavior and for their compelled desires and for
the feelings or perceptions that do not fully fit
the present, but that stem from their previous
lives, their past lives, or from a past life
- discussed as point 2. above. *(13)



And people are of course even much more confused

about and because of the constant barrage and
projections or shots of harmful or poisoned
Life Energy Particles. They, their soul,
their perception, their feelings, their
thoughts, and their bodies are continuously,
day and night, affected by that - discussed
as point 1. above. *(3)



We look further at 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind:'

3. "DO create and promote any methods and ideas and books, and
institutions of education, and economic structures, and medical
dependencies, and sciences, and official awards and prizes and
contests, that is to say any ideas and activities, that:

and that deny funds to

- a. the investigation of and open data exchange about
the nature and the use of Life Energy (Fine Particle
Physics); *(1)

- b. the investigation of and open data exchange about
the actual and true history of people, of
individuals, and thereby, of Mankind." *(15)



Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30

(a) Antony van Leeuwenhoek, 1632-1723 Delft, Holland. Discovered
bacteria and other - unseen - life, through his very
pronounced curiosity that lead to his invention, manufacture
and use of an instrument now called 'microscope.'

(b) Anton Mesmer, 1734-1815 Vienna and Paris, Europe. Discovered
and used Life Energy (by him wrongly named 'magnetic,' but
somewhat more appropriately, a 'fluid')*(1) to heal people of
almost anything, including blindness. Mesmer was destroyed by
Criminal Minds, in particular by the American Benjamin Franklin,
then in Paris, France, and by the Frenchman Antoine Lavoisier:

'They reached the official conclusion [in 1784] that
"the 'magnetic rays' were non-existent, and any beneficial
results from such treatment [nowadays the treatment is
called Reiki, chiropractic, etc.] was due to self-
suggestion".' *(16)

'They also reached the conclusion that
"magnetic treatment was dangerous for women - since it
might destroy their inhibitions" [women should be sexually
inhibited, according to the Criminal Minds at that time
and place].' *(17)(10)


[Check for HRI updates, and for newer HRI's on applicable

(1) See newer versions - issued in separate parts, listed further
down, under (p1) ... (p11) - of

'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001)

Newer versions of this, issued in separate parts:

(p1)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Introduction: Life Forms'
{HRI 20010829-pi1-V1.1.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 1 Version 1.1.1 on 11 Sept 2006)

(p2)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Introduction: Our Planet'
{HRI 20010829-pi2-V1.2}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 2 Version 1.2 on 12 Sept 2006)

(p3) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Denial'
{HRI 20010829-pi3-V1.2}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 3 Version 1.2 on 13 Sept 2006)

(p4) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Some Fine Particle Physics'
{HRI 20010829-pi4-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 4 Version 3.0 on 14 Sept 2006)

(p5) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- The Nature Of The Physical Universe'
{HRI 20010829-pi5-V3.2.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 5 Version 3.2.1 on 18 Sept 2006)

(p6) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Opposing The Nature Of The Creation'
{HRI 20010829-pi6-V4.3.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 6 Version 4.3.1 on 27 Sept 2006)

(p7) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Life Energy Particles And Your Body'
{HRI 20010829-pi7-V2.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 7 Version 2.1 on 28 Sep 2006)

(p8) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception And Motion'
{HRI 20010829-pi8-V1.3.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 8 Version 1.3.1 on 9 Oct 2006)

(p9) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception At A Distance'
{HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 9 Version 3.0 on 11 Oct 2006)

(p10)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Content Of Life Energy
Particles - Mechanics of Deception
{HRI 20010829-pi10-V2.3}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 10 Version 2.3 on 22 Oct 2006)

(p11)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Certainty of Perception'
{HRI 20010829-pi11-V2.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 11 Version 2.0 on 30 Oct 2006)


(2) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
- As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030611}
(11 June 2003)

(3) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2}
(27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

(4) 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood'
{HRI 20030416-V1.0}
(16 April 2003 - Version 1.0)

(5) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
{HRI 20020729-V2.0}
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

(6) 'Theory Of Repairing Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20021213}
(13 Dec 2002)

(7) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It'
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(8) 'The Bush Effect'
{HRI 20030305}
(5 March 2003)

(9) 'The First International Law' (FIL)
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.2 on 10 Aug 2007)

(10) 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie'
{HRI 20021014}
(14 Oct 2002, posted 25 Oct 2002)


(11) Quote from 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds'
(19 Nov 2004 quote from HRI 20030716)

'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030716}
(16 July 2003)

(12) 'A Course In Human Rights Philosophy'
{HRI 20030119}
(19 Jan 2003)

(13) 'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102-V3.1}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1 on 14 July 2007)

(14) 'If You Were Alive Now - in response to "If Bach Lived Today"...'
{HRI 20030502}
(2 May 2003)

(15) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(16) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(17) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030509-V4.2.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 4.2.1 on 30 Sept 2006)

Copyright 2002, 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge undominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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