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All Life and Science Lovers - Chemical Concept Of Life: 'The Big Bang In Your Primordial* Soup' - {HRI note 20091115-I-V3.2.2-u_all}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 30, 2009, 1:30:52 PM11/30/09

For all Life and Science-lovers

(Criminal Minds at Google persist in censoring this subject,
obviously according to its secret "Be Evil Secretly" or
secret "Evil Dictatorship" policy) - KNT hrp&p, 29 Nov 2009


Chemical Concept Of Life: 'The Big Bang In Your Primordial* Soup'

____________________________________________________15 November 2009
___________________________________{HRI note 20091115-I-V3.2.2-u_all}

________________________________________________(Version 3.2.2-u_all
______________________________________________________on 30 Nov 2009)

____________________________________________(issue for news services
______________________________________________in which 'white space'
_______________________________________________________is taken away)

_______________________________________________________(view Summary
__________________________________________________by skipping - some
_______________________________________________or much - indentation)

_______________________________________________(suitable for foreign
___________________________________________________language students)



____________The 'Chemical Concept Of Life, And Its
____________Limitation' is well described by
____________T. D. Singh, Ph.D. (*)

____________The mentioned concepts exist indeed
____________'between your ears' - and 'between your
____________ears' ONLY:

____________They have no physical reality, at all.


Koos Nolst Trenite is putting it very accurately, very effectively,
very lovingly and caringly, very truthfully and courageously,

and THUS - in endless measure - very beautifully even when in
draft form, with:

_____'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
______Truth' *(1)

____________plus, in case you need it:

_____'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' *(3)

____________See also, if you like to:

_____'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
______with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
______Sanity' *(4)




In India, they wrote maybe ten thousand books, to try and prove, that
you DO actually exist - 'You are THAT' is their favorite phrase,

though our 'chemical' philosopher Descartes *(n) thinks otherwise,
and together with chemical 'philosopher' Lavoisier, *(n) they are

______enforcing on us, Descartes' famous lie about himself, that
______"he thinks" - 'Cogito, ergo sum' -

______and, that "therefore"

____________- even though "he is not a soul" and he does not even know
______________what the process of thinking consists of (how it works,
______________which you will however study in Fine Particle Physics) -

____________nevertheless, he, Descartes, claims the lie about himself
____________to be true, that "he thinks" ...and that "THEREFORE"

_____"he exists" - he is writing it in Latin, and at that time, this
______was 'proving to others, that one was able to think,' and indeed

____________our revered licensed medical quacks and charlatans do
____________liberally use Latin, 'ad nauseam,'

____________in order to conceal the fact, that they can not think,

__________________I must remark, that the vast majority of people
__________________(even when they) are unthinking - or have completely
__________________ceased to think, as in mummification - they STILL

__________________Descartes implies however, that people who have
__________________been totally shut up, and shut off from perceiving,
__________________as in mummification - that these people "do not

_______________________(which in my opinion says a lot about him, that
________________________one could assume about his spiritual past);

(these French "scientists" - Descartes and Lavoisier) have passed on
their 'anti-knowledge'

_____ - that the soul and Life Force or Life Energy "do not exist" -

____________the very things you NEED, already to perceive and think
____________with, and to keep your body alive and healthy and to
____________repair it,

____________these things, so our 'chemical philosophers' do claim,
____________(our soul and our Life Energies) "do not exist" -

_______they passed their 'anti-knowledge' - that NEGATIVE knowledge -

on to the societies of our highly esteemed and revered, licensed
quacks and charlatans, *(n)

______those "who care SO WELL for our health"

_____ - you know, after making very sure, that we do NOT know anything
________about how to stay or become again healthy - *(1)





these licensed quacks nowadays - following Mr. Descartes' ideas - do
"examine our thinking" strong magnetic fields,

___________(on buying which, they freely spend our health insurance

______electrons spinning in a magnetic field, to "prove"

___________(even though 'you do think and therefore do exist'
____________according to Mr. Descartes - at least in Latin - but
____________notwithstanding that, and nevertheless)

