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HELP Christine O'Donnell Defeat Liberal Fascism

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∅baMa∅ Tse Dung

Sep 16, 2010, 4:52:25 PM9/16/10
If everyone would sent at least $1 at

PayPal available!

John Smith

Sep 16, 2010, 5:00:02 PM9/16/10
On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
> If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> PayPal available!

What I would like to see is each city and town propose a candidate for a
state public servant office. These individuals then have a "run off" on
a county level. And, those individuals, one from each county, are
placed on the state ballot and the states citizens vote.

Same would be done with federal public servant offices, only an
individual from each state would hit the federal ballot.

Tax dollars could be used, it would be immensely cheaper than the way it
is done now and should be much more honest and harder for the shadow
government to be able to only have their candidates on the ballots ...

If not the above system, then a similar one ... but something needs to
be done. The way it is now, we are certain to be limited to only voting
for chosen crooks which serve their masters, and those master are NOT
the American people ...


Kevin Cunningham

Sep 16, 2010, 5:07:54 PM9/16/10
On Sep 16, 5:00 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
> > If everyone would sent at least $1 at

Sounds just like the last meeting of the White Citizens Council. This
is what the tea baggers want, they would love to return to the days
when the white man ran this country and then that commie Dr. King came
along. Now for the love of mercy, we have an African-American
president! And he wants to stop our war machine! What the heck

It was so much better when women were chained to their beds.......

John Smith

Sep 16, 2010, 5:19:11 PM9/16/10
On 9/16/2010 2:07 PM, Kevin Cunningham wrote:


> Sounds just like the last meeting of the White Citizens Council. This
> is what the tea baggers want, they would love to return to the days
> when the white man ran this country and then that commie Dr. King came
> along. Now for the love of mercy, we have an African-American
> president! And he wants to stop our war machine! What the heck
> happened?
> It was so much better when women were chained to their beds.......

Dude, you have bad mental problems. You might be a danger to yourself
and/or others. You need to get with a shrink and work on this ...

With only your best interest at heart,


Sep 16, 2010, 5:24:25 PM9/16/10

Kevin Cunningham wrote:

> On Sep 16, 5:00Â pm, John Smith <> wrote:

> > On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
> >
> > > If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> >
> > > PayPal available!
> >
> > What I would like to see is each city and town propose a candidate for a

> > state public servant office. Â These individuals then have a "run off" on
> > a county level. Â And, those individuals, one from each county, are

> > placed on the state ballot and the states citizens vote.
> >
> > Same would be done with federal public servant offices, only an
> > individual from each state would hit the federal ballot.
> >
> > Tax dollars could be used, it would be immensely cheaper than the way it
> > is done now and should be much more honest and harder for the shadow
> > government to be able to only have their candidates on the ballots ...
> >
> > If not the above system, then a similar one ... but something needs to

> > be done. Â The way it is now, we are certain to be limited to only voting

> > for chosen crooks which serve their masters, and those master are NOT
> > the American people ...
> >
> > Regards,
> > JS
> Sounds just like the last meeting of the White Citizens Council. This
> is what the tea baggers want, they would love to return to the days
> when the white man ran this country and then that commie Dr. King came
> along.

Dr. King was a Republican, as was his father.

Brenda Ann

Sep 16, 2010, 5:25:36 PM9/16/10

"John Smith" <> wrote in message

Don't know about you... but I see a tongue firmly embedded in cheek when I
read that post..


Sep 16, 2010, 5:26:44 PM9/16/10
On Sep 16, 3:52 pm, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung <> wrote:
> If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> PayPal available!
But....but....but she doesn't want me to play with my pee-pee !


John Smith

Sep 16, 2010, 5:27:24 PM9/16/10
On 9/16/2010 2:24 PM, dxAce wrote:

> ...

> Dr. King was a Republican, as was his father.

He suffers from the mental disorder which causes homosexuality ...
probably will never get treatment in his/her/its' lifetime ... sorry,
but probably nothing which can be done ...


John Smith

Sep 16, 2010, 5:29:10 PM9/16/10
On 9/16/2010 2:26 PM, Ron wrote:

> .
> .
> But....but....but she doesn't want me to play with my pee-pee !
> RO

Read it again, it is P-A-Y-P-A-L and NOT P-L-A-Y-P-A-L ROFLOL


Message has been deleted


Sep 16, 2010, 7:04:51 PM9/16/10
dxAce wrote:

> Dr. King was a Republican, as was his father.

MLK Jr. found both political parties lacking. His father WAS a
Republican, but supported JFK as the Civil Rights Movement started
heating up.


Sep 16, 2010, 6:14:12 PM9/16/10
> Dr. King was a Republican, as was his father.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

It was a very different party back were the Dems.

Lamont Cranston

Sep 16, 2010, 6:53:12 PM9/16/10
On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:

There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.


Sep 16, 2010, 8:12:02 PM9/16/10

"John Smith" <> wrote in message

There's no hope for the "me, me, me" repubs.

Nickname unavailable

Sep 16, 2010, 8:16:15 PM9/16/10
On Sep 16, 3:52 pm, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung <> wrote:
> If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> PayPal available!

she respects hitler. she would never lie to the man. so we know that
you are projecting again.

The aristocrats and gentlemen of the Right who made up the majority of
Hitler's cabinet hated the concept of democracy even more than the
Nazis did, All over Germany, thugs in brown shirts took possession of
the streets and roughed up Communists, socialists, and Jews; they
chased socialist mayors and officials out of government buildings

Chapter 1: Financing the 1933 Elections
On the cold winter weekend of January 28, 1933, Germany was officially
without a government. Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and his cabinet
had resigned on Saturday afternoon, and eighty-six-year-old President
von Hindenburg had not yet appointed a new chancellor. A nervous
tension spread over Berlin. Everyone waited for news; most felt
Germany was at an historic turning point.
Who would be the next chancellor? Hitler - the leader of the largest
party, the Nazis, who pledged to destroy democracy? Papen - the
aristocratic horseman who had been chancellor before Schleicher, but
who had no popular following? Perhaps Schleicher again, if he could
persuade the Social Democrats, the second largest political party in
the country, to join him in a coalition? Governing Germany in the
middle of an economic depression with nine million unemployed was not
an enviable task. The country had just had three different chancellors
in rapid succession. By tradition, the leader of the largest party was
usually appointed chancellor. But the Nazis had been the largest party
for over a year, and so far intrigues and political maneuvering had
succeeded in keeping Hitler out of power. Everyone guessed what a
Hitler government would mean. He had not kept his militarism, anti-
Semitism, and dictatorial ambitions a secret.
Political intrigues were so numerous that weekend that no one really
knew what was going on. Sensational rumors were being spread
throughout the city. Some said an army coup was imminent, that
Schleicher and the generals were about to abduct President von
Hindenburg and declare martial law. There were also rumors of an armed
Nazi uprising and a general strike by the socialist workers.
Hitler and Hermann Goering, the second most powerful man in the Nazi
party, stayed up all night on Sunday, January 29, trying to figure out
what Hindenburg might do. It was not until after 10 A.M. on Monday
that Hitler received a summons to the president's office. Even at that
point, the Nazis were not certain whether Hitler would be appointed
chancellor or Hindenburg would ask him to serve as vice-chancellor.
Across the street from the Chancellery, in the Kaiserhof Hotel,
Hitler's lieutenants were waiting, unsure of what was going on.
Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief, said:

In the street the crowd stands waiting between the Kaiserhof and the
Chancellery. We are torn between doubt, hope, joy and despair. We have
been deceived too often to be able, wholeheartedly, to believe in the
great miracle. [S.A.] Chief of Staff Roehm stands at the window (with
binoculars) watching the door of the Chancellery from which the
Fuehrer [the leader, Hitler] must emerge. We shall be able to judge by
his face if the interview was a success. Torturing hours of waiting.
At last, a car draws up in front of the entrance. The crowd cheers.
They seem to feel that a great change is taking place....
A few moments later, he is with us. He says nothing. His eyes are full
of tears. It has come! The Fuehrer is appointed Chancellor. He has
already been sworn in by the President of the Reich. All of us are
dumb with emotion. Everyone clasps the Fuehrer's hand....Outside the
Kaiserhof, the masses are in a wild uproar....The thousands soon
become tens of thousands. Endless streams of people flood the
Wilhelmstrasse. We set to once.
Hitler's victory was not a complete one by any means. He had been
appointed chancellor in a coalition government. Papen was to be his
vice-chancellor, and all the powerful cabinet posts were held by
Papen's conservative allies, rather than the Nazis. But at the moment,
Hitler's followers weren't worried about the details; for them the
only thing that mattered was that Hitler was chancellor. They had come
to power! All day, crowds gathered in the square outside the Kaiserhof
Hotel and the Chancellery.
At dusk Nazi storm troopers in their brown uniforms gathered in the
Tiergarten park, along with men of the Stahlhelm, an
ultranationalistic veterans' organization, for a torchlight victory
parade through the center of Berlin. As soon as it was dark, they came
marching by the thousands through the Brandenburg Gate, carrying
swastika flags and the black, white, and red flags of the German
empire. Bands marched between the units, beating their big drums as
the men sang old German military songs. But as each band came to the
Pariser Platz, where the French embassy was located, they stopped
whatever they were playing and, with an introductory roll of drums,
broke into the tune of the challenging war song "Victorious We Will
Crush the French."
The torches carried by the marchers glowed hypnotically in the
darkness. To foreign witnesses, it was a frightening sight. "The river
of fire flowed past the French Embassy," Ambassador François-Poncet
wrote, "whence, with heavy heart and filled with foreboding, I watched
this luminous wake." Liberal Germans found it an "ominous sight." It
was, wrote one German reporter, "a night of deadly menace, a nightmare
in...blazing torches."
As the marchers came by the Chancellery, there were tumultuous cheers
for Hitler, who stood in an open window saluting them. He was so
excited that night, he could hardly stand still. He was raising his
arm up and down heiling, smiling, and laughing so much, his eyes
filled with tears. "It was an extraordinary experience," recalled
Papen, who was standing behind Hitler. "The endless repetition of the
triumphal cry: 'Heil, Heil, Sieg Heil!' rang in my ears like a
tocsin." When Hitler turned to speak with Papen, his voice choked with
emotion. "What an immense task we have set for ourselves, Herr von
Papen - we must never part until our work is accomplished." Hitler and
Papen were much closer allies than anyone at the time imagined.
It was after midnight when the parade ended. Being too excited to
sleep, Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, and a few other Nazis sat up talking
for hours. They could hardly believe it had actually happened: they
were in the Chancellery at last. That evening, Hitler said to
Goebbels, "No one gets me out of here alive." It was one of the few
promises he kept.
On the morning of January 31, Hitler's storm troopers gave the German
people a glimpse of what Nazi rule would be like. All over Germany,
thugs in brown shirts took possession of the streets and roughed up
Communists, socialists, and Jews; they chased socialist mayors and
officials out of government buildings and even broke into the private
homes of their political enemies. When people complained to Papen, he
laughed. "Let the storm troopers have their fling." Among his friends
at the Herrenklub, an exclusive gentlemens club, he boasted: "We've
hired Hitler." To a skeptic he replied: "What do you want? I have
Hindenburg's confidence. Within two months we will have pushed Hitler
so far in the corner that he'll squeak."
The facts seemed to support Papen's optimism. Not only did Papen have
Hindenburg"s confidence, but in fact the old president had promised
never to receive Hitler unless he was accompanied by his vice-
chancellor. Papen also held the important post of minister-president
of Prussia, Germany's largest and most powerful state. From the
composition of the cabinet, it seemed all the real power was in the
hands of the conservatives: the aristocratic General von Blomberg was
minister of defense, Baron von Neurath, a career diplomat, was foreign
minister, and the old archreactionary Hugenberg was both minister of
economics and minister of agriculture. The Nazis were outnumbered six
to two.
The two Nazis in the cabinet, Wilhelm Frick and Goering, held posts
that were thought to be insignificant. Frick was minister of the
interior, but he did not control the police, which in Germany was
under the jurisdiction of the individual state governments. Goering
was made minister without portfolio, but with the promise that he
would be minister of aviation as soon as Germany had an air force. He
was also named minister of the interior of Prussia, an office that did
not receive much notice by the public but did control the Prussian
The aristocrats and gentlemen of the Right who made up the majority of
Hitler's cabinet hated the concept of democracy even more than the
Nazis did. These men belonged to the old ruling class of the kaiser's
Germany. They wanted to regain their old position of supremacy, lost
in 1918. They wanted to restore the monarchy, suppress the socialist
unions, avenge the loss of World War I, and make Germany the dominant
power in Europe. It was obvious why such reactionary nationalists
helped put Hitler in power: their goals and his were very similar.
Few people knew the full extent of Papen's collaboration with Hitler.
Historians have said he "did more than anyone else outside the Nazi
party to help Hitler to power." Papen helped Hitler because he was
trying to control him and use the Nazis for his own aims.
Papen was a handsome aristocratic-looking man with distinguished gray
hair and an officer's mustache. From an impoverished family of the
Westphalian nobility, he became a General Staff officer, a skillful
horseman, and a man of great charm. After a successful marriage to the
daughter of a wealthy Saar industrialist, he bought a large block of
shares in the Center party's newspaper, Germania. For a short time in
1932, Papen was chancellor, but his government had no popular support.
Papen believed it would be rather easy for an aristocratic officer
like himself to manipulate a former corporal, like Hitler, and thus be
able to use the Nazi's mass following to accomplish the aims of the
upper-class conservative nationalists.
Hitler immediately began to outmaneuver his conservative colleagues.
He reported to the cabinet that the Center party was making impossible
demands and could not be counted on to form a coalition with the Nazis
and the Nationalists that would have a majority in the Reichstag.
Because of this situation, Hitler argued he would have to call for new
elections. The only "demand" the Center party made was that Hitler
promise to govern constitutionally, but none of the other members of
the cabinet bothered to check Hitler's statement. They agreed to new
elections on the condition that Hitler promise that the composition of
the cabinet would not change regardless of the outcome of the voting.
New elections would provide Hitler with a chance to improve on the
poor results the Nazis had received at the polls the past November. If
the Nazis won a clear majority in the elections, they might be able to
get rid of their coalition partners. Hitler had every reason to
believe the election campaign would be a big success. The entire
machinery of government, including the radio, was now under Nazi
control and could be used for campaigning. The party had been flooded
with new applicants for membership since he had become chancellor. In
the cabinet meeting on February 2, Hitler discussed his preparations
for the elections. Wilhelm Frick, the Nazi minister of the interior,
proposed that the government set aside a million marks for the
election campaign. Count von Schwerin von Krosigk, the minister of
finance, rejected this suggestion. Hitler did not force the issue. He
would have to get the money elsewhere.
The theme of the Nazi election campaign was to be the fight against
communism. Hitler opened the attack in a late-night radio broadcast to
the nation on February 1. He blamed the hard times Germany had gone
through since 1918 on the Social Democrats, which had been the largest
party in the Reichstag during most of those years. The Social
Democrats, he reminded his listeners, were actually a Marxist party.
"Fourteen years of Marxism," he said, "have ruined Germany; one year
of bolshevism [communism] would destroy her. The richest and fairest
territories of the world would be turned into a smoking heap of ruins.
Even the sufferings of the last decade and a half could not be
compared to the misery of a Europe in the heart of which the red flag
of destruction has been hoisted." He went on to promise to put the
unemployed back to work and save the peasants from bankruptcy.

