Democracy Misunderstood Is Democracy Denied

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Aug 12, 2009, 10:09:04 AM8/12/09
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At town hall meetings all across America, concerned and sometimes
angry citizens are turning out to voice their feelings about health
care reform and other issues. Senator Arlen Specter—Republican turned
Democrat from Pennsylvania—weathered a firestorm of protests,
yesterday. Thirty or so attendees were given the opportunity to
address or to question Specter. I was privileged to see nearly a half
hour of that meeting broadcast by the Fox Network. Such exemplifies
the highest and best usage of the TV media, namely: live,
uninterrupted coverage of breaking news—without comment.
At the end of the above Specter segment, a smiling Megyn Kelly
said something to the effect, “You have just seen 'democracy’ in
action!” That lady, who had earlier remarked that our nation is 12
“billion” dollars in debt, had to be corrected that such figure is
actually 12 trillion dollars. Ms. Kelly—as is the case with President
Obama and most of Congress, as well as the majority of news
commentators on the major networks—has no earthly idea what a
“democracy” actually is…
Indeed, democracy CAN be evinced in a town hall, or in any
assemblage of the citizens. But the mere holding of a meeting in “a”
town hall doesn’t automatically constitute… democracy. What I
witnessed, yesterday, in Senator Specter’s meeting didn’t have an
inkling of democracy! What such amounted to was a lot of concerned
citizens being shown ‘pleading’ with their… elected dictator,
Specter. In a democracy, Specter would have listened carefully while
the citizens spoke. Then, he would have summarized what he sees as
being the consensus of the group. And he would have asked them if his
assessment of their wishes is correct. At NO point would Specter have
stated his position, because representatives—yes, even senators—are
expected to do the bidding of their constituents!
Also, yesterday, President Obama talked before a New Hampshire
town hall group of predominately health care reform advocates. He
accused those who are against health care reform of using “scare
tactics” and with “distorting the facts”. Though Obama was speaking
to actual citizens, democracy was nowhere in evidence. As in his
campaign, Obama was there to promote his own ideas, NOT to listen to
the ideas of others. The mere holding of a gathering in a town hall
doesn’t automatically mean that such exemplifies democracy.
One man in the Specter town hall meeting suggested: “Why not have
a referendum of the people on health care reform?” Specter’s positive,
but probably token reply was: “I’ll take that to Washington.” Most of
us should know by now that… ‘Washington’ is where good ideas go to
My New Constitution has a provision that guarantees the right of
the citizenry of the USA to have a one day referendum on any
controversial issue, like health care reform:
“… Local governments shall have 10 or more councilmen or a direct
vote of the People is required to pass ordinances or raise taxes. ***
Upon request by the Executive or 1/5 of the larger governing body,
federal, state or local law making authority shall defer to the People
on controversial issues where the will of the People is in doubt. No
law nor previous or subsequent vote on any issue shall usurp the right
of an informed Public to decide controversial issues in direct
referenda; the vote for passage shall be 60%. *** The apt macro-will
of the People in elections or referenda, as manifested by their votes,
shall take precedence over any contrary existing or subsequent law,
governmental hierarchy or judicial ruling. Because conditions change,
older laws aren’t necessarily the will of the People.”
There is a broadly emerging discontent with our out-of-touch
government that’s spending this country to oblivion. There is a
realization that no one is listening to the Will of the People! Some
of those individuals who state such things have been labeled as…
“crazies” by those in the media and even some in government. But be
it known: “Discontent is the mother of revolt.”
Almost daily, Fox’s Glenn Beck vocally points out the corruption
and other shortcomings in government. But he seems to be at a loss to
know what should be done about it. All Beck has done is to propose
that the people “pray” for our country. Prayer, indeed, has its
pluses. But why should we plead for… Devine Assistance, when all that
is required is for those pre-election 85% of the voting citizens who
were DISSATISFIED with the direction that this country is headed to
simply INSIST that my ‘New Constitution of the United States Of
America’ have a national referendum?
Wake up America! There is UNITY in our discontent to ratify my
constitution. Talk it up! The corrupt politicians in Washington,
surely, will frown. But your grandchildren, and theirs will thank

Respectfully submitted,

John A. Armistead
AKA NoEinstein on Google

Happy Days… !!#ae4338645fbefbf5

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