____________our highly regarded, licensed quacks and charlatans do
____________feel compelled to "prove" - they are COMPULSIVELY

______that your soul - that, what others look at when they talk to
______you - (they feel mortally compelled to "prove," as if their life
______depends on their "proving")

______(that) you yourself "do NOT exist" *(n) - so they claim,

while they gaze (not at you, of course, not at your soul, but they
gaze) "scientifically" at their screens:



______They are divining (guessing) from 'spinning and resonating
______electrons' "that you think," and that

_____"therefore 'you are:' ...a bunch of spinning electrons."


____________They must - like Sigmund Freud, for instance - be 'talking
____________about THEMSELVES:'

____________Projecting their own, Very Extreme Insanity (VEI) onto the
____________rest of the world - onto "Scientific Americans,"

__________________those who create magazines like 'Scientific
__________________American,' etc. - they are

____________about life and people. And instead, according to them:

___________'"Everybody" is secretly AS malicious and AS hiddenly
____________filled with Hate for Mankind, as in fact ONLY THEY
____________themselves are. *(1)

____________There are hardly MORE Hateful statements about Mankind,
____________than theirs:

_________________"People do not exist - only bodies are (existing),"

_________________"Perception does not exist - only bodies can

_________________"Memory does not exist - only bodies can (remember)."

How Insane can you get? Well, look at them - if you have the courage
to so look, which you most likely do not have. *(1)(n)(n)




And THEY want to tell you "how you think;" and even, whether "you are
sane or not," *(6)

______which they INDEED want to do: 'In "Science," Sociopaths Will
______Determine "Who is a Sociopath," and "Who is Not a Sociopath"'

______these licensed medical mind "scientists" are Evil beyond Evil,
______wicked, vicious, well-funded and well-written about by the media,


and you, LIKE NEWLY HATCHED GEESE, are following whatever THEY claim
to be "science,"

___and then you buy and swallow their pills, their medicines, their
___drugs, to make you even MORE blind and MORE cowardly - "to remedy"
___your headaches, etc. etc.:

______They are using on you, THEIR - intensely Evil - 'RELIGION OF
______"SCIENCE".' *(1)(6)(n)

____________While it is illegal in some countries, to deny and to lie
____________about the Holocaust mass murder, nevertheless

______the licenses medical profession can without being punished,

______SPREAD THEIR HORRIBLE, extremely and very literally sickening
______lies about you and me and all people, (lies that CAUSE and
______perpetuate sickness, illness, disease, and psychosis)

____________their 'licensed' or "scientific" lies about us, which
____________are - on top of that - also by far the most extreme and
____________most OFFENSIVE insults imaginable:

___________"You DO NOT EXIST,"

___________"PEOPLE DO NOT EXIST,"

___________"You are but a bunch spinning electrons"

____________...a "spark plug," really.


_________________"And that is true," "because the sociopaths of the
__________________'Scientific American' magazine do write it, and it
__________________is 'peer-reviewed,' endorsed by their counterparts
__________________in several American Universities."

________________________It is ALSO published in similar magazines,
________________________like "Cerebral Palsy," in "Neurotic Biology,"
________________________or in "A Lancet To Kill"

______________________________the last one now priding itself even in
______________________________a "Neurotic" edition, as well - "The
______________________________Neurotic Lancet" -

______________________________magazines that I do NOT regularly read,

______________________________especially not, since the compulsion to
______________________________be made and to remain Stupid and Blind
______________________________and Sick,

______________________________is proportionally diminishing with my
______________________________ability to see and to examine that very
______________________________compulsion, as being just an INFLICTED
______________________________intention - which defines 'compulsion' -

___________________________________(Energy - that means Life Energy
____________________________________PARTICLES - consisting of created
____________________________________Altered, and then projected,
____________________________________Harmful, Altered Life Energy
____________________________________Particles - HALEPs) the Harmful
____________________________________Life Energy *(5)

