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The INTENSE Evil of Licensed Medical Quack "Science" - Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson - {HRI note 20090720-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 22, 2009, 5:00:08 AM7/22/09
The INTENSE Evil of Licensed Medical Quack "Science"

20 July 2009
{HRI note 20090720-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 22 July 2009)

(view Summary
by skipping

(highly destructive
Insanity remains,
where this is not read)


'Men, out of fear, will follow
the things they fear most.
That is, they will be miserable
for fear of experiencing
the misery they fear most.'

Leonardo da Vinci


It is obvious, that licensed medical quackery has taken on really
epidemic proportions, (*)

as one is likely to read in the various celebrity magazines
about deaths due to vast amounts of 'prescription drugs,'

drugs that are prescribed supposedly to destroy the awareness
of the patient,

of things and people (including himself), that the patient
desires to be un-feeling of, for at least a night,

to destroy awareness of the patient's Pains, (Heath Ledger,
Kurt Cobain, etc.) or

to destroy awareness of the patient's own Evil impulses and
nature, and, of what he does to others in order to obtain "his
own" vitality and charisma,

taking it, which is life force,, away from you and others,
by inducing admiration and stupidity (the "fan"-stupor, of
REFUSING to face the true nature of the 'object,' of the
person worshiped), or *(6)

taken by 'sacksual,' pedophiliac or similar means of
Life Energetic vampirism, *(2)

referring to a recent, highly publicized 'Celebrity Death'

and the repulsively dishonorable intent of most
of the actors in it, to bring about that very
unawareness or unconsciousness of Evil,

an unawareness of Evil, which DESTROYS peace,
if peace is defined so as to bring peace
actually about and to maintain it, *(8)

which is OPPOSED - you can imagine - to
unawareness of Evil. But THEY rather bring
about unconsciousness of Evil,

which would and did indeed boost sales - in terms of
some hundreds of millions of dollars, world-wide -
and thus (boost) the income of, or the security of
outstanding debts owed to, the entourage of said
deceased celebrity, *(2)

with their - including his own daughter Paris' -
very repulsive, public LYING about the 'object' of
public worship. *(2)

In fact, they desire others - and themselves
also - to be spiritually Drugged,

to be UNAWARE of Evil, which - so the Criminal
Mind says - "one does not speak of the dead."


It is the "celebrity beauty" of 'worshiping pretense of
life,' *(6)

and they are worshiping THEIR short-term income with it,
of course, as the main "Love for the deceased."

LOVING him, however, would be, and is

respecting him, which would be, and indeed IS:

looking at him as he truly is, and NOT "as he likes
to be seen."

But THAT is the Criminal Mind's "definition"
of "respect" - as you know. *(7)

They do consider - as their nature dictates - that THEY are
better served by their betrayal of Mankind, than by offering
to you, what THEY, the 'Lizzes' and the 'Brandos' are indeed
despising: *(6)

(those like Liz Taylor, and those like Marlon Brando, both
Celebrities, and Criminal Minds)

THEY DENY to you and to everyone, the true joy of sincerity, and the
intense pleasure of feeling the true nature of others, of Life as it
really is. *(5)

They can't feel that, themselves, you see. *(9)

They can only PRETEND to feel, and PRETEND to know truth.



'Evil creatures dominating science,' is of course not going to produce
any science, but THE OPPOSITE of science: *(0)(1)

THEY have BELIEFS, and WE have the scientific truth.

But Criminal Minds have everything in REVERSE, so THEY call
their beliefs "scientific," and "proven," and the simplest facts
of true science, they call "beliefs." *(0)


And so they have also Medical Quackery promoted as "science," (*)

with a 'con game' that provides them with income, and the very
patient, with life-long suffering and with agonizing, un-timely

So it is - and that is again the truth - that their operating
rooms, and their prescribing drug ADDICTION,

do indeed provide them with billions and billions of dollars of
ill-begotten, very EVIL money, or in Latin 'Pecunia odet,'
money that is very smelly, and

is easily washed by the licensed trade of "health care,"
as you know - but maybe not care to be actively aware of,

described from a wide - meaning SCIENTIFIC - viewpoint, as

'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

That - the rational Truth, that WE have - is contrasted with
some piece of medical quackery of the most Evil kind:

The writer of the enclosed, exemplary piece of intensely
destructive, licensed medical quackery and evil, (that
individual) is indeed violently, completely and
destructively Insane - which is the very opposite, you
might agree, of science. *(1)

Criminal Minds want to have truth NOT known, but cleverly
hidden, and "INCAPABLE of ever being seen."

