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(Example: Mike Rinder Interview 1996) What vital truth Demonic Critics of Scientology - Tory, Lerma, etc. - denied, 13 years now - {HRI note 20091103-V1.0-t} contains {AfM RI 19961202}

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Leonardo Been (Plato)

Nov 3, 2009, 3:55:46 AM11/3/09
(Example: Mike Rinder Interview 1996) What vital truth acquired by me,
the Demonic Critics - Tory, Lerma, etc. etc. - of Scientology, have
been attacking and denying, since thirteen years now

3 November 2009
{HRI note 20091103-V1.0-t)

Ambassador for Mankind
RI-753i of 2 Dec 1996)
{AfM RI 19961202}


This is just one example, of thousands of instances,

with the Demonic critics of 'Scientology' attacking and
denying, opposing and discrediting,

the most vital data to expose and understand 'Scientology'
and its management and its founder.


[Koos:] Which actual Suppressive Person are you covering up?

[Mike Rinder:]

"(I am covering up) L. Ron Hubbard, and his policy:

'No one, no government, no other institution
is senior to the Church of Scientology, LFBD
and no one
can control the Church of Scientology,
and no one
can determine what is ethical.' LFBD

The Church of Scientology is senior to everyone. LFBD" (**)


(*) References:

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART ONE' (DRAFT)
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p1}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p1 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART TWO' (DRAFT)
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p2}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p2 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART THREE' (DRAFT)
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p3}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p3 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART FOUR' (DRAFT)
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p4}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p4 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

See also:

'Anyone here NOT wanting me murdered or destroyed? - Their
incitement to murder the very able'
{HRI note 20091028-t}
(28 October 2009)

'What are 'Double Lies:' Unraveling 'Scientology' (l. ron hubbard's) -
some of the most obvious ones'
{HRI note 20091023-V2.3}
(23 October 2009 - Version 2.3 on 29 Oct 2009)



Note on my 1996 text, below:

The 1996 use by me, of the words 'Scientology' and
'Scientologist(s),' differs from my current (2009) use.

In 1996, 'Scientologist' was still intended to mean:

"A person who - though being dominated and deceived
by l. ron hubbard and by his management - (a person
who) does nevertheless try to use regression therapy
and meter-techniques and repetitive questions, to
increase own and other's awareness and abilities."

Which - 'Scientology' - was used by l. ron hubbard
and by his management, to hammer into people that
they must do what he says and intends, and

to perceive ONLY what he wants to have perceived by
others and by himself;

to spread this domination and the lies of l. ron
hubbard about it and about life and people, too,

for 'Scientologists' to wind up in a Drugged
Euphoria "safe space" as he wants others to call it,
immersed in the Energies of l. ron hubbard.

This includes the way they built and are teaching
the use of a meter to indicate thoughts and feelings
contacted from themselves and others.

They cleverly and ferociously PREVENT the instrument
from being used to look at l. ron hubbard and at his
management, as well as at anything else they and
in particular l. ron hubbard projects "should not be
looked at."

So they actually, in actual life, OPPOSE Awareness being
gained, and replace it with the pretense and 'certainty'
of "being Aware."

'Scientologists' are so deeply immersed in the intentions
and deception of l. ron hubbard to bring about UNAWARENESS
the above definition had to be discarded.


Back to 1996: the term 'Scientology' was still intended
by me to mean:

"The use of regression therapy and meter-techniques,
and of repetitive selective questions, to increase
or return own and other's awareness and abilities."

'Scientology management' and l. ron hubbard, were presented
heavily and insidiously, as assisting this, but they did
become more and more exposed:

l. ron hubbard and his management were only PRETENDING
their stated goals to 'Scientologists' - in elaborate
'Policy Letters,' courses and lectures - IN ORDER TO have
wholly dominated followers, who would intensely admire
them and would fiercely defend them as their 'being the
greatest, most important people on Earth'.

Thus the earlier, PRETENDED definition of 'Scientology,'
had completely to be discarded.

Other words:

RTC - 'Scientology Management:'

RTC 'Religious Technology Center' - the very top managers
of 'Scientologists' - living all inside a 'Scientology-
ideas-only' compound called a 'Sea Org base.'


(**) is quoted from:

The original text with my original comments, which follows here.

