(another correction, a re-post as I misused
the word 'proscribing' & have replaced that
with the correct word 'prescribing')
(as I stated in previous version of this post
that this post is correcting, perfection is hard
& I just now discovered that on my link to a
graphic of Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
Example of Selecting One Day, the last report
linked to near the bottom, I mistakenly used ...
... a date of 072622 on my post - the actual
correct date on the report is 072222, fixed
on this corrected re-post prescribing to the
motto "better late than never")
I neglected to include some important infor-
mation from the Initial Summary Page, added
(Why did I neglect to include it? Perfection is
hard, the information on that report that I in-
cluded attracted my attention because it's
information I was focused on & it was pre-
sented in color. The part I neglected to in-
clude is in gray & it has some unique & com-
plicated characteristics explained below):
On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 2:53:39 PM UTC-5, _ wrote:
.> Definitions:
.> Median = glucose level which 50% of glucose
.> readings are below & 50% of glucose readings
.> are above
.> Glucose 10th-90th Percentile - glucose level range,
.> the 10th Percentile = glucose level which 10%
.> of glucose readings are below & 90th Percentile
.> = glucose levels which 90% of glucose readings
.> are below (i.e. 10% of glucose readings are above)
.> Glucose 25th-75th Percentile - glucose level range,
.> the 25th Percentile = glucose level which 25% of
.> glucose readings are below & 75th Percentile =
.> glucose levels which 75% of glucose readings
.> are below (i.e. 25% of glucose readings are above)
.> - - -
.> 7 full days, started pod on Sunday 071722 but
.> didn't start syncing with Glooko 'til Monday after-
.> noon so full days on Glooko on this report were
.> 071922 to 072522, reports also reflect 072622
.> as of 10:30 am today.
.> - - -
.> Initial Summary Page
.> Very High > 250 mg/dl ........... 0%
.> High 181-195* mg/dl ............. 1%
.> Target Range 70-180 mg/dl ... 98%
.> Low 56*-69 mg/dl .................. 1%
.> Very low < 54 mg/dl ............... 0%
.> * Actual High 195 mg/dl &
.> Actual Low 56 mg/dl from
.> afternoon of 071822 to
.> 10:30 am today.
.> Units/Day = 25.5 units
.> Basal/Day = 10.3 units (40%)
.> Bolus/Day = 15.2 units (60%)
.> Automatic Insulin Basil Dosages = 78%
.> Manual Insulin Basil Dosages = 22%
GMI (Glucose Management Indicator) ... N/A
Previously known as the estimated A1C, the
GMI value is based off the average BG reading.
Please note: At least two weeks worth of CGM
readings are needed over a three month span
in order to calculate GMI.
Average ... 117 mg/dl
SD (Standard Deviation) ... 23 mg/dl
[clarifying inserts included in brackets]
Dr. Hirsch [no, I don't know why
chose him to comment on standard deviation]
suggests that [people with any of the Disparate
High Glucose Conditions (DHGCs)] should aim
for an SD of one-third of their mean (average)
blood glucose level.
So, if your mean (average) blood glucose level
is 120 mg/dl, you would want your standard
deviation to be no more than 40 mg/dl, or 1/3rd
of the mean (average).
My average of 117 mg/dl, my SD should be no
more than 39 mg/dl, so at 23 mg/dl, I'm well
below what Dr. Hirsch recommends.
CV (Coefficient of Variation) ... 19.3%
The google search referenced the following art-
icle from July 2018:
The 36% coefficient of variation for glucose pro-
posed for separating stable & labile [unstable,
glucose levels increase & decrease frequently]
[Insulinitis (Islit)] is clinically relevant: A contin-
uous glucose monitoring-based study in a large
population of [Islit] patients ...
Median ... 114 mg/dl
(Defined in original post above)
.> - - -
.> Glucose Overlay Overview Averages
.> Graph displays all days, purple line
.> displays daily median.
.> Above 180 mg/dl = orange
.> 70 to 180 mg/dl = green
.> Below 70 mg/dl = red
.> Carbs (grams) totals daily displayed
.> in turquoise (light blue), details for
.> carbs & insulin on any day displayed
.> by moving cursor over any day.