And they use "science" for that, which they destroy. However:


Truth is the cornerstone of science,

the other bricks being Love and Beauty, in great plenty - as in
and of

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(*) See under References:

The series 'License Medical' {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q1..q5}

(0) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(1) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' (TOS)
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(2) 'Mass Hysteria on the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Michael Jackson - Vampire
on the Life Force of you and others'
{HRI 20090707-V2.1}
(7 July 2009 - Version 2.1 on 11 Jul 2009)

(3) 'The Source of Celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta's Fame -
the 'Hollywood "Underworld" '
{HRI 20090204-V4.2}
(4 February 2009 - Version 4.2 on 3 Mar 2009)

(4) 'Monetary Value Of The Work Of Koos Nolst Trenite, Human Rights
Philosopher And Poet'
(6 Dec 2004 - Version 2.2 on 28 Dec 2004)

(5) 'Definition Of Sanity' DOS
{HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
(10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

(6) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' (FALEV)
{HRI 20031110-V3.7}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.7 on 9 Jan 2007)

(7) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)

(8) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.7.4}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.4 on 5 June 2009)

(9) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(10) 'Getting Your Lost Life Force Back To Yourself'
{HRI 20090712} (also {FPP 20090712})
(12 July 2009)
Also available in Russian:

(11) '"Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds - Part Twenty: (Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1} (IDBCM-p20)
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

(12) 'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You' [CMHJL]
- (incl. Textnote (d.) on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
in order to feel good')
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

(13) 'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth' [CMKWTT]
{HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5}
(27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)

(14) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)


- (see also under footnotes) -

The series 'License Medical' {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q1..q5}:

'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part I -
Are ALL Licensed Medical Doctors Criminal? No!'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q1} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(7 February 2006)

'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part II -
Medical Doctors Can Seriously Damage Your Health'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q2} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(8 February 2006)

'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part III -
Stay Away From Medical Doctors ...UNLESS You Know About Them'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q3} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(9 February 2006)

'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part IV -
The Licensed Medical Doctors ARE The Dangerous Quacks,
and Charlatans All'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q4} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(10 February 2006)

'The 'Dead End Street' of Medical "Science" -
A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q5-V1.0.1} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)

'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science' '
{HRI 20041214-V1.3}
(14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)


The language of medical, malicious quackery, is intended to obscure
the meaning and intent of the Criminal Minds who do write such.

They use an arsenal of "buzz-words" that show their COMPLETE CONTEMPT
FOR LIFE, their contempt for you, that is.

The following words or phrases, are all used as 'buzz words,' in order
to pretend to be "normal," and "scientific:"

Criminal Minds showing their Criminal Intelligence.

(The writing of such Evil creatures, consists almost
ENTIRELY of 'buzz words,' to pretend to be "scientific.")

Already the title and first paragraph of the article, are
full of it:

Neuropsychiatry (is a 'buzz-word')
Paranormal (is a 'buzz-word')
Experiences (is used here, as a 'buzz-word')

Clinical (is a 'buzz-word')
Neuroscience (is a 'buzz-word')
Laboratory (is used here as a 'buzz-word')

negative (is used here as a 'buzz-word')
affective (is a 'buzz-word')
themes (is used here as a 'buzz-word')
some aspect (is used here as a 'buzz-word')

death to others (is used here as a 'buzz-word' phrase)
dissolution of the self (here as a 'buzz-word' phrase)

before medication was available (here 'buzz-word' phrase)

paranormal sources (here a 'buzz-word' phrase)
a shared source of variance (is a 'buzz-word' phrase)

within the human brain (used here as 'buzz-word' phrase)

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera - ad nauseam, ad
nauseam, ad nauseam.

Now you have been made too stupid, in school, to even notice it,
meaning that I have to waste my precious time for you, to point these
things out to you:

Your current idols,

in art (including music, etc.) and in politics, and in
science, and in religion,

your 'Celebrities,' are NOT going to inform you of this,

this rather more vital fact, than anything else going on and reported
by the Associated Press or by CNN.


[my introduction to it]

I assume, that the Evil is far too intense NOT to engulf your
feebled mind - which is the reason for this warning:

PLEASE DO NOT 'BE IN' THE INSANITY - which is quoted below for
purposes of research - but

be 'above it' and be 'surrounding it.'

