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Glooko Reports after 1 week + 2 partial days (071822 to 072622)

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Jul 26, 2022, 3:53:39 PM7/26/22

Median = glucose level which 50% of glucose
readings are below & 50% of glucose readings
are above

Glucose 10th-90th Percentile - glucose level range,
the 10th Percentile = glucose level which 10%
of glucose readings are below & 90th Percentile
= glucose levels which 90% of glucose readings
are below (i.e. 10% of glucose readings are above)

Glucose 25th-75th Percentile - glucose level range,
the 25th Percentile = glucose level which 25% of
glucose readings are below & 75th Percentile =
glucose levels which 75% of glucose readings
are below (i.e. 25% of glucose readings are above)

- - -

7 full days, started pod on Sunday 071722 but
didn't start syncing with Glooko 'til Monday after-
noon so full days on Glooko on this report were
071922 to 072522, reports also reflect 072622
as of 10:30 am today.

- - -

Initial Summary Page

Very High > 250 mg/dl ........... 0%
High 181-195* mg/dl ............. 1%
Target Range 70-180 mg/dl ... 98%
Low 56*-69 mg/dl .................. 1%
Very low < 54 mg/dl ............... 0%

* Actual High 195 mg/dl &
Actual Low 56 mg/dl from
afternoon of 071822 to
10:30 am today.

Units/Day = 25.5 units
Basal/Day = 10.3 units (40%)
Bolus/Day = 15.2 units (60%)

Automatic Insulin Basil Dosages = 78%
Manual Insulin Basil Dosages = 22%

- - -

Glucose Overlay Overview Averages

Graph displays all days, purple line
displays daily median.

Above 180 mg/dl = orange
70 to 180 mg/dl = green
Below 70 mg/dl = red

Carbs (grams) totals daily displayed
in turquoise (light blue), details for
carbs & insulin on any day displayed
by moving cursor over any day.

Insulin (units) totals daily displayed in
light purple for Bolus & dark purple for
Basil, details displayed as detailed

- - -

Glucose Overlay Overview Percentiles

Light Gray = 10th to 90th Percentiles
Dark Gray = 25th to 75th Percentiles

Carbs (grams) & Insulin (units) are
the same as described above

- - -

Day by Day Details

Monday July 18 (partial day)

Glucose Median 122 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 90-148 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 101-141 mg/dl
Carbs 36 grams
Insulin Total 8.4 units
Insulin Bolus 4.2 units (50%)
Insulin Basal 4.2 units (50%)

Tuesday July 19

Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 90-148 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 101-141 mg/dl
Carbs 349 grams
Insulin Total 31.9 units
Insulin Bolus 23.1 units (72%)
Insulin Basal 8.9 units (28%)

Wednesday July 20

Glucose Median 135 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 91-170 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 113-152 mg/dl
Carbs 379 grams
Insulin Total 43.8 units
Insulin Bolus 29.5 units (67%)
Insulin Basal 14.3 units (33%)

Thursday July 21

Glucose Median 109 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 87-141 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 95-127 mg/dl
Carbs 150 grams
Insulin Total 24.7 units
Insulin Bolus 16.6 units (67%)
Insulin Basal 8.1 units (33%)

Friday July 22

Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 96-131 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 102-119 mg/dl
Carbs 146 grams
Insulin Total 26.3 units
Insulin Bolus 15.1 units (57%)
Insulin Basal 11.2 units (43%)

Saturday July 23

Glucose Median 115 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 96-158 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 95-127 mg/dl
Carbs 150 grams
Insulin Total 33.4 units
Insulin Bolus 19.3 units (58%)
Insulin Basal 14.1 units (42%)

Sunday July 24

Glucose Median 113 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 83-139 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 94-126 mg/dl
Carbs 208 grams
Insulin Total 25.3 units
Insulin Bolus 13.2 units (52%)
Insulin Basal 12.1 units (48%)

Monday July 25

Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 95-131 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 104-120 mg/dl
Carbs 261 grams
Insulin Total 26.4 units
Insulin Bolus 12.3 units (47%)
Insulin Basal 14.1 units (53%)