______________________________originating from Criminal Minds, but

________________________therefore I might not have spelled all the
________________________names of the magazine quite correctly but
________________________rather I have 'spelled' THEIR INTENTION on
________________________you, instead:

________________________Their, the "scientific" magazines' intention

______________________________to - LEGALLY UNCHALLENGED - insult, numb
______________________________and drive you more Insane and Blind and

______________________________WHICH YOU DO NOT OPPOSE, BUT SWALLOW,

______________________________the most abject and vicious, most
______________________________destructive insults imaginable,

______________________________that truly make and keep billions of
______________________________people sick and suffering, with
______________________________maliciously FALSE data BY THEM;

______________________________and you do not oppose THEM, 'because it
______________________________is called "science" BY THEM:'


_______________________"Science" must discard ninety percent of vital,
________________________applicable and available data, "else it is not

_______________________ - so THEY, the licensed medical heroes and
__________________________highly admired and well-paid quacks and
__________________________charlatans, do claim and are practicing,
__________________________their "Religion of Science." *(1)

____________________________________You don't want to know how
____________________________________INCONCEIVABLE Insane you have
____________________________________been made and are kept by them.

____________________________________But you demand it as compulsory
____________________________________education, enforceable by court
____________________________________of law on the majority of the
____________________________________people, parents and children,
____________________________________("for their, for your children's
_____________________________________best interests"). *(8)

______Their slogan: "Medical quacks and charlatans equals 'all is in
______your best interest,' with 'the best of intentions for you'."

______________________________Their magazines are 'peer-reviewed'
______________________________indeed, by OTHER medical quacks, but
______________________________not 'superior-reviewed,'

______________________________except now in general concept, by me:

______________________________Now - by indeed, compared to them, my
______________________________vastly superior Intelligence, by my
______________________________mathematical, emotional, social, and
______________________________spiritual Intelligence.





So, if you like that, I do return you to Sanity, by summarizing the
true observations from many fine people, their observations buried in
published accounts of their life - I return you to Sanity, with

the "Introduction to Fine Particle Physics," (**)

which does away with 'your' "Primordial* Soup" that is conceived in
'your' "Big Bang:"

______These - the 'Soup' and the 'Bang' - have been put between your
______ears (and are thus located, there)

______AND ARE LOCATED BETWEEN (YOUR) EARS ONLY (meaning, they are
______ideas with no physical reality at all, but ideas only), and at

____________existing there (in your "non-existent" soul) since some
____________four billion years, according to current "scientists."

_________________'Primordial' means, 'what existed in the beginning'
__________________- in this case their "scientific" 'Soup,'*

_________________(and you guessed correctly) the only thing a CHEMICAL
__________________"scientist" and sociopath believes should be known
__________________to you, regarding life:

__________________the 'Soup' being the simplest CHEMICAL laboratory,

________________________and that 'Soup' includes (you guessed that
________________________right, too - the 'Soup' includes) 'Sparks.'(*)


______THEY call THAT "science:" *(2)

________________________After all, your soul IS immortal, and you CAN
________________________entertain any ideas or concepts,

_____________________________'You Can' being a well-known political
______________________________hypnotic slogan, nowadays to make people
______________________________totally dumb and unaware and stupid,

____________________________________by NOT telling them what they can
____________________________________not, and by NOT telling them, how
____________________________________INTENSELY stupid they are,

______________________________and THEN you tell the victims (more than
______________________________half of the world population, recently):

___________________________________"We can!" - indeed, we can IMAGINE

__________________________________________some can still imagine, that
__________________________________________a vicious dictator, Stalin,
__________________________________________"does love them" - they can
__________________________________________imagine any idea, really,

________________________that you like; or - which is more likely - any
________________________ideas that are enforced on you,

______________________________by compulsory education, in school,

________________________like 'the Chemical Concept of Life.' (*)

______________________________I also believed in Santa Claus for some
______________________________years of my early youth,

______________________________in order to please my parents and give
______________________________them the feeling, that "they cared for
______________________________our happiness,"

____________________________________which unfortunately was not the
____________________________________case at all - but it was, from
____________________________________THEIR viewpoint, what they in
____________________________________that respect were capable of.