2 December 1996

RI-753i 'Interview Mike Rinder (of RTC and OSA): The Power Game'

from Ambassador for Mankind

Message # RI-753i for Internet

Relay to German State Officials


"What did
Mr. Bluem [German Minister of Labor / Labor Secretary], and
Mrs. Caberta [Hamburg State Official
for the protection against Crimes
of Church of Scientology Organizations]
nearly find out about you?"

'Ambassador for Mankind'

"I am interested
in the power game,
NOT in Scientology
as a religion that
can bring relief to people
can change their conditions."

'Mike Rinder'


Reading this interview
will give you a very good insight
into the current morality
of the Church of (Hubbard) Scientology.

Mike Rinder is
senior to its 'Office of Special Affairs', and is
part of the 'Religious Technology Center',
the "Gestapo" above all the Organizations
of the Church of Scientology.



Spiritual Confessional on Mike Rinder,
on 1 December 1996, 17:01 GMT,
ordered by Ambassador for Mankind.

(to understand the procedure, see
RI-701i 'J. Travolta Interview - Truth Exposed' of 26 Sept 96)


[Auditor:] What are you trying to do to Koos?

"I am denying any and all charges made
against the Church of Scientology. LFBD LFBD

"I am not interested in the truth, LFBD LFBD
I am only interested in
keeping the Church of Scientology operating." LFBD

[Koos:] Not to be interested in the truth
is a destructive intention
with which you destroy
the operation of the Church of Scientology.

[Koos:] What charges should be made against you personally?

"You don't expect me to give you a clue
about how to attack me?!" LF

[Koos:] To stop you from being destructive and insane
is not an attack on you,
rather it is helping you. LFBD


[Koos:] What are you personally doing
in order to destroy
the operation of the Church[es] of Scientology?

"I am not interested
in giving any Suppressive Person
a chance
to evaluate our operations,
[any Suppressive Person]
who wants to
stop the existence of Scientology in the world,
not only
of the Church of Scientology as a Church
but also
of Scientology as a religion."

"We shouldn't be blind to the fact
that Suppressives want to remove Scientology
in any form
from the surface of the Earth:
as a religion,
as a commercial enterprise, which it is not,
as a philosophy;
they wouldn't stop
until all teaching and use of Scientology are forbidden."

"Scientology is a religion."

"No Suppressive is interested in the truth.
They only want to destroy Scientology completely." LFBD

[Note by Koos:
He just stated, above,
that he himself is not interested in the truth.]

"They don't want to help us
to handle an 'ARC-broken' [upset]
field [of Scientologists and Ex-Scientologists]. LFBD LFBD

[Handling those Scientologists and Ex-Scientologists
who are upset with the Church of Scientology]
is and remains
the task of the Church of Scientology, and
not to be brought into the open."

[Note by Koos:
He - and L. Ron Hubbard - wants that
nobody, and certainly no government institution or court,
should be approached
dissatisfied or
financially ruined or
otherwise harmed
about their grievances, and
about the crimes
committed by Church of Scientology-staff
on them.
It is a ground for
expulsion and
being harassed by the Church of Hubbard Scientology,
if a member informs
the press,
the government or
the police and
the courts
of crimes
committed on him by "Church"-staff,
yes, even when committed on him by ANY member!

This is why the Church of Hubbard Scientology
with Hubbard "Ethics" and Hubbard "Justice",
is a Mafia-type Church.

Only those staff themselves
(who committed the crimes in the first place!)
should be
petitioned or begged (by their victims!)
to stop and to remedy the crimes.

But the Mafia-Church's International Management,
the 'Religious Technology Center',
DEMANDS of their staff
that they DO and CONTINUE to commit these crimes on
Scientologists and on Ex-Scientologists.]

(see RI-8i 'SEC CHECK Intl Justice Chief' of 29 Sept 1994
RI-30i 'SP-Declares are Intended' of 17 Feb 1994
RI-31i 'SP-Declares are Intended - Handling' of 7 Mar 1994
RI-32i 'SP-Declares are Intended - Use It' of 9 Mar 1994)

"We do not let our operations
be controlled by any government.

Also, Suppressive Persons
don't want to help to make anything go right.

They want to defame and to destroy,
so we can leave out any discussion
about the possible rightness of some charges.