On his fourth day in office, just after opening the election
campaign, Hitler took time off to attend a very important dinner. He
had been invited to the home of General von Hammerstein, chief of
staff of the army, to meet the leading officers of the army and navy.
In a speech that lasted almost two hours, Hitler explained his plans
for rebuilding German military power.
The generals were the real power in Germany during the Weimar period.
After World War II, many Germans tried to cover up the role certain
members of the Officer Corps had played in helping to put Hitler in
power. Many historians naively accepted this view, but the real story
is quite different. Traditionally, the German Army ruled from behind
the scenes and had the final "power to veto" any important issue.
After the loss of World War I, the Versailles Treaty severely
restricted the size of the German Army. The only way the generals
could maintain mass training and develop new weapons was to finance
private paramilitary units, like the Free Corps, with secret army
Hitler not only began his career as an army agent, but even in the
1930s he was supported by a powerful faction in the army. Over several
years, General von Schleicher, who was in charge of a secret informal
political department of the army, funneled over ten million marks to
Hitler. Why? Many military officers wanted an authoritarian government
that could unify the nation. The people needed to be infused with a
new spirit of patriotism because powerful interests were planning a
war of revenge against the Allies. Naturally there was a division of
opinion among the generals as to how much power to give Hitler.
Hindenburg originally had strong reservations about appointing a man
from a lower-class background, like Hitler, chancellor. However, the
aggressive action the Nazis took against Communists was admired by
Hindenburg, and his relationship with Hitler rapidly improved.
One day, Hindenburg summoned Hitler when Papen was away from Berlin.
Hitler informed the president that Papen was out of town and reminded
him of the rule he (Hindenburg) had made, that the chancellor could
visit him only when accompanied by the vice-chancellor. "The old
gentleman [Hindenburg]," said Hitler, "replied that he wished to see
me alone, and that in the future the presence of Papen could be
regarded as unnecessary. Within three weeks, he had progressed so far
that his attitude towards me became affectionate and paternal. Talking
of the elections fixed for the 3rd of March, he said, 'What are we
going to do if you fail to get a majority? We shall have the same
difficulties all over again.'"
At the beginning of the election campaign, Hitler and Papen persuaded
old President von Hindenburg to sign an emergency decree to protect
law and order. The decree gave Nazi officials the right to prohibit
public meetings. Newspapers could be suppressed if they "incited"
civil disobedience or published "false" reports.


Sep 16, 2010, 8:52:53 PM9/16/10
In article <4b25fed6-b663-4343-8f94-03af9db20641>, says...

> If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> PayPal available!

Yeah sure, right after I send a buck to her male counterpart, the "Anti-
masturbation guy".

She's a full blown loon.
BDK, non-jew leader of the non-existant paid jew shills!


Sep 16, 2010, 8:56:43 PM9/16/10
In article <i6u747$gfi$>,

> On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, â=3F=3FbaMaâ=3F=3F Tse Dung wrote:
> There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.

That doesn't really matter, doesn't Sarah Palin make up new words all
the time? Her fans seem to like it.


Sep 17, 2010, 8:08:52 AM9/17/10
On Sep 16, 3:53 pm, Lamont Cranston <>

> On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:

- There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.

"LC" said the "There's no such thing as . . ." words.
{ hey i thought that only 'numbnuts' said that }
"Liberal-Fascism" with over 6-Million 'Hits' :
Liberal-Fascism is a Virtual Reality in the 21st Century
Try to use 1930s Definitions to Deny that Liberal-Fascism
Does Exist in the 21st Century is an Tired Old Argument.
The Validity of the Term "Liberal Fascist"
? Can It Exist? & ? Does It Exist ?
Liberal Fascism : Denying It's Existence
Won't Make It Go Away
Liberals & Democrats and Their Fascist [NAZI]
Alliance : The Rest of the Story . . .
Liberal+Fascism 'Ping-Pong' Fascism-Liberal :
Ad Nauseum
May the Spirit and Oneness of "The Obama" Transform
Your Evil Hateful Liberal-Fascism Thoughts©
National Socialism and International Socialism
{World Communism} the Top-&-Bottom of the
Same Extreme©
The Alliance Between the Liberal-Fascist and
National Socialism Leading To World Communism©
"Liberal-Fascism" an Evolved Political Concept
of the 21st Century©
Independent' Voters Have Shifted
from 2-to-1 for Obama in 2008
to 1-to-2 for Anybody but Obama in 2012
Obama-U-Nism© There Is No Deception
Praise Be The Obama ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF
All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !
-for- all those unbelievers : the truth will set you free

Chas. Chan

Sep 17, 2010, 8:31:01 AM9/17/10
On Sep 16, 5:53 pm, Lamont Cranston <>

> On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
> There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.

Fascism is a form of government which centers all power [House, Senate
and Judiciary] in a single party [Liberal Fascist Democrats] headed by
an absolute dictater [0baMa0 Tse Dung].


Anyone who is not a ComuSexual (Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/
is a Fascist according to Useful Liberal Idiots.

Anyone who refutes a ComuSexual (Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/
is a Fascist according to Useful Liberal Idiots.

Liberal Fascism

If you haven't read the book, watched all of the above and understood
what was said don't bother responding with your ComuSexual propaganda

Left-wing roots of the Nazis

Marxism, National Socialism [NAZI] and Juche [N.Korea] are left-wing

When Liberals and NAZIs were Allies

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

The Liberal's Path to Socialism

"Just as the Left was drawn to the communist killing machines of
Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro, so too it is now attracted to
radical Islam."

"The contempt that German Hitlerytes had for "Bolshevism" or "marxist
Jews" generally should also not mislead us in assessing the similarity
between National Socialism and Communism. Leftist sects are very prone
to rivalry, dissension, schism and hatred of one-another. One has only
to think of the Bolsheviks versus the Mensheviks, Stalin versus
Trotsky, China versus the Soviet Union etc. Similarity does not
preclude rivalry. Hitler and Stalin were literally brothers in arms
BEFORE they became rivals. That socialist brothers sometimes fall out
should not prevent us from noting the brotherhood concerned."

"The fundamental dogma of all brands of socialism and communism is
that the market economy or capitalism is a system that hurts the vital
interests of the immense majority of people for the sole benefit of a
small minority of rugged individualists. It condemns the masses to
progressing impoverishment. It brings about misery, slavery,
oppression, degradation and exploitation of the working men, while it
enriches a class of idle and useless parasites."

"This doctrine was not the work of Karl Marx. It had been developed
long before Marx entered the scene. Its most successful propagators
were not the Marxian authors, but such men as Carlyle and Ruskin, the
British Fabians, the German professors and the American
Institutionalists. And it is a very significant fact that the
correctness of this dogma was contested only by a few economists who
were very soon silenced and barred from access to the universities,
the press, the leadership of political parties and, first of all,
public office. Public opinion by and large accepted the condemnation
of capitalism without any reservation."


"The term 'planning' is mostly used as a synonym for socialism,
communism, and authoritarian and totalitarian economic management.
Sometimes only the German pattern of socialism-Zwangswirtschaft-is
called planning, while the term socialism
proper is reserved for the Russian pattern of outright socialization
and bureaucratic operation of all plants, shops, and farms. At any
rate, planning in this sense means all-around planning by the
government and enforcement of these plans by the police power.
Planning in this sense means full government control of business. It
is the antithesis of free enterprise, private initiative, private
ownership of the means of production, market economy, and the price
system. Planning and capitalism are utterly incompatible. Within a
system of planning production is conducted according to the
government's orders, not according to the plans of capitalists and
entrepreneurs eager to profit by best filling the wants of the

"But the term planning is also used in a second sense. Lord Keynes,
Sir William Beveridge, Professor Hansen, and many other eminent men
assert that they do not want to substitute totalitarian slavery for
freedom. They declare that they are planing
for a free society. They recommend a third system, which, as they say,
is as far from socialism as it is from capitalism, which, as a third
solution of the problem of society's economic organization, stands
midway between the two other systems, and while retaining the
advantages of both, avoids the disadvantages inherent in each.

"These self-styled progressives are certainly mistaken when they
pretend that their proposals are new and unheard of. The idea of this
third solution is very old indeed, and the French have long since
baptized it with a pertinent name; they call it interventionism.
Hardly anybody can doubt that history will link the idea of social
security, more closely than with the American New Deal and with Sir
William Beveridge, with the memory of Bismarck whom our fathers did
not precisely describe as a liberal. All the essential ideas of
present-day interventionist progressivism were neatly expounded by the
supreme brain-trusters of imperial Germany, Professors Schmoller and
Wagner, who at the same time urged their Kaiser to invade and to
conquer the Americas. Far be it from me to condemn any idea only on
account of its not being new. But as the progressives slander all
their opponents as old-fashioned, orthodox, and reactionary, it is
expedient to observe that it ,vould be more appropriate to speak of
the clash of two orthodoxies; the Bismarck orthodoxy versus the
Jefferson orthodoxy.


"The fundamental dogma of all brands of socialism and communism is
that the market economy or capitalism is a system that hurts the vital
interests of the immense majority of people for the sole benefit of a
small minority of rugged individualists. It condemns the masses to
progressing impoverishment. It brings about misery, slavery,
oppression, degradation and exploitation of the working men, while it
enriches a class of idle and useless parasites. This doctrine was not
the work of Karl Marx. It had been developed long before Marx entered
the scene. Its most successful propagators were not the Marxian
authors, but such men as Carlyle and Ruskin, the British Fabians, the
German professors and the American Institutionalists. And it is a very
significant fact that the correctness of this dogma was contested only
by few economists who were very soon silenced and barred from access
to the universities, the press, the leadership of political parties
and, first of all, public office. Public opinion by and large accepted
the condemnation of capitalism without any reservation.


Dr. Ludwig von Mises - 1952 -

The following is from The World Book Encyclopedia, 1947 edition:
The chief characteristics of Fascism are as follows:


Fascism, like all forms of government, rests firmly on the sincere
consent of a large part of the population... To maintain this consent,
the Fascist leadership must cut off the people from any information
which might cause them to doubt the complete rightness of the fixed
Fascist principles... All forms of communication are carefully
censored, so that the public will receive only those facts that the
dictators want known... Travel to other countries must be controlled,
and freedom of speech and assembly must be rigorously suppressed...