Know that every line and word of it, is the wording - the very
embodiment - of persistent, unrelenting destruction of any form
of Awareness, and destruction of Life itself,

the intent to destroy as we know from any Criminal Mind.


The summary, taken from the enclosure itself, is supposedly 'too Evil,
for you to look through'

- at least so intended by its author, who intends to be 'too
Evil, too repulsive' with his ideas and his writing, too
malicious, for you and other normal people, to look through,
simply because

you neither expect it, nor have you (except for the faithful
and long-time reader) been educated in understanding such
levels of Criminal Intelligence:

"From the perspective of modern neuroscience all behaviors and
all experiences are created by the dynamic matrix of chemical
and electromagnetic events within the human brain. Paranormal
experiences might be considered a subset of these neurogenic

Translation into normal English of the 'buzz-word' phrase 'these
neurogenic processes,' gives its meaning - the intention of its
author - truly and without a doubt:

"experience, that what you see, is 'neuro-genic,' is 'created by

which is how Criminal Minds would like to have your
observations of them "evaluated," in "neuroscience," *(11)

which is such an INTENSELY Evil and such a vicious lie, that it is
indeed 'too Evil, too repulsive, for you to look through.'

And so you don't, and I have to use my time, to point it out
to you, because nobody else does have AND the courage AND the
care and Love for you, to make you look at those who very
actively destroy your life, at

their "science," that THEY want you to believe in:

their BELIEFS, their intensely Evil BELIEFS, not science
at all

- and Wikipedia is full of it, too, of Criminal
Minds writing their easily recognized articles of
not science at all, but of their Evil BELIEFS,
that are coated in a pretended "science," that are
camouflaged as "science" -

their BELIEFS have no scientific basis AT ALL,

they usually - and INTENTIONALLY - omit about
ninety percent of vital data, of evidence and

yet they shout, that OTHERS "have no conclusive, or
no 'independently verifiable' proof," as the
standard mantra of the Criminal Minds, WHILE, also
with what they write in Wikipedia, THEY KNOW VERY
WELL THEY ARE LYING, which is why THEY refuse to
accept any proof and evidence *(12)(13)(14)

- Criminal Minds have everything in reverse -

they sell to you and to the community, their intensely
Evil BELIEFS, as "science" *(0)

so that you pay them and "respect" them - so that
you look up to them. *(10)(7)

You can not imagine how much hidden Contempt and
Hate they hold for you,

and such individuals never 'could make' (can never
become) actual scientists, at all:

THEY OPPOSE and DESTROY Science. *(1)(11)(12)(13)(14)



I quote from:

'The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences -- Persinger 13
(4): 515 -- J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.html'

J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 13:515-524, November 2001
� 2001 American Psychiatric Press, Inc. Neuropsychiatric
Practice and Opinion [Journal of Neuropsychiatry]


[begin quote]

The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences
by [the intensely Criminal Mind or sociopath] Michael A. Persinger,
Ph.D., C.Psych.

Address correspondence to Dr. Persinger, Clinical Neuroscience
Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Laurentian University, Sudbury,
Ontario, Canada P3E 2C6. E-mail:

( ... [table of content])

From the perspective of modern neuroscience, all behaviors and all
experiences are created by the dynamic matrix of chemical and
electromagnetic events within the human brain. Paranormal experiences
might be considered a subset of these neurogenic processes.
Experiences that are labeled as or attributed to paranormal phenomena
1) are frequently dominated by a sensed presence, 2) appear to
involve the acquisition of information from distances beyond those
normally obtained by the classical senses, and 3) imply distortions
in physical time.

Most paranormal experiences have negative affective themes with
emphasis on some aspect of death to others or dissolution of the
self. Experiences concerning death or crisis to others are reported
to occur predominantly at night, particularly between 2:00 and 4:00
A.M. The sensed presence is also more common during this nocturnal
period. We have suggested that the hourly incidence of temporal lobe
seizures (data collected in the late nineteenth century by W. P.
Spratling before medication was available) and the circadian
distribution of sensed presences attributed to paranormal sources,
reflect a shared source of variance within the human brain.

