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Natural Definition of Time - {HRI 20150621}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 11, 2015, 11:07:09 PM10/11/15
Natural Definition of Time

21 June 2015

{HRI 20150621}
{FPP 20150621}



(Time is 'The Steady Progression of The Creation')
(Experiencing change as "time")
(Determining by yourself the speed, with which
you look at changes)
(Perceiving some past THAT vividly, that it seems like
'Traveling Back In Time')
(Footnotes) (1., 2.)
(Textnotes) (a., b.) (Sociopaths of science)
(References) (with web links)




Natural Definition of Time

Time is Naturally DEFINED as:

The steady progression of The Creation.

This means, that Time is the same everywhere,
and it means, that we are connected wherever
we are and whatever we do.




You may want to consider, that a clock going slow, or a clock going
fast, DOES NOT ALTER Time.

When a clock runs slow, or when it runs fast, does not change
The Creation's steady progression called Time,

you might be willing to understand and agree. *(a)



People want to mechanically MEASURE the progression, called Time.

By measuring the Time mechanically, they can calculate and predict
when the tide of the ocean rises, and when the sun goes down.

And by mechanical means - they can measure the speed of light, too.

That's not Time, but it is MEASURING Time.



So when someone shouts at you, that "the clock runs faster" and,
that "that proves Time is relative," then you are dealing with a

- Sociopaths have ALL IN REVERSE (they want themselves
and everyone else, to "see" and "understand" all in

and if you encounter a reversal of Truth, then you may
find, it is brought about by Sociopaths.

There is nothing "relative" about Time, at all:
Time is the most constant thing you can imagine.


There is Time - and then there is physical measurement of Time
- and then there are Sociopaths

- Einstein, Hawking, Hubble, Darwin, etc - *(a)

who DELIBERATELY, INTENTIONALLY, do very severely mess up the
subject of Time - they in fact reverse it - by demanding, that

"its measurement" (by clocks or by photons) "is Time."

Sociopaths (Criminal Minds) Hate Truth...



Truth is 'that what happened,' which of course includes Time, the Time
that it happened.

That is the very reason, that Sociopaths are highly motivated, to mess
up, what Time is (and what Awareness, Perception and Memory is).

- in order to hide their own nature and the nature of their

It is a good method to detect some of the Sociopaths in science,
by the way:

They mess up what Time is. *(a)



Time is Defined as 'The Steady Progression of The Creation.'

And you can measure that, if you like, or if you have to, in various
degrees of precision and error (nowadays by resonating a crystal, or
by measuring the frequency change in photon-emissions by certain

Time is 'The Steady Progression of The Creation.'



(Experiencing change as "time")

Quite apart from THE Time - the Steady Progress of The Creation -
quote apart from that, you can recall or re-experience things
that happened,

in endlessly different ways which you also call or experience as
time (even though and while Time goes on as a steady progression,

"Time goes very slow - I have to wait endlessly."

"The hours flew by - I did not notice, that we talked already
for so long."

"Nothing moved or changed - time stood still."

"I slept and was wholly unaware of how much Time had passed."

"He remained mummified for twenty thousand years, after
ALL his Life Energy for Awareness and Perception, had been
sucked out of him and from his body, by means of the
mummification processes.

"When his grave was opened, some Life Energy came again
available to his senses. And then it was for him, as if
nothing at all had happened during those twenty thousand
years (the time during which his soul in fact had 'remained

"Yet he could tell from the Time - by now again sensing the
Time - that it had been that long."




(Determining by yourself the speed with which you look at changes)

And then there is the Perception of (your Connection to) your memory
(of what happened in the past) - you jump around near and far, and
you can focus on something you want to look at (or something that
you feel compelled to look at).

You might be able to look at a particular scene (at a piece of
memory) and then increase the intensity of your Perception of the
motion and slowing down the memory's rate of change,

so you can study and look at a memory in greater detail - much like
you can slow down or even stop a movie, to examine some scene.

You experience that, as - and you probably call that - a 'change in
time.' But THE Time runs on, anyway - the steady Progress of The


Instead of slowing it down, it is also possible to SPEED UP your
Perception of some memory - to an incredible speed even, as some
people report 'happens to them' in a Near-Death situation:

"Their whole life flashed by before their eyes, in a few seconds."

What happened in terms of Fine Particle Physics, is, that by
the extreme urgency of the moment, they felt compelled to,
or they felt they are "allowed" now, to create

- or they otherwise obtained or drew in -

the Life Energy necessary to connect to and be aware
of what happened in their whole present life time,




(Perceiving some past THAT vividly, that it seems like 'Traveling
Back In Time')

It is possible, to Perceive memories so vividly, that it SEEMS
"you traveled back in time."