Fascism in Italy and Germany at first won the support of the wealthy
classes, both landed and industrial... These people saw in Fascism a
protection against the demands of farmers and other workers... Both
regimes at first upheld the rights of private property... They
subjected the working classes to a rigorous discipline... As soon as
they were firmly established, the dictators began to limit profit,
impose capital levies, and regulate business in great detail...

Employment Rates under Liberal Fascism


Fascism depends upon the police to crush all opposition or dissent.
Secret police spy on the whole population, and any casual remark
against the regime leads to swift and severe punishment... Opposition
parties are dissolved. Intellectual, athletic and recreational
organizations are usually brought under the control of the Fascist
authority... The ruthlessness of the police gradually becomes less
noticeable... This is because within a year or so after a Fascist
government takes power, vigorous opponents of the regime have either
left the country, been killed or jailed...

(Both Fascist and Communist leaders make use of the police state...
Every absolute government has used the police state to some degree...
It was highly developed among the ancient Assyrians...)


Fascism is highly nationalistic... It tries to identify its principles
with the country, so that disagreement will look like treason... Some
other country, or some group within the country, is chosen to serve as
the "enemy" and made to appear as the cause of all evils or
misfortunes... For example, the Nazis in Germany represented their
movement first as a crusade against the Jews, then as a fight against
Communism and later as a struggle against the "attacks" from whatever
neighboring country they wished to subdue or occupy... Extreme
nationalism often becomes a kind of racial fanaticism... Sometimes it
combines racial and religious bigotry...


Fascism maintains among the people a permanently warlike frame of
mind... Every citizen feels that he is mobilized against enemies of
the regime from within, and against possible foreign foes... The
dictator usually comes to power during a period of economic crisis or
depression... He relieves the depression partly by employing many
people in the making of armaments... To justify this procedure, he
must convince the people that the country is threatened, and must
point toward some of the enemies against whom the armaments may be

Listen to 0baMa0's rhetoric and his fascistic support from the
............................sound familiar?............................

Tim Crowley

Sep 17, 2010, 8:49:54 AM9/17/10
hint: fascism is a right wing political ideology, it has nothing to do
with liberals.

fuck, the no-names just get dumber and dumber and dumber.


Sep 17, 2010, 10:25:03 AM9/17/10
Chas. Chan wrote:
> On Sep 16, 5:53 pm, Lamont Cranston<>
> wrote:
>> On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
>> There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.
> Fascism is a form of government which centers all power [House, Senate
> and Judiciary] in a single party [Liberal Fascist Democrats] headed by
> an absolute dictater [0baMa0 Tse Dung].

No. Fascism is when business creates a subservient government that
serves business first, then the people. This requires that the people
are groomed to be susceptible of manipulative schemes like religious
fervor and patriotic wars. There is a great deal of symbolism, and for
some weird reason, a lot of homoerotic back story.

m II

Sep 17, 2010, 11:28:58 AM9/17/10
Brenda Ann wrote:

>>> It was so much better when women were chained to their beds.......

>> Dude, you have bad mental problems. You might be a danger to yourself
>> and/or others. You need to get with a shrink and work on this ...

>> With only your best interest at heart,
>> JS

> Don't know about you... but I see a tongue firmly embedded in cheek when I
> read that post..

*I* detected only truth and sincerity.

Many of us on the Far Right have special rooms wallpapered with
Wolfowitz, Kristol, Rove and Cheney posters. They add that 'special'
feeling to the months or years long bondage experience.

My personal favourite times include wearing a latex George W. mask
while gazing at my domineering, ever-so-in-control splendour in the
ceiling mirrors.

Strangely, special house guest from Holland Michigan
doesn't seem nearly as proactive as his adverts led me to believe he
would be. I'll have to check his collar for chafing...



Sep 17, 2010, 5:00:12 PM9/17/10

"?baMa? Tse Dung" <> wrote in message

> If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> PayPal available!

I'll be sending $50.00 and if she'll change her mind and
say masturbation is ok and even pleasurable, I'll make it
Ah, what the heck, I'm sending $100.00


Sep 17, 2010, 8:29:24 PM9/17/10
∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:

> If everyone would sent at least $1 at
> PayPal available!

And YOU have what to do with shortwave radio? You need to stop cross-
posting this shit.

Dr. Barry Worthington

Sep 17, 2010, 8:54:56 PM9/17/10
On 17 Sep, 13:08, RHF <> wrote:
> On Sep 16, 3:53 pm, Lamont Cranston <>
> wrote:
> > On 9/16/2010 1:52 PM, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung wrote:
> - There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.
> "LC" said the "There's no such thing as . . ." words.
> { hey i thought that only 'numbnuts' said that }
>  .
>  .
> "Liberal-Fascism" with over 6-Million 'Hits' :
> Liberal-Fascism is a Virtual Reality in the 21st Century

(i) You have cited past postings by myself in a thread that tore both
you and the concept apart. (Which you ignored/didn't understand.)

(ii) I posted a reference and synopsis to the Coupland article, from
which Goldberg derived the term. (Included in one of the cited

(iii) Coupland has since stated that Goldberg didn't understand his

(iv) Jonah Goldberg is a slipshod third rate writer. (I will not
dignify him with the title of 'historian' or 'political scientist'.)

(v) No reputable academic journal (on both sides of the Atlantic) has
bothered to review his book.

(vi) You appear to be as thick as pig sh*t.

Dr. Barry Worthington

> Try to use 1930s Definitions to Deny that Liberal-Fascism

> Does Exist in the 21st Century is an Tired Old Argument.

>  .
> The Validity of the Term "Liberal Fascist"

> ? Can It Exist? & ? Does It Exist ?

> Liberal Fascism : Denying It's Existence
> Won't Make It Go Away
>  .
> Liberals & Democrats and Their Fascist [NAZI]

> Alliance : The Rest of the Story . . .
>  .
> Liberal+Fascism 'Ping-Pong' Fascism-Liberal :
> Ad Nauseum

>  .
> May the Spirit and Oneness of "The Obama" Transform
> Your Evil Hateful Liberal-Fascism Thoughts©
>  .
> National Socialism and International Socialism
> {World Communism} the Top-&-Bottom of the
> Same Extreme©
>  .
> The Alliance Between the Liberal-Fascist and
> National Socialism Leading To World Communism©
>  .
> "Liberal-Fascism" an Evolved Political Concept

> of the 21st Century©

>  .
> Independent' Voters Have Shifted
> from 2-to-1 for Obama in 2008

> to 1-to-2 for Anybody but Obama in 2012
>  .
> Obama-U-Nism© There Is No Deception
>  .
> Praise Be The Obama ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF
> All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !

Message has been deleted


Sep 17, 2010, 10:33:46 PM9/17/10
On Sep 17, 5:54 pm, "Dr. Barry Worthington" <>
- -
- - - On Sep 16, 3:53 pm, Lamont Cranston
- - - <>
- - - wrote:
- - - There's no such thing as liberal fascism, numbnuts.

- - On 17 Sep, 13:08, RHF <> wrote:
- - RHF -wrote-
- - "LC" said the "There's no such thing as . . ." words.
- - { hey i thought that only 'numbnuts' said that }
- - .
- - .
- - "Liberal-Fascism" with over 6-Million 'Hits' :
- - Liberal-Fascism is a Virtual Reality in the 21st Century
- -

DBW -wrote-
- (i) You have cited past postings by myself in a thread that tore
- you and the concept apart. (Which you ignored/didn't understand.)
- (ii) I posted a reference and synopsis to the Coupland article, from
- which Goldberg derived the term. (Included in one of the cited
- postings.)
- (iii) Coupland has since stated that Goldberg didn't understand his
- article.
- (iv) Jonah Goldberg is a slipshod third rate writer. (I will not
- dignify him with the title of 'historian' or 'political scientist'.)
- (v) No reputable academic journal (on both sides of the Atlantic)
- bothered to review his book.
- (vi) You appear to be as thick as pig sh*t.

DBW - "pig sh*t" & 'thick'

Honestly DBW -is- That Your Conclusive Expert
{Educated} Opinion -with-respect-to-all-of-the-above-

- Dr. Barry Worthington

DBW - ? MD -or- PhD ?
Help Liberal-Fascism Defeat Christine O'Donnell and
the Tea Party'ers
-aka- "T" Party Pay-Tree-Odds {Patriots}

DBW - You are attempting to make an Educated
Argument {Reason With} to someone who simply
uses his innate 'common-sense' {My Gut Feeling}

Clearly 'you' have a Well Educated Opinion that
Liberal Fascism Can NOT Exist -and- I can accept
your 'Opinion' as being your "Opinion"
. . . however . . .

Clearly 'i' have a 'common-sense' {humble} opinion
that Liberal-Fascism Can EXIST -but- You can NOT
accept my 'opinion' as being my "opinion"
. . . because . . .

After All, You Do Have The Power of Your Convictions
Based On The Sum Total of Your Life. {Absolute}

Oops... Am I Not Also Allowed The Power of My
Convictions Based On The Sum Total of My Life ?

clearly we can agree : that we disagree - eaflap ~ RHF
{you being you & me being me}
-ps- DBW do be very careful not to step in
the "pig sh*t" : i would not want you to soil
yourself because of me ;;-}}
=PPS= You Have Entered the "Arguing with Idiots" Zone
There is a sign post up ahead . . .
-and-it-reads- "You Are An Idiot !"
-for- Arguing with someone that you
reasonably believe to be an I D I O T [.]
*OMG/OMA* Let Us Pray . . .
This Has Been A 'Teachable Moment'
- - Try to use 1930s Definitions to Deny that Liberal-Fascism
- - Does Exist in the 21st Century is an Tired Old
- - Argument.
- -
- - .
- - The Validity of the Term "Liberal Fascist"
- - ? Can It Exist? & ? Does It Exist ?
- -
- - Liberal Fascism : Denying It's Existence
- - Won't Make It Go Away
- - .
- - Liberals & Democrats and Their Fascist [NAZI]
- - Alliance : The Rest of the Story . . .
- -
- - .
- - Liberal+Fascism 'Ping-Pong' Fascism-Liberal :
- - Ad Nauseum
- -
- - .
- - May the Spirit and Oneness of "The Obama" Transform
- - Your Evil Hateful Liberal-Fascism Thoughts©
- -
- - .
- - National Socialism and International Socialism
- - {World Communism} the Top-&-Bottom of the
- - Same Extreme©
- -
- - .
- - The Alliance Between the Liberal-Fascist and
- - National Socialism Leading To World Communism©
- -
- - .
- - "Liberal-Fascism" an Evolved Political Concept
- - of the 21st Century©
- -
- - .
- - Independent' Voters Have Shifted
- - from 2-to-1 for Obama in 2008
- - to 1-to-2 for Anybody but Obama in 2012
- -
- - .
- - Obama-U-Nism© There Is No Deception
- -
- - .
- - Praise Be The Obama ! - my prez-a-duntz ~ RHF
- -
- - All Hail to Our Lord and Savior Prez Obama !
- -
- - -for- all those unbelievers : the truth will set you free
- -
- - .
- - .


Sep 17, 2010, 11:02:35 PM9/17/10
On Sep 17, 7:31 pm, wrote:
- It's done Snowed in Montana already.Snowed in Whitefish last month.I
- told y'all it gets COLD in Montana.COLDER than a well digger's arse
- Montana.I can't handle that thar COLD weather as good as I used to
- could.
- cuhulin
*OMG/OMA* It's Another 'Sign' of "Climate Change"
First the Earth was getting Warmer according to the
Great Prophet of Global Warming
-a-la- Al Gore -pbhn-
Now the Earth was getting Colder according to the
Greater Prophet of Global 'Just-Cool-It'
-a-la- LL Cool J -pbhn-
Hey - Just May Be The Great Mother Earth Is Having
Hot and Cold Flashes {Going Through Menopause}
according to the totally-unknown-prophet of Global . . .
'This Shit Happens Naturally !' -a-la- ~ RHF {ibid} © * / -create-an-RHF-a-webpage-
* © This is another Copy-Righted 'Brain Fart' of RHF
-wrt- 'Brain Fart' -yeah- This Idea(s) Stinks -pew(pu)-

John Smith

Sep 18, 2010, 1:17:14 AM9/18/10

Funny, but I would say the earth is warming. Indeed, from what I have
read, most, if not all, planets in our system are detectably warmer--I
don't think we can be blamed for all that. If the images I have seen on
google earth are not manipulated, the polar caps are losing mass due to

The only question is, how much is due to our actions ... if you light a
match in an auditorium, you have warmed that auditorium, even though it
would, probably, defy us to be able to measure such a small increase in
overall warmth, so obviously we have warmed the planet, some ... if this
is something to worry about or not is what any concern hinges on. I'd
wait before deciding one way or another ... and, why is the warming
necessarily bad? There are a lot more questions to be answered before
sane men would make any drastic judgment or take drastic action.