All charges are made
to destroy, and nothing else. LFBD LFBD LFBD

we are right in denying all charges
made against the Church of Scientology, and
we will concentrate on attacking the Suppressive Persons." LFBD.

[Koos:] I wish to point out to you
you ARE NOT AT ALL attacking
the Suppressive Persons
who want to destroy Scientology,
who want to destroy the philosophy and its practice,
you ARE attacking
decent people, LFBD
responsible people, and
you ARE destroying
decent Scientologists and
responsible Scientologists.

The one who DOES attack
what are actually anti-social beings,
is me [Ambassador for Mankind].


So which ACTUAL Suppressive Person
have you failed to attack and handle? F

(no immediate answer)

(So he doesn't want to confront that.
But maybe he wants to confront this question:)


[Koos:] Which actual Suppressive Person are you covering up?

"(I am covering up) L. Ron Hubbard and his policy:

'No one, no government, no other institution
is senior to the Church of Scientology, LFBD
and no one
can control the Church of Scientology,
and no one
can determine what is ethical.' LFBD

The Church of Scientology is senior to everyone. LFBD

And 'RTC' [the 'Religious Technology Center',
of which Mike Rinder is an executive]
is senior to the Church of Scientology.

for the purpose of outside relations
we just do
as if
RTC and the Church of Scientology are one, and
as if
RTC is servicing the Church of Scientology. LFBD LFBD LFBD LFBD



[Koos:] Tell me more about that. LFBD

"L. Ron Hubbard knew
that Scientology was senior
to all the laws of all the governments of the world,
- Scientology being the science of life itself."

although he said [in his booklet of morals 'The Way To Happiness']
in concept [not quoted verbatim]
'Obey those who rule you, and
heed the laws of the country',
he never wanted
any control [over Scientologists by governments]." LFBD LFBD


[Koos:] I will tell you the truth about this, and that truth is
that L. Ron Hubbard HIMSELF
did not want to be answerable to anyone!
THAT is why
L. Ron Hubbard finally ran away and committed suicide [in
because he didn't want to be answerable to anyone, and
because he did not want to be responsible for anyone,
also not for you,
also not for the Church[es] of Scientology.

you are confusing
the subject of Scientology
- a science of knowing how to know truth -
the individual called L. Ron Hubbard.
He WANTED you to confuse these two things, and
he wants EVERY Scientologist to confuse these two

THAT's why he wanted to be seen as
"the only Source" [since 1965].
(see RI-712Di 'What Went Wrong With L. Ron Hubbard'
of 18 Oct 96)

The TRUTH of the matter is
that you, RTC [the "Religious Technology Center"
of the Church of Scientology, that is],
ARE answerable
to every individual and
to each government and
to each Scientology Organization and
to each Scientologist.

And you are even answerable
to each anti-social or Suppressive Person!
I, myself, am even explaining my actions
to anti-social persons.
They might not like - and they DO NOT LIKE - my actions,
but I explain very precisely
what they are doing wrong and
why I am stopping them.
So I am also answerable
to Suppressive Persons.


are you covering up? LFBD

"I am not used to thinking of L. Ron Hubbard
in connection with evil intentions.

I am not used to considering myself
even to be answerable to Suppressive Persons." LFBD

"So, the evil intention of L. Ron Hubbard
To prevent anyone
from looking at HIS evil intentions."

[Koos:] Very correct!

Do you want to continue to execute the evil intention
(with RTC and in the Church of Scientology)
that nobody should look at
the evil intentions of RTC and at
the evil intentions carried out
within and through the Church of (Hubbard) Scientology?

"I am trained in nothing else
[besides executing the evil intention
of covering up one's own and the group's evil intentions].

I am trained to attack. LFBD

making arrangements with governments, and
I fear
that if I would change this operating basis,
it would assist real anti-social persons, and
they would triumph and consider us weak."

[Koos:] You mean to say
that that is all you have learned
from the science of Life [from Scientology]:
- to attack the individuals you have harmed, LF
- to attack individuals
- to attack individuals
who want to have a decent and honest
Church of Scientology, and
to ruin them utterly and
to smash them like cockroaches? LFBD LFBDBD

"Neither Caberta [Hamburg State Official
for the protection against
crimes of Church of Scientology Organizations],
nor Bluem [German Labor Minister]
have been ruined
by the Church of Scientology,
they also
have no intention
to help me, nor anyone else,
to become more honest.

