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(rev 2.2) Ending their Hate: all my Ex-wives, Ex-friends, and Ex-family - {HRI 20091211-V2.2} {FPP 20091211-V2.2}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 14, 2009, 6:03:51 AM12/14/09
Ending their Hate: my Ex-wives, Ex-friends, and Ex-family

11 December 2009
{HRI 20091211-V2.2}
{FPP 20091211-V2.2}

(Version 2.2
on 14 Dec 2009)

(Contains historical data)


Dear Ex ... ,

The more Love I give and gave you, the more intensely and the more
intelligently hidden and the more destructively, you wanted to Hate,
and did Hate me. *(n)


It would thus not be wise to give you my Love.


This would also be fair, to those who do NOT Hate me,

and more than fair to those who do or did NOT PRETEND to Love
me, but who actually did and DO Love me.

Again: It would not be wise to give my Love to you

- no matter how successfully, and how strongly
"benefiting from receiving my Love," you did
pretend to Love me.



It WOULD be wise to take back all the Love (Energy of mine) that I
gave you,

and all the other Energies that I gave you,

and all those Energies, that you took from me:


In particular those Energies that I use and need to protect myself
and my body from harm.

Further, various Energies for creating art and music (my Beauty




And so wise I will be, and act towards you until the time that you
stop being Evil to people

and until you also stop wanting - and continue to stop your desire,
or your "necessity" of wanting - to be Evil *(1) to people.






The Life of Akhenaton

(About 1385 BC to about 1350 BC, a revolutionary who transformed the
Egyptian society, by instituting history's first monotheistic
religion. He attempted to save his people from the intensely Evil
priests, but did not see the true - and extremely Evil - nature of
his wife, Nefertiti, which proved fatal to him without that he ever
discovered that it was she who, with the help of the priests and
their secret cult of drugs and hypnotism, which she belonged to,
brought the poison with her and administered it to her unsuspecting
husband.) *(n)(n)(n)


The Life of Plato

(Greece, 427 BC to 347 BC - Plato had a career in the military and
politics and traveled widely before (and even after) starting his
famous school, the Academy, in Athens. Only at the very end - when
Socrates was too cowardly to flee, and pretended it to be "ethical
and following the rule of law," did Plato get some real inkling of
the true but hidden nature of Socrates, who was not a friend at all,
nor was Socrates in any way a teacher or philosopher, not knowing
and not wanting to know anything about thought, with his entirely
fictitious but hypnotic "origin of new ideas.") *(n)(n)(n)


The Life of Cicero

(106-43 BC. Cicero was Rome's greatest orator and a prolific writer
of verse, letters, and works on philosophy, politics, and rhetoric,
that greatly influenced European thought. In 64 BC he became Consul,
the highest office in Rome. As Consul he won fame for his orations
against Catalina, the head of a secret conspiracy to seize the
government of the State. Always a staunch supporter of the Republic,
Cicero was eventually forced from office by his enemies, and when
the sociopath Julius Caesar consolidated his power in 48 BC, Cicero
went into political retirement. During this time he wrote his famous
essays on happiness, on old age, and on friendship. Upon Caesar's
assassination in 44 BC, Cicero returned to public life and delivered
a series of scathing speeches (the "Phillipics") against Marc Antony.
This proved to be Cicero's undoing: when Marc Antony took power in a
triumvirate with Octavian and Marcus Lepidus, Cicero was declared an
outlaw, and assassinated by Antony's men.
The cause of Cicero lacking in securing his own safety, has not been
properly established, as yet.) *(n)


The Life of Francis of Assisi

(1181-1226, Italy. As a youth he assisted his father, a wealthy cloth-
merchant of Assisi, but was also a leader of society in the town. In
a war between Assisi and Perugia Francis was taken prisoner for a
year and was seriously ill. Soon after, riding in full armor, he
turned back from the war, risking thereby to be accused of cowardice.
Already his regard for the poor and for lepers was conspicuous.
A little later he heard a spirit, voicing at the crucifix in the
small church of San Damiano of Assisi: 'Go and repair my house,
which you see is falling down.' Henceforth, he founded the Franciscan
Order, in the erroneous - but then quite Christian - belief, that
abstinence of certain parts of life, plus his tremendous Love for
life and people, could make anyone free of Evil.) *(n)(n)