Either way, carbon taxes are a scam which does nothing but put money in
the greedy and corrupt pockets.



Sep 18, 2010, 9:32:12 AM9/18/10
RHF wrote:
> On Sep 17, 7:31 pm, wrote:
> - It's done Snowed in Montana already.Snowed in Whitefish last month.I
> - told y'all it gets COLD in Montana.COLDER than a well digger's arse
> in
> - Montana.I can't handle that thar COLD weather as good as I used to
> - could.
> - cuhulin
> .
> *OMG/OMA* It's Another 'Sign' of "Climate Change"
> .

Ever hear of an ostrich? Pretending won't make it go away. It's
probably too late to fix; still at some point you'll have to admit that
something bad and unprecedented is happening.


Sep 18, 2010, 9:43:00 AM9/18/10
John Smith wrote:

> Either way, carbon taxes are a scam which does nothing but put money in
> the greedy and corrupt pockets.
> Regards,
> JS

A nuclear exchange in South Asia would be a smashing good way to thin
the herd and wake up the survivors. But I'm still putting my money on MRSA.


Sep 18, 2010, 8:59:37 AM9/18/10

And it might lead to a more lasting revulsion to the use of nuclear
leading to global disarmament. In debate, this argument is known as


Message has been deleted


Sep 18, 2010, 9:41:13 AM9/18/10
On Sep 18, 5:59 am, Mike <> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 9:43 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > John Smith wrote:
> > > Either way, carbon taxes are a scam which does nothing but put money in
> > > the greedy and corrupt pockets.
> > > Regards,
> > > JS
- - A nuclear exchange in South Asia would
- - be a smashing good way to thin the herd
- - and wake up the survivors.

'Special Dave' - Ah Once Again Your "The Herd"
Mentality Surfaces with Great Extinction !
-wrt- Thinning "The Herd" your personal actions
would speak louder than words.

But I'm still putting my money on MRSA.

Thanks for the Donation !Cha-Ching!

- And it might lead to a more lasting revulsion
- to the use of nuclear weapons,
- leading to global disarmament.

The People in the Stone-Age did NOT have Nukes [.]
-and-thus- . . .

- In debate, this argument is known as "Spark".
- Mike

MWB - In Reality "Spark" Means You Are Dead [.]

don't be mess'en with no 'sparks'
when i am in the powder mag ~ RHF


Sep 18, 2010, 10:30:08 AM9/18/10
On Sep 18, 6:32 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> RHF wrote:
> > On Sep 17, 7:31 pm, wrote:
> > - It's done Snowed in Montana already.Snowed in Whitefish last month.I
> > - told y'all it gets COLD in Montana.COLDER than a well digger's arse
> > in
> > - Montana.I can't handle that thar COLD weather as good as I used to
> > - could.
> > - cuhulin
> >   .
> > *OMG/OMA* It's Another 'Sign' of "Climate Change"
> >   .
- Ever hear of an ostrich?
- Pretending won't make it go away.

False Prophecies* Won't Make It Happen either . . .

* Saint Al of Gore -wrt- VooDoo Science
"Fudge" The Date and Create a 'Theoretical'
Catastrophe to Profit By . . .

- It's probably too late to fix;

How Doe We "Fix' Something That Is Naturally
Occurring like the Sun and the Earth Aging and
Thus Producing a Change in the Earth's Climate :
A 'Change' that is a Natural Transformational
Envent that may be happening over an Earth
Age or may be even an Earth Epoch . . .
?Q? Has Mankind {Humanity} Even Been Around
For One Earth Age ? ? ? -i-don't-think-so-

- still at some point you'll have to admit that

'Special Dave' - ? admit ?
¡ Let There Be A Reply ! {Starting Here}
The Great Mother Earth Is Having Hot-and-Cold
Flashes {Going Through Menopause}

- something bad and unprecedented is happening.

'Special Dave',

? something bad and unprecedented is happening ?

Yeah we call it 'The Weather' and mostly 'The
Weather' changes daily . . .

The Climate usually Varies {Changes} with the Seasons . . .
. . . and . . . Every Day Is A New 'Weather' Day . . .

Throughout Recorded History : Man has noted
'Climate Change' . . .
. . . wrt . . . Little Ice Age

Man also has Scientific Proof from the Earth's Surface
of Massive 'Climate Change' Events; that occurred
prior to the Advent of Man on this Planet.
. . . of . . . Ice Ages and Warmer Times . . .

'Special Dave' - it don't take a rocket scientist {idtars}
to know that Mankind {Humanity} is just a FlySpeck
in a Table Spoon of Ground Pepper when it comes to
Earth Ages and the real 'Climate Change' that occurrs
as This Planet "Earth" and it's Solar System Ages.
The Great Mother Earth Is Having Hot-and-Cold
Flashes {Going Through Menopause}
Blame Prez Bush -cause- He's The Prez-A-Duntz !
. . . Oops 2009/2010 Up-Date . . .
Blame Prez Obama -cause- He's The Prez-A-Duntz !


Sep 18, 2010, 3:22:42 PM9/18/10
On Sep 18, 6:08 am, "Why is the Sky China Blue?"
<> wrote:
> In article <>,
> As long as nuclear weapons remain with the countries that developped them, I'm
> less worried. A country with the technology to make these weapons is not
> suicidal enough to choose to use these weapons.
> --
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.           I'm whoever you want me to be.
> Silver silverware - Where is the love?       At least I can stay in character.
> Oval swimming pool - Where is the love?    Annoying Usenet one post at a time.
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.                              Blessed be.

You know, there is something to this logic, although the definition of
"development" has enough wiggle room to allow for conjecture here.
Iran is possibly "developing" nukes - how do we feel about that?


Sep 18, 2010, 3:26:16 PM9/18/10
On Sep 18, 6:32 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

There is little doubt the climate is changing, and most importantly at
a reckless rate of speed unparalleled compared to any rates able to be
determined from the geologic record. The part some people now have
trouble with is: Humans are causing it, and : something should be
done to slow it.

It all comes down to short-term costs/profits vs. long-term well-being
of the planet and our descendants. A good fortune at the expense of
others is a terrible thing to sacrifice for their benefit.

Dr. Barry Worthington

Sep 18, 2010, 4:23:41 PM9/18/10
On 18 Sep, 03:33, RHF <> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 5:54 pm, "Dr. Barry Worthington" <>
> wrote:
> - -
> - - - On Sep 16, 3:53 pm, Lamont Cranston
> - - - <>- - - wrote:
> - - - There's no such thing asliberalfascism, numbnuts.

> - - On 17 Sep, 13:08, RHF <> wrote:
> - - RHF -wrote-
> - - "LC" said the "There's no such thing as . . ." words.
> - - { hey i thought that only 'numbnuts' said that }
> - - .
> - - .
> - - "Liberal-Fascism" with over 6-Million 'Hits' :
> - -Liberal-Fascismis a Virtual Reality in the 21st Century
> - -

> DBW -wrote-
> - (i) You have cited past postings by myself in a thread that tore
> both
> - you and the concept apart. (Which you ignored/didn't understand.)
> -
> - (ii) I posted a reference and synopsis to the Coupland article, from
> - which Goldberg derived the term. (Included in one of the cited
> - postings.)
> -
> - (iii) Coupland has since stated that Goldberg didn't understand his
> - article.
> -
> - (iv) Jonah Goldberg is a slipshod third rate writer. (I will not
> - dignify him with the title of 'historian' or 'political scientist'.)
> -
> - (v) No reputable academic journal (on both sides of the Atlantic)
> has
> - bothered to review his book.
> -
> - (vi) You appear to be as thick as pig sh*t.
> DBW - "pig sh*t" & 'thick'
> Honestly DBW -is- That Your Conclusive Expert
> {Educated} Opinion -with-respect-to-all-of-the-above-

It is my opinion of your mental processes (or seeming lack of

> - Dr. Barry Worthington
> DBW - ? MD -or- PhD ?

Doctor of Philosophy, actually.

>  .
> HelpLiberal-FascismDefeat Christine O'Donnell and
> the Tea Party'ers

> -aka- "T" Party Pay-Tree-Odds {Patriots}
> DBW - You are attempting to make an Educated
> Argument {Reason With} to someone who simply
> uses his innate 'common-sense' {My Gut Feeling}

> Clearly 'you' have a Well Educated Opinion thatLiberalFascismCan NOT Exist -and- I can accept

> your 'Opinion' as being your "Opinion"
> . . . however .

It isn't just my opinion. Most educated people would concur with it.

. .
> Clearly 'i' have a 'common-sense' {humble} opinion

> thatLiberal-FascismCan EXIST -but- You can NOT

> accept my 'opinion' as being my "opinion"
> . . . because . . .

Because you accept possibly fraudulent garbage masquerading as an
academic study....

> After All, You Do Have The Power of Your Convictions
> Based On The Sum Total of Your Life. {Absolute}
> Oops... Am I Not Also Allowed The Power of My
> Convictions Based On The Sum Total of My Life ?

We are dealing with your political illiteracy here...

> clearly we can agree : that we disagree - eaflap ~ RHF
> {you being you & me being me}
>  .
> -ps- DBW do be very careful not to step in
> the "pig sh*t" : i would not want you to soil
> yourself because of me ;;-}}

You appear to cover yourself with are either very naive or
have an agenda of your own.....

>  .
> =PPS= You Have Entered the "Arguing with Idiots" Zone

> There is a sign post up ahead . . .
> -and-it-reads- "You Are An Idiot !"
> -for- Arguing with someone that you
> reasonably believe to be an I D I O T [.]
>  .
> *OMG/OMA* Let Us Pray . . .
> This Has Been A 'Teachable Moment'
>  .
>  .

Why do you have to post this crap again?

I have demonstrated the fallacious origins of Goldberg's use of this
term. Why can't you deal with that?

Dr. Barry Worthington


Sep 18, 2010, 5:34:08 PM9/18/10
RHF wrote:
> On Sep 18, 6:32 am, dave<d...@dave.dave> wrote:
>> RHF wrote:
>>> On Sep 17, 7:31 pm, wrote:
>>> - It's done Snowed in Montana already.Snowed in Whitefish last month.I
>>> - told y'all it gets COLD in Montana.COLDER than a well digger's arse
>>> in
>>> - Montana.I can't handle that thar COLD weather as good as I used to
>>> - could.
>>> - cuhulin
>>> .
>>> *OMG/OMA* It's Another 'Sign' of "Climate Change"
>>> .
> - Ever hear of an ostrich?
> - Pretending won't make it go away.
> False Prophecies* Won't Make It Happen either . . .
A map of measurements is hardly a prophecy.

Brenda Ann

Sep 18, 2010, 6:19:24 PM9/18/10

"bpnjensen" <> wrote in message

There is little doubt the climate is changing, and most importantly at
a reckless rate of speed unparalleled compared to any rates able to be
determined from the geologic record. The part some people now have
trouble with is: Humans are causing it, and : something should be
done to slow it.

It all comes down to short-term costs/profits vs. long-term well-being
of the planet and our descendants. A good fortune at the expense of
others is a terrible thing to sacrifice for their benefit.

I think one reason many people have a problem with the fact that humans are
causing climate change is that humans tend to not think past their own
tribal groups, whether that be household, city, state or even country (the
US has just 5% of the Earth's population). Fact is, there are 6,000,000,000
of us, and growing rapidly (we were only 3,000,000,000 less than 50 years
ago!). That many resource users can't help but affect their environment.


Sep 18, 2010, 7:33:06 PM9/18/10
Brenda Ann wrote:

> I think one reason many people have a problem with the fact that humans are
> causing climate change is that humans tend to not think past their own
> tribal groups, whether that be household, city, state or even country (the
> US has just 5% of the Earth's population). Fact is, there are 6,000,000,000
> of us, and growing rapidly (we were only 3,000,000,000 less than 50 years
> ago!). That many resource users can't help but affect their environment.

Consumerism or survival?

Message has been deleted

John Smith

Sep 18, 2010, 8:19:33 PM9/18/10
On 9/18/2010 1:23 PM, Dr. Barry Worthington wrote:

> ...
> Doctor of Philosophy, actually.
> ...
> Dr. Barry Worthington

Ahh, all those comments, of mine, on philosophers with doctorates,
nothing personal and, I was using a wide generalization(s). But, then,
you already know that ...



