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Re: (rev. 3.4) The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force - {HRI 20090707-V3.4}

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Eugene Griessel

Sep 27, 2009, 3:33:54 AM9/27/09
On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 09:01:23 +0200, "Leonardo Been (Plato)"
<> wrote:

>The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson,
> the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force

All of which pale into insignificance besides the Koos Nolst
Trenite-Plato-Leonardo Been Mass Hysteria and palpable lunacy.

Killed any more of your children lately you lying sociopath?

Eugene L Griessel

One can always tell a well-informed man.
His views are the same as yours.

- I post only from Sci.Military.Naval -

La N

Sep 27, 2009, 3:36:15 AM9/27/09
Eugene Griessel wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 09:01:23 +0200, "Leonardo Been (Plato)"
> <> wrote:
>> The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson,
>> the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force
> All of which pale into insignificance besides the Koos Nolst
> Trenite-Plato-Leonardo Been Mass Hysteria and palpable lunacy.

Yabbut ... can you bend a spoon with your mind like Uri, Eugene?

Message has been deleted

Plato Been

Sep 27, 2009, 4:27:44 AM9/27/09
Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me (rev 2.0.2)

7 December 2007
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}

(Version 2.0.2
on 30 Oct 2008)


Demonic creatures have NO permission to talk to or speak with me,

unless specifically asked by me, and then only on the question
asked of them by me or by someone for me.

This has always been so, wherever and whenever I could recognize them.

This is how it is in the street, and it is not at all different
in the Usenet newsgroups.



You can think of these Demonic creatures as street bums,

as to how their soul is, and

as to how the Energies they emanate, are.

Some even claim, that (their and) any soul, and
(those and) any Energies, (also those THEY emanate)

so that they are not recognized as the source
of Evil Energies,

nor recognized as Evil souls (that are obvious
from their past-lives).


Their only purpose is to destroy life,

and the only reason for their shouting to get a connect-
ion, is, to try and get (to steal) Energy from others,

as they are Energy-vampires too,

and it is not hard to imagine, what THEY would use that
Energy for.



Do these Hate Beauty, Love and Truth?

Certainly, they so do hate very intensely, very forcefully, with
tremendous rancor. (rancor: 'The deepest malignity or spite;
deep-seated enmity or malice; deep-rooted hatred.')


They abhor and are disgusted by genuine Beauty, Love and Truth,

which they may try to approach and "admire" IN ORDER TO
DESTROY IT and to obtain and pervert and subvert the
Energy of.



Me being fully and wholly their opposite, my communications are so
Strong in Beauty, so All-embracing in Love, and so Rich in Truth,

that these my communications (my Energies) do literally 'burn the
soul' of any Demonic creature, sociopath or mental street bum and
the like:

To such individuals, any communication of mine acts as
'Holy Water,' it burns their soul

- and they react accordingly... some sort of 'explode,'

others, feeling forced to have to feel and to face the
actuality of how people really are,

including feeling the existence and thus the
Energies of demons like l. ron hubbard, and of
his evil soul mates,

will go onto a 'killing spree,' a 'knife-stabbing' "fest"
for them,

AND TO 'DICTATORIALIZE' their lies and false
feelings onto others,

to eradicate and exterminate decent people, and

to kill those who emanate the Energy of pure, penetrating
Truth, of pure, penetrating Beauty, and of pure, and
equally penetrating Love.


Therefore - being KIND to them - they are ordered to filter out
of their perception, any communications

not meant for them, not written for them and not posted
or published for them,

that are written by me.



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far the
most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known, and on
top of that the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known on
Earth and beyond.

