Lt. Robin Hopper: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Part 2)

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Robin Hopper

Jan 31, 2023, 7:54:04 PM1/31/23
to Amity Outpost

((Amity Outpost – Science & Research Center, Levels 16/17, Stellar Cartography))

The tour had continued for a while longer, much the same. Robin could feel the momentum building. They had now visited several levels of the SRC, each of them presenting on subjects closest to their areas of expertise. Despite the occasional backslide – advancements that the Hirogen either had little interest in, or perhaps had already developed on their own – she could sense that an underlying current of desire for genuine exchange had been established. And that, she was sure, could serve as bedrock for a more lasting and substantial cooperation between the Federation and the Hirogen.

Next on the list of destinations was Stellar Cartography. Spanning two decks, it provided a near full-360 degree view of space in all directions, with a central platform in the center and viewing seats along the edge.

S'Raga: Welcome to Stellar Cartography. I could tell you what it's all about, but perhaps it'd be easier if I just showed you.

S’Raga moved his hands about the control terminal. Robin stood close to the back of the pack now, arms crossed – a smile on her face. As S’Raga led this final portion of the tour, she leaned in towards the Android woman beside her and whispered.

((OOC – This conversation takes place ‘aside’ from the demonstration and may not be audible to all present))

Hopper: What’s your analysis of the situation, Nadeshiko?  ::A beat::  It’s going better than I expected. Would you agree?

Nadeshiko: Response

Hopper: Anything you think we’ve missed? Any…  ::Looking for the right words::  Concerns you have – aside from the obvious, of course.

Nadeshiko: Response

As representations of space and various datapoints swirled around them, the Hirogen looked on curiously. Tazik, as usual, spoke for the assembled group.

Tazik: Where is this?

S'Raga: What you're seeing now is the Mizar Sector, in the Alpha Quadrant. Not only can we study our immediate surroundings in Stellar Cartography, we can also reference any mapped sector of space in our database.

Tazik: And how expansive may that be?

Hopper gave Nadeshiko an encouraging glance – fully expecting her to provide an honest (and thus, rather overwhelming) response.

Nadeshiko: Response

Iko: In short, big enough.

The demonstration continued for several more minutes – as they explored visualisations of a variety of non-strategic regions of Federation territory, as well as  other charted areas in the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrants. As it began to wind down, S’Raga once again put the question to the Hirogen.

S'Raga: Anything in particular you'd like to see?

Tazik looked around. Seemingly having had his fill of standing and watching presentations, he suggested something a little more interactive…

Tazik: If there is nothing further on this level, then perhaps your holodecks.

Iko: I'm sure we can arrange that. If there is nothing else Lieutenant?

Robin offered it only a moment’s consideration. If the Hirogen wanted to see the Holodeck as his last stop, then by all means he was welcome to it. Hopper had always fancied herself as a bit of a ‘buff’ when it came to holoprogramming and the underlying technology that made them come to life. Indeed, it had been her love of holonovels that first carried her into the sciences as she sought to understand how it all worked on a fundamental level.

Hopper: ::Nodding::  I think that’s an excellent idea. One last stop before we end our tour.

She began leading the way out of the room and back towards the turbolift.

Hopper: The SRC boasts a total of six holodecks – two on the upper level, capable of hosting up to 60 simultaneous participants, if they stick close together – and four more on the lower levels that are a bit more ‘intimate’, designed for up to 25. Of course, we typically keep groups smaller to allow more flexibility in programming and reduce computational load and power consumption…

She glanced to Nadeshiko and S’Raga, seeing if the HCO or Analyst would have anything to add. 

Nadeshiko/S’Raga: Responses? (Optional)

The turbolift doors whoosed open as they stepped inside. Robin activated the panel once more – her unrestricted access of the SRC making it easy to transit from one level to another – and selected Level 11. While the group they were traveling with could be accommodated in one of the smaller Level 10 holodecks, that level had remained open to public use for the day. The larger holodecks, being only two to a level, had been reserved in an effort to reduce the impact of the Hirogen’s visit on every day station functions. 

The lift began to move.