Sep 18, 2010, 8:37:04 PM9/18/10
On Sep 18, 1:23 pm, "Dr. Barry Worthington" <>

- Doctor of Philosophy, actually.

Good for you :o)

> > .
> > HelpLiberal-FascismDefeat Christine O'Donnell and
> > the Tea Party'ers
> > -aka- "T" Party Pay-Tree-Odds {Patriots}
> > DBW - You are attempting to make an Educated
> > Argument {Reason With} to someone who simply
> > uses his innate 'common-sense' {My Gut Feeling}
> > Clearly 'you' have a Well Educated Opinion thatLiberalFascismCan NOT Exist -and- I can accept
> > your 'Opinion' as being your "Opinion"
> > . . . however .

- It isn't just my opinion.
- Most educated people would concur with it.

and equally the possibility exists that : most
'common-sense' people would be of my opinion.

> . .
> > Clearly 'i' have a 'common-sense' {humble} opinion
> > thatLiberal-FascismCan EXIST -but- You can NOT
> > accept my 'opinion' as being my "opinion"
> > . . . because . . .

- Because you accept possibly fraudulent
- garbage masquerading as an academic study....

Ah "possibly" and 'the possible' is part of your argument.

-but- "possibly" and 'the possible' can not be
part of my argument.

The Validity of the Term "Liberal-Fascist"

Question : Can It Exist? {Is It Possible ?}
Are We Allowed* To Consider The Possibility !
* Your Answer seems to be NO.

Question : Does It Exist ? {Is It Possible ?}
Are We Allowed* To Consider That Possibility !
* Your Answer seems to be NO.

My Follow-Up -remains- Liberal-Fascism :
Denying It's Existence : Won't Make It Go Away

- - .

> > After All, You Do Have The Power of Your Convictions

> > Based On The Sum Total of Your Life. {Absolute}
> > Oops... Am I Not Also Allowed The Power of My
> > Convictions Based On The Sum Total of My Life ?

- We are dealing with your political illiteracy here...

Ah the [illiteracy] Box

My 'common-sense' tells me : 'I Know' What "I Know"
-and- My Gut Tells Me : "I Am Right"
{yeah simplistic -but- often true}

> > clearly we can agree : that we disagree - eaflap ~ RHF
> > {you being you & me being me}
> > .
> > -ps- DBW do be very careful not to step in
> > the "pig sh*t" : i would not want you to soil
> > yourself because of me ;;-}}

- You appear to cover yourself with it.....

And with every reply so do you . . .

- you are either very naive
- or have an agenda of your own.....

Hey "Agenda-R-Us" you ain't so naive . . .

OBTW - DBW visually you are a "....."
-and- I am a ". . ."

> > .
- - =PPS= You Have Entered the "Arguing with Idiots" Zone
- -
- - There is a sign post up ahead . . .
- - -and-it-reads- "You Are An Idiot !"
- - -for- Arguing with someone that you
- - reasonably believe to be an I D I O T [.]
- - .
- - *OMG/OMA* Let Us Pray . . .
- - This Has Been A 'Teachable Moment'
- -
> > .
> > .

- Why do you have to post this crap again?

The Bigger Question Would Be : Why Do You
An 'Educated' Man Feel The Need To Respond . . .

- I have demonstrated the fallacious origins
- of Goldberg's use of this term.
- Why can't you deal with that?
- Dr. Barry Worthington

DBW - Consider the possibility that your
"Educated Reality" does not negate my
'common-sense' reality - idtars ~ RHF
Getting back to My Agenda-R-Us :
{ Staying On Message }
Help Liberal-Fascism Defeat Christine O'Donnell

Help Fascist-Liberals Defeat "What's Her Name"
and the "Tea Party" Pay-Tree-Odds

John Smith

Sep 18, 2010, 8:52:33 PM9/18/10
On 9/18/2010 5:37 PM, RHF wrote:

> ...

Find a "Screaming Queen" homosexual, study it for a period of time, if
anyone doing that still denies the existence of liberal fascists, their
use of logic and reason is faulty!



Sep 19, 2010, 1:20:53 AM9/19/10
On Sep 18, 5:52 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 9/18/2010 5:37 PM, RHF wrote:
> > ...
- Find a "Screaming Queen" homosexual, study it
- for a period of time, if anyone doing that still denies
- the existence of liberal fascists, their use of logic
- and reason is faulty!
- Regards,
- JS

"Queer Nation" and "ACT-Up" come to mind as real
IN-YOUR-FACE Activists on behalf of LGBT Rights.

Both used to show-up regularly on the SF Bay
Area TV News Casts with their very Public Antics
along with the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"


Sep 19, 2010, 1:24:26 AM9/19/10
On Sep 18, 4:49 pm, "Why is the Sky China Blue?"
<> wrote:
> In article <>,

>  bpnjensen <> wrote:
> > You know, there is something to this logic, although the definition of
> > "development" has enough wiggle room to allow for conjecture here.
> > Iran is possibly "developing" nukes - how do we feel about that?
> Iran fought a nasty war with Iraq with lots of deaths. Well...lots of young
> Iranians died, but the glorious leaders of the revolution were safely hiding in
> Qom and Teheran. So, no, the Iranian leadership is not suicidal.
> The real problem is that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, all the other kids on the
> block will demand their own from their Uncle Sam.

> --
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.           I'm whoever you want me to be.
> Silver silverware - Where is the love?       At least I can stay in character.
> Oval swimming pool - Where is the love?    Annoying Usenet one post at a time.
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.                              Blessed be.

But that's not the question.


Sep 19, 2010, 1:25:44 AM9/19/10
On Sep 18, 3:19 pm, "Brenda Ann" <>
> "bpnjensen" <> wrote in message

A REALLY good observation, and I would add that humans have a very
hard time looking past their own lifespans (or in the backwards case,
beyond their own memories).


Sep 19, 2010, 2:01:00 AM9/19/10
On Sep 18, 3:19 pm, "Brenda Ann" <>
> "bpnjensen" <> wrote in message


Sun and the Earth and the Rest of the Planets
The Ever Changing Climate of the Solar System.

Mankind-Humanity is just a FlySpeck in a Cup
of Ground Pepper when it comes to Earth Ages
and the real 'Climate Change' that occurs as

This Planet "Earth" and it's Solar System Ages.

The Great Mother Earth Is Having Hot-and-Cold

Clearly there is Naturally Evolving 'Climate Change'
but all Mankind {Humanity} Can Do Is Adapt To It
and Hope to Survive the next 100~10K~1M Years
. . . imho ~ RHF
Now =WRT= 3B or 6B Humans on this Earth :
That is getting to be Gross Over Population of
The Planet; and a very real Critical Problem for
All of Humanity -but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]
* Too Many People Consuming Ever More . . .
* Dwindling & Depleted Natural Resources
* Limited {No} Future for All


Sep 19, 2010, 3:04:18 AM9/19/10
On Sep 18, 10:20 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 5:52 pm, John Smith <> wrote:> On 9/18/2010 5:37 PM, RHF wrote:
> > > ...
> - Find a "Screaming Queen" homosexual, study it
> - for a period of time, if anyone doing that still denies
> - the existence of liberal fascists, their use of logic
> - and reason is faulty!
> -
> - Regards,
> - JS
> "Queer Nation" and "ACT-Up" come to mind as real
> IN-YOUR-FACE Activists on behalf of LGBT Rights.

> Both used to show-up regularly on the SF Bay
> Area TV News Casts with their very Public Antics
> along with the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"
>  .
>  .

Nowadays, people are so polarized and so severely misunderstand what
fascism is that they are likely to use the word for practically
anything with which they sorely disagree.

Unless we are talking about institutionalized bias against specific
groups of people, then real fascism is not present, although would-be
fascists can be everywhere.

Most gay activists are fighting AGAINST institutionalized fascism.
The people RHF cites as having been on TV and in your face may be
obnoxious, weird and downright offensive (depending on your POV), and
a whole bunch of other things too, but "fascists" is not likely one of


Sep 19, 2010, 3:13:38 AM9/19/10
On Sep 18, 11:01 pm, RHF <> wrote:

> Mankind-Humanity is just a FlySpeck in a Cup
> of Ground Pepper when it comes to Earth Ages
> and the real 'Climate Change' that occurs as
> This Planet "Earth" and it's Solar System Ages.

Ah, but there is the rub. Your claim is in error.

Mankind, and the accumulated energy use of almost 7,000,000,000 large
and greedy mammals, is not the flyspeck you postulate. Never before
in earth's history has a single cumulative force been so pervasive and
so potent. It took Nature working 24/7/365 for a half billion years
to sequester the carbon dioxide that humans are releasing in about
*one millionth* that amount of time. Nothing like this has ever
happened, not by the combined effects of volcanoes, hurricanes or
erosion. Ever. The near spontaneous and instantaneous release of this
CO2 is the problem, and to minimize this unprecedented alteration of
the atmosphere's radiation balance is the literal version of the
mythic ostrich with head-in-sand.

Deny all you like...if carte blanche to profit and continued reckless
gross consumption are more important than the health of this, the only
tiny planetary home we have.


Sep 19, 2010, 7:13:12 AM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 12:04 am, bpnjensen <> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 10:20 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> > On Sep 18, 5:52 pm, John Smith <> wrote:> On 9/18/2010 5:37 PM, RHF wrote:
> > > > ...
> > - Find a "Screaming Queen" homosexual, study it
> > - for a period of time, if anyone doing that still denies
> > - the existence of liberal fascists, their use of logic
> > - and reason is faulty!
> > -
> > - Regards,
> > - JS
> > "Queer Nation" and "ACT-Up" come to mind as real
> > IN-YOUR-FACE Activists on behalf of LGBT Rights.

> > Both used to show-up regularly on the SF Bay
> > Area TV News Casts with their very Public Antics
> > along with the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"
> >  .
> >  .
> Nowadays, people are so polarized and so severely misunderstand what
> fascism is that they are likely to use the word for practically
> anything with which they sorely disagree.
> Unless we are talking about institutionalized bias against specific
> groups of people, then real fascism is not present, although would-be
> fascists can be everywhere.
> Most gay activists are fighting AGAINST institutionalized fascism.
> The people RHF cites as having been on TV and in your face may be
> obnoxious, weird and downright offensive (depending on your POV), and
> a whole bunch of other things too, but "fascists" is not likely one of
> them.


What I responded to was the words used by "JS"
- - - "Screaming Queen" homosexual - - -

That is what those Groups '"DID" to get on TV to
bring Public Attention to "Their Cause".

Note - Which part of "Activists on behalf of LGBT
Rights" did you miss ? {Their Cause}

Substitute "Racist" for 'Fascist' in what you wrote
and it still reads the same.

Yes "would-be fascists can be everywhere" including
in Liberal Groups and the Democrat Party of the USA.
{An Real Inconvenient Truth}

Nowadays, people understand what Fascism IS {has
evolved into in the 21st Century} and Use the Word
'practically' as it applies to the Mentality of Fascism,
and the Tactics of Fascist in any group be it
Right-or-Left and Liberal-or-Conservative.

1 - If You Think Like A Fascist : Your Are A Fascist [.]
2 - If You Act Like A Fascist : Your Are A Fascist [.]
One or both Make You a Fascist even though you
may call yourself a Liberal, a Democrat or Socialist.

un-fascistly yours ~ RHF

John Smith

Sep 19, 2010, 8:35:04 AM9/19/10
On 9/19/2010 12:04 AM, bpnjensen wrote:

> ...

> Most gay activists are fighting AGAINST institutionalized fascism.
> The people RHF cites as having been on TV and in your face may be
> obnoxious, weird and downright offensive (depending on your POV), and
> a whole bunch of other things too, but "fascists" is not likely one of
> them.

That is the full 180 degrees back-arse-wards. They are a small minority
who wish to impose their will and the acceptance of their perversions on
the majority. They attempt to use the courts as a weapon against any
who find them disgusting. They sue over anything, including the right
to be openly in neighborhoods practicing their perversions where people
are attempting to raise families with real morals and values. The
demand that marriage be destroyed in order to give them "equal rights."
They demand that the perversion of homosexuality be taught in the
schools as an "alternate lifestyle." They have forced the schools into
brainwashing the straight students into tolerance and acceptance of
these vile perversions.

The means which they will stoop to, to cause "acceptance" of them and
that their wants and desires be fulfilled has no bounds ...

NO! Those fools are truly fascist in intent and actions.



Sep 19, 2010, 8:47:27 AM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 12:13 am, bpnjensen <> wrote:
- - On Sep 18, 11:01 pm, RHF <> wrote:
- -
- - Mankind-Humanity is just a FlySpeck in a Cup
- - of Ground Pepper when it comes to Earth Ages
- - and the real 'Climate Change' that occurs as
- - This Planet "Earth" and it's Solar System Ages.
- -

- Ah, but there is the rub.
- Your claim is in error.

