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(rev 6.1) Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health, and also the United Nations Organizations - (incl. Real life definitions of 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis') - {HRI 20100304-V6.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Apr 7, 2010, 9:17:08 AM4/7/10
Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health
and also Undermining the United Nations Organizations
(incl. Real life definitions of 'By-pass surgery' and of 'Narcosis')

4 March 2010
{HRI 20100304-V6.1}

(Version 6.1
on 7 Apr 2010)

(view Summary
by skipping
much or all

(suits foreign
language students)


Of course, eating Omega 3-6-9 oils (fish oil and flax seed oil and
borage oil) daily, DOES restore health to your body's blood vessels,
the arteries and veins.

That is also MUCH CHEAPER, than 50,000 USD per 6 hour torture of your
body under full narcosis

- which, not surprisingly, causes much impairment to your
bodily and even to your mental health (memory loss, etc.) -

in the jargon, this is called 'a by-pass operation.'

So America spends something like 20 BILLION USD a year, on this
entirely unnecessary and very NOT recommended torture of its
citizens - per year, yes. ***


'Narcosis:' very severe poisoning of your body, often for many hours
at a stretch - in which you, additionally, lose all command over your
body, and thus you cease to defend it from any Energetic attacks on
it (on your body).

This (the severe poisoning plus the severe cutting plus the
loss of control over your whole body - the whole operation)
does understandably inflict considerable damage on all bodily

- including, on by far the most important of its systems, the
Life Energetic systems or structures,

which you know of, under the name of the Meridians and
the Chakras,

which are, however, 'cut out' of the body of medical

and these - the by far senior, and most vital systems of the
body - are 'cut out,' not only out of medical "science,"

but these are also INTENTIONALLY and MALICIOUSLY omitted in
the "sciences" (including medical "science") practiced and
promoted by those

(by those Criminal Minds and their followers),

who want you to assume - who want everyone (as "science"
does want you to assume and) - to be convinced, and who
also want you to convince everyone ELSE, of

the malicious BELIEF - which they themselves do NOT
believe, but which they THEMSELVES ONLY PRETEND 'to
believe' -

(perfect liars as Criminal Minds are, by their very

THEIR power over you depends on YOU NOT KNOWING IT, and so

they want you to be converted to and embrace THE BELIEF,

with "political or social correctness" to think, or
at least publicly you must state, and also write,

going along with their "science" - which

(INTENTIONALLY and very maliciously

omits ninety percent of APPLICABLE, and most
VITAL, and already KNOWN data,

nevertheless, they want you "scientifically"
to adopt the BELIEF, and to act as if, *(4)

and you must make others BELIEVE too, in education
and in the media,


"YOUR BRAIN DOES (and other body parts, even,

(They are suitably omitting also, by the way,
that the transmission speed of nerve cells,
is only a few meters per second.)



"Scientifically" DENYING, that people are souls, and
instead converting you "scientifically" to the BELIEF

- in glossy magazines,

and by cleverly financing other Criminal Minds
"to do medical research,"

and by running fancy "charities" to fund them-
selves or each other

and by having Associated Press "science" writers
report their lies in "science" articles -

they manage to insert FALSE data and they manage to omit
ninety percent of AVAILABLE and most relevant data, and
they are

replacing these with a truly malicious and very harmful
BELIEF, which is:

that "people, that you, are being a brain," (can not
think or feel yourself) and "have five senses," (can not
sense yourself, can not perceive the nature of others,
etc., can not repair your body, etc.) and "know nothing
when you are born" (do not remember who are Criminal
Minds, and who are friends): *(4)


You, "an object" - that they can manipulate the
awareness, the memories, the feelings and the
motives and goals of,

by means of compulsory "education," THAT
entirely UNSCIENTIFIC BELIEFS, as "the truth
about (your) life;"

by depriving children of all rights, "because
children know nothing ...not even, how they
themselves, how children are born," "because
it is all new," "virgin"

Insane AND desirous to remain so
destructive to others, to ruin the
life of YOUR OWN children with all
those very destructive beliefs -

manipulating them also, manipulating children also,

by means of some Medical Doctor prescribing
chemicals, "out of care," and "with superior
knowledge about you and about health"

- "there IS nobody hiding under your
bed, or in your cupboard:"

You are a spirit, but "spirits do
not exist," is what you tell your
child when it has been attacked and
is frightened, or has fallen sick.

So you are in fact - and in fact
maliciously due to your abject
REFUSAL to face life itself and to
know about life - with that, you are
in fact saying to your child (who is,
like you and everyone too, a spirit),

you say, you imply to mean and you
state in fact to your child: "YOU do
not exist."

Either, "Spirits do not exist at
all," or at best, "Spirits are
only dead people."

So your child has a choice:

Either, that your insult implies,
that the individual who is your
child, does not exist at all,

or else, the insult, that 'he is

I would then advise (those who will be)
children, NOT to be born to you,

due to the Malicious, Destructive
Insanity that you adhere to and that
you enforce on people in general, and
towards children in particular,

with the biggest insult of all, that
"you do not exist:"


We are on the planet of 'Flat Souls' - on 'Flat Soul

practicing and funding the barbaric, the cruel, and
malicious "science" of the worshiped Medical Doctor
and the Medical "scientist."

With MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines each
costing many millions of dollars apiece,

- they, these indeed MALICIOUS medical
sociopaths, (they) spend NOTHING on
machines to show and examine Life Energy,
even though many such machines exist -


they "prove" that "you do not exist" (that "the
spirit, your soul, and your Life's Energies and
those of others, 'do not' exist"): *(a)

"only your BRAIN exists, and thinks, and
'therefore you exist'," and

"only as long as your brain gets oxygen,
do you exist,"

not exist at all" and "must be burned
- or otherwise, banned from view and
consideration - even though 'it does
not exist';"

with big slogans of government and of philan-
thropists "furthering talent and development
of abilities of young people by the educatio-
nal institutions," "to give them opportuni-
ties and be of true value to the society,"

AFTER YOU SMASHED THEM to pieces, with your
barbaric cruelty, in every lesson, in every school
classroom and textbook,

teaching and demanding thinking and living to
be crippled and sickened and criminalized by
THE BELIEF, the extremely harmful, utterly
destructive IDEA,

demanding, under 'peer' and authoritative and other
social pressure,

or much worse, by threatening with and then
also inflicting severe and lasting bodily harm
and mental harm, with the 'clubbing force' of
medical chemicals,

to bring children back to "reason" and "to
perceiving only as demanded by Criminal

thus teaching and demanding of children, to
be morons, by teaching them,

that "they do not exist," and that "actual percep-
tion is not possible," that "they know nothing," but

"are replaced by brains, WHO DO THEIR THINKING AND

which you ALSO have to agree to, "for your own
good" and "for the benefit of the productivity
of the society,"

or else you will be FORCED TO AGREE TO IT "BY
the society."




