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(rev 2.1.1) NOT to know about Mind Control inflicted, DOES greatly affect Health and Sanity and Science, on Earth - {HRI 20101106-V2.1.1} {FPP 20101106-V2.1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 10, 2010, 1:50:06 AM11/10/10
NOT to know about Mind Control inflicted, DOES greatly affect Health
and Sanity and Science, on Earth

6 November 2010

{HRI 20101106-V2.1.1}
{FPP 20101106-V2.1.1}

(Version 2.1.1
on 10 Nov 2010)


You have NOT ONLY been BROUGHT to know nothing about Mind Control,

and - in order to PREVENT you from knowing about Mind Control -
you have been made falsely to "know,"

"about thinking" and "about being manipulated."

In fact, you have not got a clue!

You are being dominated, on Earth, as regards ninety percent of your
thoughts and feelings

- and thus as regards your actions and goals and your
"sciences" and "religions," too - you are, on Earth,

dominated by (mostly well-adjusted, mostly unrecognized) sociopaths
or Criminal Minds,

even though these make up only a small percentage of the
population on Earth.


As long as you are not going to admit - to yourself - THAT this
Mind Control is taking place, you will not change (the Stupidity*
and Insanity,* inflicted on you and on everyone).




A full Definition of Mind Control:

The projection of a cocktail of Harmful Life Energy Particles,

which do numb, contaminate and push aside someone's own
Energies - meaning, the Energy Particles that are one's
thoughts, one's perception, feeling, knowledge, abilities,
memory, and conscience,

and the Mind Control is numbing it SELECTIVELY:

regarding some area of one's thought, perception,
feeling, knowledge, ability, memory, and conscience,

or regarding some person, or class of persons, or
regarding objects, also,

that then become falsely perceived, or not
recognized (not connected to memory) at all,
due to the inflicted Mind Control

by means of the projected Harmful Life Energy Particles
that contain and inflict the distortion and blocking, and

that make perceived or felt instead, the content - or the
disability or other disconnection to life and to oneself - that
the Mind Controller (normally a sociopath) has visualized

and intends the victim (also you, that is) to experience,
to feel, to think, and intends the victim NOT to
experience, NOT to feel or think, NOT to remember, etc.,

BY MEANS OF projecting and inflicting (his Harmfully
Altered Life Energy Particles with) the intended content

that is clever (deceptive) enough, and forceful enough,
to CONTROL some part of the victim's (and also your and
my) life,

without the knowledge of the victim(s), and (thus) beyond the
control of the victims,

who thus "should NOT be educated" about the very simple
nature of thoughts and the infliction of thought etc.,
and ALSO NOT about the removal of thoughts,

thoughts ARE Life Energy Particles, and thus can
be REMOVED - you have experienced that frequently -

and the victims (you and I, that is) "should best be very
FALSELY 'educated'," about the nature of thought,

the victims "should" (and indeed do) "NOT KNOW," and the
victims even "SHOULD" (and indeed they do) "DENY,"

the simple nature, or even the very existence, of Mind

normally inflicted by sociopaths - and from any distance - who
thereby intend to dominate and control the victims (you and me),
towards some harm, *(n)[ODE]

and to suck in, to steal and use instead for themselves and for
other sociopaths whom they 'support,' the Energies of their
victims, and using it in their OWN life, as if it is "their
own Life Energy."

So exceptionally, the text of one Bach Cantata is actually
correct: *(1)

'Weichet nur, betruebte Schatten' (the very beautiful first
part of BWV 202 - and a love song, indeed)

('Just Go Away, Depressing Shadows:' 'Harmful Energy
Particles, move off and be gone!').



Again: You have NOT ONLY been MADE to know nothing about Mind Control

- and you are not just simply being subjected to it -


You are being dominated, on Earth, for ninety percent of your
thoughts and feelings

- and thus in your actions and goals and "sciences" and
"religions" too - you are

dominated by the (mostly well-adjusted, mostly unrecognized, often
seemingly very "pleasant," and well.. "adjusted," "socially" very
able) sociopaths or Criminal Minds, on Earth and beyond. *(2)(JVDT)


And as long as you are not going to admit that, to yourself, that
that Mind Control IS occurring, in all aspects of your life and the
life of others, you will not change that (the Stupidity and Insanity
inflicted on you), *(2)

because, as long as you do not admit it is Mind Control

and when INSTEAD (of admitting, that it IS Mind

you ARE accepting the MAIN Mind Control, which is
their idea, that

"because YOU are the one feeling it," and "nobody
does anything to you"