NAH ! {Once Again} -wrt- 'Climate Change' : The
Mankind Factor is 1 in 1,000,000 or less . . and
the other 999,999 is the Earth and Sun with the
Earth being 999 and the Sun being 999,000 in
the Balance-of-Things for all of the yesterdays;
Today; and all of the tomorrows . . .

Sun and the Earth and the Rest of the Planets
The Ever Changing Climate of the Solar System.

-hint- Don't see a 'human' in the Picture.

Mankind-Humanity is just a FlySpeck in a Cup
of Ground Pepper when it comes to Earth Ages
and the real 'Climate Change' that occurs as

This Planet "Earth" and it's Solar System Ages.

Clearly there is Naturally Evolving 'Climate Change'
but all Mankind {Humanity} Can Do Is Adapt To It
and Hope to Survive the next 100~10K~1M Years
. . . imho ~ RHF
Now =WRT= 3B or 6B Humans on this Earth :
That is getting to be Gross Over Population of
The Planet; and a very real Critical Problem for
All of Humanity -but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]
* Too Many People Consuming Ever More . . .
* Dwindling & Depleted Natural Resources
* Limited {No} Future for All

- Mankind, and the accumulated energy use of
- almost 7,000,000,000 large and greedy mammals,
- is not the flyspeck you postulate.

=WRT= Over Population : "YES"
-and- Climate Change : 'no'

The entire Human Bio-Mass stacked like fire wood
could be place in a 3-Mile Cube -wrt- the size of the
Earth and would not even make a 'spot' on the Sun.

- Never before in earth's history has a single
- cumulative force been so pervasive and
- so potent.

Nah the Dinosaurs where around for 150M Years.
and Humans so far for less than 50K~250K years.

- It took Nature working 24/7/365 for a half
- billion years to sequester the carbon dioxide
- that humans are releasing in about *one millionth*
- that amount of time. Nothing like this has ever
- happened,

At least not that Mankind in it's short existence
on Earth knows about so far.

- not by the combined effects of volcanoes,
- hurricanes or erosion. Ever.

The things I have hear and read about Volcanoes
would show that they can have more impact than
Mankind; with respect to putting Gases into the
Earths Atmosphere.

- The near spontaneous and instantaneous release
- of this CO2 is the problem, and to minimize this
- unprecedented alteration of the atmosphere's
- radiation balance is the literal version of the
- mythic ostrich with head-in-sand.

BpnJ - "spontaneous and instantaneous" started
around the industrial age and continues today.

Plus within 10~20~30 Years* the number of Private
Cars in China will equal or exceed the number in
the USA and may be Europe added in too.
* Can India be far behind . . .

- Deny all you like...if carte blanche to profit
- and continued reckless gross consumption
- are more important than the health of this,
- the only tiny planetary home we have.

BpnJ do you Heat your Home for Profit ?
BpnJ do you tune-on a Light for Profit ?
BpnJ do you Cook your Food for Profit ?
BpnJ do you Drive your Car for Profit ?
no, No. NO ! these are all things that you
Yeah someone else may make a profit off
of them -but- you do them to live, and so
your family can live too.

What We Got Here Is Gross Over Population of
The Planet and Excessive Use of the Earth's
Natural Resources :


Sep 19, 2010, 10:14:08 AM9/19/10
bpnjensen wrote:

> Most gay activists are fighting AGAINST institutionalized fascism.
> The people RHF cites as having been on TV and in your face may be
> obnoxious, weird and downright offensive (depending on your POV), and
> a whole bunch of other things too, but "fascists" is not likely one of
> them.

Anybody who can make Roy uncomfortable is OK by me. While he is
"shocked" by queers on TV, he is oblivious to the real crminals robbing
him blind.


Sep 19, 2010, 10:16:24 AM9/19/10
bpnjensen wrote:
> On Sep 18, 11:01 pm, RHF<> wrote:

> Ah, but there is the rub. Your claim is in error.


> Deny all you like...if carte blanche to profit and continued reckless
> gross consumption are more important than the health of this, the only
> tiny planetary home we have.

If we are not willing to sacrifice NOW there will be NO CHANCE to stop
what's coming. We will HATE ourseves for not at least trying.


or Survival



Sep 19, 2010, 12:05:16 PM9/19/10

Here is a quote from Mein Kampf:

"The fight which Fascist Italy waged against Jewry's three
principal weapons, the profound reasons for which may not have been
consciously understood (though I do not believe this myself) furnishes
the best proof that the poison fangs of that Power which transcends
all State boundaries are being drawn, even though in an indirect way.
The prohibition of Freemasonry and secret societies, the suppression
of the supranational Press and the definite abolition of Marxism,
together with the steadily increasing consolidation of the Fascist
concept of the State--all this will enable the Italian Government, in
the course of some years, to advance more and more the interests of
the Italian people without paying any attention to the hissing of the
Jewish world-hydra.
"The English situation is not so favorable. In that country
which has 'the freest democracy' the Jew dictates his will, almost
unrestrained but indirectly, through his influence on public opinion."


Sep 19, 2010, 5:04:12 PM9/19/10
RHF wrote:

> NAH ! {Once Again} -wrt- 'Climate Change' : The
> Mankind Factor is 1 in 1,000,000 or less . . and
> the other 999,999 is the Earth and Sun with the
> Earth being 999 and the Sun being 999,000 in
> the Balance-of-Things for all of the yesterdays;
> Today; and all of the tomorrows . . .

Your science, such as it is, is flawed. You repeat oil company talking
points. Humans have greater effect on climate than volcanoes, for instance.

John Smith

Sep 19, 2010, 5:54:45 PM9/19/10

I seriously doubt that. If you take all the energy being expended by
the volcanoes in the world, I'd bet the energy being released dwarfs our
expenditure ...


Joe from Kokomo

Sep 19, 2010, 6:53:40 PM9/19/10

On 9/18/2010 7:33 PM, dave wrote:

> Consumerism or survival?

Do you allow for any shades of gray between those two extremes?

To me consumerism is bad if carried to extremes, i.e., a smaller
percentage of the wold's population consuming a larger percentage of the
world's resources.

"Survival" to me means living in a cave without electricity, eating
snakes and bugs.

Please clarify your definitions.

Joe from Kokomo

Sep 19, 2010, 6:54:39 PM9/19/10

> On 9/19/2010 2:04 PM, dave wrote:
>> RHF wrote:
>>> NAH ! {Once Again} -wrt- 'Climate Change' : The Mankind Factor is
>>> 1 in 1,000,000 or less . . and the other 999,999 is the Earth and
>>> Sun with the Earth being 999 and the Sun being 999,000 in the
>>> Balance-of-Things for all of the yesterdays; Today; and all of
>>> the tomorrows . . .
>> Your science, such as it is, is flawed. You repeat oil company
>> talking points. Humans have greater effect on climate than
>> volcanoes, for instance.

On 9/19/2010 5:54 PM, John Smith wrote:

> I seriously doubt that. If you take all the energy being expended by
> the volcanoes in the world, I'd bet the energy being released dwarfs
> our expenditure ...
> Regards, JS

Well, it's not energy per se. It's the gaseous droplets and particulate
matter ejected into the air by volcanoes.

Absolute FACT #1: Carbon dioxide IS a "greenhouse" gas (lets solar heat
in but won't let it escape).

Absolute FACT #2: Ice core samples from the last 50,000 years shows a
DRAMATIC increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide that pretty much
coincides with human industrialization. The ice core samples show
sporadic CO2 increases that can be attributed to volcanoes but accounts
for no where near the total rise in the amount of CO2.

For those that say we are getting cooler, they may be right. The very
latest solar data shows that the sun may be "slowing down" (for lack of
a better term) and that this will give us another cooling Maunder
Minimum as experienced circa 1600-1700.

But just because the Maunder Minimum is offsetting the warming effects
of continuing increased CO2, that doesn't mean we can indefinitely
continue pumping bazillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Think
hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians trading in their bicycles
for cars. :-(


Sep 19, 2010, 7:17:37 PM9/19/10

Energy emission is not really the issue here. Volcanic emissions of
CO2 equivalent are lower by about 2 orders of magnitude on an annual
basis than human emissions of same. Moreover, the volcanic emissions
of CO2 have always been more or less steady state with time (with
obvious fluctuations, which themselves are very long term). That
means that the earth without human interference has stabilized itself,
again with very long term fluctuations, incorporating the volcanic CO2
equivalent emissions. With human emissions of the magnitude we are
talking here, though, and the rapid destruction of a large part of the
the only short-term sink for the stuff we have (vegetation,
specifically the temperate and rainforests) the earth has had no
opportunity to develop an additional means of resequestering the

From Wikipedia: Emissions of CO2 by human activities are currently
more than 130 times greater than the quantity emitted by volcanoes,
amounting to about 27 billion tonnes per year. ( ref. )


Sep 19, 2010, 7:21:33 PM9/19/10

Moreover, it shows a complete lack of understanding of the magnitude
and nature of the human effect, and what it means to be instantaneous
in geologic time. RHFs arguments use gut instinct and common sense,
when neither one is reliable in matters of science. I have no idea
where these gross magnitude numbers come from, but if this is oil
company data, it is designed to appeal to the lowest common
denominator of understanding and gullibility. Sorry, RHF - this is
just pseudoscientific mishmash.


Sep 19, 2010, 7:24:31 PM9/19/10

In fact, the current science suggest that without the effect of human
CO2, the earth would actually be slowly cooling rather than heating.
As a result, human-generated emissions are responsible for ~120% of
the heating being measured today (yes, the math actually works - 100%
heating + -20% cooling = 120%).

John Smith

Sep 19, 2010, 7:31:51 PM9/19/10
On 9/19/2010 3:54 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> Well, it's not energy per se. It's the gaseous droplets and particulate
> matter ejected into the air by volcanoes.
> Absolute FACT #1: Carbon dioxide IS a "greenhouse" gas (lets solar heat
> in but won't let it escape).

> ...

Actually, cO2 is rather benign and not any real thing to worry about.
Anyone growing marijuana or aquarium plants, and supplying them with
excess cO2, knows the voracious appetite of plants for carbon dioxide.
The effect of adding more cO2 is very dramatic on plant growth. When we
finally find another fuel source, the plants will clean up this problem
very quickly. All life on this planet is carbon based, carbon is a
nutrient, not a poison.

However, there is one detrimental effect of cO2. It is dissolving in
the oceans which provide a natural buffering (absorbing) medium. This
is causing a slight rise in the acidity of the oceans, and particularly
near shorelines, and this is detrimental on the shells of mussels,
clams, etc. There are probably other problems with the excess cO2 that
I am not aware of, as this is not a great matter of concern to me.

More nuclear plants would be a good answer, until we find the next
energy source, however, there is even more opposition to the use of
nuclear power plants than coal/oil fired plants. One thing is for sure,
nuclear will only be a temporary solution when we run out of oil/coal,
as this is in limited supply also.


John Smith

Sep 19, 2010, 7:43:16 PM9/19/10
On 9/19/2010 4:21 PM, bpnjensen wrote:

> ...

> Moreover, it shows a complete lack of understanding of the magnitude
> and nature of the human effect, and what it means to be instantaneous
> in geologic time. RHFs arguments use gut instinct and common sense,
> when neither one is reliable in matters of science. I have no idea
> where these gross magnitude numbers come from, but if this is oil
> company data, it is designed to appeal to the lowest common
> denominator of understanding and gullibility. Sorry, RHF - this is
> just pseudoscientific mishmash.

The truth of the matter is, we are not going to stop generating cO2
anytime soon. Energy is what keeps everyone eating ... so although
there will be a lot of people profiting in making energy very expensive,
we will go on using it in ever increasing quantities. Then, the oil
will be gone, and we will begin building nuclear plants, bet on it.



Sep 19, 2010, 8:04:35 PM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 2:54 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 9/19/2010 2:04 PM, dave wrote:
- - - RHF wrote:
- - - NAH ! {Once Again} -wrt- 'Climate Change' : The
- - - Mankind Factor is 1 in 1,000,000 or less . . and
- - - the other 999,999 is the Earth and Sun with the
- - - Earth being 999 and the Sun being 999,000 in
- - - the Balance-of-Things for all of the yesterdays;
- - - Today; and all of the tomorrows . . .

Dave -wrote-
- - Your science, such as it is, is flawed.
- - You repeat oil company talking points.
- - Humans have greater effect on climate
- - than volcanoes, for instance.

- I seriously doubt that.
- If you take all the energy being expended by
- the volcanoes in the world, I'd bet the energy
- being released dwarfs our expenditure ...