EXACTLY as Criminal Minds want it to be and to come more
forcefully into existence, by means of their "science."

Such is the nature of Evil, which you
do ALSO not know anymore:


unless understood and thus stopped
by you.

NECESSITY FOR EVIL - whatsoever,

no matter what Gary Null, or
any other guru or expert
sales trainer, or any
'religionist' (a "religious
or spiritual know-all") does
tell you to the contrary.


It is ONLY Criminal Minds and
their followers, who tell you,

with their often "beautiful
reasons," convincing you,

that "Evil is necessary" - so that
you will NEITHER understand NOR

And PART of that Evil, already very far
down a scale of Evil, *(9) is,

to insult everyone with, and to convince
everyone, that "the soul, you (that you
who are in all aspects entirely and com-
pletely different from a brain - that
you) 'do not exist'."


Of course the only way a person - any child
and any adult alike - DOES produce well, is,
when he is addressed as himself,

when you admit and address him as someone
who - of course - DOES exist as himself, as
a spirit or soul.

That, every successful manager knows, and
certainly works with

- and every caring and civilized person
knows this and works with this;

it is no more than normal and polite,
to look at a person, at his SOUL of
course - behind his eyes -

from heart to heart (as you may call
it "to not create conflict with Criminal
Minds and to not oppose their demands
of 'political or social "correctness"'")

but you look at someone AS A SOUL - from
soul to soul.


Not only "scientifically," but also EMOTIONALLY, Criminal
Minds try to make you not admit, that you are a soul:

With considerable 'success,' they do make you feel embar-
rassed, reluctant, shy or even ashamed, to talk about your
own feelings,

and so Criminal Minds try FORBIDDING you to connect
to and to feel yourself, your own Energies

(feelings, abilities, perceptions,
memories, intentions, are all Life

which you do feel, of yourself, and even of

if you are in normal shape and when you
therefore naturally OPPOSE those Energetic
demands (the intentions, the Energetic Force)
of Criminal Minds on you, who are, often
vehemently, and with many social 'tricks' or
"cultural" demands,

FORBIDDING you to talk about what and how much you
feel (of being and feeling) yourself,

and instead, "you must feel self-conscious,"
(that is an American idiom) meaning:

'feeling embarrassed about yourself, feeling
(quite understandably) embarrassed about
showing TO CRIMINAL MINDS, that you ARE
existing, that you ARE a soul, that you ARE
indeed ...the very unique you, that you are,'


or have taken undetected Criminal
Minds as your close friends or
maybe as spouse or even as your
parents, in your present life,

you then feel embarrassed to show ANYONE
your true feelings,

because showing THAT, is ridiculed and is vehemently
opposed Criminal Minds, (and by "friends" or
family who are unrecognized as Criminal Minds, who
enjoy to oppress or ridicule or deny your feelings,
your abilities, your Joy of Life, and who you are)

and so you "feel more comfortable 'wearing
jeans'," (NOT making yourself Beautiful)

and "it feels much better," to NOT have to
stand up for being yourself (for showing your
own Beauty), yes, "better not even to FEEL
your own Beauty,"

and to NOT defend your Beauty to enjoy Life
with and make others enjoy Life with, (and
not even to defend someone else's Beauty and
Joy of Beauty) from attacks by Criminal Minds,

- yes, including by "religious"
Criminal Minds who oppress
people by FORBIDDING Beauty
to be shown, which they like
you to call their "culture"
and their "religion," to forbid
life itself -

you giving in to those and other
Criminal Minds, oppressing your
Life, your and others' JOY OF LIFE

by simply not showing your Beauty, but
'wearing jeans' instead, and by admiring
Ugly art, and by listening to very Ugly

giving in to the Criminal Mind's
JOY OF BEING UGLY, as dictated by
Criminal Minds and Demons,

"then Criminal Minds will not attack you,
and then you do not feel their attacking
FORCE or Evil Energy."



But you have ALREADY AGREED to succumb
to them by "feeling more comfortable
with Ugliness"

(wearing "clothes" that are inten-
tionally MADE Ugly,

as in the current 'jeans "culture"
or fad' - currently even making
the already Ugly jeans, further
as Ugly as possible,

giving in to the Criminal Mind's

listening to and admiring "music"
called 'rap' and 'house,' etc.,

starting with The Who and
The Rolling Stones, and then

Michael Jackson, first by
PRETENDING Love and Beauty
stolen from others, which is
Ugly, but hiddenly so,

- stealing others' Life Energy,
with narcosis or while someone
is dying, DEFINES Egypt's Evil
Priests, for instance,

and you find these back nowadays
incarnate, for instance being
surgeons, or as pedophiles, to
continue THEIR way "to be alive
and successful" at the expense
of others' suffering,

which is of course not Beautiful
at all, though it seems so on
the outside and to those made
Blind, but it is really unspeak-
ably Ugly in a hidden way -

and Michael Jackson becomes
more and more openly Ugly,
while claiming to "Love The
Children of the World," with
him as "king of pop;" *(15)

but with his "This Is It"-
video at the latest, you
will have seen, THAT WITHOUT
OTHERS, from true performers
(dancers and singers and
composers), and instead

left to his remaining, OWN
Energies, Michael Jackson
can not dance (except Ugly
and in Hateful motions), and
can not sing (but only in an
Ugly and Hateful way),

he can not Love, nor hold a
woman, not even on stage
(which left the woman very
embarrassed, as you can see)
and indeed you will admit,
that Michael Jackson

has no Love and no Care for
others at all, but only
wants to be fawned upon

as he shows it all clearly
now in the 'This Is It'
video (movie), bared as he
is now, clearly visible

as a Life Energy Vampire,
who also knows HIMSELF,
that he is actually a very
Ugly, treacherous individual
who is not ACTUALLY loved by
others at all - so also
therewith *(15)(17)


you are admiring those who speci-
fically INTEND to be Ugly and who
are indeed creating vast amounts
of Ugliness ENERGY, while they are
absorbing (and they create Ugly
Energies - their pretenses - IN
ORDER TO ABSORB) your Life Energy,

they are vampiring on you
and then are using your
Energy, 'as if it is "their
'own' ability and their
'own' beauty"' (their "own"
music composition or their
"own" painting, their "own"

