On 29/3/21 3:58 am, Chris Ilias wrote:
> On 2021-03-28 3:48 p.m., Bret Busby wrote:
>> Please advise how many subscribers this list has.
>> Thank you in anticipation.
> Hi Bret,
> I'm not that number would be useful. The large majority of posts here
> are via NNTP, not the mailing list.
> There are also duplicate members (with more than one address), and
> people would subscribe solely for archiving.
> Why do you want to know the total amount of subscribers?
ancestry.com shut down all of its (about 57,000)
genealogy mailing lists, I, and other list administrators, moved lists
(started up new lists, and invited our members at
rootsweb.com, to
subscribe to the replacement lists.
I administer multiple mailing lists at
groups.io, now (I used to
administer somewhere around 20-30 or so, I believe, at
After we transferred our mailing lists to
groups.io, (that was about a
year ago, I think), in the last couple or few months, apparently,
groups.io imposed a maximum number of subscribers on the free mailing
lists, to 100.
If you view the web pages at
you can see to what I am referring.
I am willing to start up a replacement list on
groups.io, to replace
this list, as I did with the rootsweb lists (I transferred most of my
lists, and, took on some new ones, merged others that were administered
by others, with the other list administrators' permission, and,
suggested a new merged list, of which I am a moderator, that has, I
think, around 500 subscribers), if you do not object (as you are the
list administrator of this list, I believe it would be improper for me
to start a new replacement list, without your permission, unless you
explicitly state that you are not interested in starting up a new
replacement list at
groups.io, or elsewhere, yourself).
But, this household suffered a 150AUD cut to disposable household
income, due to the coronavirus economic effects, and, I do not want to
have to pay out money for providing a free service to others.
groups.io provides for a facility, for donations to be made, for paying
for a list, I think, but, I have no idea as to how many subscribers this
list has.
So, if this list has less than 100 subscribers, I would be willing to
set up a new replacement mailing list, as I did with the rootsweb
genealogy mailing lists, and, subscribers to this list, would be free to
join, if they want.
Thus do I ask how many subscribers, this list has.