- Regards,
- JS

'Special Dave',

As big as NYC, Tokyo, Shanghai etc etc or any of our
Man-Make Mega-Cities are I don't recall an Air Traffic
having to be diverted around them due to their Pullution :
As was the recent case of the Islanic Volcano

-and- There are many Volcanoes that are very Active
this very day.
* Mount St. Helens
* Mount_Pinatubo

Lists of the World Volcanoes by Nation
? Saudi Arabia's Got Volcanoes Too ?

what is the old adage : Let Sleeping Giants Lie
ain't no lie ~ RHF

Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting

to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
-but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]


Sep 19, 2010, 8:14:43 PM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 3:54 pm, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
- For those that say we are getting cooler, they may be right. The
- latest solar data shows that the sun may be "slowing down" (for lack
- a better term) and that this will give us another cooling Maunder
- Minimum as experienced circa 1600-1700.

How Do We "Fix' Something That Is Naturally
Occurring like the Sun and the Earth Aging and
Thus Producing a Change in the Earth's Climate :
A 'Change' that is a Natural Transformational
Envent that may be happening over an Earth
Age or may be even an Earth Epoch . . .
?Q? Has Mankind {Humanity} Even Been Around
For One Earth Age ? ? ? -i-don't-think-so-

- But just because the Maunder Minimum is offsetting the warming
- of continuing increased CO2, that doesn't mean we can indefinitely
- continue pumping bazillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Clearly there is Naturally Evolving 'Climate Change'
but all Mankind {Humanity} Can Do Is Adapt To It
and Hope to Survive the next 100~10K~1M Years
. . . imho ~ RHF

- Think hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians
- trading in their bicycles for cars.   :-(

So are you advocating Stopping China and India
from Industrializing any more . . . or just having
the USA and Europe De-Industrialize ?

The Great Mother Earth Is Having Hot-and-Cold
Flashes {Going Through Menopause}
Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting

to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
-but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]


Sep 19, 2010, 8:24:30 PM9/19/10


Was this Math done with the Doctored-Up {Bogus}
DATA from the Bought-and-Paid-for British CRU and
other "Global Warming Expert" $cienti$t$

Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting

to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
-but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]


Sep 19, 2010, 9:02:48 PM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 4:31 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 9/19/2010 3:54 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> > ...
> > Well, it's not energy per se. It's the gaseous droplets and particulate
> > matter ejected into the air by volcanoes.
> > Absolute FACT #1: Carbon dioxide IS a "greenhouse" gas (lets solar heat
> > in but won't let it escape).
> > ...
- Actually, cO2 is rather benign and not any real thing to worry
- Anyone growing marijuana or aquarium plants, and supplying them with
- excess cO2, knows the voracious appetite of plants for carbon
- The effect of adding more cO2 is very dramatic on plant growth.
 When we
- finally find another fuel source, the plants will clean up this
- very quickly.  All life on this planet is carbon based, carbon is a
- nutrient, not a poison.
- However, there is one detrimental effect of cO2.  It is dissolving
- the oceans which provide a natural buffering (absorbing) medium.
- is causing a slight rise in the acidity of the oceans, and
- near shorelines, and this is detrimental on the shells of mussels,
- clams, etc.  There are probably other problems with the excess cO2
- I am not aware of, as this is not a great matter of concern to me.

> More nuclear plants would be a good answer, until we find the next
> energy source, however, there is even more opposition to the use of
> nuclear power plants than coal/oil fired plants.  One thing is for sure,
> nuclear will only be a temporary solution when we run out of oil/coal,
> as this is in limited supply also.
> Regards,
> JS


Yeah the simplest way to Off-Set much of the Man
Make CO2 is to Plant Plants and Trees in every County
World Wide : Don't Pay a Carbon Credit Tax to Keep
from Cutting Down Trees in a Nation in Africa or some
other Third World Nation. Spend That CO2 Enrichment
Tax right here in the USA and Plant Trees in American

I say "NO" to Global Carbon Credit Tax ~ RHF
{Wealth Transfer to Other Nations}
* Don't Waste Money Giving US Green Dollars
to Corrupt Foreign Dictators to spend elsewhere
* Can't Heal The World -if- We Don't Heal the USA First
* Let Them Follow The USA's Example
* Export Know-How and Can-Do along with Green
Produces and Services : NOT Give Away Money

I say "YES" to an American CO2 Enrichment Tax ~ RHF©*
{Re-Greening American & Investing in the USA}
* American Taxes should Pay for American Jobs
* Put Americans To Work Re-Greening the USA
* Making America Beautiful Is Good For The Planet
* A Better America Makes A Better World
* A Healthy Ecologically Strong USA Is The Answer
* Stop Exporting American Jobs, Technology
and Capital to Foreign Countries
* Reduce the Need for Foreign Produces and Services
* Reduce the Need for Foreign Oil and Gas
= = = Right Here In The USA = = =
* Build New Cleaner Electrical Power Generation Plants
* Build New Electrical Power Generation Dams
* Build New Cleaner Autos & Trucks and Improve Roads
* Make New Cleaner and more Energy Efficient Appliances
* Make New Cleaner and more Energy Efficient Products
* Develop New Cleaner and more Energy Efficient Sevices
Spend The American Tax Money Right Here in the USA
Spend That American Tax Money Right Here in the USA
Spend Our American Tax Money Right Here in the USA
Say "NO" To Exporting American Tax Money Overseas
Say "NO" To Exporting American Tax Money Other Nations
Say "NO" To Exporting American Tax Money Dictators
* © This is another Copy-Righted 'Brain Fart' of RHF
-wrt- 'Brain Fart' -yeah- This Idea(s) Stinks -pew(pu)-

Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting

to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
-but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]

John Smith

Sep 19, 2010, 9:14:14 PM9/19/10
On 9/19/2010 6:02 PM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> Yeah the simplest way to Off-Set much of the Man
> Make CO2 is to Plant Plants and Trees in every County
> World Wide : Don't Pay a Carbon Credit Tax to Keep
> from Cutting Down Trees in a Nation in Africa or some
> other Third World Nation. Spend That CO2 Enrichment
> Tax right here in the USA and Plant Trees in American

> ...

In my personal opinion, all Americans should refuse to pay any carbon
tax. If the government insists, this should be considered an act of the
government declaring war on its' own citizens. As our forefathers gave
us the responsibility of defending our freedoms, liberties and the
pursuit of happiness ... this would be a good time to begin fulfilling
that obligation.

The government taxing the peasants to support the rich elite is in total
oppositon to all which is American. I don't know why there has not been
more uprising of the people at this point, with the billions/trillions
which have been given away to wall street and the bankers it is obvious
theft and enslaving of the people to pay debts generated by the rich and
powerful. Watching people sacrifice the future of their children, and
indenturing their children in indebted servitude to pay for the
lifestyles of the rich and famous seems like the ultimate form of child
abuse I can imagine.

To me, the crimes are horrendous in scope, intent and actions. To allow
such criminals to go free and unpunished is a crime within itself. I
can't imagine it can go on much further ... but then, that is just
probably me.



Sep 19, 2010, 10:24:24 PM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 4:21 pm, bpnjensen <> wrote:
> On Sep 19, 2:04 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > RHF wrote:
> > > NAH ! {Once Again} -wrt- 'Climate Change' : The
> > > Mankind Factor is 1 in 1,000,000 or less . . and
> > > the other 999,999 is the Earth and Sun with the
> > > Earth being 999 and the Sun being 999,000 in
> > > the Balance-of-Things for all of the yesterdays;
> > > Today; and all of the tomorrows . . .
> > Your science, such as it is, is flawed. You repeat oil company talking
> > points. Humans have greater effect on climate than volcanoes, for instance.

- Moreover, it shows a complete lack of understanding of the magnitude
- and nature of the human effect, and what it means to be
- in geologic time. RHFs arguments use gut instinct and common sense,
- when neither one is reliable in matters of science.

BpnJ - ? matters of science ?

Was this Matters of $cience done with the Doctored-Up
{Bogus} DATA from those Bought-and-Paid-for British
CRU $cientists and other "Global Warming Expert"
$cientists . . .
- I have no idea where these gross magnitude numbers
- come from, but if this is oil company data,

BpnJ - ? oil company data ?

Hey - Didn't Prez Obama tell us to Trust and Rely
on BP Corp's Management; and BP's Oil Expertise;
and BP's Oil Data to Fix Things In The Gulf of Mexico ?

OBTW - My 'common-sense' tells me that
BP* is an "oil company"
* crude-oil-hint - "BP" stands for 'British Petroleum'
- it is designed to appeal to the lowest common
- denominator of understanding and gullibility.

BpnJ - Now taking about my 'gullibility'

Sort of became a 'common-sense' Scientific 'Skeptic"
when I heard and read about the Doctored-Up {Bogus}
DATA from those Bought-and-Paid-for British CRU $
cientists and other "Global Warming Expert" $cientists . . .
- Sorry, RHF - this is just pseudoscientific mishmash.

Oops NEWS FLASH -Up-Date-
White House annouces the 'Global Warming'
{Brand Name} is Out : and has a new Phase
"Global Climate Disruption" is now {Brand Name}
-per- White House Science Adviser John Holdren
- = Let The Subject Line Change* = -
(OT) : Thinking of Pseudo-Science and the
Global Warming to Climate Change to
Global Climate Disruption -Re-Branding-
* Hey didn't Prez Obama Promised Change ;;-}}


Hey - Never claim to be a Rocket Scientist or
for that matter an expert at anything Scientific :
'common-sense' is my game ~ RHF {so sorry}

But my 'common-sense' tell me that the Earth
and Sun are way Way WAY BIGGER then the
entire Mass of Humanity by several orders of
Say "YES" to an American CO2 Enrichment Tax

{Re-Greening American & Investing in the USA}
Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting

to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
-but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]

Sep 19, 2010, 11:09:08 PM9/19/10

Robinson Crusoe . Survival and total independence from world's
economic cycles ! .

John Smith

Sep 19, 2010, 11:16:22 PM9/19/10
On 9/19/2010 8:09 PM, wrote:

> ...

> Robinson Crusoe . Survival and total independence from world's
> economic cycles ! .

Survival this time, most likely, will be prying the cold dead fingers
off a gold bar of one of the rich elite which has just been terminated.

Or, in the opposite direction, stealing a tomato from someones garden in
the darkest portion of the night ...

Or, trading a few rounds of ammo for a can of stew ...



Sep 20, 2010, 9:36:59 AM9/20/10
Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> Consumerism or survival?
> Do you allow for any shades of gray between those two extremes?
> To me consumerism is bad if carried to extremes, i.e., a smaller
> percentage of the wold's population consuming a larger percentage of the
> world's resources.
> "Survival" to me means living in a cave without electricity, eating
> snakes and bugs.
> Please clarify your definitions.

Consumerism is materialism, the opposite of spirituality.

If I have to "live in a cave" to try to save the future for my grandkids
I will do it.

I've already given up meat and air-conditioning and watering the lawn.


Sep 20, 2010, 9:39:22 AM9/20/10
Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> For those that say we are getting cooler, they may be right. The very
> latest solar data shows that the sun may be "slowing down" (for lack of
> a better term) and that this will give us another cooling Maunder
> Minimum as experienced circa 1600-1700.

Even though the sun is relatively quiet, 2010 is the hottest year on
record so far. What will happen when the sun returns to normal?

John Smith

Sep 20, 2010, 8:59:34 AM9/20/10
On 9/20/2010 6:36 AM, dave wrote:

> ...

> Consumerism is materialism, the opposite of spirituality.
> If I have to "live in a cave" to try to save the future for my grandkids
> I will do it.
> I've already given up meat and air-conditioning and watering the lawn.

And, the rich-elite power brokers thank you, from their yachts, as they
head to a nice Caribbean island. What more can you give up, I'd like a
nice yacht!

Have you considered moving to san fransicko and eating tofu?



Sep 20, 2010, 10:00:23 AM9/20/10
John Smith wrote:
> On 9/19/2010 3:54 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>> ...
>> Well, it's not energy per se. It's the gaseous droplets and particulate
>> matter ejected into the air by volcanoes.
>> Absolute FACT #1: Carbon dioxide IS a "greenhouse" gas (lets solar heat
>> in but won't let it escape).
>> ...
> Actually, cO2 is rather benign and not any real thing to worry about.
> Anyone growing marijuana or aquarium plants, and supplying them with
> excess cO2, knows the voracious appetite of plants for carbon dioxide.
> The effect of adding more cO2 is very dramatic on plant growth. When we
> finally find another fuel source, the plants will clean up this problem
> very quickly. All life on this planet is carbon based, carbon is a
> nutrient, not a poison.
This has been dis-proven. The added vegetation offsets very little net


Sep 20, 2010, 10:01:37 AM9/20/10

How about we quit eating meat? That's the fastest, most effective means
of making a big difference.