In fact, they invite others to lie." LFBD

[Koos:] Well, I think they are speaking up
for all the Scientologists
you have ruined or destroyed utterly or
you have smashed like cockroaches,
after they were
betrayed and driven into heavy debts, and
their social lives
were ruined by Church of Scientology staff.

I think they stand up
for all the [originally decent] Scientology staffmembers
whose hopes have been smashed, and
whose lives have been ruined, and
for those
who are still on staff,
who have been turned into unthinking zombies
through the loss of all their decency and honesty,
who are not working to help individuals anymore,
who are now working
to keep a fascistic group alive,
to keep it "alive" - if you call that alive -
at all cost.

I think that THAT is
what they [Mrs. Caberta and Mr. Bluem]
are trying to stand up for!

And if they make any mistakes,
that is entirely due to your refusal
to provide them with the details of the crimes LFBD
that I enumerated above. LFBD LFBD LFBD

"I think they [Caberta and Bluem]
are severely anti-social persons
who want nothing else
than to destroy Scientology as a subject. LFBDBD

And they use people
who were dissatisfied with Scientology
to collect 'reasons why'
they are entitled
to destroy Scientology as a religion. F's

We must fight them. LFBD
They are enemies.
YOU do as if they are friends who want to help."

[Koos:] Well, are you doing anything
to remedy all the crimes
which are listed above
that are continuously being committed
on Scientologists and on Scientology staff,
[are you doing anything]
other than
demanding that they
shut up and
go into apathy, and
be raped by
RTC and OSA ["Office of Special Affairs"] and
WISE ["World Institute of Scientology Enterprises"] LF
be relieved of their money by the
IAS ["International Association of Scientologists"]
without getting any Service in return?

"There is a good deal of
slander and lies and 'natter' [destructive criticism]
in stories people tell
when they want to cover up
their irresponsibility for
being part of a group and for
being part of humanity.

If all these cases would be properly investigated,
their claims would prove to be [only]
destructive 'natter' [false criticism to divert attention]." LFBD


[Koos:] Well, that's exactly the point:
You PREVENT them (these cases) from being investigated,
so that YOU can continue to lie and 'natter', and
so that YOU can continue to cover up
YOUR irresponsibility for
being part of the group and for
being part of Mankind.



[Koos:] What are you trying to prove
to L. Ron Hubbard about yourself? LFBD LFBD

"That I am able to handle governments." LFBD LFBD LFBDBD LFBD

[Koos:] Now, it's very interesting that you say that,
because L. Ron Hubbard was not able
to handle governments.


I'll give as an example LFBD
the way how he [L. Ron Hubbard]
completely failed to handle
the American Government
the very valid and truthful Snow-White Project,
[which was a project]
to locate false data

{in fact to remove mostly correct and highly incriminating
evidence - note 2009, KNT}

on the Church of Scientology
spread world-wide
by the CIA [American Intelligence service]
in order to destroy Scientology LFBD
- NOT to destroy the evil practices of Scientology,
but to destroy the GOOD practices of Scientology.

He easily could have
won that case against the CIA,
but instead,
he sent his wife [Mary Sue Hubbard] to prison, and then
he put the most violently anti-social person of all time,
David Miscavige - and Miscavige's RTC -
in charge of all Church of Scientology Organizations,
L. Ron Hubbard [once again] chose
to lie
to all Scientologists and to all governments, also
about that very valid project called Snow-White.

To top it off,
it was not L. Ron Hubbard,
but a very able Scientologist from Denmark
who originated - and successfully ran - this Snow-White

He was then kicked out of the Church of Scientology in 1972,
because this person
WAS able to handle governments, and
WAS handling government relations
for the Church of Scientology
very, very successfully. LFBD
So L. Ron Hubbard "of course" kicked him out!



And that is why you
- RTC, OSA, and other L. Ron Hubbard zombies -
FIGHTING governments
instead of HANDLING them. LFBD
And that is why
all Scientologists
are told by L. Ron Hubbard
that governments want to destroy the subject of

But the truth is that
L. Ron Hubbard ran away from the American Government
to Saint Hill in England, and
then ran away from ALL governments
onto a ship,
and now he says that
all governments are bad and that
all governments want to destroy Scientology.


[Koos:] Did you know anything about these things?

