A Democracy Doesn’t Favor Media Figures and Celebrities

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Jun 16, 2009, 5:08:57 PM6/16/09
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David Letterman made a second, less-humorous attempt to
‘apologize’ to Governor Sarah Palin, yesterday. Such was prompted, in
part, because of the withdrawal of one of his show’s sponsors.
Letterman’s ‘out’ was that the public ‘perception’ of his remarks was
different from his humorous intent. In short, he was blaming the
viewers (the perceptors) for his inexcusable, ungentlemanly, and crude
For years Letterman has been throwing together lists of ten which
have, at times, been humorous. Because he can’t be sure the audience
will laugh… he glides over his lists so quickly, that no one item can
be sneered at. His theory is: If ‘the humor’ is bad… get it over
with quickly.
For those of you who don’t know, David Letterman was a vocal
supporter of Barack Obama. Sarah Palin represents the should-have-
been number two in this country, who is likely to be heard from again,
big-time, in the 2012 presidential race. So, in Letterman’s eyes (and
with is prejudices) he feels that it’s perfectly fine for him to
belittle Palin and her family at every opportunity. But his doing so
can’t be allowed in a fair democracy! That’s why my ‘New Constitution
of the United States of America’ will prohibit any and all media
figures, and their guests, from expressing their personal political
feelings on air, or in print.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Katie Couric had a
‘strolling interview’ with Governor Sarah Palin in which Couric kept
pressing Palin to list her sources of information about world events.
Most people pick up the tidbits of news that’s important to them by
osmosis. They get the information in passing, but if asked for the
source, such a trivial detail probably didn’t have a very high
priority at the time. Palin was wise not to be anything other than
general in her reply—in spite of Couric’s acrid insistence that Palin
list particulars.
Katie Couric was a vocal supporter of Barack Obama. She used her
‘celebrity’ job as a news anchor for CBS to attack Sarah Palin—as
though that is what ‘good’ TV journalists do. Well, no fair democracy
can allow ANY public figure to have undue influence in the outcome of
elections simply by virtue of their high paid, high visibility job.
Both Couric and Letterman work for CBS. Under my New
Constitution both Couric and Letterman would be out of a job by this
stipulation, therein: “No medium shall be a forum for promoting the
ideology of its management or owners, nor shall they employ anyone who
uses such job to hawk their personal political preferences—at risk of
lose of license or closure of the business.” Effectively, Couric and
Letterman have interfered with the free will decision-making processes
of the voters who were tuned in. And CBS would have no choice but to
fire both of them, pronto, for violating principles of a fair
The media’s shelter in the past has been the 1st Amendment’s
‘Freedom of the Press’ clause. My New Constitution changes that to
be: … freedom of a pro democracy press. What Couric and Letterman did
wasn’t pro democracy (where everyone makes up their own minds). So,
they violated the Constitution, which would justify their immediately
becoming unemployable in any medium.
Yesterday, Rev. Al Sharpton was a guest on a news show. He said
he would defend Sarah Palin’s position against Letterman. But when
Letterman’s comments were compared to Don Imus’s (sexist and racist)
comments against members of a Black ladies’ basketball team, Sharpton
considered the later to be far worse. His reason? Sharpton said that
“…Imus offended an entire race.”
But Don Imus’s candid, off-air comments were guaranteed free
speech! Not only should Imus not have apologized, he should never
have been fired! If one of those ladies had been a candidate for
public office, and Imus was knowingly making an on-air comment to
belittle that candidate, then he would have been in violation of a
fair democracy. At the time that Imus made the remarks, he was just a
spectator sitting in the stands. If any other male (not a media
figure) had been heard saying the identical things, should that man
have been fired from his job, too? Absolutely not!
Imus was fired because *** Blacks use their soft skin as a lever
to gain “discrimination” advantages. *** Blacks don’t want equal
treatment, they won’t better than equal treatment—like Judge Sonia
Sotomayor believes is perfectly OK. My New Constitution empowers
every person as an individual, never as members of any group! If Al
Sharpton considers himself to be a spokesman for Blacks, and he gets
invited to appear in a medium, suddenly, Al Sharpton has more influence
—as a celebrity—than any fair democracy can allow. In the future,
celebrities can talk about anything other than politics. Their
opinions are no more important than the opinions of a man on the
Here in South Carolina Blacks boycotted state businesses because
there was a Confederate Flag (also) flying above the State Capital.
Every Black is entitled to make up their own minds where or where not
to shop. But under my New Constitution, any person who orchestrates
the boycott of a business(es) is committing a felony. Practically
everything bad about society has group roots. When people allow their
group leaders (Republican and Democrat, etc.) to speak for them, they
relinquish their free will to make private voting decisions, unswayed
by high rhetoric or the group consensus.
A democracy of empowered individuals is the hope for our
salvation! But a divided, group-against-group nation, such as we now
are, cannot long endure. Let Freedom ring!

Respectfully submitted,

John A. Armistead
AKA NoEinstein (on Google)

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