If structure dictates function and microstructure within the brain
determines or directs microfunction, then one would expect classes of
experiences to be associated with specific regions of the brain or
the patterns of activity generated within these areas. Both the
occurrence of paranormal experiences and their rates of incidence are
associated with specific types of neuronal activity within the
temporal lobes. This linkage does not verify the validity of the
content of the experiences but simply indicates that specific
patterns of activity within the temporal lobes and related structures
are associated with the experiences. The sources of the stimuli that
evoke the neuroelectrical changes may range from properties intrinsic
to chaotic activity, with minimal veridicality, to external
information that is processed by mechanisms not known to date.

That patients who display complex partial seizures with foci within
the temporal lobes, particularly the amygdala and hippocampus, report
more frequent paranormal-like experiences has been known for decades.
Distortions in subjective time, the sensed presence of another
sentient being, out-of-body experiences, and even religious reveries
have occurred during spontaneous seizures. Direct surgical
stimulation of mesiobasal structures within the temporal lobes,
particularly the right hemisphere, has been shown to evoke comparable
experiences. As emphasized by Horowitz and Adams, the experiences
during stimulation are not just memories, but enhancements or
vivifications of the class of ongoing experiences (perceptions,
thoughts, or memories) at the time of the stimulation.

There appears to be a continuum of temporal lobe sensitivity along
which all human beings are distributed. Normal individuals who are
highly sensitive, as defined by above-average numbers of responses to
Persinger and Makarec's Personal Philosophy Inventory or
above-normal scores on Roberts' inventory for Epileptic Spectrum
Disorder, report more types of paranormal experiences as well as more
frequent paranormal experiences. The correlation coefficients between
the numbers of different paranormal experiences and scores for
temporal lobe sensitivity, as inferred from responses to clusters of
items from these inventories, range between 0.5 and 0.9. Individuals
who have elevated scores for these inventories also show more
prominent alpha rhythms over the temporal lobes and display elevated
but not necessarily abnormal scores for the eccentric thinking and
hypomania scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

Like patients who display complex partial seizures and limbic
epilepsy, normal people with elevated numbers of temporal lobe
experiences show variants of interictal behavioral patterns. The
propensity to infuse sensory experience with enhanced meaning,
presumably associated with more electrically labile amygdaloid
functions, results in more frequent experiences of deep and even
cosmic personal significance in response to infrequent or odd
events. The convictions that the experient has been selected by some
universal force, has a particular purpose in life, and must spread
the message (often with unstoppable viscosity) are remarkably common
themes. From this perspective the deep personal or emotional
significance of a paranormal experience is a predictable property of
a labile amygdala processing unusual perceptual events.'

[end quote] (of the intensely Evil, but licensed medical quackery)


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Uncle Al

Jul 22, 2009, 11:28:16 AM7/22/09
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> The INTENSE Evil of Licensed Medical Quack "Science"
[snip crap]

> 'God gave Solomon wisdom
> and very great insight,

[snip rest of 626 lines of crap]


Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)


Jul 22, 2009, 1:29:32 PM7/22/09
"Uncle Al" <> Alan Schwartz wrote:

> Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
[snip crap]
>>'God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight,
> [snip rest of 626 lines of crap]
> idiot -- Uncle Al
hanson wrote:
Yo, Schwartz, here is an e-mail that makes the circuit right now
in your knack of the woods. -- Its diversity ought to make your
heart sing... since all this goes back to the late 60's when your
ilk, the Jews, started all this social engineering... ahahaha...
Now see & relish what this Severely Gifted Jewish intelligence
has produced... ahahahaha....
------- start of Original Message -----
From: Anton5
To: Anton5
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 9:32 PM
Subject: Cheap Tomatoes
From a California school teacher - - -
"As you listen to the news about the student protests over illegal
immigration, there are some things that you should be aware of:
I am in charge of the English-as-a-second-language department
at a large southern California high school which is designated a
Title 1 school, meaning that its 20students average lower socio-
economic and income levels.
Most of the schools you are hearing about, South Gate High, Bell
Gardens, > Huntington Park , etc., where these students are
protesting, are also Title 1 schools.
Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast and free lunch program.
When I say free breakfast, I'm not talking a glass of milk and roll --
but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices that would
make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental,
with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten.
I estimate that well over 50% of these students are obese or at
least moderately overweight. About 75% or more DO have cell
phones. The school also provides day care centers for the unwed
teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend
class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for babysitters
or having family watch their kids. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)
I was ordered to spend $700,000 on my department or risk losing
funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need for
anything; my budget was already substantial. I ended up buying
new computers for the computer learning center, half of which, one
month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative students
who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in
I have had to intervene several times for young and substitute
teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students
here in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell with
the female teachers, calling them "Putas" whores and throwing things
that the teachers were in tears.
Free medical, free education, free food, day care etc., etc., etc. Is it
> any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country but to
demand rights, privileges and entitlements ?
To those who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants
contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener and
housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some
time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs.
Higher insurance, medical facilities closing, higher medical costs,
more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding,
new diseases etc., etc, etc. For me, I'll pay more for tomatoes.
We need to wake up. The guest worker program will be a disaster
because we won't have the guts to enforce it . Does anyone in their
right mind really think they will voluntarily leave and return?
It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-world
culture that does not value education, that accepts children getting
pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 an d that refuses to
assimilate, and an American culture that has become so weak and
worried about "political Correctness" that we don't have the will to
do anything about it.
CHEAP LABOR? Isn't that what the whole immigration issue is about?
Business doesn't want to pay a decent wage.
Consumers don't want expensive produce.
Government will tell you Americans don't want the jobs.
But the bottom line is cheap labor. The phrase "cheap labor" is a myth,
a farce, and a lie. There is no such thing as "cheap labor."
Take, for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children. He
takes a job for $5.00 or 6.00/hour. At that wage, with six dependents,
he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if he files an Income
Tax Return, he gets an "earned income credit" of up to $3,200 free.
He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent.
He qualifies for food stamps.
He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care.
His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school.
He requires bilingual teachers and books.
He qualifies for relief from high energy bills.
If they are, or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI.
Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare . All of this is at
(our) taxpayer's expense .
He doesn't worry about car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners
Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed material.
He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour in
>Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after paying
their bills and his.
The American taxpayers also pay for increased crime, graffiti and trash
Cheap labor? YEAH RIGHT! Wake up people!
------- end of Original Message -----
hanson wrote:
The above, Jewish induced, gig of social engineering is reminiscent of
Germany's Jewish Community in in 1918. Noble intensions & Good Will
...AND unforeseen consequences!.... In the words of Israeli Poster Mati
Meron: ... "World War 1 never ended".... "Oye-weh!".. "Trust Me!"...
Now also see what the current Jewish Intelligentsia in Congress has
and is engineering right now?... "Go figure!"... ahahaha... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laugh, dudes... ahahahaha....ahahahanson

Plato Been

Jul 23, 2009, 1:32:51 AM7/23/09
Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums

- and any such souls who "live" by Hate, by Envy or
by Ugliness -

must filter out from their own view,

all writing by Koos Nolst Trenite,
human rights philosopher and poet (hrp&p).


The command is argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}
(7 December 2007 - Version 2.0.2 on 30 Oct 2008)



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far
the most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known,

and on top of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher
known on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008-2009 by KNT hrp&p
(May 2008; Version 1.1.1 on 2 Feb 2009)
Conditions as usual ('learnware')


On Jul 22, 11:00 am, Koos Nolst Trenite

> taking it, which is life force, away from you and others,

> (8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

> (1) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' (TOS)
> {HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}

> (7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

> (2) 'Mass Hysteria on the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Michael Jackson - Vampire
> on the Life Force of you and others'
> {HRI 20090707-V2.1}

> (7 July 2009 - Version 2.1 on 11 Jul 2009)

> (3) 'The Source of Celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta's Fame -
> the 'Hollywood "Underworld" '
> {HRI 20090204-V4.2}

> (4 February 2009 - Version 4.2 on 3 Mar 2009)

> (4) 'Monetary Value Of The Work Of Koos Nolst Trenite, Human Rights
> Philosopher And Poet'

> (6 Dec 2004 - Version 2.2 on 28 Dec 2004)

> (5) 'Definition Of Sanity' DOS
> {HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}

> (10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

> (6) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
> Your Emotional Integrity' (FALEV)
> {HRI 20031110-V3.7}

> (10 November 2003 - Version 3.7 on 9 Jan 2007)

> (7) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
> {HRI 20040108-V2.1}

> (8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)

> (8) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
> {HRI 20070520-V3.7.4}

> (20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.4 on 5 June 2009)

> (9) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
> {HRI 20021220}

> (20 Dec 2002)

> (10) 'Getting Your Lost Life Force Back To Yourself'
> {HRI 20090712} (also {FPP 20090712})