The Life of Joan of Arc

(1412-31, born at Domremy (Champagne region, France), the daughter of
a peasant farmer, Joan saw the invasion and cruelty of English armies
taking towns and country in France. Intelligent but illiterate, Joan,
aged fourteen, heard and saw spirits communicating to her, who did
identify themselves as Michael, as Catherine of Alexandria and as
Margaret of Antioch.
These spirits told her, to save France - and were thereby making use
of her intention to do so anyway. They were steering Joan's intention
according to their own design, hidden from Joan of Arc, who believed
'the good spirits' implicitly, as "being pure in intention and word."
At this time, the military situation looked almost hopeless, and Joan
had no success in persuading the commander of the French forces, to
enlist her help, but the spirits gave her some predictions, which
were fulfilled.
Eventually she was then sent to the French king-to-be, while using
the messages of her - so she assumed - "divine" spirits, to put the
one they pointed out to her, on the throne, a person whom Joan
considered "divine or flawless, sincere and good" merely by the fact
of his having bee born a royal. In actuality, this individual and
French king-to-be or 'Dauphin,' was a lewd and Evil creature.
Joan asked at his court for troops, to free the town of Orleans from
the cruel English; in April 1429 the French army went there, with
Joan riding at its head, wearing white armour.
The town of Orleans was saved; English forts around it were captured;
there can be no doubt that her presence and belief in her mission,
enormously strengthened the morale of the troops, and she possessed
military insight. Her wound in the breast by an arrow enhanced rather
than diminished her reputation.
Later on, the French king-to-be was crowned, with Joan standing at
his side with her own standard.
This completed her mission; her guiding spirit-"friends" then made
all kind of further promises, and withheld good advice, and, now that
THEIR objective, the crowning of the abject and Evil King, had been
achieved, they kept silent about things that would have enabled Joan
to protect herself.
Also being the object of envy, suspicion, and misunderstanding, from
people at the French royal court and in the army and in the Church,
and betrayed by the very king, King Charles VII, whom she helped put
on the throne - out of HER intention to save and protect the people
of France - she herself had no-one to free her from prison and from
public death by fire - a death from which the perpetrators hoped to
obtain some of her Life Energies, by inflicting a violent, torturing
and publicly maligning death.) *(n)(n)


The Life of Leonardo da Vinci

(1452, Anchiano, Republic of Florence, Italy - 1519, Cloux, France.
Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, draftsman, architect,
engineer, and scientist. The son of a landowner and a peasant, he
received training in painting, sculpture and mechanical arts, as an
apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio.
The life of Leonardo is well known, and I am not now commenting
further on it. Well, you don't know that he was very much in love
with the girlfriend or 'mistress' of his patron Ludovico Sforza, the
ruler of the city State of Milan. The conditions however were not
favorable to fulfilling that love, also not when they saw each other
once again in another social setting, and so it remained Platonic,
or, shall we say 'Leonardic.') *(n)(n)(n)


The Life of Johann Sebastian Bach

(1685 - 1750 East Germany. His life is well-known. At the end, Bach's
eyesight began to deteriorate, during his last year, and in March and
April 1750, he was twice operated on, by the itinerant English
"eye-doctor" John Taylor. The operations and the treatment that
followed, were unsuccessful, and must have hastened Bach's death.)