"Yes, but I didn't give it such an interpretation. LF

I saw it as wise provisions of L. Ron Hubbard
to safeguard Scientology and
to be able to work undisturbed." LFBD

[Koos:] And how do you now see, for instance, that he
kicked out the very person
who originated the Snow-White project, and
who handled governments extremely well -
kicked him out because, in this respect,
he was more able than L. Ron Hubbard?

"Are you sure he wasn't kicked out for something else?"

[Koos:] I am very sure
that he was kicked out
in this respect [and many other respects as well],
he was more able than L. Ron Hubbard, and
he also showed it:
he showed an actual product
[good government relations in his country,
with the Church of Scientology].

I happen to know
that this guy had and has
a very high 'ARC' [care, understanding] for people,
- in considerable contrast to you by the way - and
that he was and is
an extremely able guy
with very good purposes
for the group, and for Mankind,
- quite in contrast to you, I might add.


[Koos:] Now let's change the subject and
take up
that you want to defend and to protect
the philosophy and practice of Scientology [in the
'good' definition, see above - note 2009, KNT}.

You have a long standing practice and activity,
consuming an enormous amount of time and money,
of forbidding and preventing people
from practising Scientology
- unless they have a licence to survive
from the dictatorship, from the most anti-survival and
anti-social tyranny of RTC. LFBD

This has caused the death of many Scientologists,
as was proven once again recently
in the court case in Lyon, France,
where a person was told
that he only could get Services to save his life,
that he only could get those Services
from your attempted monopoly and
that he only could get those Services
for a very high price,
- the money for which, he felt,
he could not get together in time.


You are actively preventing Scientologists
from helping their friends with Scientology processes,
they are only allowed to BUY these Services
from an RTC-dominated Church of Scientology
at very high prices,
- also when they are not in shape, mentally or
to obtain the money for such Services.

And if a Scientologist
helps his friends or family anyway,
he is
expelled from the group and
harassed and
declared suppressive,
for 'destroying Scientology'!!

[Koos:] So,
why are you lying about this, and
why don't you state the TRUTH,
which is:
"This Scientologist 'is using the science of Scientology
without paying into the Church of Scientology'
thereby he is endangering or destroying
the monopoly of
RTC and its Churches of Scientology".


You see, as I stated before,
I am also answerable to you and
I am also explaining to you
what I am doing and
why I am doing it. LFBD LFBD


This MONOPOLY has prevented
hundreds of thousands of Ex-Scientologists
from using Scientology processing and training
to improve their lives, and (preventing them)
from helping others with it.

This MONOPOLY is preventing
hundreds of thousands of Scientologists
who are active members,
or, at least, devoted members,
from using
Scientology processes and knowledge
to help their friends and families and the society.

[Koos:] So what's wrong here? LF's

"What do you want?

As we have a unique AND workable technology,
we have the responsibility
to put conditions on it
under which it should be used, and
under which it can ONLY be used,
in order to guarantee a result."


[Koos:] Thank you for telling me.
I repeat the question:
What is extremely wrong here?

"There is nothing wrong,
the keyword is 'Squirrelling'."

['Squirrelling' is like a term
from the famous novel "1984" by George Orwell:

Scientology practices, confessionals,
done (or forbidden) as ordered by RTC, and
done only inside the area of domination of RTC,
are "pure", and "not Squirrelling".

This is about the same as saying
that lightbulbs only may be lit
inside the laboratories of Edison,
or as authorized by his company, and
that any other use
- by those who use lightbulbs
for instance to light their living room -
is damaging people and
damaging the future of lightbulbs. (Note by Koos)]
(see RI-441i 'Edison versus L. Ron Hubbard' of 4 Jan 1996)

we should single out 'squirrels',
as soon as possible,
before they create damage to the group."

[Laughing is allowed, here! (Note by Koos)]


so that you can
immediately kick out anyone
who is about to - or has found out - part of the truth
about Suppressive Persons
International Scientology Church Management,
Advanced Organizations and
Local Organizations
of the Church of Scientology.

ANY Scientologist
would, of course, find these things out
IF they were permitted
to Audit [give confessionals to] each other
outside of the control and domination of the MONOPOLY.

(This is because
Auditing processes are potentially capable
of letting somebody find out
the truth about somebody or something.)