- which, being made with
YOUR Energy, you then
admire, of course -

YOU OWN GOOD Life Energy,

smashed loose exactly BY
their intense and intended
Ugliness (lies, pretenses),

and by you not opposing
their Ugliness Energy (their
hidden lies and pretenses),

but instead you are agreeing
to admire them, and so you
are enthusiastically promo-
- not only in music, of
course, but it was

starting also in art, with
"paintings" during the Russian
Revolution and then from the
later period of Picasso, onwards)

- truth being absolute, though REVERSED
in VALUE by Criminal Minds and by
Demonic individuals, WHO ENJOY IT IF
AND LYING, and if you find THAT


Truth remains absolute also
then - and indeed they KNOW they
are lying and Ugly - and THEY
know, that truth is absolute,

which is why they are working SO
HARD, to hide it. *(21)

This also applies in science (and
in medicine) to its "scientists:"

THEY KNOW, that they are lying,

but THEY ENJOY lying and to make
others stupid and to make others
then, out of stupidity, do Evil,
destructive acts, on you and on
your children. *(16)(3)(4)



And the fact THAT I have to tell
you this, shows your current level
of Insanity, and the level of
Insanity that you do not remedy in
others, either, but that you do
rather act

'in order to comply with the
bullies, with the Criminal Minds
in the society,'

who DEMAND that you do not connect
properly to yourself, that you do
not feel yourself - that you not
feel who you are, that you not
feel what your OWN Life Energies

so that then your perception
feeling can be manipulated, AND

so that you will not recognize


'Do not point out Criminal Minds,'
'do not study Criminal Minds,'

so that you, instead, will
'worship them,'

like worshiping Barbara
Streisand or Charlie Sheen
or Sean Penn, or George
Clooney, or Oliver Stone,
or Naomi Campbell.

And with that, we are

getting back to our Celebrities.




At the time of writing this, it is actor-celebrity Burt
Reynolds, (who is not a Criminal Mind, but) who shills for
the medicos and their operations, for their malicious surgery,

'Burt Reynolds released from hospital after bypass'

Before, they had actor-celebrity Robin Williams, and also
former United States First Lady Barbara Bush, to name a few:

Celebrities are advertisers for that form of legal torture,
for a 'by-pass operation' on their heart,

which these and any participants agree to - only CAN agree

exactly as you teach your Evil already in school,

and on TV in ever-repeated TV-series about "life" in
a hospital

(interrupted by advertisements for various
brands of soap - and, in countries where that
is allowed, also advertisements for medical

and not less sickening, the cruelty is taught by the news media,
by "science" journalists.



They also did put Dick Cheney under their operating knife,

and some of you know, that THE STRUCTURE (and functioning) of
the heart itself, is strongly influenced by the heart Chakra:

When someone desires to create a lot of LOVE Energy (which
consists of 'Green' Life Energy PARTICLES) towards people,
(and Dick Cheney very definitely does have a strong
Love-for-People Energy, desiring strongly that people
Love each other)

- George W. "Washington" Bush ALSO has a strong
Love for people, but he is far more able to block
the intense Hate Energy from reaching and thus
from damaging his body, *(c)

but on the other hand, George W. Bush is thus
also less understanding of and less capable of
addressing Hate towards him, *(11)

notoriously his refusal to face the very
intense HATE for him and for people in general
by Russia's Vladimir Putin, *(13) as an
instance of

the Hate projected to him by Criminal Minds and
by those (the Destructive Cowards, which includes
"pacifists") who REFUSE to face Criminal Minds,

and who - all of them - thoroughly HATE him,
George W. Bush, FOR HIS ACTUALLY Loving
people and FOR his, therefore, opposing
Criminal Minds.


Now when your outflowing LOVE ENERGY is hindered or is
being blocked by - in this case the ('Red') Hate Energy
PARTICLES created and inflicted by - Criminal Minds,

who are directing and placing these HATE Energy PARTICLES
(and other Harmful Energy Particles) so, as to attack the
heart of others in particular, to attack people's Love
Energy output

(they attack emanations of Love, which come - not
only proverbially, but as ENERGY PARTICLES, they
mostly come - actually from the heart area or
'heart Chakra') and

when a Criminal Mind takes aim at your Love Energy output
from your heart Chakra,

then you get trouble in the heart - and they STILL call
that, that what is the direct and indirect result of the
inflictions of Harmful Energy PARTICLES by Criminal Minds
on your body and its Energy structure,

they call it still a 'heart attack,' which indeed it is:

an attack on the heart's Energies, on the Life Energy
Framework (that the very uneducated , though licensed,
Medical Doctors, and even LESS educated "scientists"
prefer to deny the existence of)

but Life Energy Particles are the motor of the
heart AND of the whole body, and of everything

they are ENERGY Particles, for Life,
Life Energy Particles (LEPs),

and without Life Energy NOT one cell of the
body works or grows or replicates,

so, with Altered, Harmful Life Energy
Particles, Criminal Minds carry out

attacks on the Life Energy patterns that govern (or fail
to govern)

the mechanical, molecular structures and motions and
chemical reactions in the body, the organic molecules and

those organic molecules that you nowadays ARE
allowed to learn about, in schools,

that medical "science" HAS agreed to let you discover and
talk about and examine and even get a paid job in, in
examining those molecules in the blood of patients,

...molecules are the bottom level of Life itself,
however, because

Life is ENTIRELY SPIRITUAL in nature and functioning - which you
will learn at school only in the next century.

But WE know it NOW, already, as we are being endlessly senior
to Medical Doctors.



People who do create a lot of LOVE Energy towards others,

(which, Love Energy, is not 'molecules,' but it consists
of Life Energy PARTICLES, and which, to those who still
can see, are luminous green) and

people who do create a lot of INTENSE Love Energy,

are thus, and indeed, much more likely to get hit by Criminal
Minds for it, because

Criminal Minds want - very, very strongly - to STOP LOVE Energy
for people and between people.

Criminal Minds, or Demonic individuals, ARE SO



But also without their starting wars and
religions of (camouflaged) Hate,

they always do follow the nature of their soul,
which IS - ALSO when you do not like that *(15) -
it nevertheless IS and DOES Evil: *(9)


Their inflicted Harmful Energies, are gradually (or some-
times with a big bang) hindering and blocking the proper

- but also with sudden, fierce bursts, Criminal
Minds may bring about an acute heart attack,
or a stroke in the brain, also) BY DISRUPTING -

the proper functioning

of the PHYSICAL parts of the heart (that has already in
the course of meeting more and more Hate Energy PARTICLES,
been weakened previously, gradually, by Hate PARTICLES -
which to those who still or again can see, look like a
luminous Dark Red - damaging more and more)

that (the physical) part of a living body, that the
medicos are willing to admit the existence of, and which
they can grab with their hands and cut with their scalpel,

after poisoning it so, that you will THEN not feel
the damage, the torture, which nevertheless,

also of course when you may be made not to
feel it - poisoned by 'narcosis' - while that
cutting and poisoning

IS being inflicted by them, on your body and on
its Life Energy structures, ALSO when you 'do not
feel it.'