.> Insulin (units) totals daily displayed in
.> light purple for Bolus & dark purple for
.> Basil, details displayed as detailed
.> above.
.> - - -
.> Glucose Overlay Overview Percentiles
.> Light Gray = 10th to 90th Percentiles
.> Dark Gray = 25th to 75th Percentiles
.> Carbs (grams) & Insulin (units) are
.> the same as described above
.> - - -
.> Day by Day Details
.> Monday July 18 (partial day)
.> Glucose Median 122 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 90-148 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 101-141 mg/dl
.> Carbs 36 grams
.> Insulin Total 8.4 units
.> Insulin Bolus 4.2 units (50%)
.> Insulin Basal 4.2 units (50%)
.> Tuesday July 19
.> Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 90-148 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 101-141 mg/dl
.> Carbs 349 grams
.> Insulin Total 31.9 units
.> Insulin Bolus 23.1 units (72%)
.> Insulin Basal 8.9 units (28%)
.> Wednesday July 20
.> Glucose Median 135 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 91-170 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 113-152 mg/dl
.> Carbs 379 grams
.> Insulin Total 43.8 units
.> Insulin Bolus 29.5 units (67%)
.> Insulin Basal 14.3 units (33%)
.> Thursday July 21
.> Glucose Median 109 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 87-141 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 95-127 mg/dl
.> Carbs 150 grams
.> Insulin Total 24.7 units
.> Insulin Bolus 16.6 units (67%)
.> Insulin Basal 8.1 units (33%)
.> Friday July 22
.> Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 96-131 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 102-119 mg/dl
.> Carbs 146 grams
.> Insulin Total 26.3 units
.> Insulin Bolus 15.1 units (57%)
.> Insulin Basal 11.2 units (43%)
.> Saturday July 23
.> Glucose Median 115 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 96-158 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 95-127 mg/dl
.> Carbs 150 grams
.> Insulin Total 33.4 units
.> Insulin Bolus 19.3 units (58%)
.> Insulin Basal 14.1 units (42%)
.> Sunday July 24
.> Glucose Median 113 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 83-139 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 94-126 mg/dl
.> Carbs 208 grams
.> Insulin Total 25.3 units
.> Insulin Bolus 13.2 units (52%)
.> Insulin Basal 12.1 units (48%)
.> Monday July 25
.> Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 95-131 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 104-120 mg/dl
.> Carbs 261 grams
.> Insulin Total 26.4 units
.> Insulin Bolus 12.3 units (47%)
.> Insulin Basal 14.1 units (53%)
.> Tuesday July 26 (partial day)
.> Glucose Median 121 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 111-129 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 115-125 mg/dl
.> Carbs 19 grams
.> Insulin Total 9.6 units
.> Insulin Bolus 3.8 units (40%)
.> Insulin Basal 5.8 units (60%)
.> - - -
.> Glucose Graph Overview Example
.> of Clicking on One Day (072622)
.> Glucose averages by time, dotted green
.> line = median glucose level, dark green
.> line = algorithm goal glucose level.
.> *** My Favorite Feature *** By moving
.> cursor over green line, glucose level at
.> exact time is displayed in a popup box.
.> The date & time appear in the box.
.> Carbs (grams), I've been so busy
.> writing this post that I've only eaten
.> 19 grams of carbs thus far.
.> By moving cursor over item, details
.> of Bolus calculation are viewable,
.> including whether or not an over-
.> ride of the system Bolus calcula-
.> tion was done.
.> System Omnipod 5 Basal levels
.> automatically calculated displayed
.> in blue, manual dosaging including
.> amount displayed in orange.
.> OP5 BASAL, when autodosed at .05
.> units every 5 minutes, displayed in
.> purple, when dose at 0 every 5 min-
.> utes, red appears on top of purple,
.> when manual dosed, white appears
.> with manual dosing displayed as
.> detailed above.
.> - - -
.> Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
.> (all days displayed)
.> *** My Favorite Feature *** Just as is
.> true for the report displayed above, by
.> moving cursor over any line, glucose
.> level at exact time is displayed in a
.> popup box. The date & time appear
.> in the box.