Tuesday July 26 (partial day)

Glucose Median 121 mg/dl
Glucose 10-90th Percentile 111-129 mg/dl
Glucose 25-75th Percentile 115-125 mg/dl
Carbs 19 grams
Insulin Total 9.6 units
Insulin Bolus 3.8 units (40%)
Insulin Basal 5.8 units (60%)

- - -

Glucose Graph Overview Example
of Clicking on One Day (072622)

Glucose averages by time, dotted green
line = median glucose level, dark green
line = algorithm goal glucose level.

*** My Favorite Feature *** By moving
cursor over green line, glucose level at
exact time is displayed in a popup box.
The date & time appear in the box.

Carbs (grams), I've been so busy
writing this post that I've only eaten
19 grams of carbs thus far.

By moving cursor over item, details
of Bolus calculation are viewable,
including whether or not an over-
ride of the system Bolus calcula-
tion was done.

System Omnipod 5 Basal levels
automatically calculated displayed
in blue, manual dosaging including
amount displayed in orange.

OP5 BASAL, when autodosed at .05
units every 5 minutes, displayed in
purple, when dose at 0 every 5 min-
utes, red appears on top of purple,
when manual dosed, white appears
with manual dosing displayed as
detailed above.

- - -

Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
(all days displayed)

*** My Favorite Feature *** Just as is
true for the report displayed above, by
moving cursor over any line, glucose
level at exact time is displayed in a
popup box. The date & time appear
in the box.

- - -

Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
Example of Selecting One Day (072622)

Note that any combination of days may
be selected, though keep in mind that
when the report covers more than one
week, individual days may cover more
than one day as occurred in this case, ...

... with 2 Mondays & 2 Tuesdays present
as options at the top of the report.

*** My Favorite Feature *** Just as is
true for the reports displayed above,
by moving cursor over any line, glu-
cose level at exact time is displayed
in a popup box. The date & time ap-
pear in the box.

- - -

Other reports: Graph Overlay AGP,
Graph Overlay Calendar, Logbook,
Insights, and Details, suffice to
say right now, I'm either so into
the reports displayed above that
the information appearing in these
reports doesn't interest me -or- ...

... I'm not informed enough to pay
any attention to these particular

- - -

p.s. Boy, I'm hungry, it's taken me
4 hours to write this particular
post & 19 carbs just isn't enough
to keep me going. Needless to
say, it'll probably be awhile before
I do this type of report again.

*~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*


New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
total to total loss of endogenous insulin

The overwhelming majority of Islit caused
by autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta
cells (Insulitis Islit) but there are

o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
rare condition (only present in < one-half
of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
in most of the world), when present is typ-
ically diagnosed at age under 30
(50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)

o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Auto-
immune Islit, frequency unknown but per
a recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
(new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
almost 40% of the time due to slow onset
& occurrence typically at age over 30

Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
without clarifier is often used to describe this
& the other 6 Disparate High Glucose Con-
ditions (DHGCs).

That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
ally being referred to (& it can be any 1, some,
or all of them when diabetes or diabetic word
used without clarifier) confusing / difficult:

Recent estimate that 20 million have Islit in the
world, 1 in 394 (2.583/10ths of 1%), less than
5% of the almost 470 million in the world who
have any of the 7 DHGCs, 95% having Cellosis
(see below for causalities):

Notably, one's relatives and one's birthplace
dramatically impact one's risk of getting the
Insulitis-caused Islit, as listed in details of all
15 specific types of rapid-onset Islit & the sole
specific type of slow onset Latent Autoimmune
Islit at

- - -

Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use

Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a tubeless
Omnipod insulin pump catheter placed into
skin / pod with adhesive stuck onto skin every
80 hours, control via Omnipod 5 Controller
-Picture to be added-

Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor)

- - -

Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
with New Superior Clarifying Terms

- - -

o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
type of Disparate High Glucose Condition
that is preventable & reversible (in many,
sometimes it's called type 2 diabetes, often
confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)

Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
& Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
weight increases but BMI risk increases at
lower BMI levels in non-white individuals:

o PreCellosis (often confusingly called predia-
betes with no clarifier) is the oft-times preven-
table & reversible Cellosis precondition that all-
too-often the overwhelming majority having it
are unaware they have it (almost 3 times more
have PreCellosis than have Cellosis).

o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreventable
& nonreversible (thus far, sometimes called
type 2 diabetes, all-too-often confusingly called
diabetes with no clarifier)

Per the following article, 5.3% with Cellosis
used exogenous insulin in 2019.

- - -

o 4 other Disparate High Glucose Conditions
exist (Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis, Neonatal
Diminosis, Ohiglucons), all 7 DHGCs fully des-
cribed in the following article:

Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
& diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words and
phrases, replacing all of that with vastly superior
clarifying names:

Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst

*~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Jul 26, 2022, 11:06:47 PM7/26/22
(another correction, a re-post as I misused
the word 'proscribing' & have replaced that
with the correct word 'prescribing')

(as I stated in previous version of this post
that this post is correcting, perfection is hard
& I just now discovered that on my link to a
graphic of Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
Example of Selecting One Day, the last report
linked to near the bottom, I mistakenly used ...

... a date of 072622 on my post - the actual
correct date on the report is 072222, fixed
on this corrected re-post prescribing to the
motto "better late than never")

I neglected to include some important infor-
mation from the Initial Summary Page, added

(Why did I neglect to include it? Perfection is
hard, the information on that report that I in-
cluded attracted my attention because it's
information I was focused on & it was pre-
sented in color. The part I neglected to in-
clude is in gray & it has some unique & com-
plicated characteristics explained below):

On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 2:53:39 PM UTC-5, _ wrote:

.> Definitions:
.> Median = glucose level which 50% of glucose
.> readings are below & 50% of glucose readings
.> are above
.> Glucose 10th-90th Percentile - glucose level range,
.> the 10th Percentile = glucose level which 10%
.> of glucose readings are below & 90th Percentile
.> = glucose levels which 90% of glucose readings
.> are below (i.e. 10% of glucose readings are above)
.> Glucose 25th-75th Percentile - glucose level range,
.> the 25th Percentile = glucose level which 25% of
.> glucose readings are below & 75th Percentile =
.> glucose levels which 75% of glucose readings
.> are below (i.e. 25% of glucose readings are above)
.> - - -
.> 7 full days, started pod on Sunday 071722 but
.> didn't start syncing with Glooko 'til Monday after-
.> noon so full days on Glooko on this report were
.> 071922 to 072522, reports also reflect 072622
.> as of 10:30 am today.
.> - - -
.> Initial Summary Page
.> Very High > 250 mg/dl ........... 0%
.> High 181-195* mg/dl ............. 1%
.> Target Range 70-180 mg/dl ... 98%
.> Low 56*-69 mg/dl .................. 1%
.> Very low < 54 mg/dl ............... 0%
.> * Actual High 195 mg/dl &
.> Actual Low 56 mg/dl from
.> afternoon of 071822 to
.> 10:30 am today.
.> Units/Day = 25.5 units
.> Basal/Day = 10.3 units (40%)
.> Bolus/Day = 15.2 units (60%)
.> Automatic Insulin Basil Dosages = 78%
.> Manual Insulin Basil Dosages = 22%


GMI (Glucose Management Indicator) ... N/A
Previously known as the estimated A1C, the
GMI value is based off the average BG reading.
Please note: At least two weeks worth of CGM
readings are needed over a three month span
in order to calculate GMI.


Average ... 117 mg/dl


SD (Standard Deviation) ... 23 mg/dl

[clarifying inserts included in brackets]

Dr. Hirsch [no, I don't know why
chose him to comment on standard deviation]
suggests that [people with any of the Disparate
High Glucose Conditions (DHGCs)] should aim
for an SD of one-third of their mean (average)
blood glucose level.