Because I get of course frequently and heavily attacked,

(me being one of the biggest and strongest Lovers on Earth
and beyond)

I do remedy and go about repairing such acute attacks on my body

- the inflicted, attacking PAIN-HATE, and other
Harmfully Altered Life Energy PARTICLES, plus
the lies and compulsions contained in and
conveyed by these PARTICLES (abbr. 'HALEPs') -

I handle these

by simply knowing the mechanism of it: *(12)


No matter how fierce and debilitating the attack WITH

- and as you feel it in social customs and may
experience it in medical "science" and are made
numb to it in your 'Soaps,' meaning the Hospital
"Drama" series on TV,

Criminal Minds want you NOT TO UNDERSTAND LIFE
itself, and what they do, to ruin it,

and instead, the medicos, pleasing Criminal Minds,

with their "diagnoses" of your discomforts and
suffering -

when you are under attack - which you are more or less
constantly, on Earth - you have to KEEP THEIR LIES AT BAY

their lies "about life" that you learn at school
and by social customs of Criminal Minds origin,

the lies THAT GO WITH THE SUFFERING inflicted, lies which
glue their damaging, Harmful Energy Particles TO YOU AND

their first and most damaging lie being, that
"Life Energy does not exist," and "that you
are not a soul but a body,"

lies that PREVENT you from understanding and
from knowing what is going on,

lies the Criminal Minds inflict WITH
THE HARMFUL - Pain, Unconsciousness,
Ugliness, Numb Euphoria, etc. -
PARTICLES, Thought Particles,

Thoughts ARE Particles, you did
not anymore know that either,
did you - they also smashed THAT
knowledge (that Awareness Energy)
out of you - but

you keep their Thought Particles
at bay,

you keep these "medical lies" from encroaching on
you (and on others), and instead,

with the knowledge, that the Force of Harmful
Energy from all Criminal Minds, will try to
push away, to take out of your Awareness, to
make you Unconscious of what is happening,

against their mental force, and the force of
those - like Medical Doctors - who follow and
earn a living with following those Criminal

opposing that mental and social FORCE that
they exert WITH THEIR LIES - against that,

you hold on to knowing what is ACTUALLY happening:


THE MAJOR PART OF THE REMEDY, that I use, is simply, that

I know that this is what is happening, how it works, how
Life functions,

and I keep on knowing it, which is the hardest part,
to keep on knowing it ALSO during their fierce and
debilitating Attacks with Harmful Life Energies,

and I remedy it by then also looking - as I describe it
in detail in Fine Particle Physics, *(12)

I go and look at - sense, feel, perceive - WHO,

at which individual Criminal Minds

(WHO, which souls - whether incarnate or not)

do or did create, with their intention to damage (in this
example my heart), and WHO did thus inflict Harmful,
Altered Life Energy PARTICLES,

in this example on and into my heart.


Or on my forehead, or on my throat, or in my lungs,
or in my legs, or in my hands, or feet, or in my
head, and in my eyes and in my ears, of course, too:

Mostly they try to breach and destroy the
Life Energies at my forehead (my forehead
Chakra), because they try to obtain, and to
leave e without my Energy of Perception of

which inflictions on the forehead - and that
is contrary to the "cause of a 'Cold'," that
your great-aunt told you -

THESE are inflictions, HARMFUL ENERGY
Particles inflicted, that

DO produce what your great-aunt and medical
doctors call "a cold" in the forehead,

HARMFUL ENERGIES, in the forehead - complete
with its medical symptoms.

(But some Criminal Minds, of the very
severe kind - and whether incarnate or
not anymore - these also look for any
method to actually murder my body

by means of any type and with the
maximum of intensity that can generate
of the infliction of HARMFULLY Altered
Life Energy Particles (HALEPs).)



Indeed these inflictions BY CRIMINAL MINDS, are
often at the same time intending

to smash and pull away (to STEAL) some of my or of
my body's Life Energies

- and as much as they can manage to smash
away, in particular during my sleep -

because all Criminal Minds are Life Energy Vampires,
and Vampire on you, for your Life Energy, too.


It then becomes obvious, that the 'Upper
Levels' of Freemasonry are actually teaching
you 'How to be a Criminal Mind,'

but NOT how to detect Criminal Minds,

much less how to defend yourself and your
body from their inflictions on you and on
others. But:

Now you know how to defend yourself,

which you are doing anyway BUT ARE UNAWARE OF,

simply because your education is at about the level
of the fabled Stone Age

(a Stone Age caused indeed by Criminal Minds).




My looking at these INFLICTIONS, in particular at WHO does or
did project these,

onto me or at and into my body - my looking for and at
that infliction -

does INSTANTLY remove the inflicted, Harmfully Altered Life
Energy PARTICLES (HALEPs), the Pains etc. inflicted,

which are PARTICLES, Altered, Life-damaging Energy

designed to and intending to dislocate Life itself,

do produce Pain, etc.. You know,

THOSE Particles, of which Benjamin Franklin *(8) and a
host of other Criminal Minds with some authority then,
two hundred years ago in France, did insist and told you
and reported about to the (French) government at the time,

"that these 'do not exist' - that ANY Life Energy 'does not
exist'" -

which is like saying "LIFE DOES NOT EXIST."

Now you know: With Benjamin Franklin, "LIFE DOES NOT



And it is an even bigger insult, which you do hear
and are reading all the time, in the media and from
the Medical Profession and by their advertisements
directly, and from various "science" writers,

as even now (201100405), and that on Fox News,
a very malicious individual, a "science"
writer, is demanding, that "you are not a
soul, but an animal, a 'man-ape',"

and that is also implied in your Hospital
Drama Soaps on TV:

they all tell you the biggest and (literally) most
sickening insult and most violently DESTRUCTIVE lie,

that (you being a soul) "you do not exist,"

that "your Life Energy 'does not exist', nor
does the Life Energy of others exist:"

'Just buy and take enough pills to make
you unaware of it.'

In your Brave New World, in your agreeing to be a 'Flat Earth Soul,'
where "the Earth and the Soul are thought of as being flat ...very




That is called "Medical Ethics" or "The Duty to Remain Silent," of the
medical peers - amongst each other.