.> - - -
.> Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
.> Example of Selecting One Day
.> (Friday, 072222)
.> Note that any combination of days may
.> be selected, though keep in mind that
.> when the report covers more than one
.> week, individual days may cover more
.> than one day as occurred in this case, ...
.> ... with 2 Mondays & 2 Tuesdays present
.> as options at the top of the report.
.> *** My Favorite Feature *** Just as is
.> true for the reports displayed above,
.> by moving cursor over any line, glu-
.> cose level at exact time is displayed
.> in a popup box. The date & time ap-
.> pear in the box.
.> - - -
.> Other reports: Graph Overlay AGP,
.> Graph Overlay Calendar, Logbook,
.> Insights, and Details, suffice to
.> say right now, I'm either so into
.> the reports displayed above that
.> the information appearing in these
.> reports doesn't interest me -or- ...
.> ... I'm not informed enough to pay
.> any attention to these particular
.> reports.
.> - - -
.> p.s. Boy, I'm hungry, it's taken me
.> 4 hours to write this particular
.> post & 19 carbs just isn't enough
.> to keep me going. Needless to
.> say, it'll probably be awhile before
.> I do this type of report again.
.> *~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*
.> New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
.> total to total loss of endogenous insulin
.> The overwhelming majority of Islit caused
.> by autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta
.> cells (Insulitis Islit) but there are
.> o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
.> rare condition (only present in < one-half
.> of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
.> in most of the world), when present is typ-
.> ically diagnosed at age under 30
.> (50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)
.> o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Auto-
.> immune Islit, frequency unknown but per
.> a recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
.> (new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
.> almost 40% of the time due to slow onset
.> & occurrence typically at age over 30
.> Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
.> type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
.> without clarifier is often used to describe this
.> & the other 6 Disparate High Glucose Con-
.> ditions (DHGCs).
.> That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
.> ally being referred to (& it can be any 1, some,
.> or all of them when diabetes or diabetic word
.> used without clarifier) confusing / difficult:
.> Recent estimate that 20 million have Islit in the
.> world, 1 in 394 (2.583/10ths of 1%), less than
.> 5% of the almost 470 million in the world who
.> have any of the 7 DHGCs, 95% having Cellosis
.> (see below for causalities):
.> Notably, one's relatives and one's birthplace
.> dramatically impact one's risk of getting the
.> Insulitis-caused Islit, as listed in details of all
.> 15 specific types of rapid-onset Islit & the sole
.> specific type of slow onset Latent Autoimmune
.> Islit at
.> - - -
.> Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use
.> Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a tubeless
.> Omnipod insulin pump catheter placed into
.> skin / pod with adhesive stuck onto skin every
.> 80 hours, control via Omnipod 5 Controller
.> -Picture to be added-
.> Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor)
.> - - -
.> Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
.> with New Superior Clarifying Terms
.> - - -
.> o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
.> type of Disparate High Glucose Condition
.> that is preventable & reversible (in many,
.> sometimes it's called type 2 diabetes, often
.> confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)
.> Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
.> & Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
.> weight increases but BMI risk increases at
.> lower BMI levels in non-white individuals:
.> o PreCellosis (often confusingly called predia-
.> betes with no clarifier) is the oft-times preven-
.> table & reversible Cellosis precondition that all-
.> too-often the overwhelming majority having it
.> are unaware they have it (almost 3 times more
.> have PreCellosis than have Cellosis).
.> o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreventable
.> & nonreversible (thus far, sometimes called
.> type 2 diabetes, all-too-often confusingly called
.> diabetes with no clarifier)
.> Per the following article, 5.3% with Cellosis
.> used exogenous insulin in 2019.
.> - - -
.> o 4 other Disparate High Glucose Conditions
.> exist (Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis, Neonatal
.> Diminosis, Ohiglucons), all 7 DHGCs fully des-
.> cribed in the following article:
.> Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
.> confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
.> & diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words and
.> phrases, replacing all of that with vastly superior
.> clarifying names:
.> Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
.> *~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*