But while you do that, Time (present time) goes on ANYWAY.

And so you can and do again 'place' that experience (when you
very vividly "traveled back in time," when you deeply "regressed"
into your memory) in relation to Time.


We look further, at what you might experience as "Time Travel:"

It is ALSO possible, to Perceive the Life Energy lingering at
a location FROM THE PAST

- let's say at an old battle field, or on the other hand,
in a town where you had lived a very happy and productive
life -

and your being there, in THAT Life Energy OF THE PAST, may give you a
'deja-vu' feeling, that can be so strong, that you Perceive mostly
the past, "as if you traveled in time."

The Life Energy of what happened in the past at that location, IS
THERE ANYWAY, and some people (and children are also people) might
Perceive some portion of the lingering Energy of some part of the
past, there.


In much the same way, the Life Energy of his own past is ALSO carried
around by any person, and there is the possibility, that at some
time or other, you or anyone else, might Perceive some past of him
quite intensely,

even to the point of overriding some or much of what is his
condition now.

The point is of course, not to CONFUSE these things, but to
understand how these things work.





We looked at four things:

1. The Time (defined as The Steady Progression Of
The Creation *(1))

2. The physical measurement of Time

3. Observing memories or looking at changes, in 'slow motion'
or also in 'very fast motion.'

4. Observing some Life Energy that is of the past, but
experiencing it THAT vividly, that one seems to be
"transported into another time" or has "time-traveled
into the past."

So there is Natural Time, there is physical measurement of Time (as
clocks do), and there is a subjective feeling of things changing
or not changing, and there is the way one looks at memories,
speeding their motion up or down as one pleases to see it.


We take the future as a different subject, which we will describe
in an HRI about 'Prophecy - Awareness of the actual or of the
intended future.'




Arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful, and
most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



(1) I use the term 'The Creation' deliberately, rather than a
term, a word, that has been so severely perverted and
mutilated by The Sociopaths, to the intense destruction of
science and for deadening Mankind and for the sickening
separation of individuals from each other:

The Sociopaths have succeeded in spreading a DESTRUCTIVE
"definition" of the term 'Universe,' to be void of the
very matter it consists of: Life Energy Particles.

So I am very reluctant to use the term 'The Universe:'
The Sociopaths have made it into a perversity, a dirty
or highly contaminated word.


(2) I addressed the subject of Time already in some other
HRI's, for instance in

'Quote 'Simple but correct (and very much needed) definitions'
in Version 3.0 of 'Leonardo Da Vinci
- About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's
Past And Future {HRI 20040829-V3.0}'
(23 Apr 2005 quote from Version 3.0 of 23 Apr 2005)

'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
Time, And Earth's Past And Future'
{HRI 20040829-V3.5} [LADCTE]
(29 August 2004 - Version 3.5 on 19 Oct 2007)



(a) Even though that shows you to be far more intelligent
and truthful and integer, on the subject of Time,

(you are thus more integer and truthful and

than the person whose name is currently, on a social and
even on academic level, the very embodiment of "being the
most intelligent," but

who took great pride in deceiving people and in so,
obviously, pleasing all Sociopaths:

After all, he got a Nobel Prize in Physics, and the
scientists don't (Academia does not) test people for being

(supposing they could define Sociopath, which they
can't either - sorry Mr Cleckley, Mr Hare and
Ms Stout - your dabbling in very shallow waters,
does not actually Define 'Sociopaths')

those they propose for a Nobel Prize.

The famously "most intelligent person in science" got
a Nobel Prize, fairly enough as those things go -
BY applying Isaac Newton's laws to photons,

photons being physical particles with the impact
energy of a fast moving particle - moving at the
velocity of photons, of course, or of light, as
they abbreviate it in physics, as "c."

With the mass of the photon particle called "m," you then
get the impact Energy of a photon, by applying the relation
Newton discovered:

The Impact energy is "m" times "c" squared, also
written as "m.c^2" or as "mc^2" or even as mc2.

Interestingly, this "famous" equation does
not take into account, that there are high
energy photons (above ultraviolet) and low
energy photons (below infrared), for

The Sociopaths of physics nevertheless claim
- and they are debilitating students, by
demanding - that "photons have NO MASS,"
and that "there are waves, that have NO
PARTICLES to do the waving."