I call it 'Doctors Without Morals' - or, if you like that better,
'Doctors With Borderline Morals.'

That much, you stand to "gain" from your compulsory health
insurance: adhering as it is, and paying as it does your money,
to a deeply malicious medical "science" and "treatment,"

which REMAINS MALICIOUS by means of the "peer" reviewing done by
Criminal Minds.

America's Obama, currently (20100316) shills for the
medicos spending another hundred thousand dollars ON

INSTEAD of demanding of the medicos, that cancer
patient Natoma Canfield BE CURED,

and that they do it for a few hundred dollars
or less, and that she BE CURED NOW, say within
two months at the maximum,

which, unfortunately, America's Obama won't even
THINK of demanding, in all his pretended "care" for

Obama has NO LOVE for people - is not capable of
loving people - by the nature of his soul,

and so Criminal Minds do not feel they should hate
him, but rather support him

(and the soul has nothing at all to do with
race, nor with education - we talk about the
individual, the soul, about his spiritual

Again: INSTEAD of demanding of the medicos, that a
cancer patient be CURED, and that they do it for a
few hundred dollars or less.


The medico's cancer business is merely a
'peer-reviewed' and very Evil *(9) business
scam and fraud.

Criminal Minds keeping people ignorant,
so they can be 'milked' as long as
possible, both as paying patients and
as paying drug-consumers.

And so, Obama's remarks (20100316) are as
repulsive, as (because, to the same extent
that) they are omitting the no less repulsive

It is deliberately OMITTING the medical malice in
the matter - 'Obama can' do that too.




'Peer Review' (medical) - defined by real life, is:

"Only when enough others (from our viewpoint morons), agree
to it,

AND when a maximum number of people, do financially
benefit most from it and for the longest period of time,

professionals benefiting from the - therefore very
much prolonged and maximized - suffering of another,
of patients,

and on condition that professionals are NOT stating
(they must hide) that 'small and unimportant detail'
of course, and

when the professionals will and can fully and easily
and adequately deny such 'ridiculous' accusations,

AND when the proposed treatment serves to increase the
authority of those in charge of managing health care, and
of those practicing medicine,

ONLY THEN can some healing method or discovery be admitted
as 'being true and workable,' and as 'having been properly
"peer-reviewed" with convincing and consistent evidence in
support of it,' and

ONLY THEN can it be admitted, allowed and used."





Criminal Minds ENJOY to spend all their intelligence and all
their life's work, on MAKING YOU STUPID FOR ETERNITY.

That is inherent in their condition:

They want you being too stupid and too blind to even
get the idea of looking at them, and instead you
must accept them as "senior to you."

'Activists' HIDE (also) that from you, while they are and
BY MISDIRECTING YOU TO FAKE "dangers," or by soliciting
a FAKE "help of others."

And so they easily absorb your attention, your Energy, and
they pull you into spending it harmfully,

they bleed your very good intentions, dead-ending these
into fake goals,

while you still create the Energy to feel, that "you
do good things" or work "for a charitable goal,"

but while you are in fact NOT doing good things at
all, anymore,

or much worse, they even arrange things so, that you are
in fact doing THE REVERSE of good things.


Most medical personnel fall in that category:

They will perform the most harmful or the least
effective action on a person (on a 'patient'),
while they FEEL

- the medical professionals have been
convinced by their Criminally Minded or
Cowardly Following peers, and thus have
assumed the BELIEF themselves also -

that "they intend to and do 'the very best' for your
health," or "the very best they can." *

And they create those FEELINGS in themselves,
that serve to strengthen that lie, and they
exude that feeling to you, too.

So they create terrific hazards to your
health, with sky-high bills to pay for
it too,

"because they care so very, very much
for your health, and for you..."


It is a kind of self-hypnosis, and BECAUSE
it connects to their inner goals of 'helping

as those who have studied hypnotism for
the purpose of becoming LESS hypnotized,

when the hypnotic commands match
the victim's (your) goals, then

THEREFORE that hypnosis sticks, and

THEREFORE the false activities and false
feelings are defended, at times vehemently,
by themselves, by Medical Doctors, and even
by their patients, the victims, who claim,

"Medical Doctors do and intend 'the very
best' for your health" - and "are the
only ones who can." *




Truth however, is absolute:

The harmful actions performed ARE harmful:

The ineffective "treatment" IS ineffective and
the harmful "treatment" IS harmful.

Because these violate truth, (denying
the conditions that actually exist)
therefore these ARE bad actions, *(9)

and WHATEVER medical (Latin and
old Greek or "scientific") word
for it they make up, to impress
you and to give authority to
themselves and to their peers,

(as some say, "these create bad

these ARE harmful ACTIONS and ARE their
entirely false statements about it:


The "reasons" they give you for your headaches
for instance,

which (their giving you very false "reasons")
is part of the ACTUAL harm inflicted on you by
the medical profession

- ESPECIALLY when their "diagnosis" of your
suffering is delivered to you with "their
intention to help you," and is dictated to
you with professional confidence "to cure
your condition,"

which is particularly repulsive and sicken-
ing, and very difficult to repair -

THOSE Evil *(9) actions on you, that are based
on your trust of them, and on their position
of authority,

when IN FACT they harm you or give you
the worst "cure" possible at the highest
cost to you or to the society.


So all THOSE things, understandably, do build
up considerable emotional trauma or Harmful
Energy, Harmful, Altered Life Energy (building
up) in - with the above example, in the doctor
and his nurses, and in the patient too -

(and which is not "remedied" by
giving more medical drugs, you
total 'nutters') but

BECAUSE truth is absolute, trauma builds

FOR their doing something harmful,

regardless of it being labeled "very benefi-
cial" and "urgently needed"

(like in centuries past: 'blood letting'
immediately - which is making a person
actually lose a lot of blood, seemingly
"to remove Evil fluids from the body of
the patient," commonly used only a
century or so ago,

really to enforce the medico's "right to
harm the body of the sick," with
Hippocratic sanction because "it is an
Ethical Act if the Medical Doctors do

(And WHY is Hippocrates ethical?
Because he SAYS he is...)

also with

methods labeled "we always do that;"

but truth remains NEVERTHELESS
absolute, *(b)


not on what some medical breadwinner
says or believes or teaches about it,
"who has studied and is licensed"

- in this, the 21st century of medical
folly and tragedy -

nor is life based on 'what your great-
aunt claimed to be' the "cause" of the
'cold' in your forehead.



