PardisoMKL solver setup failed

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Apr 3, 2021, 2:23:12 PM4/3/21
to ProjectChrono
Dear developers,

I am trying to use PardisoMKL as the solver for my project but I ran into this problem:

Solver setup
  call number:    0
  use learner?    0
  pattern locked? 1
  CALL learner:   0
  CALL reserve:   1
 Solver setup [0] n = 72  nnz = 144
  assembly matrix:   0.0410377s
  analyze+factorize: 0.0410154s
Solver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly called

The program with this error is a direct and fresh copy from the demo "FEA_cablesMKL" into the "template project". The original demo runs smooth and normally based on the build of Chrono source code, but I will get this "setup failed" issue no matter what I added to/adjusted the CMake file. The CMake configure output is appended at the end

I also tried to build the chrono projects source code. And I found the issue is the same (I tested the "test_FEA_shellANCF").

I saw some other posts about this issue but it seems they haven't got it solved so far as well. The other posts:

Thanks quite a lot for your help in advance.

Kind regards,


CMake output Appendix:

[main] Configuring folder: ccc_project
[proc] Executing command: /usr/bin/cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-9 -H/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/ccc_project -B/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/ccc_project/build -G "Unix Makefiles"
[cmake] Not searching for unused variables given on the command line.
[cmake] -- Finding package Chrono...
[cmake] -- Requested component Irrlicht (REQUIRED)
[cmake] -- Requested component PardisoMKL (REQUIRED)
[cmake] -- Requested component Postprocess (OPTIONAL)
[cmake] -- Requested component OpenGL (OPTIONAL)
[cmake] -- Requested component Cascade (OPTIONAL)
[cmake] -- Requested component Vehicle (OPTIONAL)
[cmake] -- Requested component Cosimulation (OPTIONAL)
[cmake] -- Requested component Multicore (OPTIONAL)
[cmake] -- CHRONO_CXX_FLAGS (Compiler flags): -std=c++14 -pthread -fopenmp -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -mavx2 -march=native -mfma
[cmake] -- CHRONO_C_FLAGS (Compiler flags): -pthread -fopenmp -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -mavx2 -march=native -mfma
[cmake] -- CHRONO_LINKER_FLAGS (Linker flags): -L/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono_build/lib;-Wl,--as-needed
[cmake] -- CHRONO_INCLUDE_DIRS (Chrono include directories): /home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/src;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/src/chrono;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/src/chrono/collision/bullet;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/src/chrono/collision/gimpact;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/src/chrono_thirdparty/HACD;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/src/chrono_thirdparty/HACDv2;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono_build;/usr/include/eigen3;;/usr/include/irrlicht;/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/include;/usr/include;/usr/include;/usr/include/GLFW;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/inc;/usr/local/include;/usr/local/cuda/include
[cmake] -- CHRONO_LIB_NAMES (Chrono library names): ChronoEngine;ChronoEngine_irrlicht;ChronoEngine_pardisomkl;ChronoEngine_postprocess;ChronoEngine_opengl;ChronoEngine_cascade;ChronoEngine_vehicle;ChronoModels_vehicle;ChronoEngine_vehicle_irrlicht;ChronoEngine_cosimulation;ChronoEngine_multicore
[cmake] -- CHRONO_LIBRARIES (Chrono libraries): /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;-lXxf86vm;-lglut;-lX11;-lGL;/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/lib/intel64/;/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/linux/compiler/lib/intel64/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/opencascade-7.4.0/build/lin64/gcc/lib/;/home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/dependencies/openc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[cmake] -- CHRONO_DLL_NAMES (Chrono DLL names):
[cmake] -- CHRONO_DLLS (Chrono DLLs):
[cmake] -- CHRONO_DATA_DIR (Path to Chrono data folder): /home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/data/
[cmake] -- CHRONO_VEHICLE_DATA_DIR (Path to Chrono::Vehicle data folder): /home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/data/vehicle/
[cmake] -- CHRONO_FSI_DATA_DIR (Path to Chrono::FSI data folder): /home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/chrono/data/fsi/
[cmake] -- ...add exec_3_prism_CORE
[cmake] -- ...add exec_repo_demo
[cmake] -- ...add exec_2_module_robot_CORE
[cmake] -- ...add exec_2_module_robot_VEH
[cmake] -- ...add test_vehicle
[cmake] -- ...add exec_demo_POST_gnuplot
[cmake] -- ...add exec_3_prism_example_CORE
[cmake] -- ...add exec_3_prism_cosimulation
[cmake] -- Configuring done
[cmake] -- Generating done
[cmake] -- Build files have been written to: /home/twang/Chrono_5.0_Workspace/ccc_project/build


Sep 28, 2021, 11:06:24 AM9/28/21
to ProjectChrono
Have you found a solution ? I am running in the same type of error... Thanks !