Sep 20, 2010, 10:03:20 AM9/20/10
RHF wrote:

> As big as NYC, Tokyo, Shanghai etc etc or any of our
> Man-Make Mega-Cities are I don't recall an Air Traffic
> having to be diverted around them due to their Pullution :
> As was the recent case of the Islanic Volcano

How long did that go on?


Sep 20, 2010, 10:08:06 AM9/20/10
John Smith wrote:

> 'Special Dave',rated by the rich and

> powerful. Watching people sacrifice the future of their children, and
> indenturing their children in indebted servitude to pay for the
> lifestyles of the rich and famous seems like the ultimate form of child
> abuse I can imagine.

Tell it to the people who cut taxes and went to war. They ran up a
trillion and a half dollars more debt from 2001-2009. They did it "off
budget" meaning that when the real cost was merged with the general
fund, we were suddenly an extra trillion in the hole.

If you think Obama's a big spender, what do you think of Bush?


Sep 20, 2010, 10:11:27 AM9/20/10
RHF wrote:

> - Moreover, it shows a complete lack of understanding of the magnitude
> - and nature of the human effect, and what it means to be
> instantaneous
> - in geologic time. RHFs arguments use gut instinct and common sense,
> - when neither one is reliable in matters of science.
> BpnJ - ? matters of science ?

Yes. Science.

Your "climategate" was a creation of big oil. The quotes were taken out
of context, were not part of any official documents, and ultimately
proved nothing, except that some people will wrap their lips around any
sausage dangled in front of them.

John Smith

Sep 20, 2010, 9:23:04 AM9/20/10
On 9/20/2010 7:08 AM, dave wrote:

>> ...

> Tell it to the people who cut taxes and went to war. They ran up a
> trillion and a half dollars more debt from 2001-2009. They did it "off
> budget" meaning that when the real cost was merged with the general
> fund, we were suddenly an extra trillion in the hole.
> If you think Obama's a big spender, what do you think of Bush?

The treasonous public servants, being paid by the rich elite, simply
took our tax dollars and converted them into stolen oil, antiques, and
the assets and holdings of Iraq. They then allowed the
rich-elite-masters to deposit these sums in their own personal coffers,
off shore and hidden. They are doing what they are paid to do.

We need to audit the fed and put good financial investigators on the
trail and recover these assets and put them back in the public coffers.
Unfortunately, everyday, this problem only gets worse. We need to
correct this. We need to imprison some of our public servants and hang
the rest who are guilty of criminal and treasonous actions.
Unfortunately, some just want to elect another criminal, of the other
party, to steal from us--I guess that will make them feel better and
take care of their needs and wants.

We just need the right catalyst to get things going. I guess there are
not enough homeless, hungry, sick and destitute Americans yet, when
there is, we will be in a much better situation to see something happen
to correct all this. Until then, all we can really do is wait and watch
poverty wreck its' havoc on the population. Some, like you, will
probably be able to get pretty hungry and do without for an amazing
length of time ... so, we need not get in a hurry, probably.


John Smith

Sep 20, 2010, 9:34:14 AM9/20/10
On 9/20/2010 7:00 AM, dave wrote:

>> ...

> This has been dis-proven. The added vegetation offsets very little net
> carbon.

I don't know how they can "disprove" that. Since the main component of
our bodies is carbon, since the main component of plants is carbon,
every plant, every germ, etc.

Obviously, anyone capable of doing the math can figure out they are
lying ... carbon dioxide is our friend. Without it, life would cease to
exist on this planet in short order ... claiming there is too much
carbon dioxide, in the context of nature and the earth, is very similar
to claiming there is too much water, too much dirt, too many deserts,
too many mountains.

The main source of all the carbon a plant is made of comes from carbon
dioxide ... without plants we would have no oxygen to breathe.


John Smith

Sep 20, 2010, 9:36:27 AM9/20/10
On 9/20/2010 7:03 AM, dave wrote:

> ...

> How long did that go on?

Not all that long, before the products spread out, encircled the earth
and permeated every corner of the globe.


John Smith

Sep 20, 2010, 9:41:02 AM9/20/10
On 9/20/2010 7:01 AM, dave wrote:

> ...

> How about we quit eating meat? That's the fastest, most effective means
> of making a big difference.

That begins an interesting thought. How, we Americans, greatly extended
our lifespans, health and well being from grazing humongous amounts of
beef and having the American diet centered around this excellent source
of protein.

Now that the rich find that the population is too expensive to feed a
diet of beef to, they wish to convert us over to a diet of rice, veges
and tofu. Some idiots will actually begin touting this as desirable!
If you ever doubt the lack of intelligence in a good portion of the
population, you just gave a good example of a reminder ...

You go eat that chit ... leaves more steak for me!


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Sep 20, 2010, 11:20:44 AM9/20/10

That's what I do ;-)

So wha power brokers, exactly, are benefitting from Dave's choices?


Sep 20, 2010, 11:21:30 AM9/20/10
> other "Global Warming Expert" $cienti$t$

>  .
>  .
> The Great Mother Earth Is Having Hot-and-Cold
> Flashes {Going Through Menopause}

>  .
> Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting
> to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
> very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
> -but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]
>  .
>  .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

No RHF, it was not. More bogus talking points on your part.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:29:10 AM9/20/10
On Sep 19, 4:31 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 9/19/2010 3:54 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> > ...
> > Well, it's not energy per se. It's the gaseous droplets and particulate
> > matter ejected into the air by volcanoes.
> > Absolute FACT #1: Carbon dioxide IS a "greenhouse" gas (lets solar heat
> > in but won't let it escape).
> > ...
> Actually, cO2 is rather benign and not any real thing to worry about.
> Anyone growing marijuana or aquarium plants, and supplying them with
> excess cO2, knows the voracious appetite of plants for carbon dioxide.
> The effect of adding more cO2 is very dramatic on plant growth.  When we
> finally find another fuel source, the plants will clean up this problem
> very quickly.  All life on this planet is carbon based, carbon is a
> nutrient, not a poison.

The point is missed.

Yes, pound for pound, CO2 as a GHG is mild compared to methane, water
vapor, nitrous oxide and a number of other GHGs. The problem is that
there is so much more of it, especially after we have been releasing
300,000,000 years' worth in a geologic blink of an eye. A human being
is a lot bigger than an army ant, but pit him against a million ants
and see what happens.

The plant population of this planet is no match for the hundreds of
millions of years' worth of dead plants we have quickly released back
to the outer environment. The CO2 concentration has risen drastically
in the last 250 years, and continues to go up exponentially - if
plants were able to absorb it, this effect would have been obvious by
now, and it's not. Moreover, the plant-based systems that could
absorb it - rainforests, temperate forests and even the oceanic
plankton - are currently so decimated by man's other activities that
their capacity for sequestration are quite limited.

Nobody claims that elemental carbon or CO2 is a poison.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:30:03 AM9/20/10
> Flashes {Going Through Menopause}

>  .
> Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting
> to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
> very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
> -but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]
>  .
>  .

Good luck with that tree planting idea. You could not cover the
planet with enough trees to stop the CO2 rise even temporarily.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:33:16 AM9/20/10

Once again, RHF misses the point and uses a false point of comparison
to state his case. If you're going to compare coconuts with sewing
machines, you need to find the common factor.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:34:17 AM9/20/10
On Sep 19, 4:43 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 9/19/2010 4:21 PM, bpnjensen wrote:
> > ...
> > Moreover, it shows a complete lack of understanding of the magnitude
> > and nature of the human effect, and what it means to be instantaneous
> > in geologic time.  RHFs arguments use gut instinct and common sense,
> > when neither one is reliable in matters of science.  I have no idea
> > where these gross magnitude numbers come from, but if this is oil
> > company data, it is designed to appeal to the lowest common
> > denominator of understanding and gullibility.  Sorry, RHF - this is
> > just pseudoscientific mishmash.
> The truth of the matter is, we are not going to stop generating cO2
> anytime soon.  Energy is what keeps everyone eating ... so although
> there will be a lot of people profiting in making energy very expensive,
> we will go on using it in ever increasing quantities.  Then, the oil
> will be gone, and we will begin building nuclear plants, bet on it.
> Regards,
> JS

OK, well, then, you've sealed out fate with that proclamation, Thank


Sep 20, 2010, 11:34:48 AM9/20/10
> of making a big difference.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Indeed, and that's what I did 21 years ago.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:35:32 AM9/20/10

You wish.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:36:11 AM9/20/10
On Sep 19, 7:24 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> On Sep 19, 4:21 pm, bpnjensen <> wrote:
> > On Sep 19, 2:04 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > > RHF wrote:
> > > > NAH ! {Once Again} -wrt- 'Climate Change' : The
> > > > Mankind Factor is 1 in 1,000,000 or less . . and
> > > > the other 999,999 is the Earth and Sun with the
> > > > Earth being 999 and the Sun being 999,000 in
> > > > the Balance-of-Things for all of the yesterdays;
> > > > Today; and all of the tomorrows . . .
> > > Your science, such as it is, is flawed. You repeat oil company talking
> > > points.  Humans have greater effect on climate than volcanoes, for instance.
> - Moreover, it shows a complete lack of understanding of the magnitude
> - and nature of the human effect, and what it means to be
> instantaneous
> - in geologic time.  RHFs arguments use gut instinct and common sense,
> - when neither one is reliable in matters of science.
> BpnJ - ? matters of science ?
> Was this Matters of $cience done with the Doctored-Up
> {Bogus} DATA from those Bought-and-Paid-for British
> CRU $cientists and other "Global Warming Expert"
> $cientists . . .

>  .
> - I have no idea where these gross magnitude numbers
> - come from, but if this is oil company data,
> BpnJ - ? oil company data ?
> Hey - Didn't Prez Obama tell us to Trust and Rely
> on BP Corp's Management; and BP's Oil Expertise;
> and BP's Oil Data to Fix Things In The Gulf of Mexico ?
> OBTW - My 'common-sense'  tells me that
> BP* is an "oil company"
> * crude-oil-hint - "BP" stands for 'British Petroleum'
>  .
> - it is designed to appeal to the lowest common
> - denominator of understanding and gullibility.
> BpnJ - Now taking about my 'gullibility'
> Sort of became a 'common-sense' Scientific 'Skeptic"
> when I heard and read about the Doctored-Up {Bogus}
> DATA from those Bought-and-Paid-for British CRU $
> cientists and other "Global Warming Expert" $cientists . . .

>  .
> - Sorry, RHF - this is just pseudoscientific mishmash.
> Oops NEWS FLASH -Up-Date-
> White House annouces the 'Global Warming'
> {Brand Name} is Out : and has a new Phase
> "Global Climate Disruption" is now {Brand Name}

> -per- White House Science Adviser John Holdren
>  .
> - = Let The Subject Line Change* = -
> (OT) : Thinking of Pseudo-Science and the
> Global Warming to Climate Change to
> Global Climate Disruption -Re-Branding-
> * Hey didn't Prez Obama Promised Change ;;-}}
> -sort-of-like-the-same-old-dead-pig-in-a-new-poke-

> BpnJ,
> Hey - Never claim to be a Rocket Scientist or
> for that matter an expert at anything Scientific :
> 'common-sense' is my game ~ RHF {so sorry}
> But my 'common-sense' tell me that the Earth
> and Sun are way Way WAY BIGGER then the
> entire Mass of Humanity by several orders of
> magnitude.
>  .
> Say "YES" to an American CO2 Enrichment Tax
> {Re-Greening American & Investing in the USA}
>  .
> The Great Mother Earth Is Having Hot-and-Cold
> Flashes {Going Through Menopause}

>  .
> Now with 6B Humans on this Earth : That is getting
> to be Gross Over Population of The Planet; and a
> very real Critical Problem for All of Humanity
> -but- That Ain't "Climate Change" [.]
>  .
>  .

You just keep on comparing those coconuts to sewing machines...


Sep 20, 2010, 11:38:57 AM9/20/10

BTW - once more, with gusto - COMMON SENSE DOES NOT = LOGIC OR

Common sense is virtually worthless in physics, chemistry, astronomy,
geology, meteorology, climatology or any other physical science. The
number of mistakes that have been made in science using common sense
is legion. I won't give a nickle for your common sense when it comes
to any of these.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Sep 20, 2010, 12:49:14 PM9/20/10

Have you given up showers?

Have you given up toilet paper?

Have you given up using energy to save animals, you can walk to the
rally and carry the animals to the critter health center.


Sep 20, 2010, 2:41:50 PM9/20/10
John Smith wrote:

> And, the rich-elite power brokers thank you,

> Have you considered moving to san fransicko and eating tofu?

How does my living a more austere life make the corporations happy?

I don't ever want to live in a city again-too hard to escape.

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