YOU are the one LFBD
- together with your criminal friends -
who is
corrupting all basic discoveries and applications
of the science of Scientology, and
YOU are the one
who is
not only doing,
but also enforcing 'Squirrelling'
[perversion of the science of Scientology,
as the word 'Squirrelling' was originally defined],

You even refuse to tell them
that David Miscavige {...}
[you even refuse to tell them
that David Miscavige]
was the biggest anti-social psychopath
in the whole recorded (and unrecorded) history of


[Koos:] Am I now attacking you
on points that are real to you,
am I just understanding you correctly?

"You are right
in that I want to enforce the monopoly. LFBD

And this for a good reason,
and not for the reason that you stated. LFBD

I object that you put evil purposes into me.

Scientology is a religion and
we have to keep the lesson pure." LFBD

[Koos:] If you want to keep the lessons pure,
then you had better stop lying to all Scientologists, LFBD
YOU are really very heavily
perverting the subject [of the science of Scientology]
you use it
to dominate and to destroy Scientologists and
to betray most heavily
all of the hopes and promises
because of which they came.


[Koos:] What did Mr. Bluem and Mrs. Caberta of Germany
nearly find out about you?

"I have no sympathy for people LFBD
who do not want to do
what they are asked to do"
[in straight language:
who do not want to be dominated (Note by Koos)]
"by people who care for them
in the Church of Scientology,
who want to be open-minded and
have their own ideas about Scientology
instead of understanding Scientology."

[Note by Koos:
He is still giving the standard PR-answers
that are given to all Scientologists
as a justification for the monopoly.]


[Koos:] Thank you! I repeat my question:
What did Mr. Bluem and Mrs. Caberta of Germany
nearly find out about you?

(no immediate answer)

[Koos:] What did they nearly found out about
your having no sympathy for people? LFBD

(no immediate answer)


[Koos:] Bluem said that you have only contempt for people,
isn't that right?

[Rinder:] "That's right!" LFBD


[Koos:] And he said that you are more interested
in taking money from people,
than in helping them.

"That's true with some slight correction:

If I would have wanted to help people,
I would have become an Auditor"

[someone who is helping people towards sanity and happiness
with confessional procedures,
the basis of the science of Scientology. (Note by Koos)]
{the advertised basis, see my later, published investigations
into this "science" of 'Scientology' and the references at
the top - note 2009, KNT}

"I am interested
in the fast growth of the Church of Scientology,
which is expressed in monetary terms,
but money [taken] in, also means Service for people."


[Koos:] So, WHAT did Mr. Bluem and Mrs. Caberta
nearly find out about you? LF

"I am interested
in the power game,
NOT in Scientology LFBD
'as a religion that
can bring relief to people
can change their conditions'."

F/Nind [= truth found out]



[Koos:] [Question:]
With your 'power game',
which actual Suppressive Persons in your past
are you trying to fight and to win over?

(No immediate answer. LF LFBDBD
The question is too heavy.
We switch to a lighter question,
to find times when his secret
was almost found out by others.)


[Koos:] Who ELSE nearly found out
that you are interested
in 'the power game' and
NOT in Scientology
'as a religion that
can bring relief to people and
can change their conditions'?

(no immediate answer) LFBD

[Koos:] I get [perceive that it is] Heber Jentzsch
[President of the Church of Scientology International].

Did Heber Jentzsch nearly find this out about you?

[Rinder:] "Yes!"

[Koos:] What did Heber Jentzsch do
to make you think he knew?

"He was talking with compassion
about the improvement of a person whom he had Audited."


[Koos:] Who else nearly found out,
that you are interested
in 'the power game' and
NOT in Scientology
'as a religion that
can bring relief to people and
can change their conditions?' LFBDBD

[Rinder:] "L. Ron Hubbard."

[Koos:] What did L. Ron Hubbard do
to make you think he knew?

[Rinder:] "When, in 1994, he [as a spirit without a body]
was suddenly there again." LFBD
(see RI-001i 'Ron is Back!' of 7 Sept 1994)


[Koos:] Who else nearly found out,
that you are interested
in 'the power game' and
NOT in Scientology
'as a religion that
can bring relief to people and
can change their conditions?'

"Ray Mithoff."