So, if your mean (average) blood glucose level
is 120 mg/dl, you would want your standard
deviation to be no more than 40 mg/dl, or 1/3rd
of the mean (average).


My average of 117 mg/dl, my SD should be no
more than 39 mg/dl, so at 23 mg/dl, I'm well
below what Dr. Hirsch recommends.


CV (Coefficient of Variation) ... 19.3%\

The google search referenced the following art-
icle from July 2018:

The 36% coefficient of variation for glucose pro-
posed for separating stable & labile [unstable,
glucose levels increase & decrease frequently]
[Insulinitis (Islit)] is clinically relevant: A contin-
uous glucose monitoring-based study in a large
population of [Islit] patients ...


Median ... 114 mg/dl

(Defined in original post above)

.> - - -
.> Glucose Overlay Overview Averages
.> Graph displays all days, purple line
.> displays daily median.
.> Above 180 mg/dl = orange
.> 70 to 180 mg/dl = green
.> Below 70 mg/dl = red
.> Carbs (grams) totals daily displayed
.> in turquoise (light blue), details for
.> carbs & insulin on any day displayed
.> by moving cursor over any day.
.> Insulin (units) totals daily displayed in
.> light purple for Bolus & dark purple for
.> Basil, details displayed as detailed
.> above.
.> - - -
.> Glucose Overlay Overview Percentiles
.> Light Gray = 10th to 90th Percentiles
.> Dark Gray = 25th to 75th Percentiles
.> Carbs (grams) & Insulin (units) are
.> the same as described above
.> - - -
.> Day by Day Details
.> Monday July 18 (partial day)
.> Glucose Median 122 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 90-148 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 101-141 mg/dl
.> Carbs 36 grams
.> Insulin Total 8.4 units
.> Insulin Bolus 4.2 units (50%)
.> Insulin Basal 4.2 units (50%)
.> Tuesday July 19
.> Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 90-148 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 101-141 mg/dl
.> Carbs 349 grams
.> Insulin Total 31.9 units
.> Insulin Bolus 23.1 units (72%)
.> Insulin Basal 8.9 units (28%)
.> Wednesday July 20
.> Glucose Median 135 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 91-170 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 113-152 mg/dl
.> Carbs 379 grams
.> Insulin Total 43.8 units
.> Insulin Bolus 29.5 units (67%)
.> Insulin Basal 14.3 units (33%)
.> Thursday July 21
.> Glucose Median 109 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 87-141 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 95-127 mg/dl
.> Carbs 150 grams
.> Insulin Total 24.7 units
.> Insulin Bolus 16.6 units (67%)
.> Insulin Basal 8.1 units (33%)
.> Friday July 22
.> Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 96-131 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 102-119 mg/dl
.> Carbs 146 grams
.> Insulin Total 26.3 units
.> Insulin Bolus 15.1 units (57%)
.> Insulin Basal 11.2 units (43%)
.> Saturday July 23
.> Glucose Median 115 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 96-158 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 95-127 mg/dl
.> Carbs 150 grams
.> Insulin Total 33.4 units
.> Insulin Bolus 19.3 units (58%)
.> Insulin Basal 14.1 units (42%)
.> Sunday July 24
.> Glucose Median 113 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 83-139 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 94-126 mg/dl
.> Carbs 208 grams
.> Insulin Total 25.3 units
.> Insulin Bolus 13.2 units (52%)
.> Insulin Basal 12.1 units (48%)
.> Monday July 25
.> Glucose Median 111 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 95-131 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 104-120 mg/dl
.> Carbs 261 grams
.> Insulin Total 26.4 units
.> Insulin Bolus 12.3 units (47%)
.> Insulin Basal 14.1 units (53%)
.> Tuesday July 26 (partial day)
.> Glucose Median 121 mg/dl
.> Glucose 10-90th Percentile 111-129 mg/dl
.> Glucose 25-75th Percentile 115-125 mg/dl
.> Carbs 19 grams
.> Insulin Total 9.6 units
.> Insulin Bolus 3.8 units (40%)
.> Insulin Basal 5.8 units (60%)
.> - - -
.> Glucose Graph Overview Example
.> of Clicking on One Day (072622)
.> Glucose averages by time, dotted green
.> line = median glucose level, dark green
.> line = algorithm goal glucose level.
.> *** My Favorite Feature *** By moving
.> cursor over green line, glucose level at
.> exact time is displayed in a popup box.
.> The date & time appear in the box.
.> Carbs (grams), I've been so busy
.> writing this post that I've only eaten
.> 19 grams of carbs thus far.
.> By moving cursor over item, details
.> of Bolus calculation are viewable,
.> including whether or not an over-
.> ride of the system Bolus calcula-
.> tion was done.
.> System Omnipod 5 Basal levels
.> automatically calculated displayed
.> in blue, manual dosaging including
.> amount displayed in orange.
.> OP5 BASAL, when autodosed at .05
.> units every 5 minutes, displayed in
.> purple, when dose at 0 every 5 min-
.> utes, red appears on top of purple,
.> when manual dosed, white appears
.> with manual dosing displayed as
.> detailed above.
.> - - -
.> Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
.> (all days displayed)
.> *** My Favorite Feature *** Just as is
.> true for the report displayed above, by
.> moving cursor over any line, glucose
.> level at exact time is displayed in a