> (12 July 2009)

> Also available in Russian:
> (11) '"Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds - Part Twenty: (Conclusion)
> "Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
> {HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1} (IDBCM-p20)

> (28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

> (12) 'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
> THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You' [CMHJL]
> - (incl. Textnote (d.) on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
> in order to feel good')
> {HRI 20050527-V3.7.1}

> (27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

> (13) 'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth' [CMKWTT]
> {HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5}

> (27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)

> (14) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
> Truth'
> {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}

> (19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

> '
> __________
> References:
> - (see also under footnotes) -
> The series 'License Medical' {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q1..q5}:
> 'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part I -
> Are ALL Licensed Medical Doctors Criminal? No!'
> {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q1} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)

> (7 February 2006)

> 'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part II -
> Medical Doctors Can Seriously Damage Your Health'
> {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q2} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)

> (8 February 2006)

> 'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part III -
> Stay Away From Medical Doctors ...UNLESS You Know About Them'
> {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q3} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)

> (9 February 2006)

> 'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part IV -
> The Licensed Medical Doctors ARE The Dangerous Quacks,
> and Charlatans All'
> {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q4} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)

> (10 February 2006)

> 'The 'Dead End Street' of Medical "Science" -
> A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
> Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
> CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind'
> {HRI 20021209-V3.1-q5-V1.0.1} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)

> (13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)

> '
> 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science' '
> {HRI 20041214-V1.3}

> (14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)

> Ontario, Canada P3E 2C6. E-mail:

Message has been deleted

Mitch Perkins

Jul 23, 2009, 1:22:27 PM7/23/09
On Jul 22, 1:29 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:

> "Uncle Al" <> Alan Schwartz wrote:> Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> [snip crap]
> >>'God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight,
> > [snip rest of 626 lines of crap]
> > idiot -- Uncle Al

> hanson wrote:

> Yo, Schwartz, here is an e-mail that makes the circuit right now
> in your knack of the woods. -- Its diversity ought to make your
> heart sing... since all this goes back to the late 60's when your
> ilk, the Jews, started all this social engineering... ahahaha..

"The Jews", whatever that means, did not invent the welfare state.

ITIN filers cannot claim the earned income credit.

Stick to quoting Barry Chamish, a clown much like yourself....though
he stands behind his words by putting his real name on them, unlike
the piece of shit coward that you are.

h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson

Show us the way boy, show us the way!



Jul 23, 2009, 3:37:09 PM7/23/09
------- ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... --------
The gay black Jew "Mitch Perkins" <>
is a loud mouthing apologist for kikes who have murdered a whole
generation of their own Jewish children, aired on Israeli TV in
So, Mitch confused himself and wrote **two** (2) message

On Jul 22, 1:29 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:
"Uncle Al" <> Alan Schwartz wrote:
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
[snip crap]
'God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight,
[snip rest of 626 lines of crap]
idiot -- Uncle Al
hanson wrote:

Yo, Schwartz, here is an e-mail that makes the circuit right now
in your knack of the woods. -- Its diversity ought to make your
heart sing... since all this goes back to the late 60's when your
ilk, the Jews, started all this social engineering... ahahaha..
The gay black Jew Mitch wrote:
"The Jews", whatever that means, did not invent the welfare state.
ITIN filers cannot claim the earned income credit.
Stick to quoting Barry Chamish, a clown much like yourself....though
he stands behind his words by putting his real name on them, unlike
the piece of shit coward that you are.
"H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson" ------- [ahahaha --- OR --------]

"h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
Show us the way boy, show us the way!
hanson wrote:
In his post # 1, Mitch said: "H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson"
In his post # 2, Mitch said: "h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
ahahahaha... So, Mitch, let me carry your splendid 2-liner
above into every future post of yours, to demonstrate the
Superiority of your Jewish intelligence... ahahahaha..
I am sorry to see that you cranked yourself so bad that you
could not get your gay black Jewish "math" right, ... ahaha...
Kinda hard to follow yourself, Mitch, huh?... ahahahaha...
See, that's what uncle Al refers to as "Diversity"!... ahahaha...
So, you may indeed try to get validation from uncle Al and ask
him whether he would classify you, Mitch. as "severely gifted"..
or as "severely something else".... Al will though appreciate
that you have "shown him the way"... ahahahaha...AHAHAHA
So much for your Jewish intelligence, Mitch... AHAHAHHA....
Thanks for the laughs, bro... ahahahaha... ahahahanson