The Life of Wolfgang Mozart

(1756, Salzburg - 1791, Vienna. His father Leopold felt, that it was
proper, and might also be profitable, to exhibit his children's
God-given genius. Wolfgang's sister Nannerl was a gifted keyboard
player as well.
Wolfgang's life time is well known. You might not know, that the
mother of Wolfgang, mother Mozart, was, what you call in German 'ein
fuerchterliches Weibsbild' - 'an awful personage in a female body.'
She boasted the "courage" or 'audacity' as she saw and practiced it,
to openly engage with her husband, Leopold Mozart, in the deliberate
exchange of ugliness, asserting her morbid, repulsive JOY (for her),
of talking about feces and defecation (smelly matters of the body's
digestive tracts) with her husband Leopold, as if it is "a courageous
personal expression of familial intimacy," of "daring to be herself,"
INSTEAD of talking about meaningful subjects, and of appreciation for
others (of which she had none).
While her personal communication may seem a harmless if repulsive
method, of what now is called "bonding between people," underlying
it however, was the true but frustrated nature of mother Mozart of
demanding unconditional obedience and submission from others so as
to achieve "happiness and fulfillment in her own life."
Hardly being able to exert those Evil joys in her present life time
- having some highly independent minds as children, and a husband
(father Leopold Mozart) who, though he was certainly slavish to
anyone he saw as senior to him, was not slavish to his own wife -
she then rather died, rather than having to be alone with Wolfgang,
in Paris: Wolfgang, her most beautiful and most alive son, who was
not even aware of the possibility that, in one of his own family
members, such low desires and such a homophobic nature would exist,
as those of his own mother.
He was indeed baffled by her death - without understanding it - he
grieved deeply, without capable of understanding at all, that she,
his own mother, loathed her own son's aliveness and hated his beauty;
and, though she could not do so openly, she in general hated him most
thoroughly for who he Wolfgang was and is, so much so that she rather
died in Paris than to enjoy his company: RATHER, by escaping from her
body, to herself return to Austria, even if only in spirit, and
thereby also exerting opposition to the command of her husband, that
she leaves him and Salzburg, and that she accompanies their son
Wolfgang to Germany and France "to safeguard his personal well-being
and to assist his career as an independent musician." *(n)(n)


The Life of Wilhelm Canaris

(1887-1945, German admiral. He occupied various positions in the
German navy during and after World War I, with daring and legendary
missions. In 1935 he was made chief of the Abwehr (military
intelligence). A conservative, Canaris at first welcomed Hitler, but
Hitler's methods, and the fear, that a new war would destroy Germany,
drove him into the opposition. The Abwehr thus became a center of
conspiracy against the Hitler regime.
Canaris failed however to assess properly the nature of Roosevelt and
of Churchill, in his attempt to get these, of course, to remove the
government of Germany, which removal or 'regime change' would have
prevented the misery, suffering, degradation and deaths of millions
of soldiers and civilians, on both sides.
Canaris was arrested by the Gestapo, shortly after the July 1944
attempt on Hitler's life. Being a good person, he was automatically
a main suspect. After a trial in which he could not keep up his
usual defense, that 'he had to side with some opponents of the Hitler
regime, in his capacity and function of military intelligence and
counter-intelligence chief,' his arguments fell through also because
of the more blunt Hitler-opponent Hans Oster, who loathed the charade
and who wanted "to stand up in court for his beliefs and character" -
at the court that would upon such a confession sentence him to death.
The charade undermined, Canaris then passed a message to a fellow
prisoner, which said (in German): 'I have gotten my nose broken' -
meaning, to tell his wife and children, that the charade was broken,
and that he would now be "legally" convicted, with the help of the
nasty character called Hupenkothen, and be executed - in prison camp
Flossenburg, in April 1945.) *(n)(n)(n)(n)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(1) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009) (no indentation)

(n) (as indicated, to be added)


'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
- Nor Does He Want To Be One' (JCNL)
{HRI 20081005-V2.4}
(5 October 2008 - Version 2.4 on 10 Oct 2008)

(and further as applicable)


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at


Dec 14, 2009, 6:53:52 AM12/14/09
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote ...

Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009, CET 12:03, GMT 11:03
Subject: (rev 2.2) Ending their Hate: all my Ex-wives, Ex-friends, and Ex-family -
{HRI 20091211-V2.2} {FPP 20091211-V2.2}

Interrupt RETURN from ...

Found internal error at position:

__ ... 45 ... __ ... __ ... __ ... __ ... (error ?)
50 ... 45 ... 40 ... 30 ... 20 ... 10 ... (Genesis 18)
__ ... 50 ... 40 ... 30 ... 20 ... 10 ... (expected, version delta 10)
50 ... 45 ... 40 ... 35 ... 30 ... 25 ... (expected, version delta 5)

Compare with ...

Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009, CET 14:17, GMT 13:17
Subject: Found marker 61 -
Was: "Atom-finger"-aftrykket ? -
Was: Dyrekredsen (version 3) ...
The main-program (message from ET, Aliens)
10118 news:4b1668e7$0$276$
or ...
> ... Salme 45,15 (hvor-ud-fra Stjernebilledet
> L�ven blev fundet).

Internal references to main-Target:

See perhaps also these files:

Have a nice day ... :-)

With kind regards,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael, the *fool* of Christ.
Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-)
Last OUTPUT: 10190 news:4b261620$0$276$
Info File no: 10200

0 new messages