.> popup box. The date & time appear
.> in the box.
.> - - -
.> Glucose Graph Overlay Spaghetti
.> Example of Selecting One Day
.> (Friday, 072222)
.> Note that any combination of days may
.> be selected, though keep in mind that
.> when the report covers more than one
.> week, individual days may cover more
.> than one day as occurred in this case, ...
.> ... with 2 Mondays & 2 Tuesdays present
.> as options at the top of the report.
.> *** My Favorite Feature *** Just as is
.> true for the reports displayed above,
.> by moving cursor over any line, glu-
.> cose level at exact time is displayed
.> in a popup box. The date & time ap-
.> pear in the box.
.> - - -
.> Other reports: Graph Overlay AGP,
.> Graph Overlay Calendar, Logbook,
.> Insights, and Details, suffice to
.> say right now, I'm either so into
.> the reports displayed above that
.> the information appearing in these
.> reports doesn't interest me -or- ...
.> ... I'm not informed enough to pay
.> any attention to these particular
.> reports.
.> - - -
.> p.s. Boy, I'm hungry, it's taken me
.> 4 hours to write this particular
.> post & 19 carbs just isn't enough
.> to keep me going. Needless to
.> say, it'll probably be awhile before
.> I do this type of report again.
.> *~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*
.> New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
.> total to total loss of endogenous insulin
.> The overwhelming majority of Islit caused
.> by autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta
.> cells (Insulitis Islit) but there are
.> o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
.> rare condition (only present in < one-half
.> of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
.> in most of the world), when present is typ-
.> ically diagnosed at age under 30
.> (50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)
.> o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Auto-
.> immune Islit, frequency unknown but per
.> a recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
.> (new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
.> almost 40% of the time due to slow onset
.> & occurrence typically at age over 30
.> Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
.> type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
.> without clarifier is often used to describe this
.> & the other 6 Disparate High Glucose Con-
.> ditions (DHGCs).
.> That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
.> ally being referred to (& it can be any 1, some,
.> or all of them when diabetes or diabetic word
.> used without clarifier) confusing / difficult:
.> Recent estimate that 20 million have Islit in the
.> world, 1 in 394 (2.583/10ths of 1%), less than
.> 5% of the almost 470 million in the world who
.> have any of the 7 DHGCs, 95% having Cellosis
.> (see below for causalities):
.> Notably, one's relatives and one's birthplace
.> dramatically impact one's risk of getting the
.> Insulitis-caused Islit, as listed in details of all
.> 15 specific types of rapid-onset Islit & the sole
.> specific type of slow onset Latent Autoimmune
.> Islit at
.> - - -
.> Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use
.> Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a tubeless
.> Omnipod insulin pump catheter placed into
.> skin / pod with adhesive stuck onto skin every
.> 80 hours, control via Omnipod 5 Controller
.> -Picture to be added-
.> Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor)
.> - - -
.> Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
.> with New Superior Clarifying Terms
.> - - -
.> o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
.> type of Disparate High Glucose Condition
.> that is preventable & reversible (in many,
.> sometimes it's called type 2 diabetes, often
.> confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)
.> Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
.> & Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
.> weight increases but BMI risk increases at
.> lower BMI levels in non-white individuals:
.> o PreCellosis (often confusingly called predia-
.> betes with no clarifier) is the oft-times preven-
.> table & reversible Cellosis precondition that all-
.> too-often the overwhelming majority having it
.> are unaware they have it (almost 3 times more
.> have PreCellosis than have Cellosis).
.> o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreventable
.> & nonreversible (thus far, sometimes called
.> type 2 diabetes, all-too-often confusingly called
.> diabetes with no clarifier)
.> Per the following article, 5.3% with Cellosis
.> used exogenous insulin in 2019.
.> - - -
.> o 4 other Disparate High Glucose Conditions
.> exist (Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis, Neonatal
.> Diminosis, Ohiglucons), all 7 DHGCs fully des-
.> cribed in the following article:
.> Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
.> confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
.> & diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words and
.> phrases, replacing all of that with vastly superior
.> clarifying names:
.> Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
.> *~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*
Message has been deleted