KNT hrp&p


'l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to be "good" '
(21 April 2008)

Copyright 2008 by KNT hrp&p
Copyright Conditions as usual ('learnware')

On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 09:01:23 +0200, Leonardo Been (Plato) wrote:

> The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson,
> the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force

> 7 July 2009
> {HRI 20090707-V3.4}
> {FPP 20090707-V3.4}
> {Version 3.4
> on 26 Sept 2009}
> (this may shake or jar
> your customary denial of
> the, nevertheless present,
> nature of life itself)
> (not for sociopaths)
> (view Summary
> by skipping - some
> or much - indentation)
> (suits foreign
> language readers)
> '
> '
> Truth is absolute - as any five-year-old child still knows - it is
> 'that what happened and who did it with what intention.'
> {definition}
> '
> In the world of Drug-induced realities, however, feelings, ideas and
> "truth,"
> everything, is in REVERSE, as the Criminal Mind WANTS
> everything to be felt and seen IN REVERSE,
> the greatest Criminal Minds "are the 'greatest,'
> most 'beautiful' and most 'desirable' (admired) people,"
> the most Beautiful Minds, are NOT TO BE MENTIONED,
> and "DO NOT EXIST,"
> in order to hide the Vampiring by the Criminal
> Minds, on the Life Force of the very Beautiful.

Eugene Griessel

Sep 27, 2009, 4:51:31 AM9/27/09
On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:36:15 GMT, "La N" <>

No, but my mind is not nearly as bent as Koos' - a palpable example of
the failure of lithium, prozac, thorazine and electro-shock treatment.

Eugene L Griessel

A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not
able to cash in on the experience.

Message has been deleted

Leonardo Been

Sep 27, 2009, 6:52:05 AM9/27/09
The Human Rights Issues are obviously not written, nor published, to
accommodate, to oblige, nor to appease sociopaths.

Friendly relations with sociopaths are entirely impossible,

and any Love whatsoever, given to them, will only be used by
them to become more devious, and to destroy life more, and
more thoroughly.


Therefore, such individuals - sociopaths and their supporters - are
enjoined to filter out any such articles

- not written for them, not meant for them, and not posted for



Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums

- and any such souls who "live" by Hate, by Envy or
by Ugliness -

must filter out from their own view,

all writing by Koos Nolst Trenite,
human rights philosopher and poet (hrp&p).


The command is argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}
(7 December 2007 - Version 2.0.2 on 30 Oct 2008)



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far
the most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known,

and on top of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher

known on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008-2009 by KNT hrp&p
(May 2008; Version 1.2 on 16 Aug 2009)

Conditions as usual ('learnware')


On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 09:01:23 +0200, I wrote as Leonardo Been (Plato)
(only parts quoted):

> The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson,
> the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force

(...) (...)

> '
> SO WHAT YOU DO, is to help and assist the very sane, and those who
> are very eager to maintain and regain their already very great
> sanity, beauty and responsibility.
> You help the very caring and very interested children, and you
> teach THEM, and they will automatically take care of the rest,
> if they can stay away from the Eastern "evolution of the
> soul" ideas, and from UFO philosophies of irresponsibility
> and hiding the INABILITY to face and handle Evil on Earth,
> by claiming "non-interference;"
> the most caring and most interested children will automatically
> take care of you,
> if they can stay away, that is, from philosophies that are
> DESIGNED and planted here on Earth with the purpose to be
> rid of people forever,
> promoting it to be "for their betterment," that
> people seek to destroy their own soul and their
> natural compassion for people, and that they must
> encourage others to do likewise, 'to evolve;' *(12)
> the most caring and most interested children will automatically
> take care of you,
> if they can stay away from 'Silicon Valleys,' and 'Medical
> Forts,' where EVIL IDEAS, the most repulsive and insulting
> lies about life,
> the Evil Ideas of INTENSELY Criminal Minds,
> are taught as "science,"
> "science" that is INTENTIONALLY omitting about ninety
> percent of the most VITAL data of its subject matter,
> *(10)
> deliberately - as in, OMITTING intentionally and
> maliciously, much as it is done in medical "science" too -
> omitting EXACTLY that what WILL advance science and WILL
> benefit us;
> which is the hallmark of Criminal Minds.
> In (with Bill Gates and Sergey Brin),
> "The Brain Creates," and "We Stem From Aquatic
> Apes," which is as UN-SCIENTIFIC as you can
> get, and which
> - presenting it as "science" rather than
> as fantasy, and trying to "prove" it
> like Criminal Minds "prove" things,
> by INTENTIONALLY omitting all vital
> knowledge of the subject -
> is malicious, is Evil:
> It intends to PREVENT progress BY substituting ACTUAL
> science and ACTUAL advance
> with the Criminal Mind's SUBSTITUTE of truth,
> with VICIOUS lies, as you can or should expect from the
> Evil "scientist;"
> you stay and keep others away from it, which means:
> Correctly informed about the "science" efforts of
> Criminal Minds, of sociopath "scientists," (be it
> in spiritual "sciences," or in physical "sciences,"
> or in medical "sciences," or in social "sciences")
> regarding the "sciences" - in particular Physics and
> Medicine - that are largely dominated, and are being
> "developed" and "advanced" by Criminal Minds. *(10)(8)(7)