Radu Serban

Oct 4, 2021, 4:46:46 AM10/4/21
to, ProjectChrono

Could you please provide some more details on your setup (OS, compiler, etc)?

Also, when you say that you are “running in the same type of error”, is this on one of the Chrono demos?  Your own project?


I have just tested copying demo_FEA_cablesMKL into the “template_project” and could not reproduce the issue reported by Tianyuan.  Of course, that requires also copying the header FEAcables.h and modifying CMakeLists.txt in the “template_project” to request the Chrono PardisoMKL module.



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Oct 6, 2021, 9:16:01 AM10/6/21
to ProjectChrono
I am on Linux CentOS7 and I am trying to get chrono v6.0.0 working with MKL. I had no issue with v5.0.0, but none of the demos using MKL work on v6.0.0 (i.e. I can build without problem, but, whenever the solver is called in the code, I get the message : "Solver setup failed. Inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly called").
Here is my Cmake ouput of the chrono configuration.

I have tested multiple installations, using the same MKL libraries and redist as in v5.0.0,  or using the OneAPI packages now released by Intel, but the problem is the same. Any help or insight on the direction where to look would be highly appreciated :-)

GCC version: 7.3.1

Compiler supports C++14: TRUE

Searching for Threads...

Thread library: -pthread

Using Win32 threads?

Using pthreads? 1

Searching for OpenMP...

OpenMP version: 4.0

OpenMP CXX flags: -fopenmp

OpenMP C flags: -fopenmp

OpenMP includes:

OpenMP library:

OpenMP libraries: /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/7/;/lib64/

Seaching for SSE...

Using CPU native flags for SSE optimization: -march=native

Found SSE 4.2 extensions, using flags: -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse

Searching for AVX...

Using CPU native flags for AVX optimization: -march=native

Found AVX 2.0 extensions, using flags: -march=native -mavx2

Searching for FMA...

Using CPU native flags for FMA optimization: -march=native

Found FMA extensions, using flags: -march=native -mfma

Searching for NEON...

Using CPU native flags for NEON optimization: -march=native

No NEON support found

C++ compiler flags: -std=c++14 -pthread -fopenmp -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -mavx2 -march=native -mfma

C compile flags: -pthread -fopenmp -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -mavx2 -march=native -mfma

Searching for Eigen3...

Eigen3 version: 3.4.0

Eigen3 include directory: /data/ChronoInstall/Sources/eigen-3.4.0

Searching for MPI...



Could NOT find MPI (missing: MPI_C_FOUND MPI_CXX_FOUND)

Reason given by package: MPI component 'Fortran' was requested, but language Fortran is not enabled.

MPI (C++) found: FALSE

Searching for CUDA...

CUDA not found (consider manually setting CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR)

==== Submodules ====

==== Chrono Engine core module ====

==== Chrono PardisoMKL module ====

Find MKL libraries

MKL include dirs: /data/ChronoInstall/intel_2021/oneapi/mkl/2021.3.0/include

MKL libraries: /data/ChronoInstall/intel_2021/oneapi/mkl/2021.3.0/lib/intel64/

IOMP5 library: /data/ChronoInstall/intel_2021/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/linux/compiler/lib/intel64/


MKL library dirs: /data/ChronoInstall/intel_2021/oneapi/mkl/2021.3.0/lib/intel64;/data/ChronoInstall/intel_2021/oneapi/compiler/2021.3.0/linux/compiler/lib/intel64

==== Chrono Irrlicht module ====

==== Chrono models ====

Robot models...

Configuring done

Generating done


Oct 6, 2021, 9:45:08 AM10/6/21
to ProjectChrono
Additionally, the same install has been tested on Linux Ubutu and Mac OS Big Sur (11.6) and the demos work without problem.