Jul 27, 2022, 3:00:33 PM7/27/22
(corrected re-post to fix a typo, to
fix incorrect spacing, & to add a link
to a dated but still effective graphic
on obsessions)

Previous post detailed at

After writing that post, patting myself
on the back with self-confidence re-
garding my ability to 'master' my glu-
cose levels using the Omnipod 5, last
night I had a d i s a s t e r. So much for
my supposed mastery/self-confidence.

I got frustrated with my failure to dose
enough insulin to get the glucose going
down between 9:31 & 10:56 last night,
as I bolus dosed 3 units, 1.25 unit, & 1
unit in response to ingesting 53 carbs
& 20 carbs between 8:00 & 11:00 PM.

I had manually shifted my basal to .7
units per hour at 6:40 PM, and after
the glucose finally started down at
10:56 PM, I ingested 40 carbs & gave
.7 units of insulin in response to the
glucose going down to 105 mg/dl ...

... at 11:06 pm. The glucose rose up
to 175 mg/dl at 11:56 pm, & the glu-
cose began plunging down after mid-
night, refusing to slow down or reverse
despite my desperate attempt ingest
a ton of carbs (total of 130 grams) ...

... before the glucose started going
back up after plunging down to 72
mg/dl at 12:36 am, 51 mg/dl at 12:41
am, & an all-time low since starting to
use the Omnipod 5 of 44 mg/dl at
12:46 am. Then, the rebound & the ...

... odd thing about the rebound is that
it was weirdly slow & required so many
carbs to get it going. Turning off the
basal at times, not confident in my abil-
ity to figure out when I did that as my
Logbook is cluttered with red notifica- ...

... tions regarding what was happening
& those make the Logbook impossible
to read as all this is going on. Anyway,
the rebound, it was impressively back
to normal (139 mg/dl at 1:51 am & ...

... down to 83 at mg/dl at 2:31 am &
flatlining at 125 mg/dl to 113 mg/dl
at 2:56 am to 3:26 am). Then yikes,
unstoppably going up to 248 mg/dl
at 4:41 am, then going down below ...

... 180 mg/dl at 5:31 am. Total carbs
since midnight, 187, total insulin since
midnight, 7.35 bolus units & aside from
basil turn-offs, manual .7 units/hour of

Was the d i s a s t e r over? No, not when
it came to battling highs, though fortun-
ately, no more lows overnight.

Sidenote: Sleep, I didn't get to sleep
until 3:00 am & I didn't wake up to mon-
itor my glucose levels thereafter, so the
following resulted from my depending
on the Omnipod 5 totally, and for the
1st time since starting to use it, it
came up short.