(because "Life Energy 'DOES NOT EXIST',"
and because - according to the very false
proverb - "Sticks and stones may break your
bones but words" [and Mind Control] "will
never hurt you"), therefore

"it is all caused by yourself," or even

(which is the maximum of destructive Insanity
currently reached by common medical "research"
that is led by well-adjusted sociopaths, who

"it is all caused by your brain," (no kidding!) but

as long as you do not admit,

that the cause is EXTERNAL, and

that the cause IS Harmful Life Energy Particles, AND

inflicted by (often well-adjusted, unrecognized)
sociopaths or Criminal Minds,

inflicted by them in the present, and earlier,
in your past

(and obviously inflicted by them also in the
future to come), *(n)

IF YOU DO NOT ADMIT ALL THAT - to yourself - then you can of course
not regain control over it,

and the inflictions will continue to hinder or ruin your life
(and that of others) in one way or in many ways,

and may even make you a slave to all kinds of inflictions
on your senses, and to all kinds of 'panic' attacks and

and to all kinds of inflictions on your body, with very
fancy Latin names and very expensive "treatment" but not

making you slaves to the fears inflicted on you, and making you
dominated by the pains or damage inflicted on your body,

making you slaves to medicines, to pills, injections or

not to mention alcohol or drugs or tobacco, and
sleeping pills and the like,

with so-called "remedies" in order not to feel the inflicted
Harmful Energies of Ugliness, of Pain, of Fear, of Apathy and
of Unconsciousness, and the like,

THAT HOWEVER REMAIN PRESENT, if only unfelt for a while:

Exactly BECAUSE you do not look at it, and do NOT
recognize it, and so you can not push it away, and
instead it is also

making you slaves to those individuals who recommend or sell
all that "treatment" to you or to others,

as a never-ending "solution."


And when you do not admit THAT - to yourself - that you ARE
being Mind Controlled for ninety percent of your thoughts and
feelings - in the past and present, and for the future to come -

that they, the ("well-adjusted" sociopaths) on Earth,
INTENDED and INTEND - if you do NOT understand and
recognize their Mind Control,

then you will not either change other people,

whom you blame, occasionally and quite correctly (or
people that you maybe blame all the time) for

THEIR life-depressing and often highly destructive Stupidity.*

And THEIR Stupidity while they were faced with a
well-adjusted sociopath or Criminal Mind,

DID indeed, at one time or another, make your life
very hard;

and due to their Stupidity they WILL make your life
very hard - if not unbearable - at times in the

Now don't you go and listen to the
"Green people" and "Peace activists,"

because all THEY do and INTEND, with their
false "causes" and Insanity,*

is to DENY AND HIDE Mind Control plus the
"well-adjusted" sociopaths, that go with it,

and some are themselves "well-adjusted"
sociopaths or Criminal Minds.


If you get to define these things, you would rather start
to call them Insane:

'Insane' is DEFINED as 'assigning the wrong cause to what
is happening.' *(3)

'Stupidity' is DEFINED as 'the inability to connect to
the relevant data and reject irrelevant data.' *(n)





Well, you (meaning, not you, of course, but OTHERS - they) not only
do NOT know ANYTHING about Mind Control,

but (not you or me, of course, but others) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE
BEING KEPT Stupid* and Insane,*

BY your - excuse me, by them - not knowing anything about Mind

The sociopaths (Mind Controllers, Life Energy Vampires, the
Inflictors of Diseases, by means of their Harmfully Altered
Life Energies - the "well-adjusted" sociopaths)

are DENYING the existence of Life Energy - yes, many are even
DENYING the spiritual quality itself, of people,

while they make you stare at brain scans(!) instead of at Life

AND of course, INSTEAD of looking at THEM, at the (well-
adjusted) sociopaths!

Indeed they, the "socially adjusted" sociopaths and their

by their malicious act of "re-defining science" as
"science" equals "not Life Energy," they

thereby hide their Mind Control, too.

See below, under Enclosure, for a real-life example of
total Mind Control.




Their malice is comparable to the imaginary case, that 'Criminals
would claim, and hypnotize everyone to "know," that "bullets do not

So they - the sociopaths - can shoot at will and at anyone, at
you and at your children, and they are never stopped or even

WHILE they wreak their havoc on you and others.

