A Line Is Drawn in the Sand for the USA

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Aug 2, 2009, 5:34:00 PM8/2/09
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The free market forces in our economy are trying to cure the recession/
depression without any help from Congress. Stock markets are becoming
bullish, because of the intrinsic value that is still in equity. And
home sales are starting to rebound in spite of the repressed demand
caused by the credit crunch in our lending institutions during the
past year.

As is the case with a stalled plane spinning out of control, sometimes
it is best for Congress to let-go-of-the-stick so that the innate good
design of a free-market economy can abate the stall. But our deluded,
out-of-touch Congress continues to want to act like the puppeteer of
every aspect of our economy. The rightfully maligned Stimulus Bill
passed without the support of the People—as was evinced in the polls.
Everyone should realize that our bull-headed Congress cares very
little about public opinion. After all, didn’t the public elected
THEM to be the… dictators?

General public discontent with… “Congress knows better”, or the notion
that the Pelosi-Democrats-in-Congress-know-better, has caused
President Obama’s approval rating to drop to about 40%. In spite of
his falling approval rating, that “one-way, wrong-way President” of
ours is determined to RUIN our economy. Obama is doing so by
insisting that the USA have a complete revamping of health care in
this country. Obama—even less than Hillary Clinton two decades ago—
isn’t qualified to be orchestrating anything much more important than
selecting the color and shagginess of his family’s dog.

I, unlike the ubiquitous party-against-party loud-mouths who dominate
the media, will gladly credit Barack Obama with acting correctly, when
credit is due. A notorious example of the latter concerns President
Obama having, rightly, called the Cambridge police “stupid”. In the
press conference, while Obama commented on the wrongful arrest of
Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Obama’s only slip-of-the-tongue
was to say, “…I don’t have all of the facts.” In short, Obama was
implying that there ‘could’ be mitigating factors to lessen the
punishments which should be imposed on Sergeant Crowley for making
that wrongful arrest. But the conservative loudmouths, like Fox’s
Shawn Hannity, seem to champion that the ‘good’, life-risking police
should be able to enter any law-abiding citizen’s private residence,
at will, and arrest that person simply because the police officer
feels that the homeowner isn’t being deferential to the “authority”
that has been given to the police—by virtue of their carrying a loaded
gun, and having handcuffs on their belt.

Few people would ever find fault when the police voluntarily put
themselves in harm’s way. But how may thinking American’s can applaud
the police for beating-up those whom they have stopped, simply because
such person(s) resent the assault, or because they fight back when
they are being wrongfully beaten? Though Sergeant Crowley was
probably unaware—before he went onto that porch—that Professor Gates
would be a Black man, Crowley refused to be deferential to a (yes,
pissed-off) homeowner, on the homeowner’s private.

Crowley did not have the constitutionally required warrant that might
have allowed him to go inside Gates’ home. And while inside the home,
Crowley, clearly was NOT deferential to Gates. By asking that Gates
show ID, Crowley violated of the 4th Amendment’s guarantee against
unreasonable searches and seizures. Had the police call regarded a
life-or-death domestic dispute in which Gates was disrupting the
neighborhood with his loudness, he might have been guilty of
disorderly conduct. However, blessing-out a police officer for not
abiding by either the Constitution, or the generally recognized common-
law decorum that “a man’s home is his castle”, makes Sergeant Crowley

A Black police officer who soon arrived at the scene objected to Gates
being arrested. Crowley’s not reconsidering the arrest, in light of
the Black Officer’s admonishments, is proof that Crowley is not only a
racist, but he has an arrogant “superiority” (likely caused by a deep-
seated, intellectual, inferiority complex) that probably led him to
become a police officer in the first place. Aren’t those who carry
guns; and can shoot people, at times, with impunity; and who can
violate speed limits, and boss-around the general public… superior?
Only in a POLICE STATE, like we now have throughout the USA, are
police officers ever superior to the public that is paying their

Many in the media, like National Public Radio’s Juan Williams (a cat
of a different color) think that Obama should apologize, not only to
the Cambridge Police, but to life-risking police everywhere. But
aren’t all police officers at least required to have read the
Constitution? Do those police organizations all across the country
think that it is OK for their members to inconvenience and arrest
homeowners on their own property, when the Constitution says
otherwise? In no way should Obama ever apologize for calling the
misguided police in this country “stupid”! No amount of guns and
handcuffs-on-belts will ever elevate the ‘servant’ police to the level
of their being ‘task-masters’ to the public at large. The sooner they
get THAT through their hard heads, the better!

Today on Face the Nation, one of Bob Schieffer’s guests—an Obama
spinner—said, regarding how to finance the revamping of health care,
“Obama will do nothing that negatively impacts middle classes.” The
latter oft-repeated mantra of Obama violates the most basic principles
of democracy and fair play that caused this country to come into being
in the first place. Being President isn’t about showing class-against-
class favoritism! Obama’s repeating of… “favor the middle class”
statements violates the spirit and foundation of the Constitution
tantamount to TREASON! Similarly, the continued consideration of
Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be a justice of the Supreme Court—after she
has ruled that anti-democracy, unfair REVERSE DISCRIMINATION is
acceptable, positions her to be hanged-by-the-neck-until-dead, next to
Obama. SC Republican Senator Lindsay Graham should hang, too. That
man’s on-the-fence opportunism, has finally caught up with him, by his
support of Sotomayor.

The title of this post: “A Line Is Drawn in the Sand for the USA”,
regards this simple love-it-or-leave-it statement: “Democracy and Fair
Play shall reign supreme in America!” Barack Obama, Sonia Sotomayor,
Shawn Hannity, Lindsey Graham and Juan Williams—to name just a few—
don’t believe the above crux statement that is shown in quotations.
In short, they are content with how our corrupt government has
evolved, and they don’t want any corrections to be made.

While Americans, especially those without a job, lament the ‘spend and
keep spending’ direction of our failed and broken government, how many
of those are talking-up my New Constitution as a logical remedy? If
Congress is indebting our grandchildren to pay for inefficient
programs… wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a Constitution that REMOVES
the authority of Congress to raise taxes without first getting the
approval of the taxpayers? And wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to
ratify such a constitution in a single day via a democratic popular
vote of 75%? Of course it would!

To date, my New Constitution hasn’t risen to the threshold of being
‘legitimized’ by being mentioned in one or more parts of the national
media. Isn’t it ironic that the likes of Shawn Hannity, Glen Beck and
Bill O’Reilly are allowed to pontificate, daily, about issues in
America, while doing nothing constructive to solve our nation’s
problems? Beck, in particular, is setting himself up to have a heart
attack due to his more and more frequent rants. A pretty face that
isn’t helping America’s causes is Megyn Kelly on Fox’s ‘America’s
Newsroom’. That lady, via her raised eyebrows and sarcastic comments,
is allowed to give her running, personal assessment of the breaking
news, and the ‘magazine’ news, as all of it happens. Can anyone tell
me what entitles that filly to have her ideas be so strongly
expressed, while my ideas regarding our ratifying a New Constitution
for the benefit of all Americans isn’t yet considered to be…
“national” news?

At least 1/3 of our nation’s problems can rightly be laid at the feet
of… the media. Wake Up America! My New Constitution is just what the
USA needs to right its course. Ratify such and your grandchildren,
and theirs, will thank you!

Respectfully Submitted,

John A. Armistead
AKA NoEinstein on Google

Happy Days… !

Happy Days... 2

Campaigning is a Science, too.



A Democracy Doesn’t Favor Media Figures and Celebrities

Changing the USA from a Police State

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