Many of these Sociopaths are also eagerly
infected by Darwin, and want others to
BELIEVE, that "the brain does their
thinking." (This REALLY makes people
very, very stupid and sick - but The
Sociopaths call it "being intelligent,"
and "being rational," even.)


Having now gotten a Nobel Prize, this "very intelligent"
person found DELIGHT in deceiving the most arrogant of
the science community, and he delighted in ruining
theoretical physics, AND physics students, for the
century ahead of him.

And he proceeded to do so, with enormous success and
a large following in Academia,

and he even had a successor, a Sociopath from the
Royal Academy of Sciences, who got himself
celebrated by writing A Brief History Of Time,

and his celebrants even made a blockbuster-movie
about him, successor in theoretical physics,
searching for 'A Theory Of Everything' with which
TO REPLACE The Creation,

TO REPLACE Time itself - the steady Progression of
The Creation - to REPLACE it with a mechanical, physical

A measurement by which he thus could claim Time
to be "variable" in space, and Time to be
"relative" by tying Time to photons - claiming
photons to determine Time:

The clock "determines Time" - instead of:

Time is NOT determined by how much a clock is
running faster or slower, because Time is the
natural, steady Progression of The Creation.


He "made time ITSELF be a mechanical thing," as it
pleased him - Albert Einstein and all other Sociopaths -
"to be senior to The Creation," looking for "the formula
of The Creation" or for "The God Particle."

When you claim Time to be "relative,"

Truth itself then "becomes slippery, or even wholly
vanishes" - just as the Sociopaths want Truth to

This might give some food for thought to be
absorbed by those who would or will be experts

on Defining The Sociopath - in general and in
science in particular.


(b) The Natural Definition of Time, makes obvious, various
fallacies introduced by The Sociopaths, "about time." *(a)

Correcting these fallacies:

There are for instance, no "beings existing outside of Time."

There is no actual "Time Travel" - neither into the past
(see 'Natural Definition of Truth'), nor is there "Time
Travel From The Future or Into The Future."

(see also, the upcoming HRI 'Prophecy - Awareness of the
actual or intended future')

Nor is Time in anyway "relative" (also not "relative to any
space," nor "to any speed of travel"), *(a)

but Time is the SAME in any place in The Creation.

Nor is there any "Universe, that exists three seconds in the

Nor are there so-called "Parallel Universes" as The Sociopaths
define these.

Etc. etc.

But there ARE people who do very deliberately want to confuse
you and anyone. *(2)


References: (only few given, here)

'Quote 'Simple but correct (and very much needed) definitions'
in Version 3.0 of 'Leonardo Da Vinci
- About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's
Past And Future {HRI 20040829-V3.0}'
(23 Apr 2005 quote from Version 3.0 of 23 Apr 2005)

'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
Time, And Earth's Past And Future'
{HRI 20040829-V3.5} [LADCTE]
(29 August 2004 - Version 3.5 on 19 Oct 2007)

[CMNSE]'Also in Physics and Astronomy, Criminal Minds WILL NOT STOP
WHEN their fake intentions, false theories and autistic
"research," are EXPOSED'
{HRI note 20091209} [CMNSE]
(9 December 2009)

[LCSMTP]''Law of the Conservation of Stupidity' in modern nuclear
{FPP comment 20091206} [LCSMTP]
(6 December 2009)

[SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous Sociopath
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)!topic/sci.math/U-yw1gloEGo
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009 - re-posted 24 Dec 2104)!topic/sci.physics/AWi4JCjCUXc
[was criminally REMOVED, but from sci.physics ONLY]
which includes
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

[EHSLB-A] 'Addition to 'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul -
the Shortened Lunch Break' [EHSLB-A]
{HRI note 20080705-II-A}
(5 July 2008 - Addition on 11 July 2008)
... /msg/bf4823080622d148

[EHSLB] 'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul - the Shortened Lunch
{HRI note 20080705-II} [EHSLB]
(5 July 2008)

[YEI] 'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are
mis-firing in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune
to it?" plus "The After-shocks of the Big Bang" '
{HRI 20130112-V2.0} [YEI]
(12 January 2013 - Version 2.0 of 1 Feb 2013,
published 29 Dec 2013)!topic/
show trimmed content also:!original/

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[AWLBQ] 'Awareness Level Basic Questions - to penetrate-remove
Euphoria, Ugliness, Unawareness and Hate-Pain'
{AWL 20150513} [AWLBQ]
(15 May 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/qkb_4bwJy7w


Copyright 2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle"
Sociopaths, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.

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