Veers: Once that’s done with, I believe we have some sort of banquet for you all to attend. If there’s anything else you all would like to touch back on, or for us to elaborate further on now that you’ve had time to think on it, don’t be afraid to ask.

Tazik: Thank you, but I'm fine for now.

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Responses? (Optional)

Hopper: ::Smiling:: Well – hopefully you’ll all have worked up a bit of an appetite during the tour.

Her stomach grumbled at the mention of dinner, reminding her that she had skipped breakfast that morning… and lunch. There hadn’t exactly seemed like much time to sit and take in a relaxed meal. As hesitant as she was about what might be served at a Hirgeon-centric banquet, the promise of food still had her digestive system on alert.

((A few minutes later – Level 10, Holodeck C))

As the archway door shut behind them, disappearing behind a screen of forcefield-projected photons, the group of ‘tour guides’ and visitors found themselves in a large room with a gridded floor and interlacing holoemitters lining the walls and ceiling ((OOC – Like this, but much more spacious)). The technology around them would have been familiar to the Hirogen, from their interactions with Voyager. While the technology had certainly continued to improve over time, allowing more more robust and immersive simulations as well as improvements in scalability, the underlying concepts had barely changed since the mid-24th century.

Tazik: Of course, your holo-technology is very impressive. 

Hopper: ::Smiling::  As much as our advances in quantum slipstream propulsion, communications, stellar cartography, replicator technology, and more has been essential to us returning to the Delta Quadrant, I’m of the personal opinion that few technologies have been more revolutionary to the expansion of the Federation than our holodecks…

Robin paced into the center of the room as she talked, continuing to espouse the benefits of the technology. In part, she was genuinely passionate about the technology and believed what she was saying… another part of her wanted to ensure that the Hirogen wouldn’t simply end things on a ‘boring’ note, brushing off the Holodeck as something familiar and old-hat.

Hopper: Computer – run program Hopper-Homestead Gamma.

In a shimmer of projected light, the space around them transformed into the surface of Theta VII, Robin’s homeworld. They were standing within a massive greenhouse filled with hydroponically-grown plants, running in rows nearly a kilometer long. While the others may not have realized it – this was where Robin had grown up. She had painstakingly scanned and recreated the farm as a teenager, and had continued improving and iterating on the simulation over the past decade.

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Responses? (Optional)

Hopper: The earliest designs utilized forcefields and matter replication to create limited simulated environments and interactable objects. These early “rec rooms” were far more simplistic, less engaging, and were tremendously inefficient compared to the modern holodeck. All the same, they allowed crews to engage in much-needed ‘escape’ from the monotony of long-haul space travel. The opportunity for, well… recreation.

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Responses? (Optional)

Hopper: A few decades later, thanks in large part to advancements made in force-field optimization and photonic projection resolution, a new type of holodeck was pioneered. The modern holodeck utilizes projected forcefields and matter replication – like the original – only, instead of puppeteering matter, photons are projected onto the surface of these complex forcefields, giving them a lifelike appearance. Faster processing speeds allow instantaneous modulation of these fields – meaning we can touch and interact with them as if they were ‘real’. Finally, when you go to reach for something… 

She pulled a ripe orange from a nearby tree and tossed it to Ensign Veers, who stood between Beta Tazik and Lieutenant JG Iko.

Hopper: A blend of transporter and replicator technology produces the object, fully interactable – edible even – without you even realizing it…  ::Focusing on Tazik::  There are virtually no limitations to where the holodeck can take you.

Tazik: Perhaps then you might have some… new locations you could show me.

Hopper: ::Without hesitating::  Absolutely.  ::Scanning the group::  Any recommendations?

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Responses

Iko: Like what?

Tazik: Somewhere… somewhere where the prey is fierce and fights back. 

Robin crossed her arms and rested her chin in her hands. She’d never deliberately visited anywhere that was more-than-likely to kill her, so this was not her area of expertise…  oO I wonder if there are any Gorn nursery simulations in the ol’ index… Oo  The thought made her shiver.

Tazik: The prey doesn't have to be sentient, or humanoid.

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Response 

Bec, seemingly quite confident in her idea, stepped forward.

Iko: I believe I have just the program. 