And people then - Mind Controlled into 'not knowing of and not
seeing bullets,'

they then develop a "science," about 'how these mysterious
wounds occur in bodies'

- because the hypnotism prevents them from even seeing
a bullet

(a selective malfunction of perception, that can really
be achieved by hypnotism, as you may know from TV shows
with hypnotized subjects).




You can be (and in fact you are) hypnotized into totally forgetting
your past, and thus you are

- Insanely* and very destructively to yourself AND to the
society -

being fixated on "only one life time existing," *(4)[LIP]

yes, and shamefully at that, into not even recognizing your
friends from past lives,

and so you do not recognize also me, anymore. *(n)

How Insane* and Stupid* can you be made by Mind Control?



Some well-adjusted sociopaths create(d) "philosophies" and "religions"
and "sciences," to make all that (Insanity* and Stupidity*)

seem "beneficial" and "right," and to "explain" to you, that

(the infliction of Insanity* and Stupidity* by well-
adjusted sociopaths), that

THAT is "part of the 'Divine Plan for Life'," and is "the Nature of
Life" which is "necessary for your soul to evolve." Really...
[not kidding!]

sure, 'beneficial' and 'right' FOR CRIMINAL MINDS (for well-adjusted
sociopaths), that is dopes.




How Stupid* can you be? Well, if you are never going to admit it - at
least to yourself - you will remain extraordinarily Stupid:

You will remain a play-thing of the "socially adjusted" sociopaths,
of their Mind Control and of their Vampirism on your Life Energy (of
your soul and of your body)

- Life Energy about which you are taught in school and by
"science," that "it does not exist,"

yet it is governing all of your Life, including all material
things, *(n)[iFPP]

and ALL of your feelings, thoughts, abilities, perception,
memories, your connections with others, the aliveness of your

all CONSIST of Life Energy, and thus all these qualities
of you, can be disturbed and manipulated, poisoned, and

sociopaths or Criminal Minds ENJOY to do that, to
you, they DELIGHT in disturbing, manipulating,
poisoning, and smashing the Life Energy of others,

and your Life Energy (as it consists of Particles, these)
can also be sucked away - as the "socially adjusted"
sociopaths do,

also those (including the well-adjusted) sociopaths
who are deceased do - they have passed, but NOT

They do NOT suddenly stop their Harmful Life Energy
emanations and inflictions, 'just because their BODY

and you can establish that they do, very

but ALSO THAT, the "well-adjusted" sociopaths have
made you DENY,

in their "science" for instance.

How shameful, to call THAT science!




And those of the (not-sociopaths but) NORMAL people, who DO KNOW
consciously that Life Energy is existing, and who CAN talk about it,

like the martial arts people and the Eastern medicine people,

and Mr. Emoto of Japan and Mr. Kok Sui from the
Philippines and Ms. Barbara Brennan of California,

EVEN THEY have been hypnotized into denying

the existence of the VERY PLAIN, very OBVIOUS Sociopaths,

the Mind Controllers, the Life Energy Vampires, the
Inflictors of Diseases:

"Don't examine Evil!"

"Don't look how the damaged condition of the body and its
Energies, and of the soul and its (your own) Energies,
came about!"

"Bullets don't exist..." (as in the imaginary example)

EVEN THEY - the very good people - do deny the Harmfully Altered Life
Energy (HALEPs) by which the Sociopaths inflict their Evil freely,
on Earth. *(n)

THEY ALL "explain" it "nicely" away,

and they typically do so, with whatever religious or Eastern
philosophical terminology

- MADE by sociopaths exactly for the purpose of explaining
away their Evil inflictions and their own nature -

is common in the culture that they grew up in, or absorbed.



All "science" on Earth, and all "religion" on Earth, is INTENDED to
deny - or else to HIDE or MASK - the "socially adjusted" sociopaths
on Earth and beyond,

and such "science" is indeed either initiated by, OR dominated
by the "socially adjusted" sociopaths. *(n)(n)




If you are never going to admit, how Stupid* they have made you, and
how Stupid they keep you, then you are never going to escape their
domination of ninety percent of you.

I DID admit it, and thus I became able to develop actual
science, also in my present life time. *(n)

So I have to teach you about that, and about Life Energy, and
I created the ACTUAL science of 'Fine Particle Physics' {FPP},

which simply builds onto and vastly expands my earlier
teachings, as Plato, that, indeed,

'all effects in the material world, have spiritual causes.'