[Koos:] What did Ray Mithoff do,
to make you think he knew? LFBDBDBD LFBDBDBD

"He seemed to validate me for it,
he seemed to consider it
[that I am interested in 'the power game', and NOT in Scientology]
the most desirable attribute of mine, for him."

"He said: 'YOU know how to handle power'."


F/Nind [= truth found out]

'Mike Rinder'


Total session time: 5 hrs 2 min

Highly specialized OT Security Check Auditing
at 700 US $ per hour, makes 3,523 US $ cost.


[The abbreviations F(Fall), LF(Long Fall), LFBD(Long Fall Blow Down)
and F/N(Floating Needle) describe reactions on the E-meter,
indicating mental charge (F, LF, LFBD), and release of charge
completed (F/N).
"LFBD-F/N" = truth found out. "ind" = indicated to the person.]
(See RI-610i 'Understanding the E-meter, correctly' of 26 June 96
RI-648i 'Simplicity of E-meter use, by UNDERSTANDING it' 1 Aug 96
RI-687i 'Notes on E-meter use and Solo-Auditing' 4 Sept 96)

(The data revealed in Security Checks are not confidential.
They are used to detect hidden crimes, and the data is used by
the group to stop the crimes and to apply group-justice to the
criminal, based on what he ACTUALLY did, rather than on what
others believe or are led to believe he did.
The purpose is to have real justice both for the criminal and
for the groupmembers who have been or are being affected by his


Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind
Copyright 1996 by Koos Nolst Trenite


(The shareware fee for this RI-Bulletin, for private use,
regardless of how you obtained it, is 10 US Dollars
- that is, if you like it or find it useful -
to be sent to my address indicated on my Web-page.)



- Bulletins about the Evil in the Church of Scientology

RI-732i 'The Evil in L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology Philosophy'
10 Nov 96
RI-735i '"Leadership" - Definition of Third Party' of 12 Nov 1996

RI-488i 'Very able people at serious risk in Scn' 23 Feb 1996

RI-739i 'Travolta Interview - His Irresponsibility exposed now'
19 Nov 96
RI-701i 'John Travolta Interview - Truth Exposed' of 26 Sept 1996

RI-711i 'Jentzsch Interview: Germany to be smashed by Church'
18 Oct 96
RI-728i 'Jentzsch: Mafia-Church can not change from inside'
29 Oct 96

- Bulletins about Reform of Church of Scientology

RI-650i 'All Scientologists lose Civil Rights Everywhere' 5 Aug 96
RI-550i 'Nuremberg Trials for L. Ron Hubbard' of 4 May 1996

RI-668i 'COMPLETE Scientology Data for Everyone, FOR FREE'
16 Aug 96
RI-668i-A'COMPLETE Scientology Data FOR FREE - For AOL-users'
18 Aug 96

RI-563Ri 'CONFIDENTIALITY of All OT-Materials CANCELED' 14 May 96
(and many more which are not listed here)

- Bulletins about L. Ron Hubbard

RI-731i 'How L. Ron Hubbard Now Hates You All' of 6 Nov 1996
RI-546i 'Support for the being LRH now is Treason to Mankind'
4 May 96
RI-538i 'Official Expulsion of the being LRH from Scn' 17 Apr 96

RI-421i 'The Charges against LRH' of 21 Dec 1995
RI-441i 'Edison versus L. Ron Hubbard' of 4 Jan 1996

RI-483i 'What Went Extremely Wrong since 1966 in Scn - Summary'
16 Feb 96
RI-462i 'Corpses in LRH's Cupboard - IMPORTANT' of 25 Jan 96

RI-484i 'All of CoS is one Mafia: "We stand tall!"' 16 Feb 96
RI-485i 'LRH's ACTUAL Condition in January 1986' of 17 Feb 96

- Bulletins about Ray Mithoff

RI-675i 'Black Scientology by Ray Mithoff, detected' 10 Aug 96
RI-679i 'Biggest Destroyer of Scientology, Ray Mithoff, exposed'
26 Aug 96
(and many more which are not listed here)

- Bulletins about Miscavige

RI-415i 'How LRH is destroying Scientology' of 15 Dec 1995
RI-416i 'LRH "Being in harmony with Miscavige"' of 15 Dec 95
RI-417i 'LRH Fused with Miscavige' of 19 Dec 1995

