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(Part 9) Life Energy Particles - Perception At A Distance {HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0} - (part issue 9 Version 3.0 on 11 Oct 2006)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 11, 2006, 6:06:35 AM10/11/06
The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception At A Distance

29 August 2001
{HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0}

(part issue 9
Version 3.0
on 11 Oct 2006)


(Continued from {HRI 20010829-pi8-V1.3}
'Life Energy Particles - Perception And Motion' *)


Life Energy Particles - Perception At A Distance


Life Energy Particles can remain at rest, can be projected slowly,
or they can have the speed of thought,

which is instantaneous: It takes no time, but it appears
instantaneously anywhere

(it "travels" - it disappears and then re-appears
anywhere - instantaneously, a phenomenon, that makes
interstellar flight possible).


For light, it takes eight and a half minutes to get here from
the sun, and

that is a very slow crawl compared to the instantaneous
speed of Life Energy Particles across any, also
interstellar or intergalactic, distance.

Thus you may conclude, that the completely false
idea, that "nothing goes faster than light," was
indeed introduced by an individual severely lacking
in sanity

- should you care to define that correctly,
which I suggest you do, in this case
regarding the sanity of someone -

who is still considered - by those of lesser
intelligence than he - a most famous physicist,
as he liked to make others think, because

he wanted to see himself as "being the ONLY
one capable of understanding the nature of life,
yes, of all of The Creation even," for which he
wanted to "find the formula,"


How completely un-scientific can you get,
AND have it called "science"

- called so by the very insane indeed,
or by the 'Scientific American' (by
magazine editors and their advertising


Such is however not uncommon amongst
those, who compete

(in all fairness, they are 'peer-
reviewed' by those equally limited
in knowledge about life and about
cultural history,

apparently so limited in order to
ensure a fairness of competition
- so that they all have the same
amount of handicap)

to be periodically awarded a large amount
of money from a Trust Fund endowed by
the late Swedish explosives expert and
sales man, Alfred Nobel,

who desired, that - at least after
his death - people would say "he
wants to advance peace, as well as
the sciences."



Interestingly enough, all those
who won prizes, forcefully denied

or simply ignored the
existence and function of the
most basic and

the most vital thing there is
to understand about life -
PARTICULARLY for peace and
for the sciences:

Life Energy Particles.


Indeed, it is by your use of
Life Energy, that you do
perceive the intentions of
others, as we will further

Those however, who do not like you
to perceive their true intentions,
they do preach

- they want to establish the
belief system, that
"SCIENCE SAYS" ( = they
say ) -

that "Life Energy does not exist,"
or "does not, what it does."

And they want to have THAT
called "science," by you. And

the simple and vital, well-
known facts, the existence of
Life Energy, they want THAT
called "a belief."

How insane can they get?
How insane have they been
made? Very, very insane.
They are very FORCEFULLY



Life Energy Particles can penetrate matter, like walls etc., if one
intends these Particles to go through the wall. Walls and other
objects are no obstacle to Life Energy Particles.

Life Energy Particles themselves can however be used as
obstacles - to block other Life Energy Particles, for
instance: Another can (try to use Harmful Life Energy
Particles, to) block your Life Energy Particles for
perception of his intentions.

One uses Life Energy Particles to perceive, to feel or sense
something and someone, also at a distance, no matter how far.


And when this very simple subject,

is maliciously PREVENTED from being understood
- which is the case, as we saw earlier - thus,
where individuals intend, that it

is NOT understood, then you find a great amount of very
strange terms, to make sure it remains NO UNDERSTOOD,
but is "un-explained by science." Really...

Some terms contain the French word 'clair,' which
means 'clear' or 'clearly,'

and then they stick some Latin word behind it,
to mean seeing, or feeling, and so on:

'Clearly seeing,' 'clearly hearing,' etc.
which are all terms that carefully HIDE
any understanding and that presume none


There are terms, that you are much more familiar

that seem difficult or are impossible to
decipher if you do not understand the
simplicity of Life Energy; terms

that all describe perception at a distance by means
of Life Energy Particles:

Like 'hunches,' 'intuition,' and such - and even
'being in Love' is based on that.


