Unterstein corrections

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Henry W

Jun 27, 2021, 11:09:59 AM6/27/21
to Peerage News
Recently in reviewing the Unterstein website maintained by Oliver Rost I've spotted some incorrect heirs.  I don't have a contact email for Oliver directly, so I am hoping he receives this message somehow:

Heir is not David Rowland BALFOUR - he died 2006 (see DB 2008)
Correct heir is Arthur Michael BALFOUR, born 1938, gs of 1st Baron.

Heir is not Victor Anthony Ralph Brabazon VIVIAN - he died 2013 (see this group)
Correct heir is Thomas Crespigny Brabazon VIVIAN, born 1971, gs of the 5th Baron.

Heir is not Martin Christopher Burton BUCKLEY - he died 2014 (See this group)
Correct heir is Arthur Burton BUCKLEY, born 1967, g-gs of the 1st Baron

Given heir, Richard Charles Lilford POWYS, probably died circa 2016


Jun 27, 2021, 4:23:13 PM6/27/21
to Peerage News
Henry, did you manage to find something on the internet on the death of RCL Powys or was it private info?  Is the heir now his kinsman Michael John Powys  of Gilletts, Kwazulu-Natal -  if still alive (b 1934)? thanks

Henry W

Jun 27, 2021, 5:28:48 PM6/27/21
to Peerage News
See here - https://groups.google.com/g/peerage-news/c/gm_xlusRzgs/m/2CUQFdZEEgAJ
Date not definitive, but seemed his death was highly likely from that evidence.  

It appears that Michael John Powys has died as well, but again hard to be definitive.  I tracked his wife (Lynette) down on social media, she describes her marital status as "Widowed", but no indication of dates, etc.  The heir appears to be Victor M Powys (born 1961) - according to 192.com he is now resident in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland since 2018, with his wife, son, and 2 dau.  Resident in Dollar, Clackmannanshire before this.


Jun 28, 2021, 7:19:16 AM6/28/21
to Peerage News
Thanks Henry, I had forgotten that discussion in which I note I participated..

Henry W

Apr 18, 2022, 7:45:18 AM4/18/22
to Peerage News

Deberett's database now reflects the death of Richard Charles Lilford POWYS in 2003, and the death of his kinsman, Michael John POWYS in 2012.  The heir is given as Victor Michael POWYS, born 1961

Henry W

Jun 2, 2022, 5:23:16 PM6/2/22
to Peerage News
Some confirmation of the LILFORD baron deaths:

Michael John POWYS died 4 December 2012
See Page 82, about half way down.

Robert Charles Lilford POWYS died 30 April 2003
See Page 49
1752/2003—Powys, Roberth Charles Lilford, 15/08/1 930, 3008155009087, 6 Henry Street, Port Alfred, 30/04/2003. FNB
Trust Services, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.


Jun 8, 2022, 3:00:06 PM6/8/22
to Peerage News
Henry, thanks for this last post.

As a result of these 2 deaths, there is a new heir presumptive to the barony.  

He is Victor Michael POWYS, (b. 1961) son of the aforementioned Michael..  He is married with children, including a son, Matthew Paul, b. 1996.



Jan 9, 2023, 11:53:01 AM1/9/23
to Peerage News
Unterstein website - 5th Lord Ashbourne's DOB is 31 Dec 1967 not 28 Jan 1933 - this was the DOB of the 4th Lord AShbourne

Henry W

Apr 23, 2023, 3:26:27 PM4/23/23
to Peerage News
Viscount BLAKENHAM - heir is Inigo HARE, born 2006 (see DB online - his parents m 2003), not none as currently given

Baron BRAYE - heir currently given as two co-heiresses, however, one of these died unm 2013, so there is a sole heir: Linda Kathleen Cecilia FOTHERGILL born 2 May 1930.  She is the joint 3rd oldest heir to a peerage. Linda has two sons, both with a son, so the possibility of this falling into abeyance in the next 50 years is quite unlikely.

Henry W

Aug 22, 2023, 6:37:04 AM8/22/23
to Peerage News
Viscount GALWAY - Alan Stobart MONCKTON (currently given as heir) died 21 May 2023.  The new heir is PIERS ALASTAIR CARLOS Monckton b 23 Oct 1962.
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