RI-489i 'L. Ron Hubbard's Big Loss of David Miscavige' 22 Feb 96
RI-500i 'Ray Mithoff replaced David Miscavige' of 5 Mar 1996
(and many more which are not listed here)

- Bulletins about Richard Reiss

RI-745i 'FLAG and Richard Reiss equals Black Scientology'
14 Sept 96
RI-746i 'Biggest Present Enemy of Mankind - Richard Reiss'
26 Nov 96
RI-746i-A'The 13 March 1997 Target' of 28 Nov 1996
RI-751i 'Progress on removing Richard Reiss' of 1 Dec 1996

RI-684i 'Church of Scientology gone mad forever' of 3 Sept 1996
RI-699i 'How Jutta destroys FLAG's Richard Reiss' of 23 Sept 1996
(and many more which are not listed here)

- Bulletins about and exposing RTC

RI-522i 'Former RTC lawyer exposes RTC and OSA crimes' 22 Mar 96
RI-520i 'Criminal WISE, Sea Org, IAS, OSA in Germany and FLAG'
19 Mar 96

RI-291i 'Fake Ron's Journal 38 tape still sold by Church' 16 Oct 95
RI-569i 'Why L. Ron Hubbard put Miscavige in charge...' 20 May 96

RI-72i 'Auditing for former Stuttgart Mission Holder' 22 Jan 95
RI-427i 'More on RTC's takeover' of 28 Dec 1995
RI-428Ri 'The whole of RTC is fake, according to LRH' 28 Dec 95
RI-429i 'The Actual Intentions of RTC and LRH' of 29 Dec 1995

RI-512i 'Scientologists HATE the Church's RTC, IAS, OSA and IJC'
14 Mar 96
RI-298i 'Guillaume Lesevre on LRH's High Treason' 19 Oct 95
RI-297i 'Heber Jentzsch (Pres. INT) on LRH - IMPORTANT' 19 Oct 96

RI-484i 'All of CoS is one Mafia: "We stand tall!"' 16 Feb 96
RI-590i 'Selling Scn L. Ron Hubbard style, since 1966' 3 June 96

- Bulletins about and exposing OSA

RI-530i 'The Purpose of OSA's Covert Intelligence Bureau' 5 Apr 96
RI-533i 'Netiquette, Hate, Institutional Responses, and OSA'
7 Apr 96

RI-25i 'PTS-Declare Type C of OSA-Staff' of 19 Nov 1994
RI-419i 'OSA Won't Tell You What Scientology Is or Does' 19 Dec 95

RI-504i 'Historic Data on Scientology's Legal Strategy' 7 Mar 96
RI-334Ri 'Scientology Church PR on "Guardian Office" corrected'
1 Nov 95

RI-595i-A 'RTC and OSA dirty tricks against David Mayo'
12 June 1996
RI-595i-B 'RTC and OSA dirty tricks against Julie Mayo'
12 June 96
RI-ACT-147 'David Mayo assigned a Condition of Hiding'
8 July 1996

- Bulletins about International Management Staff

RI-431i 'ED INT Guillaume Completely Overwhelmed by LRH' 1 Jan 96
RI-469i 'MARK INGBER, spiritual "whore" for LRH' 31 Jan 96
RI-467i 'Heber Jentzsch - President of the Church of Scn' 31 Jan 96
RI-554i 'Reiss (Snr C/S FLAG) destroys others so that HE can be'
8 May 96
RI-672i 'Interview with Scn's CO CMO INT, Marc Yager' 19 Aug 96

RI-679i 'Biggest Destroyer of Scn, Ray Mithoff, exposed' 26 Aug 96
RI-684i 'Church of Scientology gone mad forever' of 3 Sept 96
RI-707i 'Lesevre-Interview: on L. Ron Hubbard and his Sea Org'
13 Oct 96
RI-601i 'Current Church of Scientology Goals - Ray Mithoff'
19 June 1996
RI-589i 'ED INT - Drowning with LRH and his Sea Org' 2 June 96
(and many more which are not listed here)

RI-380Ri 'Obtaining Truth from the RI-Bulletins' of 1 Nov 1994
RI-50RQi 'RI-xxxi series Archive - Content and Use' 28 Dec 94
Revised and Replaced on 6 March 1996

[End of AfM RI 19961202 - slightly edited by me on 3 Nov 2009]



Copyright 1996, 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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