Jul 23, 2009, 3:37:09 PM7/23/09
------- ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... --------
The gay black Jew "Mitch Perkins" <>
is a loud mouthing apologist for kikes who have murdered a whole
generation of their own Jewish children, aired on Israeli TV in
So, Mitch confused himself and wrote **two** (2) message
On Jul 22, 1:29 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:
"Uncle Al" <> Alan Schwartz wrote:
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
[snip crap]
'God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight,
[snip rest of 626 lines of crap]
idiot -- Uncle Al
hanson wrote:

Yo, Schwartz, here is an e-mail that makes the circuit right now
in your knack of the woods. -- Its diversity ought to make your
heart sing... since all this goes back to the late 60's when your
Thanks for the laugh, bro... ahahahaha... ahahahanson

Mitch Perkins

Jul 23, 2009, 5:34:45 PM7/23/09
On Jul 23, 3:37 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:

> In his post # 1, Mitch  said:      "H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson"
> In his post # 2, Mitch  said:      "h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
> ahahahaha... So, Mitch, let me carry your splendid 2-liner
> above into every future post of yours,

Ooo, is that what Mitch said? What an internet gayboy you are.

Now tell us again how "the Jews" came up w/the welfare state, how ITIN
filers can claim the earned income tax credit, what a fount of wisdom
Barry Chamish (your hero!) is......and while you're at it, how do you
spell "intensions"?

It's okay that you look so stupid, since you spew from the safety of a
fake name, like any good coward.



Jul 23, 2009, 6:03:53 PM7/23/09

"Mitch Perkins" <> cranked himself over
his intellectual 2-liner, begged hanson wrote : "Now tell us again..."
hanson wrote:
OK, here it is again, Mitch:

"h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"

Show us the way boy, show us the way!

hanson wrote:
In his post # 1, Mitch said: "H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson"
In his post # 2, Mitch said: "h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
ahahahaha... So, Mitch, let me carry your splendid 2-liner

above into every future post of yours, to demonstrate the
Superiority of your Jewish intelligence... ahahahaha..
I am sorry to see that you cranked yourself so bad that you
could not get your gay black Jewish "math" right, ... ahaha...
Kinda hard to follow yourself, Mitch, huh?... ahahahaha...
See, that's what uncle Al refers to as "Diversity"!... ahahaha...
So, you may indeed try to get validation from uncle Al and ask
him whether he would classify you, Mitch. as "severely gifted"..
or as "severely something else".... Al will though appreciate
that you have "shown him the way"... ahahahaha...AHAHAHA
So much for your Jewish intelligence, Mitch... AHAHAHHA....

Thanks for the laugh, bro... ahahahaha... ahahahanson

Mitch Perkins

Jul 23, 2009, 7:22:42 PM7/23/09
On Jul 23, 6:03 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:
> "Mitch Perkins" <> cranked himself over

> his intellectual 2-liner, begged hanson wrote : "Now tell us again..."
> hanson wrote:
> OK, here it is again, Mitch:
> ------- ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... --------


Jul 23, 2009, 10:52:26 PM7/23/09
--- AHAHAHAHA.... Splendid Mitch kike Math... AHAHAHA ---
In his **two** (2) message "Mitch Perkins" <>
cranked and confused himself over his sub-intellectual 2-liner. Mitch then
begged hanson and wrote: "Now tell us again..."
Mitch posted: #1 on July 23, 2009 10:16 AM: "H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson"
Mitch posted: #2 on July 23, 2009 10:22 AM: "h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
hanson then congratulated Mitch for his splendidly intellectual math:
Mitch said in his post #1, : "H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson"
Mitch said in his post #2, : "h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
Mitch then feverishly cancelled #1. ... Nothing wrong with that, until ..
1) Mitch weaseled & phonily said: "Ooo, is that what Mitch said?"
Then "Mitch Perkins" re-cranked himself some more and repeated:
2) Now tell us again how "the Jews" came up w/the **welfare state**.
3) It's okay that you look so stupid, since you spew from the safety

of a fake name, like any good coward.
hanson wrote:
.... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... AHAHAHAHA...
1) Yep, that's what Mitch said... #1 and #2, with or without cancellation.
2) hanson did NOT use the word **welfare state** in this thread. Only
Mitch invokes the word **welfare state**, apparently being familiar
with it and depending on and sponging off it... ahahahaha...
3) Right, because you, Mitch, "you look so stupid" after (1) and (2)
and if you, Mitch, like to "spew from the safety of a fake name,
like any good coward".. That sounds hilarious to me... ahahaha...
Mitch, 3 out of 3, that ain't bad. You are a real winner, Mitch...
Thanks for the laughs, you Mooch... Mootch... Mitch... ahahahahaha...
ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahahanson

Mitch Perkins

Jul 24, 2009, 1:21:49 PM7/24/09
On Jul 23, 10:52 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:
> --- AHAHAHAHA.... Splendid Mitch kike Math... AHAHAHA ---
> In his  **two** (2) message "Mitch Perkins"

"Message" would be plural in this case, as in "messages". Of course I
have to post everything twice to you, manson, so you'll get it, as
evidenced by your missing the whole welfare state issue the first time
around, and only addressing it now. See how it works?

> 1) Yep, that's what Mitch said... #1 and  #2,  with or without cancellation.

Yep, yer quite the internet gayboy alright.

> 2) hanson did NOT use the word **welfare state** in this thread.

"Welfare state" is actually two words. I'll write it twice so you'll
get it.

"Welfare state" is actually two words. Get it?

"A large group of social programs, when referred to as a whole, is
known as The Welfare State. These programs are government-sponsored,
and provide national health care, pensions, and disability insurance."

IOW, social engineering, which was not started in the 60's, and was
not started by Jews.

>  Only Mitch invokes the word **welfare state**, apparently being familiar
>      with it and depending on and sponging off it... ahahahaha...

The only thing actually "apparent", is that I know what it means,
unlike you.

> 3) Right, because you, Mitch, "you look so stupid" after (1) and (2)
>     and if you, Mitch, like to "spew from the safety of a fake name,
>     like any good coward".. That sounds hilarious to me... ahahaha...

Doesn't even make sense. Keep it coming, moron manson. Don't stop
posting the immensely entertaining evidence of your used prophylactic
of a "mind".

> Mitch, 3 out of 3, that ain't bad. You are a real winner, Mitch...

Thanks. You're a moron.

Oh hey manson, try to use my name more, manson, in your next idiot-
fuck post, manson, okay manson?



Jul 24, 2009, 3:52:53 PM7/24/09
Prolog for the intellect of "Mitch Perkins" who presents delectable

Yiddisher street corner performances, wherein he said:
In his post # 1, Mitch said: "H(itler) + (M)anson = Manson"
In his post # 2, Mitch said: "h(itler) + (m)anson = hanson"
----------- ahahahahaha... ahahahaha... ahahahaha... ----------

Being on the public dole, depending on and siphoning off it
the black gay kike "Mitch Perkins" <>
cranked himself without even denying it.... ahahaha...
[snipped the Mooch's crap]
hanson wrote:
Hey Mootch, what are you whining about now? I said in this link:

"Mitch, 3 out of 3, that ain't bad. You are a real winner, Mitch...

ahahahaha.. Thanks for the laughs, you Mooch... Mootch... Mitch... "

So, what do you want?. You can't get any better than 3/3, Read link.
ahahahahaha... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahahahanson

Mitch Perkins

Jul 27, 2009, 1:11:26 PM7/27/09
> 2) hanson did NOT use the word **welfare state** in this thread.

"Welfare state" is actually two words. I'll write it twice so you'll
get it.

"Welfare state" is actually two words. Get it?

"A large group of social programs, when referred to as a whole, is
known as The Welfare State. These programs are government-sponsored,
and provide national health care, pensions, and disability insurance."

IOW, social engineering, which was not started in the 60's, and was
not started by Jews.

> Only Mitch invokes the word **welfare state**, apparently being familiar
> with it and depending on and sponging off it... ahahahaha...

The only thing actually "apparent", is that I know what it means,
unlike you.

> 3) Right, because you, Mitch, "you look so stupid" after (1) and (2)
> and if you, Mitch, like to "spew from the safety of a fake name,
> like any good coward".. That sounds hilarious to me... ahahaha...

Doesn't even make sense. Keep it coming, moron manson. Don't stop
posting the immensely entertaining evidence of your used prophylactic
of a "mind".

> Mitch, 3 out of 3, that ain't bad. You are a real winner, Mitch...

Thanks. You're a moron.

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