After continuing down to 136 mg/dl at
6:26 am, a rebound climb up got under-
way, going above 180 mg/dl at 7:26 am,
continuing up to 218 mg/dl at 8:16 am,
leveling off, then slowly going down ...

... below 180 mg/dl at 9:31 am & I'm
currently in range albeit I'm amidst the
2 hour Dexcom G6 every 10 days sen-
sor insertion, so bloodpricks (which I
had to do a lot of when my CGM went
down below 70 mg/dl & refused to ...

... recognize my glucose blood test cal-
ibrations which despite being annoy-
ingly resistant to going up, they actu-
ally were all > 70 mg/dl & the Dexcom
G6 CGM persisted in errantly displaying
glucose levels much lower than that).

Oh well, 1 bad day (night, actually), got
up around 11:30 am, & all I can say is
my experience with the Omnipod 5 was
promising for 8 days, and 1 bad day ...

... does not bode well. As for anyone
asserting a close loop insulin pump
is anywhere near the wonderful per-
fect performance of a fully functional
pancreas, well, it's not.

As I've said many times in writing in
this thread, perfection is hard and not
yet possible for anyone who has Islit.

A section from Diabetes Bubble / Dia-
betes Bubble Burst that applies here
(& yes, it's in need of an update with
the Omnipod 5 & Dexcom G6 now in
play, but the following still applies):

obsessions: all of the above, which
includes the obsession of constantly
thinking about Islit in order to try to
avoid the glucose going too low, to
react with glucose-raising substances
when it does, and to try to avoid the ...

... glucose from going too high, and to
endeavor to guess at the "right" insulin
to dose at all times, especially when
the glucose goes too high as well as
when a lot of glucose-raising sub-
stances have been ingested to deal ...

... with a glucose level falling rapidly or
having gone too low.

The following graphic details the partic-
ulars of my dealing with Islit (my obses-
sions), but the types of insulin, the glu-
cose monitoring methods, the insulin
dosaging method, and the intensity with
which individuals attempt to try to stay ...

... within normal glucose levels (70 mg/
dl to 120 mg/dl) varies from individual to
individual; as for outcomes (was a partic-
ular insulin guess "right"?, was a particular
food or drink ingestion "right"?), the inces-
sant unrelenting constant persisting ...

... certainty, regardless of effort or best
of intentions, is

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
i n s u l i n .. & .. g l u c o s e .. u n p r e d i c t a b i l i t y
..................... yield probabilistic outcomes,
............... only "right" a percentage of the time,
..... sometimes resulting in glucose levels too high,
...... sometimes resulting in glucose levels too low
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Obsessions (Dexcom G4 replaced with
Dexcom G6 & Omnipod Personal Data
Manager replaced with Omnipod 5 Con-
troller, so this graphic is in need of an
update & I now use Fiasp insulin in my
insulin pump in place of Humalog)

Treatment with exogenous insulin is required,
with the exception of Latent Autoimmune Islit,
which can be treated without exogenous insulin
at first, but which must be treated with exogen-
ous insulin eventually as beta cell functionality
is lost gradually rather than quickly as occurs ...

... in most Islit cases diagnosed in childhood,
and in many Islit cases diagnosed in young

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~


New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
total to total loss of endogenous insulin

The overwhelming majority of Islit caused by
autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta cells
(Insulitis Islit) but there are

o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
rare condition (only present in < one-half
of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
in most of the world), when present is typ-
ically diagnosed at age under 30
(50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)

o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Autoim-
mune Islit, frequency unknown but per a
recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
(new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
almost 40% of the time due to its slow
onset and its occurrence typically at age
over 30

Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
without clarifier is often used to describe
this condition which is 1 of the 7 Disparate
High Glucose Conditions (DHGCs).

That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
ally being referred to (and it can be any one,
or some, or all of them when the diabetes
or diabetic word is used without clarifier)
confusing / difficult:
- - -

Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst

C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation

Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments

Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
with New Superior Clarifying Terms

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

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