If you DISCARD OR DENY NINETY PERCENT of all available and correct,
and applicable data, THEN 'it is called "science," by them,' *(n)

______those ninety percent of data about life - the data that THEY
______(that Criminal Minds) do NOT like you to know -

_____"you must therefore" either deny the existence of, NINETY PERCENT
______of the data you MUST discard, or "label it 'imagination'," of
______"spinning electrons" in your brain, *(7)

____________see also 'The INTENSE Evil of Licensed Medical Quack
____________"Science" - Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson'

______OR you must call it 'religion,' *(n)

so that the most vital and truly applicable data, "will not enter

______In other words, "science" is dominated by Criminal Minds.



You (your "non-existent" yet eternal soul, you) have been "Banged up
in the Primordial soup" indeed,

_____(forcefully bombarded with lies, that "you must accept as true,
______'because YOU FEEL THE OVERWHELMING ENERGY' of it,"

______and "when you feel it yourself, so clearly, then it must be

______but it simply is Energy, feelings and ideas ARE Life Energy
______Particles, and these are projected into you, into your body or
______into your soul)

by those who did and do ENJOY making lies believed by people - you
have been Big-Banged-up indeed, by

______those (Criminal Minds) who ENJOY damaging your soul so much,
______that you now believe (and you now even teach others) that

_____"YOU do not exist,"

____________but: that "spinning and sparking electrons" do exist
____________"which is you,"

____________you having been made by them just that utterly Insane,

__________________as Criminal Minds do indeed want to have you, and to
__________________keep you.

____________This makes you then into very dangerous friends.... not to
____________mention HIGHLY DANGEROUS licensed medical charlatans.



____________When you can be made to feel, that "you do not exist,"
____________THEN you can ALSO not sense or feel, anymore,

___________'whose Life Energy is whose,' which Life Energy is yours,
____________and which is coming from them and compelled onto you,


____________and ultimately you can not even feel anymore 'who is who:'

__________________That lack of feeling, is the ideal condition for
__________________Criminal Minds to thrive, and it is created indeed
__________________by themselves, on Earth.

__________________And now "Criminal Minds are born equal to you,"
__________________because "Only bodies exist,"

__________________and "thinking is done by the electrons of your


____________When "your Life Energy does not exist," and "you, your
____________soul, does not exist," then how to tell

____________which is YOUR Life Energy (your OWN thoughts, your OWN
____________feelings, your OWN desires, OWN perception, etc.) and

____________which is coming from and projected by Criminal Minds ONTO
____________YOU "as your own?" *(5)



Thus they did obtain and are obtaining and will be obtaining more
easily your Life Energy PARTICLES, your Life Force

_____ - which you do however also need to perceive with, and also
________to connect to your memories with, TO BE AWARE -

your connection to life, which is only possible with Life Energy
PARTICLES, that now you are lacking

_____ - that are lost, and which you continue to lose and to leak to
________them all the time, which they pull and smash away from you,
________especially during your sleep. *(5)

______________________________________________(KNT 20091115-20091122)



The "Scientific American" magazine

Truth being absolute - you are who you are, no matter what anyone says
or fails to see or to say about it -

each page, yes, each sentence, in the quarterly issue "Mind" of the
"Scientific American" magazine (called "Scientific American Mind")

is a truly Hate-filled slap in your face.

______Their intensely Lying, Hateful slaps in your face:

______You face being that part that people look at, when they talk to
______the soul, to you

_____ - when people feel you, remember who you are, address you,
________yourself, love you, enjoy to see you, try to please you or
________to make you feel happy, and provide you with knowledge that
________you need to be and remain alive and be yourself -

______that is you, your soul.


But each page, yes, each sentence, in the quarterly "Scientific
American Mind" is a truly Hate-filled slap in your face,

______bad enough to make you even consider converting to Islam,

They are very depressing indeed, and then, when they of "Scientific
American" - or similar Criminal Minds(*) got you very depressed,

______THEN they sell you drugs, "legally," such as amphetamines, or
______worse, much worse, "to remedy your depression,"

____________a 'disease,' that THEY, the Hate-spraying anti-Humanity
____________editors of the magazine "Scientific American Mind,"
____________indeed bring about by HIDING their intense Hate of you,
____________of everyone, of Mankind, of Life itself.