Of course, my present viewpoint is very much wider than two thousand
years ago

- due to the fruits of my work in life times since that time,
work that you and I can now enjoy, and be protected by, *(1)
but also -

due to the vast research I have carried out in this present life time
of mine,

plus the vast amount of data made available by other caring and
responsible people, in their books and in documentaries they
made - made available via libraries, and now via the Internet -

and, thanks to the people (including you) who have kept

Life and Happiness and Beauty and Love go on...


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


[check for possible newer versions or related new issues]

(*) See {definition} in the text itself, above.

(1) 'Bach Cantatas: Very un-Bach text with very anti-Life, period
"Christian" doctrine, to be REPLACED by actual poets, or
performed using non-text voice'
{HRI 20101012-V1.0.1}
(12 October 2010 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Oct 2010)

(2) 'How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed
and Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of
Truth' (JVDT)
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.5}
(26 October 2008 - Version 2.9.5 on 2 Nov 2008)

(3) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

(4) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

(n) (as indicated)
(and further footnotes as indicated)


[check for possible newer versions or related new issues]

(as applicable)
(and further references as applicable)


Demon l. ron hubbard's Mind Control Projections, that
"he is the greatest, most caring friend you can have, etc."
- also Michael Jackson to Yuri Geller (Uri Geller)

7 November 2010

(draft note 20101107-V2.0.1)

{add to HRI on Mind Control}

[Revised here to Version 2.0.1,
on 10 Nov 2010]


I may not have mentioned it, but only a few years back, the demon,
the deceased l. ron hubbard, projected the Energy at me containing
the very intense, very strong FEELING and ideas, that "he, l. ron
hubbard, was the finest, nicest and most caring gentleman imaginable,
a true and best friend."

He fabricated and projected it THAT STRONGLY, that I - at that time,
maybe 2006 or so, I had already found out all there is to know about
l. ron hubbard (to be enough to know about him), and all of which I
have published for you - I NEVERTHELESS,

THAT strong was the inflicted Mind Control Energy by him on me, that
I remained in it for maybe ten minutes (I have the whole incident
written down somewhere) and during that time, till I managed to
connect to my own Energy again and to the known facts in real

and till I worked myself out of it again, I really did feel as if
I myself had that viewpoint, on l. ron hubbard, entirely due to the
projection by him, that "he, l. ron hubbard, was the finest, nicest
and most caring gentleman imaginable, a true and best friend."


Others have done that too, to me, as you may know: It is Mind Control,
it is completely determining one's feelings and ideas on some subject
or some person, usually on the sociopath who projects these things,
and on his or her actions - in order to blind you to his or her
actual, and indeed sociopathic nature and intentions.


Here, FEELING gets a bad name, of course.

Yet, with FEELING, you connect to the rest of life, to the real life
facts about the sociopath, and to your memories about the sociopath,
and so you can get out of, or remain out of his or her Mind Control
Energy Projections at you. (Rather than "being in the 'Now'," that
is inflicted on you.) *(4)

In "pleasant" dreams, actually nightmares because of the
extremely detrimental feelings and destructive viewpoints,

however pleasant these might seem or feel,

('pleasant' viewpoints, for instance, that a sociopath "is
actually your best friend, and actually means very well
to you," or "is actually a totally normal person," and
"very much fun and joy to be with," etc., etc.),

it is Mind Control inflicted on you during your sleep and
accepted by you in your dreams that makes you feel "pleasant"
about sociopaths.

That is of course extremely endangering your own life,
not to mention the danger it puts the life of others in,

when you are blinded to recognizing and instead present
a sociopath as a "big friend of yours."

See also the HRI 'The Uri Geller Syndrome'** (about Uri Geller being
and remaining wholly Mind Controlled in that way, by Michael Jackson,
and why Uri Geller LIKES to accept, and BELIEVES the Mind Control).

(**) HRI 'The Uri Geller Syndrome' - (published, but) to be revised
and made more simple and more easily readable, when I make time
for that:

'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
on your Life Force'
{HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
(7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

'The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on Michael Jackson,
the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire on your Life Force'
{HRI 20090707-V3.3}
(7 July 2009 - Version 3.3 on 7 Aug 2009)
(Version 3.4 on 26 Sept 2009, not listed on the web, yet
Message-Id: <>)
'Re: (rev. 3.4) The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
on your Life Force - {HRI 20090707-V3.4} [not formated]
... /Archive/Sci/sci.military.naval/2009-09/msg01812.html


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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