Medical Science - as it is dominated by Criminal Minds - will get more
and MORE Evil, more and MORE destructive to you and to the society,
as time goes by,

because that is their NATURE, it is the nature of Evil people,
to create more and more Evil, forever more, and forever MORE
destructively and forever MORE difficult to undo, *(9)

UNLESS they are faced, understood, and ACTIVELY stopped by us.


And even IF Criminal Minds ARE stopped considerably

- say, to the point of their being a beggar in the
street -

EVEN THEN, also then, they will try to cause as much Evil
as they can, but by different and rather more Energetic
(mental) means,

by which, for instance, even Saint Francis of Assisi was
victimized, because he did not face THAT Evil,

coming as it did, from "a helpless beggar," who told
Francis, who was the son of a wealthy merchant, that "he,
Francis, 'did not know what it is to be poor, and ugly,
and without intimacy'." *(10)


Medical personnel, as described further above, must have been consi-
derably BLOCKED from FEELING LIFE and people, and thus from FEELING
THE TRUTH, about Life, about people

- exactly BY having studied the "science" of medicine, as I am
by far not the only one to point out,

their thinking and feeling has been that heavily blocked, and
that much debilitated -

that they indeed CAN perform such harmful actions on their patients,
on you, on your children,

while thinking of it as "care," and being paid for "delivering care;"


and in turn then, their FEELING OF LIFE is further destroyed
AS A RESULT OF their inflicting harm (on their patients),

(truth being absolute, Life Energy DOES exist and DOES
govern Life)

they are further blocking off their SENSING the truth, Energy
which holds the truth about their pretense, their performing an
Evil action as "care," regardless of how much it is recommended
as "cure"

- ALSO their Evil, regardless of it being sold as "the
best and only cure," is recorded absolutely,

(which I described elsewhere, as the faithful reader
knows: It is part of the nature of Life and of The
Creation itself,

to record all that happened, precisely as it was caused
by whom, with what intention, and indelibly available to
view for all time to come to anyone who cares to look) -

its truth - what actually happened caused by whom with what
intention, becomes part of The Creation the moment it happens
or is intended, and thus - can be viewed (sensed, perceived) by
anyone and forever to come, who looks at Life, and it can not be



So you report to a Criminal police detective, that
you see, that this and that crime has occurred,

BUT he - being a CRIMINAL police detective - does
immediately arrest you (no joke!)

on his - quite correct - suspicion, that YOU HAVE

Such malicious psychotics who are police detectives,
and who demand, that '"Perception" is done by means
of photons,'

EXACTLY AS CRIMINAL MINDS want it to be believed...
yes, "scientifically" believed, *(14)

and which is why Criminal Minds DEMAND, that "NOBODY

as in: 'You walk all the time, but "nobody
knows how walking works",' "NOBODY MUST KNOW
WORKS" Flat Soul Earth, that is, "nobody knows how
perception works..."


The Sensing-of-Life - the perception of Life, that such potentially
very harmful 'servants of the society' claim to possess with the
sole "proof" that they can keep their eyes open, but - I talk about
the ability to actually perceive

(and perception IS and CAN ONLY BE done with Life Energy
Particles, Particles which may ALSO connect to and thus see
photons, and may thus also connect to molecular vibrations as
sound, so


is walled-off by those very insulting beliefs, *(4) and by following
the "civilized" customs

- COUNTERING AND OPPOSING that, which is the most simple nature
of Life, and of perception itself, too -

agreeing 'to not offend Criminal Minds,' and 'to provide social
"harmony",' and 'to support social "correctness",' with FALSE
customs and MALICIOUS, "scientific" beliefs

that Criminal Minds create and have enforced on us, with exactly THAT
very purpose on their sick minds:


To make GOOD people inflict Evil and

- of course, because good people CAN only inflict Evil, by -

making these think, that the Evil they commit, "is Good" or "for
the best of all," etc.,

Criminal Minds do provide the necessary beliefs and social
customs for that,

also by means of embedding their fake "sciences" in our


Medical "scientists" and practitioners alike, refuse to
examine and to address the true condition of someone

(refusing even to study the actual nature of a human,
yes, of an animal body, too),

and so they BLOCK THE FEELING of life further:

They DO REFUSE, in medical "science," to see the MAIN part
of the subject of medicine itself:

Life Energy and Life Energetic structures,

WITHOUT WHICH a body is 'as dead as a corps in a

and the soul, the person himself, who is a vital agent for
healing the body from any condition, because the soul does
(you do) HANDLE Life Energy.


And omission to examine the true condition of someone,
that applies equally - and in particular - to any of the
caring and protective professions,

and obviously it applies very much to parents too,

with that intensity of protecting and furthering
life, that often comes with parenthood,

as they want the very best for their children, and

it applies equally to the judicial, prosecuting, law-
enforcement (police) and military professionals, to name
a few:

when their FEELING for Life is cut off, opposed and
FORBIDDEN by Criminal Minds.

And it applies, no less, to activists for Human
Rights and for the Protection of Nature: *(1)(2)




All protective and caring people are FRUITFUL TARGETS for misdirection
by means of "science,"

misdirected by Criminal Minds, who are always perverting and
always inverting the original goals and the original and vital
data of a science,

when and where your very good, caring, and loving
intentions and efforts

are bent around and misused - VERY CLEVERLY - by Criminal

often beginning gradually, at school,

demanding that life and people NOT TO BE UNDERSTOOD,

with the very "science" that Criminal Minds have
invented and promoted, pervading our society now,

where their Evil is neither understood nor faced,

where these have achieved, that they "MUST NOT" be recog-
nized and "MUST NOT" be pointed out, but instead,

where Criminal Minds are hidden and even admired,

and yes, are having their face printed on
banknotes and their portrait flaunted on the
central square of the country's capital city
(in "The People's" dictatorial "Republic" of
China, and its capital's central square) *(22)

where hiding Evil is "civilized" and "harmonious" and "creating
and maintaining stability." *(3)(4)




Certainly, from the viewpoint of the Criminal Minds, "the most civili-
zed," and really 'the only "civilized behavior" there is, IS to
hide Evil.'


According to Criminal Minds "THE ONLY BEHAVIOR THAT IS



Exactly THAT, hiding Evil, DOES drive people insane and DOES destroy
their ability to withstand diseases, too

- most of your literature and movies are trying (but mostly and
tragically so, fail properly) to grasp exactly that.




Maybe all or much of the above, is not even known to you

- but I do know -

which is why I have to now again spend my very valuable

with alleviating that condition of yours, TILL YOU CAN

a condition of yours which is mental but which is induced
by the hidden and age-old force of Medical Evil,

Evil enforced also today on you by the Medical Profession
and their various Institutions and Industries,

PIECES - THEY are spiritually 'dead' already,

The faithful and intelligent reader may have an inkling of the
overall truth or condition:


The general purpose that the Medical Profession holds - and indeed
"peer-reviewed" - in common, is


That's what Medical Doctors do. Hippocrates wants it too.