Robin’s eyes widened with excitement and intrigue as she stepped aside, letting Bec take the forefront. She didn’t know much about the Security Officer’s past travels – but she was definitely 

curious to see what dangerous and exotic locale she had in mind.

As Bec brought up a terminal and input her program ‘secretively’, the room shifted to a new location. The ground was covered in a harsh red dust (not unlike the surface of Mars), and around them was little other than arid scrubland filled with unfamiliar plantlife. Robin looked around, wondering what sort of alien creatures were lurking in this desolate and otherworldly place.

((OOC – Iko has indicated that the simulation is a fictional recreation of the Australian Outback – however, I have already stated Robin’s never been to Australia, so she is unfamiliar with it. You can all decide how familiar your characters are with the location and describe it appropriately.))

Iko: This is a randomly generated recreation of… a place I have a fair amount of knowledge on.

Hopper: This is exciting… Bec, where have you taken us?

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Response 

Tizak: It looks… Peaceful.

Iko: I believe you will find it suits your needs and requirements. 

Bec turned off the program. 

Tazik: What did you do that for?

Robin shared in Tazik’s disappointment. She’d wanted to see something terrifying charging at them… Then again, perhaps it was for the best not to get the Hunters’ ‘blood up’ right before the end of their tour. Still, she’d need to ask Bec about it later.

Iko: I'm keeping the hunting grounds new and fresh for you. 

Tazik seemed outwardly unimpressed, but she was sure that – like her – Bec had succeeded in whetting his appetite for more. That, she figured, was worth something.

Hopper: Bec raises a good point, actually.  ::Turning to the other Hirogen::  Imagine how many more environments could be added to your own holographic simulations – how many new Prey species – were you to have access to Federation databases. What you have now represents only a small sample of what we have to offer to our friends.

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers: Responses

With that, Robin stepped to the fore one more time, addressing everyone.

Hopper: Today you’ve seen some of the myriad advancements made possible by the cooperation and scientific collaboration embodied by the United Federation of Planets. Together, we have found ways for each member species’ unique knowledge, skills, technologies, and cultures to work together towards common goals and overcome tremendous challenges. As a pack, we’ve become stronger, smarter, and more agile. I hope you’ll consider today’s demonstration as a reflection of that mentality.

Tazik: Response

The other Betas seemed to mirror Tazik’s sentiments. The arch to the holodeck door opened and a handful of FDC staff members and a couple of ‘fresh’ security officers appeared.

Hopper: If there are any final questions, I encourage you to ask them of our gathered experts now…

Tazik: Response

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers/Iko: Responses

Hopper: ::Smiling::  Of course, as Ensign Veers has mentioned, if you think of anything else between now and later – I’ll be at the dinner tonight to answer any follow up questions you might have. It was enlightening to meet you all.  ::Gesturing to the newly-arrived personnel::  Our colleagues from the Diplomatic Corps are ready to return each of you to your vessels now for a brief break before dinner. I hope to see you all there.

Tazik: Response

As the Hirogen followed Tazik and the gathered FDC and Security personnel out the door, Robin felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders. She turned to the others with a relieved grin on her face, as she took a few deep centering breaths.

Hopper: Thank you – all of you – for that. I’m sure you all know it could have gone… differently. But you were all prepared, and knowledge, and open to taking this chance at peace – even if it seems a bit crazy.  ::Hands on hips::  I guess that’s what we’re out here to do in the Delta Quadrant, right?

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers/Iko: Responses

Hopper: Well, excellent job. I hope you’ll all consider taking a proper relaxing break now. For those of you who want to join the dinner later, take a minute to decompress first. That was a lot. I don’t want to see any reports on my desk until tomorrow afternoon –  ::smirk::  at the earliest

Nadeshiko/S'Raga/Veers/Iko: Responses? (Optional)

END Scene for Hopper

((OOC – At this point, please consider what your character(s) would do next. If you plan to attend the dinner, please start a new sim for that scene. Either way, you’re also welcome to start any other scenes set after this tour – you don’t need to sim the “report” scene if that’s not of interest to you. If you want inspiration, check out Amity’s Station Layout and or Amity NPCs wiki pages.))


Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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