Other terms are simply invented words, that in
actual fact describe normal, regular perception
at a distance,

anybody and everybody - at any age, and even
during sleep - does sense at a distance, with
Life Energy Particles, continuously:

Someone invented 'synchronicity' for that,

which intends to deny the existence of
Life Energy, but does still acknowledge
a quality of it:

Unless it is the perception of the past,

which is called memory if it concerns
your own past, but otherwise,

of course any perception of someone or of

by definition IS synchronous, it is
observing what happens - and Life Energy
particles have the speed of thought, they
are instantaneous.

So all your, excuse me, all the
"space-time" theories etc. of others,
are complete - and often intentional -
nonsense, that is advertised however, as



We are simply talking about perceiving (or feeling for, putting
your attention - which consists of Life Energy Particles - onto)
things or people at a distance, which everybody does all the

And pretending, that children "do not sense what adults
do or think, or what is going on" is very strange, very
destructive behavior to anyone, and very debilitating and
insulting to children.

The most basic and the most vital quality, that any
child can have - in order to be able to get along
in life and to safeguard himself (and to safeguard
you) - is:

To perceive correctly and unhindered, by means of his
own Life Energy.



Animals use perception at a distance by means
of Life Energy all the time too, as I am sure
you can find numerous examples of.

Should you care to check the results of the
research on plants in this respect, that for
instance Mr. Cleve Backster *(1) has done,

then you will find, that also plants, even at
a distance, use Life Energy to sense things,
to sense your intentions even.


The brains of "scientists," strangely
enough, are the only exception to this,
because their thinking does not work with
or depend on Life Energy, but on the
'neurons' in their brain,

and so they, very regrettably, can not
perceive at a distance...

as, indeed, their work shows all too


They know the chemical transmission
speed in neurons, and also the
amount of information a neuron can
transmit per second.

So they do not think very fast, nor
very much,

and they lose data all the time, of
course, because alive cells die

And they will (have to) admit, that their
data regarding neurons, for a human body
and for an Orang-outang (for a large ape)

which would SCIENTIFICALLY explain
the quality of their thinking, too.



Some people can use Life Energy Particles to lift or move objects

Again, a host of terms are used, to "explain" this, rather
than simply understanding and stating what is happening,

which is, that Nina Kulagina for instance, creates Life
Energy Particles that she places at an object and that she
pushes against that object, so much so, that it will and
indeed does move.

Very "mysterious," I suppose, if you do not know what
is happening.

In that way, a radio would also be a very
"mysterious object" - when you do not know
how it works.

Some people can influence the Life Energy Particles of an object
itself - which is equally understandable:

Objects, as we saw earlier, are made up of super-condensed
Life Energy Particles.



By far the most important use of Life Energy - and how you use it
all the time - is for looking at people, at their feelings, at
their intentions, at their soul:

You radiate Life Energy Particles, that you create and that
you use, in daily life, to look at people, to feel their

Do NOT EVER ask for a person's permission to
look at him or her

- no matter who it is, no matter what his
or her condition is, no matter what (or
how violently or forcefully) he or she
may be hiding or pretending, or

more commonly, when ANOTHER gets VERY
angry with you if you would look or
or merely would intend to look

at his or her victims and people
spiritually enslaved by him or her,
now commanding, controlling and
obtain much or all of their Life


It is your right, to know, AT ALL TIMES, what
is going on:

It is VITAL for your life - and for executing
your desire to protect and to enhance the lives
of others too - to perceive the actual, true
intentions that others have.


And the more you do that - with interest and care looking
at others no matter what -

the more you like and appreciate people who are
likeable, and

the more, people who are likeable, do like and
appreciate you.


(Continued in {HRI 20010829-pi10}
'Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception' **)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

(*) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception And Motion'
{HRI 20010829-pi8-V1.3.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 8 Version 1.3.1 on 9 Oct 2006)

(**) 'Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception'
{HRI 20010829-pi10}
(to be issued)
(see further under 'From:' below)

(1) Cleve Backster, of Backster's School of Lie Detection, in San
Diego, USA. (Wrongly spelled Mr. Baxter.)

From: 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001 - Issued 4 Oct 2002)


Copyright 2001-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
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who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
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