Your headaches "are caused by narrowing blood vessels."

That is just one example of their utter malice, of their
deliberately stupidifying you,

with their "peer-reviewed diagnoses:"

to let you suffer, in order



Nevertheless - defying their 'stupidification' - miracles
do happen:

I was interviewed recently by a very intelligent and
caring woman.

When I mentioned the matter of headaches, she (contrary
to you, she) actually ASKED me, to explain on camera,
what IS causing headaches,

and so I did explain that, with the SCIENCE of Fine
Particle Physics, and it was recorded by her.




Hiding Evil, not discussing Evil, VIOLATES the condition of

Peace, of

Health, and of


(I have explained this to you in various Human Rights
Issues or HRI's.)


Medical Doctors, being used to hiding the source of
Evil, always did well in dictatorial regimes

- with Cuba, under the most vicious Criminal Mind
Fidel Castro, crowning the Evil,

but Medical Doctors also do or did well in all
other dictatorial regimes -

they played a MAJOR part in hiding and condoning Evil,
and they continue to so HIDE EVIL, also in current China.


And HIDING Evil - with the Medical Profession in the
forefront - has since long been a festering sore in (what
was supposed to be, after World War Two)

the United Nations Organization.

The United Nations Organization is VIOLATING The First International
Law: *(5)

They do NOT remove the Evil regimes, that Medical Professionals
support and fight to maintain and - instead of facing the SOURCE
of the Evil - they "send food and medicine"

regime had been understood, faced and removed

- if the dictatorial individuals, such as Mao Zedong, too,
had been removed; all those, being SEVERE Criminal

Criminal Minds have - and The First International Law *(5) does
verbalize that and make it real - Criminal Minds have NO RIGHT
to govern anyone; ALSO NOT, OF COURSE, THEIR OWN PEOPLE; *(6)

and you are in VIOLATION of the First International Law

towards North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Burma (or
Myanmar), Vietnam, Laos, China, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia,
Syria, Gaza, Libya, Russia, Brazil, Belarus, etc..


ALL THAT EVIL is HIDDEN by the Medical Profession and, curiously, also
in most if not all United Nations Organizations and in its Assembly,

especially by those who are possessed that a mind-set, and some
not only have the mindset, but also the medical education to go
with it.

Taiwan is BY DEFINITION a member of the United Nations

But the staff of the UN Organizations, and the members of
the UN Assembly, are 'potty-trained' TO HIDE EVIL,

in the case of Taiwan, the Evil of Mao Zedong,
of Nixon, of Jiang Zemin, of Hu Jintao, etc.,

and they prefer to hide (also that very) Evil (THAT they
are hiding Evil).


They DIVERT the attention to health-, food- and environmental scares:

EXACTLY as Medical Doctors DIVERT your attention to THE SYMPTOMS
of Evil,

in order to MALICIOUSLY hide - and thus to prevent facing - the
sources of it ...WHO intends WHAT Evil.

Back to the United Nations Organization:


Indeed also the UN Security "COUNCIL" has NO LEGAL autho-
rity or standing whatsoever,

because CRIMINAL REGIMES (China, Russia, etc.) do
not keep to its decisions anyway, and

MINDS who "are supposedly part of that authority,"

upon decent and trustworthy people, also not, when
these trustworthy people are TRICKED INTO

'accepting a "majority decision"' from what is a
"Security Council" in name ONLY:

- truth being absolute, being that what
happened, caused by whom with what
intention - {definition}

The severely Criminal Mind and proven serial
killer Putin and his gang of not less severe-
ly Criminal Minds, in Russia, *(13)

and another molester and oppressor of his own
people, the severely Criminal Mind Hu Jintao
and his gang of severe Criminal Minds, in
China *(22)


because Criminal Minds BY DEFINITION DO NOT
KEEP TO ANY AGREEMENTS, and these make only
"agreements" FOR THE PURPOSE OF hiding and
furthering Evil.


All this, you do not (yet) learn in
your School of Governance, and so you
can not govern - even if you want to, or
have to govern - because you simply lack
the understanding of Evil, and of Evil
people in governments.

And then you quickly drop down to the
semi-Criminal level of "National

instead of, OF COURSE, the interest of
all people, and that as best as you can
manage within your country's current and
future means,

while still maintaining your own
and your own group's and your own
country's prosperity and security,




Again: The general purpose, that the Medical Profession holds in
"peer-reviewed" esteem and does practice, is,


Why? Because it is the nature of their profession. They ENJOY
to do so, and they thrive (financially and socially) on it.

It forms the basis of the thoughts given by Hippocrates,
in the West, and given by the Yellow Emperor, in the East,
and given in Hinduism in the South-East:



and which causes or predisposes or precipitates all
diseases, and all accidents too, and which causes all
mental conditions and suffering,

IS EVEN DENIED TO EXIST, by the Medical Profession, and with
vehemence so, by its Criminal Minds:


Since millennia, and also now - it is the general purpose,
of the Medical Profession,





So I straighten you (its customers, and that profession itself) out

maybe even before this century has passed ...considering the
mess you have gotten yourself drawn into, and that you keep
letting yourself be drawn into.

You are so INCONCEIVABLY lacking in Sanity... **

not to mention your frightening desire to keep it so:

"to wait for Salvation," or else to boast of "Evolution"

- whether "Evolution of the body," as some claim
to be occurring and vital,

where man-apes miraculously are endowed with
a 'Darwinian soul' to suddenly become ape-men,

or, on the other side, "Evolution of the soul," as
quite others claim it to be occurring and vitally

but which is ALSO very thoroughly DISPROVED

to adhere to the pathetic and highly DESTRUCTIVE BELIEF,
that "Evil will somehow restrain itself, or will somehow
vanish by itself,"

because "God will take care of it" or because "'Cosmic
Justice' will prevail and handle Evil"

- the very cowardly or the very irresponsible are
confessing very un-Cosmic and very un-Godly BELIEF
thereby - *(19)

and some of you are "waiting for medical 'science,' or for
'modern physics' to come along for you"

and "automatically" to make you

(or else your children, or else their children)

into "intelligent, happy and healthy persons in a
peaceful society"

and some even have their body deep-frozen, to
await that event (they have been told by
"science," that "they are not a soul," but
they are taught to be entirely Insane, and
thus to consider "they are a body, only") your "Brave New World," (in a medical, drug-induced,
euphoric numbness);

or else in your "New Age" (in Drugging, Harmfully Altered
Life Energy clouds, feeling euphoric numbness plus
assuming any 'comfortable' "reality" that you wish),

whichever the case may be.