NO WONDER, that they violently refuse to discuss anything spiritual,
and that they wipe it off Wikipedia, and that they demand 'anything
spiritual not be taught in "Academia",'

______though it is the most normal and the most vital science there

about Life itself - which IS entirely spiritual in ALL its


______It would expose them for what they are indeed:

______Intensely Hateful, Lying, severely Criminal Minds, and Vampires
______on your "non-existing," and "unscientific," SPIRITUAL Energy or
______Life Force:

______Daily life itself, man!

____________YOUR life, YOUR happiness, YOUR abilities - trodden on by
____________the Life-Haters and Life-Destroyers, the writers and
____________editors of "Scientific American Mind," including the
____________various "researchers" named therein, from Universities
____________supporting that INTENSE Destruction of (your) life.

Utterly depressing, they are indeed.

______And your refusal to oppose them - as the very unsafely grazing
______sheep that you are -

______is denying, is betraying and is opposing yourself and every
______friend you have,

_____(you are doing) EXACTLY AS THEY - Criminal Minds - WANT TO AND

____________So also there, you are violating the First Law of Human
____________Rights *(9) - which law is anchored IN YOUR SOUL, and

____________which you can easily verify as being a part of your soul.

__________________But Criminal Minds have a REVERSE conscience, so
__________________FOR THEM (some 100 million people living on Earth)
__________________it is the very opposite.

__________________In THEIR soul, that law is REVERSED, to then mean
__________________and feel to them as "You must do, what Criminal
__________________Minds want of you."


OF COURSE they deny all truth about life itself - truth about life
would detect them, and you would be able to stop them, their Evil
on you, their indeed highly depressing Evil. *(1)

_______________________________________________________(KNT 20091118)





(1) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
______Truth' (ECFEB)
______{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
_______(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(2) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
______{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
_______(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

(3) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
______{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
______(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)

(4) 'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
______with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
______(11 October 2007 - date of separate publication of these quotes)

______with some history, if you like:

_____'Intro to 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' '
______{HRI 20060816-V5.2-Intro}
______(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 Intro, on 10 July 2008)

_____'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
______{HRI 20060816-V5.2}
_______(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)

(5) 'Mathison-Trenite 'Particle Buster,' Life Energy Fluctuation
______Meter (LEF Meter) of May 2009'
______{FPP 20090913-circuit-V1.0.nfo}
_______(13 September 2009 - Issued 17 Nov 2009)

(6) 'In "Science," Sociopaths Will Determine "Who is a Sociopath,"
______and "Who is Not a Sociopath"'
______{HRI 20090901-V2.0}
_______(1 September 2009 - Version 2.0 at 3 Sept 2009)

(7) 'The INTENSE Evil of Licensed Medical Quack "Science" - Kurt
______Cobain, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson'
______{HRI note 20090720-V1.1}
_______(20 July 2009 - Version 1.1 on 22 July 2009)

(8) 'Learning, Teaching and Schools' (LTS)
______(Taken from 'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes
_______- Zero Tolerance for Evil Impulses - etc.')
______{HRI 20060815-V4.1.1}
_______(15 August 2006 - Version 4.1.1 on 29 Jun 2008)
_______{HRI 20060815-V1.1.1-UAA}

(9) 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
______{HRI 20060601-V3.5}
_______(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

- by Srila Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Maharaj, (T. D. Singh, Ph.D.),
______Founding Director of the Bhaktivedanta Institute

_____On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 19:28:43 -0800, 'Dr. Sushen Krishna das'
_____<> wrote:
_____> Read article at:

(at search '"Introduction to Fine Particle Physics"', etc.,

(n) (to be added, as indicated by the context)



Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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