Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or subscriptions. Historical content remains viewable.

World Lottery Championship RIP?

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Dec 16, 2023, 11:13:06 AM12/16/23
Ion Saliu wrote:
> “Effective February 15, 2024, Google Groups will no longer support
new Usenet content. Posting and subscribing will be disallowed, and new
content from Usenet peers will not appear. Viewing and searching of
historical data will still be supported as it is done today.”

If that is correct, it drives a coach and horses through the current WLC
format because some participants posted their entries via Google Groups,
and it was deemed the arbiter of whether entries were posted on time, or
even posted at all.

If a Championship is organised elsewhere from usenet, if it requires
identification or verification via mobile phone or 64-bit browsers to
access, I'm afraid I will pass.

However I'd be interested in learning of other lottery discussion forums
that meet my criteria, particularly if some of the participants have a
working knowledge of statistics and probability,


Ion Saliu

Dec 16, 2023, 5:50:03 PM12/16/23
“However I'd be interested in learning of other lottery discussion forums that meet my criteria, particularly if some of the participants have a working knowledge of statistics and probability,


Heck, you can open your own “other lottery discussion forum that meet my criteria”. You & Kotskarr meet such criteria. We’ll do it, Dollow!

“Nigel, Nigel, Doollow, Avast,
You are running oh-so-fast.
No one can see your tail,
For you are the fastest snail.”

Marmaduke Jinks

Dec 17, 2023, 4:35:16 AM12/17/23
"nigel" <> wrote in message
Oh. I have an account with eternal september. It's free. Hardly ever used
Google Groups.

Some people use Thunderbird as their mail client. I have that but use an
old Outlook Express copy for reading/writing.



Dec 18, 2023, 8:14:40 AM12/18/23
Ion Saliu wrote:


Sadly, I wouldn't be able to contribute there unless someone can tell me
how to validate my Google ID without a mobile phone. Google Help
certainly can't.

Marmaduke Jinks

Dec 19, 2023, 4:48:40 AM12/19/23
"nigel" <> wrote in message
I can't find that group called gamblingscience on usenet anyway.

If Google aren't allowing posts then wouldn't it be redundant to to go to
Google Groups?

Not sure if you're using an iPad but there is a newsreader for Usenet on the
Applestore called Newstap.

In one of the other groups someone wrote: we use our iPads with Newstap and
connect via Eternal September.


Ion Saliu

Dec 19, 2023, 6:52:56 AM12/19/23

The Google Groups service is still ALIVE. Google decided to kill only the Usenet groups that the behemoth archived. An example is this very rec.gambling.lottery (abbreviated RGL by the likes of Kokostirk and Kotkoduck).

Google has offered also GROUPS in the manner of FORUMS. I created such a forum, totally moderated. I moderate each and every post. Virtually, it’s only me who posts in that Google group. Google will NOT eliminate such groups/forums (for how long?) Just click on the link, as you would do on any webpage, or email message, or Word document –

You too can create such a group. But you must access Google Groups (GG) via a web interface (e.g. browser):

Click ‘Create group’ at the top of the page. You can create an UNMODERATED group, the way RGL has always been.

There is a grave danger to the Usenet groups, including those accessible via GG: SPAM-SPAM-SPAM! That’s what killed them GGs! Look at a newsgroup dedicated to AI programming:

A post every minute! Hundreds of posts a day (many in the Thai language)! They gobble up gazillions of megabytes! Not even gigantic corporations like Google can keep up with the cosmic deluge of bytes! Microsoft abandoned their group services a few years ago for the same reason.

Speaking of AI – Are the governments behind this outrageous SPAM-SPAM-SPAM deluge of Biblical proportions? Could be. The governments are extremely hostile now towards AI. The hostility started with Usenet and aggravated with Facebook and social media. Those social platforms became LOUD, UNCENSORED social platforms. The governments don’t like that — never did, and never will.

There are three major forms of government today. All have ‘Fascism’ in their denomination.
• Fascist Liberalism (USA, European Union)
• Fascist Communism (China)
• Communist Fascism (Russia).

One still popular Usenet group is (RSS). You can read interesting comments regarding the “Death of Usenet Google Groups”. To me, Usenet existed only via Google Groups. It was convenient and clean. Not to mention the posts were INDEXED by the Google search engine.
• Google Groups to cut off Usenet
• [OT] Testing Eternal September

Ion “Axiomatic Parpaluck” Saliu
Founder of Philosophical Science of Posting

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