Manuel Gonzalez

Oct 6, 2021, 7:22:37 PM10/6/21
to ProjectChrono
I also have the same problem.
Chrono 6.0.0 built on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

demo_FEA_cablesMKL from the chrono install runs fine.
But if I try to use MKL in my own code, it fails with the afore-mentioned message:
  Solver setup failed
  inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly called

Perhaps something is missing in template_project/CMakeLists.txt

Steps to reproduce:

copy chrono/template_project to my_project
remove my_project/my_example.cpp
copy FEAcables.h and demo_FEA_cablesMKL.cpp to my_project
edit my_project/CMakeLists.txt:
  Line 61: set my Chrono_DIR, in my case: set(Chrono_DIR $ENV{HOME}/chrono/build/cmake)
  Line 64: add PardisoMKL: COMPONENTS Irrlicht PardisoMKL
  Line 129: change file name: add_executable(myexe demo_FEA_cablesMKL.cpp)

cmake . runs fine
make runs fine
when I execute my exe, the Irrlitch window shows the cables in the initial position (without any motion) and I get this output:

Copyright (c) 2017
Chrono version: 6.0.0

Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.4
Linux 4.19.128-microsoft-standard #1 SMP Tue Jun 23 12:58:10 UTC 2020 x86_64
Using plain X visual
This driver is not available in Linux. Try OpenGL or Software renderer.
Cannot use default video driver - fall back to OpenGL
Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.4
Linux 4.19.128-microsoft-standard #1 SMP Tue Jun 23 12:58:10 UTC 2020 x86_64
Using renderer: OpenGL 1.4
GeForce GT 710/PCIe/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
GLSL not available.
XEffects: Shader effects not supported on this system.
Could not load font because the file does not exist: ../data/fonts/arial8.xml
Could not open file of texture: ../data/logo_chronoengine_alpha.png
Could not open file of texture: ../data/skybox/sky_lf.jpg
Could not open file of texture: ../data/skybox/sky_dn.jpg
Could not open file of texture: ../data/skybox/sky_up.jpg
Solver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly calledSolver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly calledSolver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly calledSolver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly calledSolver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly calledSolver setup failed
inputs are invalid, or the algorithm has been improperly calledSolver setup failed

I tried many things in my_project/CMakeLists.txt, taking chrono/src/demos/fea/CMakeLists.txt as example, without success.



Oct 26, 2021, 2:45:53 PM10/26/21
to ProjectChrono
Hi SoMdt,

My temporary solution is to copy the source code of MKL module from Chrono repository into my project folder and adjust the CMakeFile to add it as a library linked to my project. I didn't try with 5.0 version but this worked for me. I am on the dev version of Chrono.

Another thing I noticed is that, the order of linking libraries in CMake also affects the final results. The custom-built MKL library should be placed before the Chrono_Libraries with no doubt. But if I move my project library to the first library, the program will crash. So currently I place my project libraries at the end in target_link_libraries. And if the Release build doesn't not work, try with Debug maybe (Debug build let my program run properly even when my project's lib is placed at the beginning in the target link lib list).

Hope it helps.

With best wishes,


Radu Serban

Oct 26, 2021, 4:30:13 PM10/26/21
to, ProjectChrono

Tianyuan and Manuel,


I was able to reproduce this problem, and -- like Tianyuan -- I believe it has to do with the order of the libraries passed to the linker.  This is an issue with how the necessary link libraries are collected by the CMake project configuration script.  I’ll look into as solution for this issue.



Radu Serban

Nov 6, 2021, 6:53:04 AM11/6/21
to ProjectChrono

I pushed a fix for this issue.  The issue was indeed related to the order of the Chrono libraries in the CMake variable CHRONO_LIBRARIES (as set by the Chrono configuration script).  Note that you will need to first reconfigure Chrono with CMake (to regenerate the Chrono configuration script) and then reconfigure your own project.


Please let me know if this resolves the issue for you as well.


Message has been deleted


Nov 8, 2021, 10:45:06 AM11/8/21
to ProjectChrono
Thank you all for the help. It unfortunately did not work for me.
After some digging, I found this on intel forums : so I decided to switch operating system in order to keep working with chrono 6.

Manuel Gonzalez

Nov 8, 2021, 5:21:48 PM11/8/21
to Radu Serban, ProjectChrono
I confirm that your fix solved the issue for me (develop branch on
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).
Thank you so much!

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