So I have to straighten you out - maybe succeeding even before this
century has passed.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) Michelson and Morley at least did not spend tens of millions of
dollars on their machine - which "shows, that Life Energy and
the soul do not exist," meaning: that "Life Energy Particles or
Aether 'do not exist':"

They used simple mirrors - knowing that these only reflect
photons ...a spirit or soul (you, after you die) being noto-
riously invisible (when you look at yourself) in a mirror.

And with the experiment of Michelson and Morley, with mirrors
to "prove" that Life Energy Particles "do not exist," they still
nowadays drive physics students Insane, and from that moment
onwards in their study, so that they lose all rationality, and
are open to worshiping severely Criminal Minds like Albert
Einstein and Stephen Hawking. *(7)

(b) Whatever you do and whatever you intend - also if no one knows
about it - still you or another did it or intended it, and thus
that becomes part of and so remains part of The Creation, and
therefore it can be viewed forever after, as having indeed
occurred; and precisely how it has occurred, can forever be

whether you like it or not, *(9)

it can not be deleted or erased, but remains viewable as part of
The Creation, by anyone who so wishes to view - as those people
know it about Perception to be the case, who are educated in
Fine Particle Physics,

which is ACTUAL science, and is inconceivably far ABOVE
the current University and 'Nobel-Prizemia' level.

(c) Hate shows up - for instance on body parts hit by it - as 'Red'
Life Energy PARTICLES or a 'cloud' of these, and is felt by the
body as Pain - that is, if it is not numbed out and not hidden
Pain, wrapped in for instance Drug-Energy, or in Unconsciousness


(*) ' 'To sleep or not to sleep' - Parenting Elvis Presley
- The INTENSE medical Evil of the 'sleep industry' '
{HRI note 20100222-V2.0.2}

(**) 'Definition Of Sanity' DOS
{HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
(10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

(***)"Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is widely performed in the
United States. The American Heart Association estimates, that
573,000 coronary artery bypass graft surgeries were performed
on 363,000 patients in 1995.
Seventy-four percent of these procedures were performed on men;
44% on men and women under the age of 65 (1995 data).
The estimated average cost of this procedure in 1995 was

- Lori De Milto, in 'Encyclopedia of Medicine' on

(1) 'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)

(2) 'The First Law Of Economics' (FLE)
{HRI-20031201-V3.7.3} (the HRI was first issued on 18 July 2008)
(1 December 2003 - Version 3.7.3 on 8 Apr 2009)

(3) 'The Anti-Normal'
{HRI 20071208-V1.0}
(8 December 2007)

(4) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(5) 'The First International Law (FIL), in very short form'
{HRI 20091004-V1.1}
(4 October 2009 - Version 1.1 on 8 Oct 2009)

(6) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)
(7) 'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

(8) 'American Constitution - Destroyed By Benjamin Franklin In 1787,
How' - Quote from {HRI 20021018-V2.0} 'The Mafia Code Against
(10 October 2003 quote, of Version 2.0 on 10 October 2003)

(9) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)

(10) See the NEXT, upcoming Version, of
'Ending their Hate: all my Ex-wives, Ex-friends, and Ex-family'
{HRI 20091211-V2.2} {FPP 20091211-V2.2}
(11 December 2009 - Version 2.2 on 14 December 2009)

Hu Jintao (China) will declare war on America'," says US State
Department's Criminal Mind Robert Zoellick'
includes 'George W. Bush, the Chamberlain to Hu Jintao (as in
1938, Munich, Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain to Hitler)'
- {HRI 20060423-V3.5.1}
(11 May 2006 - version 2 on 13 May 2006)

(12) 'Restoring Vital Perception: Proper use of Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (Vital Perception Aid), intensely hated by
Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20100209-V4.2}{FPP 20100209-V4.2}
(9 February 2010 - Version 4.2 on 17 Feb 2010)

(13) 'Russia's Putin, a serial killer by nature - How to handle
severely Criminal Heads of State - (Serving lobster 'Polonium'
to Putin?)'
{HRI 20070629-II-V3.1}
(29 June 2007 - Version 3.1 on 31 Mar 2010)

(14) 'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)

(15) 'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
on your Life Force'
{HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
(7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

(16) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(17) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' (FALEV)
{HRI 20031110-V4.1}
(10 November 2003 - Version 4.1 on 8 Sept 2009)

(18) 'Your Love For Me is uniquely respecting me - and should inspire
your Love for others, to be respecting others uniquely as these
{HRI 20081003-V1.3} (Issued on 15 Oct 2008)
(3 October 2008 - Version 1.3 on 15 Oct 2008)

(19) 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

(20) 'On People Wanting Delusions
- And Those Who Provide Delusions For Them'
(21 Sept 2002 - Version 2.0)

(21) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' (IOT)
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(22) 'Tear down the portrait of Mao Zedong, the Source of China's
{HRI 20090223-V2.2} (published on 25 March 2010)
(23 February 2009 - Version 2.2 on 27 Mar 2010)



The 'How to read the License of Medical Doctors' - Series
{HRI 20021209-V3.1 quotes}


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopherq
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Sanders Dumkopfman

Apr 7, 2010, 12:32:49 PM4/7/10
You weren't wearing your helmet when you had the accident, were you?

Leonardo Been

Apr 7, 2010, 3:25:26 PM4/7/10
The Human Rights Issues etc. are obviously not written, nor published,
to accommodate, to oblige, or to appease (hidden, or those who are
openly) sociopaths.

Friendly relations with sociopaths are entirely impossible,

and any Love whatsoever, given to them, will only be used by
them to become more devious, and to destroy life more, and
more thoroughly.


Therefore, such individuals - sociopaths and their supporters - are
enjoined to filter out any such articles

- not written for them, not meant for them, and not posted for



Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums

- and any such souls who "live" by Hate, by Envy or
by Ugliness -

must filter out from their own view,

all writing by Koos Nolst Trenite,
human rights philosopher and poet (hrp&p).


The command is argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}
(7 December 2007 - Version 2.0.2 on 30 Oct 2008)



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far
the most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known,

and on top of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher
known on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008-2009 by KNT hrp&p
(May 2008; Version 1.3 on 2 Oct 2009)
Conditions as usual ('learnware')


On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 15:17:08 +0200, Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:

'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health
and also the United Nations Organizations - (incl. Real life
definitions of 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')'
{HRI 20100304-V6.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010)

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