> '
> I would prefer, that you remember (***)
> real, True Love and
> actual, True Care and
> genuine, True Beauty.
> (and see, under 'Reference' below: a quote from 'Genuine Art')
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'Men of all nations came
> to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
> sent by all the kings of the world,
> who had heard of his wisdom.'
> 1 Kings 4:34


> Koos Nolst Trenite is, arguably,

> by far the most Intelligent,
> by far the most Beautiful and
> by far the most Caring philosopher known,
> and on top of that
> the most Truthful and
> most trusted philosopher
> known on Earth and beyond.


> Footnotes:
> (*) I find your raving Insanity and current mass-hysteria induced by
> Michael Jackson, to be highly damaging, to the extent of needing
> comment, with this HRI.
> (**) Fine Particle Physics (FPP):
> see for instance at
> (***)'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
> {HRI 20021220}
> (20 Dec 2002)
> (0) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
> {HRI 20040108-V2.0}
> (8 January 2004 - Version 2.0 on 5 Jul 2009)
> 'Criminal Minds want to have everything seen and felt IN REVERSE'
> {HRI 20090703-V1.0.1}
> (3 July 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Jul 2009)
> (14) 'Hitler Loved by Lonely, Pained Soul Mate Michael Jackson
> - ( Violates Human Rights Order on
> Soul Mate l. ron hubbard'
> {comments on media 20090926}
> (26 September 2009)
> (15) 'Proof of YOUR Destructive, Abject Insanity (no joke)'
> - (encl. {HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1} 'Balance of Power' etc.)
> {HRI 20090920-V2.1}
> (14 September 2009 - Version 2.1 on 21 Sept 2009)
> (16) 'The Promised Definition of Friendship' (PDOF)
> {HRI 20050327-V3.2.1}
> (27 March 2005 - Version 3.2.1 on 16 Aug 2007)


> ____________
> Verification:
> Copyright 2002, 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
> specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
> of life and about themselves).
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
> and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at

Roger Conroy

Sep 28, 2009, 3:07:07 AM9/28/09

"Eugene Griessel" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:36:15 GMT, "La N" <>
> wrote:
>>Eugene Griessel wrote:
>>> On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 09:01:23 +0200, "Leonardo Been (Plato)"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson,
>>>> the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force
>>> All of which pale into insignificance besides the Koos Nolst
>>> Trenite-Plato-Leonardo Been Mass Hysteria and palpable lunacy.
>>Yabbut ... can you bend a spoon with your mind like Uri, Eugene?
> No, but my mind is not nearly as bent as Koos' - a palpable example of
> the failure of lithium, prozac, thorazine and electro-shock treatment.
> Eugene L Griessel

I'm afraid our only hope is to call in the heavy artillery...
Paging Nurse Ratched! Nurse Ratched to the psych ward immediately!

Eugene Griessel

Sep 28, 2009, 3:33:26 AM9/28/09

I think Nurse Diesel (from High Anxiety) would be a better bet.

Eugene L Griessel

The Winnie Mandela Political Principle: If two wrongs do not make
a right - try three.

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